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JUNE, 2021


This is to certify that this Seminar review titled "Impacts of plastics pollution in the

Environment" was carried out by Isaac, Jane Onyeonoro with the registration

number 18/CE/AG/EHM/006 in the department of Environmental Health

Management, Faculty of Agriculture under the supervision of Dr. Enenwan


............................................ ..............................
Isaac, Jane Onyeonoro. Sign/Date

............................................ ..............................
Dr. Enenwan Udoinyang. Sign/Date

............................................ ..............................
Prof. O. M Udoidiong Sign/Date
Head of Department


This seminar review is dedicated to the Almighty God for granting me wisdom,

knowledge and understanding. I also dedicate this work to my lovely parents for

their encouragement, love and support to sponsor this work.



First of all, I thank God Almighty for his grace over me all the days of my life and

particularly the period of the research of this seminar. His mercies over me are


Also, I want to acknowledge the Director of Center for Wetlands and Waste

Management and Conservation, Professor O.M Udoidiong for his encouragement

throughout the research.

The support and knowledge gained from my supervisor, Dr. Enenwan Udoinyang

has been worthwhile.


Human population increase and consistent demand for plastics and plastic products
are responsible for continuous increase in the production of plastics, generation of
plastic waste and its accompanied environmental pollution. The review includes
the different types of plastics in production, the hazardous chemical constituents,
prevailing disposal methods and the detrimental effects of these constituents to air,
water, soil, organisms and human health vis-à-vis the different disposal methods.
Reports were also given on environmental and public health effects of plastic
constituents. As observed during the review, varieties of plastics used in the
production of many consumable products including medical devices, food
packaging and water bottles contain toxic chemicals like phthalates, heavy metals,
bisphenol. It was also observed that an estimated 8 million tonnes of plastic is
yearly released into the ocean, leading to degradation of marine habitat which
eventually affects aquatic organisms. Long term usage and exposure of plastics and
plastic products to high temperature can lead to leaching of toxic chemical
constituents into food, drinks and water. Moreover, indiscriminate disposal of
plastics on land and open air burning can lead to the release of toxic chemicals into
the air causing public health hazards.







1.0 Introduction


2.0 Meaning of Plastics Pollution

2.1 Sources of Plastics Pollution

2.1.1 Sources and effects of Plastic Pollution in Water

2.1.2 Sources and effects of Plastics Pollution on Land

2.1.3 Impact of Plastic Waste on Air Pollution


3.0 Effect of plastics on the Environment

3.1 Toxicity impact of plastic bags and water bottle

3.2 Health Implications


3.3 Impacts of Plastics on Marine Life

3.3.1 Direct Environmental Impacts of Plastics

3.3.2 Indirect Environmental Impacts of Plastics

3.3.3 Economic Impacts

3.4 Effect of Plastics on Land


4.0 Management of Plastic Waste

4.1 Land filling

4.1.1 Plastic incineration

4.1.2 Chemical Decomposer of Plastics

4.1.3 Reduced Use of Plastic

4.1.4 Recycling of Plastics.

4.2 Alternatives tocounci Control the Wide Use of Plastics




1.0 Introduction

The global use of plastic is causing problems all over the world. On one hand,

plastic has huge advantages to other materials in that it is light, robust, cheap

and durable. Yet on the other, it brings with it many disadvantages for the


Plastics are made up of synthetic organic polymers which are widely used in

different applications ranging from water bottles, clothing, food packaging,

medical supplies, electronic goods, construction materials, etc (Rowland, 2004).

In the last six decades, plastics became an indispensable and versatile product

with a wide range of properties, chemical composition and applications.

Although, plastic was initially assumed to be harmless and inert, however, many

years of plastic disposal into the environment has led to diverse associated

problems. Environmental pollution by plastic wastes is now recognized widely

to be a major environmental burden (Hoh, 2013 & Rochman, 2013), especially

in the aquatic environment where there is prolong biophysical breakdown of

plastics (Derraik, 2002), detrimental negative effects on wildlife (Kaiser, 2010;

Wilcox, 2015) and limited plastic removal options (Thompson, 2004; Jambeck,


In many instances, sheeting and packaging plastics are disposed of after usage,

however, because of their durability, such plastics are located everywhere and

persistent in the environment. Research on the monitoring and impacts of plastic

wastes is still at the infancy stage, but thus far, the reports are worrisome. In

human occupational and residential environment, plastics made of petrol-based

polymer are present in high quantity. At the end-of-life of these plastics, they

are usually land-filled together with municipal solid waste. Plastics have several

toxic constituents among which are phthalates, poly-fluorinated chemicals,

bisphenol A (BPA), brominated flame retardants and antimony trioxide which

can leach out to have adverse effects on environmental and public health

(Gironi, 2011). Plastics in electronic waste (e-waste) have become a serious

global environmental and public health concern due to its large production

volume and the presence of inadequate management policies in several


Plastics are widely used in making electrical instruments, telephones, panelling

for walls, instrument boards, automoblile parts, lamps, googles, optical

instruments, household appliances, etc (Alomar, 2016).

Plastics materials dumped into the earth prevent the production of nutrients in

the soil. Because of this, the fertility of the soil is reduced and affects the

agriculture sector. It causes immune and enzyme disorders, hormonal disruption

leading to endocrinal disorders and even infertility and is also considered as


carcinogenic (cancer). Not only human health, it dangerously affects other

animal life and alters the environment (air, water and soil) sustainability causing

hazardous pollution (Worm, 2017).



2.0 Meaning of Plastics Pollution

Plastic are high molecular weight organic polymers which can be moulded into

desired shapes by the application of heat and pressure (Geyer, 2017).

Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles (e.g. plastic

bottles, bags and microbeads) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects

wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans. Plastics that act as pollutants are

categorized into micro-, meso-, or macro debris, based on size (Rochman,

2013). Plastics are inexpensive and durable making them very adaptable for

different uses; as a result levels human produce a lot of plastic (Derraik, 2002).

However, the chemical structure of most plastics renders them resistant to many

natural processes of degradation and as a result they are slow to degrade

(Thompson, 2015). Together, these two factors allow large volumes of plastic to

enter the environment as mismanaged waste and for it to persist in the


Table 1: Types of Plastics, the properties and common uses

Types of plastics Common uses Properties Recycled into

Polyethylene terephthalates. Soft drinks, Clear, tough, Pillow and

water bottles, solvent sleeping bag
containers, resistant, barrier filling, clothing,
salad dressing, to gas and soft drink
biscuit trays moisture, bottles,

and salad softens at 80 °C. carpeting,

domes. building
High density polyethylene Shopping Hard to semi- Recycling bins,
(HDPE). bags, freezer flexible, compost bins.
bags, buckets, resistant to
shampoo, milk chemicals and
bottles, ice moisture, waxy
cream surface, opaque,
containers, softens at 75 °C,
juice bottles, easily coloured,
chemical and processed and
detergent formed.
bottles, rigid
pipe, crates.
Polyvinyl Cosmetic Strong, tough, Compost bin.
Chloride container, softens at 80
(PVC). plumbing °C, can be
pipes and clear, can be
fittings, solvent
electrical welded.
blister packs,
Plasticized bottles,
Polyvinyl garden hose, Flexible, clear,
chloride PVC- Shoe soles, elastic, can be
P. cable solvent
sheathing, welded.
blood bags
and tubing.
Low density Refuse bags, Soft flexible, Bin liners, pallet sheets
polyethylene Irrigation waxy surface,
(LDPE) tubings, translucent,
mulch film, softens at 70
cling wrap, °C, scratches

garbage easily
Polypropylene Microwave Hard and Pegs, bins, pipes, pallet sheets.
(PP). dishes, lunch translucent,
boxes, soften at 140
packaging °C,
tape, garden translucent,
furniture, withstands
kettles, solvents,
bottles and versatile.
ice cream
tubs, potato
chip bags,
Polystyrene CD cases, Clear, glassy Recycle bin.
(PS) plastic rigid, opaque,
cutlery, semi-tough,
imitation soften at 95
glassware, °C, affected by
low cost fat, acids and
brittle toys, solvents, but
video resistant to
cases/foamed alkalis, salt
polystyrene solutions, Low
cups, water
protective absorption,
Expanded packaging, when not
polystyrene building and pigmented is
(PS-E) food clear, is odour
insulation. and taste free.

Special types
of Polystyrene
(PS) are
available for

Others Automotive includes all Recycle bins

and resins and
appliance multi-materials
components, (e.g.
computers, laminates)
electronics, properties
cooler dependent on
bottles, plastic or
packaging. combination of

2.1 Sources of Plastics Pollution

The durable, lightweight and easy to go of the non-biodegradable plastic bags

and water bottles are becoming unavoidable to use in many day-to-day activities

of the societies of developing countries and of which is often reused many times

and discarded causing problems for human, animal and the environments where

it deposited. Some of the major sources of environmental problems include

sewage and run-off related plastics, materials from recreational/social gathering

users, and materials disposed of at open landfills from each household activity.

Plastic materials originating from each source is either transported by wind,

flood and human drains toward water bodies, or is mixed with the farm

(agricultural) lands. In developed countries, poor awareness of societies on

plastic materials, poor collection of waste materials and their treatments, high

run-off and floods due to rain are important pointed sources of plastic materials,

namely plastic bags and water bottles, from/to the environment (agricultural

farmlands, surface waters) which undermines soil and water qualities and

threatens human and biodiversity.

2.1.1 Sources and effects of Plastics Pollution in Water

The life of earth's living creatures is largely sustained by water bodies such as

rivers, streams, oceans etc., as they provide most of the oxygen it breathes.

These wastes then enter the water bodies from land-based sources such as

ground water run-off, combined sewer overflows, wastewater treatment

plants(WWTPs), cluttering, effluents from the industries, solid waste disposal

and land-fills (Blettler, Abrial 2018) cargo shipping, fisheries, human waste

from beaches (Cole, et al., 2011, Stolte et al., 2015; Peters and Bratton, 2016;

Alomar, et al., 2016; Michielssen, et al., 2016; Solomon and Palanisami, 2016,

Graca, et al., 2017; Mintening, et al., 2017; Wright and Kelly, 2017). Often,

wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are mentioned as the main sources of

microplastics in aquatic environment. Microplastics, for example, from

cosmetics and other plastic waste, end up at the municipal WWTPs (da Costa, et

al., 2016).

Plastics in the oceans can degrade within ayear but not completely. During this
plastic degradation process, toxic chemicals like polystyrene and BPA can be
released into the water (Knight, 2012) causing water pollution. Wastes found in
the oceans are made up of approximately 80% plastics. Plastic debris which are
floating on the ocean can be rapidly colonized by sea organisms and due to

persistence on the ocean surface for a long period of time, this mayaid the
movement of ‘alien’ or non-native species (Barnes, 2002 & Gregory, 2009).
Contaminants from microplastics are bioavailable for many marine lives
because of their presence in benthic and pelagic ecosystems and their small
sizes (Gregory, 2009). Within the marine ecosystem, plastics have been
reported to concentrate and sorb contaminants present in the seawater from
different other sources. Examples of such contaminants are persistent organic
pollutants like nonylphenol, and phenanthrene, with potential to accumulate in
several fold on the plastic debris compared to the surrounding seawater
(Barbosa, 2015). More than 260 species of marine organisms such as turtles,
invertebrates, seabirds, fish and mammals ingested or are entangled in or with
plastic debris, leading to reduced movement, feeding, reproductive output,
ulcers, lacerations and eventual death (Gregory, 2009).

2.1.2 Sources and effect of Plastics pollution on land

Land filling and pollution occurs when plastic wastes are not properly disposed

of, they are carried by wind or animals and fill up land spaces, drainages, pipes

this chemical then get deposited into the soil, thus contaminating crops.

Dumping of plastics on land or landfilling plastics leads to abiotic and biotic

degradation of the plastics, where plastic additives (e.g. stabilizers, harmful

colorant moieties, plasticizers and heavy metals) can leach and eventually

percolate into various aspects of the environment, thereby causing soil and

water contamination. Reports have shown that microplastics (Dubaish, 2013) as


well as synthetic polymer fibres are still detectable five years after they have

been applied to sewage sludge and soils (Zubris, 2005). Chlorinated plastics are

capable of leaching out toxic chemicals into the soil and subsequently seep into

the underground water or surrounding aquatic system thereby polluting the eco-

system. Methane, a dangerous greenhouse gas, which significantly contributes

to global warming is released during microbial biodegradation of plastics

(Biello, 2013

Plate 1: Plastic in the environment


Plate 2: Plastic blocking drainage


2.1.3 Impact of Plastic Waste on Air Pollution

In some big cities of Nigeria such as Ibadan, Lagos, Kaduna, Kano etc., it is not

hard to experience smog and poor air water due to burning of solid wastes

(mainly plastic materials) as a means to waste management.

These practices have continued to exist because of lack of enlightenment,

ignorance of the effects and lack of waste collection infrastructure and

sometimes stubbornness of the people. The painful thing is that they don't

realize that the side-effects of plastic waste combustion are airborne particulate

emission (soot) and solid residue ash (black carbonaceous colour) which can

travel thousands of kilometers, depending on prevailing atmospheric conditions

and enter our food chain possess a high potential of causing health and

environmental concerns (Hanafi, 2018). Plastic burning as an alternative

method to plastic waste land filling is destructive, as there are lingering doubts

over the possibility of atmospheric emission of harmful chemicals and heavy

metals during the process of burning these plastic wastes. For example, plastic

waste fumes emit ammonium substances and polyvinyl chloride. While

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and furans are released into the

atmosphere through burning of plastics which in turn bring about excessive

possible environmental contamination (Alabi; Ologbonjaya 2013). Plastic

burning is less used for waste management compared to recycling. In addition,

toxins released from plastic and food waste combustion can raise danger of

heart disease, aggravate respiratory ailments, damages kidney, liver, nervous

system, skin, causes cancer and possibly death (Rahman, 2018). Hence

measures need to put in place such as recycling to reduce the rate of plastic

waste burning in Nigeria.

Carbon dioxide and methane are released into the air when plastic wastes which

were landfilled finally decompose. During the decomposition of solid waste in

landfills in 2008, an estimated CO2 equivalent (eqCO2) volume released into

the atmosphere was 20 million tonnes. CO2 is also released into theatmosphere

during the burning of plastics and plastic products, and this CO2 is capable of

trapping radiant heat and hinder it from escaping from the earth causing global

warming (Chandegara, 2015).

Air pollution is one of the major environmental threats to public health, and it is

responsible for more than 6 million deaths associated with environmental

pollution (Hamlet, 2018). Open burning of plastics and plastic products releases

pollutants such as heavy metals, dioxins, PCBs and furans which when inhaled

can cause health risks especially respiratory disorders. The role of plastics in air

pollution in the developing and poor countries of the world cannot be

overemphasized, and the impact on the future generations may be massive

(Hamlet, 2018).


3.0 Effect of Plastics on the Environment

Plastic is one of the major toxic pollutants of present time. Being composed of

toxic chemicals and most importantly a non-biodegradable substance, plastic

pollutes earth and leads to air pollution and water pollution. This also mixes

with food chain effecting Environment humans and animals. There is no safe

way to dispose plastic waste and waste causes serious damage to environment

during its production process, during its usage and during its disposal process.

Harmful synthetic concoctions discharge amid assembling process is another

huge wellspring of the negative natural effect of plastics.

3.1 Toxicity Impact of Plastic Bags and Water Bottle

Accumulation of plastic bag wastes causes environmental pollution that can be

manifested in number of ways such as deterioration of the natural beauty of an

environment (Andrady, 2003), death and entanglement of marine animals

(Hofmeyr, et al., 2006; Lithner, et al., 2009), blockage of sewerage systems of

cities and towns in developing countries (Adane and Muleta, 2011) which in

turn creates foul smells and favourable habitats for mosquitoes and other

vectors that could spread various diseases like mosquitoes (Ellis, et al., 2005),

reduce percolation of water and proper aeration of agricultural soils which in

turn results in a reduction of productivities of such fields (Njeru, 2006).


Furthermore, in several poor and developing countries, plastic bags are

frequently used to carry food items and plastic water bottles as storage of

different beverages like water, and soft drinks; food items like oil, milk, honey

and other local food items and petroleum products such as benzene and

Kerosene. This practice can cause serious health problems due to some

carcinogenic agents and cross contamination by microorganisms (Cliver, 2006;

Gerba, et al., 2009; Kontominas, et al., 2006; Lin, et al., 2009). Moreover, it is

common to use plastic bags for disposing of human and other domestic wastes

which makes human health more risky as compared to ‘open’ disposal of these

wastes (Njeru, 2006).

3.2 Health Implications

The plastic we use can harm us. The things that make plastic so attractive to

manufacturers and consumers are the same things that make it so harmful to our

health and the environment.

Burning of plastics in the open air leads to environmental pollution due to the

release of poisonous chemicals. The polluted air when inhaled by humans and

animals affect their health and can cause respiratory problem.

3.3 Impacts of Plastics on Marine Life


Environmental impacts are wide ranging and can be both direct and indirect.

Direct impacts occur when marine life is physically harmed by marine debris

through ingestion or entanglement (e.g., a turtle mistakes a plastic bag for food)

or marine debris physically alters a sensitive ecosystem (e.g., a fishing net is

dragged along the ocean floor by strong ocean currents and breaks and smothers

a coral reef). Environmental impacts can also be indirect, such as when a marine

debris cleanup results in ecological changes.

3.3.1 Direct Environmental Impacts of Plastics

A. Ingestion: Seabirds, sea turtles, fish, and marine mammals often ingest

marine debris that they mistake for food. Ingesting marine debris can seriously

harm marine life. For example, whales and sea turtles often mistake plastic bags

for squid, and birds often mistake plastic pellets for fish eggs. Moreover, a study

of 38 green turtles found that 61 percent had ingested some form of marine

debris including plastic bags, cloth, and rope or string (Bugoni, et al., 2001).

At other times, animals accidentally eat the marine debris while feeding on

natural food. Ingestion can lead to starvation or malnutrition when the marine

debris collects in the animal's stomach causing the animal to feel full. Starvation

also occurs when ingested marine debris in the animal's system prevents vital

nutrients from being absorbed. Internal injuries and infections may also result

from ingestion. Some marine debris, especially some plastics, contain toxic

substances that can cause death or reproductive failure in fish, shellfish, or any

marine life. In fact, some plastic particles have even been determined to contain

certain chemicals up to one million times the amount found in the water alone

(Moore, 2002).

B. Entanglement: Marine life can become entangled in marine debris causing

serious injury or death. Entanglement can lead to suffocation, starvation,

drowning, increased vulnerability to predators, or other injury. Marine debris

can constrict an entangled animal's movement which results in exhaustion or

development of an infection from deep wounds caused by tightening material.

For example, volunteers participating in the 2008 International Coastal Cleanup

event discovered 443 animals and birds entangled or trapped by marine debris

(2008 ICC Report, Ocean Conservancy).

3.3.2 Indirect Environmental Impacts of Plastics

A. Ecosystem Alteration: Efforts to remove marine debris can harm

ecosystems. Mechanical beach raking uses a tractor or other mechanical device

to remove marine debris from beaches and marine shorelines and can adversely

impact shoreline habitats. This removal technique can be harmful to aquatic

vegetation, nesting birds, sea turtles, and other types of aquatic life. Beach

raking also can contribute to beach erosion and disturbance of natural

vegetation when the raking is conducted too close to a dune.


B. Invasive Species: Marine debris can contribute to the transfer and movement

of invasive species. Floating marine debris can carry invasive species from one

location to another. Invasive species use the marine debris as a type of "raft" to

move from one body of water to another. it was estimated that man-made

debris found in the oceans has approximately doubled the number of different

species found in the subtropics (Barnes, 2002).

3.3.3 Economic Impacts

Marine debris can harm three important components of our economy: tourism,

fishing, and navigation. Economic impacts are felt through loss in tourism

dollars and catch revenue, as well as costly vessel repairs.

A. Tourism: Marine debris is unsightly and unwelcoming to beachgoers, which

can result in lost revenue from tourism. In severe cases, marine debris can even

cause beach closures. The costs to remove and dispose of the marine debris can

be high and the loss of tourism dollars can be even higher. In an attempt to stop

the draining of trash to the ocean, the Los Angeles County's Department of

Public Works and the Flood Control District spends $18 million each year on

street sweeping, catch basin cleanouts, cleanup programs, and litter prevention

and education effort (Eskanazi, 2007).

B. Fishing: Fisheries experience significant economic impacts from marine

debris. Commercial fisheries are impacted when commercial fish and shellfish

become bycatch in lost fishing nets or other fishing gear. This type of bycatch

can result in both immediate losses in the standing stock of available seafood,

and decreases in the long-term sustainability of the stock due to negative

impacts on its reproductive ability. For example, the Gulf States Marine

Fisheries Commission has predicted blue crab ghost fishery leads to a loss of up

to 4 to 10 million crabs a year in Louisiana alone (Virginia Institute of Marine

Science, 2006). Fisheries also can be financially affected when fishing gear and

vessels are entangled or damaged by marine debris. The high cost of replacing

fishing gear and vessels, as well as loss of days at sea for fishing, can cause

small fisheries to go out of business.

C. Navigation: Floating marine debris is a navigational hazard that entangles

propellers and clogs cooling water intake valves. Repairing boats damaged by

marine debris is both time consuming and expensive

3.4 Effect of Plastics on Land

Plastics materials dumped into the earth prevent the production of nutrients in

the soil. Because of this, the fertility of the soil is reduced and affects the

agriculture sector. When it persists in the environment, can do great harm,

reduced and affects the agriculture sector.

Dumping of plastics on land or landfilling plastics leads to abiotic and biotic

degradation of the plastics, where plastic additives (e.g. stabilizers, harmful


colorant moieties, plasticizers and heavy metals) can leach and eventually

percolate into various aspects of the environment, thereby causing soil and

water contamination.


4.0 Management of Plastic Wastes

4.1 Landfilling

Approximately 10% of household waste is plastics and mostly end up on the

landfill (Hopewell, 2009). Even though landfilling is the commonest waste

management conventional approach in many countries, however, scarcity of

space for landfills is becoming a major problem. There is a growing

environmental and public health concern about the potential effects of landfills

because of the types and quantities of toxic chemicals and their potential for

leaching at landfill sites (Miller, 2005).

Environmental pollution and risks to public health can be reduced if the landfills

are well-managed, although there are possibilities of soil and groundwater

contamination by disintegrated plastic byproducts and additives that can persist

in the environment on longterm basis (Ochimann, 2009 & Teuten 2009).

4.1.1 Plastic incineration

An alternative to landfilling of plastic waste is incineration, but growing

concerns exist about the potential atmospheric release of hazardous chemicals

during the process. For instance, plastic waste fumes release halogenated

additives and polyvinyl chloride, while furans, dioxins, and polychlorinated


biphenyls (PCBs) are released from incineration of plastics into the environment

(Gilpin, 2003). The disadvantage of combustion of plastics is the air pollution

caused by the noxious fumes released into the atmospheres. The combustion

heater of the flue systems is permanently damaged by plastics during plastic

incineration and the products of this plastic combustion are detrimental to both

humans and the environment. Compounds of low molecular weight can

vaporize directly into the air thereby polluting the air and based on their

varieties, some may form a combustible mixture, while others may oxidize in

solid form.

Gaseous release in the process of plastic and plastic composite products

incineration are very dangerous. For example, Table 2 shows the compounds

release during the incineration of PVC and the health effects of these

compounds. In the process of incineration of plastics, soot, ashes and different

powders are produced, which eventually settles on plants and soil, with the

potential to migrate to the aquatic environment. Rainfall can make some of

these toxic compounds to sink into the soil, contaminate the ground water or

absorbed by plants growing on this soil, thus, becoming incorporated into the

food chain. Some of these plastic incineration products can chemically react

with water and the resulting compounds can alter the pH thereby change the

functioning of aquatic ecosystems.


Table 2: Compounds generated during the incineration of polyvinylchloride

and their harmful effects.
Compound Health effect(s)

Acetaldehyde It damages the nervous system,

causing lesions

Acetone Irritates the eyes, the respiratory tract.

Benzole Carcinogenic, adversely effects the

bone marrow, the liver, the immune


Propylene Damages the central nervous system

by lowering of consciousness.


Irritates the eyes. It can also affect the 9

central nervous system, reduces the

level of

consciousness and impairs learning


4.1.2 Chemical Decomposer of Plastics

Chemical decomposing is a very effective solution to plastic pollution, since the

non-biodegradable property of plastic is the main cause of plastic pollution.

However, no technology has been developed yet to set up an economical and

effective large-scale plastic decomposing facility. But chemical decomposing is

still a field that has a great potential to develop in the future.

There are mainly two ways to decompose conventional plastics. Decomposing

plastics by microorganisms is one of them. There are three kinds of

microorganisms in the earth from a landfill that can break down the molecules

of plastic bags. However, since this is a relatively new discovery, it is not

applied industrially yet. Its economical applicability still needs to be discussed,

but according to Burd (2010), this decomposing method is possible to be

applied on an industrial scale. Another way to decompose plastics is by

combustion(burning). This is a relatively easy and inexpensive way compared

to using microorganisms, however, odor and toxic gases produced during

combustion is a big problem. Currently, some companies have already applied

this method, and Wheelabrator Technologies Inc. is one of them. In

Wheelabrator's clean energy plants, waste is burned and heat generated from

combustion is turned to electricity with emission air control. These waste-to-

energy plants not only handle municipal waste environmentally, but also

provide electricity to households and businesses (Ikezuki, 2002). However,

these plants are not just for plastics, but are for all 25municipal wastes.

Moreover, for both decomposing methods, prior waste management still needs

to be done. Analogous to recycling, if plastic waste is not managed properly and

fed to decomposing facilities, it is highly possible that those plastic materials

will still end up in landfills or in the oceans.

4.1.3 Reduced Use of Plastics

Reducing consumption of plastics is the most direct way to reduce plastic waste.

Therefore, reducing consumption of plastic is an applicable solution to plastic

pollution. In developing countries people consume fewer plastic materials

mainly out of economic concern. Since their countries are not as industrialized

as developed countries there are fewer resources for everyone. Therefore, they

have to consume less or reuse what they already have. For example, people in

China do not usually buy bottled water, but boil tap water to drink instead, and

people in India will reuse plastic bags they get from stores. But it is interesting

that in Western European countries, people also consume fewer plastics, while

their countries are as developed as the US (Robbens, 2015).


However, reducing consumption of plastics is not easily carried out, and it takes

a long time to see the effect, since it requires a change of lifestyle. In addition,

reducing consumption of plastics will impact the economy significantly, due to

the massive size of the plastic industry. Also, conventional plastics are still

necessary in many aspects, and reducing the use of plastics can only slow down,

but not stop, plastic pollution.

4.1.4 Recycling of Plastics

Recycling is the sorting out of the recyclable component of waste and

processing into raw material which is use for real manufacturing of new

products. Among the existing solutions to the problems of plastics, recycling is

one of the most convenient and easiest ways for everyone to participate in.

To make it more convenient for consumers, it requires no sorting of recyclables

but allows everything to be thrown into the bin. Also, as consumers, the

recycling only requires one easy step of putting plastic wastes in right bins by

each individual. Unlike other possible solutions, where adjustments in lifestyle

are sometimes necessary to reduce or replace uses of plastics in households, it

can be done easily. Separating the plastic waste from other waste will prevent

plastics to be land filled and will allow it to be recycled with other plastics of

the same kind. One of the ways to encourage consumers to recycle would be to

publicize and educate more people about plastic waste and its threat to the


Plate 3: Recycled plastic


4.2 Alternatives to Control the Wide Use of Plastics

1. Use paper or cloth bags instead of plastic bags.

2. Reuse plastic bags for many times to reduce consumption, and hence
curbing the production of them.
3. Use glass containers such as Pyrex.
4. Use of plastic bags can be reduced through codification by imposing
heavy taxes or fees on the production of them.
5. Compliance with proper criteria and standards on the production of
plastic bags makes the bags thicker, more durable and biodegradable.
6. Reduce the use of plastic-wrapped products.
7. Mothers should be cautious not to use plastic bottles for feeding their
8. Do not buy plastic toys which children can chew, and replace them with
toys made of natural materials.
9. Do not buy or use plastic cups, plates or spoons, especially the disposable
single-use ones.
10. If you select between different plastic products, choose the product that
can be reused or recycled.
11. Do not take more plastic bags than you need when shopping.
12. In case you buy a product in a plastic can or bottle, reuse it for other
purposes instead of disposal.
13. Avoid using plastic cups made of rigid polystyrene in drinking tea, coffee
and other hot drinks. Use paper or glass cups instead.


Toxicity of plastic is a problem in nature on a universal scale, from the

individual level to the level of populations. The chapter reveals that the negative

consequences of plastic on human health and environment as a result of

exposure to toxic chemicals used in the production of plastics. Peoples use

unconsciously plastics without knowing its toxicity. The toxic effect of plastics

on human health and environment is very much evident by the most of the

reviews. The government, law implementing agencies and health authorities of

the country should take more steps and pay attention to sustainable production,

use, and disposal of plastics.

To raise public awareness, the regional and national different levels of

educational curriculums must include the waste management systems from the

grass-roots as information resources. In addition to creating public awareness on

the importance of a healthy environment, mechanisms of controlling the

generation of wastes at the source, alternative disposal ways, establishing

additional drop-off areas (landfills) and incineration mechanisms, plastic

recycling facilities are also recommended. Helping communities to reduce their

exposures to health toxicants will increase the likelihood for a healthy society

and clean environment for the coming generations.



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