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The charts describe the purpose of the usage of electricity in Eastern Australia in the years 2007

and 2010. Overall, it is evident that in both the graphs, the majority belonged to Residental, while
Transport and Agriculture contributed the minority.

To begin with, accounting for 28% of the overall Eastern Australian electricity consumption, Residental
had the largest propotion compared to the others in 2007 and plateaued until 2010.
Meanwhile, it was followed by Comercial and Others Metals. While former exprienced a slight increase
from 12% to 18%, the latter encountered no change in the whole timeline.
Regarding, both the rate of Manufacturing and Aluminium was 13% in 2007. But, theses saw a subtle
fall after 3 years (9% for Manufacturing and 11% for Aliminium). Conversely, having a stabilized figure
in 2007 and 2010, that by Mining accounted for 9%.
Lastly, the tiniest fraction (1%) was occupied by Transport and Agriculture.

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