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Lớp tiếng Anh thầy Tài

• Địa chỉ: số 94 Dư Hàng, Lê Chân, Hải Phòng

• Tel: 0326640493
• Email:
Frame 1 (Where you live now)
Let’s talk about where you live now
- Which town or city do you live in now?
- Are there any things you don’t like about your area? (What are they?)
- Do you think you will continue to live there for a long time? (Why? Why not?)
- Do you live in a house or an apartment?
- What is your favourite room in your home? (Why?)
- What things make your home pleasant to live in? (Why?)
Frame 2 (Work/ Study)
Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?
- What kind of work do you do?
- What do you find most interesting about your work? (Why?)
- Which is more important to you – the people you work with or the work you do? (Why?)
- Do you work best in the morning or the afternoon? (Why?)
- What do you study?
- What do you find most interesting about your studies? (Why?)
- Which is more important to you—the teachers or the other students on your course? (Why?)
- How much time do you spend studying every week?
- How do you usually travel to the city where you study?
- Do you study best in the morning or the afternoon? (Why?)
- Have you always wanted to study this subject/ these subjects (Why/ Why not?)

Examiner to choose TWO further frames from frames

1. Robots
Do you know something about robots?

Did you like any film has a robot in it when you were a child?

Do you use robot in your daily life?

Will you be comfortable if you are on a car driven by a robot?

2. Geography
How do you feel about geography?

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Lớp tiếng Anh thầy Tài
• Địa chỉ: số 94 Dư Hàng, Lê Chân, Hải Phòng
• Tel: 0326640493
• Email:
Do you think learning geographic knowledge is useful for you?

Have you ever studied geography at school?

Are you good at reading a map?

3. Helping others
Do you usually help people around you?

How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family, and friends?

Have you done voluntary work?

Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?Have you helped someone in the community?

4. Gift/presents
What is one of the best gifts you’ve ever received? (Why?)

Are you good at choosing gifts for other people? (Why/Why not?)

What sort of gifts do you like to buy for friends? (Why?)

Have you ever given someone a gift that you made yourself? (Why/Why not?)

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Lớp tiếng Anh thầy Tài
• Địa chỉ: số 94 Dư Hàng, Lê Chân, Hải Phòng
• Tel: 0326640493
• Email:
5. Fish and Fishing
How popular is fishing in your country? (Why/Why not?)

Do you know any places where you can see many fish? (Where/Why?)

How do you feel about eating fish? (Why/Why not?)

Would you ever keep fish as pets? (Why/Why not?)

6. Films
What films do you like?

Did you often watch films when you were a child?

Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?

Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?

Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?

7. Tea or Coffee
Do you prefer drinking tea or coffee? (Why/Why not?)

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Lớp tiếng Anh thầy Tài
• Địa chỉ: số 94 Dư Hàng, Lê Chân, Hải Phòng
• Tel: 0326640493
• Email:
Do you remember the first time you tried drinking tea/coffee? (Why/Why not?)

Do you ever give visitors to your home tea or coffee? (Why/Why not?)

Which is more popular in your country, tea or coffee? (Why?)

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