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*** ***


Module: Marketing
Communications in The Digital Age
Code: MAR021-2.S2

“With Tefal, Everyone can cook!” Campaign


Student ID: 2245519057 ONLY
Grade (in number):
Cohort: K60BFA Semester: II
Academic year: 2023-2024
Grade (in words):
Headteacher: Phung Nguyet Thien Kim
Submission date: 05th April 2024
Examiner 1
Student’s signature:
(Signature & Fullname)
Examiner 2
(Signature & Fullname)

Ho Chi Minh City, April 2024


*** ***

Module: Marketing
Communications in The Digital Age
Code: MAR021-2.S2

“With Tefal, Everyone can cook!” Campaign

Student’s fullname: DOAN GIA HUY

Student ID: 2245519057
Cohort: K60BF-A
Semester: II Academic year: 2023-2024
Lecturer: LE GIANG NAM

Ho Chi Minh City, April 2024



Table of Contents

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP ........................................................................................... 1

SITUATION:............................................................................................................................. 3
COMPLICATION: ................................................................................................................... 3
QUESTION: .............................................................................................................................. 3
I. MARKET UNDERSTANDING ........................................................................................ 3
A. Market size and growth ................................................................................................ 3
B. Market trend ................................................................................................................. 3
II. COMPETITORS LANDSCAPE ....................................................................................... 4
III. OPPORTUNITY............................................................................................................. 5
A. The fact of Vietnamese’s cooking context ................................................................... 5
B. The potential change in culture ................................................................................... 6
IV. DIGITALIZATION........................................................................................................ 6
V. OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................. 7
VI. TARGET AUDIENCE ................................................................................................... 7
A. Customer Persona ......................................................................................................... 7
B. Insight ............................................................................................................................ 7
VII. BIG IDEA....................................................................................................................... 8
A. Explanation.................................................................................................................... 8
B. Interpretation: ............................................................................................................... 8
VIII. MARKETING COMMUNICATION PLANNING ....................................................... 8
A. Customer Journey......................................................................................................... 8
B. Deployment Plan ........................................................................................................... 9
PHASE 1: TRIGGER ......................................................................................................... 9
PHASE 2: ENGAGE ........................................................................................................ 10
IX. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 12
REFFERENCES ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Tefal, a brand under Groupe SEB, is a leader in the global home appliances industry with over
160 years of history. Groupe SEB holds the No.1 position worldwide in market share
according to Euromonitor's 2020 data. Tefal, known for its pioneering non-stick pan, is the
global leader in cookware and dominates in various household categories. Its mission is to
provide life-proof innovations for a lively home, offering ingenious and high-performing
products that save time and effort.

• As a new entrant to Vietnam, Tefal faces low brand awareness in this country
compared to long-standing competitors like Sunhouse. Domestic brands such as LnL
and Kangaroo add to the competitive landscape.
• Vietnamese consumers' loyalty to established brands presents a challenge for Tefal's
market entry.
• How can Tefal differentiate its communication strategy in Vietnam's competitive
household goods market to effectively establish its brand identity and increase
awareness among consumers?

About the “UNLIMITED” frypan and why it is great:

It features a non-stick surface with a titanium coating, making the pan durable, lightweight,
resistant to dents or scratches, and able to retain more nutrients.

• It has a Thermo-spot that reacts accurately to heat, making cooking delicious dishes
easier than ever.
• The pan's base utilizes advanced heat processing technology (Thermo-fusion base) to
distribute heat evenly and efficiently, resulting in quicker cooking times and evenly
cooked food.
→ Research purpose: Identify cooking needs among consumers that competitors fail to
address but the UNLIMITED pan can fulfill those needs by its unique selling proposition

A. Market size and growth
According to Statista, the Kitchenware market in Vietnam generated revenue of US$27.83
million in 2024. Projections indicate that this market is expected to grow at an annual rate of
8.35% (CAGR 2024-2028). → High growth rate

B. Market trend
Furthermore, based on a 2023 McKinsey & Company report, Vietnam is experiencing a
demographic transformation as the middle class continues to grow. Projections indicate that
by 2035, over 50% of Vietnam's population will join the global middle class. The Vietnamese
middle-class demographic demonstrates traits such as aspiration, brand awareness, and
price sensitivity, as observed by The Ministry of Finance in 2018. This observation is
supported by the International Trade Administration's findings in 2022, which highlight
consumers' emphasis on quality and price sensitivity in their purchasing behaviors.

→ This presents an opportunity for Tefal to grow and increase its market share as a
longstanding brand offering high-quality products at reasonable prices.


Price/unit Functional Benefit Message
- Efficient heat transmission and
retention, safe for health
- Quick heat absorption, energy-
190,000 -
- Prevents burning, preserves
Sunhouse 1,0090,000 Bền lòng đẹp chất - bền gấp 5 lần
maximum vitamins for food
during cooking
- Durable, shiny
- Efficient heat induction,
suitable for all types of stovetops
- Stylish design enhances food
and cookware appearance for
social media.
- Anodic Technology non-stick
coating, harmful chemical free "Healthy kitchen life together with
- Premium bakelite handles offer LocknLock"
comfort and elegance. "Premium cast iron pot nicely designed in
328,000 -
LocknLock - Seamless unibody construction the stylish European style and perfected to
1,309,000 VND
from cast aluminum for suit Korean recipes"
durability. "LocknLock Decore IH, your daily life
- High purity aluminum ensures decorator"
fast, even heat distribution, and
- Suitable for all types of
- Whitford coating withstands up
to 440°C, harmful chemical free.
- Cast aluminum ensures heat
transmission, retention, and
Don't have specific key message, just using
370,000 - - Works on all stovetops, heats
Kangaroo bullet points or listing the function of the
1,160,000 VND up quickly.
- Durable, conducts heat well,
rust-resistant for longevity.
- Modern design with heat-
resistant handles, integrated

Table 1
Based on the above comparison table, the following are the common benefits that the non-stick
frying pan products of the key players bring to customers.

The pans from these brands offer a range of benefits that enhance the cooking experience. They
ensure effective heat distribution and retention, resulting in thorough and even cooking. With
rapid heat absorption and energy-saving properties, they contribute to efficient cooking
processes. These pans prevent food from burning, preserving the maximum nutrients and
flavors in dishes. Their durability and sleek appearance ensure long-lasting performance in the
kitchen. Additionally, they are compatible with all types of stovetops, providing versatility in
cooking methods. Furthermore, the non-stick coatings used are free from harmful chemicals,

ensuring food safety for the consumers. Overall, these pans offer a combination of
functionality, efficiency, and safety, making them essential tools for any kitchen.

From the analysis, the author can infer that Tefal's UNLIMITED frying pan also provides all
of the above values to its customers. Most frying pans only focus on how their handles can
help customers use the pan easily, but they do not have heat application technology like
Tefal's Thermo-spot to help customers cook more easily and deliciously.

→ In order to stand out and capture customer attention, it is crucial to identify customer
needs and pain points that align with Tefal's Thermo-spot technology that helps
customers to make delicious and successful meals easily.

A. The fact of Vietnamese’s cooking context
According to a survey on "Women's Kitchen Work" conducted by VnExpress in 2019 with a
sample size of 2000 individuals, 79% of women and 75% of men agreed with the view that
cooking sometimes comes with a lot of pressure.

Furthermore, 50% of respondents believe that daily household chores and cooking consume a
significant amount of time and mental energy, leaving little time for themselves.
Specifically, a survey by Q&Me in 2023, conducted with 300 Vietnamese women, revealed
that the average cooking time per meal is 62 minutes, with longer durations on weekends.

They also prioritize the ease of cooking meals (Chart 1), and this preference is higher on
weekends (the busiest cooking time).
→ This is align with the strength of UNLIMITED pans, making cooking delicious meals

Chart 1

B. The potential change in culture

According to a survey by the Vietnam Women's Union in 2017, nearly 90% of Vietnamese
men believe that cooking is solely the responsibility of women.

However, in today's modern society, many women hold important positions in various fields.
To alleviate the burden on women, 95% of respondents in a survey by VnExpress agreed that
it is necessary to change perceptions about cooking. Furthermore, 73% of respondents
disagreed with the notion that cooking is solely the responsibility of women.

→ This is an opportunity for the Tefal to communicate its unique strengths of

UNLIMITED pan to encourage men to assist their female counterparts in cooking. →
Gain awareness from the women when they can feel empathy and support from the brand
According to We are Social and Digital Hootsuite (2021), underscore the significant role of
the internet and social media in shaping consumer behavior and brand engagement in Vietnam.
In 2022, the internet usage rate across Vietnam reached 73.2%, marking an increase of 3.4
million users compared to 2021. On average, individuals spent 6 hours and 38 minutes daily
on the internet. Moreover, there were 76 million active social media users in 2022, reflecting a
6.9% growth from the previous year. Notably, 62.6% of users utilized social media platforms
to explore various brands, while 33.9% engaged in work-related activities.

Vietnamese consumers are gradually shifting towards using digital channels for
information, according to statistics from Global Web Index (Chart 2).

Chart 2

→ The trend of digitalization is rapidly growing in Vietnam, significantly influencing the

behavior of its people.

→ This is a trend that the Tefal brand needs to seize in order to effectively reach the
target customers.

• Marketing Objective:
Increase aided awareness by 40% among the target audience.
Sell 10,000 units of UNLIMITED pans within a 3-month campaign period.
• Communication Objective:
Build and reinforce Tefal's image as the top-of-mind brand among the premium female
customer segment.


A. Customer Persona
• Female
• Age: 30+
• Marital Status: Married
• Urban resident
• Likely to have a stable income

• Enjoys cooking and sees it as a creative outlet
• Values health and nutrition, prefers using fresh ingredients
• Actively seeks convenience and efficiency in household tasks
• Regularly uses digital platforms for recipe inspiration and product research
• Appreciates high-quality kitchen appliances and brands with a heritage of

• Feels the pressure of balancing career and family responsibilities
• Values shared household tasks and believes in gender equality
• Seeks products and brands that align with her modern, cosmopolitan lifestyle
• Finds satisfaction in cooking for her family, views it as a way to bond and express

B. Insight
Truth: Cooking together will be faster and less stressful.
Tension: My husband and children rarely cook, and when they help me, they’re clumsy and
make a mess, which frustrates me.
Motivation: I want my family to share cooking responsibilities with me to strengthen our bond
as a family.

→ Insight: Cooking is incredibly time-consuming and requires a lot of effort to make

delicious meals. My husband and children also want to help me with something to make my
cooking faster. However, because he doesn't cook regularly, every time he does something, he

asks me about every little detail like “Can I put this fish on the pan? Do you think it’s
ready?”, making meal preparation even longer than if I did it myself.


“UNLIMITED Pan: With Tefal, Everyone can cook!”

A. Explanation
With Tefal: This phrase positions Tefal pans as the solution to the described tension. It implies
that Tefal pans are user-friendly and helpful, making cooking easier for everyone, regardless
of skill level.

Everyone can cook!: This is a bold statement that directly addresses your insight. It suggests
that even your husband or your children, who are less experienced in the kitchen, can contribute
to cooking with the help of Tefal pans.

B. Interpretation:
The big idea uses a positive and inclusive tone to suggest that Tefal pans can bridge the
gap you're experiencing in the kitchen. It implies that these pans are:
• Easy to use: They may have features that make cooking more intuitive, reducing the
need for constant questioning from your husband and children.
• Reduce mistakes: Perhaps Tefal pans have features that minimize errors, making the
process less messy and stressful.
• More enjoyable: By simplifying cooking, Tefal pans could free you up to focus on
enjoying the experience with your family members.


A. Customer Journey

Table 2

B. Deployment Plan

Table 3
Key Hook: TVC: “Bỏ vào được chưa?”
Title: "Bỏ vào được chưa?"
Duration: 30 seconds

Description: The TV commercial showcases everyday cooking scenarios where busy women
are preparing meals and relying on their husbands or children to put ingredients into the pan.
Whether it's flipping pancakes, or adding eggs or fish to the pan, both the husband and the child
are unsure and keep asking, "Is it okay to put it in yet?"
After that question, the TV commercial transitions to a glimpse of the Tefal UNLIMITED Pan,
and the ad concludes with the tagline, "Alright" - "Tefal UNLIMITED Pan, coming soon!"

Supporting Tactics:
• Social Community Engagement:
• Create dedicated threads and discussions on social media platforms (Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter) centered around cooking challenges and frustrations.
• Encourage users to share their cooking mishaps and experiences using relevant
hashtags like #CookingStruggles
• Facilitate conversations by asking questions such as "What's the most
challenging dish you've attempted to cook?" or "Share your funniest cooking
• PR Online:
• Partner with influential social media personalities and cooking enthusiasts to
generate buzz around the upcoming launch of Tefal's UNLIMITED Pan.

• Collaborate with popular lifestyle blogs and online publications catering to the
female demographic to feature sneak peeks and teasers of the UNLIMITED
• Distribute press releases and media kits to relevant online platforms,
highlighting the innovative features and benefits of the UNLIMITED Pan and
positioning it as a game-changer in the kitchen.

Budget Allocation:
• TVC Production: 1,500,000,000 VND
• Social Community Engagement: 500,000,000 VND
• PR Online: 500,000,000 VND
Total Budget: 2,500,000,000 VND

Reach: 500,000
Impression: 1,500,000
Reaction (Like, Comment, Share): 300,000

Key Hook: "LIMITED UNLIMITED" Online and Offline Product Sampling Event

Online digital product sampling tactics:

• Landing Page:
• Develop a dedicated landing page on Tefal's website for the "LIMITED
UNLIMITED" event, providing details about the product sampling opportunity,
registration process, and key features of the UNLIMITED Pan.
• Include an online registration form where interested participants can sign up to
receive a free UNLIMITED Pan. Limit the quantity to only 100 pans to create
exclusivity and urgency.
• PR Online:
• Leverage online PR channels to announce the "LIMITED UNLIMITED" event
and generate buzz among digital communities.
• Collaborate with lifestyle influencers and cooking enthusiasts to promote the
event through sponsored posts, stories, and reviews on social media platforms
and blogs.
• Paid Advertising:
• Launch targeted Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok ads to reach potential
customers and drive traffic to the landing page.
• Create engaging ad creatives showcasing the ease and versatility of cooking
with the UNLIMITED Pan, emphasizing its innovative features.

Offline Tactics:
• Trial Events at Major Retail Locations:
• Organize live cooking demonstrations and product trials at prominent retail
locations such as mega malls or department stores.
• Set up interactive booths where customers can experience firsthand the
performance and benefits of the UNLIMITED Pan under the guidance of
cooking experts.

Supporting tactics:
• Social Seeding:
• Encourage participants who receive the free UNLIMITED Pan to share their
cooking experiences and feedback on social media platforms using designated
• Amplify user-generated content through social seeding to increase brand
visibility and credibility.

Budget Allocation:
• Landing Page Development and Maintenance: 300,000,000 VND
• PR Online Collaboration: 500,000,000 VND
• Facebook Ads: 500,000,000 VND
• YouTube Ads: 400,000,000 VND
• TikTok Ads: 300,000,000 VND
• Social Seeding: 200,000,000 VND
Total Budget: 2,300,000,000 VND

Reach: 300,000
Impression: 900,000
Online product sampling page traffic: 4,000

Encourage participants to share their emotions and stories following the "LIMITED
UNLIMITED" event, increasing social media engagement and brand advocacy.

Key Hook:
Facebook Challenge: "Món ngon không do tôi nấu" (Translation: "Delicious Dish Made by
• Description:
• Launch the "Món ngon không do tôi nấu" challenge on Facebook, inviting
participants to share photos or videos of delicious dishes their husband or
children cooked using the UNLIMITED Pan.
• Encourage participants to include the hashtags #UNLIMITED and #Tefal in
their posts to increase visibility and participation.
• Highlight the most creative and mouth-watering entries on Tefal's official
Facebook page to incentivize engagement and inspire others.

Supporting Tactics:
• Social Seeding:
• Seed content related to the Facebook challenge across various social media
platforms, including Facebook groups, Instagram stories, and Twitter threads.
• Engage with participants and influencers who participated in the "LIMITED
UNLIMITED" event, encouraging them to share their experiences and join the
Facebook challenge.
• Google Ads:
• Launch targeted Google Ads campaigns to reach users who are actively
searching for cooking-related topics or Tefal products.

• Direct users to the Facebook challenge page or Tefal's website to learn more
about the UNLIMITED Pan and participate in the challenge.

Budget Allocation:
• Social Seeding: 100,000,000 VND
• Google Ads: 100,000,000 VND
Total Budget: 200,000,000 VND

Reach: 200,000
Impression: 600,000
Participants: 1,000

In conclusion, Tefal's entry into Vietnam's competitive household goods market presents both

challenges and opportunities. Leveraging its innovative UNLIMITED Pan and understanding

the evolving consumer landscape, Tefal can differentiate its communication strategy

effectively. By addressing the needs of modern Vietnamese families through inclusive

messaging and engaging digital initiatives, Tefal can increase brand awareness and establish

itself as the top-of-mind choice for premium household appliances. With a strategic

deployment plan focusing on triggering interest, engaging with consumers, and amplifying

brand advocacy, Tefal is poised for success in capturing the hearts and kitchens of Vietnamese


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