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I am a draftsman from Earth who dropped dead from overwork and arrived to this world.

Butler: "Your Highness, the execution time has arrived. Please announce the verdict quickly."

I saw a girl about to be executed on the gallows.


Turns out, I am Roland Wimbledon, the fourth prince of the Kingdom of Greycastle. My father,
the king, has sent his four children to four different territories. Based on our governance over five
years, he will decide who will be the heir. I was sent to a godforsaken frontier town, and now, it
seems I'm about to execute a...


Crowd: "The damned witch is the embodiment of the devil! Hang her!!!"

As someone who received a modern education, I didn't expect such nonsense in this uncivilized
place. Blaming a poor soul for disasters and misfortunes.

Roland: "Release that witch!!!"

Crowd: "Huh???"

Roland: "Ahem, I mean, I'm tired. We'll judge her another day." (walks away on his own.jpg)

Crowd, Butler, Knights: "Huh???"

After resting for a while, I went to the dungeon with the butler and knights.

Knight: "Your Highness, this is too dangerous."

Knight: "She is a monster who kills with witchcraft."

I didn't expect a noble knight to be afraid of a little girl.

"Tell me, what happened?"

It turns out her father was injured while mining.

Someone wanted to harm her father and steal his belongings. In desperation, she awakened her
powers and burned the thieves to death. Ironically, her father then sent her to the dungeon.

"I want to see your witch powers," I said.

The witch replied, "I'm wearing the Lock of Divine Punishment, so I can't use magic. If you're not
afraid of death, take it off."

Without hesitation, I removed the Lock of Divine Punishment.

"Bring it on," I said.

In an instant, flames soared into the sky. But I wasn't afraid. I hadn't expected magic to be real in
this world. In that moment, I had many thoughts—steam engines, iron smelting furnaces, iron

"Miss Anna, can I hire you?" I asked.

Anna and the knight: "Huh???"

I had the butler find a criminal to replace the witch and be executed. Then, I cleaned up the little
witch and changed her clothes (into a maid outfit).

Anyone who has studied physics knows that energy cannot appear out of thin air. But magic
seems to defy this law, creating something out of nothing, even greater than perpetual motion

"Your Highness, the Evil Moon will arrive in four months," the butler said.

"The Evil Moon?"

"Yes, during the Evil Moon, many mutated monsters will rush into the town. And here, we don't
even have a wall. If more than ten percent of our soldiers are injured or killed, we will be
defeated. We should move away sooner rather than later."

"Is that so? What if I could give you a city wall?"

Knight: "Huh???"

"How is that possible? Even if it's four years, it might not be completed," the knight exclaimed.

"Why so slow. Tell me what the problem is?"

"To ensure the stability of the city wall, each stone must be carefully selected and polished.
Otherwise, they won't hold well."

"I see. I can solve this problem."

To address this issue, I decided to create cement similar to what existed in my original world. The
raw materials were simple—limestone, clay, and other materials that could be found near the
town. The challenge was the high temperature of 1500 degrees Celsius required for firing.

So, I assigned this task to the witch Anna. After some practice, she could control the size of the
flame and the approximate temperature freely.

"Your Highness, is this the effect of the cement?" the knight asked.

"Indeed. These two bricks are firmly stuck together. They were muddy last night, but now they're
as hard as stone. This way, there's no need to polish the stones."

After completing the city wall, I wanted my people to live in houses made of cement as well.

One day, the knight brought a lovely little girl.

"Your Highness, someone has been brought here."

"This is another witch found in the village named Nana Miller," the knight explained.

The little girl seemed frightened, but I told her that she will not be hung, because I don’t think
witches are devil’s incarnation.

After testing, it was discovered that the new witch's ability was to heal wounds. She could even
reattach severed limbs, although she couldn't bring back the dead. Due to her young age, I hadn't
assigned her any specific tasks.

Two weeks passed, and thanks to the continuous production of cement by the witch Anna, the
construction progress of the city wall was satisfactory. However, I faced a new problem. The
construction of the city wall had cost a lot of money, and with virtually no income, we were
running out of funds.

Fortunately, the town had a mine where we could excavate gemstones and ore.

The ambassador from Greystone Fortress was surprised, "Huh??"

"Why did you suddenly refuse the trade, my highness?" he asked.

"If we continue with the previous trade arrangements and transact wheat, it will only sustain my
townsfolk for two months. But if we trade with Green River Town, we can directly acquire gold
coins. Furthermore, they are willing to trade wheat, cheese, and bread with us at market prices.
This would be much more profitable than trading with Greystone Fortress."

"Your Highness, I understand that you are considering the welfare of your people. However, don't
you want to seek refuge in our fortress during the Blood Moon this year?" the ambassador

I didn't care about his threat. Instead, I told him, "You seem to have misunderstood something.
We're not going anywhere this year. I will fight alongside my people until the end."

Ambassador: "What? Ridiculous! What do you intend to use against those monsters from hell?"

As he suddenly remembered, a group of people seemed to be constructing something. And the

Blood Moon was only a few months away. Could this foolish prince really be planning to build a
city wall? How utterly arrogant!

After the ambassador left, I knew what he was thinking, but I didn't bother to explain. I wanted
everyone to witness a miracle—a scientific creation from another world.

Later, I gathered all the townsfolk and addressed them. I reminded them of the hardships we
faced last year, with a shortage of food that led to the loss of twenty percent of our companions.
Some lost siblings, some lost children. But this year, I refused to compromise with them. I
rejected their trade offers, even though they threatened that we wouldn't be allowed refuge in
the fortress.

But I declared that from now on, I wouldn't go anywhere. I would fight alongside my people until
the end! I had sold the ore to Green River Town and exchanged it for enough grain to feed
everyone this winter!

The townsfolk cheered, "Long live the Prince! But still, we were in danger.”

I knew everyone was worried about whether we could fend off the monsters. Many had seen our
city wall under construction. I wanted to reassure them that monsters were not invincible.

“My people..., Will you cower in the fortress, starving to death, or will you stand with me and
protect our loved ones until the end?" I asked my people.

The response was resounding, "We will fight for you, Your Highness!"

The speech had a powerful effect, especially since I promised a substantial sum of gold coins to
the families of those who fell in battle. Finally, I had assembled my first army.

"Your Highness, these are the soldiers selected according to your requirements," the knight
informed me.

"Shall I start teaching them swordsmanship tomorrow?" he asked.

I declined the knight's suggestion because I intended to personally train them.

At noon, the knight asked, "Your Highness, they've been standing here all morning. Can they have
an extra egg for lunch?"

"What kind of training is this?" he questioned.

Ignoring his inquiry, I continued with my training methods. I knew that in the age of melee
combat, it wasn't possible to train a batch of skilled swordsmen in just two or three months.
Individual combat prowess might not be strong, but discipline was essential.

Utilizing the training methods I knew, I provided them with ample food to eat, conducted
extensive physical training, and taught them discipline. I hoped they would be ready when the
time came.

As the moon in the sky grew redder, I knew the Blood Moon was imminent. After months of
construction, a city wall composed of irregular stones was completed. The army was also
stronger and more spirited than ever.

"It's important that everyone has gotten used to obeying every command."

"I instructed the steward to purchase some sulfur and saltpeter for me according to my
description and made some black powder to face emergencies."

"But during the experiment, no matter how I explained it, the knights always thought it was a
divine punishment and treated me as a messenger of the gods."

"I also built a hospital for Nana, that little girl, and sent the wounded soldiers from the army to
her for treatment."

"Now, the people in the army aren't so resistant to witches anymore and even call Nana a little

"It's snowing."

"The month of evil begins."

The soldiers by the city wall rang the bells and found a group of fox-like monsters approaching
the city wall.

"I went to the city wall, and although the soldiers were in panic, none of them retreated."

"I commanded the soldiers on the city wall to use bows and arrows to kill these monsters."

"I have a feeling, these are just appetizers."

"These days, soldiers have been hunting various monsters on the city wall."

"Occasionally, there are a few that manage to jump onto the city wall, but fortunately, their
numbers are small."

The soldiers have become increasingly brave, with Nana's healing ability.

"As long as not too many soldiers are killed or injured, they will hold on."

"On this day, the bells on the city wall rang particularly loud."

"A large number of monsters appeared outside the city wall."

"There were too many to shoot down in time."

"Many of the monsters at the back stepped over the corpses of the dead monsters and jumped
onto the wall."

"The soldiers had no choice but to take up spears and engage in close combat."

"Wounded soldiers kept appearing."

"However, as long as the injuries weren't fatal, they could be saved."

"Behind the soldiers were their homes and their loved ones."

"So, not a single one retreated or fled."

"It seems the large amount of food and meat I invested in wasn't wasted."

"Soldier: My God! What is that?!"

"Suddenly, a gigantic mutated turtle monster appeared."

"But it had two wolf heads."

"It was slowly making its way towards the city wall."

"Arrows had no effect when shot at it."

"The monster had already reached the base of the city wall."

"It started ramming the wall with its huge shell."

"Though cement is pressure-resistant, it isn't shock-resistant."

"The wall was instantly breached with a large hole."

"Then the monster attempted to crawl through the hole."

"I immediately had someone fetch the prepared black powder."

"A soldier risked his life to place a large bag of black powder under the monster's feet."

"Then, using a flaming arrow, we ignited the powder."


"The explosion's impact blew the monster's head to pieces."

"Although there were still some monsters left, the warriors ultimately achieved victory with their
blood and sacrifice."

"Soldiers: Long live the Prince! We really did it!!!"

"Alright, the story ends here."

"Later on, the protagonist recruited witches with various abilities."

"He also used knowledge from another world to create steam engines and muskets."

"This story is adapted from the web novel *Release That Witch*."

"If you enjoyed it, you can check out the original work."

"Or you can look forward to my future installments."

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