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Name: Lwandle

Surname: Sibeko
Grade: 10A
Topic: history of magnetic and gyro
Due date: 22ND MAY 2024
The field of navigation has seen significant advancements over the centuries, with magnetic and gyro
compasses being two essential tools that continue to play vital roles. Both instruments serve the
purpose of determining direction, but they operate based on distinct principles. In this research, we
aim to explore the rich history of both magnetic and gyrocompasses, tracing their origins,
development, and impact on navigation throughout the ages. By examining their strengths,
limitations, and enduring significance, we can gain a deeper understanding of how these remarkable
instruments have shaped the course of human history and continue to guide us toward new
frontiers of exploration and discovery.


A magnetic compass is a navigational instrument that determines a vessel’s or an aircraft’s direction

by aligning with the Earth’s magnetic fields that was invented in ancient times ago .The compass
consists of a freely suspended magnetic needle, which points towards the magnetic north due to the
influence of Earth’s magnetic field and a gyrocompass is also navigational tool but it is a more
modern invention compared to the magnetic compass.

The gyrocompass utilizes the principle of gyroscopic precession to find true north. A gyroscope is a
spinning disc that maintains their orientation in
space. However the Gyrocompasses quickly gained
popularity in maritime and aviation industries due to
their reliability and resistance to magnetic
interference. . They are widely used on ships,
aircraft, submarines, and spacecraft where precise
navigation is critical. The magnetic compass is still
used but not predominantly on most ships.



The first magnetic compass was invented by the Chinese during the Han dynasty back in 206 BC. It
was later adopted for navigational purposes by the Song dynasty during the 11th century and later in
Western Europe and Persia in the 13th century. And the gyrocompass was patented in 1885 by
Marinus Gerardus van den Bos, confirmed as a usable gyrocompass in 1906 in Germany by Hermann
Anschütz-Kaempfe. The scientists wanted to test accuracy; this process took two years and became
successful in 1908. From there it became widely used in the German Imperial Navy Chinese sailors
were among the first to use magnetic compasses for navigation at sea. By the 11th century, the
compass had spread to Europe through trade routes and became an essential tool for maritime
exploration and trade. The compass revolutionized navigation by providing sailors with a reliable
method to determine direction even when out of sight of land.

Over time, improvements were made to the design of the magnetic compass, such as adding a
protective casing and markings for cardinal directions. Despite its simplicity, the magnetic compass
remains a crucial tool for navigation on ships, airplanes, and even in modern smartphones.
Deviation in a magnetic compass

Deviation refers to errors in the readings of a magnetic compass caused by local magnetic fields on
board a vessel. These errors can be induced by various factors such as electrical equipment or even
the ship’s own magnetic field. Deviation must be corrected to ensure accurate navigation using a
magnetic compass. To correct for deviation, ships undergo a
process called “swinging the compass,” where they compare
the readings of the magnetic compass with those of a
gyrocompass while rotating the ship in different directions.

Evolution of the Magnetic Compass

The magnetic compass has changed a lot over time. It started in ancient China, where people
discovered that a lodestone (a special rock) could show direction by pointing north. They made
improvements, like using iron needles instead of rocks, to make it work better. As the use of
compasses spread to other countries, people kept making them better. They found new ways to
make the needles point more accurately and to protect the compass from getting damaged by

In Europe, sailors used compasses to explore new lands. They improved the compass design to make
it more durable for long sea journeys. In modern times, compasses are still important for navigation,
even though we have things like GPS. They're like a reliable backup when electronic systems don't
work. So, from ancient times to now, the magnetic compass has helped people find their way and
explore the world safely.

Advantages and Limitations of Magnetic Compasses


 Easy to Use: Magnetic compasses are simple and easy to understand. You just need to look
at the needle to know which way is north.
 Reliable: They work without needing electricity or batteries, so they're dependable even in
remote areas or during power outages.
 Affordable: Compared to modern navigation tools, magnetic compasses are often cheaper to
buy and maintain.


 Interference: Magnetic compasses can be affected by metal objects, electrical devices, or

magnetic fields, which can cause inaccuracies in readings.
 Variation: The Earth's magnetic field isn't the same everywhere, so compass readings can
vary depending on your location.
 Need for Calibration: Compasses need to be calibrated regularly to ensure accuracy,
especially on ships or airplanes where accuracy is crucial. Despite these limitations, magnetic
compasses remain valuable tools for navigation, especially in situations where other
technologies might not be available or reliable.
Development and Refinement of Gyrocompass Technology

As technology advanced, gyrocompasses got better. Engineers

made them smaller, more stable, and easier to use. They also
made them more resistant to vibrations and changes in
temperature. Gyrocompasses became essential tools for ships and
airplanes. They helped them navigate accurately, even in rough
seas or cloudy skies. Today, gyrocompasses are even more precise
and reliable. They're used in many different industries, including shipping, aviation, and even in
some cars and smartphones.

Advantages and Limitations of Gyrocompasses


 Stable and accurate, even in rough conditions.

 Not affected by magnetic interference.
 Can work continuously without needing adjustments.


 More complex and expensive compared to magnetic compasses.

 Require power to keep the gyroscopes spinning.
 Initial setup and calibration can be more involved.


Magnetic compasses are simple and don't cost much. They work by pointing to Earth's magnetic
field. But they can get mixed up by metal things and need regular checks to make sure they're right.
On the other hand, gyrocompasses are super steady and really accurate. They use spinning things
called gyroscopes to find direction. But they're more complicated and expensive. You need power to
keep them working, and they need careful setting up. So, while magnetic compasses are good for
general use because they're easy and cheap, gyrocompasses shine when you need super accuracy
and reliability, like on boats or planes dealing with rough seas or magnetic stuff.

Contemporary Use and Future Trends

Maritime Navigation: Both magnetic and

gyrocompasses remain crucial tools for navigating
ships at sea. Magnetic compasses serve as reliable
backups to gyrocompasses, especially in case of
electronic failures. Aviation: Gyrocompasses are
essential for aircraft navigation, providing
accurate heading information even in turbulent

As I conclude my assignme


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