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The year 2017 marked a significant milestone for the city of Davao in terms of the expansion of
computer literacy and integration skills among the students and teaching staff. The Davao City
Council, during the second reading of the resolution, approved an ordinance aimed at enhancing
basic digital literacy and essential skills in using computers and accessing the internet in schools.
The Philippine Long-Distance Telephone (PLDT) played a pivotal role in spearheading the
implementation of the Infotech Outreach Program in the city. This program provides training in
productivity tools to improve work and study skills and has a diverse group of learners as its
target audience, including teachers and students from select schools. Possessing fundamental
computer skills such as operating systems, navigating applications, and internet usage is crucial
to effectively utilize ICT tools and platforms. A study conducted in Davao City analyzed the use of
educational applications and ICT competence among information technology students in the
city. The study investigated demographic profiles, frequency of usage for educational
applications, and ICT proficiency levels. The results indicated that educational applications could
improve students learning opportunities and ICT proficiency. Utilizing ICT applications is an
effective way to enhance students' computer literacy by creating a platform to practice and
apply their primary computer and app navigation skills. Tools such as calendar apps, project
management software, and digital note-taking platforms can help students organize their study
schedules, tasks, and resources, which could potentially lead to better time management and
productivity (Junco & Cotten, 2012; Shih et al., 2013). However, it is important to consider the
possibility that not all students have access to the necessary technology or reliable internet
connection to utilize these ICT applications effectively. This could potentially lead to unequal
learning opportunities and hinder academic progress for some students. Therefore, it is crucial
to address this issue and provide necessary resources to ensure equal access to education for all

Junco, R., & Cotten, S. R. (2012). No A in iDistraction: Antecedents and consequences of

educational technology use over time. Computers & Education, 58(2), 579-585.

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