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Sensitive Soul




so you can live the life of your dreams and fulfill your purpose
Welcome Sensitive Soul!
Hi, I’m Dr. Karen Kan, Medical Doctor and Doctor of Light Medicine. I’m

passionate about helping highly sensitive people harness their hidden gifts as

Superpowers so that they can shine their light and fulfill their purpose. In this

guide, I’m excited to share 3 key secrets to attaining more peace, positivity and

personal power in your daily life.

According to research, approximately 20%

of the general population is considered

highly sensitive. In my experience as a

Medical Doctor and Doctor of Light

Medicine, performing over 4500 healing

sessions, I believe that number has grown.

The “New” children being born today are

more sensitive their than predecessors and

are highly gifted and intuitive.

When born into a consciously parented family, these children thrive because

they are honored for their sensitivity and they are taught the skills to deal with

the stresses of everyday life. However, many adult sensitives did not have the

benefit of conscious parenting and if you were one of them, you might have

experienced shame and criticism around your sensitivity.

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You might have been told to
“toughen up” or “grow
thicker skin” or “to stop
being so sensitive.”
Growing up wasn’t easy for
you was it?

Sensitive souls not only have to deal with sensitivity to other people’s negative

emotions, they also have to deal with other types of toxic energies, including

electromagnetic radiation, noise pollution, air pollution, and toxins in our food

and water. Worst of all, our emotions are easily manipulated by mainstream

media and fear can easily become a chronic state of being.

As a sensitive soul, you are at higher risk for

having all sorts of allergies and intolerances,

depression and anxiety, autoimmunity and

chronic fatigue syndrome.

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Secret #1:
Learn to discern “your stuff” from
someone else’s “stuff”

As a sensitive soul, you’re like a

sponge for all sorts of energies.

Around you is an auric field which

includes a measurable

electromagnetic field generated by

your heart. This auric field can be

anywhere between 3 feet away to 50

feet away from your body.

When you interact with other people, sometimes you can sense their

“negative emotions” within your field. But even more than that, highly

sensitive people can “feel” global energies when they are intense.

I have patients/clients who have been able to sense storms and hurricanes

halfway around the world, or who get suddenly depressed without

consciously knowing that there has been a mass shooting reported in the

news. Sensitives seem to have a pulse on happenings worldwide, and that

can be both overwhelming and exhausting.

By practicing BEING in your own vibration, you'll learn

what is YOU and what isn't YOU.

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When “outside” energies enter your energy field or your awareness, you’ll

quickly be able to discern that it isn’t yours, and then you can take steps to

release it, ignore it, transmute it, or heal it, depending on what’s best for

you. Not only that, by BEING in your own vibration, in your own space,

anything that isn’t you will begin to dissolve automatically! Cool or cool?

One of the ways to practice BEING in your own space and vibration is doing

the STOIM Meditation. STOIM stands for Stillness Through Observing Internal

Movement. It is a quick meditation to learn that doesn’t require you to sit in a

pretzel-like shape with your eyes closed for an hour. With practice, you can

do it with your eyes open, even while talking to someone or watching a

movie! In my Sensitive Soul SOS program, you will learn how to vibrate at

your state of BEING no matter what life throws at you.

Quick instructions can be found at

Being highly sensitive myself, I can now confidently say that most of the time

when I’m feeling “off” (anxious, out of sorts, sad for no reason etc.), I almost

immediately know I’m sensing or tapping into other energies that aren’t my

own. Knowing what “me” feels like makes it much easier to know when I’m

not feeling like “me”.

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Secret #2:
Harness your Sensitivity as your
Sensitive souls often see their

sensitivity as a curse, and something

to get rid of. Do you ever feel that

way? Do you catch yourself saying,

“I wish I was normal!” because you’re

struggling with anxiety, depression, or

utter exhaustion?

"Normal is highly overrated!"

Well here’s the deal. You can’t rid of your sensitivity because it is a gift, a

Superpower. The only reason you do not perceive it as a gift is because you

don’t have control over it. It’s sort of like giving a baby Harry Potter’s wand.

The wand is powerful, but the baby hasn’t been taught how to use it. In order

to harness its power, the baby must mature and attend Hogwarts school.

You never went to a school like Hogwarts; one specializing in helping sensitive

souls develop their Superpowers. In fact, you didn’t even know one existed!

But now you do. My mission is to help sensitive souls harness their

Superpowers, express their soul’s mission and create joy in the process. In

doing so, they shine their light and pull the world out of darkness.

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When you harness your sensitivity

gifts as a Superpower, not only

does your life get a lot easier, it

gets a lot more fun and

wondrous! It feels amazing to be

able to use a superpower-skill like

Transformational Telepathy™ help dissolve relationship conflict or Weather Magic to change the

weather from rain to sun for your son’s wedding. These skills aren’t

difficult to learn – it’s just that no one is teaching them…until now! The

simplest form of Transformational Telepathy™ you can perform when

you'd like to smooth out a conflict or improve your relationship with

someone is this:

Take a journal and at the top of a blank page, write down this person's

name. Close your eyes and think of ten things you appreciate about

him/her, feel the appreciation, then write these ten things down. It doesn't

have to be fancy, and if you're currently in conflict, this could be a bit

challenging. Nevertheless, be creative! For example if you notice how

good they are with animals (even if they are not that great with humans

in your estimation), you can write:

"I appreciate you for how much you care about animals."

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The list can look like this:

I appreciate you for how you

always match your earrings with

your socks.

I appreciate you for making me

laugh so hard when you were three

years old, that I peed my pants.

I appreciate you for the funny

songs you sing in the shower.

I appreciate how hard you try to be a good mom to your three kids.

I appreciate you for how you always remember my birthday.

...and so on.

I had one of my clients, "Craig", do this for 30 days straight after his son

was hospitalized after a suicide attempt. Craig was in poor health and

was in no shape to travel to be by his son's side. Even though his son

didn't know Craig was doing this exercise, well before 30 days was up, his

son was back to work, depression gone, as if nothing happened.

I've seen plenty of miracles happen just through doing this one easy

exercise. Why does it work? It works because as you are writing, the

energies of anger and resistance are replaced by energies of love and

appreciation. The other person "feels" this appreciation from you even if

they don't know you're doing it and it heals them and you!

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Secret #3:
Learning to manage your sensitivity is
easier than you think

You are highly empathic, meaning

that you are easily able to sense the

emotions of others. It is extremely

common for sensitive people to “take

on” other people’s emotions. It’s one

thing to feel another person’s stuff

but an entirely different thing to

experience strife and struggle

because of it.

Energy vampires are people who feel compelled to suck energy from others

in order to feel better themselves, even if it is a temporary fix. If your energy

field is resonating at a low vibration or has “holes” in it (poor boundaries),

you’re at high risk for one of these energy vampires draining your energy.

Not only that, energy vampires and other negative people can deposit their

low vibrational energies in your field, so they don’t have to deal with them!

That can include strong negative emotional energy, negative thought forms,

negative beliefs, negative energy cords and even negative energy weapons.

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Unbeknownst to most people, our

energetic environment can have a

profoundly positive or negative impact

on our health and well-being.

Research has shown that gamma

radiation damaged cells go from 88%

healing rate in a clean energetic

environment to only 10% healing rate

when exposed to a “dirty” energetic


Dirty energetic environments include a home where there has been significant

stress, illness or conflict. Spaces can also be infected with invasive or parasitic

spiritual energies! It is vital for you to be able to quickly clear negative

energies that are interfering with your experience of peace and positivity. By

learning energy clearing techniques, you start to harness your sensitivity as a


Just like bathing or brushing your teeth every day, clearing your energy field

daily is a necessary part of staying healthy and vital. Yet, so few people are

equipped with the skills knowledge and skills needed to do this.

Luckily, it’s not hard to learn how to clear your own energy field and you don’t

have to be a professional healer to do this for yourself or teach it to your


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One of my clients, "Tania", a sensitive teen, experienced extreme anxiety

at school during exams until I taught her how to clear her aura, something

I teach in my programs. Once she learned how, she was able to function

better at school because she was no longer absorbing the stress of other


Another client, "Donna", taught her grandchildren how to ground negative

energies, something else I teach in my programs. One of her

grandchildren exclaimed one day,

"Grandma, my sister Chelsea doesn't bug me anymore! When I start to

get irritated, I just ground just like Dr. Karen taught us!"

One easy way of clearing your

energy field is using my Clearing

and Protection Spray Formula™.

Just make up the formula in a

spray bottle and spray yourself

when you feel stressed or

overwhelmed, and then spray your

your home to "erase" negative

energies that may have


Get yours free at:

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Need some help turning your
Sensitivity into your

If after reading these words you realize that you’re a sensitive soul, I have a

number of programs that can help you harness your powers and fulfill your

greater purpose on the planet.

If you’re someone who has struggled with overwhelm, exhaustion, and anxiety

and would like more peace, joy and vitality, then you’re not alone. My mission

is to help you shine your light so that you can help pull the world out of

darkness. I’m passionate about helping you discover and harness your

sensitivity as a Superpower.

If you’d like to learn the skills on how to start harnessing your gifts as a

Superpower, check out my foundational program called

Sensitive Soul SOS

...a highly effective way to go from feeling overwhelmed, oversensitive and

overstimulated to feeling calm, clear and connected!

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In my Sensitive Soul SOS program, you can quickly become an expert at the 7

different ways to clear and restore your energy field. The techniques are

easy, (a child could do it) yet profound. In it, you’ll be introduced to my

TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method Directives where you can harness Source

energy for healing.

In this program you'll learn:

1. Hands-on Aura Clearing

2. The Astral Connection Control technique

3. The Etheric “Cord-Cutting” technique

4. How to Ground negative energies down and away from you

5. The Waterfall Meditation™ clearing technique

6. How to use my Clearing and Protection Spray Formula™

7. How to use my TOLPAKAN™ Healing Directives

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What others are saying…
“No more allergies”
“I had many allergies, especially to food, for many years but since using

TOLPAKAN™ healing, I haven't had any issues with allergies. I can now eat

things I couldn't eat before. This program has been the best blessing for me,

and now I am ready to start my Soul Mission with healing others.”

~ Diane Barkley, Energy Consultant

“I’m happier”
“Since working with Dr. Karen, I’m no longer sick all the time, my allergies are

just about gone, my energy is back to where it was 30 years ago, and my

boyfriend notices I’m happier. Oh, and I’ve tripled my income!”

~ Marion Mehrer, Executive Recruiter

“I sleep like a baby now!”

“TOLPAKAN™ Healing has been amazing. I used to suffer from pain,

indigestion and insomnia, but now I feel great, can eat whatever I want and I

sleep like a baby!”

~ Lloyd Burrell, Founder of the EMF Telesummit

Go to or click below to find out more

Learn more

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About Me
About 19 years ago...
I burnt out and ended up with fibromyalgia and

chronic fatigue syndrome. I was even

depressed and suicidal, but believe it or not, I

wouldn't trade that experience for the

world. Being sick made me compassionate to

the plight of others.. Once I committed to the

path of healing, I dove headlong into

nutritional, emotional and spiritual healing. I

healed myself in two years and began sharing

the wisdom I had learned to help others like


About 6 years ago...

I wrote a bestselling book, Guide to Healing

Chronic Pain - a Holistic Approach to help

others suffering from fibromyalgia and pain

disorders and was featured on Biography TV

and PBS's Discoveries in Alternative Medicine.

Along the way, I discovered many people in

similar circumstances were sensitive souls.


I've developed a self-healing program that utilizes the forces of creation described in quantum physics

with the ancient traditions of mystery schools. It's called the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method. Working

with me is like being tapped into a spiritual supercomputer and I am sort of like Yoda® from Star

Wars®, training you to be a Jedi® Master in your own healing.

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