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Chemical kinetics and catalysis

Chapter 4 and 5. Chemical kinetics and catalysis

1. In a reaction of A to form a product at 25oC, when the initial concentration of the reactant increases from
0.502 to 1.007 mol L-1, the half-life time decreases from 51 to 26s. Determine the order and the rate constant
of the reaction.
ANS.: order of reaction: 2 and k = 0.0386 L mol-1 s-1
2. The conversion of parahydro into orthohydro was carried out at 923 K. The dependence of the half-life
time (t½) on the initial pressure is listed in the below table. Determine the order of the reaction. Assume that
only parahydro was present at the beginning of the reaction.
P (mmHg) 50 100 200 400
t½ (s) 648 450 318 222
-5 -1 -1
ANS.: k= 2.25 x 10 mmHg . s , order of reaction: 1.5
3. The decomposition reaction of NO2 at 300oC is as follows:
NO2 (g) → NO (g) + O2 (g)
Time (s) 0 50 100 200 300
[NO2], mol/L 0.01000 0.00787 0.00649 0.00481 0.00380
The experimental data are given in the above table.
a) Determine the rate order and rate constant of the reaction
b) Plot the kinetic curve and estimate the rate of the reaction at the time of 50s.
c) Determine average rate of reaction from 0-50s and compare to the result obtained in b).

4. The hydrolysis reaction of 1-methylcyclohexyl chloride, (CH2)6-C(Cl)(CH3), in 80% ethanol is

assumed to be a first-order reaction. The experimental data was given in the below table:
toC 0 25 35 45
k, s-1 1.0610-5 3.1910-4 9.8610-4 2.9210-3
Plot the logk- graph and determine the activation energy of the reaction.
Determine ko in the Arrhenius equation: k = k o e−E/RT and the half-life time of the reaction at 298 K.
ANS.: E = 90.314 kJ/mol
5. The activation energy of a first-order reaction is E = 25 kcal/mol, and the pre-exponential factor ko in the
Arrhenius equation (k = k o e−E/RT) has a value of 5.1013 s-1. Determine the temperature at which the half-
life time of the reaction equals to:
a) 1 minute; b) 30 days ANS.: a) 349.5 K; b) 269.5K
6. Explain effect of a catalyst on rate of a reaction.
7. List all factors that affect rate of reaction and describe the effects.
8. Explain why an enzyme possess a high selectivity.
9. Explain the concept of “green catalysis”? Describe several characteristics of this process.

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