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Frequency Response

Transfer Function
Transfer Function
• The transfer function H(ω) of a circuit is the frequency-dependent ratio of a phasor output
Y(ω) (an element voltage or current ) to a phasor input X(ω) (source voltage or current).

Y( )
H( )   | H( ) | 
X( )

Transfer Function

• Four possible transfer functions:

Vo ( ) Vo ( )
H( )  Voltage gain  H( )  Transfer Impedance 
Vi ( ) I i ( )

Y( )
H( )   | H( ) | 
X( )

I o ( ) I o ( )
H( )  Current gain  H( )  Transfer Admittance 
I i ( ) Vi ( )

Passive Filters
• A filter is a circuit that is
designed to pass signals
with desired frequencies Low Pass
and reject or attenuate

• A frequency selective High Pass


• Passive filter consists of

only passive element R, L Band Pass
and C.

• There are four types of

filters – based on what Band Stop
frequency they pass.

How to identify type of filter from TF?
Determine what type of filter is shown in Fig.

Low Pass Filter

Calculate the corner or cutoff frequency.

Determine what type of filter is shown in Fig. Calculate the corner or cutoff

Low Pass Filter

Transfer Function
Obtain the transfer function Vo/Vs of the RL circuit shown below.
Vo j L 1
H( )   
Vs R  j L 1  R
j L

High Pass Filter

H ( ) 
The magnitude is o 2
1 ( )
The phase is 

   90   tan 1
 o  R/L

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