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Shipra Mehta ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Shipra, you have some good points in this paper ­ you make a clearly thought out and simple
argument that humans cannot, and have not been shown to, connect with robots and artificial
intelligences. Your thesis is clearly stated and easy to follow throughout the paper. However, you
need to explicitly cite your sources in your paper ­ a reader cannot determine what you are
saying is true and based on third­party research if you do not direct them to your sources in your
paper when you mention those sources. Please do this next time.
Anthony Oakey ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Anthony, your argument is solid and backed my well­cited research. You clearly bring the reader
through the logic of your argument ­ that if people are the world are already having relationships
with their waifus and cannot event interact with them physically, once steadily advancing
research makes artificial intelligences more realistic, it would be inevitable that people could
have similar or more in­depth personal relationships with those intelligences. You provide a
good amount of background explanation and conclude your paper well. Good job.
Rene Brenes ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Rene, you have a fantastic paper that does a wonderful job of exploring the idea of whether or
not technology will be able to replicate human emotion in artificial intelligence, and if it is, what
its implications will be. Your use of Spielberg’s A.I. is a good way to bounce ideas between the
film, yourself, and the reader, as you present the topic as not having a cut­and­dry answer, but
as creating questions that do not necessarily have answers today. You have well­documented
sources that guide the reader through your logic. Good job.
Fanyu Zuo ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Fanyu, you have a solid argument in your paper, and you structure, cite, and write it well. You
use the film Ex Machina in a compelling way to illustrate how people in general (in your case,
movie­watching people) are already inclined to form relationships with artificial intelligences. If it
can be so easy for someone to connect with the story of a robot in a film, and so easy to
connect with other kinds of media, it only makes sense that humans can form relationships with
a the hyper­advanced artificial intelligences of the future. However, you do well to note your
belief that any feelings of love or personal connection cannot be mutual with a programmed
machine ­ you express this view clearly and concisely, and back it up with solid research. Good
Virginia Saulnier ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Viriginia, you do a good job of highlighting the meaningful work that artificial intelligence could
do in the world, and tie it skillfully to experiences in your own life. Your writing is clear, and you
present your argument ­ that artificial intelligence certainly has the potential to make compelling
connections with humans ­ in a readable fashion.Your sources are cited well and your paper is
well constructed. Good job.
Alaa Talal Alhuthali ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Alaa ­ your argument that while people can certainly connect with machines and artificial
intelligences, their connections will be limited to what programmers program these machines to
do, is well thought out, and you provide some interesting sources to back you up (I like your use
of films to convey what you mean). However, your paper has a number of grammatical errors
and construction problems that makes it difficult to read. That being said, I think you did a good
job of arguing your point, and clearly have a good understanding of the implications of artificial
intelligence on human relationships.
Yang Li ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Yang, you have an interesting argument ­ that even though machines can seem to simulate our
human emotion and feeling, there are too many biological and human­specific processes (love,
digestion, the ups and downs of emotions) where a true intimate relationship like we know it
(between humans) would not be possible with a machine. You use good sources that are
well­cited to elaborate on your point, and tie everything together with a good, well­reasoned
conclusion. Even though one day artificial intelligences might be essential to our day­to­day
lives, you argue effectively that the human element cannot be replaced.
Byambatsog Chimed ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Byambatsog, you have a well­reasoned and articulate argument about the limits of human
beings and their personal connections with artificial intelligences. You cite your sources well,
and make sure to back up your arguments with research from these sources. You present
humans developing relationships with machines as an inevitability, but do a good job in
highlighting the subtleties of the differences these relationships will have with human to human
relations. Good job.
Julia Cicale ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

You have a good, utilitarian argument in your paper. Your argument that even if artificial
intelligences present limited options for human companionship, we should still take what we can
get to help humans in need out, is a good one, and you back it up with an effective use of
citations. Your paper is well constructed and persuasively written. Good job.
Tyree Solomon­Phillips ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Tyree, you have an extremely well­reasoned and well­written paper here. You do a good job of
bringing the reader through your argument step by step, and logically demonstrating the
inevitability of humans connecting with AI’s to greater extents than they already do, based on
how humans are and how we interact in general. You use your backing research well, and
communicate your citations and their importance well. Good job.
Pinky Sindhu ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Pinky, you have a well­written and optimistically toned paper here. You do a good job of
maintaining a realistic perspective anchored in the progress in the field of artificial intelligence to
add credence to your argument. You use your sources well, and do a good job of constructing
your argument such that it flows well with your research backing it up. All in all, this is a good
Aman Meghrajani ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Aman, you present an interesting and free­market­forward argument for the use of artificial
intelligence in mediums where personal connection would be needed or wanted by the user.
You would do well to cite your sources within your paper more clearly, but your argument is a
good one ­ you keep your paper’s logic grounded in the realistic nature of supply and demand,
and have an all­around interesting idea to express. Good job.
Chibuzo Anaeto ­ Assignment 2, Artificial Intelligence

Chibuzo, your paper is all around well­constructed, but I had a hard time understanding the logic
of your argument that there would always be a difference between how humans connect with
other humans, and how they connect with artificial intelligences. I think you would do well to lean
more heavily on research to back up the claims of your argument. That being said, all around
your paper was easy to follow and had some good ideas, and your argument was fairly well
reasoned in your writing. There were grammatical and syntactical errors throughout the paper
that would be good to correct, but you do have some good ideas.

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