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Automated Plant Watering System (IOT) SESSION- 2023-24



1.1 Internet of Things (IOT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology of interrelated physical devices or “things’’

that are being combined with electronics, software, sensors, actuators and internet
connectivity and, powerful data analytics capabilities, which allows these objects to
accumulate and share data. The Internet of Things (IoT) rises as a full domain where
connected devices and sensors can connect and share information over the Internet.

Figure 1(IOT devices uses)

Internet Of Things (IOT) devices are nonstandard computing hardware such as sensor,
actuators or appliances that connect wirelessly to a network and can transmit data.
IOT extends internet connectivity beyond typical computing devices such as desktop, laptops,
smartphones and tablets to any range of traditionally dumb or non-internet-enabled physical
devices and everyday objects. Embedded with technology, these devices can communicate and
interact over the internet, and can be remotely monitored and controlled.

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The primary objective of a smart irrigation system is to go beyond the basic function of water
distribution. It encompasses several key goals, including water conservation, precision
farming, increased crop yield, and cost-effectiveness.

2.1 Water Conservation

One of the foremost objectives is to conserve water, a precious resource, by employing
advanced technologies that monitor soil moisture levels and weather conditions. By delivering
water precisely when and where it is needed, smart irrigation minimizes wastage and promotes
sustainable farming practices.

2.2 Precision Farming

Smart irrigation enables precision farming by providing farmers with accurate data about soil
conditions, crop health, and weather patterns. This precision allows for optimized planting,
fertilization, and irrigation, resulting in better crop yields and resource utilization.
Increased Crop Yield
By ensuring that crops receive the right amount of water at the right time, smart irrigation
contributes significantly to increased crop yields. This objective aligns with the growing global
demand for food production to sustain the ever-expanding population.

2.3 Cost-Effectiveness
Smart irrigation systems are designed to be efficient not only in water usage but also in terms
of costs. While the initial setup may require an investment, the long-term savings in water,
energy, and increased crop productivity contribute to the overall cost-effectiveness of the

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Automated Plant Watering System (IOT) SESSION- 2023-24

2.4 Eradication Of Wastage

Figure 2(eradication of wastages)

Smart water management aids to reduce water usage consumed in enormous amounts for
different fields like agriculture, production sector, agriculture, etc. It contemplates the multiple
practices of farming, agricultural applications, farming, etc. Mostly everyone has started to
enforce agriculture software to process the tasks.

2.5 Optimizes Efficiency Factor

The IoT-enabled smart water management aids in the improvement of the efficiency factor of
water distributors and water treatment plants. By developing robust solutions, multiple firms
maintain different measurements like temperature, the flow of water, pressure, etc. The overall
preservation helps to eradicate downtime & detriment of apparatus.

2.6 Real-Time Monitoring

The implementation of real-time monitoring in the field of IoT is a beneficial one. It
completely preserves the water resources at different levels like households, industries, global
locations, etc.

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There are several methods of irrigation. They vary in how the water is supplied to the plants.
The goal is to apply the water to the plants as uniformly as possible, so that each plant has the
amount of water it needs, neither too much nor too little. Irrigation can also be understood
whether it is supplementary to rainfall as happens in many parts of the world, or whether it is
'full irrigation' whereby crops rarely depend on any contribution from rainfall. Full irrigation
is less common and only happens in arid landscapes experiencing very low rainfall or when
crops are grown in semi-arid areas outside of any rainy seasons.

3.1 Surface Irrigation

Figure 3(surface irrigation)

Water moves by Surface irrigation, also known as gravity irrigation, is the oldest form of
irrigation and has been in use for thousands of years. In surface (furrow, flood, or level basin)
irrigation systems, water moves across the surface of agricultural lands, in order to wet it and
infiltrate into the following gravity or the slope of the land. Surface irrigation can be
subdivided into furrow, border strip or basin irrgition. It is often called flood irrigation when
the irrigation results in flooding or near flooding of the cultivated land. Historically, surface
irrigation is the most common method of irrigating agricultural land across most parts of the
world. The water application efficiency of surface irrigation is typically lower than other forms
of irrigation, due in part to the lack of control of applied depths. Surface irrigation involves a
significantly lower capital cost and energy requirement than pressurised irrigation systems.
Hence it is often the irrigation choice for developing nations, for low value crops and for large
fields. Where water levels from the irrigation source permit, the levels are controlled by dikes
(levees), usually plugged by soil. This is often seen in terraced rice fields (rice paddies), where
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the method is used to flood or control the level of water in each distinct field. In some cases,
the water is pumped, or lifted by human or animal power to the level of the land.

Surface irrigation is even used to water urban gardens in certain areas, for example, in and
around Phoenix, Arizona. The irrigated area is surrounded by a berm and the water is delivered
according to a schedule set by a local irrigation district.
A special form of irrigation using surface water is spate irrigation, also called floodwater
harvesting. In case of a flood (spate), water is diverted to normally dry river beds (wadis) using
a network of dams, gates and channels and spread over large areas. The moisture stored in the
soil will be used thereafter to grow crops. Spate irrigation areas are in particular located in
semi-arid or arid, mountainous regions.

3.2 Micro-Irrigation

Figure 4(micro irrigation)

Micro-irrigation, sometimes called localized irrigation, low volume irrigation, or trickle

irrigation is a system where water is distributed under low pressure through a piped network,
in a pre-determined pattern, and applied as a small discharge to each plant or adjacent to it.
Traditional drip irrigation use individual emitters, subsurface drip irrigation (SDI), micro-spray or micro-
sprinklers, and mini-bubbler irrigation all belong to this category of irrigation methods.

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3.3 Drip Irrigation

Figure 5(drip irrigation)

Drip irrigation, also known as microirrigation or trickle irrigation, functions as its name
suggests. In this system, water is delivered at or near the root zone of plants, one drop at a
time. This method can be the most water-efficient method of irrigation, if managed properly;
evaporation and runoff are minimized. The field water efficiency of drip irrigation is typically
in the range of 80 to 90% when managed correctly.
In modern agriculture, drip irrigation is often combined with plastic mulch, further reducing
evaporation, and is also the means of delivery of fertilizer. The process is known as fertigation.
Deep percolation, where water moves below the root zone, can occur if a drip system is
operated for too long or if the delivery rate is too high. Drip irrigation methods range from
very high-tech and computerized to low-tech and labor-intensive. Lower water pressures are
usually needed than for most other types of systems, with the exception of low-energy center
pivot systems and surface irrigation systems, and the system can be designed for uniformity
throughout a field or for precise water delivery to individual plants in a landscape containing
a mix of plant species. Although it is difficult to regulate pressure on steep slopes, pressure
compensating emitters are available, so the field does not have to be level. High-tech solutions
involve precisely calibrated emitters located along lines of tubing that extend from a
computerized set of valves.

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Figure 6(objective of smart irrigation method)

Traditionally, farmers have relied on age-old methods for watering their fields. However, with
the advent of technology, particularly the Internet of Things (IoT), a revolutionary approach
known as smart irrigation has emerged, promising increased efficiency and sustainability.

Let's explore the objectives of implementing a smart irrigation system using IoT.

. It eliminates the need for manual irrigation, reducing the labor-intensive task of watering

. It helps conserve water by supplying the right amount of water to plants based on their
moisture needs.

. It improves irrigation efficiency, leading to reduced production costs and increased

competitiveness and sustainability in the agricultural industry .

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Automated Plant Watering System (IOT) SESSION- 2023-24



To comprehend the functioning of smart irrigation, it's essential to break down its components. These include
sensors, communication networks, decision-making algorithms, and automated equipment.

5.1 Sensors And Data Collection

Sensors are deployed in the fields to collect real-time data on soil moisture levels, temperature,
and other relevant factors. This data forms the basis for making informed decisions about when
and how much to irrigate.

5.2 Communication Networks

The collected data is transmitted through communication networks, enabling seamless
connectivity between various components of the smart irrigation system. This connectivity
ensures that farmers have access to up-to-date information on their fields.

5.3 Decision-Making Algorithms

Advanced algorithms process the collected data, providing insights and recommendations for
optimal irrigation schedules. These algorithms take into account factors such as crop type, soil
type, and weather conditions.

5.4 Automated Irrigation Equipment

Smart irrigation systems often include automated equipment such as drip irrigation systems or
precision sprinklers. These devices can be programmed to deliver water precisely to the areas
that need it, further enhancing efficiency.

5.5 Advantages of Smart Irrigation

The advantages of adopting smart irrigation are numerous and align with the overarching
objectives outlined earlier.

5.6 Water Efficiency

Figure 7(water efficiency)

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Smart irrigation optimizes water usage, reducing wastage and ensuring that every drop is
utilized effectively. This not only conserves water but also contributes to sustainable
agricultural practices.

5.7 Energy Savings

Figure 8(energy saving)

Efficient water usage translates to energy savings, as less energy is required for pumping and
distributing water throughout the fields. This is a positive step towards environmentally
friendly farming practices.

5.8 Environmental Impact

By promoting sustainable water usage and reducing the environmental footprint of agriculture,
smart irrigation systems contribute to overall environmental conservation.

5.9 Improved Crop Quality

Consistent and optimal watering results in improved crop quality. Smart irrigation systems
play a crucial role in ensuring that crops receive the right nutrients at the right time, enhancing
their overall health and market value.

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The concept of water management presupposes the implementation of a complex of measures
for controlling water quality and organizing the efficient use of water resources. A smart water
management system is based on the combination of IoT, AI, and big data technologies that
help achieve the set goals by gathering and processing real-time data related to water
distribution. A smart water management system is typically built to cover such processes and
activities as developing, planning, and monitoring the use of water resources in various sectors,
including manufacturing, farming, agriculture, urban infrastructure, etc.

Thanks to such solutions, farmers, businesses, and utility operators have the possibility to
measure, evaluate, and track not only the way water is distributed but also the water quality.
As a result, such monitoring can also help to timely detect water pollution and address tech
issues that can lead to water waste.Internet of things (IoT) devices are nonstandard computing
hardware -- such as sensors, actuators or appliances -- that connect wirelessly to a network and
can transmit data.

IoT extends internet connectivity beyond typical computing devices -- such as desktops,
laptops, smartphones and tablets -- to any range of traditionally dumb or non-internet-enabled
physical devices and everyday objects. Embedded with technology, these devices can
communicate and interact over the internet, and can be remotely monitored and controlled.
Benefit of water system; Magnesium chloride in Smart Water – the heart, nerves, bones,
muscles, and cell health rely on magnesium. Magnesium rich foods include roasted almonds,
pumpkin seeds, spinach, cashew nuts and peanuts. Potassium bicarbonate in Smart Water –
essential inorganic compound that's good for bones, muscles, and the heart.

Figure 9(smart water management system)

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7.1 Soil Moisture Sensor

The moisture of the soil plays an essential role in the irrigation field as well as in gardens for
plants. As nutrients in the soil provide the food to the plants for their growth. Supplying water
to the plants is also essential to change the temperature of the plants. Extreme soil moisture
levels can guide to anaerobic situations that can encourage the plant’s growth as well as soil
The soil moisture sensor is one kind of sensor used to gauge the volumetric content of water
within the soil. As the straight gravimetric dimension of soil moisture needs eliminating,
drying, as well as sample weighting. These sensors measure the volumetric water content not
directly with the help of some other rules of soil like dielectric constant, electrical resistance,
otherwise interaction with neutrons, and replacement of the moisture content.
The relation among the calculated property as well as moisture of soil should be adjusted &
may change based on ecological factors like temperature, type of soil, otherwise electric
conductivity. The microwave emission which is reflected can be influenced by the moisture
of soil as well as mainly used in agriculture and remote sensing within hydrology.

Figure 10.A(soil moisture sensor)

These sensors normally used to check volumetric water content, and another group of sensors
calculates a new property of moisture within soils named water potential. Generally, these
sensors are named as soil water potential sensors which include gypsum blocks and
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7.1.1 Soil Moisture Sensor Pin Configuration

The FC-28 soil moisture sensor includes 4-pins

Figure 10.B(sensor pin configiration)

• VCC pin is used for power

• A0 pin is an analog output
• D0 pin is a digital output
• GND pin is a Ground

This module also includes a potentiometer that will fix the threshold value, & the value can be
evaluated by the comparator-LM393. The LED will turn on/off based on the threshold value.

7.1.2 Working Principle

This sensor mainly utilizes capacitance to gauge the water content of the soil (dielectric
permittivity). The working of this sensor can be done by inserting this sensor into the earth
and the status of the water content in the soil can be reported in the form of a percent.

This sensor makes it perfect to execute experiments within science courses like environmental
science, agricultural science, biology, soil science, botany, and horticulture.

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7.1.3 Specifications

The specification of this sensor includes the following.

• The required voltage for working is 5V

• The required current for working is <20mA
• Type of interface is analog
• The required working temperature of this sensor is 10°C~30°C

7.1.4 Soil Moisture Sensor Applications

The applications of moisture sensor include the following.

• Agriculture
• Landscape irrigation
• Research
• Simple sensors for gardeners

7.2 Relay
A Relay is a simple electromechanical switch. While we use normal switches to close or open
a circuit manually, a Relay is also a switch that connects or disconnects two circuits. But
instead of a manual operation, a relay uses an electrical signal to control an electromagnet,
which in turn connects or disconnects another circuit.

Figure 11.A(relays)

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Relays can be of different types like electromechanical, solid state. Electromechanical relays
are frequently used. Let us see the internal parts of this relay before knowing about it working.
Although many different types of relay were present, their working is same.

Every electromechanical relay consists of an consists of an

1. Electromagnet
2. Mechanically movable contact
3. Switching points and
4. Spring

Electromagnet is constructed by wounding a copper coil on a metal core. The two ends of the
coil are connected to two pins of the relay as shown. These two are used as DC supply pins .

Figure 11.B

Generally two more contacts will be present, called as switching points to connect high ampere
load. Another contact called common contact is present in order to connect the switching

These contacts are named as normally open (NO),normally closed(NC) and common(COM)

We can use a Relay either in a AC circuit or a DC Circuit. In case of AC relays, for every
current zero position, the relay coil gets demagnetized and hence there would be a chance of
continues breaking of the circuit.

So, AC relays are constructed with special mechanism such that continuous magnetism is
provided in order to avoid above problem. Such mechanisms include electronic circuit
arrangement or shaded coil mechanism.

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7.2.1 Relay Applications

Relays are used to protect the electrical system and to minimize the damage to the equipment
connected in the system due to over currents/voltages. The relay is used for the purpose of
protection of the equipment connected with it.

These are used to control the high voltage circuit with low voltage signal in applications audio
amplifiers and some types of modems.

These are used to control a high current circuit by a low current signal in the applications like
starter solenoid in automobile. These can detect and isolate the faults that occurred in power
transmission and distribution system. Typical application areas of the relays include

• Lighting control systems

• Telecommunication
• Industrial process controllers
• Traffic control
• Motor drives control
• Protection systems of electrical power system
• Computer interfaces
• Automotive
• Home appliances

7.3 Jump Wire

A jump wire (also known as jumper, jumper wire, DuPont wire) is an electrical wire, or
group of them in a cable, with a connector or pin at each end (or sometimes without them –
simply "tinned"), which is normally used to interconnect the components of a breadboard or
other prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment or components, without
Individual jump wires are fitted by inserting their "end connectors" into the slots provided in
a breadboard, the header connector of a circuit board, or a piece of test equipment.

Figure 12.A(jumper wire)

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Automated Plant Watering System (IOT) SESSION- 2023-24

7.3.1 types
There are different types of jumper wires. Some have the same type of electrical connecter at
both ends, while others have different connectors. Some common connectors are:

• Solid tips – are used to connect on/with a breadboard or female header connector.
The arrangement of the elements and ease of insertion on a breadboard allows
increasing the mounting density of both components and jump wires without fear of
short-circuits. The jump wires vary in size and colour to distinguish the different
working signals.
• Crocodile clips – are used, among other applications, to temporarily bridge sensors,
buttons and other elements of prototypes with components or equipment that have
arbitrary connectors, wires, screw terminals, etc.
• Banana connectors – are commonly used on test equipment for DC and low-
frequency AC signals.
• Registered jack (RJnn) – are commonly used in telephone (RJ11) and computer
networking (RJ45).
• RCA connectors – are often used for audio, low-resolution composite video signals,
or other low-frequency applications requiring a shielded cable.
• RF connectors – are used to carry radio frequency signals between circuits, test
equipment, and antennas.
• RF jumper cables - Jumper cables is a smaller and more bendable corrugated cable
which is used to connect antennas and other components to network cabling.
Jumpers are also used in base stations to connect antennas to radio units. Usually the
most bendable jumper cable diameter is 1/2".

Figure 12.B(jumper wire connection)

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7.4 Arduino

Arduino was a project started at Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (IDII) in Ivrea, Italy, with
its primary goal being creating affordable and straightforward tools for non-engineers to use
and create digital projects

7.4.1 The Hardware

Figure 13.A(hardware of ardino)

Using the above image as a reference, the labeled components of the board respectively are-
1. USB: can be used for both power and communication with the IDE
2. Barrel Jack: used for power supply
3. Voltage Regulator: regulates and stabilizes the input and output voltages
4. Crystal Oscillator: keeps track of time and regulates processor frequency
5. Reset Pin: can be used to reset the Arduino Uno
6. 3.3V pin: can be used as a 3.3V output
7. 5V pin: can be used as a 5V output
8. GND pin: can be used to ground the circuit
9. Vin pin: can be used to supply power to the board
10. Analog pins(A0-A5): can be used to read analog signals to the board
11. Microcontroller (ATMega328): the processing and logical unit of the board
12. ICSP pin: a programming header on the board also called SPI
13. Power indicator LED: indicates the power status of the board
14. RX and TX LEDs: receive (RX) and transmit (TX) LEDs, blink when sending or
receiving serial data respectively
15. Digital I/O pins: 14 pins capable of reading and outputting digital signals; 6 of
these pins are also capable of PWM
16. AREF pins: can be used to set an external reference voltage as the upper limit for
the analog pins
17. Reset button: can be used to reset the board

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7.4.2 Getting started with the Arduino IDE

Figure 13.B(ardino ide)

As we open the IDE, we be greeted by a window similar to the one shown in the above image.
The text editor is where we be writing our code; we use the verify button to compile and
debug the written program, the save button to save the program and the upload button to
upload the program to the board. Before we click on the upload button, it is necessary to
select our board, Uno in this case, from the tools menu in the Menu Bar. After we choose
our appropriate board, make sure that we specify the correct port on our PC or Mac that we
connect our Uno to, in the IDE.

7.4.3 Uploading First Program

Their we’ll be a blinking the inbuilt L LED located right above the RX and TX LEDs. The
Arduino IDE includes many basic programs to help us to start with our Uno. For this
example, we’ll be using the inbuilt ‘Blink’ program. To open this program, go to the Files
menu in the Menu Bar; click on Examples; click on 01.Basics; select Blink. Now that you’ve
opened the example program, its time to upload the program, to do this, click on the upload
button and wait for the process to complete. If our Output Pane header turns amber and shows
an error which reads “Serial Port COM’x’ not found”, we have not connected our board
correctly or not specified the correct port that our board is connected to in the IDE. When
we advance and start writing our own programs, we might run into errors while compiling
and uploading; this can be because of a syntax error in the program. After we corrected the
errors and uploaded the program, we see that the inbuilt LED blinks, alternating between the
ON and OFF state every second.

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7.5 Micro Submersible Water Pump

DC 3-6v mini micro submersible water pump is a low cost, small size Submersible Pump
Motor which can be operated from a 2.5 ~ 6V power supply. It can take up to 120 liters
per hour with very low current consumption of 220mA.
Just connect tube pipe to the motor outlet, submerge it in water and power it and Make
sure that the water level is always higher than the motor.

Figure 14(water pump)

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Const int moiSensor = A5;

Const int relay = 13;

Void setup() {

Void loop() {
Int sensorData = analogREAD(moiSensor);

If (sensorData < 700){

} else {
digitalwrite (relay,LOW);

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9.1 Gather Components:

Collect all the necessary components including Arduino board, relay module, jumper wires,
soil moisture sensor, water pump, and a 5-volt battery.

9.2 Prepare Arduino IDE:

Install the Arduino IDE on your computer if you haven't already done so. Ensure it's properly
configured for your Arduino board.

9.3 Connect Arduino and Relay Module:

Use jumper wires to connect the Arduino to the relay module. Typically, you'll connect the
control pins of the relay module to digital pins on the Arduino.

9.4 Connect Soil Moisture Sensor:

Wire the soil moisture sensor to the Arduino. Connect the power, ground, and signal pins of
the sensor to appropriate pins on the Arduino.

9.5 Connect Water Pump:

Use jumper wires to connect the water pump to the relay module. The pump should be
connected to the relay's output terminals.

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9.6 Power Supply:

Connect the 5-volt battery to power both the Arduino board and the water pump. Ensure
proper voltage and polarity

9.7 Upload Code to Arduino:

Write a code in the Arduino IDE to read data from the soil moisture sensor and control the
relay accordingly. This code should activate the water pump when the soil moisture falls
below a certain threshold.

9.8 Test the System:

Upload the code to the Arduino board and test the system. Verify that the water pump
activates when the soil moisture is low and deactivates when it's sufficiently moist

9.9 Optimization and Calibration:

Fine-tune the code and sensor settings as needed for optimal performance. Adjust the
moisture threshold if necessary.

9.10 Final Setup:

Once everything is working as expected, finalize the setup. Secure all connections, mount
the components properly, and ensure safety measures are in place, especially when dealing
with water and electrical components.

Figure 15.A(setup flowchart)

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Automated Plant Watering System (IOT) SESSION- 2023-24

Following these steps should help you set up a basic automated watering system using Arduino,
a relay, jumper wires, a soil moisture sensor, a water pump, and a 5-volt battery.

Figure 15.B

9.11 Working Process Of Soil Moisture Sensor

A soil moisture sensor typically works by measuring the volumetric water content in soil. It
usually consists of two probes that are inserted into the soil. One probe sends a low-voltage
current through the soil, while the other measures the resistance. The resistance is then
converted into a moisture level reading, which indicates how much water is present in the
soil. This reading can be used to determine when to water plants or to monitor soil conditions
for various applications.

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Figure 16.A(final IOT device)

Figure 16.B(final IOT device)

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In traditional irrigation systems, as much as “50% of water is wasted”. This is in most cases
due to activities of “overwatering caused by inefficiencies in the traditional irrigation methods
and systems.”

This is a serious agricultural problem and to address it, “IoT-enabled smart irrigation system
helps farmers to avoid wastages of water.” The technology also offers methods of improving
the “quality of crops by irrigating at the correct time”

Aside from the fact that the world’s population has increased dramatically in recent years,
there are other new developments as well.

For example, global crop production has increased due to changes in food consumption

This change in pattern calls for smarter use of water as a scarce or over-supplied resource
which is already having negative impacts on yields. Poor water management systems in the
agricultural sector account for a large percentage of low farm produce around the world.

The adoption and implementation of IoT in agricultural water management are playing leading
roles in making water management smarter and more efficient. IoT-enabled water
management solution is improving agricultural practices more than it has ever been.

11.1 IoT-Based Irrigation Management Work

Smart IoT-based irrigation management systems use both temperature sensors and soil

They are placed on the field and their work is to automatically collect data and send it to the
farmer. This happens to an information gateway system.

Weather-based smart irrigation controllers use the local weather data to monitor and modify
irrigation schedules.

So, if you are using the IoT in an agricultural water management system, you can easily
implement a smart irrigation system. This will help you to enhance your crop fields and
provide you with the control that you need to prevent water waste.

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Also, the technology has sensors that will help you in tracking different parameters, including
soil moisture, temperature, and humidity.

With this, you will be able to determine the amount of water that your crops require. In the
IoT-enabled sprinkler irrigation systems, you can link the sensors to the field and sprinklers.
They work by also sending constant updates to farmers on their smartphones.

When you integrate your IoT water management solution with AI technology you can even do

For example, you can carefully and ahead of time, plan agricultural activities.

IoT-based crop water management enables farmers to grow the same quantity of crops with
less water. They can also use less fertiliser, utilise less energy to pump water and save money
and time on labour.

Figure 17

11.2 The Use Of Smart Sensors For Data Collection

The technology integrates with smart sensors, connectivity, AI, and intelligent algorithms for
precise monitoring of irrigation.

The focus is on soil moisture levels, water flows, weather conditions, and certain crop
requirements. IoT collaborates with other smart technologies to collect and analyze these data
in real-time.

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11.3 Available Data in Real Time Data

Another importance of IoT irrigation system for agriculture is that it makes data available to
farmers in real-time. With this data at hand, farmers are equipped and enhanced to make
informed decisions on water supply.

This makes it possible to avoid water, and misuse of water and ensures optimal soil hydration.

It also eliminates issues of underwater and overwater as well as conversation of energy. IoT
irrigation solutions also help in saving costs and resource management.

11.4 Improved Efficiency And Flexibility

Furthermore, IoT-based automated irrigation systems can be controlled from different remote
locations. This is possible by using mobile devices and mobile apps, enabling farmers to make
relevant adjustments from any location.

This brings a whole lot of difference and comfort that traditional irrigation system does not
offer. Imagine the comfort and time-saving advantages of making important changes and
adjustments without moving an inch.

With this, we can say that IoT-based automated irrigation systems offer farmers a great level
of flexibility. It also serves as a platform for quick and early response to changing weather
patterns or unforeseen circumstances.

From the few importance that we have highlighted and discussed in this section; you can see
that there are many benefits from the Implementation of IoT-based automated irrigation

This shows that modern technology offers sustainable agriculture practices for farmers to help
in management.

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The Internet of Things in smart water management works well for various stakeholders,
including businesses, governments, and consumers. It facilitates sustainability
and efficiency and provides valuable insights into water resources and associated equipment.
Other benefits of IoT-powered smart water management systems for agriculture are as follows:

12.1 IoT-Based Water Management Solution Reduces Waste of Water.

Water is used extensively in manufacturing, electricity generation, and agriculture. Farmers
consume more than half of the water in the world. Additionally, the same farmers waste more
than half of the water that they consume.

Such waste has a significant impact on the proportion of food supply and production

Also, while Farmers face more unpredictable weather patterns that lead to hotter and drier
growing seasons, they also struggle to maximise crop output, preserve soil health, and
conserve water.

However, they are solving these problems by implementing IoT smart irrigation and crop water
management systems. the innovation offers them the luxury of real-time water metering, which
is very instrumental in minimising waste.

o With the use of AI and Machine Learning in Farming, farmers can train machines to track
treatment processes using data on temperature, humidity, and water flows. All of these data
are collected by IoT-based water management solutions.
o The IoT-based water management solution is important for assessing the effects of treatment

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o IoT-based water management solution helps in providing useful insights on the amount of
water and fertilisers that a farmland needs. This is very possible with the analysis of relevant
data from IoT sensors.

Figure 18.A Figure 18.B

12.2 IoT-based Water Management Solution for Monitoring Water Quality to Fight
Pollution and Diseases
Rivers, the groundwater table and other sources of water supply may get contaminated by
manufacturing and other human activities.

With traditional systems which employ manual methods, preventing such pollution from
happening is very difficult. However, IoT-based water management solutions can help in
preventing this by using smart sensors for real-time monitoring.

To achieve this, IoT devices can establish a connection with artificial intelligence (AI)
software to record common parameters for water quality monitoring, such as pH, total
dissolved solids (TDS)—which includes oxygen—the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), or
temperature of various water types.

Machine learning algorithms train IoT systems to be able to anticipate water quality, and track
a sanitising agent’s efficacy. Also, IoT systems can be trained to automatically modify the
water treatment plan.

Figure 19
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o IoT-based Water Management Solution Improving The Efficiency Of Water

o Water may be collected, treated, distributed, and recycled thanks to smart water systems.
These systems, which are frequently installed underground, may burst, leak, or freeze.
These days, infrastructures use these systems extensively.
o The Internet of Things (IoT) can help with maintenance forecasts and prevent breakage,
leakage, and equipment downtime by immediately monitoring pressure, flow, moisture,
temperature, time difference between points and other characteristics within the

Figure 20

12.3 Save Human Life

When we irrigate our field , there is a high risk of being bitten by poisonous animals and
insects. IOT water management system will eliminate the risk complete

Figure 21
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12.4 Protected From Disease

In modern era , chemicals are used if farming which will protect the farmer from the effect of

Figure 22

12.5 Real-Time Water Consumption Analysis

IoT water management systems leverage numerous sensors that collect real-time insights on
how resources are used. These devices transmit the gathered data to the user’s
application online. This information empowers analysis of consumption patterns and
encourages more rational water consumption.

Figure 23

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12.6 Remote Monitoring

Industrial IoT monitoring systems connected to the water supply chain allow stakeholders to
manage their equipment and water networks remotely. Like WebbyLab’s 2Smart Standalone,
combined with the 2Smart Cloud platform, enables monitoring the water system from

Figure 24

12.7 Automation and Optimized Human Resources Use

Internet of Things water management solutions allow businesses to automate numerous

procedures that require manual intervention. The scope of automated processes varies
by industry, but some may include automatic water supply or dynamic pricing based on
water resources used.

12.8 Reduced Risks

IoT devices for water management systems allow for data collection and analysis, which
enables businesses to forecast issues and respond to them instantly. For example, they can use
IoT systems to check water quality and identify contamination before it become hazardous.

12.9 Manual Process Automation

Farmers used to be as busy as bees. They had to control manually the processes of irrigation,
fertilization, and spraying insecticides. The workers spent a lot of time inspecting the fields,
monitoring the condition of the crops. IoT technologies have made this easy and more efficient
for example, a modern irrigation system functions without your participation.
You can control its operation remotely from your computer or smartphone. The farmer kills
two birds with one stone. He saves time and resources on manual work but achieves a higher
crop quality.
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12.10 Less Energy Consumption

Optimize the use of resources (water, energy, land area) using the Internet of Things. You will
no longer waste water on irrigation when it is not necessary. Sensors will collect information
for you in real-time. And you have to analyze the data and make the right decisions regarding
the rational allocation of resources.

12.11 Impacts on the Environment

It matters what kind of ecological footprint your activity leaves. In the last few years, the
problem of ecology has become particularly relevant. It has been proven that agricultural
activities have an impact on climate change processes.
What can you improve with the Internet of Things? Use land more rationally, refusing to cut
down forests to expand plantations. Improve the quality of the soil, and, accordingly, increase
the volume of the crop. Save water by using only the amount you need with smart irrigation

12.12 IoT-Enabled Water Management is a Great Tool for Ensuring Top Quality
Let us see what water monitoring for ensuring top-quality supply looks like without deploying
smart water management IoT solutions.

In the absence of IoT in water management, the process will follow a manual direction. This
means all the data and data analysis will also be manually done. However, the problem here is
that manual processes like these are very expensive and time-consuming.

Also, the process requires large and several equipment. To cap it all, you must have to cough
out huge sums of money to pay your workforce.

But with IoT-enabled smart water management IoT solutions, you have tools like smart IoT
sensors which are efficient in measuring different parameters for data collection. The IoT
device collects data like the temperature, pressure, turbidity, and pipeline health.

The sensors can also fetch data and insights from global samples to perform quality control on
water reserves, even in remote locations.

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There are various use cases of IoT water management solutions. Let’s consider the main ones.

13.1 Smart Irrigation

These IoT-based systems enable on-demand irrigation. They leverage sensors that check soil
temperature and humidity, analyze weather forecasts, consider the watering calendar, and
suggest the perfect irrigation strategy based on the collected data. Our 2Smart Standalone
platform supports smart irrigation features, achieving the best plant health and yields.

Figure 25

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13.2 Water System Integrity

Other solutions in IoT smart water management include sensors that track damage in pipes and
other assets. They help prevent leakages and water resource waste. There are plenty of such
devices on the market, and Strips Drip by sensitive water leak and temperature sensor is one
of them.

Figure 26

13.3 Smart Water Monitoring

Smart water monitoring systems include the water system integrity and irrigation features
mentioned above. They also involve sensors for determining water quality, telemetry devices,
tools for tracking rainwater, etc. All this enables water monitoring and subsequent effective
decision-making based on the collected data. Our 2Smart Standalone solution is an example
of such a system, as its architecture allows for connecting various water monitoring sensors
via any protocol.

13.4 Smart Water Management

A smart water management system using IoT technology includes various water monitoring
devices and sensors combined with advanced data analytics tools. These can be smart
metering, user dashboards, and custom solutions for water management automation. For
example, 2Smart Standalone enables the creation of limitless automation scenarios like
smart irrigation, leakage detection, or support of the required water condition parameters.

Figure 27

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Automated Plant Watering System (IOT) SESSION- 2023-24

13.5 Use Cases of Smart Water Management Systems Using IoT

Applying IoT water management solutions in many sectors – from agriculture to urban
management. Let’s look at some real-life examples of these technologies.

13.6 Rain and Stormwater Management

IoT sensors placed in stormwater drains and sewer systems monitor water flow rates and
quality. Based on the collected data, it’s possible to optimize drainage systems and prevent
flooding during heavy rainfall.
Alternatively, stormwater management systems can help protect watersheds from pollution
and control stormwater release. That’s what smart pond technology in Baltimore does. This
solution uses AWS cloud-based tech to manage rainwater and leverages real-time weather
forecasts and data from the pond itself to adjust water release accordingly.

Figure 28

13.7 Water Treatment Plants

IoT in water treatment plants streamlines water purification processes. Sensors measuring
water quality parameters like turbidity, pH, and pollutant levels help plant operators ensure
that runoff meets regulatory standards. Companies like Veolia provide water treatment
solutions that use IoT.

Figure 29

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13.8 Use Cases of Smart Water Management Systems Using IoT

Applying IoT water management solutions in many sectors – from agriculture to urban
management. Let’s look at some real-life examples of these technologies.

13.9 Rain and Stormwater Management

IoT sensors placed in stormwater drains and sewer systems monitor water flow rates and
quality. Based on the collected data, it’s possible to optimize drainage systems and prevent
flooding during heavy rainfall. Alternatively, stormwater management systems can help
protect watersheds from pollution and control stormwater release. That’s what smart pond
technology in Baltimore does. This solution uses AWS cloud-based tech to manage rainwater
and leverages real-time weather forecasts and data from the pond itself to adjust water release
IoT in water treatment plants streamlines water purification processes. Sensors measuring
water quality parameters like turbidity, pH, and pollutant levels help plant operators ensure
that runoff meets regulatory standards. Companies like Veolia provide water treatment
solutions that use IoT.

13.10 Flood Management

Deploying water level sensors in flood-prone areas, rivers, and drainage systems can help
detect floods. Combined with ML algorithms that analyze historical weather and sensor data,
authorities can predict natural disasters and react timely. The Dutch Flood Protection
Programme is a decent example of leveraging IoT and other innovations for flood defense.

Figure 30

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14.1 Lack of Standardization.

There are no globally accepted standards used by developers of IoT systems for water
management, which leads to issues with the compatibility and integration of tools offered by
different vendors

14.2 Limited Network Reach

. When smart devices are installed in locations with a poor signal, such as basements, the
system may not be able to ensure data exchange in real time.

Figure 31

14.3 Problems With Interoperability.

This challenge is related to the previous one. IoT devices that can be used for building a single
smart water system may be designed by different companies, meaning that it won’t always be
possible to make them seamlessly interact with each other.

14.4 High Installation Costs

This is a serious challenge in some regions, especially in developing countries where
infrastructure development costs are disproportionately high.

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IoT-based automated irrigation systems are the way forward. Especially for farmers who want
to break out from the challenges of traditional irrigation systems in agriculture.

These technologies help farmers to monitor, control, and manage their irrigation systems from
different locations. All without stress. In the end, using this technology leads to an increase in
yields and production.

an automated plant watering system offers several benefits, including convenience, efficient
water usage, and improved plant health. By automating the watering process, users can save
time and ensure their plants receive the right amount of water consistently. Additionally, these
systems can be customized to suit various plant types and environmental conditions, making
them versatile solutions for both indoor and outdoor gardening. Overall, investing in an
automated plant watering system can lead to healthier, happier plants and a more enjoyable
gardening experience.

Certainly! In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, automated plant watering systems can
also help prevent overwatering or underwatering, which are common issues that can lead to
plant stress or even death. By accurately measuring soil moisture levels and adjusting watering
schedules accordingly, these systems promote optimal growing conditions for plants.
Furthermore, they can be integrated with smart home technology, allowing users to monitor
and control watering remotely via mobile apps or voice commands. This level of connectivity
adds another layer of convenience and peace of mind for gardeners, especially when they are
away from home for extended periods. Overall, the implementation of an automated plant
watering system represents a modern, efficient approach to plant care that aligns with the
demands of contemporary lifestyles.

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Naman singh koshyari

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