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Chapter 62 – Intermission (Ogre)

Translated by: Sads07

“Earth... I’m sorry.”
Earth. Are yer injuries okay? Actually, I’m really worried.
Well, at that time I didn’t even know myself, but now I remember clearly.
Yesterday, I hit Earth so much.
And I also remember that for some reason, Earth did his best for me.
Oh, I’ve fought against humans, but I’ve never had a quarrel.
And, with no hate, with no will ta kill, ya put yer life on the line for my sake,
no member of the Demon race would have done that.
I was happy ya played with me, ate my meal, and invited me ta go on a trip
Well, I didn’t have a reliable companion in the Demon King’s Army, and I
was alone.
When I was small, I lived in the dark elf village of the Demon Realm, not
with the Ogres.
The Ogre of the Demon Realm is expected to have power, become a
soldier, become a bodyguard, do the hard labor. Mother and Father are
friends with Dark Elves and work as bodyguards for the village.
Everyone was kind, peaceful, and I thought we would be happy forever.
But the war with humans ruined everything.
Both Dark Elves and Ogres were drafted.
Even with my father and mother, I joined a unit led by General Hakuki of the
Demon Army, where I met other Ogres for the first time.
Oh, I was scared.
He mercilessly wounded and bruised those who surrendered, and in the
end, killed and buried them alive with laughter, destroying villages, cities,
and countries, and setting fire ta them at the end.
But what the people who attacked me yesterday are saying is wrong.
It’s sad they say that Ogres are ‘that kind of race’, but I can deny it.
Father and mother also changed. They both looked the same as the other
Ogres and were just rampaging.
Earth, I’m sure ya’ll tell me, ‘That’s not true’.
But, it is,
Well, I saw that, and pretend not ta see it.
I didn’t have the courage ta stop my friends and parents, so I couldn’t help
All those humans died in front of me. Oh, I was right there.
And, it was on that day.
I just happened to see it.
The day of the joint operation with other troops.
Where all the dark elves, who were kind in our hometown, were killing
humans with evil faces.
Just like the Ogres, while laughing happily.
Seeing that, I knew. Ogres weren’t such a race originally.
Everyone has changed because of the ‘war’.
I was sad, bitter, and I almost cried.
Someday, I might be fired up like that without meaning ta, I was scared just
thinking so.
Then, before I realized it, I escaped the demon army without permission,
and I ran away from the war.
I was a traitor, and I couldn’t go back ta the Demon Realm anymore.
I heard rumors in the wind, that my father and mother were dead, the dark
elves were destroyed in the war, and my hometown was gone.
The war would soon be over, but the remnants of the Demon King’s Army
are still in the Demon Realm, and I’m still a traitor, nothing but.
That’s why I was hiding in the Surface world for so long.
But for more than ten years, I was lonely.
I wanted a friend ta stay with me.
That was all.
I thought that if I couldn’t go back ta the Demon Realm, I would just make
friends with humans.
But I soon realized that I was naive.
It was much harder to make friends with humans.
Naturally. Just because the war was over, there was no reason for them ta
accept me.
No matter what, I was afraid, I would run away, and gradually I tried calling
out but they were too scared of me.
The truth is, when I met Earth, I was nervous and scared when I first called
out ta him.
So I was really happy to be friends with Earth.
I was the happiest I’ve ever been since I was alone, when ya said we would
But that’s why I can’t go on a journey with Earth.
Oh, I’m an ogre after all.
Ya can’t get into inns if I’m with ya. Ya can’t even go ta a food shop. Ya
can’t even enter a town. I think many people will look at you with strange
Above all, if ya stay with me as it is, they may think that Earth is a bad
And, I might hurt Earth again, like yesterday.
Yer my only friend in the world, so I want ta bother Earth.
“...... Earth......... I’m sorry.”
I’ve lived in this mountain, in the forest for over ten years, but I never
thought I’d go out in this way.
I thought I’d be kicked out by humans.
That’s why I didn’t think I’d go out for a human friend.
I’ll miss ya, and I wish I could play more with Earth.
But that’s fine.
“Aka ―――――――――――――eh!!!!Where are you―――――!
It was Earth’s voice screaming loudly echoed.
Ya must have read the letter.
I’m sorry, Earth.
“Why... Why is that? You said we’d go for an adventure together! Why?”
He is frantically trying ta find me.
I’m really sorry about this, Earth.
I’m glad that Earth, a human, feels like this.
But then, I go towards Earth.
From my eyes... it was like yesterday.... That’s...
“I don’t get it... tears... even at times like this...”
Sometimes I cry because I feel hopeless, lonely, scared, or sad.
But these tears are different.
It’s lonely and sad, but that’s all.
I’m crying with joy.
“Oh... hang in there.... don’t let anger control ya.... be stronger.... yes, I
have ta be as strong as Earth...”
Oh, I’ll never forget Earth.
Thank ya. Good luck.
Instead of wiping away the tears, at the end I made a Peace Sign towards
the mountain.
Chapter 63 – Something
Translated by: Sads07
No matter how much I searched, I couldn’t find Mr. Aka.
The letter left for me was about Aka’s feelings and his past.
Lived in a Dark Elf village in the Demon Realm. He joined the Demon King’s
Army in the war and was in a unit led by a great general who left a mark on
He couldn’t stand the misery of the war and how the people who had
changed, so he ran away.
And he couldn’t travel with me.
As I clenched the letter, I couldn’t help venting out my anger.
“Why didn’t you wake me up...”
I complained to Tre’ainar sitting in front of me, facing the last pot of
breakfast soup that Aka had left behind.
『I respected his resolve. Also, he was the one whose life was ruined in the
war that I led.』
“So, why not? I don’t think Mr. Aka is a nuisance! Together, from here
on...... a lot of things... as a team.... we...”
At the same time, something came into my eyes.
Still, I continued.
But that’s what Tre’ainar says to me.
『At present. However, there is no telling what the future will bring. The
journey of an Ogre and a human traversing the world would be much too
conspicuous, and the gazes much too strenuous.』
“I don’t care about the gazes around me!”
Tre’ainar would have known when Mr. Aka left.
If you had woken me up then, I might have stopped Mr. Aka.
『Did you, who cared more about the world’s view than anyone else, just
say that?』
“eh... That’s...”
And the boomerang pierces once again.
『Indeed, you may not find it a nuisance if you travel together with him and
get into trouble. You are tender-hearted....』
“I-If that’s the case!”
『However, for him, it might be heartbreaking. It may be harsh to say, but
the public’s eyes are not as lenient as you think. Because he understands it
better than anyone, he left.』
I couldn’t say anything back.
Aka and Tre’ainar were thinking more than I was, while I was just thinking
that it would be fun to travel with Mr. Aka.
『The eyes around you do not matter? Do not make me laugh. No matter
how aggressive your remarks, you who know nothing of the world, its
people or of demons, have no basis. Tis unreliable.』
After all, I’m just talking.
It seemed so.
And I’m sure I’m right.
I don’t know anything, I’m weak, and nothing I say is reliable.
That’s what it is.
“But... if that’s the case...... that’s why...... as it is, Mr. Aka... isn’t the burden
too much...”
I understand what Tre’ainar is saying, but that’s too much for Aka to be
He didn’t do anything wrong, but was just kicked out of the house he
originally lived in.
『...... wrong..... Tis not the case.』
I couldn’t do anything after all. Tre’ainar, who read my mind, strongly denied
『Child, tis no consolation. That ogre must have truly been saved by
meeting you. You certainly became his friend. Tis why he is no longer
before you.』
“...... But...”
『You know nothing of the world. You know not the depths of humans and
demons. Your power is weak, as well. But... nevertheless, even though you
were human, you befriended an Ogre. I am the first to witness such. Truly,
you have done well.』
Tre’ainar’s words reached my heart, and that’s why I was so frustrated.
If I was stronger.
A world in which me and Aka could walk around openly with no complaint
from anyone... If only the world were like that......
『I believe... your father also shared a similar dream.』
『Instead of simply fighting against the demons with hatred, to go beyond
the walls of demons and races, to see a world free of conflict, something-
something... he said.』
It was the first time I heard of it.
My father did that.
『Well, by whatever means Hiro came to that concept... a dozen years after
my death...... this is the status quo.』
“Eh...well... well then!”
At that time, I simply thought up an idea —
『In the first place, I knew things would not go well. Rather, tis impossible.
“Hm... oh... eh?”
『Friendship between individuals, like you and Aka is impossible, much
less to achieve it on a tribal or global scale.』
Before I said something like, ‘If my father can’t do it, then I will...’ Tre’ainar
denied it.
『In the first place, you and other humans fight against each other over
differences of countries, races, cultures and even historical perceptions.
Then, what of a difference of species? How can you strive in a world full of
differences? Because it could not be done, war broke out.』
『And most difficult... tis impossible to draw the line on which race to make
friendships with.』
Draw a line. Tre’ainar tells me with a somewhat complicated expression.
『For instance, you eat meat, do you not? One can survive even if they do
not eat it. But you would still eat, would you not? So, are animals exempt
from your friendship?』
“...... That’s...”
『What you ate the other day...... the animal meat... where did the food
come from? An animal? A beast? So, where are the demons from?』
Where to draw the line... I hadn’t really thought about it.
Usually, the rough case being...
“With humans... we can have a conversation....”
『However, beastmen and the like, myself included, can converse with
animals and beasts. Some of them are connected by bonds like a partner, a
friend, or a family. What would you tell them? Because humans cannot talk
to animals and monsters, so they are allowed to eat and hunt them.』
“Saying something like that... I...”
『Tis so. You cannot understand. People have different common sense,
culture, and ways of thinking depending on the environment in which they
live. Tis impossible to reconcile demons and humans. Supposing you try to
force them together, a break will always occur somewhere. Such is life.』
Tre’ainar talks, as if he had the materials and knowledge to refute all of my
words and thoughts, and ruin my shallow and naive ideas.
『Therefore, child. Can you easily say something frivolous like ‘aim for a
world where the demons and humans coexist’?』
It’s not that it’s difficult.
It’s impossible.
That’s Tre’ainar’s conclusion, and I couldn’t overturn it.
“I’m... a weak, small, ignorant kid.... that’s why you’re saying I can’t change
the world either....”
I was so miserable that I lay on my back.
But that’s what Tre’ainar says to me.
『Tis so. That is why whatever you do... you must be strong, grandiose,
and grow to abundant knowledge as a virtuous man. To never let anything
about Aka go to waste.』
That’s why I should grow more...
『Child. Be stronger. And cross the world, with him in mind. Do not simply
travel around the world, be aware of what you feel and what you want to do
there. Maybe there... maybe there is some hint.』
『What you say now may be frivolous, however...... if you are strong,
grandiose, and grow to abundant knowledge as a virtuous man, yet still say
the same thing... then those words carry zeal and will undoubtedly lead to
“Something...What is it?”
『’Something’ neither Hiro nor I could reach in the end.』
No matter what I say now, it’s just groundless words.
But if I grow and still say the same thing, it might lead to something.
It’s Tre’ainar’s vague words, and the future is uncertain, and there are no
clear answers or goals.
But I still know...
“I’m... even if I play with Aka in a dignified manner, even if we travel, to not
let the people around me say anything. It might be ridiculous, but...... that’s
my feeling right now.”
『Is that so...』
That’s definitely how I feel right now, and how do I manage that....
“I’m going to get stronger, look around the world and see a lot of things.”
『Ah, right.』
It’s up to me in the future, and I’ll have to move forward anyway.
“I will~~~~ already. Eat! Let’s eat!”
Having made up my mind, I emptied the pot of breakfast that Mr. Aka left.
There was well-boiled soup in it, and when I ate it and I became a little big, I
decided to eat it all vigorously.
For a moment, salty juice was coming out of my eyes, but I decided to eat
everything and move forward.
Author’s Note
As always I am indebted to you.
For now, I’m going to end the second part here.
To date, there have been 70,000 drills with a comprehensive evaluation,
2,000 impressions and various responses, including the pros and cons. I
am very happy. And 930,000 drills! I’m getting closer little by little w
I look forward to working with you.
From here on, I’d like to continue the story of ‘those guys around that time’
with a little bit of punchline, and trying to practice again.
In addition, I was doing updates every day or at seven o’clock in the
morning, but from tomorrow on-wards private life or travels ... it’s busy, so
the updates may be delayed, but please forgive me. I’m naked now.
Naked Author aside (what a freak), it’s the end of the second arc y’all. And
it ended with plenty of feels. Keep in mind, you’re never too manly to cry,
infact true men shed tried tears proudly. I’m in no way saying this just to
keep my man status intact. No sir...
Though it’s the end of part 2, it’s only half way through the second volume
of the Light Novel. So look forward to the continuation of our duo’s world
tour. I’m tempted to go on a break but nah, I’m gonna power on through
part 3. Besides, the next chapter is one everyone should really be looking
forward to, wink ?? ??
I’m also considering going back to my earliest chapters and doing some re-
edits. Kinda feel I should since back then I wasn’t using the tools I have at
my disposal now and some thing might have been done better. Also to
make sure I’m consistent. Let me know if there is anything that caught your
Chapter 64 – Intermission (Father)
Translated by: Sads07
―― If I knew it would be this hard... I would not want to be born as a hero’s
Even the worst of parents, who have cornered their real son to the point he
would say such a thing, would still give chase.
It’s true. It’s not a lie. I love you more than anyone else in the world
―― Sorry...... I couldn’t be the son of a perfect ideal hero...
...... am I qualified to tell him that I love him the most in the world?
What have I seen of him until today?
I don’t even get how he could use the 【Great Demon Spiral】.
Speaking of, even though I heard from his teacher that he had mentioned
the ‘Six-Gate Eye’ in class, I forgot to ask him about it.
Why was that...
“Lord Hiro. About the hole in the ground your son dug through, the path is
blocked from the middle, and we don’t know whether or not it branched off
“Ah. But, with his magical power, he shouldn’t have gone too far. Then,
instead of his path underground, let’s search for where he’ll emerge from
above the ground.”
I’ve heard about his magic health checkups. I forgot the exact numbers, but
it was less than Fu or the princess.
If so, I don’t think he’s going that far.... so, is that right?
In the first place, it was awful, but I never expected him to be stronger than
It’s not just the 【Great Magic Spiral】.
His agility, the power of his fist, and his footwork, all left me amazed.
Not with a magic sword, he came to use a fighting style that I didn’t even
know, my expectations were...
“I’m really pathetic. You’re not too far with your magic? I didn’t even know
my son was so strong....
His fist and footwork made sport of Rebal. That, now that I thought about it,
was no petty trick.
Beautiful form, well-honed movement, whichever...
“What’s not a warrior’s skill... All the power that was wielded up to the
【Great Magic Spiral】... it’s power that you got through your own efforts...”
Why couldn’t I look more calmly?
Then we could have properly talked.
“Lord Hiro... There are various towns and villages in the vicinity of the
Imperial City, including large and smaller ones.... But, to cover all of them
on our own...”
Now, I rushed out of the Imperial City on my own, and was pursuing Earth
in a hurry, but a few warriors came to help me out for nothing.
However, it is still impossible to search by sorting this number of people.
“For now, it is supposed that the liaison team of the Imperial City will
immediately contact the surrounding towns and villages, as well as border
“Ah! But Earth left with only his clothes.... he doesn’t have much money,
either.... Maybe he’s camping out. He might be hungry.”
Anyway, I’m thinking about where Earth might be heading.
“Show me the map.”
“Oh, yes...”
Where is Earth going after running from home? Expand the map of the
Imperial territory.
Where could Earth go without much money?
“If he were heading towards the ‘Great McCuster Forest’ or ‘Coconeal
Mountain’, it’ll be a little difficult to search. It’s vast...... there is a town at the
foot of the mountain.”
“Speaking of which, during this time of year, there are a lot of Go events in
this place, so there will be a lot of people coming and going, including the
people of Japone, the place will be crowded... so, Honeyborough.”
First of all, it’s an area with the largest mountain and a vast forest. But I felt
he wouldn’t be there.
“He’s a clever guy, unlike me. It’ll surely be troublesome and even life
threatening, so I don’t think he’d go to a place like this. And he shouldn’t
have any survival experience. I doubt he’d risk going to Honeyborough or
even toward that direction. He’s a weak Go player so he probably won’t
want to go there.”
That’s right. So think about it. About my son.
In this situation, where would he go next?
“Hey... located in the other direction from Honeyborough.... Inai City...... it’s
definitely that time of year....”
“Ah... that’s right, there’s that fighting tournament where those who take
pride in their strength will gather.... the prize money for the tournament is
“That’s it. I’m sure he’s headed there! There’s no reason to go through
forests and mountains for Honeyborough, so here it is! I’m heading there!”
Earth is definitely headed here.
The moment I thought so, I was rushing out, trying to get there as soon as
“Lord Hiro, wait!”
“Oh, come on. For now, let’s report to the liaison team. Lord Hiro’s son may
be heading to Inai city.”
Earth. When I find him, catch him, then what can I say to him?
How much should I apologize for being a hopeless father?
I can’t be a proper parent, but what can I tell him?
No, I still have to go–
“Lord Hiro...... It is a magic crystal communication! From the Army
“Eh, ah... at a time like this...... I don’t care if they slash my salary, so let’s
do that later...”
“He wants to inform you of an urgent matter.”
“Ur... urgent.”
Shit, right when I’m in a hurry!
「Hiro! You...... doing as you please...」
“...What is it!? I’m in a rush!”
「Hey, Hiro. When there are others around you, watch how you speak......
is what I’d like to say... Well, that’s fine. That’s for later. There’s a bad
matter and a worse one.」
How urgent is it that the Army Commander himself is calling?
And both matters he’s bringing up are bad?
「First of all, is the bad, but... it seems the princess, Rebal and the others
fled the Imperial City leaving only written notes.」
“...... What?”
「In all probability, their purpose is to search for your son.」
“No way, hold up, huh? Right now, the Imperial City is on high alert and a
strict blockade...”
What a hell. Why, Phianse... I mean, princess.... you’re acting too hasty.
I’m glad you’re thinking about Earth that much, but I’m in a better position
to... I’m not qualified to say that.
「Princess, Rebal, Fu... furthermore, the young daughter of ‘the Fuefky
family’ seems to be missing as well. They must have used her skills to get
past security.」
“Fuefky family... Piper... ah~, that girl...”
「We can’t allow the princess to roam without warrior escorts. So I asked
Mamu to track down and protect the princess. I didn’t think she would be
ready mentally, but she eagerly volunteered herself.」
“...... What? Mamu?”
「Ah! Honestly, she has a lot of other work to do, but it was an emergency,
so I gave her priority. Your house maid is with her as a support.」
“Just Sadiz!?”
「I just thought I’d share this information. To be honest, you also have a lot
of work to do.... Right now, I’ll prioritize your son. Therefore, if you find the
princess, have her under your protection as soon as possible.」
Mamu? Sadiz, too?
I told you to wait at home... did you take it upon yourself to search for the
princess, not Earth.
What’s the meaning of this?
But, this allows Mamu to drop a ton of work and leave the Imperial City.
Huh? Huh? No way... did Mamu and the princess...
「Well, next is a worse matter.」
“Oh, huh.”
While I was suspecting Mamu’s ‘scheme’, the Army Commander’s tone got
heavier when it came to the main subject.
「It’s about the match... It seems that the demons were also monitoring.
Well, we held such festivities, so we didn’t force much regulation, but......
Immediately, I received an inquiry from the Demon Realm, from that
‘Supreme Ruler La’iphant’.」 [1]
“From Lye?”
「The technique your son used... Not only the 【Great Magic Spiral】, but
also the magic control technique used just before that...... It seems to be a
technique called 【Breakthrough】, a technique developed by Demon King
「I’ve been asked what it means for the son of the hero, Hiro, to use that
What a hell. Not only the 【Great Magic Spiral】, but also that green
glowing magical power, was developed by Tre’ainar?
“That’s right... I thought it was similar, but Tre’ainar’s was a red light. So it
was the same technique after all.”
Can’t be a coincidence.
Earth has gained power related to Tre’ainar. But how?
No, did someone teach Earth?
But then, who?
“Even though we’ve fought... I never even knew the name of that technique,
but...... how many of them can use the Breakthrough?”
「It seems that even demons do not know much about it. It appears to have
been a technique unique to The Great Demon King, and it was never
passed down to anyone.」
“Such nonsense...”
「It’s just... according to La’iphant, if there was anyone that could use that
technique... then there is only one possibility...」
Then, the Army Commander’s tone dropped even lower.
I had a bad feeling about it.
And the name the Army Commander gave was......
「One of the ‘Former Six Supremacy and Great Demon General’ who has
been missing for the past ten years, and a follower of the Great Demon
King...’The Dark Valkyrie Jamdi’el’」 [2]
“...... No~. Oh~, Oh~. Of all people...”
「Oh, yes. Along with the strongest of the Six Supremacy ‘White Fiendish
Emperor Hakuki’, one of the most dangerous figures among the Demon
Army Remnants.」
My head suddenly started to hurt.
“No way... that she was in contact with Earth.... that’s not possible....”
「However, La’iphant doubts it. We concur, there is no reason or meaning
in Jamdi’el doing such a thing... But he’s really concerned about it.」
Jamdi’el. One of the former Great Generals of the Demon Army, and a
mighty enemy of mankind.
Her devotion to the Great Demon King went beyond loyalty, she practically
worshiped the guy. [3]
That’s also why she was against the peace agreement after the death of the
Great Demon King and disappeared.
She had been missing for so long... could it be...?
「Anyway, these matters aren’t only about your family. Keep that in mind,
“...... I know that.”
「The Former Six Supremacy, Beast King La’iphant, is now in control of the
Demon Realm, but if the other surviving Six Supremacy start to move with a
purpose, they will be difficult to suppress, even for La’iphant.」
Yes, the problem may not be just about our family.
I can’t wipe the premonition that something was about to start.
Earth, what the hell happened to you?
But no matter what, I’ll catch up with you.
And, at that time, anything is fine. Talk to me.
Give me another chance to be your parent.
[S1] The name here, ライファント, is phonetically ‘Raifanto’ so might be
written as ‘Lyphant’. I went with La’iphant because I want to make Demons’
names more exotic when possible. Like I did with Tre’ainar.
[S2] The name here, ヤミディレ , is phonetically ‘Yamidire’. Also I may
need some input on her moniker. 暗黒戦乙女 translates as ‘Dark War
Maiden’ but Mamu is already called the ‘War Maiden’. War’s Dark Damsel
is what I came up with but I’m considering changing Mamu’s moniker to
‘Battle Priestess’ since she was called ‘The Priestess Mamu’ in the manga.
Let me know if you have any thoughts on this. Edit: Thanks to Ark’s input,
I’ll be using “The Dark Valkyrie” as Jamdi’el’s Moniker.
[S3] I’m imagining [Albedo] levels of devotion here.... Watch out Earth!!!

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