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Writer’s name: Phạm Trần Y Phượng

Peer’s name: Date: 11/07/2022

Teacher in charge: Task number:

Task : Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must
have the following title:

A dangerous situation

Rough draft :

When I was 6, I liked to go swimming because my house was near at the

sea.One day, my cousin and I decided to go swimming while we were walking
by the beach. We were very happy and excited. When we were swimming, we
were enjoying the water because it was so warm. We didn't notice that the wave
was becoming bigger and we were taken far from shore. My cousin and I were
panicking already and we felt that we were drowning. Luckily, there were many
guys who were swimming even the wave was heavy. They helped bring us to
the shore. After that we went home and cried, felt shy and nervous. And also
thankful that we survived. We also learned a lesson for that experience. After
what happened to us, we decided to learn how to swim.

Final draft :

When I was 6, I liked to go swimming because my house was near the sea.One
day, my cousin and I decided to go swimming while we were walking by the
beach. We were very happy and excited. When we were swimming, we were
enjoying the water because it was so warm. We didn't notice that the wave was
becoming bigger and we were taken far from shore. My cousin and I were
panicking already and we felt that we were drowning. Luckily, there were many
guys who were swimming even though the waves were heavy. They helped
bring us to the shore. After that we went home and cried, feeling shy and
nervous. And also thankful that we survived. We also learned a lesson from that
experience. After what happened to us, we decided to learn how to swim.

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