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COOL ROOF @ is elostic, reody to use point, when cooted on the roofing moteriols, reflects sunlight to o

greoter extent ond prevents the roofing moteriols from getting heoted up, even in peok summer ofteinoons.
Since it works on the principle of continuous rejection of UV ond lR Roys, the roof itself is nof getting heoted up.
So the oir below the roof never gets hot, keeping the rooms cool ond comfortoble. This prevents the buildings
for o lo_n-ger period, extending the life of the buildings. In oir-conditioned oreos, on ottroctive power soving 6f
uplo2Oo/ocon be noted during peok summer.

COOL ROOF@ is o high performonce one component, non toxic, high emissivity, reody - to - use high
Albedo, Heot Re-Rodioting point which significontly lowers the surfoce temferoture of your roofs ond exteriJrs
resulting in :
o Your building remoins cool even under intense sunlight conditions.
o Your stoff remoin cool ond mointoln [;gher level of productivity.
o Your humidificotion ond oir conditioning costs cut upto 20%.
o Reduction of roof heot obout 8oC to 20oC

Solor heot incident on o roof is dissipoted by meons of three physicol phenomeno nomely:-
a o froction of the obsorbed heot is conducted to the ground ond surrounding buildings
o o froction is dissipoted by convection to oir leoding to higher oir temperotures, ond
a o froetion is rodioted to the sky.

Assuchonehosnocontroloverthefirsttwophenomenobutthethirdone thotis theomountofheotrodioted

con be moximized by COOL ROOF@ cootings thot inherently possess high emittonce volues.
COOL ROOF@ is porticulorly useful where the terroce covers on oir conditioned spoce. A higher roof
temperoture necessorily leods to o higher lood on the oir-conditioning plont. A reduction in roof temperoture
will result in lower roof temperoture with consequent sovings in power consumption.

COOL ROOF@ coating can be applied with ease on following surfaces:

o Concrete, Ploster & Asbestos Cement Sheet, Precooted Sheets
o Golvonized/Powde rcooted Tin Sheet, Brick Cobo
o Primed Metol

Some odvontoges of COOL ROOF@ Heot Reflective Point:

o Reodyto use single pocksystem.
o Repels heot energy & control heot tronsfer.
. Reduces oir-conditioning running cost.
o The cooting octs os o shield ond protects the surfoce from hest ond woter.
o ltsfilm iswoter resistontond does notsupportgrowth of fungus ond olgoe.
o Does not crock due to wide temperoture fluctuotion.
o Cleons up with soop ond woter.
o For green building os its opplicotion gives required credit points
o In poultry ond live stock sheds for reducing heotstress.
a Mo I ls, Schools, Hospito ls for provid i ng better work envoi rment
O opplicotion reduces heot lood.
In Industriol Sheds os its
o Residentiol Houses, Villos ond Office Buildings by reducing cost of oir conditioning.
a For Cold Storoge ond Air Conditioned Buildings.
o Ro i lwoy Trocks o nd Defence Veh icles.

* COOL ROOF@ Enhonces durobility of the roof ond reduces both building cooling loods ond the urbon
heot islond effect.
.i. COOL ROOF@ is olso on effective olternotive to bulk insulotions under the roofs in humid tropicol
climotes. Bulk insulotion con be to on extent reploced by COOL ROOF@ cootings thot reflect solor
rodiotion ond provide emission to the sky.
.t COOL ROOF@ hos excellent obrosion ond woter resistonce it is olso resistontto fungol growth.

* COOL nO6f@ is recommended for reducJion in the "corbon foot print "of o building os it reduces fuel
consumption of the oir-conditioning plont.

In generol the roof temperoture is in the ronge of 600 C to 800 C in summer ond this con be substontiolly
reduced by cooting the roof with COOL ROOF
@ Below mentioned is on exomple of reduction in surfoce
temperoture ofter the opplicotion of COOL ROOF@ cooting :

o RCC terroces ..........Upto C

o Asbestos cement sheets Upto 160 C

o Gl or powder cooted sheets .... Upto 22o C
The obove figures ore indicotive ond will vory occording to ombient otmospheric conditions.

Direcfion for use

. Applicotion oreos to be cleoned with o hord brush to remove oll dust, weok point, fungus etc-
Cleoned oreo to be woshed with woter , Bleoching Powder (lf Required)
r Stirthe pointthoroughly before eoch use.
o Apply first coot with brush on the cleoned & woshed surfoce.
c Applysecondcootoftero gopof minimum 3 to4 hours.

r Ensure thot the cooted oreo does not come in contoct with woter for otleost 2 hours.
o After completion of full cooting, it should be ollowed to cure.

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Head Offtce:
SCF 37, IInd Floor, Phase IX, Mohali, Punjab
Mobile : 099150 801188, 098784 66444
Indian Insulation & Engineering Phone: OL72-5O93735 Email :

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