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Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2020) 000–000
Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2020) 000–000
Transportation Research Procedia 54 (2021) 802–807

TransSiberia 2020 Conference

TransSiberia 2020 Conference
Application of Machine Learning Methods for Estimating the Fuel
Application of Machine Learning Methods for Estimating the Fuel
Consumption of Locomotives for Switching Service
Consumption of Locomotives
for aSwitching Service
Sergei Ovcharenko , Vitalii Chetvergov , Vitalii Minakov *
Sergei Ovcharenkoa, Vitalii Chetvergova, Vitalii Minakova,*
Omsk State Transport University, Karl Marx Ave., 35, Omsk, 644046, Russia
Omsk State Transport University, Karl Marx Ave., 35, Omsk, 644046, Russia

Measures to standardize diesel fuel consumption for switchers (switching locomotives) is part and parcel of efficient use of
Measures to standardize
traction rolling diesel fuel needs
stock. Methodology consumption for switchers
to be refined in the light(switching locomotives)
of problems of developingis part and parcel
a standard forof efficient
fuel use of
traction rolling stock.ofMethodology
such as performance switchers, work needs to be refined
capacity in the light
and technical of problems
condition ofgenerator
of diesel developing seta(DG).
Thefor fuelpresents
paper consumption,
performance of switchers,
operating modes work and
of switchers capacity
givesand technical
examples for condition
parameters ofof
diesel generator
dispersion of DG set (DG).
uptimeThe paper
in load presents
mode study
for diesel-
electricof operatinglocomotives
switching modes of switchers
of TEM2and andgives examples
TEM18DM for parameters
classes. of dispersion ofmathematical
Machine-learning-based DG uptime in load mode
model, whichfor diesel-
takes into
account switching locomotives
the load level of DG and of engineering
TEM2 and TEM18DM
and economic classes. Machine-learning-based
parameters of the diesel class, is mathematical model, which
proposed. Objective of thistakes
model into
account the load
to determine the level of DGforand
fuel flow engineeringbyand
locomotives economic
means parameters
of iterative of the
method, diesel
where class,
input is proposed.
parameters Objective
of the model ofarethis model is
to determine indicators.
performance the fuel flowIt for
haslocomotives by means
been established of iterative
that the method for method, where
rationing of input parameters offortheswitching
fuel consumption model are locomotive
works should
consider the indicators.
load level of It has beengenerator,
diesel established that the method
engineering for rationing
and economic of fuel of
parameters consumption
locomotivefor switching
class works should
when implementing
consider the load model.
machine learning level ofThediesel generator,
proposed engineering
technology allows and economic
exercising parameters
a universal of locomotive
approach classconsumption
to setting fuel when implementing
for every learning model. The
class of switching proposed technology
locomotives despite the allows
region ofexercising
use. a universal approach to setting fuel consumption standard
for everyThe
© 2020 class of switching
Authors. locomotives
Published by ELSEVIER despiteB.V.
the region of use.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
© 2020
This is The
an Authors.
open access Published
article by ELSEVIER
under the CC B.V.
BY-NC-ND license (
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
This is an open
Peer-review access
under article
Peer-review the CCresponsibility
of the BY-NC-ND
scientific committee license
ofofthe (
thescientific committee
TransSiberia of the TransSiberia 2020 Conference
2020 Conference
Peer-review statement:
Keywords: Specific Peer-review Diesel
Fuel Consumption; underLocomotive;
the scientificDiesel
committee of the
Generator Set;TransSiberia 2020 Conference
Machine Learning.
Keywords: Specific Fuel Consumption; Diesel Locomotive; Fuel Standardizing; Diesel Generator Set; Machine Learning.

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Standards of fuel consumption for switching works is based on traction and energy performance certificates of
diesel of fueltheoretical
locomotives, consumption for switching
propositions works is based
and calculations. on traction rate
Consumption and of
energy performance
fuel and certificates
energy resources of
diesel locomotives,
is set for theoretical
each class of propositions
locomotives operatingand calculations.
at specified Consumption rate of fuel and energy resources (FER)
is set for each class of locomotives operating at specified sections.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:author.
* Corresponding
E-mail address:
2352-1465 © 2020 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
This is an open
2352-1465 access
© 2020 Thearticle under
Authors. the CC BY-NC-ND
Published by ELSEVIER license
This statement:
is an open Peer-review
access article under
under the CCresponsibility of the scientific
BY-NC-ND license committee of the TransSiberia 2020 Conference
Peer-review statement: Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the TransSiberia 2020 Conference

2352-1465 © 2021 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the TransSiberia 2020 Conference
Sergei Ovcharenko et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 54 (2021) 802–807 803
2 Author name / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

Currently, the rationing of fuel consumption for switching is based on data on the actual levels of fuel
consumption in the previous period, which are used to determine the reduction or increase of previously established
standards for the planned period. Normally, fuel flow rate is set for a ten-day period (month) for diesel locomotive
class and operating area in terms of kg/h (Mitrofanov et al., 2020; Planning and rationing of fuel and energy
resources consumption for train traction «Russian Railways», 2007).
This approach to standardizing the fuel consumption for switching has a number of drawbacks. Operation of
diesel locomotives during switching duty is characterized by frequent interaction with control notches, significant
spread of energy output and actual used fuel per operation. Therefore, the average of the hourly rate of fuel
consumption results in significant deviations between the standard and the actual rate that can be both lower and
In order to eliminate the stated contradictions in the existing methodology, it is proposed to set the standard of
fuel consumption for switching operations according to the load that locomotive performs per shift. To some extent,
this problem is solved in the approved by OAO "RZD" (Russian Railways) "Methodology for rationing, planning
and analysis of the use of diesel fuel (electricity) in the economic form of movement for locomotives according to
on-board metering devices or speed meters" No. 3075r dated December 25, 2015 (Amendments to the methodology
for planning and rationing diesel fuel consumption for maintenance and repair of traction «Russian Railways»,
2012; Planning and rationing of fuel and energy resources consumption for train traction «Russian Railways»,
2007). However, practice has shown that this methodology is almost impossible to fulfill because of the complex
calculations required for each ride. The methodology also uses averages, which do not take into account the
individual characteristics of locomotives. Practical implementation requires a methodology that would consider the
density of load for locomotives and allow shaping the fuel consumption norm per ride automatically (Ovcharenko
and Minakov, 2017).

2. Materials and Methods

The objective of the study is to develop an automation technology and methodology to ration the fuel
consumption for switching operations, taking into account the density of load of the diesel generator set and the
technical and economic characteristics of the diesel locomotive class.
To solve this problem, it is proposed to use mathematical methods of machine learning. At the first stage, it is
necessary to determine the parameters of the locomotive operation, which will be used as estimated indicators, i.e.,
the minimum list of parameters that determines the actual fuel consumption per ride.
The results of the DG load study of the switchers, which are run in one section, show a considerable dispersion in
the operating parameters, such as the energy generated by DG (Figure 1) and the actual fuel consumption per ride
(Figure 2). Firstly, this indicates the uneven load of locomotive. Thus, it follows that an individual approach to
rationing of fuel consumption norm for switching is required. Average values of parameters (Sahoo, 2015), such as
the rate of hourly consumption for a diesel locomotive class to perform switching operations in a certain area, are
not effective.

Fig. 1. Distribution of generated energy for diesel locomotives of TEM18DM class per shift.
804 Sergei Ovcharenko et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 54 (2021) 802–807
Author name / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000 3

Fig. 2. Distribution of fuel consumption for diesel locomotives of TEM18DM class per shift.

According to the information obtained from the intellectual train control system BORT, such factors were
analyzed and the dependence of fuel consumption on each factor was assessed. The main factors selected are: the
energy generated by DG of the locomotive (Figure 3); the operating time in the load mode (Figure 4), the ambient
air temperature, operating time in idle mode.

Fig. 3. Dependence of fuel consumption on generated energy by DG of locomotive per ride.

It should be noted, that a variety of factors influence the fuel consumption. The output energy of the locomotive’s
DG is the most significant parameter defining the fuel consumption per ride.

Fig. 4. Dependence of fuel consumption per ride on operating time of locomotive in load mode.
Sergei Ovcharenko et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 54 (2021) 802–807 805
4 Author name / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

For the study, a sample of rides for one class of diesel locomotives - TEM18DM, operated at one type of work
and one station, was formed. Samples were formed from the general population of rides in which all parameters,
except for the investigated ones, were within a narrow range, when analyzing the dependences of fuel consumption
on the parameter under study.
The operating time of the diesel generator set of the locomotive under load is also a determining factor. The wide
spread in fuel consumption values is explained by the fact that the load mode assumes the operation of the diesel
generator set at one of the eight positions of control notches (e.g. for TEM18DM diesel locomotive). The hourly fuel
consumption at the eighth position of the control notches is 18 times greater than the fuel consumption at the first
position. The distribution of the operating time according to the positions of control notches both in the load mode
and in the idle mode is formed by many factors, primarily determined by the organization of service. Nevertheless,
the influence of this factor should be taken into account when forming the rate of fuel consumption per ride. A
factor such as the operating time of a locomotive diesel generator set in idle mode is taken into account in a similar
Studies showed that ambient air temperature influences fuel consumption. This is due to the power consumption
for the operation of the cooling system, and the influence of the ambient air temperature on the work of diesel
The method for rationing of fuel consumption for switching operations, that considers the load level of DG,
engineering and economic parameters of locomotive class, is dwelt on implementing machine learning models.
Application of the machine learning model (Bell, 2015) to estimate the parameters of fuel consumption consists
in determining the fuel consumption of a locomotive by iterative method. The iteration process can be represented in
the form of a graph model (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Graph model of weight setting.

The input parameters of the model are performance parameters of a locomotive: generated energy by DG ,
operating time in load mode , operating time in idle mode. Hence { }, where for
every i-th position of control notches (CN).
The iteration process is applied to adjust the specific fuel consumption of a locomotive for every position of
control notches to the total fuel consumption per shift. Specific fuel consumption of a locomotive is set for every
j-th iteration ( ) , where is tuning interval. The amount of fuel consumed per shift is calculated
as ∑ , where is the bias of indicator. The magnitude of error is set with the difference between
( )
the calculated and experimental indicators, . Learning is performed upon reaching the required
error (Harrington 2012; Haykin, 1994).
In order to achieve a high-quality neural network, it is important to have sufficient volume of data to train it. The
training sample was formed on the basis of the results of ride of TEM18DM locomotive at various operating
domains, with different degrees of load and under different temperature conditions.

3. Results

The developed model is implemented for a diesel locomotive of TEM18DM class. An example of the analysis of
locomotive’s parameters per ride are given in table 1.
806 Sergei Ovcharenko et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 54 (2021) 802–807
Author name / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000 5

Table 1. Analysis results of operating parameters.

Position of control Crankshaft rotation velocity DG performance Diesel fuel consumption
Operating time, h
notches (average), min-1 (average), kW in traction mode, kg
0 6.556897 157.474 0.925
1 0.942174 285.533 22.160
2 1.036308 291.010 69.608
3 0.800556 311.634 112.197
4 0.14495 363.741 163.730
5 0.034155 415.683 243.488
6 0.11496 545.819 411.942
7 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
Total 9.63 - 268.3

Training of models is carried out until the error achieved, i.e. less than 1%. The process of training by
parameters from table 1 is shown in figure 6. Calculation and training of models is done in Python development
environment using TensorFlow and Scikit-learn libraries (Nedal, 2017).

Fig. 6. Graph plot of iterations in training.

Based on the results of the training on the determination of specific fuel consumption standards for the
locomotive TEM18DM, there were obtained average parameters that are given in table 2.

Table 2. Calculation results of specific fuel consumption for TEM18DM diesel-electric switching locomotive to the positions of
control notches.
Position of Tabular parameters, Estimated Difference in
Change of parameters, %
CN g/kWh parameters, g/kWh parameters
0 405 459.33 + 54.33 13.41
1 262 269.8 + 7.8 2.98
2 222 230.54 + 8.54 3.85
3 211 217.64 + 6.64 3.15
4 207 208.19 + 1.19 0.57
5 204 204.25 + 0.25 0.12
6 200 200.95 + 0.95 0.47
7 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0
Sergei Ovcharenko et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 54 (2021) 802–807 807
6 Author name / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

Analyzing the estimated parameters, it was found that specific fuel consumption is on average +9.1% to tabular
To substantiate the adequacy of the proposed model, the calculation of the fuel consumption for TEM18DM
locomotive was carried out according to the data of its operation time t and set w norms of the specific fuel
consumption of a locomotive for i positions of control notches, ∑ . The calculation results are
shown in table 3.

Table 3. Calculation results of specific fuel consumption for TEM18DM №905 diesel-electric switching locomotive to the positions of
control notches.
(12.07.19) (16.07.19) (19.07.19) (22.07.19)
Fuel consumption parameter (with
99.4 103.8 119.9 109.79
calculated power of DG), kg
Fuel consumption parameter (with set
86.246 87.93 109.72 90.59
power of DG), kg
Fuel consumption per shift, kg 96.165 101.205 136.8 103.26
Fuel consumption deviation (with
3.364 2.564 -12.354 6.324
calculated power of DG), %
Fuel consumption deviation (with set
-10.315 -13.117 -19.795 -12.270
power of DG), %

4. Discussion and Conclusions

The results of calculation of specific fuel consumption for TEM18D diesel-electric switching locomotive showed
good convergence with the actual fuel consumption. It should be noted that we assumed the power spent on the
operation of auxiliary equipment to be 10% of the total generated energy by the locomotive’s diesel generator set.
The proposed methodology makes it possible to take into account the actual density of load of a locomotive and
to ration the fuel consumption per ride.
The methodology is the beginning of work on the program for implementing artificial neural networks to analyze
the fuel consumption of locomotives.


Amendments to the methodology for planning and rationing diesel fuel consumption for maintenance and repair of traction «Russian Railways»,
2012. (Accessed 20 September 2020).
Bell, J., 2015. Machine Learning: Hands-On for Developers and Technical Professionals, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis.
Harrington, P., 2012. Machine learning in Action. Manning Publications, New York.
Haykin, S., 1994. Neural networks, a comprehensive foundation. Macmillan College Publishing Company, New York.
Mitrofanov, A., Asabin, V., Peshkov, A., 2020. Automation of diesel fuel consumption accounting on a special self-propelled rolling stock of
Russian Railways. E3S Web of Conferences. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202015701002.
Nedal, D., 2017. Python Machine Learning from Scratch: Step-By-Step Guide with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow. CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform.
Ovcharenko, S., Minakov, V., 2017. Application of the artificial neural networks for diesel diagnostics, 28th DAAAM International Symposium
on Intelligent manufacturing and automation, 1208-1212. DOI: 10.2507/28th.daaam.proceedings.168.
Planning and rationing of fuel and energy resources consumption for train traction «Russian Railways», 2007. (Accessed 20 September 2020).
Sahoo, P., 2015. Probability and Mathematical Statistics Department of Mathematics University of Louisville, Louisville.

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