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Stage 8

Paper 1 Non-fiction 2024

Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Test
Mark Scheme

© UCLES 2024
S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024

Section A: Reading

Question Answer Marks

1(a) Award 1 mark for: 1

 squeezed.
1(b) Award 1 mark for each of the following, plus 1 mark for each appropriate quotation, up 4
to a maximum of 4 marks:

 by describing the (physical) setting: ‘a quiet business park’/ ‘this very

ordinary scene’
 by describing the people there: ‘linger for hours (over a $1 coffee)’ / ‘the few
people walking by’
 by describing the area as inexpensive: ‘(linger for hours over) a $1 coffee’
 by describing the area as laid back: ‘a quiet business park’ / ‘this very
ordinary scene’ / ‘linger for hours over a $1 coffee’.

Accept two different ways each with a different quotation.

1(c) Award 1 mark for: 1

 to emphasise a contrast between the first and second paragraphs.

Question Answer Marks

2(a) Award 1 mark for one of the following: 1

 emphasises the importance of Steve’s job / the reality/fact of what Steve does /
the writer thinks this is a really important/impressive job
 adds excitement / surprise / drama.
2(b) Award 1 mark for: 1

 what he is (actually) doing is ‘quite extraordinary’.

Question Answer Marks

3(a) Award 1 mark for one of the following: 1

 ‘It is no hyperbole to say…’.

 ‘There was nothing like (the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 missions to the outer
planets before they launched in 1977)’
3(b) Award 1 mark for: 1

 the computer is weak / slow / has limited / smaller memory (compared to

modern computers) / is less powerful.

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024

Question Answer Marks

4(a) Award 1 mark for: 1

 by using phrases and clauses separated by commas / a complex-

compound sentence (made up of phrases and clauses).
4(b) Award 1 mark for: 1

 wonder.

Question Answer Marks

5 Award 1 mark each for: 2

 words spoken or written by someone

 words that usually mean something different.

Question Answer Marks

6 Award 1 mark for: 1

 they agree on everything except one part of it.

Question Answer Marks

7 Award 1 mark for: 1

 (advanced) spacefaring civilisations / extra-terrestrials / aliens.

Question Answer Marks

8 Award 1 mark for: 1

 human beings / Earth.

Question Answer Marks

9(a) Award 1 mark for an explanation that in Hollywood, they make films about space 2
exploration that are based on imagination/ are exciting but not real.

And 1 mark for an explanation that in Altadena the type of space exploration they do
is real/ not very exciting, but it produces real results that are amazing.
9(b) Award 1 mark for any of the following: 1

 (people who keep) tissues and tins of peppermints (on their desks)
 one of the most amazing things in human history
 (slow, patient science) humdrum.

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024

Question Answer Marks

10(a) Award 3 marks for 7–9 correct pieces of information, 2 marks for 4–6 pieces, 1 mark 3
for 1–3 pieces:

Voyager space mission Information

Date of launch  1977
Purpose of original mission  to explore outer planets / a
mission of discovery
Equipment carried on board spacecraft  computer
 camera
 golden disk/record
Achievements of the mission  discovery: volcanoes on Io
 image: ‘family portrait’
photograph of our solar system
 journey: travelled further than
any other human-made object
out to/around the Milky Way
Current position  billions of kilometres from
Earth/interstellar space /
 somewhere in the Milky Way

10(b) Example answer: 2

Since being launched in 1977, the Voyager mission to explore the outer planets has
discovered volcanoes on Jupiter’s moon Io, and taken an iconic photograph of our solar
system. Carrying a computer, a camera, and a golden record, the spacecraft are now
billions of kilometres from Earth, in interstellar space.

Award 1 mark for a paragraph with ideas that are connected using basic linking words.
Award 2 marks for a paragraph with ideas that are connected using a range of cohesive
devices. Do not award more than 1 mark where the summary exceeds 50 words.

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024

Section B: Writing

Notes to markers

• Use the marking grids on the following pages.

• Marking should always begin from the lowest mark in each column and work upward.
• A ‘best fit’ judgement should be made in judging first in which box to place the response and then, within
that box, which mark is appropriate.
• The lower mark within a box should be given if some criteria have been met but not all.
• Note on extent:
Award 0 marks where the performance fails to meet the lowest criteria. Award 0
marks for 20 words or fewer.
Award a maximum of 7 marks for responses of between 21 and 60 words.
You need not count the words unless you think there will be fewer than 60. In normal-sized handwriting 60
words will be approximately 8 lines.


Creation of texts (Wc) 5

Vocabulary and language (Wv) 3

Grammar and punctuation (Wg) 7

Structure of texts (Ws) 7

Word structure [spelling] (Ww) 3

[Total 25]

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024

Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation (Wg) Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (spelling)
[5 marks] [3 marks] [7 marks] [7 marks] [3 marks]
Content is wholly suitable for The response is presented clearly Grammatical structures are almost
the intended audience. and is well-organised using a always accurate throughout the text.
good range of organisational For example:
features accurately.  a wide range of sentence
Text is written from a clear
types are used accurately
and well-presented viewpoint. Ideas are developed with and effectively to support
i.e., contains detail that chronological or logical links the text type.
sustains interest with writer’s throughout the text from an  detail and shades of
style / personal response effective introduction to a meaning conveyed through
which emphasises particular successful conclusion. the grammatical structure
points. of sentences, e.g.,
Paragraphs are used successfully controlling the order of
Uses relevant features to structure the content. There is clauses in complex
consistently for a chosen effective cohesion within and sentences.
purpose to clarify meaning. between paragraphs.  Consistent use of formal
and/or informal register
A good range of sentence according to context,
Some combinations of openings and connectives are purpose and audience.
structural, linguistic and literary used appropriately to support
features to create a specific content. Punctuation is accurate and used to
effect. enhance meaning, for example:
 commas, ellipses, colons, semi-
colons, dashes and hyphens are
used accurately to clarify and
enhance meaning
 conventions of layout are always
applied effectively and
consistently e.g., bullet points.

[4–5] [6–7] [6–7]

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024

Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (Wg) (spelling)
Content is suitable for the The response is relevant using The response is presented Grammatical structures are Spelling is usually correct
intended audience. a vocabulary accurately for the clearly and is well-organised mostly accurate throughout throughout.
purpose / text type. using a range of organisational the text, e.g.,
features accurately.  a range of sentence types are There may occasionally be
Viewpoints are well- presented
Uses language precisely to used to support the text phonetically plausible attempts
and consistent throughout. Ideas are developed with at complex words.
clarify and extend meaning. type.
chronological or logical links  Some detail and shades of
Uses relevant features throughout the text though there meaning through the Correct spelling of most, not all,
consistently for a chosen may be some inconsistencies. grammatical structure of polysyllabic words, e.g.,
purpose to clarify meaning. sentences, e.g., controlling accommodation, appear,
Paragraphs are used to help the order of clauses in information, probably, separate,
May begin to add structural and structure the text where the complex sentences. business, essentially,
literary features in parts of the main idea is usually supported  Formal and/or informal wondering/wandering.
text. by following sentences. register is generally used
appropriately according to
A range of sentence openings context, purpose and
and connectives are used audience.
appropriately to support
content. A range of punctuation e.g.,
 commas, ellipses, colons,
semi-colons, dashes and
hyphens are used mostly
accurately to clarify
 Conventions of layout are
applied consistently e.g.,
bullet points.

[3] [3] [4–5] [4–5] [3]

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024

Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (Wg) (spelling)
Content is mostly relevant Creates and controls meaning The response is generally well- Grammatical structures are Spelling of common and
using some literary techniques through precise use of a range organised and attempts the use generally accurate throughout the some less-common words,
appropriate to the text type. and variety of language. of some organisational text, e.g., including polysyllabic and
features.  Use of some range of sentence compound words, is
types to support the text type. generally accurate, e.g.
Main features of the text type, Creates effects by using a
if appropriate, are evident. range of linguistic and literary
Some attempt to sequence  Some complex sentences friend, another, around,
relevant ideas logically. attempted to create effect. because, anything,
 Formal and/or informal something.
Viewpoints are generally Paragraphs / sections are evident, register is attempted if
clear and help engage the though not always consistently or Spelling of plurals and some
relevant e.g., depending on
reader’s interest for the most appropriately. Related points are past and present words is
target audience
part. grouped together or linked by generally accurate, e.g.,
time sequencers. Some range of punctuation: boxes, clothes, told,
 e.g., commas, semi-colons, stopped, wanted.
Movement between paragraphs dashes and hyphens) is used
or sections, may be disjointed accurately to clarify meaning.
with a limited range of  There may be evidence of
sentence openings and comma splicing.

Note: if punctuation is totally

lacking and other descriptors met
then give the lower mark here.

[2] [2] [2–3] [2–3] [2]

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024

Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation (Wg) Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (spelling)
Some material included Language is simple, relevant Some attempt to organise the Basic grammatical structures are Spelling of high frequency
that is relevant to the task. and suitable for the text type. overall text. generally correct, e.g., words is generally correct,
 subject and verb generally e.g., their/there, when, were,
The writer’s attitude to the Some basic sequencing of ideas agree what, some, etc.
Language and meaning of
subject inconsistently in relation to the stimulus.  past and present tense verbs are
words/phrases is mainly clear,
conveyed, with some attempt generally consistent.
with some errors.
to engage the reader. Paragraphs / sections are  simple and some compound
evident with related points sentences
Some elements of the text grouped together or linked  some complex sentences may be
type can be seen; a by time sequence. attempted to expand detail but
maximum of 1 mark can not always successfully.
be awarded if not the Movement between  Formal and/or informal register
correct genre. paragraphs or sections, is may be attempted but not
disjointed with a very consistently according to
limited range of sentence context, purpose and audience.
openings and connectives.

 Demarcation of
straightforward sentences is
usually correct.
 Commas are used in lists and
occasionally to mark clauses.

Note: learners should gain marks

for good English with punctuation
errors rather than lose marks for
essentially good English.

[1] [1] [1] [1] [1]

Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation (Wg) Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (spelling)
No creditable response No creditable response No creditable response No creditable response No creditable response
[0] [0] [0] [0] [0]

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