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2024 Fruitland Domestic Water Company

Annual Meeting

The meeting was called to order on March 23, 2024, at 1:07 p.m. by President
Keith Nichols at the Crawford Town Hall. Monita gave the Credentials report.
There are twenty members present. 48,205 shares represented. We also had
one guest.
Annual Meeting Notice, Meeting Minutes and Financial Report
Monita read the Annual Meeting Notice.
Monita read the 2023 Fruitland Domestic Water Company annual meeting
minutes. Danny Todd moved to accept the minutes as read. Orval Cotten
seconded the motion. Keith asked everyone in favor of the motion to signify by
saying aye. He asked for anyone not in favor of the motion to signify by saying
aye. The motion passed unanimously.
Ron Brooks gave the financial report. The 2024 budgeted Income is $183,673.00
and our 2024 budgeted expenses are $183,673.00. The financial report and
budget were sent out as a hard copy with our meeting notice. Keith then asked if
there were any questions on the financial report and budget as Ron Brooks
presented it.
Joe reminded Keith we needed to mention the different funds we have to the
membership. Keith gave that report. He mentioned that we put $100,000 into a
CD and it is making 5 percent interest, which is $5,000 of interest in a year. We
have several emergency funds. We do have an emergency fund that has a little
over $100,000 in it. We have a branch line fund to help us upgrade these lines
with the shareholder. It has less than $50,000 in it. Branch lines were originally
not part of our system. They were put in by shareholders for their own use and
not up to company standards. We have a Media Fund. This fund will help us to
replace Media in the filtration system in the Water Treatment Plant. The filtration
system has varying levels of media that ranges from sand to anthracite. Water
goes down through these filters. The last time we had to replace the media it cost
us around $30,000. It must be replaced every ten years. In ten years, we are
figuring the cost to be about $40,000. We also have a project fund. Every now
and then a project comes up we want to do.
Ron Brooks said the Total Checking and Savings has $323,342.14. All the different
funds are reflected in it. Cam Johnston moved to accept the overall financial
report. Danny Todd seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.
Maintenance Report
Ron Klaseen gave the maintenance report. Things are fine. Ron mentioned that
they did get the turbidimeters in and they are working well. Chris Larson did get
his license. Ron is excited about Chris’s work. He said the company did have a
water leak recently. It was a tee in an air vac can that broke. It is all fixed up now.
The water treatment plant computer has been upgraded. Ron and Chris worked
up at Crystal Creek. They had to blow out the Inlet line to push out the iron
bacteria out of that line and flush it out. It Opened up the perforated pipe. Ron
said they are going to get in more of a routine of blowing out the pipe. It helps
the percolation down the creek without using the pit pipe.
Joe mentioned that this will help with the turbidity.
Keith told the new shareholders our water comes from Crystal Creek, and it is
gravity fed.
Keith told the members about the GPS Project we are working on. Chris and
Dawn are working on this, they are Geo tagging sites. They are using an old
phone that was donated by Joe. The sites will eventually be put on a map. The
company will know where their cans, air vacs and lines run.
Election of Directors
Keith mentioned there are four open seats on the Board to be filled and voted on.
Keith Nichols, Joe Skerl, Jason Wrich and Dawn Reeder, are willing to serve on the
board again. Keith asked for any other nominations or volunteers. Randy Litwiller
commented that over the past several years the board has been able to hold our
assessments at the same rate and has not had to raise them. He thinks the rate
reflects well on the board. Randy moves to keep the same board members: Keith
Nichols, Joe Skerl, Jason Wrich and Dawn Reeder for another two years. Orval
seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Keith asked if there are any comments or concerns.?
Danny Todd said he thinks the board over the years has done an excellent job
putting the system in and the water treatment plant in and keeping it maintained
and our rates down.
Joe Skerl thinks that Ron Klaseen and Chris Larsen have done a great job in
maintaining the system.
The Meeting was adjourned at 1:28 p.m. A Short Board Meeting followed.
Respectively submitted By

Monita Todd

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