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Burning anything, including food, and

hydrocarbons split with oxygen to produce CO2

and water with usually two molecules of water
for every one of CO2. Now the water is a
greenhouse gas. Cloud traps heat and keeps
things mild, while the absence of cloud lets
heat disappear and we have morning frost. In
fact, water is more than 85 per cent of the
cause of local climate-change. But
the IPCC never introduced water to the
computer models that pointed the finger at CO2.
But there is a conceit that mankind is so
important. Less than 4 per cent of all CO2
produced is manmade. Every tree and creature
grows, dies, rots and ferments, giving back its
CO2. The oceans covering 70 per cent of the
Earth’s surface contain 80 per cent of all plant
and animal life. Man, compared to that, is far
less significant. Only one-quarter of the 30 per
cent of the planet that is land can support man
unaided - just 7.5 per cent of the entire
The major thrust of climate-change claims is
that man is destroying the planet. There is
much evidence to show that we are the
greatest burden that Earth has to bear. To
simply rape the earth of all its fossil-fuels would
be gross folly.
The day of the extreme, irrational, badly
schooled yet powerful environmental lobbyists
must come to a close, for all our sakes.

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