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Submitted to English Education Study Program, Language Education Faculty of

IKIP Siliwangi in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Research Paper

Risma Lutvi Safitri
Students’ ID 19220157
S1 English Education








Risma Lutvi Safitri
Students’ ID 19220157

Has been examined on day Thursday, 12 May 2022

Approved by:

Examiner 1 Examiner II

Intan Satriani, M.Pd. Iman Santoso, S.Pd., M.Hum

NIDN.0416088902 NIDN.0402097104

I certify that the research for this paper, "Reading Comprehension of Descriptive

Text Assisted by Story Mapping for Students," was conducted solely by the

researcher, with the exception of where reference is made in the text, and it does

not contain any information that has been submitted for consideration for a degree

or diploma from any university or institution. I'm well aware that I've used

statements and ideas from a variety of sources, but all are properly acknowledged.

I will be fully responsible for clarifying in case of future disputes regarding the

statements made in this paper.

Cimahi, June 2023

Risma Lutvi Safitri


All praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has bestowed all His graces so that the

author can complete the thesis entitled "Reading Comprehension of Descriptive

Text Assisted By Story Mapping for Students" to fulfill some of the requirements

to obtain a Bachelor of Education degree in the field of English Education,

Faculty of Education. IKIP Siliwangi.

On this occasion, the author would like to thank all those who have

provided moral and material support so that this research proposal can be

completed. Finally, the writer hopes that this research proposal will be useful for

readers and other interested parties.

Cimahi, June 2023


Risma Lutvi Safitri



” Do good without needing a reason”


This paper is dedicated to:

My beloved big family

All lecturers of the Siliwangi English Education Study Program

All my friends in A2 2019

All his friends in English Education Study Program 2019


Alhamdulillahirabbil’ Alamin, the authors would like to thank Allah S.W.T, for

His mercy and guidance so that researchers can start and finish writing and this

research has provided guidance, grace, and health so that the writer can finish it.

Completed this research entitled "Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text

Assisted by Story Mapping for Students". Blessings and greetings are delivered to

our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought mankind from ignorance

to divine knowledge.

During the writing of this research, the writer realized that there was a lot

of support, help, and advice from various parties. Without all of them, this

research would not exist. Therefore, the researcher would also like to express their

sincere appreciation and gratitude to them, especially to the following:

1. The researcher's highest appreciation goes to her beloved parents, Warsa

and Lisri Saripah, who always give love, sacrifice, prayer, and support in

completing this research. Thanks to the whole family, for the prayers and

motivation that have supported the author in completing his research.

2. Intan Satriani M, Pd, and Iman Santoso, S.Pd., M. Hum as the first and

second supervisors, thank you very much for their valuable advice during

the writing of this research.

3. Thank you very much to all of the lecturers of the English Education

Department, and all of the Staff of the English Education Department

of Language Faculty of IKIP Siliwangi, for the guidance, support, and

assistance given to the writer as a student at IKIP Siliwangi.

4. H. Sarmani, S.AG, as the head of SMP IT Baiturrahman has provided

the time and opportunity to conduct research.

5. To friends who have encouraged and provided assistance and shared their

knowledge, namely Lisna Wulian, Amanda Auliya, Dika Nur Azzahra,

Cindy Junita, Jihan Fauziah, Dede Jumar, Muhamad Ihsan,

Ratnasari, Wiwin. Thank you for your support during the process of

writing this thesis.

6. To Gilang Ahmad Faisal, who always provides prayer and support when

the writer feels sad, upset, and confused so that in the end the writer can

finish this thesis.

7. Thank you to Nanda Meliana Khairun Nisa, who from the beginning of

the preparation of this thesis until the end of this thesis, has provided very

useful assistance and really helped the writer finish it.


In order to develop an engaged learning process, junior high school

students need to be taught English reading using different ways. The researcher
found that at one of the junior high schools in Cimahi, the textbook they were
using still lacked exercises, the students were bored while learning to read, and
the students and teacher needed entertainment or a different way in learning
reading. So, the researcher needs to identify the process, investigate the
feasibilities, find out the teachers’ and students’ responses, and investigate the
obstacles to reading comprehension of descriptive text assisted by Story
mapping for students. In this research, the researcher use a mixed method. The
subjects of the research were 8th-grade high school students located at SMP
Islam Terpadu (IT) Cisarua, West Java. The instruments used in the research
were interviews and questionnaires. Based on the researcher’s findings, the
researcher came to the conclusion Based on the data analysis, the use of story
mapping in the teaching and learning process is effective, as can be seen from
the student response scores and qualitative data. In addition, the use of story
mapping in the learning process makes students interested and motivated in
reading descriptive text skills. It can be concluded that the use of story mapping
media in class VIII students of SMP in Cisarua is very significant and can
improve students' abilities.
Keywords: Reading, Story Mapping, Teaching.

APPROVAL SHEET..............................................................................................I



MOTTO AND DEDICATION...........................................................................IV



TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................VIII

CHAPTER I............................................................................................................1


A. Background of the Research..................................................................1

B. Research Questions.................................................................................3

C. Objectives of the Research......................................................................3

D. Limitation of the Study...........................................................................3

E. Significance of the Study.........................................................................4

F. Definition of Key Terms..........................................................................4

G. Organization of the Research.................................................................6

CHAPTER III......................................................................................................19

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................19

A. Method of the Research........................................................................19

B. Research Subject and Location............................................................20

C. Research Procedures.............................................................................20
D. Data Collecting and Research Instrument..........................................22

E. Data Analysis.........................................................................................23

CHAPTER IV.......................................................................................................28

RESULT AND DISCUSSION.............................................................................28

A. Result......................................................................................................28

B. Discussion...............................................................................................33

CHAPTER V........................................................................................................35

CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS...........................................................35

A. Conclusions......................................................................................................35

B. Suggestions.......................................................................................................36



This chapter presents the outline of this research background, research questions,

the objective of the research, significance of the research, definition of key terms,

and the organization of the research.

A. Background of the Research

Language is an important role in life and life. Language is also a means of

communication to express everything that is implied in humans and a means

of daily communication between humans with one another. English is divided

into four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reading

stands for the third skill and will always be discussed here. By using this

skill, the reader tries to understand what ideas or information from a text the

writer wants to convey. Mastering reading skills is also a must for all students

learning English as a foreign language.

Through reading, students can understand the author's intent and can

also capture the information in the text. Teaching reading in the curriculum

must be under the needs of today's students and also teaching materials must

be realistic and useful in students' daily lives. Reading comprehension

instruction requires attention to a range of comprehension issues and reading

comprehension systems. Because of that, the teacher needs to verify the

understanding of students of their purpose for reading. So, teachers can


effectively integrate explicit strategies introduction into the reading

materials that are currently used in the classroom.

That phenomenon pushes the English teachers, also facilitators, to use

the appropriate method to increase students’ reading comprehension without

decreasing students’ motivation. Teachers can help students learn content

more effectively by using several teaching tactics. An issue can be solved,

especially when learning to read, by adopting an appealing reading technique

with educational media. One of the teaching methods that will increase

students' interest in reading is the use of pictures. Story mapping is a strategy

that uses a graphic organizer to help students learn the elements of a book or

story. In addition, graphic organizers can be used for brainstorming at the

beginning of a lesson or unit to find out what students already know. Graphic

organizers, with reading assignments, can help students to be able to organize

and capture information.

Based on the researcher’s preliminary study at SMP Islam Terpadu

(IT) Cisarua. The researcher encountered various issues while studying and

instructing in English. Reading was particularly boring and difficult for pupils

studying English since they were not engaged in the reading material and did

not know how to write descriptive writing. Both the student and the teacher

experienced the same difficulty using the textbook in class because some of

the books lacked adequate information for exercises and explanations.

Therefore, based on the problem above, the researcher would like to use

teaching media in the form of story mapping on descriptive text material, so


that students were more interested and interactive in the learning process, and

could help teachers create fun learning situations. To make the course

material more engaging, media must be used.

B. Research Questions

Research question inquires about the relationships among variables that the

investigators seek to know (Creswell, 2009) there are :

1. How is the implementation of using story mapping in teaching reading

descriptive text for junior high school?

2. What is the student response toward story mapping in teaching reading?

3. What are the difficulties in implementing story mapping in teaching


C. Objectives of the Research

The objective of this study is as follow :

1. To create the scenario and to know the implementation of teaching

reading descriptive by story mapping?

2. To know the teacher and students response toward teaching reading

descriptive by story mapping?

3. To identify the student’s difficulties in learning reading descriptive by

story mapping?

D. Limitation of the Study

The limitation of this research will focus on reading comprehension of

descriptive text assisted by story mapping for junior high school students.

E. Significance of the Study

The research has benefits for both the teacher, the students, and the other

researcher. The researcher hopes that it will be helpful and useful to all

aspects of the education profession, including instructors, and students.

1. For teachers

a. Can use this media as a tool to support the learning process.

b. It can help teachers in teaching reading skills.

c. Can become a motivation to increase students’ interest in reading


2. For students

a. Story mapping can make students comfortable and enjoyable.

Students will not easy bored learning reading.

b. To improve students' reading skills and to facilitate the learning


c. The level of student understanding and improve students to be more

interactive in the learning process.

3. For another researcher

This research is expected to set an example for further studies using the

same variables as the researcher.

F. Definition of Key Terms

The following are some of the key used in this study:


1. Reading

Reading is one of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading,

and writing) that are important for every individual to learn and master.

Reading is a way to get information from something written. Reading

involves recognizing the symbols that makeup language. Reading and

Listening are the second most common ways to get information.

Information obtained from reading can include entertainment. Reading

includes understanding written symbols and drawing inferences from

them. When we read, our brains generate words and sentences that

describe what we are reading while our eyes help us distinguish

symbols (such as the alphabet, punctuation, and spaces).

2. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text that describes something. Whether people,

objects, events, or places. Descriptive text provides a detailed

explanation so that readers understand the object of information they are

looking for. Descriptive text is characterized by the use of easy tense

and focuses on one object specifically. The object is then discussed

again in more detail in the descriptive text.

3. Story Mapping

Story mapping is a technique of recording ideas into visual graphics.

This technique was developed in the 1970s based on how the brain

works. Story mapping is also useful for visualizing what work needs to

be done initially to create the most effective final product. The end user

is the focus throughout the process, with an emphasis on multiple

iterations and incorporating feedback. Product managers rely on

mapping user stories, visualizing user stories, and showing how they can

achieve this through development.

G. Organization of the Research

The content of this paper is as follow:

Chapter I: Introduction

This chapter includes the research, research question,

objectives of the research, significance of the research,

definition of the key terms, limitations of the research, and

organization of the research.

Chapter II: Literature Review

This chapter offers the theoretical framework of the

literature because the reference helps the researcher in

expertise the trouble.

Chapter III: Research Methodology

This chapter offers the methodology and the procedure used

in this research, to get the data to reply to the study’s

question in chapter I.

Chapter IV: Result and Discussion

This chapter explains the outcomes of this research,

primarily based on the data series process.

Chapter V: Conclusion and Suggestions

This chapter contains the conclusion and suggestions of the



In this chapter, the researcher shows a literature review and previous studies for

reference and compares the material as a goal.

A. Reading

1. Definition of Reading

According to Volkers (2019), reading is the process of interpreting letters or

symbols to derive meaning from what is written or printed. Meanwhile,

Susanti (2020) included reading is the act of capturing and comprehending

thoughts, reader's activities are companies by the soul's overflowing in living

the script. While, Lisnawati & Suyadi (2020), stated that Reading

comprehension gets to be one of the English aptitudes that must be experts by

all understudies since when they have great perusing, they seem less

demanding to urge information from what they perused.

From the definitions above, reading is a process of getting something from

the written text such as a conclusion, message, knowledge, etc.

2. Reading Skill

According to Tarigan (2015) as cited in Utami (2021) highlighted the ability

to read is diverse and comprises the ability to recognize letters, language

components, and comprehension skills. Meanwhile, Chamba & Avila (2021)

stated reading ability involves analyzing and interpreting text, which helps

readers understand the text by drawing connections between previously


learned material and new information. Moreover, Hendriyani et al (2020)

added that reading comprehension is the capacity to understand the

information included in a text in order to fulfill the purposes of reading

activities. The goal of learning competency requires students to master

reading skills that will enable them to quickly understand and comprehend the

subject matter.

3. The Purpose of Reading

The most reason in reading is to look for and obtain the data including the

substance of the reading and get it the meaning of the reading content.

Shafieian (2020) said that there are several purposes of reading, such as:

a. Reading for detail

Reading to get detail data of content or know the reversal that have been

done by the author.

b. Reading for main idea

Reading to know why the subject is nice and curiously discover the issue

and make rundowns.

c. Reading for organization

Reading to know what happen in each portion to unravel the issue.

d. Reading for inference

Reading to discover out the conclusion from the content.


e. Reading to classify

Reading to classify a few data or activities of the author within the content.

f. Reading to assess

Reading to discover out the characteristic of each character at that point

assess them.

g. Reading to compare or differentiate

Reading to compare the plot of the content or substance that having

closeness with readers.

From the reason over, reading have an imperative part for the readers.

It can be concluded that perusing as organizing and think about too for a

common impression. In addition, ready to know that perusing as learning


4. The Important of Reading

More knowledge and information can be obtained by reading. Whatever that

was previously unknown to us will be known to us. If it's an English text,

reading can help us expand our vocabulary. Shafieian (2020) states that there

is some importance of reading:

a. Reading can make students smarter

More beneficial to the brain than watching a movie or listening to music is

reading. People are forced to think about what they read or to visualize

what they read in their minds as a result of this.


b. Reading can improve students’ vocabulary and language skill

Because each kind of literacy has its own language and style, reading can

help us become more fluent and expand our vocabulary.

c. Reading makes knowledgeable

A book is a source of knowledge, and as people read more, their existing

brain memories are filled in.

d. Reading boost creativity

More knowledge that encourages creativity is provided to us through

reading. Reading books on science and technology, for instance, can help

us improve our ability to innovate and create new products from those.

B. Descriptive Text

1. Definition of Text

According to Bugis (2019), text is an integrated linguistic statement in terms

of content, syntax and pragmatics. While, Rosdiana & Attas (2022) stated that

text is a type of language used to express concepts that are usually expressed

in writing. Based on Kurikulum 2013, the types of texts used by the researcher

in middle school are descriptive, retelling, narrative, procedural, and reporting

texts so the researcher decided to discuss the text namely the descriptive text.

From all the explanations above, it can be concluded text is another means of

written communication. When students learn English, they have to digest the

text in order to understand the meaning or intent of the author's text.


2. Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give information.

According to Daulay et al (2021), description text is text whose purpose is to

describe object, specifically. While, Prasetyo & Hasyim (2022), stated that

descriptive text is key to sharing experiences, describing things like vacations,

childhood homes, and people you meet to convince others to think or act a

certain way. Besides that, Lisnawati & Suyadi (2020) added that Descriptive

text may be a text which describes what an individual, put, creature or a thing

is like and the non-specific structures of graphic content are recognizable

proof and description.

From the definition above, descriptive text is a text that explain or describe

something specifically, it can be human, animal, things, etc.

3. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

According to Sunengko (2022), generic structure of descriptive text is divided

into two parts, there are:

a. Identification

It is generic portion of passage which presents or recognizes the character.

b. Description

It may be a portion of passage which describes the character.

4. Language Features of Descriptive Text

Maghribi (2021) highlighted that can be found in descriptive text, such as:

a. Use simple present tense.

b. Use adjectives.

c. Use thinking verbs.

d. Use adverbs to give information about character that explained.

5. Example of Descriptive Text

Ross is a small puppy. His size is as big as the palm of my hand. Ross is so

fragile. Sometimes I afraid I will hurt him if I want to take him up. Dad said

he found Ross near our house, crying looking for his mom. But Dad can’t see

her, so Dad decides to bring him home and give him some comfort. Ross is a

good eater. He always finished everything we gave him. Now, it’s been a

year since Ross come to our family. His small body has grown up into a size

of a football ball. Ross is a good dog, and we love him so much (description).

C. Story Mapping

1. Definition of Story Mapping

Story mapping is a strategy that uses a graphic organizer to help students learn

the elements of a book or story. According to Annisa & Oktavia (2020), story

mapping is the Story Mapping Technique is a method of instruction where

students are expected to break down the plot into small components, such as

the situation, obstacle, objective, course of action, and resolution. By using

the Story Mapping Technique, students are asked to break the plot down into

manageable parts, such as the circumstance, obstacle, goal, course of action,


and resolution. As a result, teaching students how to identify the details of a

tale by using the narrative mapping technique is a useful tactic (Latifah &

Rahmawati, 2019). While, Sahara (2022) added that story mapping can aid

students in deriving meaning from the concepts provided in the text and also

aids with vocabulary development.

According to this definition, it can be inferred that story mapping is a type

of graphic organizer made up of story components like characters, settings,

problems, and solutions that aims to help students comprehend the content of

the story and also improve reading comprehension for students who have

reading comprehension challenges.

2. The Example of Story Mapping

3. The Advantages of Story Mapping

Highlighted from Sahara (2022), stated that using a story map has various

advantages. The following are some of the advantages of story mapping:

a. Story mapping is a very useful and original learning method that helps

students learn to organize their thoughts clearly.


b. Develop into a useful tactic for improving students' comprehension of the

material they are taught.

c. Increasing the involvement and participation of teachers in instruction

while organizing reading texts.

d. Using concrete imagery to visualize the story.

e. By studying the pieces of the story, students find it simple to utilize their

imaginations to predict what will occur again.

f. Story mapping helps students write complete and accurate story parts and

helps them recall information for a long time.

According to the advantages of story mapping listed above, the media

can increase students' interest in the learning process because it uses pictures

and graphics.

D. Previous Study

The researcher outlines a number of earlier study topics that are related to the

research at present. Many earlier research that are pertinent to this topic


Research with the title “The Application of Mind Mapping Technique to

Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Seventh Grade of SMP”

written by Devilito Tatipang, Elisabeth Oroh and Nihta Liando. The goal of

the study was to determine whether or not using the mind mapping technique

may improve students' reading comprehension. The researcher wants to draw a

conclusion based on the study of all the data in the preceding pages. The

findings of this study demonstrated that the post-mean test's score (83.7)

exceeded that of the pre-test (26.6). This indicates that the Mind Mapping

Method was thought to be a useful method for improving pupils' reading

comprehension. The researcher came to the conclusion that the usage of the

Mind Mapping Method made learning enjoyable for the pupils. The class

might be more engaging if we used the mind mapping technique. The Mind

Mapping Method can be used in the classroom to help students who are

struggling with reading comprehension as well as to improve their reading


Research entitled “The Implementation of The Story Mapping Strategy to

Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension” that written by Muhammad

Lukman Syafii. The implementation of the StoryMapping Strategy in the

reading class was able to improve the learners’ attainment in reading

comprehension, mainly in narrative texts. The refinement can be known from

the progress of learners’ gains from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. The learners’

achievement hadrectified highly in Cycle 1 from 8 students (57%) of 14

students to 11 students (78%) in Cycle 2. Besides the score improvement, it

was also observed the increase of the learners’ involvement (participation) in

the teaching and learning process, proven bythe majority of the learners (73%)

took part vigorously in the second meeting of Cycle 2.

The study entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Group Story-Mapping

Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension of Students with Learning

Disabilities” written by Nada Alturki. The purpose of this study was to

examine the effectiveness of using group story-mapping on ESL students with


a learning disability in reading comprehension. Based on the results of this

study, the participants in the experimental group demonstrated considerable

improvement in reading comprehension after being provided with the

intervention using group story-mapping strategy. Thus, the finding suggested

to use Group Story-Mapping Strategy in order to assess ESL students with

learning disabilities in their comprehension of the text due to its helpfulness in

providing them a method to organize their thoughts and recognize the story

elements such as the main character, setting/time, and solution.

The research entitled “Utilizing Story Mapping Strategy to Improve

Students’ Reading Comprehension in Finding Main Idea” written by Roihatul

Millah. This research aims at (1) finding outwhether Story

MappingStrategycan improve students’ reading comprehension in finding

mainidea and (2) describing classroom climatewhen Story MappingStrategyis

implemented. The study's findings also demonstrate a notable improvement in

students' reading comprehension and ability to identify the key theme

throughout the teaching and learning process. The atmosphere in the classroom

also gets better. By involving the students in the learning process, this tactic

prevents them from becoming passive recipients of the information. Also, it

can help students recall earlier knowledge of narrative texts and help them

visualize the story in their minds. Because they are familiar with the text's

components, the pupils can quickly understand the information or substance of

the text. A teacher can use the story mapping approach in writing classes in

addition to teaching reading. It aids students in developing an outline for the

new text, making the writing assignment more engaging.

Research entitled “The Application of Story Mapping Technique to

Improve Writing Skills” written by Sriati Usman, Andini Safitri, and Mochtar

Marhum. This research aims to find out whether or not the application of the

story mapping technique can improve the writing skills of Grade X students of

SMK Negeri 3 Palu. Future research will greatly benefit from the findings of

this study, particularly for English teachers in junior and senior high schools

and lecturers in the English Education Study Program. By utilizing the story

mapping technique, they can do class projects or experimental research in

addition to using it in their regular educational process. Moreover, this

approach can be used to teach reading in addition to writing. By doing this,

future research can concentrate on enhancing reading abilities using the story

mapping technique.

In contrast to the previous study, which concentrated on utilizing the story

mapping strategy in narrative text, the current study concentrated on applying

the strategy in descriptive language. Also, this study's location, research

topics, and data collection tools were different from those used in other



This chapter presents the method applied in this research, as well as the aim,

subject of the study, data collecting, and data analysis.

A. Method of the Research

In this study, the researcher used mixed method. Mixed method is a

research step by combining two approaches in research, namely qualitative

and quantitative. Mixed research is a research approach that combines

qualitative research with quantitative research (Dawadi et al., 2021).

Meanwhile, Sugiyono (2014) as cited in Ibrahim (2020), mixed method is

a research approach that combines both qualitative and quantitative

methods to be utilized simultaneously in a research activity to produce

more comprehensive, valid, reliable, and objective data. Parjaman &

Akhmad (2019) added that mixed method is a method and way of thinking

that tries to improve the perspective of quantitative and qualitative

approaches in a study.

Based on those theories, it can be concluded that mixed method is

a method are a mix of quantitative and qualitative research at all levels or


The research conducted to help students in reading using story

mapping. As for the design used is the explanatory sequential design is a

combination research method that combines quantitative and qualitative


research methods sequentially, where in the first stage the research is

carried out using quantitative methods and in the second stage is carried

out using qualitative methods. This design is used because the

combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches will result in a

better understanding of the research problem than using only one


B. Research Subject and Location

The subjects of the research were 9th grade high school students located at

SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Cisarua, West Java. Furthermore, to obtain a

sample for this study, the researcher employed a purposive sampling

strategy, selecting a model by selecting a subject based on the specific goal

rather than level or geography. The researcher then made the decision to

collect quantitative data from 32 students. As a result, a small qualitative

sample was recruited via convenient sampling, and a model was developed

from a group of people who are easy to reach. Ten students choose to

participate in the interview in order to gain a better understanding of the

phenomenon being examined in the qualitative phase, which is mostly

based on the initial analysis of the questionnaire.

C. Research Procedures

The research stages follow the research stages of the sequential

explanatory Design. The steps of the sequential explanatory are as follows:


Figure 3. 1. The Steps of The Sequential Explanatory.

Formulate the Collect and

Formulate the
theoretical basis analyzing
and hypotheses qualitative data

Collect and
Test the
analyzing Analyze data
quantitative data

conclusion and

According to this figure, the steps in the first stage of qualitative

research are to determine the study setting where there is a problem or

potential, or simply to know what the settings are. The researcher then

conducts a theoretical viewpoint study, which serves to guide researchers

in data collection and analysis. The researcher then joined the study

setting, gathering data and analyzing qualitative data until the researcher

was able to obtain a complete picture of the research object, create

meaning, and hypotheses.

The researcher employed a quantitative method in the second step

of the investigation to test the hypotheses discovered in the first stage.

The quantitative method involves defining the population and sample as a

place to test hypotheses, building and testing tools to gather data for data

analysis, and then writing a report that concludes with conclusions and


D. Data Collecting and Research Instrument

The aim of data collection is to reveal the fact related to the variable. This

research used mix method with the domination of descriptive qualitative.

Field note, documentation, library research, and interview were chosen as

the research instrument to fulfil the qualitative data and questionnaire was

chosen as the research instrument for the quantitative data.

1. Qualitative Data Instruments

a. Interview

An interview is a meeting between two persons to exchange

information and ideas through questions and replies in order to

develop meaning in a certain issue (Deshpande, 2020). In this

study, the researcher asked the teacher about her/his thoughts on

politeness usage in teaching activities, his perspectives on the

importance of politeness usage in the learning process, and to

learn about the students' backgrounds and characteristics. The

interview followed the paperwork.

2. Quantitative Data Instrument

a. Questionnaire

According to Sugiyono (2017), as cited in Soleh (2019),

questionnaire is a data collection method in which the respondent

is presented with a series of questions or written statements that

must be answered. The researcher employed ten closed-ended


questions in which students only had to answer one of the options.

It was created using a 5-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree,

2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree) and 16

questions about each student's perception and satisfaction based

on the perception theory modified from Khan et al. (2021) as

cited in (Lestari & Pd, 2022). It used to obtain data related to

reading learning responses related to descriptive text learning

materials using story mapping for students in the 10th grade of

SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Cisarua.

E. Data Analysis

Data analysis was employed in the data analysis to analyse the results of

the needs analysis and try-out. In this study, there were two ways to

analyse the data. The first was data analysis in quantitative and the second

was data analysis in qualitative.

1. Data Analysis in Quantitative

The data obtained by the students' responses is tabulated, and the

percentage of the students is calculated using the percentage technique.

The initial step in data analysis was scoring. The scoring went from the

grain of the questionnaire's questions. To calculate the mean score, add

the entire number of degrees of agreement selected. The scale has a

maximum score of 5 and a minimum score of 1. The researcher scored

the item based on the number of students who responded in the


The researcher then divided the entire frequency score by

the total number of questions in the second stage. The formula was

explained as follows:

Table 3. 1. Response Scale Criteria

Point Criteria

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree

3 Quite agree

4 Agree

5 Strongly agree

After calculating each student's score, it was categorized to

the range score to provide a description of each student's interest.

The following formula was used to determine the criteria range


P= X 100%
Max Score

P : Percentage

F : Frequency

Max Score : Maximum score


Eventually, to see each students’ interest levels it consulted

to the following criteria table Riduwan (2013) cited in (Pranata,

2019). Finally, in order to determine each student's level of interest,

the following criteria were used. The table as follows:

Table 3. 2. Respondent Interpretation Criteria

Percentages Description

81% - 100% Very strong

61% - 80% Strong

41% - 60% Enough

21% - 40% Weak

0% - 20% Very weak

Theoretically, it can be determined from the above teacher

and student response categories that responses from teachers as well as

students are valid if the response score ranges from 61 to 100%.

3. Data Analysis in Qualitative

For making conclusion from the qualitative data, the researcher used

some stages of analysis data by Huberman, and Saldana (2014) as

cited in Cookson & Stirk (2019). The stages are:


a. Managing

Before the data is ready to be analysed, it is controlled by

imagining how the research data interview would look. The data

was divided by the researcher depending on each indicator.

b. Reading/ Memoing

Reading/memorizing is the first step in analysis; reading the

interview and the researcher's comments to obtain a sense of the

data. In this study, the researcher read the data from the interviews.

The researcher read about some of the characteristics that influence

students' enthusiasm in studying English.

c. Classifying

After reading the interview data, the data is classified. The data was

classified based on the types of characteristics that contribute to a

person's desire in learning.

d. Description

The description is based on data from interviews and is intended to

present a true picture of the setting and events that occurred there.

In this stage, the researcher began to detail all of the facts on how

the motivational aspect in learning can help the researcher

accomplish the next step in data analysis.

e. Interpreting

After the data was obtained, it was interpreted. Interpretation is also

a component of the process of writing the study's results.

Interpretation encompasses the contemplative, integrative, and

explanatory components of working with research findings. Data

interpretation is mainly focused on the data's connections, common

characteristics, and interconnections, particularly the identified

categories and patterns. The data about the motivational elements

that contribute to students' desire in learning English was

interpreted by the researcher.

The combination and presentation of data results in

quantitative and qualitative conclusions that are consistent, with

three expected outcomes: 1) Confirmation occurs when findings

from one type of data confirm findings from another type of data;

2) Expansion occurs when findings from two sources differ and

expand on various insights and address different aspects; and 3)

Discordance occurs when findings from two data sets are

inconsistent and contradict each other. However, it is still necessary

to look into differences.



A. Result

The researcher stated the results from the questionnaire and interview in this

chapter. The questionnaire was used to determine the level of student interest, and

the interview guidance was used to identify the variables that contribute to such

students' interest by using story mapping to read descriptive text. The survey was

conducted through questionnaire distribution into the students from SMP Islam

Terpadu (IT) Cisarua. The interview, on the other hand, included numerous

kids who were chosen based on their level of interest. Based on the survey

results, the researcher chose the students with low interest for this study. In this

case, the researcher only interviewed a few students with low individual


1. The Students’ Interest in Reading Descriptive Text using Story


In conducting the survey, the questionnaire consisting 10 statements about

students’ individual interest were distributed to 32 students. The response

of the questionnaire was calculated through statistical computation. Each

response of the statements in the questionnaire was given scale value based

on Likert-scale value that were “Strongly Agree”, which value was 5,

“Agree”, which value was 4, “Quiet Agree”, which value was 3,


“Disagree”, which value was 2, and “Strongly Disagree”, which value was

1. And every negative statement was counted reverse.

Respondents should select one of four options for each item:

strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree. The researcher used

frequency (F) as a number of students' frequency in selecting the one

choice on the table. The percentage (%) is the outcome of data gathered

from student responses. The researcher utilized the % formula to calculate

the percentage. Frequency was divided by the total number of students and

then multiplied by 100%. Furthermore, the researcher separated the table to

categorize the data results based on each area of individual interest, which

were feeling related valence, value related valence, and intrinsic valence

beliefs. The table below shows the percentage of students who are


Table 4. 1Questionnaire Result of Students' Response .

No Statement P Criteria

1 I find it easier to do the task of reading 82% Strong

descriptive text using story mapping.

2 I became more interested in learning reading 79% Strong

descriptive text with the help of story mapping

than using textbooks.

3 I became more enthusiastic about learning 78% Strong


reading descriptive text with the help of story

mapping than using textbooks in class.

4 I became more interested in understanding the 77% Strong

learning reading descriptive text with the help

of story mapping in the classroom.

5 I feel bored quickly in learning reading 72% Strong

descriptive text with the help of story mapping.

6 I became comfortable learning reading 77% Strong

descriptive text with the help of story mapping

in the class.

7 I feel there is an improvement in learning 77% Strong

reading descriptive text with the help of story


8 It difficult for me to understand the descriptive 78% Strong

text that teachers teach in class.

9 It difficult for me to understand the reading 75% Strong

descriptive text from the textbooks.

10 I feel the use of story mapping in reading 74% Very

descriptive text is less effective in class. Strong

Percentages 77% Strong


Figure 4. 1. The Students' Interest for Studying Descriptive Text

using Story Mapping

The Students' Interest for Studying Descrip-

tive Text using Story Mapping



The Highest of Students' Interest The Lowest of Students' Interest

From the chart above, it can be concluded that the average overall

student response of interest is 77%, which percentage can be categorized

into strong criteria. It indicates that the students were enthusiastic about

studying descriptive text through story mapping.

2. Factors Influencing Students' Interest in Learning Descriptive Text

using Story Mapping

This part offers the qualitative data findings, which serve as supporting

evidence and validate the survey findings. This section discusses the

elements that motivate students to seek an education in English.

a. Teacher

Based on the findings of the interviews, the researcher discovered that

teachers' teaching strategies and attitudes increase students' motivation

in studying English, particularly descriptive texts. The researcher

discovered that all of them claimed that the teacher's teaching strategy

influenced their English major studies. It signifies that 100% of the

students agree that their teachers impact their decision to major in


b. Peer/ Friends

Based on the findings of the interviews, the researcher discovered that

friends impact their decision to major in English. The study

discovered that 30% of respondents said their friends encouraged

them to pursue an English major alongside them. And it was

discovered that 70% of the students stated that their peers had not

asked them to study at the English major. They claimed, however, that

having friends who encourage them and actively assist them will make

them want to study.

c. Text book

Based on the findings on the interview, the researcher found that the

impact of the textbooks was very high. The respondents stated that

most of the text book that they used as school especially English text

book was not provide many information and examples related to the

material that make them confuse and bored to learn English especially

in reading.

3. Obstacle

During this research, the researcher found several obstacles. Most of the

obstacle is about the schedule for the research at school due to schedules

that clash with school agendas such as exams and other things like the

student difficulty about the instruction and the step to use the story


B. Discussion

This part will give a discussion of research that used a mixed method

quantitative and qualitative data collection that is connected to the literature

used, based on the findings of the research.

The use of story mapping in learning reading descriptive text as a media.

Based on the results of the research, it was found that it attracted students’

reading interest than before. Because of the simple appearance and the short

text, it easy for them to understand the material.

This is in line with the the purpose of story mapping by Sahara (2022), it

can be a solutions that aims to help students comprehend the content of the

story and also improve reading comprehension for students. Beside that, in the

class situation while learning descriptive text using story mapping, there were

more interaction between students, improving students’ understanding of

descriptive text material, they can apply it and made some examples about the


Teacher and students also had an opportunity to discussed the material in

different ways that much more enjoyable for both teacher and students. This is

in line with one of the advantages of story mapping by Annisa & Oktavia

(2020), that story mapping increasing the involvement and participation of

teachers in instruction while organizing reading texts.

One of the objectives of this research was to determine the response of

students and teachers to the learning media that is story mapping in descriptive

text which aimed to create a fresh media to learn disruptive text in different

way. Moreover, to find the teacher and students response of the product, the

researcher collected quantitative data used a closed-ended questionnaire. Based

on the data from the result of students’ questionnaire calculations, it was found

that was 77% which can be said as strong or the students are interested in

learning descriptive text using story mapping. These results indicated that the

response is good.

This is in line with Pranata (2019) that stated the result of the data can be

concluded as good if the score was in the range 61% - 100%, it means the use

of story mapping classified as good.

The research faced several obstacles, which was the obstacle is about the

schedule for the research at school due to schedules that clash with school

agendas such as exams. To solve the problem, the researcher made another plan

and choose another time that suit with the school agendas. Another obstacle

during this research was the student difficulty about the instruction and the

steps to make or use the story mapping media.

The researcher has been solved that problem by doing some demonstration

and gave some examples in front of the class so the students can use the story

mapping in learning reading descriptive text. Overall, the research did not go

as planned, but with all of the adjustments and revisions made, the researcher

was able to overcome every challenge.



This chapter presents the conclusions and suggestions of researchers based on the

research results that have been discussed.

A. Conclusions

Here are some general conclusions that the researchers drew from the previous

discussion: the purpose of this study was to increase students' interest in reading

descriptive using story mapping media before and after it was used. Story

mapping is a media which is a storytelling strategy in the form of a map, which

combines story maps in the form of text and images. Which will make it easier

for children to understand the contents of the story mapping text on the ability

to read comprehension of descriptive text.

Based on the data analysis, the use of story mapping in the teaching and

learning process is effective, as can be seen from the student response scores

and qualitative data. In addition, the use of story mapping in the learning

process makes students interested and motivated in reading descriptive text

skills. It can be concluded that the use of story mapping media in class VIII

students of SMP in Cisarua is very significant and can improve students'


B. Suggestions

Based on the results of the research, the authors would like to convey some

suggestions, especially for teachers, students, as well as for the next learning


1. For Teacher

Regarding the vast advantages of technology in the eduction field, teacher

is expected to explore more about the use of online learning platform in

teaching and learning processes. Teacher should also consider which

online learning platform that can be used as both teaching and assessing

tools with the aim to enrich students’ experiences toward the teaching and

learning processes so that students; will not get bored. Other than that,

teacher should also prepare more on making sure of every steps from the

beginning to the end of the activity. It is also hoped that teacher can

estimate any obstacles that are likely occur during the activity. It is done in

order to prevent things that are not conducive to happen. The estimating of

time consuming and many planning on teaching is also hoped can be done

by the teacher in order to help the activity to be going well in any situation

and condition of time.

2. For Student

Students are expected to be more diligent in improving their reading skills,

especially in understanding the important aspects of every text they read,

especially descriptive text. It is also hoped that they can be more active in

participating in every learning activity. They are expected to be able to

explore many platforms to learn English for some reason to enrich their

knowledge and skills towards technology.

3. For Further Learning Process

Various techniques and learning methods can be applied by teachers in

teaching reading descriptive texts with the help of Story mapping to build

a better understanding of the material so that it can be a new way to learn

and to do tests on descriptive texts in an interesting way. It is hoped that

considering the advantages of story mapping which can facilitate teachers

in the learning process and provide online quiz results will be material for

reflection for teachers and students for the next teaching and learning



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