Elite Physics G10 T3 SLA

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Science Laboratory Assessment

Elite Physics Grade 10

Free Fall Lab

Multiflash photography can be used to examine the motion of objects by taking a series of images, at fixed time intervals
on one camera exposure, as shown in the example below.

In an experiment a ball was dropped from certain height at an unknown location. As the ball fell, exposures of the ball
were taken at fixed time intervals (Multiflash photo). The results of the experiment are shown on the next page.

The scale for the photograph is 1 cm = 0.60 m

The time interval between exposures is 0.1 seconds

(Note your teacher may give you a different scale and/or time interval)

Elite Physics Grade 10 Free Fall Lab Term 3, 2023-24 academic year Page 1 of 5
Science Laboratory Assessment
Elite Physics Grade 10
Multiflash photograph
of falling ball at an
unknown location. The
green dot represents the
ball at time = 0 seconds.

Elite Physics Grade 10 Free Fall Lab Term 3, 2023-24 academic year Page 2 of 5
Science Laboratory Assessment
Elite Physics Grade 10
1. Using a ruler measure the position (from the origin) in centimeters for each position of the falling ball
on the diagram. Ensure that you measure from the same part of each ball. For example, always
measure from the top edge of one ball to the top edge of the next measured ball as shown below.

2. Record your measurements in the Measured Position column of the Table for Experiment below.
3. Calculate the actual position in meters by applying the scale factor to each measured position and record the
actual position in the Actual Position column of the Table for Experiment below.

Table for Experiment

Change in Calculated
Measured Position Actual Position position during average velocity
Dot Time (s)
(cm) (m) time interval (m/s)
0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0.1

2 0.2

3 0.3

Elite Physics Grade 10 Free Fall Lab Term 3, 2023-24 academic year Page 3 of 5
Science Laboratory Assessment
Elite Physics Grade 10
4 0.4

5 0.5

6 0.6

7 0.7

8 0.8

9 0.9

10 1.0

11 1.1

12 1.2

13 1.3

14 1.4

15 1.5

16 1.6

Elite Physics Grade 10 Free Fall Lab Term 3, 2023-24 academic year Page 4 of 5
Science Laboratory Assessment
Elite Physics Grade 10
Analysis 1 Position – time graph

1. Plot a graph between the Actual Position and Time. The graph must have the correct labels for the title, axes,
and units.
2. Add a curve of best fit to the plotted points (a smooth curve that passes through or close to the points).

You can plot it by hand on a graph paper, take a picture and paste it here. You could also use Microsoft Excel
to generate the graph and paste that chart here.

3. Describe the trend shown on the graph (complete the sentence below).

As time increases the position _______________________________________________________________

Analysis 2 Velocity– time graph

1. Using the data in the Table for Experiment, calculate the change in position for each time interval, record the
change in position in the change in Position column of the Table for Experiment. (NOTE : The change in position
for each time interval is calculated by subtracting the previous position from the current position.)
1. Using the data in the Table for Experiment, calculate the average velocity using change in position and time
interval for each measurement, record the Calculate average velocity column.

2. Plot a graph between the Calculate Average Velocity and Time. The graph must have the correct labels for the
title, axes, and units.

3. Add a line best fit to the plotted points

You can plot it by hand on a graph paper, take a picture and paste it here. You could also use Microsoft Excel
to generate the graph and paste that chart here.

4. Use the velocity – time graph to determine g at the unknown location. (Show all working)

Alternative method of generating data for the Velocity– time graph

Briefly describe an alternative method for generating data for the velocity – time graph using the
position time graph. (Hint: See Figure 2.6c Page 201 of textbook)

Elite Physics Grade 10 Free Fall Lab Term 3, 2023-24 academic year Page 5 of 5

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