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13/05/2024, 20:20 ServicePlus- Application for Issuance of Income Certificate by Tehsildar

Government of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir

Office of the Tehsildar Kathua

Application Submission Acknowledgement for Income Certificate


Date of Application : 13/05/2024
Application Reference Number : JK-REV-INC/2024/153064
Applicant Details
Name of Dependent : SHALLI GUPTA
Name of Person upon whom Dependent : RAMAN GUPTA
Residential Address of Person upon whom Dependent : WARD NO 2, NAGRI ADDA BUS STAND, KATHUA
Mobile Number : 7889927335
Payment Details
Payment Reference No. : 19883475106
Payment Date : 13/05/2024
Payment Mode : PayUbizz
Amount Paid : ₹ 20.0

You will be notified through eMail once the application is processed by Authorities
(Facilitated by National Informatics Centre, Powered by ServicePlus)

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