EcoStruxure Asset Advisor For ED - Release Note 7.4&7.5

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EcoStruxure Asset Advisor for Electrical Distribution

Release note 7.4 & 7.5 version December 2022

What’s new?
▪ New offer supported: EcoStruxure Service
Plan for Power and Asset Management is
ready to go in the platform, with an initial
version adding PMS system asset type.

▪ Dynamic Condition Based Maintenance

for LV Drives and for UPS are available
thanks to new aging indicators and
maintenance indexes

▪ ECTM (Electrical Connection Thermal

Monitoring) for transformer thermal points,
with analytics based on Machine learning.

▪ Integration with OnSite report (via bFS) is

a milestone for dynamic CBM features.

Preventive Predictive
Monitoring 24/7 asset monitoring ✅ ✅
Detection of abnormal conditions ✅ ✅
Alarm/event management of abnormal condition ✅ ✅
Energy consumption data visualization
Electric Fire Prevention ✅ ✅
Condition assessment with predictive analytics ✅

On-line support Access 24/7 Connected Services Hub ✅ ✅
Remote technical support (troubleshooting) ✅ ✅
Reporting and Asset Health reporting on demand ✅ ✅
Consulting Customized report with insights from experts ✅
Condition based recommendations
Optimize Dynamic Condition Based Maintenance planning Only for ESP Prime and ESP
with Maintenance Index Predict with full options

Confidential Property of Schneider Electric | Page 1

Customer Dashboard New Features

ESP for Power and Asset Management

Platform is ready to room a new offer bundling

Power Advisor (PA) outcomes from their
reports with EcoStruxure Service Plan Prime.
It becomes more comprehensive offer among
the platform options. Main features delivered:
• New entry on Offers table, can be configured,
and displayed accordingly.
• New asset type: PMS System added to
gather information from Power Advisor. PMS
stands for Power Monitoring System.

New Indicators

New indicators and algorithms for that asset type

stored into platform, to be updated with PA report
cadence every 6 months:
• Electrical health score at site level,
considering electrical health issues; and
displays links to Electrical issues list and,
in case of poor level, link to Data Quality
overview to speed access to them. It
works as asset Health index, moreover,
used to feed Health Matrix on site view.
• Data Quality score, considering all data
quality issues.
Data quality issues (and score) works as
confidence level of Electrical health score. If
Data Quality score is low, then Electrical
health score may be impacted by that poor
quality on existing data.
Computation for both scores are available in
the Help icon. They use different ranges.
• Site Risk level is not impacted yet by new
• Health matrix display new asset type, PMS

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New Tabs and widgets

• Site level tabs:

• Electrical health tab: An overview to display together new Electrical heath score or
index and Top 10 issues with negative impact on that score, and new tiles chart.
In case Electrical health score is poor or medium, a small icon will be displayed in the
tree view, close PMS system asset type, to bring user earlier attention.

• Electrical health issues tab: a grid or table with full list of issues from PMS system, where
CSH user can create and manage all the issues impacting Electrical Health score.
This tab is not available for End users, only CSH and Partner users.

To create a new electrical issue, it can be

imported from Power Advisor report and
created manually following this template
under predefined categories (6 for
Electrical health and 24 for Data Quality).
Same template applies for edition.
Issues should be set to “Fixed” by CSH
with toggle button, as soon as issue is
identified as fixed, at minimum when next
Power Advisor report arrives without that
issue inside.

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• Asset level tabs:
• PMS System detail tab: same layout as Electrical health tab, accessible from PMS
system asset perspective, while including
• Data Quality score,
• Data quality tiles
• Data quality top 10 issues
• Properties: for PMS system description and reference data
• System Events: to report tickets out of events produced by platform, not imported from
PA, if any. It could case for thresholds setting, manually created tickets and more.
• Insights: to display widgets (customizable), for instance Data Quality score time serie
• Data quality issues: similar layout to Electrical health issues, now at asset level and
focused on the Quality issues. This tab is not available for End users, only CSH and
Partner users

Both for Electrical health (site level) and PMS System detail (asset level) tabs, includes two new
types of widget:

• Tiles chart: It provides a quick view on kind of problem we may have, grouped under
categories (6 for Electrical health issues and 24 for Data Quality issues). Mouse over the chart,
user can read number of issues under selected category

• List of top 10 issues: A table listing top 10 issues, ranked by higher-to-lower priority, impact
(decreasing %) and creation date (older on top). There is no update functionality form this
widget, updates can be done by CSH only.

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Dynamic CBM for LV Drives

Dynamic Condition Based Maintenance for

LV Drives is ready to support ESP for Drives.
• New aging indicators (based on the power
fan and cubicle fan) and settings (Last and
next Maintenance dates, Usage and
environmental level)
• New algorithms to compute Partial
maintenance index for fans, and Drive
maintenance index
• New Maintenance dashboard for LV Drive,
• And updates for Site Maintenance tab,
including the new asset type with that
option enabled.
Remember it applies to offer level ESP Prime.

Dynamic CBM for UPS

Big evolution for the UPS asset type.
New components
• Required to analyze UPS deeper, we add
components or subassemblies:
• Controller PCB
• DC fan
• Display
• Network management card PCB
• Power module
• Power supply unit
• Static bypass switch PCB
For some ranges not all would apply.
• Battery banks are not taken as another
subassembly but a child asset.

UPS Analytics
• Aging indicators provided by GAF will be
converted into Partial Health indexes
• Then, they are used to compute Partial
Maintenance indexes, together with
maintenance dates and maintenance logs

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• Maintenance log content is a list of
predefined events, so far focused on
• any subassembly replacement
• restart after shutdown
• full product replacement
• These indicators get aggregated upstream
into assets located above in the tree
hierarchy, particularly container asset
type. Maintenance tab [Site] display UPS
with Maintenance index value, in grid.
• In case of battery banks already installed
into Galaxy or Symetra ranges, platform
facilitates reading parameters required by
GAF, avoiding full battery bank
configuration as brand new (child) asset,
by adding proper commercial reference.

UPS Overview
Primary dashboard to display UPS is an
Overview tab, containing:
• Summary of events
• Key manufacturing properties
• Operational history
• Status (value of UPS parameters)
• UPS load along time (active power)

ECTM for Transformer thermal points

New analitycs based on Machine Learning (ML) for connected Oil and Dry transformers,
when having thermal sensors fitted. Platform will provide indicators for predicted
temperatures on following locations:
- Dry transformer: LV connection, MV connection up; Winding temperature was
- Oil transformer: LV connection, MV connection

Minor improvement: added measurement for thermal monitoring LV-Neutral, that was
missing in Oil transformer.
Also, a mention to internal upgrades to get any ECTM analytics from updated A2S
analytics engine, updated to better scale growth; and data files interchange from Box to
AzureBlobStorage achieved.

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More OMD improvements
New improvements are available for OMD (One Monitoring Dashboard), adding
ergonomics to operation and better user experience.

Maintenance Log feed from Onsite report

Existing Maintenance Logs for recording
maintenance history on field, get automated
• Information from OnSite system report
(used by Schneider’s FSR after their field
intervention) is imported into Maintenance
log to incorporate key activities, without
manual intervention.
• It applies to LV and MV circuit breakers
• In advance, Golden Id has to be reported
into EAA platform, as mandatory key to run
import process from bFS.
Connection to On Site (via bFS) will provide
valuable records already stored to compute
next maintenance needs. It is remarkable gain
for dynamic Condition Based Maintenance.

Improvements on LV Circuit Breaker:

• Added new component or assembly: Trip
unit battery. It needs to be activated during
provisioning to enable corresponding
Partial Health and Maintenance index
• New Information under help button will
display picture for main subassemblies on
LV and platform indicators related. Help
available from Asset details or Asset
Maintenance tabs.

Improvements on Thermal Monitoring:

• Display Site name and Asset name in
Detail widget name for thermal point
charts to easily track its location.
• Similarly, Thermal monitoring accordion
menu display functional name of related
asset, as per tree view hierarchy name.

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• Winding temperatures (Dry transformer)
added to accordion menu, with widgets:
o to display 3 phases temperature
o to display 3 phases current.

Improvements on Rotating equipment

• Last release note announced new
indicators for rotating equipment, while
some issues were preventing to use them.
Now, they are running thanks to some
evolution on the process with a revisited
process to feed indicators after incident
reception from Samotics interface.
• Added last indicator: Load fault. Updated
corresponding algorithms for Partial
Health and Health index: Load health.
• For MV motor dashboards
o In Overview tab: Replace the label
"Current" by "Current Standard"
o In Insight tab: Replace name
"Induction motor" by "Motor”

Evolution of ATV 6000

• Allow creation of ATV6000 with 1 fan per cubicle; previously, minimum fans were 2.
• ATV6000 should be counted as one single asset. We keep ATV6000 tree view with
subcomponents, while we count as 1 single asset for Matrix health, and for data
extractions. MV motor continue to be counted as another asset.

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Evolution of ESP for Fire Prevention
• MV Panels compute EFRP Index algorithm considering ECTM for thermal points
• Fire index matrix modifications
o When selecting an asset into matrix, message on tree view corresponds with condition
assessment provided in the Fire Prevention tab
o If Monitoring Level = null, then EFR Index = null
o Close to matrix, there is counter for assets with EFRP null and new one for assets with
Monitoring level =0. In turn, previous matrix column for monitoring level =0 has been
removed, their EFRP is not displayed.

• Added two key indicators into AMS

Tickets, except if Monitoring level is very
low (=0)

Evolution of widget functionalities

• Within Threshold management window,
that comes up from existing widgets into
Insight tab, there is a new option or tab to
track history of:
o Updated values: When, who and
value updated; for Upper, Lower
thresholds, and trends if any.
o With dropdown list to select any
indicator available into widget
• When adding new widget, usability is
improved by
o top filter able to find by indicator
name, internal (meaning) name or
technical device name. Results are
ordered by indicator name.
o display help on chart selection.

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Maintenance tab [Site level]
• Includes Container asset type on the grid.
• Displays an icon when Next maintenance date is updated to advise Maintenance index
will run later (daily cadence) to update value upon new Next date recorded.
• Update the rule for Recommended maintenance period (i.e 5 years) to take into account
offer level (Plus/Prime)
• Export function is sensitive to Site time zone toggle button

Specific roles evolutions

• More evolutions on the One Monitoring Dashboards for Partners users
o Information in the Site banner on top of screens: partner name in bold and accessible
to end user, while reduced partner picture size
o Properties tab: Commissioning date [Control unit] ruled by time zone toggle button.
o Show up same icon for the Attach A File button for all alternatives to go into ticket
• Important for End users only, User management menu has been disabled. Thay
should request updates to CSH contact.

Support for new offers or pilots

PAS600 and other gateways

There are additional new functionalities to process PAS (topology) files, and some
improvements on existing ones, and several bugs identified with testing:
• Configuration request sent with selection of events expected on next published file
• File received is made under convention that platform is able to convert into structured
data: devices, time series and or events (so far, predefined events).
• Process predefined events received from gateway by ticket templates (ETD), similar
process to Com’X custom events. Predefined events are limited in firmware 1.5.
• To support Gateway configuration issues, there is a Unmatching indicators tab, for
internal user to deal with potential mapping issues between gateway file and platform
• Translation of enumeration received for Boolean stats which are unclear
• Remote access commands to enable/disable remote access
• For internal users, there are evolutions related to auto-provisioning from Device
management tab (Expert):
o To facilitate mapping between gateway devices identified into topology file, and
assets located on tree hierarchy into platform. By matching them, we can load
physical address required during asset provisioning. Also serial number and
commercial reference can get updated from device, if reported
o Multiple devices can be assigned
o Unassign function also ready to decouple device and asset previously coupled.
o Filter to find un-assigned only and devices no longer reported into topologhy file

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• An interesting improvement to indicate Frequencies for Sampling and Publication,
which are set in Expert dashboard, has been sent to ETP for gateway update
• During gateway configuration, there will be a new field: “Connection type”, as
optional field. We can record Connection type (4G, Ethernet…) and, in case of
mobile data line, to store IMEI for Sim card.

• Release 1.5 of PAS600 has been released in November. There are several bugs
fixed related to new PAS gateway testing and the auto-provisioning functionality:
o Topology file in wrong directory and double topology received from PAS
o Delete PaS gateway added wrongly
o Configuration Request received twice
o Deprovision message
o Auto provisioning skips devices and error when trying to associate devices
• And also, few issues fixed with Site Server gateway

Partial Discharge - PD 100

• Started the journey to deliver Partial Discharge device by Schneider Electric,
platform has added new 32 properties or indicators (meanings) to be used in PD 100
technical device.

Factory provisioning
• UPS evolution requires updates on Factory functionality to add them into
Prefabricated Modular Datacenters
o Number of UPS. Are they connected in parallel?
o Range name, from limited options list: Symetra, Galaxy Smart-UPS,
o Rated current and voltage
o Commercial Reference
• For same factory users, we also can disable thermal monitoring for LV panels and
Circuit breakers

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CSH improvements
In addition to all improvements reported above, there are cetrtain items only visAs
- New way to manually force value for Last sample variable for algorithms
- ATV6000 provisioning – create button remains clickable
- Site edition: site node selected by default
- Expert: Technical Device algorithm to display outputs
- Partial Maintenance algorithms: Update on parameter threshold
- Add a “SMD global status” indicator to the SMD Location technical asset
- Expert: Site portfolio” previously was not reseting partner related to a user, now
partner name updated,
- Expert: “Report generation settings” reorganized with new layout
- Expert: MV Panel asset type, to EFR Index algorithm, it has been renamed:
“Threshold ambient temperature [1, 2, 3]” respectively by “[Low, Medium, High]”
- Expert: Technical device (TD) issue when wrong syntax for “Prefixes” name, will
trigger explicit error message to advise the issue cause.
- Expert: EFRP Monitoring level was not computed for column at LV Panel, fixed.
- OMD: Notebook [Site], while adding a new note
o [Save button] not available while mandatory fields empty
o Formatting (align, enum) now is kept after saving
- OMD: From Site banner, some user roles -SB Expert, DataScientist, SB viewer-
could not see Partner logo and Partner name, in cases there were partner. Fixed.
- OMD: User management option, recovered historical user access information

Data extraction
Files generated for CSH and Data Factory are now available in AzureBolbStorage, and not
in Box anymore, due to Box migration.
Improving AMaaS extraction with Visible flag on tickets, Last and Next maintenance date
for assets information
Also, improvements to scape special characters in ticket name.

Other improvements
Many minor improvements have been applied and some bugs fixed, reported by CSH and
other advanced users, being more remarkable:
• New segment names added to Segment list: Retail Chain and Engineering services
• As mentioned above for ECTM algorithms, there is also an update on GAF algorithm
to use the new data format while interchange with analytics engine
• Evolution of battery block charge level algorithm, without impact on users.
• During Ticket/Event edition,
o while adding a Comment, Formatting (alignment, enum) now is kept after saving.
o If mandatories fields are empty, «Save» button disabled

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• Asset health widget, always visible whatever the screen size
• Report generation settings reorganized with new layout to simplify actions available.

Total number of bug fixed in these releases are 9, while minor improvements goes over
25, mainly reported above in their respective chapters

Mobile Application 2.2.6

Update on mobile App delivered as v 2.2.7 is including an update at Android level

to allow publication in Play Store:


No specific development on this release.

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