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220 Chapter 3 Kinet i c s of Par t i c l es


Introductory Problems v

3/241 As a check of the basketball before the start of a

game, the referee releases the ball from the over- A B
head position shown, and the ball rebounds to
Problem 3/243
about waist level. Determine the coefficient of
restitution e and the percentage n of the original 3/244 The sphere of mass m1 travels with an initial veloc-
energy lost during the impact. ity v1 directed as shown and strikes the stationary
sphere of mass m2. For a given coefficient of restitu-
tion e, what condition on the mass ratio m1/m2 en-
sures that the final velocity of m2 is greater than v1?


2100 mm

m1 m2

Problem 3/244
1100 mm
3/245 A tennis ball is projected toward a smooth surface
with speed v as shown. Determine the rebound
angle ␪′ and the final speed v′. The coefficient of
restitution is 0.6.

Problem 3/241

3/242 Compute the final velocities v1 ′ and v2 ′ after colli-

sion of the two cylinders which slide on the smooth v
horizontal shaft. The coefficient of restitution is
e = 0.8.
θ′ 45°
v1 = 7 m/s v2 = 1 m/s

m1 = 2 kg m2 = 5 kg Problem 3/245

Problem 3/242 3/246 Determine the coefficient of restitution e for a steel

ball dropped from rest at a height h above a heavy
3/243 Car B is initially stationary and is struck by car A, horizontal steel plate if the height of the second
which is moving with speed v. The mass of car B is rebound is h2.
pm, where m is the mass of car A and p is a posi-
tive constant. If the coefficient of restitution is e =
0.1, express the speeds vA ′ and vB ′ of the two cars
at the end of the impact in terms of p and v. Evalu-
ate your expressions for p = 0.5. h


Problem 3/246
A rt i c l e 3 / 1 2 P r o b l e ms 221

3/247 Determine the value of the coefficient of restitu- δ

tion e for which the outgoing angle is one-half of v1
the incoming angle ␪ as shown. Evaluate your gen-
eral expression for ␪ = 40°. m1 m2

Problem 3/249
θ θ
–– 3/250 If the center of the ping-pong ball is to clear the
net as shown, at what height h should the ball be
horizontally served? Also determine h2. The coef-
Problem 3/247 ficient of restitution for the impacts between ball
and table is e = 0.9, and the radius of the ball is
3/248 To pass inspection, steel balls designed for use in r = 0.75 in.
ball bearings must clear the fixed bar A at the top
of their rebound when dropped from rest through
the vertical distance H = 36 in. onto the heavy in-
clined steel plate. If balls which have a coefficient 9″ h2
of restitution of less than 0.7 with the rebound
plate are to be rejected, determine the position of
the bar by specifying h and s. Neglect any friction
during impact. Problem 3/250

3/251 Two steel balls of the same diameter are connected

by a rigid bar of negligible mass as shown and are
dropped in the horizontal position from a height of
150 mm above the heavy steel and brass base plates.
If the coefficient of restitution between the ball and
the steel base is 0.6 and that between the other ball
H A and the brass base is 0.4, determine the angular
velocity ␻ of the bar immediately after impact. As-
h sume that the two impacts are simultaneous.

600 mm

150 mm
Brass Steel
θ = 10°

Problem 3/248 Problem 3/251

3/249 The cart of mass m1 = 3 kg is moving to the right 3/252 Freight car A of mass mA is rolling to the right
with a speed v1 = 6 m /s when it collides with the when it collides with freight car B of mass mB ini-
initially stationary barrier of mass m2 = 5 kg. The tially at rest. If the two cars are coupled together
coefficient of restitution for this collision is e = at impact, show that the fractional loss of energy
0.75. Determine the maximum deflection ␦ of the equals mB /(mA + mB).
barrier, which is connected to three springs, each
of which has a modulus of 4 kN/m and is unde-
formed before the impact.


Problem 3/252
222 Chapter 3 Kinet i c s of Par t i c l es

Representative Problems

3/253 A small ball is projected horizontally toward an O

incline as shown. Determine the slant range R.
The initial speed is v0 = 16 m /s, and the coefficient 60°
of restitution for the impact at A is e = 0.6.
k δ

Problem 3/255

3/256 A 0.1-kg meteor and a 1000-kg spacecraft have the
indicated absolute velocities just before colliding.
Problem 3/253 The meteor punches a hole entirely through the
spacecraft. Instruments indicate that the velocity
3/254 A miniature-golf shot from position A to the hole of the meteor relative to the spacecraft just after
D is to be accomplished by “banking off” the 45° the collision is vm/s ′ =−1880i − 6898j m /s. Deter-
wall. Using the theory of this article, determine mine the direction ␪ of the absolute velocity of the
the location x for which the shot can be made. The spacecraft after the collision.
coefficient of restitution associated with the wall
collision is e = 0.8. y

vm = 7000 m/s

d vs = 2000 m/s

C θ
A 45°
B vs′

Problem 3/254 Problem 3/256

3/255 The pendulum is released from the 60° position 3/257 In a pool game the cue ball A must strike the eight
and then strikes the initially stationary cylinder ball in the position shown in order to send it to the
of mass m2 when OA is vertical. Determine the pocket P with a velocity v2 ′. The cue ball has a ve-
maximum spring compression ␦. Use the values locity v1 before impact and a velocity v1 ′ after im-
m1 = 3 kg, m2 = 2 kg, OA = 0.8 m, e = 0.7, and pact. The coefficient of restitution is 0.9. Both balls
k = 6 kN/ m. Assume that the bar of the pendulum have the same mass and diameter. Calculate the
is light so that the mass m1 is effectively concen- rebound angle ␪ and the fraction n of the kinetic
trated at point A. The rubber cushion S stops the energy which is lost during the impact.
pendulum just after the collision is over. Neglect
all friction.
A rt i c l e 3 / 1 2 P r o b l e ms 223



v 2′ θ
A x
v 1′
4 m/s
x 75 mm
12 m/s
v1 B
Problem 3/259

3/260 During a pregame warmup period, two basket-

balls collide above the hoop when in the positions
Problem 3/257 shown. Just before impact, ball 1 has a velocity v1
which makes a 30° angle with the horizontal. If
3/258 Determine the coefficient of restitution e which the velocity v2 of ball 2 just before impact has the
will allow the ball to bounce down the steps as same magnitude as v1, determine the two possible
shown. The tread and riser dimensions, d and h, values of the angle ␪, measured from the horizon-
respectively, are the same for every step, and the tal, which will cause ball 1 to go directly through
ball bounces the same distance h′ above each step. the center of the basket. The coefficient of restitu-
What horizontal velocity vx is required so that the tion is e = 0.8.
ball lands in the center of each tread?
1 v1
d θ



Problem 3/258

3/259 Sphere A has a mass of 23 kg and a radius of

Problem 3/260
75 mm, while sphere B has a mass of 4 kg and
a radius of 50 mm. If the spheres are traveling
initially along the parallel paths with the speeds
shown, determine the velocities of the spheres im-
mediately after impact. Specify the angles ␪A and
␪B with respect to the x-axis made by the rebound
velocity vectors. The coefficient of restitution is 0.4
and friction is neglected.
224 Chapter 3 Kinet i c s of Par t i c l es

3/261 Two identical hockey pucks moving with initial ve- 3/264 The 0.5-kg cylinder A is released from rest from
locities vA and vB collide as shown. If the coefficient the position shown and drops the distance h1 =
of restitution is e = 0.75, determine the velocity 0.6 m. It then collides with the 0.4-kg block B; the
(magnitude and direction ␪ with respect to the coefficient of restitution is e = 0.8. Determine the
positive x-axis) of each puck just after impact. Also maximum downward displacement h2 of block B.
calculate the percentage loss n of system kinetic Neglect all friction and assume that block B is ini-
energy. tially held in place by a hidden mechanism until
the collision begins. The two springs of modulus
k = 500 N/ m are initially unstretched, and the
y distance d = 0.8 m.

A B mA
x A

vA = 10 m/s h1
vB = 6 m/s mB
k B k

Problem 3/261 h2

3/262 Repeat the previous problem, only now the mass of

puck B is twice that of puck A.
d d
3/263 The 3000-kg anvil A of the drop forge is mounted
on a nest of heavy coil springs having a combined Problem 3/264
stiffness of 2.8(106) N/ m. The 600-kg hammer B
falls 500 mm from rest and strikes the anvil, ▶3/265 The elements of a device designed to measure the
which suffers a maximum downward deflection of coefficient of restitution of bat–baseball collisions
24 mm from its equilibrium position. Determine are shown. The 1-lb “bat” A is a short length of
the height h of rebound of the hammer and the wood or aluminum which is projected to the right
coefficient of restitution e which applies. with a speed vA = 60 ft /sec within the confines of
the horizontal slot. Just before and after the mo-
ment of impact, body A is free to move horizon-
tally. The baseball B weighs 5.125 oz and has an
initial speed vB = 125 ft /sec. If the coefficient of
restitution is e = 0.5, determine the final speed of
the baseball and the angle ␤ which its final veloc-
B ity makes with the horizontal.

B 20°
500 mm vB
vA A

Problem 3/265

Problem 3/263 ▶3/266 A child throws a ball from point A with a speed of
50 ft /sec. It strikes the wall at point B and then
returns exactly to point A. Determine the neces-
sary angle ␣ if the coefficient of restitution in the
wall impact is e = 0.5.
A rt i cl e 3/ 1 2 P r o b l e ms 225

▶3/268 A small ball is projected horizontally as shown and

B bounces at point A. Determine the range of initial
speed v0 for which the ball will ultimately land on
the horizontal surface at B. The coefficient of resti-
tution at A is e = 0.8 and the distance d = 4 m.

A v0

10′ ––
Problem 3/266
▶3/267 The 2-kg sphere is projected horizontally with
Problem 3/268
a velocity of 10 m /s against the 10-kg carriage
which is backed up by the spring with stiffness of
1600 N/ m. The carriage is initially at rest with
the spring uncompressed. If the coefficient of res-
titution is 0.6, calculate the rebound velocity v′,
the rebound angle ␪, and the maximum travel ␦ of
the carriage after impact.


k = 1600 N/m

2 kg
10 kg
10 m/s

Problem 3/267

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