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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 6, 843-853

Study Of Conflict Resolution Skills Among Aspiring

Teachers In The Digital Era

Seema Karthikeyan a , S.Malathi *

Department of Education, Directorate of Distance Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi,
Tamil Nadu, India.
* Corresponding Author’s email: (Dr. S. Malathi)


Learning conflict resolution skills can help to manage hard situations and improve communication skills.
Without them, our lives would be more challenging. In the technologically advanced world, conflict
resolution techniques are extremely important. The strongest resource of the twenty-first century is the
inclusion of technology into every individual's life. Life skill education is strongly intertwined with
information and communication technology (ICT). This study emphasizes the aspect of conflict resolution
skills that have been alienated by the digital world and investigates the impact of conflict resolution skills
on the behavior of teachers. 300 student teachers from the Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala, India
were selected to investigate the role of conflict resolution skills. The skills assessment tool developed by
Fisher and Urys in 1994 was used for the study. The collected data were analyzed using percentage analysis,
Mean, Standard deviation and Test of significance of mean. The findings revealed that there were
significant differences in student teachers' conflict resolution skills depending on the institution and
residential locality.

Keywords: Conflict resolution skill, Digital era, Student teachers, Residential locality, Nature of

describe how we conjure with others whether in a

1. Introduction social or occupational setting. Conflict resolution
skills help us deal positively with the people we
Over the last two decades, the globe has interact with. Conflict is a complex and prevalent
perceived dramatic changes in all aspects of phenomenon that exists in our society. There are
human activity. Landau et al., 2001 and several research projects related to conflict
Kapusuzoglu et al., 2010, defined, conflict exists management. Conflict can be examined in terms
in all human relationships; it has always of personal and group orientation, such as
originated and will most inevitably persist. interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup conflict
Education in the 21st century is pivotal (Malathi et al., 2017; Donohue et al., 1992;
importance to acquire life skills related to Karthikeyan et al., 2020; Somon Malathi et al.,
learning, innovation and survival (Chitra et al., 2018). This term was used to describe how people
2016; Lilian Getzie et al.,2016). For living in a interact with others in terms of affiliation,
society, one needs survival skills. Further, agreement, or conflict. This may indicate being
conflict resolution skill is one of the key skills to possible to construct and maintain friendly
survive in the society. They are the life skills that relationships, which may be critical to our mental
Seema Karthikeyan 844

and social well-being. Many positions within an organization. Conflict management must be
organization require good conflict resolution handled properly in order to maximize
skills. Maintaining good relationships with advantages and minimizing negative impacts.
family members, who are an important source of Learning these skills can help to resolve conflicts
social support, may be essential. It could also in a healthy manner and build stronger, more
imply being able to put a positive end to the rewarding relationships, to dealing with conflict
relationship. Computer software technologies can at home, work, or school. Recently, the students'
be a useful tool in delivering life skills training of conflict management skills via the use
programmes. The main benefit is that young of ICT is a point of interest that has grown
people find working with such media exciting in tremendously in the academic and educational
their hands. Today technology offers youth a societies. Organizational conflicts can be
means of expressing their views of connecting minimized by reducing adequate solution,
with the wide community and acquiring hard specific instructions on job relationships, and
skills. In the latter decades of the 20th century and advanced training. The need for resolution and
the 21st century, culture has experienced an stimulation strategies to reach the required degree
increased speed of economic and technical of conflict. According to Lalegani et al., (2019),
transition. Its marginal product has been In an educational institution, conflict resolution is
significant in a variety of ways. However, there is the leader’s responsibility. An educator must be
a growing demand for specific hard skills and ready to deal with conflicts. Conflict
expertise of specific skills, especially digital management is one of the tools to deal issues,
literacy. Conflict is an unavoidable part of any both conflicts within his individual and conflicts
stable partnership. After all, it should not be with others (Sridasweni et al., 2017). Conflict
assumed that two people can always agree on resolution skills were also learned through
everything. Many researchers from various conflict management education. According to
disciplines have suggested various definitions of Lorenzon, (2001), conflict skills assist people to
conflict in the lack of a comprehensive definition. identify their goals, clarifying their perspectives,
Some of these come from communication, and finding mutually acceptable solutions.
sociology, anthropology, and psychology. Recent research (DeVoogd, et al.,2016; Olsher,
Conflict Managers is a tool, designed to teach 2015) have focused on improving and
learners how and where to resolve conflicts investigating the relationships that may occur
according to their own. It teaches people with the use of ICT to enhance conflict resolution
communication skills and encourages them to training modules. Herein, conflict resolution
express what they have acquired in a comfortable skills among aspiring teachers were
manner. Intervention program enables mediators systematically studied and clearly presented.
with skills that will help them comprehend the Academic institutions are venues in which social
mediation process and will last a lifetime. Active diversity is governed by diverse manners of
listening, empathy, decision-making, and being, knowing, and experiencing, and as a result,
positive interpersonal skills are some of the core they become a site that represents societal
competencies. The key is to learn how to resolve diversity as well as a site for daily conflicts
conflict in a healthy manner rather than fearing or (Sabina et al. 2020).
avoiding it. Communication is a major source of
conflict because people behave differently and 2. Characteristics of Conflict
can use derogatory body language, which can
lead to conflict among peers (Malathi et al., 2016;
Rose et al., 2006). When conflict occurs, it can do 2.1. Conflict is a Process
a lot of damage to a relationship, but when
managed in a caring, constructive way, conflict Conflict that occurs in 'layers,' with the first layer
can be used to strengthen the bond between two commonly being a misconception. Variations in
people. Individuals participate in the teaching and beliefs, differences in opinion, differences in
learning process in order to achieve educational interests, and variations between people are the
goals. Even though conflict is inevitable in each other levels. It is often referred to as a mechanism
845 Journal of Positive School Psychology

when one side perceives the other as resisting or 2.5. Conflict is Multidimensional
negatively affecting its goals and ends up Conflict occurs between two or more individual
fighting, cooperating, sacrificing, or resisting. or organization.

2.2. Conflict is Inevitable 3. Concept of Conflict Management

Everywhere there is conflict. There is an
individual difference among the individual It is the idea that all disputes cannot be settled,
differences, and this causes conflict. Conflicts but that preparing to control them can reduce the
arise as a result of differences in people's lives, severity. Conflict mediation requires skills
such as pride, self-concept, ego, and sense of relating to interpersonal resolution, conflict self-
mission. awareness, conflict negotiation abilities, and
conflict management systems. To avoid conflict
2.3. Conflict is Perceived as a major obstacle in an organization all the
Conflict must be perceived, especially in members of every organization should work for
interpersonal interactions. Only then our minimizing conflict.
communication be simple. Opposition exists
alongside perception. 4. Taxonomies of conflict
According to involvement several types of
2.4. Interdependence and interaction. conflicts it includes intrapersonal, interpersonal,
Only when there is perceived interdependence in intra-organizational, and inter-organizational.
conflict resolution is interaction possible. Table 1 shows various types of conflicts.

Based on scope Based on nature Based on sharing Based on strategy

I. Substantiate I. Destructive, I. Distributive I. Cooperative

II. Affective II. Creative, II. Integrative II. Competitive
III. Positive
IV. Negative.

Table 1, Taxonomy of conflicts

4.2. Collaboration
Life skills are vital for resolving conflict and This is a strong motivating factor, but it will take
conflict prevention. Our ability to make peace time for those engaged to deal with the issues and
with others enables peaceful relationships, which find a satisfactory resolution to everyone.
are the foundation of good reputation and trust, as
well as social capital, which is required to 4.3. Compromise or Negotiation
succeed in a network-driven era. Individuals and Among this way, all members give up everything
organizations are trained the dynamics of in exchange for an agreement midpoint
peacebuilding and conflict prevention through compromise, which we will correspond to as a
life skills training. The life skills training score draw.
programme investigates the premise that conflict
resolution and peacebuilding can be utilized by 4.4. Denial or Avoidance
focusing on unity and diversity. Life skills teach This approach is beneficial because it will simply
the following conflict resolution strategies. resolve itself within a specified time frame.
Consequently, conflict resolution module
4.1. Compete or flight introduces life skills that will assist in the
This is a management to make sure and is only effective resolution of the conflict.
used once there is little to no need for
supplementary interaction with stakeholders. 4.5. Conflicts at Educational institutions
Seema Karthikeyan 846

Conflict management in the classroom becomes knowledge that is not really included. Emphasis
extremely important since it is difficult to have on the use of ICTs in university education, as well
great learning and teaching experiences in a tense as a gradual shift into the interactive world, have
situation. A school that is unable to manage resulted in the lack of conflict resolution skills,
contradictory situations may be unable to which are considered to include face-to-face
promote human and structural development. In contact between peers and between students and
reality, in terms of students' educational, instructors. The new educational curriculum
academic, social, and emotional support, as well established a national standard for improving the
as the teacher's, it may be backwards and quality of teacher education. Conflict resolution
counterproductive. skills are highly important in the current context
Through instruction, counselling, and of the proposed National Education Policy 2019.
reward, the teacher's function as an adapted The strategy recommends the increasing
parent in the classroom extends beyond academic relevance of skill sets among prospective
learning to include encouraging and promoting students. As a result, it is the responsibility of
calm and agreeable dispositions among students. aspiring teachers to be equipped with various life
Within the school grounds, the teacher is to lead skills and to have an impact on another. Without
by example in order to build long-term harmony a doubt, the majority of teacher trainees have
and solidarity among the colleagues. adequate knowledge and professional growth as a
There are five critical characteristics of a result of their teacher training programme.
teacher's behavior by which he or she can impact However, today's environment necessitates more
group dynamics in the classroom and of them. Teacher trainees must learn some life
successfully and efficiently perform his or her skills in order to meet the demands of a changing
conflict management responsibilities. world and face challenges with confidence. The
To keep a professional classroom study seeks to determine whether student teachers
environment that is either cooperative or in the digital world are suitable to address
competitive. The teacher's preferred leadership conflicts. Herein lies the appeal of examining the
style, which could be participative, directive, or student trainees. It is vital for them to develop life
permissive. The degree to which the instructor's skills in order to avoid anxiety and depression and
and students' objectives are aligned (Sabina gain self-confidence.
Valente et al. 2020)
7. Review of Related study
5. Definition of Key terms Conflict is a well-known behavioral phenomenon
➢ Investigation-Carry out a systematic inquiry that has been thoroughly studied by a number of
to discover the fact. researchers.
➢ Conflict resolution skill-The life skills we Donohue and Kolt (1992) defined
use when to or more parties work towards a interdependence as "a situation in which
solution to a problem or dispute. interdependent people express variations in
➢ Aspiring Teacher-A graduate or a post- satisfying their individual needs or interests and
graduate pupil-teacher in an educational they involve interference from each other in
institution who is teaching under the completing these goals" (Rahim et al., 2015; Van
supervision of a certified teacher to qualify Deventer et al., 2003).
for a degree in education. According to Rahim (2002), in the 1950s,
➢ Digital Era-Historical period characterized the growth of organizational research design and
by the existence of digital technology. its framework for conflict analysis was viewed
primarily as a major and unavoidable feature of
6. Significance of the present study the organization. According to Schellenberg et
Although conflict is an inevitable part of life, al., (1996), there have been five ways to people
many adults lack the skills needed to effectively can attempt to resolve conflicts: coercion,
resolve it. Conflict resolution skills are qualities negotiation, counselling, and adjudication.
that we transform and replicate throughout our Ramani and Zhimin (2010), entails listening and
lives; there may not be a single aspect of our it provides opportunity to meet the needs of the
847 Journal of Positive School Psychology

stakeholders, as well as effectively addressing According to Barmao (2012), less

their interests in order to attain outcome for all conflict occurs when teachers have job security,
individuals involved. strong interactions, opportunities, and
Abbaset et al., (2015) conducted institutional support. Furthermore, when
quantitative research on interpersonal conflict in instructors' efforts are recognized, they are more
private enterprises. According to research, driven to work (Barma et al. 2012). Barmao went
workers in Indian organizations with a fairer on to say that conflict may be avoided by
group have used a range of organizational dispute providing adequate resources, good working
counselling strategies. The most common styles conditions, such as having access to instructional
were dominating and obliging. Rather than the materials, having a supportive supervisory
consequences of conflict, immediate attention service, and in addition if provided in-service
should be paid to workplace conflicts. To manage training, there are chances to innovate.
conflicts in educational institutions, several Rispens et al. (2016) in a study on
regulatory mechanisms have been constructed, conflict at work, negative emotions and
such as discussion, intervention (Tshabalala and performance worked on the state where daily
Mapolisa 2013). conflicts at work affects peoples negative and
Tonder et al., (2008) focused on sources passive emotions. In the present study the
of conflict but there is a general lack of empirical researcher worked on conflict detachment
support as they are typically theoretical strategy to examine the effect of this on emotions.
conceptualization. Generally, teachers deal with
different types of conflicts in school contexts. 8. Objectives of the study
Gatlin et al., (2017) focused on understanding the ➢ To identify the extent of conflict
nature of conflict in the workplace. Researchers resolution skill among student teachers.
identified eight workplace conflict causes, using ➢ To assess the extent of student teachers'
teachers and administrators from Turkey's conflict resolution skills in relation to the
primary schools as samples. Three conflict nature of the institution.
resolution styles were studied. The findings ➢ To determine the level of conflict
revealed that administrators avoid and resolution skills of student teachers in
compromise more than teachers in private relation to their residential area.
schools. Teachers at the private school used more
collaboration, mitigating, and competing styles 8.1. Hypothesis
than their colleagues at the public school. To carry out the study the following Null
Awotuo and Efebo (1999) reported in Hypotheses were formed.
their study the five aspects of teacher through  There is no significant difference in student
which the teacher can influence conflicts at teachers conflict resolution skill with
school, some of the aspects are maintenance of respect to the nature of the institution.
cooperative or cooperative classroom structure  There is no significant difference in student
participative leadership and high interpersonal teachers conflict resolution skills with
relationship. respect to the residential locality.
Research conducted by Sabina and
Abilio reported a positive relationship between 8.2. Methodology
emotional Intelligence and conflict management. The reliability of a research outcome is highly
The sample comprised of Portuguese teachers the dependent on the reliability of the method used.
results revealed that teachers with higher The research method refers to the method used to
emotional intelligence was well versed with complete the task. It entails a theoretical
strategies for conflict management. The examination of a branch of knowledge's corpus of
researchers also recommended the need for procedures and principles, with methodologies
academic training to promote their EI through from different disciplines differing depending on
which they can acquire conflict resolution skills their historical evolution. This results in a series
in classrooms. of approaches that span different perspectives on
how knowledge and reality should be interpreted.
Seema Karthikeyan 848

This places techniques in the context of broader A tool is an instrument that aids in the collection
ideas and approaches. of data and information from a sample by the
The study follows Survey design and the method researcher. It directs the researcher's data
is a normative survey. For data collection, the collection. Different sorts of tools exist
researcher used the survey technique. To obtain depending on their complexity, interpretation,
data for this project, the researchers proceeded to design, and management. Each tool is
roughly 8 teacher education colleges in the appropriate. for each different type of data There
Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala. The are times when the available tools are
instrument was given to 420 student teachers, and insufficient. As a result, it must be altered in
the researcher picked 300 fully filled data sheets accordance with the researcher's suggestion. The
for the study from among them. researcher is free to use the tool anyway that is
appropriate for his task.
8.3. Sample The tool used for the present study is
A Sample refers to the smaller, manageable Fisher and Urys (1991) Conflict Resolution
version of a larger group or subset of a larger Questionnaire (adopted from Weeks, Fischer and
population. The selection of sample allows the Urys (1991) it is a Likert type scale with 5 points.
researcher to conduct their research studies
within the stipulated time and easily. A sample is 8.5. Standardization of Tool
an unbiased number of observations taken from a The reliability of conflict resolution skill scale
population. Samples are the subset of population. was found to be 0.78 using Spearman’s split-half
So, it signifies the whole population on which the method. Content Validity is a process of
study is being conducted. matching test items with objectives. The content
The present study sample of 300 student validity was established by two experts in the
teachers from teacher education colleges in the fields of education.
Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala was
selected for the survey. The background variables 8.6. Statistical operation
used by the researcher were Nature of Institution The major statistical techniques used were
(Government/Aided and Unaided) and percentage analysis, Mean, Standard deviation
Residential Locality (Rural& Urban). and Test of significance of mean.

8.4. Tool Used 7. Analysis and interpretation of Data

Table – 2: Number and Percentage of Conflict resolution skill of Student Teachers

Table – 1: Number and Percentage of Conflict resolution skill of Student Teachers

Factors Sub
divisions Low Moderate High Total
N % N % N % N %

Rural 28 19.5 88 61.5 27 18.8 143 47.6


Urban 51 32.4 84 53.5 22 14.7 157 52.4

849 Journal of Positive School Psychology

19 13.4 91 64.5 31 21.9 141 47
Type of

Unaided 34 21.3 98 61.6 27 16 159 53

According to the above table, out of the 300 teachers in unaided institutions have high conflict
samples,18.8 % of rural student teachers have resolution skills.13.4% of student teachers from
high conflict resolution skills, while 14.7 % of government/aided possess low level of conflict
urban student teachers have high conflict resolution skills and 21.3% of student teachers
resolution skills.19.5% rural student teachers and from unaided institutions possess low level of
32.4% urban student teachers possess low conflict resolution skills.64.5% 0f student
conflict resolution skill. And 61.5% of rural teachers from Government/aided institution has
student teachers and 53.5% student teachers moderate level of the conflict resolution skill and
possess moderate level of conflict resolution skill 61.6% of student trainees from unaided
From the above table, 21.9 % of student teachers institutions possess moderate level of conflict
in government/ aided institutions have high resolution skills.
conflict resolution skills, while 16 % of student

Table –3: There is no significant difference between Urban and rural student teachers in their Conflict
resolution skill.

Level of
Variable N Mean S. D t value Significance

Urban 157 187.95 23.69

resolution 2.403
Rural 143 194.87 26.22

The t value (t=2.403) obtained for conflict 194.87, indicating that rural trainees have better
resolution skill between urban and rural student conflict resolution skills than urban trainees.
teachers was significant at the 0.05 level. It means
that there is a significant difference in conflict 7.1. Tenability of Hypotheses
resolution skills between urban and rural student
teachers, and thus the null hypotheses are not From the analyzed data it is clear that urban and
accepted. The mean score of urban student rural students differ in their extent of conflict
teachers is 187.95, while that of rural trainees is resolution skills.
Hence Null Hypotheses H (0) is not accepted.
Seema Karthikeyan 850

Table -4: There is no significant difference between Govt./aided and unaided student teachers in their
Conflict resolution skills.

Level of
Type of
Variable N Mean S.D t value Significance

141 201.53 25.53
resolution 7.22
Unaided 159 182.13 20.93

The t value(t=7.22) obtained between The mean score of student trainees from
Government /Aided and Unaided student the Government/aided organization is higher than
teachers for conflict resolution skill were that of the unaided institution, indicating that the
significant at the 0.05 level. It means that there is Government/aided students have a higher level of
a significant difference between Government conflict resolution skill than the unaided students.
/Aided and Unaided student teacher in their The government-initiated programme for
Conflict resolution skill. Since the observed t additional skill acquisition is being implemented
value exceeds the table value 1.96 at the 0.05 in government/aided institutions as a result of
level. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected. It fund allocation and accessibility for enhancing
shows that the mean score Government /Aided various skills among students. Unaided colleges
student teachers are 201.53 and that of unaided lack funds, which affects their development and
trainees are 182.13 which indicate that the the ability to carry out such initiatives, and
Government /Aided trainees possess higher students in those institutions will have to work on
conflict resolution skills than unaided trainees. their own time.

7.2 Tenability of Hypotheses 9. Major Findings

From the analyzed data it is clear that there is a Following is an overview of the tabulated results,
significant difference between the means of the investigator concluded the following
Government/Aided and Unaided students. conclusions.
Hence Null Hypotheses H (0) is not accepted. 1. The analysis revealed that the majority of
students had only a basic understanding of
8. Discussions conflict resolution. The majority of the students
are in the medium category, and there are
The hypotheses' results demonstrate that there is relatively few student teachers in the high
a notable change between rural and urban student category.
trainees; the average score of rural students was 2. There is a significant difference in willingness
higher than that of urban students. It essentially to settle disputes between urban and rural
means that they have been caused by a range of students. Rural students demonstrated improved
environmental factors, including family, natural conflict resolution skill than urban student
environment, and educational conditions. Urban trainees.
students, on the other hand, are more focused on 3. In terms of conflict resolution skills, there is a
the digital world; as a result, urban student significant difference between government/aided
trainees overlook out on the personal interaction and unaided student teachers. Government/aided
of conflict resolution skills.
851 Journal of Positive School Psychology

student trainees were more skilled at conflict resolving conflicts are generally seen as joyful,
resolution than unaided student trainees. calm, reassuring, and persuasive, qualities that
others find endearing and attractive. Teachers
10. Educational Implication must improve their abilities in order to effectively
Conflict resolution skills have become educate students to acquire and apply 21st-
widespread that students may take them for century skills, such as conflict resolution, in both
granted and disregard how they interact with their professional and personal life. For humans,
others. The term conflicts have developed over conflict is an unavoidable component of life. If
time. Conflict is a process of interaction that is a we make an effort to understand and manage our
part of human life and thus has implications for social interactions effectively, we can increase
teaching. Although a conflict indicates situations their satisfaction and productivity.
of institute and social life in which there are
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