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Start: Identify

the transportation problems faced

students in Bayombong.

Information: Collect relevant data and Gather
information about the transportation Information: Collect relevant data and info
problems, including student about the transportation
demographics, travel patterns, existing problems, including student demographic
transportation infrastructure, and any patterns, existing
available surveys or studies. transportation infrastructure, and any av
surveys or studies.

Solutions: Brainstorm and generate
Goals and Objectives: Define the
potential solutions to address the
desired outcomes and objectives fo
identified transportation problems, such
as improving public transportation
transportation for NVSU students
services, implementing shuttle services,
such as reducing travel times,
expanding parking facilities,
promoting carpooling or biking, etc.
accessibility, improving safety, etc

Select Best
Solutions: Evaluate each potential
Solution(s): Select the most suit
solution based on criteria such as
solution(s) based on the evalua
feasibility, cost-effectiveness, impact
considering the feasibility, pote
on student transportation
impact, and stakeholder inpu
and sustainability.

Monitor and
End: Once Evaluate: Continuously moni
the transportation problems have evaluate the implemented sol
been effectively addressed and the to
desired assess their effectiveness, ide
outcomes have been achieved, the challenges or issues, and m
problem-solving process is necessary adjustments

formation Information: Collect relevant data and
information about the transportation
cs, travel problems, including student
demographics, travel patterns, existing
vailable transportation infrastructure, and any
available surveys or studies.


e Stakeholders: Identify the key
for stakeholders involved in addressing the
transportation problems, such as NVSU
s, administration, local government,
transportation authorities, student
organizations, etc.

table Implementation Plan: Create a
ation, detailed plan for implementing the
ential selected
ut. solution(s), including timelines,
responsibilities, and necessary

itor and Implement

olution(s) Solution(s): Execute the
implementation plan, which may
entify any involve collaborating
make with relevant stakeholders, securing
s. funding, and coordinating with
transportation authorities.

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