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Spatially Non-Stationary XL-MIMO Channel

Estimation: A Three-Layer Generalized
Approximate Message Passing Method
Anzheng Tang∗ , Jun-Bo Wang∗ , Yijin Pan∗ , Wence Zhang† , Xiaodan Zhang‡ ,
Yijian Chen§ , Hongkang Yu§ , and Rodrigo C. de Lamare¶

Abstract—In this paper, channel estimation problem for ex- or even continuous aperture [5], [6]. Thanks to the substantial
arXiv:2403.02633v1 [cs.IT] 5 Mar 2024

tremely large-scale multi-input multi-output (XL-MIMO) sys- beamforming gain and vast spatial degrees of freedom (DoF),
tems is investigated with the considerations of the spherical XL-MIMO is considered a promising technology for beyond
wavefront effect and the spatially non-stationary (SnS) property.
Due to the diversities of SnS characteristics among different 5G and 6G communications.
propagation paths, the concurrent channel estimation of multiple In XL-MIMO systems, the significant increase in the array
paths becomes intractable. To address this challenge, we propose aperture results in near-field transmission [4], [5], [7]–[9].
a two-phase channel estimation scheme. In the first phase, the Consequently, various channel characteristics, not typically
angles of departure (AoDs) on the user side are estimated, considered in conventional massive MIMO systems, require
and a carefully designed pilot transmission scheme enables the
decomposition of the received signal from different paths. In exploration, for example, the spherical wavefront effect and
the second phase, the subchannel estimation corresponding to SnS property. Specifically, the large-aperture antenna array
different paths is formulated as a three-layer Bayesian inference leads to a non-negligible Rayleigh distance. As a result, the
problem. Specifically, the first layer captures block sparsity in plane wavefront assumption becomes inapplicable to near-field
the angular domain, the second layer promotes SnS property XL-MIMO channels, and instead, the spherical wavefront ef-
in the antenna domain, and the third layer decouples the
subchannels from the observed signals. To efficiently facilitate fects should be considered [10], [11]. Moreover, the extremely
Bayesian inference, we propose a novel three-layer generalized large array aperture introduces the SnS property along the ar-
approximate message passing (TL-GAMP) algorithm based on ray. Intuitively, different portions of the array could observe the
structured variational massage passing and belief propagation propagation environment from different perspectives, implying
rules. Simulation results validate the convergence and effective- that the array elements can capture the signal from a certain
ness of the proposed algorithm, showcasing its robustness to
different channel scenarios. propagation path but with varying powers. To quantitatively
characterize the SnS property, the visibility region (VR)-based
Index Terms—XL-MIMO systems, SnS property, channel es-
channel modeling method is widely adopted in XL-MIMO
timation, approximate message passing.
systems [12]–[16]. Considering both the near-field effect and
I. I NTRODUCTION SnS property, the problem of channel estimation for XL-
With the advancement of wireless communication technol- MIMO systems becomes much more difficult.
ogy and the growing demand for higher data rates, it is antic- A. Related Works
ipated that the number of antennas and the array aperture will
significantly exceed those used in existing massive multiple- While a number of methods have been proposed to estimate
input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems [1], [2]. This trend has the channels in XL-MIMO systems, most of them only apply
given rise to the concept of extremely large-scale MIMO (XL- to spatially stationary channel models [17]–[21]. To address
MIMO) [3], [4], which involves deploying an exceptionally the SnS estimation problem, [22] proposed subarray-wise and
large number of antennas in a compact space with a discrete scatterer-wise estimation schemes. However, these schemes
were heuristic and did not fully exploit the inherent structure
Anzheng Tang, Jun-bo Wang and Yijin Pan are with the National Mobile of the XL-MIMO channels, such as potential characteristics
Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, in the antenna or angular domains. Moreover, based on the
China. (email: {anzhengt, jbwang, and panyj}
Wence Zhang is with the School of Computer Science and Communication assumption of subarray-wise VRs, [23] proposed a group
Engineering and the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Security Technology for time block code (GTBC) based signal extraction scheme
Industrial Cyberspace, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China. (e-mail: for each subarray in [23]. Subsequently, the SnS channel
Xiaodan Zhang is with the School of Management, Shenzhen Insti- estimation was transformed into several spatially stationary
tute of Information Technology, Shenzhen 518172, China. (e-mail: Dan- estimation tasks. Nevertheless, the method overlooked the spatial correlation among subarrays, and the subarray-wise
Yijian Chen and Hongkang Yu are with the Wireless Product Research
and Development Institute, ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen 518057, China. (e- VR assumption may be idealistic, as users or scatterers might
mail:{yu.hongkang, chen.yijian} only have visibility to a portion of array elements in each
Rodrigo C. de Lamare is with the Centre for Telecommunications Studies, subarray. Additionally, in the context of SnS reconfigurable
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 22451-900,
Brazil, and also with the Department of Electronic Engineering, University intelligent surface (RIS) cascaded channels, a three-step chan-
of York, York YO10 5DD, U.K. (e-mail: nel estimation and VR detection scheme was proposed in [12],

where the VR detection method, relying on receive signal are estimated, and a carefully designed pilot transmis-
power, is contingent on the accuracy of channel estimation sion scheme enables the decomposition of the received
and is sensitive to noise levels. Particularly, in low signal-to- signal from different SnS paths. In the second phase, the
noise ratio (SNR) scenarios, this approach may suffer severe subchannel estimation corresponding to different paths is
performance degradation. Furthermore, the method becomes estimated.
impractical when considering multipath propagation between • To solve the cascaded estimation of VRs and channels
the RIS and users. coefficients, we formulate the subchannels estimation as a
Considering the inherent antenna-domain or delay-domain three-layer Bayesian inference problem. To be specific, in
sparsity in SnS channels, various Bayesian inference-based the first layer, the goal is to capture the block sparsity of
methods have been proposed. Exploiting delay-domain spar- the SnS channel within the angular domain. The second
sity, [24] introduced an adaptive grouping sparse Bayesian layer focuses on capturing the SnS property in the antenna
learning (AGSBL) scheme for uplink channel estimation. domain. Moving forward, the third layer facilitates the
Utilizing antenna-domain sparsity resulting from the SnS decoupling of subchannels from the observed signal.
property, [25] characterized the XL-MIMO channel with a • To efficiently achieve Bayesian inference, we pro-
subarray-wise Bernoulli-Gaussian distribution. Subsequently, pose a computationally efficient three-layer generalized
a bilinear message passing (MP) algorithm was developed message-passing (TL-GAMP) algorithm by combining
for joint user activity detection and channel estimation in structured variational message passing and belief prop-
the presence of the SnS property. To simultaneously capture agation rules. Additionally, in the first and third layers,
antenna- and delay-domain sparsity, [26] proposed a structured we simplify the message calculations by omitting certain
prior model with the hidden Markov model (HMM) to cap- infinitesimal terms, thereby significantly reducing com-
ture the characteristics of VR and delay domain clustering. putational complexity.
While these contributions primarily focused on characterizing • In comparison to existing baselines, the proposed chan-
antenna-domain or delay-domain channels using statistical nel estimation algorithm demonstrates superior perfor-
distributions such as mean and variance, they overlooked mance due to the joint exploitation of angular-domain
essential propagation characteristics, which potentially lead to and antenna-domain characteristics. Meanwhile, the al-
a degradation in estimation performance. gorithm demonstrates remarkable robustness in handling
To address the aforementioned issues, [27] proposed to different channel scenarios.
jointly utilize the sparse properties of channels in the polar
domain and VR vectors and developed a joint channel esti- C. Organization and Notations
mation and VR detection algorithm based on the fast sparse Organization: The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Bayesian learning (FSBL) framework. However, the FSBL- In Section II, we introduce the system model. Section III
based method involved matrix inversion operations in each presents a two-phase channel estimation scheme. In Section
iteration, resulting in extremely high computational complex- IV, the subchannel estimation problem is formulated as a
ity. Furthermore, in our previous work [28], we proposed three-layer generalized bilinear inference problem, and a com-
a two-stage VR detection and channel estimation scheme putationally effective algorithm is proposed. Simulations are
based on message passing (MP) and orthogonal matching carried out in Section V. Finally, conclusions are drawn in
pursuit (OMP), considering the antenna-domain and angular- Section VI.
domain characteristics. Nervelessness, a notable drawback of Notations: lower-case letters, bold-face lower-case let-
this method is the manual separation of the two stages, leading ters, and bold-face upper-case letters are used for scalars,
to inadequate utilization of angular-domain information during vectors and matrices, respectively; The superscripts (·)
the VR detection stage. Additionally, it is worth mentioning and (·) stand for transpose and conjugate transpose, re-
that the aforementioned estimation methods are developed in spectively; diag (x1 , x2 , . . . , xN ) denotes a diagonal ma-
the context of a multiple-input-single-output (MISO) scenario, trix with {x1 , x2 , . . . , xN } being its diagonal elements;
and direct extension to the MIMO scenario is not feasible. blkdiag (X1 , X2 , . . . , XN ) denotes a block diagonal matrix
with {X1 , X2 , . . . , XN } being its diagonal elements; CM ×N
B. Main Contributions denotes an M ×N complex matrix. In addition, a random vari-
able x ∈ C drawn from the complex Gaussian distribution with
In this paper, we study the XL-MIMO channel estimation mean m and variance v is characterized by
problem, considering the user equipped with multiple anten- n the probability
o den-
sity function (PDF) CN (x; m, v) = exp −|x − m| /v /πv;
nas and accounting for spherical wavefront effects and SnS
property. Given the distinct characteristics inherent in various a random variable γ ∈ R from Gamma distribution with
propagation paths, the concurrent estimation of multiple paths mean a/b and variance a/b2 is characterized by the PDF
poses a significant challenge. To this end, we present a two- Ga(γ; a, b) = γ a−1 exp(−γb); mna →nb (x) indicates a mes-
phase channel estimation scheme. The main contributions can sage passed from node na to node nb .
be summarized as follows: II. S YSTEM M ODEL
• We propose a two-phase channel estimation scheme tai- Consider a narrowband millimeter-wave (mmWave) XL-
lored for the SnS XL-MIMO channel estimation problem. MIMO system, where the time-division duplexing (TDD)
Specifically, in the first phase, the AoDs on the user side mode is adopted. As depicted in Fig. 1, a BS with NR antennas

BS Side NR
H User Side

Digital Beam
Analog Beam
Analog Beam
chain chain

Digital Beam


chain Ă

chain VR L Scatterers

Fig. 1. Illustration of mmWave XL-MIMO system with a hybrid beamforming architecture.

and NRF radio frequency (RF) chains serves a user1 with and the scatterers or user in the l-th path, respectively. Without
NT ≪ NR antennas. Without loss of generality, we assume loss of generality, we consider the first antenna element as
that the transceivers are arranged with uniform linear arrays the reference element. Additionally, ψl represents AoD of
(ULAs), and the antenna spacing is denoted by d = λ/2, the user in the l-th path. Finally, aT (ψl ) ∈ CNT ×1 and
where λ indicates the carrier wavelength. The set of BS aR (ϑl , rl ) ∈ CNR ×1 are respectively the far-field and near-
antenna elements is given by N = {1, 2, · · · , NR }. field array steering vectors at the user and BS sides, which
The large-aperture antenna array on the BS side results are respectively given by
in a more significant Rayleigh distance, placing the user in
1 2π
the near-field region of the BS. Consequently, the assump- aT (ψl ) = √ [1, · · · , e−j λ (NT −1)d sin ψl ]T , (3)
tion of the plane wavefront, commonly employed in far-field NT
1 2π 2π
communications, becomes inapplicable [7]. Furthermore, with aR (ϑl , rl ) = √ [ej λ ∆l,1 , · · · , ej λ ∆l,NR ]T , (4)
the increase in array aperture, the presence of obstacles and NR
incomplete scattering in wireless propagation environments where ∆l,n = −d(n − 1) sin ϑl + d2 (n − 1)2 cos2 ϑl /(2rl ) is
introduces the SnS property along the array on the BS side the wave path difference between the n-th element and the
[12], [14]–[16]. reference element for the l-th path.
To account for the spherical wavefront effect and the
SnS property, we employ a single-side near-field model to III. T WO -P HASE E STIMATION S CHEME
characterize the uplink channel H ∈ CNT ×NR , which can be
Due to the channel reciprocity in TDD mode, the estimation
represented as [14], [26]
of the uplink channel is sufficient [29]. Meanwhile, consider-
p L
X ing that the channels are block-fading, the channel parameters
H= NT NR gl (sl ⊙ aR (ϑl , rl )) aH
T (ψl ), (1) remain constant within each coherence block. Assume that
l=1 each coherence block is divided into several consecutive
where L is the number of propagation paths, and when l = 1, subframes, and P consecutive subframes are utilized for the
it refers to the line-of-sight (LoS) path, while l > 1 indicates channel estimation task with each subframe further divided
non-line-of-sight (NLoS) paths; gl represents the l-th complex into K time slots. In each uplink subframe, the user only
path gain; sl = [sl,1 , sl,2 , · · · , sl,NR ]T ∈ ZNR ×1 is the visibil- activates a single RF chain to transmit the pilot signal on one
ity indicator vector of the l-th path; ⊙ indicates the Hadamard beam while the BS combines the received pilot signal using all
product. If the l-th propagation path is spatially stationary, sl is RF chains associated with different beams [30]. Specifically,
represented as an all-one vector, i.e., sl = 1NR ×1 . Conversely, the BS utilizes K time slots to traverse all received beams.
if the l-th path is SnS, the n-th entry of sl is modeled as [12], Subsequently, the user changes the transmit beam every K
[14], [28] ( time slots, as depicted in Fig. 2.
1, if n ∈ φl , Given that each propagation path exhibits different SnS
sl,n = (2)
0, otherwise. property, the concurrent estimation of multipath presents a
significant challenge. To tackle this issue, we propose a two-
where set φl ⊆ N denotes the VR for the l-th path, i.e., the phase estimation scheme in this paper. In the first phase, the
l-th path is visible to elements in φl , and is invisible to the AoDs can be initially estimated. According to the obtained
elements outside φl . Moreover, we define ϕl = |φl |/NR , indi- AoDs, the user can select a suitable transmit beam aligned
cating the proportion of visible elements to the l-th path, where with the AoDs. This allows the BS to effectively decouple the
|φl | denotes the cardinality of the set φl . The parameters ϑl received signals from multipaths. Moving to the second phase,
and rl denote the angle of arrival (AOA) on the BS side and the we proceed to estimate the remaining path parameters. Finally,
distance between the reference antenna element on the BS side through the superposition of all paths, we obtain the complete
1 Notably, considering the orthogonal pilots for different user, the proposed channel information. In the following, we will elaborate on
estimation scheme can be straightforwardly extended to multi-user scenario. the details of the two-phase estimation scheme.

Coherence Block where G = diag(g1 , · · · , gL )∈ CL×L is the path gain.

P subframes (9), we have Y0 = CAH
By combining
√ (8) with T F + N,
Uplink channel estimation Downlink or uplink data transmission
where C = NT NR W AR G. Define M = AT CH , the re-

covery of ψl based on Y0H can be formulated as a semidefinite

program (SDP) problem [31], i.e.,
K time slots K time slots K time slots µ µ
min tr(Z) + tr (Toep(u))
UE f1 f2 Ă fP u, M, Z 2M 2NT
1 2
+ Y0H − FH M F (10)
BS W1 W2 Ă WK W1 W2 Ă WK Ă W1 W2 Ă WK 2 
Toep(u) M
s.t. ⪰ 0,
P0 subframes P  P0 subframes MH Z
Phase I: Phase II:
AoDs estimation Subchannels estimation
where µ is a regularization factor, u and Z are two auxiliary
variables; Toep(u) is a Toeplitz matrix with u being its
Fig. 2. Two-phase uplink channel estimation scheme. first row. Notably, the problem in (10) is convex and can
be directly solved using CVX [32]. The recovery of ψ̂l is
1) Stage I: AoDs Estimation: In the first phase, as the
then based on the solution of Toep(u) by the Multiple Signal
channel parameters are unknown, both the user and BS ran-
Classification (MUSIC) or Estimating Signal Parameter via
domly select transmit and combiner beams from predefined
Rotational Invariance Techniques (ESPRIT) [33], [34].
codebooks. Let fp ∈ CNT ×1 represent the transmit beam
2) Stage II: Subchannels Estimation: Once the AoD param-
in the p-th subframe, and Wk ∈ CNR ×NRF denotes the
eters are obtained, we can appropriately design the transmit
combiner matrix for the k-th time slot in the p-th subframe.
beams in the subsequent subframes to align with the estimated
Mathematically, the received pilot signal yp,k ∈ CNRF ×1 at
AoDs. In particular, we have fp = aT (ψ̂l ) for P0 +1 ≤ p ≤ P
the BS in the k-th time slot of the p-th subframe is given by
and 1 ≤ l ≤ L with P − P0 ≥ L. In this manner, the received
yp,k = WkH Hfp sp,k + WkH np,k , (5) signal in the (P0 + l)-th subframe can be expressed as
where sp,k ∈ C and np,k ∼ CN (np,k ; 0, β −1 INR ) ∈ CNRF ×1 yP0 +l ≈ WH HaT (ψ̂l ) + nP0 +l . (11)
denote the transmit pilot symbol and noise vector with mean
Due to the asymptotic orthogonality of the transmit steering
zero and covariance matrix β −1 INR , respectively.
vector, we have aHT (ψl )aT (ψ̂l ) ≈ 1, if ψ̂l = ψl , otherwise 0.
Without loss of generality, we assume sp,k = 1 for all p
Therefore, (11) can be rewritten as
and k, since the pilot sequence is known at the BS and can
be readily eliminated [29]. By collecting the received pilot yP0 +l ≈ WH hl + nP0 +l , (12)
signals from different receive beams corresponding to the p-th √
T T T where hl ≜ NT NR gl Sl aR (ϑl , rl ) is defined as the l-th
transmit beam, the pilot signal yp = [yp,1 , yp,2 , · · · , yp,K ]T ∈
M ×1 subchannel with Sl = diag(sl ). For notation simplification,
C with M = KNRF in the p-th subframe can be
in the subsequent discussion, we simplify yP0 +l and nP0 +l as
expressed as
yl and nl .
yp = WH Hfp + np , (6)
In the second stage, our aim is to estimate the subchannel
where W = [W1T , W2T , · · · , WK T
] ∈ CNR ×M ; np = hl and extract the corresponding visibility vector sl according
[(W1 np,1 )T , (W2 np,2 )T , · · · , (WK np,K )T ]T ∈ CM ×1 is the to the received signal yl . To enable efficient estimation, it
equivalent noise vector with covariance matrix is crucial to leverage the sparsity of channels. From the
perspective of sparsity level, the polar domain emerges as the
R = blkdiag(β −1 W1H W1 , · · · , β −1 WK
WK ). (7) preferred choice for near-field channels [17]–[19]. However, it
Assuming the utilization of P0 subframes in the first phase2 , necessitates sampling in both the distance and angle domains,
thus, we have resulting in a significantly larger codebook size and increased
Y0 = WH HF + N, (8) computational complexity. Consequently, we propose to utilize
the angular-domain sparsity as an alternative, as demonstrated
where F = [f1 , · · · , fP0 ] ∈ CNT ×P0 , Y0 = [y1 , · · · , yP0 ] ∈ in our previous works [7], [28].
CM ×P0 and N = [n1 , · · · , nP0 ] ∈ CM ×P0 are the stacked
Theorem 1. The angular-domain representation of the SnS
transmit beam matrix, received pilot matrix and noise matrix,
subchannel hl is given by
Additionally, stacking all transmitted steering vectors and hl ≈ Sl Dcl , (13)
received steering vectors as AT = [aT (ψ1 ), · · · , aT (ψL )] ∈
CNT ×L and AR = [s1 ⊙ aR (ϑ1 , r1 ), · · · , sL ⊙ aR (ϑL , rL )] ∈ where cl ∈ CQ×1 denotes the block-sparse angular channel
CNR ×L , the channel in (1) can be compactly expressed as vector; D = [a(θ1 ), a(θ2 ), · ·n· , a(θQ )] ∈ CNR ×Q is angular- o
p domain codebook, where θq : sin(θq ) = 2q−1−Q Q ,q ∈ Q
H = NT NR AR GAH T, (9) √
and a(θq ) = 1/ NR [1, e−jπ sin(θq ) · · · , e−jπ(NR −1) sin(θq ) ]T .
2 We intentionally choose P ≫ L to ensure a super-resolution estimation
Q ≥ NR indicates the discrete grid number of angular space
in the first stage. and Q = {1, 2, · · · , Q}.

Proof: We first consider the inverse Discrete Fourier 1st layer 2nd layer 3rd layer
transformation (IDFT) of hl in the angular domain, thus, we D Sl A nl
have hl = Dcl . Then, utilizing the fact that sl,n ∈ {0, 1}, we rl
can easily obtain hl =Sl hl = Sl Dcl . Therefore, the proof is cl xl tl zl
completed. xl  Dcl tl  Sl xl zl  Atl rl  zl nl
Remark 1. Notably, through the IDFT operation about hl ,
Fig. 3. The three-layer generalized bilinear inference problem is to
the SnS property has been implicitly captured in cl . However, estimate the angular-domain channel cl and visibility indicator
accurately extracting SnS information directly from cl is chal- matrix Sl from the received pilot signal yl .
lenging. An alternative approach is to reconstruct the subchan-
nel ĥl based on the estimated ĉl . Then, SnS information can be TABLE I. Factor and Distribution in (20)
obtained using energy detection-based methods [12]. However, Factor Distribution Function
these methods depend on the accuracy of the reconstruction
fβ (β) p(β) β −1
of ĥl and are sensitive to noise levels. Particularly, in low fγ l (γ l ) p(γ l ) Ga(γl,q ; ξ, η)
SNR scenarios, this approach might suffer severe performance fcl (cl , γ l ) p(cl |γ l ) (17)
degradation. Related simulation results can be found in our fsl (sl ) p(sl ) (18)
fxl (xl , cl ) p(xl |cl ) δ(xl − Dcl )
previous work [28]. To address this issue, we propose explicitly ftl (tl , sl , xl ) p(tl |sl , xl ) δ(tl − Sl xl )
characterizing SnS characteristics, as shown in (13). This fzl (zl , tl ) p(zl |tl ) δ(zl − Atl )
provides an opportunity to directly estimate sl . frl (rl , zl , β) p(rl |zl , β) CN (rl ; zl , β −1 IM )

Utilizing Theorem 1, the received pilot signal in (12) can transformation on P, i.e., P = UΛVH [35], [36]. Thus, the
be rewritten as received pilot signal can be further rewritten as
yl ≈ WH Sl Dcl + nl , (14) rl ≈ ASl Dcl + nl , (16)
where rl = UH y el , A = ΛVH , and nl = UH n e l . Note that,
According to (14), the estimation of subchannel hl is trans-
since U is a unitary matrix, nl is still a zero mean Gaussian
formed into the joint estimation of Sl and cl . Since the
noise vector with the same covariance matrix as n el.
equivalent noise nl is colored, we consider to perform a pre-
The estimation of the SnS channel, as depicted in (16), can
whitening procedure. Assume that the noise covariance matrix
be formulated as a three-layer Bayesian inference problem
R in (7) can be decomposed by the Cholesky factorization as
with a single measurement vector (SMV) [37], wherein the
R = β −1 BBH , where B ∈ CM ×M is a lower triangular
simultaneous estimation of the visibility indicator matrix Sl
matrix. In this manner, we can obtain the pre-whitening
and the angular channel cl is required. More intuitively, we
transformation matrix B−1 . Then, the whitened received pilot
introduce the intermediate variables xl ≜ Dcl , tl ≜ Sl xl , and
signal from the l-th path can be rewritten as
zl ≜ Atl , the three-layer Bayesian inference framework is
el = B−1 yl ≈ PSl Dcl + n
y e l = Φl c l + n
el, (15) shown in Fig. 3, where blank circles denote the realizations of
the random variables that need to be estimated and gray boxes
where P = B−1 WH , n e l = B−1 nl and Φl = PSl D. indicate the function operations. The measurement matrix of
After whitening, the covariance matrix of the noise n e l is the first and third layers D and A are known and the second-
B−1 RB−H = β −1 IM ×M , thus, n e l becomes white noise. layer measurement matrix Sl needs to be estimated.
The SnS property introduces a dependency between the To capture the angular-domain block sparsity, we assume
equivalent measurement matrix Φl and Sl , yet during the that the widely used two-layer hierarchical prior for cl [38].
channel estimation phase, Sl remains unknown. While it seems Specifically, each element cl,q has a conditionally independent
intuitive to estimate Φl and cl through bilinear inference, distribution expressed as
establishing a statistical prior model for Φl proves challeng- Q Q
ing due to its dependence on P, Sl , and D. Consequently, p(cl |γ l ) = p(cl,q |γl,q ) = −1
CN (cl,q ; 0, γl,q ), (17)
existing bilinear inference methods become inapplicable. This q=1 q=1
highlights the pressing need for novel channel estimation
where γl,q ∼ Ga(γl,q ; ξ, η) is modeled as a Gamma prior with
techniques capable of addressing the challenges posed by the
ξ and η as the shape parameters to ensure a positive variance.
SnS property in XL-MIMO systems. −1
It is evident that cl,q converges to zero as γl,q approaches
IV. P ROPOSED S UBCHANNEL E STIMATION A LGORITHM zero, capturing the angular-domain sparsity.
In terms of visibility indicator vector sl , since the VR
In this section, we formulate the subchannel estimation
exhibits spatial-correlated property, the non-zero elements of
as a three-layer generalized bilinear inference problem, and
the VR indicator vector sl concentrate on a specific subset of
propose a computationally effective algorithm based on belief
the whole array. To capture the spatial correlation, the prior
propagation and variational message passing.
distribution of visibility indicator vector sl can be character-
A. Probability Model and Factor Graph Representations ized with a one-order Markov chain as
To address the potential divergence problem caused by the
p(sl ) = p(sl,n |sl,n−1 ), (18)
generic measurement matrix P, we first perform the unitary n=1

p(γ l , cl , xl , sl , tl , zl , β|rl ) ∝ p(rl |zl , β)p(β)p(zl |tl )p(tl |sl , xl )p(sl )p(xl |cl )p(cl |γ l )p(γ l )
≜ fxl (xl , cl )fcl (cl , γ l )fγ l (γ l ) ftl (tl , sl , xl )fsl (sl ) frl (rl , zl , β)fzl (zl , tl )fβ (β), (20)
| {z }| {z }| {z }
the first layer the second layer the third layer

fH fc fx s1 ft fz fr The third
1 1 1 1 1 1

H1 c1 x1 t1 layer
fH Ă fc Ă fx Ă s ft Ă fz Ă fr fC
q q n n n n
Hq cq xn tn zm C
fH Ă fc Ă fx Ă sN ft Ă fz Ă fr

HQ cQ xN tN zM

The first layer The second fs1 ft

fs ,s
1 2
N 1
layer s1 s2 Ă sN

Fig. 4. Illustration of factor graph representations of (20).

where p(sl,1 |sl,0 ) = (1 − ϕl )δ(1 − sl,1 ) + ϕl δ(sl,1 ), where mf lcq

(cq ) m f lcq
(cq ) m f lHq
(H q )
xn xn cq

ϕl reflects the sparsity level of SnS channels. The transition xn fx cq fc

Hq fH

probability of Markov chain is given by mf (x n ) mc (xn ) m fc (cq )

lxn q
l fx lcq
n q
( s
(1 − p01 )1−sl,n p01l,n , sl,n−1 = 0, Extrinsic Input Backward Passing
p(sl,n |sl,n−1 ) = 1−s (19)
p10 l,n (1 − p10 )sl,n , sl,n−1 = 1, Extrinsic Output Forward Passing

where p01 = p(sl,n = 0|sl,n−1 = 1) and other three transition Fig. 5. Illustration of message passing in the first layer.
probabilities are defined similarly. By the steady-state assump- with s\n and c\q denotes the all elements of s and c except
tion, the Markov chain can be completely characterized by two sn and cq , respectively.
parameters ϕl and p10 . The other three transition probabilities Given the substantial number of antenna elements in XL-
can be easily obtained as p01 = ϕl p10 /(1−ϕl ), p00 = 1−p01 , MIMO systems, both MMSE estimators (21) and (22) in-
and p11 = 1 − p10 , respectively. volve high-dimensional integrals, making them impractical
Based on the prior distribution of cl and sl provided in to compute. Recently, low-complexity techniques such as
(17) and (18), the joint posterior distribution of γ l , cl , xl , GAMP [37]–[41] have been extensively employed for solving
sl , tl , zl , and β given rl can be factorized as (20), as the maximum a posterior (MAP) estimation problem. For
shown in the top of this page, where the involved probability instance, building on the GAMP method [39], [40], the work
distributions are listed in Table I. For brevity, we omit the in [41] introduced a novel bilinear message-scheduling GAMP
subscript l in the subsequent derivation. Moreover, the factor method, which jointly addresses device activity detection,
graph representation of (20) is depicted in Fig. 4, where the channel estimation, and data decoding in a grant-free massive
gray squares represent the factor nodes, and the blank circles MIMO scenario. Furthermore, in [37], the bilinear GAMP
represent the variable nodes. approach was extended to the multi-layer case to handle
Based on the probabilistic model provided in (20), the cascaded problems in relay communication systems. Motivated
optimal estimators of s and c under the minimum mean square by the success of the multi-layer bilinear GAMP in cascaded
error (MMSE) principle can be derived as estimation problems, we propose a computationally efficient
Z three-layer GAMP algorithm to solve the MMSE estimation
ŝn = sn p(sn |r)dsn , ∀n ∈ N , (21) problem in (21) and (22). In the following, we will elaborate
Z on the details of message passing in each layer.
ĉq = cq p(cq |r)dcq , ∀q ∈ Q, (22)
B. Message Passing in the First Layer
where the posterior probabilistic distribution p(sn |r) and In the first layer, the sparsity of angular channel c is
p(cq |r) are respectively given by captured, and corresponding coefficients cq , ∀q ∈ Q are
Z estimated by exploiting the prior distribution information and
p(sn |r) = p(γ, c, x, s, t, z, β|r)dγdcdt dzdβds\n , (23) the likehood messages from the second layer. Meanwhile, the
Z prior distribution information associated with x is output for
p(cq |r) = p(γ, c, x, s, t, z, β|r)dγdsdtdzdβdc\q , (24) the second layer. Fig. 5 illustrates the message passing in the
first layer.

ms (tn ) mf (tn )
Denote the message from xn to fxn and the belief Znf n
l ft
n tn

of cq as mxn →fxn (xn ) ∝ CN (xn ; ⃗xn , ⃗νnx ) and b(cq ) ∝ fx ,x n 1

sn ft tn
CN (cq ; ĉq , ν̂qc ), respectively. Based on the variational message

mf lsn
(sn )
passing rule [36], [38], the message from fcq to γq can be tn
fx Znb mf (x n ) xn
derived as n 1
Extrinsic Input Backward Passing
mfcq →γq (γq ) ∝ exp log fcq (cq , γq )b(cq )dcq
n  o (25) Extrinsic Output Forward Passing
2 c
∝ γq exp −γq |ĉq | + ν̂q . Fig. 6. Illustration of message passing in the second layer.
Combining the likehood message mfcq →γq (γq ) in (25) and Combining the messages mxn →f (xn ) (xn ) from the second
the prior message fγq (γq ) associated with γq , the belief of γq layer and mci →fxn (ci ) with i ̸= q, the message from fxn to
is denoted as cq can be given by
b(γq ) ∝ mfcq →γq (γq )fγq (γq ) Z
o (26) mfxn →cq (cq ) ∝ fxn (xn , c)mxn →f (xn ) (xn )
= γqξ exp −γq η + |ĉq | + ν̂qc .
From (26), it can be seen that b(γq ) obeys the Gamma
mci →fxn (ci ) dc\q dxn (36)
distribution with the shape parameters ξ +1 and η +|ĉq | + ν̂qc . i̸=q
Hence, the approximate posterior mean of γq is given by c
=CN (cm ; ⃗cn,q , ⃗νn,q ),
ξ+1 c
γ̂q = 2 . (27) where the ⃗cn,q and ⃗νn,q are respectively given by
η + |ĉq | + ν̂qc PQ
With the belief γq and variational message passing rule, the ⃗xn − i̸=q dn,i c⃗i,n ⃗xn − x⃗n + dn,q c⃗q,n
⃗cn,q = = , (37)
message from fcq to cq is given by dn,q dn,q
PQ 2
⃗νnx + i̸=q |dn,i | ν⃗ci,n 2
⃗νnx + ν⃗xn − |dn,q | ν⃗cq,n
mfγq →cq (cq ) ∝ exp log fcq (cq , γq )b(γq )dγq ⃗νn,q = 2 = 2 .
(28) |dn,q | |dn,q |
= CN (cq ; 0, γ̂q−1 ). (38)
Combining mfγq →cq (cq ) in (28) and the message Then, the message from cq to fcq is calculated as
mcq →fcq (cq ) derived in (39), the belief of cq is given by NR
b(cq ) ∝ mcq →fcq (cq )mfcq →cq (cq ) = CN (cq ; ĉq , ν̂qc ), (29) mcq →fcq (cq ) ∝ mfxn →cq (cq ) = CN (cq ; ⃗cq , ⃗νqc ), (39)
where ν̂qc and ĉq are respectively given by
where the variance ⃗νqc and mean ⃗cq are respectively defined as
ν̂qc = 1/⃗νqc + γ̂q , ĉq = ⃗cq / 1 + γ̂q ⃗νqc .

(30) NR
!−1 NR
c c
, ⃗cq = ν̂qc c
Denote the message from fxn to cq as mfxn →cq (cq ) ∝ ⃗νq = 1/⃗νn,q ⃗cn,q /⃗νn,q . (40)
CN (cq ; ⃗cn,q , ⃗νn,q ) derived in (36). According to the belief n=1 n=1
propagation rule [42], the message from cq to fxn can be
derived as C. Message Passing in the Second Layer
b(cq ) In the second layer, the SnS property is captured, and
mcq →fxn (cq ) ∝ = CN (cq ; c⃗q,n , ν⃗cq,n ), (31)
mfxn →cq (cq ) the visibility indicator vector sn for n = 1, 2, · · · , NR are
where ν⃗cq,n and c⃗q,n are respectively given by estimated by exploiting the messages from the first and
third layers. Meanwhile, the likehood and prior information
ν⃗cq,n = (1/ĉq − 1/⃗cn,q ) , (32) associated with xn and tn for the first and third layers
ν⃗cq,n c

c⃗q,n = ĉq /ν̂q − ⃗cn,q /⃗νn,q . (33) are output. The message passing is shown in Fig. 6, where
fxn ,xn−1 ≜ p(sn |sn−1 ).
Given the message mcq →fxn (xn ) in (31), the message
Denote the message from the third layer as mtn →ftn (tn ) ∝
mfxn →xn (xn ) of the first layer from fxn to xn is given by
CN (tn ; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt ) derived in (65). Thus, the message from ftn
Z Y to sn can be given by (41), as shown in the top R of next page,
mfxn →xn (xn ) ∝ fxn (xn , c) mcq →fxn (cq ) dc where (a) is obtained according to the fact δ(x)f (x)dx =
q=1 f (0) and sn ∈ {0, 1}. In addition, πnout is defined as
= CN (xn ; x⃗n , ν⃗xn ),
CN (0; ⃗tn + x⃗n , ⃗νnt + ν⃗xn )
where dn ∈ C denotes the n-th row of D; x⃗n and ν⃗xn are πnout = . (42)
CN (0; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt ) + CN (0; ⃗tn + x⃗n , ⃗νnt + ν⃗xn )
respectively calculated as
With the message mftn →sn (sn ) in (41), the message from
x⃗n =
dn,q c⃗q,n , ν⃗xn =
|dn,q |
ν⃗cq,n . (35) sn to ftn is given by
q=1 q=1 msn →ftn (sn ) ∝ (1 − πnin )δ(sn ) + πnin δ(1 − sn ), (43)

mftn →sn (sn ) ∝ ftn (tn , sn , xn )mtn →ftn (tn )mxn →fxn (xn ) dxn dtn

=CN (0; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt )δ(sn ) + CN (0; ⃗tn + x⃗n , ⃗νnt + ν⃗xn )δ(1 − sn ) (41)
∝ (1 − πnout )δ(sn ) + πnout δ(1 − sn ),

where πnin is defined as m C l f (rm ) m f lzm

(zm ) m f lz m
(zm ) m f ltn
(tn )
rm rm zm zm

fC C fr zm fz tn
ψnf ψnb m m

πnin = . (44) mf (C ) m z (rm ) m f (zm ) mt (zm )

ψnf ψnb + (1 − ψnf )(1 − ψnb ) rm
lC m
l fr
m zm
lzm n
l fz

Extrinsic Input Backward Passing

Here, ψnf and ψnb are the forward and backward messages Extrinsic Output Forward Passing
along the Markov chain, and are respectively defined as [28]
Fig. 7. Illustration message passing in the third layer.
p01 (1 − ψn−1 out
)(1 − πn−1 ) + p11 λfn−1 πn−1
D. Message Passing in the Third Layer
ψnf = f
, (45)
(1 − ψn−1 out ) + ψ f
)(1 − πn−1 out
n−1 πn−1 In the third layer, the variables tn , ∀n ∈ N , are decoupled
from r and estimated by combining the messages from the
b out b out
p10 (1 − ψn+1 )(1 − πn+1 ) + p11 ψn+1 πn+1 second layer. Meanwhile, the likehood information associated
ψnb = . (46)
p0 (1 − ψn+1 out ) + p ψ b
)(1 − πn+1 out
1 n+1 πn+1 with tn is output for the second layer. The message passing
is shown in Fig. 7.
where p0 = p10 + p00 , p1 = p11 + p01 . Denote the message from fzm to tn and the belief of tn as
Combining the message mftn →sn (sn ) in (42) and mfzm →tn ∝ CN (tn ; ⃗tm,n , ⃗νm,n
) and b(tn ) ∼ CN (tn ; t̂n , v̂nt ),
msn →ftn (sn ) in (44), the belief of sn can be given by respectively. According to the belief propagation rule, the
message from tn to fzm can be given by
ψnf ψnb πnout
b(sn ) = , (47) b(tn )
ψnf ψnb πnout + (1 − ψnf )(1 − ψnb )(1 − πnout ) mtn →fzm (tn ) ∝ = CN (tn ; t⃗n,m , ν⃗tn,m ), (52)
mfzm →tn (tn )
which indicates the visibility probability of the n-th antenna. If
where ν⃗tn,m and t⃗n,m are respectively given by
b(sn ) is greater than a threshold, the n-th antenna is regarded
ν⃗tn,m = 1/ 1/ν̂nt − 1/⃗νm,n

as being visible, i.e., , (53)
t t t
t⃗n,m = ν⃗n,m t̂n /ν̂n − ⃗tm,n /⃗νm,n

( . (54)
1, b(sn ) > ψth ,
ŝn = (48)
0, b(sn ) ≤ ψth , With the message mtn →fzm (tn ), the message from fzm to
zm is given by
where ψth is a predetermined threshold. Using the obtained Z NR
b(sn ), ψ0f in (45) and is updated in each iteration as [43]
mfzm →zm (zm ) = fzm (zm , t) mtn →fzm (tn ) dt
ψ0f =
1 X
b(sn ). (49) ∝ CN (zm ; z⃗m , ν⃗zm ).
NR n=1
where am ∈ CN denotes the m-th row of A; z⃗m and ν⃗zm are
With the message msn →ftn (sn ) in (43) and mtn →ftn (tn ) respectively calculated as
in (65), the output message mftn →xn (xn ) from ftn to xn is NR
X 2
given by z⃗m = am,n t⃗n,m , ν⃗zm = |am,n | ν⃗tn,m . (56)
Z n=1 n=1
mftn →xn (xn ) ∝ ftn (tn , sn , xn )msn →ftn (sn ) Denote the belief of zm as b(zm ) ∝ CN (zm ; ẑm , ν̂m )
(50) provided in (61). Similar to (25), the message from frm to
mtn →ftn (tn ) dsn dtn β is given by
∝CN (xn ; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt ). Z 
mfrm →β (β) ∝ exp log frm (rm , β)b(zm )dzm
Furthermore, since xn is only connected with ftn and fxn in n  o (57)
the factor graphs, the message from xn to fxn also satisfies 2 z
∝ β exp −β |rm − ẑm | + ν̂m .
mxn →fxn (xn ) ∝ CN (xn ; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt ). Thus, we have ⃗xn = ⃗tn and
⃗νnx = ⃗νnt . Similarly, the output message mftn →tn (tn ) from ftn Combining the prior message fβ (β) and mfrm →β (β) in
to tn is given by (57), the belief of β is given by
( M 
mftn →tn (tn ) = (1 − πnin )δ(tn ) + πnin CN (tn ; x⃗n , ν⃗xn ). (51)
M −1 2 z
b(β) ∝ β exp −β |rm − ẑm | + ν̂m . (58)

It is observed that the belief b(β) obeys the According to (67), the posterior mean t̂n and variance ν̂nt
Gamma distribution with
PM  shape parameters M and are respectively given by
2 z
|r − ẑ | + ν̂ m . Thus, the approximate posterior
m=1 m m
t̂n = tn p(tn |r) dtn = ωn ttmp
n (68)
mean β̂ is given by Z
β̂ = P 
. (59) ν̂nt = tn − t̂n p(tn |r) dtn (69)
M 2 z
m=1 |rm − ẑm | + ν̂m  2

= ωn (1 − ωn ) t̂n + νntmp .
With b(β), the message from frm to zm is given by
Z  Note that due to the fact that t is equal to SDc, the posterior
mfrm →zm (zm ) ∝ exp log frm (rm , β)b(β) dβ mean t̂ can be equivalently seen as the approximate posterior
(60) estimation of SnS subchannel h.
∝ CN (zm ; rm , β̂ ). E. Messages Approximation in Factor Nodes fzm and fxn
Furthermore, since zm is only connected with frm and fzm From the factor graphs shown in Fig. 4, it is clear that
in the factor graph, the message from zm to is given by there are M N edges between fzm and tn for all m and
mzm →fzm (zm ) ∝ CN (zm ; rm , β̂ −1 ). n. Similarly, there are N Q edges between fxn and cq for
Combining mzm →fzm (zm ) and mfzm →zm (zm ) in (60) and all n and q. Therefore, 2M N + 2N Q messages have to be
(55), the belief of zm is given by updated for forward and backward message passing in each
iteration. To further reduce the computational complexity of
b(zm ) ∝ CN (zm ; ẑm , ν̂m ), (61) message passing, we can approximate the means and variances
where ν̂m and ẑm are respectively given by of Gaussian messages by omitting some small terms.
 −1   1) Messages approximation for mtn →fzm (tn ) and
ν̂m = β̂ + 1/ν⃗zm z
, ẑm = ν̂m rm β̂ + z⃗m /ν⃗zm . (62) mcq →fxn (cq ): According to (66), it can be seen that
⃗νnt ≪ ⃗νm,n when N is large enough. Meanwhile, according
With the messages mzm →fzm (zm ) and mti →fzm (ti ) with to the Bayesian theory, we have ν̂nt  < ⃗νnt [38]. Thus, the
i ̸= n, the message from fzm to tn is given by variance ν⃗tn,m = 1/ 1/ν̂nt − 1/⃗νm,n t
≈ ν̂nt . Utilizing (64))
and ν⃗n,m ≈ ν̂n , the mean t⃗n,m can be approximated as
mfzm →tn (tn ) = fzm (zm , t)mzm →fzm (zm ) !
t t̂ n a∗m,n rm − z⃗m + am,n t⃗n,m
NR t⃗n,m ≈ ν̂n − 2
(63) ν̂nt β̂ −1 + ν⃗zm − |am,n | ν⃗tn,m
mti →fzm (ti ) dzm dt\n (70)
i̸=n (a) rm − z⃗m
t ≈ t̂n − a∗m,n ν̂nt ,
∝CN (tn , ⃗tm,n , ⃗νm,n ), β̂ −1 + ν⃗zm
where ⃗tm,n and ⃗νm,n
are respectively given by where (a) is obtained utilizing the fact that z⃗m ≫ am,n t⃗n,m
and ν⃗zm ≫ |am,n | ν⃗tn,m from (56). Similarly, the variance
⃗tm,n = rm − z⃗m + t⃗n,m , c
ν⃗q,n and mean c⃗q,n provided in (32) can be approximated as
ν⃗cq,n = 1/ 1/ν̂qc − 1/⃗νn,q c

2 (64) ≈ ĉq , (71)
β̂ −1 + ν⃗zm − |am,n | ν⃗tn,m
⃗νm,n = 2 . ⃗
x n − x⃗ n
|am,n | c⃗q,n ≈ ĉq − d∗n,q ν̂qc x . (72)
⃗νn + ν⃗xn
Combining the message mfzm →tn (tn ) for all m, the output
2) Messages approximation for mfzm →zm (zm ) and
message mftn →tn (tn ) from tn to ftn is given by
mfxn →xn (xn ): With the approximated ν⃗tn,m and t⃗n,m , the
Y variance ν⃗zm and mean z⃗m provided in (56) can be simplified
mtn →ftn (tn ) = mfzm →tn (tn ) ∝ CN (tn ; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt ), (65) as
m=1 NR NR
X 2 t
X 2
where the variance ⃗tn and mean ⃗νnt are respectively given by ν⃗m = |am,n | ν⃗n,m ≈ |am,n | ν̂nt , (73)
!−1 n=1 n=1
rm − z⃗m
t t
, ⃗tn = ⃗νnt t
⃗tm,n /⃗νm,n
⃗νn = 1/⃗νm,n . (66)
z⃗m = am,n t⃗n,m ≈ am,n t̂n − ν⃗zm . (74)
m=1 m=1
n=1 n=1 β̂ −1 + ν⃗zm
With mftn →tn (tn ) and mtn →ftn (t  n ), we have b(tn ) ∝ Similarly, the variance ν⃗xn and mean x⃗n can be also approxi-
(1 − πnin )δ(tn ) + πnin CN (tn ; x⃗n , ν⃗xn ) CN (tn ; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt ). Thus, mated as
the approximate posterior probability distribution of tn is Q Q
given by (67), as shown in the top of next page, where
X 2
X 2
ν⃗xn = |dn,q | ν⃗cq,n ≈ |dn,q | ν̂qc , (75)
the auxiliary variables Sn , wn , νntmp , and ttmp n are re- q=1 q=1
spectively given by Sn = CN (0; ⃗tn − x⃗n ,⃗νnt + ν⃗xn ), Q Q
ωn = πnin Sn / (1 − πnin )CN (0; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt ) + πnin Sn , νntmp =
X X ⃗xn − x⃗n
x⃗n = dn,q c⃗q,n ≈ dn,q ĉq − ν⃗xn . (76)
(1/⃗νnt + 1/ν⃗xn ) , and ttmp = νntmp ⃗tn /⃗νnt + x⃗n /ν⃗xn .

q=1 q=1
⃗νnx + ν⃗xn

(1 − πnin )δ(tn ) + πnin CN (tn ; x⃗n , ν⃗xn ) CN (tn ; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt )

p(tn |r) = R
((1 − πnin )δ(tn ) + πnin CN (tn ; x⃗n , ν⃗xn )) CN (tn ; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt )dtn
(1 − πnin )CN (tn ; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt )δ(tn ) + πnin CN (tn ; x⃗n , ν⃗xn )CN (tn ; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt ) (67)
(1 − πnin )CN (0; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt ) + πnin CN (tn ; x⃗n , ν⃗xn )CN (tn ; ⃗tn , ⃗νnt )dtn

= (1 − ωn )δ(tn ) + ωn CN (tn ; ttmp tmp

n , νn ),

3) Messages approximation for mtn →ftn (tn ) and Algorithm 1 Proposed TL-GAMP for subchannel estimation
mcq →fcq (cq ): Input: received vector r, measurement matrix A and code-
!−1 book D;
M 2 ⃗tn , ⃗νnt , t̂n , ν̂nt , ∀n ,
(a) X |am,n | Initialize: ⃗νq , ⃗cq , ∀q ,
⃗νnt ≈ , (77) z f b
m=1 β̂ −1 + ν⃗zm {z⃗m , ν⃗m , ∀m}, ξ, η, p01 , ψ0 , ψNR and β̂.
M 1: while the stopping criterion is not met do
(c) X rm − z⃗m /*The first layer*/
⃗tn ≈ t̂n + ⃗νnt a∗m,n , (78)
m=1 β̂ −1 + ν⃗zm 2: Update the posterior estimate of γq according to (27),
2 ∀q ∈ Q;
where (a) and (b) are obtained with ν⃗zm ≫ |am,n | ν⃗tn,m ; 3: Update the posterior estimate of cq according to (30),
(c) is obtained with |am,n | /(β̂ −1 + ν⃗zm ) ≪ 1/ν̂nt , since ∀n ∈ N ;
2 z
|am,n | /(β̂ −1 + ν⃗m ) ≪ 1/⃗νnt for large M from (77) and 4: Update the output message mfxn →xn (xn ) of the first
⃗νnt ≥ ν̂nt . Similarly, the variance ⃗νqc and mean ⃗cq in (40) can layer according to (75) and (76), ∀q ∈ Q;
be approximated as 5: Update the message from cq to fcq according to (79)
NR 2
!−1 and (80), ∀q ∈ Q;
X |dn,q | /*The second layer*/
⃗νq ≈ , (79)
⃗ν x + ν⃗xn
n=1 n 6: Update the forward and backward messages of Markov
NR chain according to (45) and (46);
X ⃗xn − x⃗n
⃗cq ≈ ĉq + ⃗νqc d∗n,q . (80) 7: Update the output messages of Markov chain accord-
⃗νnx + ν⃗xn ing to (44);
8: Update the belief of sn according to (47), ∀n ∈ N ;
F. Overall Algorithm and Complexity Analysis 9: Update ψ0f of Markov chain according to (49);
The proposed three-layer generalized approximate message 10: Update the output message of the second layer to xn
passing (TL-GAMP) algorithm can be organized in a more given by ⃗xn = ⃗tn , ⃗νnx = ⃗νnt , ∀n ∈ N ;
succinct form, which is summarized in Algorithm 1 and it can /*The third layer*/
be terminated when it reached a maximum number of iteration 11: Update the message from zm to fzm according to (73)
or the difference between the estimates of two consecutive and (74), ∀m ∈ M;
iterations is less than a threshold. Once the subchannels t̂l for 12: Update the posterior estimate of β according to (59);
l = 1,P 2, · · · , L are obtained, the final channel is estimated as 13: Update the posterior estimate of zm according to (62),
L ∀m ∈ M;
Ĥ = l=1 t̂l aH T (ψ̂l ).
In the following, we provide the computational complexity 14: Update the message from tn to ftn according to (77)
analysis for the TL-GAMP algorithm. The TL-GAMP algo- and (78), ∀n ∈ N ;
rithm requires pre-processing, i.e., performing an economic 15: Update the posterior estimation of tn according to (68)
SVD for A and unitary transformation, and the complexity and (69).
is O(M 2 NR ). It is noted that the pre-processing can be 16: end while
carried out offline, thus, the computational complexity can 17: Calculate ŝn according to (48).
be overlooked. Examining the TL-GAMP algorithms, it is Output: t̂n , ŝn , and ĉq for all n and q.
evident that there is no matrix inversion involved, and the
most computationally intensive parts only involve matrix- which is O(I1 M NR + I2 NR Q), where I1 and I2 denote the
vector products. Specifically, in the first layer, the complexity number of iterations in stages I and II, respectively. It can be
of the proposed algorithm is dominated by the computation seen that the two algorithms have comparable computational
of ⃗cq and x⃗n for all q and n, which requires O(NR Q). complexity. However, it is important to note that the novel TL-
In the second layer, the complexity is dominated by the GAMP algorithm exhibits significant performance superiority
computation of πnout , πnin , ψnf , ψnb , and b(sn ), which requires compared to the Turbo-BOMP algorithm, as will be verified
O(NR ). In the third layer, the complexity is dominated by the in Section VI.
computation of ⃗tn and z⃗m , given by O(M NR ). Therefore, the V. S IMULATION R ESULTS
complexity of TL-GAMP per iteration is O(NR Q + M NR ), In this section, we evaluate the performance of the pro-
which linearly increases with M , NR , and Q. For comparison, posed channel estimation scheme under various simulations.
we also provide the overall complexity of Turbo-BOMP [28], The system parameters are shown in Table II. In particular,

0 5 5
-2 M=96,SNR=5dB
M=64,SNR=15dB 0 0

-5 -5



-10 -10
-16 Turbo-BOMP Turbo-BOMP
Proposed TL-GAMP Proposed TL-GAMP
-18 -20 -20
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15
Iteration SNR SNR

Fig. 8. Convergence performance Fig. 9. ψl = 0.25 for all l. Fig. 10. ψl ∈ (0,1) for all l

TABLE II. Simulation Parameters

Turbo-BOMP schemes, our proposed TL-GAMP algorithm
Notations Parameters exhibits remarkable superiority. To elaborate, in contrast with
Number of BS antennas NR 256
the AD-GAMP approach, which only utilizes the antenna-
Number of User antennas NT 16 domain channel characteristics, our approach concurrently
Number of RF chains NRF 8 harnesses both antenna-domain and angular-domain channel
Carrier frequency fc 30GHz characteristics, yielding enhanced estimation accuracy. In con-
Number of channel paths L 6
Angle of arrival ϑl U (−π/2, π/2) trast to the Turbo-BOMP approach, the collaboration between
Angle of departure ψl U (−π/2, π/2) VR detection and angular channel estimation in our proposed
Distance between BS and UE or scatterers rl [10, 50]m TL-GAMP algorithm effectively prevents error propagation.
Proportion of visible antenna elements ψl (0,1]
SNR β Consequently, the NMSE performance of the TL-GAMP al-
Number of channel realizations 2000 gorithm improves significantly.
Furthermore, we present the NMSE performance versus
we consider the normalized mean square error (NMSE) as SNR with ϕl ∈ (0, 1], depicted in Fig. 10. Notably, compared
the performance metrics, which is defined as NMSE ≜ to ϕl = 0.25, a notable observation emerges: the AD-GAMP
∥Ĥ − H∥2F /∥H∥2F , where H and Ĥ are the true channel method experiences a substantial performance drop, while the
and estimated channel, respectively. To effectively evaluate proposed TL-GAMP algorithm’s performance remains nearly
subchannel estimation performance, we compare our proposed unchanged. This divergence in performance can be attributed
TL-GAMP algorithm with the following benchmarks: to the AD-GAMP algorithm’s reliance on the sparsity of the
• LS: Least squares estimator based on the formulation antenna domain. Consequently, as the VR expands, the antenna
(12). More specifically, the SnS subchannel is estimated domain’s sparsity diminishes, leading to a consequential per-
as ĥl,LS = (WWH )−1 WH yl for all l. formance degradation. In contrast, the proposed TL-GAMP
• PD-OMP: On-grid polar-domain simultaneous orthogo- algorithm shows commendable robustness to varying ϕl . To
nal matching pursuit algorithm for near-field channels further substantiate this observation, Fig. 11 plots the NMSE
proposed in [17] without considering the SnS property. performance against ϕl with M = 96 and SNR = 10dB, it is
• AD-GAMP: Antenna-domain generalized approximate clear that the the performance of the proposed TL-GAMP only
message passing algorithm without utilizing the angular- exhibits slight fluctuation as ϕl , which means that the joint
domain statistical characteristics, which is similar to the utilization of statistical characteristics in antenna and angular
methods proposed in [25], [26]. domain significantly improve the algorithm robustness for the
• Turbo-BOMP. Two-stage VR detection and channel es- size of VR. As a result, the proposed TL-GAMP is suitable
timation scheme proposed in our previous work [28], for both spatially stationary and SnS scenarios.
where the angular-domain information can not be utilized Furthermore, the performance comparison of the proposed
in VR detection stage. TL-GAMP algorithm and the benchmarks with different pilot
We first examine the average convergence behavior of the length M is evaluated in Fig. 12 with SNR = 10dB and
TL-GAMP algorithm. As shown in Fig. 8, the NMSE ex- ϕl ∈ (0, 1] for all l. The pilot length M increases from 32
hibits a consistent monotonic reduction across iterations. The to 192. It is observed that the performance of all algorithms
convergence of the proposed TL-GAMP algorithm is verified keep improving when pilot length M increases. However, the
for all the considered simulation scenarios. Considering both performance improvement diminishes as M keeps increasing,
performance and computational complexity, the maximum and eventually the performance saturates. As such, we can set a
iteration can be safely set as 20 for subsequent simulations. moderate value M to take a compromise between performance
Then, the NMSE performance versus SNR with fixed size and estimation delay. Furthermore, we can also see that the
of VR, i.e., fixed ϕl , is examined, as shown in Fig. 9. It proposed TL-GAMP algorithms significantly outperform the
is clear that the conventional near-field channel estimation existing algorithms, especially when the pilot length is small.
approaches, such as LS and PD-OMP encounter pronounced This indicates that the proposed algorithms can significantly
performance degradation since the SnS property is not con- reduce the overhead for SnS XL-MIMO channel estimation.
sidered. Meanwhile, compared to the existing AD-GAMP and Fig. 13 depicts the NMSE performance concerning the

0 0 0

-5 -5


-10 -10

-15 AD-GAMP, M = 96 -15 NF-OMP
Proposed TL-GAMP, M=96 Turbo-BOMP Turbo-BOMP
Proposed TL-GAMP, M=128 Proposed TL-GAMP Proposed ML-GAMP
-20 -20
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 32 64 96 128 160 192 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The proportion of visibility region Pilot length Distance(m)

Fig. 11. NMSE performance versus ϕl Fig. 12. NMSE performance versus M . Fig. 13. NMSE performance versus rl

1 4 1.5
True Region
Estimated Region
0.8 1

0.4 0

-2 -1

0 -3 -1.5
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 160 170 180 190 200 210 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Antenna Index Index Antenna Index

(a) VR detection probability b(sl ). (b) Angular-domain coefficients ĉl (c) Antenna-domain coefficients t̂l

Fig. 14. Near-field SnS scenarios with M = 96 and SN R = 15dB.

10 1.5
True Region
Estimated Region
8 1

6 0.5

1 4 0

2 -0.5
0 -1

0 -2 -1.5
50 100 150 200 250 160 170 180 190 200 210 50 100 150 200 250
Antenna Index Index Antenna Index

(a) VR detection probability b(sl ). (b) Angular-domain coefficients ĉl (c) Antenna-domain coefficients t̂l

Fig. 15. Far-field spatially stationary scenarios with M = 96 and SN R = 15dB.

distance between the BS and either the scatterers or the user, the visible region and accurately estimate the corresponding
with fixed values of M = 96 and SNR = 10dB. Notably, the channel coefficients.
results indicate robustness across all algorithms in response to
varying distances. However, it is noteworthy that the proposed VI. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORKS
TL-GAMP algorithm significantly outperforms the benchmark In this work, we have studied the SnS channel estimation
methods in the considered configurations. Furthermore, the problem for the XL-MIMO systems and proposed a two-phase
demonstrated robustness across varying distances highlights channel estimation scheme capable of efficiently recovering
a key attribute of our proposed channel estimation scheme: its channels. Initially, to decouple multiple propagation paths, we
feasibility in both near-field and far-field settings. first estimate the AoDs of the user, followed by the estima-
Finally, the estimation performance of the involved inter- tion of individual subchannels. The problem of subchannel
mediate quantities are presented including the VR detection estimation is formulated as a three-layer generalized bilinear
probability denoted as b(sl ), the estimated angular channel inference problem. To achieve the inference with low computa-
coefficients ĉl , and the estimated subchannel coefficients t̂l . tional complexity, we propose a computationally efficient TL-
From Fig. 14 and Fig. 15, it can be observed that across various GAMP algorithm by exploiting both the antenna-domain and
conditions, including far-field and near-field scenarios, as well angular-domain characteristics of SnS channels. Simulation
as both spatial stationary and SnS scenarios, the proposed results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve much
algorithm consistently exhibits the capability to robustly detect better NMSE performance than the existing algorithms with

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