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Department of Electrical Power Engineering

Power System Planning

By: Dr. Milkias B. (Ph.D.)

Asssociate Professor,Addis Ababa Science And Technology


Milkias B.
Adama Science and Technology University, Department of Electrical Power & Control Engg. School of Electrical Engineering & Computing

Electric Power/ Transformer Sub station

Hawassa University, Dep’t of Electrical Power & Control Engineering., SoEEC
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Electric Power/ Transformer Sub station
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Milkias B.

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

 Introduction
 Planning & economics
▪ 2. Load data and Forecasting
▪ 3. Power quality and Reliability analysis
 Substation sizing and spacing
 Substation location
 Effect of changing load density
 Effect of changing primary voltage
 Cost interaction of substation size and spacing vs primary voltage
and load density
▪ 5. Power System Quality Analysis
 Project evaluation
 Financing
 Project phases
 Key points
 Unit commitment
 Spinning reserve
 Priority list method/Merit order scheduling
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Milkias B.

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

▪ Thus, in general, power system equipment is so interconnected that it is impossible

to evaluate any one aspect of a system's design without taking many others into

▪ The major points which help to optimize planning in close evaluation of ones
interrelationship with the others are as follows:
1. substation spacing in the system,
2. size and number of substations,
3. sub-transmission voltage and design, and
4. distribution feeder voltage and design.
 Therefore, determining the most cost-effective design involves evaluating the
transmission-substation-feeder system design as a whole against the load pattern, and
selecting the best combination of transmission voltage, substation transformer sizes,
substation spacing, and feeder system voltage and layout.

1/10/2024 Milkias B. 7
▪ In design interrelationships, how the cost, electrical performance and
reliability of the example system change as the characteristics of its
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layout, equipment, and spacing are examined.

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2.1 Substation Size and Spacing
◦ The set of substation service areas for a T&D system must "tile" the utility service
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territory, covering all locations where there is any demand, and each substation must
have sufficient capacity to serve the load in its service area.

◦ As the distance between substations – the substation spacing - is increased, fewer

substations are needed, but the average substation service area becomes larger, and
substations will need a greater individual capacity to serve their loads.

 For instance, six substations serving an area of 108 square kilometres, evenly
spaced in a hexagonal pattern 4.56 kilometres apart. Each serves 18 square
kilometres with a peak load of 58.5 MW (65 MVA), with 81 MVA capacity, for an
80% utilization rating. If the capacity of each substation were doubled, to 162
MVA, each could serve twice the area - 36 square kilometres - and only half as
many substations would be needed. Area, and load, increase with the square of the
spacing, so doubling the capacity and area served will result in an increase of 41%
in permissible substation spacing, in this case from 4.56 to 6.45 kilometres.
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▪ Interactions and impacts of changing substation size: One way to
change the capacity of the substations in a system is to vary the number of
transformers of a standard size used in each. Another option for varying the
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capacity and hence the potential service area of a substation is to vary the
size of the transformers while keeping their number constant. Here
regarding about cost impact, the cost of any level is lower if larger
transformers are used to attain a capacity figure.
 The installed cost of a 54 MVA transformer is almost always substantially less than twice that of a
27 MVA transformer, so that even a larger savings is effected by increasing capacity to 162 MVA
by using three 54 MVA transformers instead of six 27 MVA units. Thus, a 54 MVA transformer,
installed, would cost $1,350,000 rather than the $1,550,000 cost of two 27 MVA units.

 Reliability impact of changing substation size: Reliability of service is

little changed if capacity and spacing is scaled up or down by changing the
size of the transformers in a substation whose layout and configuration is
otherwise the same. In such cases - assuming reliability of the equipment
itself does not change with size or capacity and that utilization levels are kept
constant - frequency and duration of outages as experienced by the customers
remain unchanged. Changing the number of transformers to vary capacity,
however, has a more complex impact on reliability.
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▪ Substation spacing and feeder system interaction: Suppose the
substations in the example system plan are reduced in size, to 54 MVA
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(two transformers), each serving a peak load of 43.3 MVA. Each now
serves only 66% as much area, and the feeder system emanating from it
must distribute only 66% as much load.

 The approximate formulae to estimate

feeder system PW cost can be re-written

in terms of the total length of routes that

cost =
must v F +
befbuilt, v L
F, sand  0substation
the .4125 d ssspacing

Where fv is the fixed cost at voltage V, sv is the slop of the cost in the linear range, F is the total
length of feeder routing (F=A*r), dss is the avergage distance b/n substations , A is area served,
L is load served(L=A*M), M= load density(MW/mile sq.), r = feeder route density (mile/mile

 The required reach for feeders in a distribution system will be roughly .75
times the substation spacing.
1/10/2024 Milkias B. 11
 Cost of the feeder system on a per
MW basis increases linearly up to the
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maximum economical each of the prim-

ary voltage being used, then increases
exponentially. Shown here is the cost
per MW of a 12.47kV feeder system.
 Cost per MW of the combined sub-
transmission-substation-feeder system,
as a function of substation size and
spacing. Dotted line represents the cost,
assuming that planners can choose the
best sub-transmission voltage (dotted
line) appropriate to the spacing. Solid line
represents the cost with 138 kV sub-transmission.
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 The optimal spacing of 4.56 kilometer results because it is the best
compromise between "economies of scale" at the various levels of the
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interconnected system. At the sub-transmission and substation levels,

there is a positive economy of scale with respect to substation spacing —
increasing the size and spacing of substations brings a lower cost per
MW of demand, as well as better reliability, because larger substations
and sub-transmission lines cost less per MVA and have slightly better
abilities to provide their own contingency support.
 The major contributor to this economy of scale is the substation level.
 Substations represent about 20% of the cost of the T&D system (Table
4.1), and their cost per MW served drops by half as substation size is
increased from 27 MW (2.63 kilometer spacing) to 162 MVA (6.45
kilometer spacing) - an amount that represents about 10% of the entire
T&D system's cost

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 The feeder system has an opposite economy of scale.
 Larger substations, and the greater area that their feeder systems most
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serve, put a greater MW-km burden on the power distribution system,

which increases cost. This negative economy of scale behaves in a
relatively mild manner compared to the cost behavior at the substation
level - feeder cost per MW served increases by only 26% as substation
spacing is increased from 2.63 kms to 6.45 kms, whereas substation cost
drops by half in that same increment. In addition, the greater feeder route
distances required to accommodate wider substation spacing means more
exposure of distribution to outages - so that reliability suffers slightly.
 But the feeder level represents 70% - nearly three times - the cost of the
substation level, so that as substation spacing is increased beyond 4.56
kms, the dollar amount of cost increase at the feeder level exceeds that
saved at the substation level. Feeder costs tend to dominate design
tradeoffs in T&D systems.
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4.2 Substation location
 The decisions about where to locate new substations and how much
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capacity to put at each one are the strategic moves in power delivery
planning. For although substations themselves represent a minority of
system cost, they define the overall character of the T&D system.
 They are the meeting place between transmission and distribution, a clue
in itself to their importance. But more important, their locations define
the end points of delivery need at the transmission system, as well as the
starting points for the feeders at the distribution level.
 This last is particularly important, for the selection of a poor site from
the feeder standpoint can increase the cost of the T&D system by a great

1/10/2024 Milkias B. 15
 The substation level, like other levels of a power delivery system, must
cover the entire system. Power delivered to each customer must come
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through some substation - if not one particular substation nearby, then

from another somewhere farther away. Thus, the utility service territory
is "tiled" with substation service areas, as shown in the figure below.

 Each substation area consists of the part of the service territory that the
substation serves, its area covered by the feeder system emanating from
its low-side buses.
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 For any existing or planned substation, there is a best location for it in
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the sense of economics and a best location for it in the sense of

electrical performance, reliability, and service.

 Occasionally, these two locations are identical, but usually they are
slightly different. Regardless, usually the economic aspect rules
determination of location.

 The optimal location for a substation from the cost standpoint is almost
never the lowest cost site (i.e., cheapest land), but is instead the best
overall compromise between all the cost elements involved in the
substation - land cost, site preparation cost, cost of getting transmission
in and feeders out, and proximity to the loads it is intended to serve.

1/10/2024 Milkias B. 17
 The perpendicular bisector rule of identifying a substation
service area identifies the set of all points equidistant between a
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proposed substation and its already existing neighbours. A line is

drawn from the substation to each of its neighbours (dotted lines)
and bisected with a perpendicular line (solid lines). Points inside
this boundary are designated as served by the proposed

 While simple, this method in one form or another was used to lay
out a majority of substations currently in use worldwide.
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 Modem substation sitting computer programs use accurate analytical
approaches that build upon the concept's guiding rule: serve load from
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the nearest substation.

 Serving each customer from the nearest substation assures that the
distribution delivery distance is as short as possible, which reduces
feeder cost, electric losses costs, and service interruption exposure.

 Locating substations so they are as close as possible to the customers

does likewise.

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 Suppose that the substation in figure above is moved one mile to the west,
while still being required to serve the hexagonal (shaded) area identified as
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its service territory in that figure (i.e., that area's boundaries and territory will
not change).

 Moving this substation would have little impact on the sub-transmission

costs (the new site is along the same transmission corridor) or the substation
itself (the same exact substation would be built to serve the same load,
assuming the new site costs no more or less than the old site).

 The major cost impact affected by this change in location would be on the
feeder system. The new site means the substation is closer to some loads
(those to the west), and farther from others (those on the east side of its
service territory).
MW mile = load density  length of edge  (distance moved )

cost impact = s v  load density  length of edge  (distance moved )


1/10/2024 Milkias B. 20
 Certainly, if distribution planners were forced to move a substation away
from its theoretical optimum location, they should make whatever
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adjustments they could do the rest of the system layout in order to reduce
the cost impact as much as possible.
 One option is to change the service area of the substation and its
neighbours, rather than leave them fixed, as was the case considered
 The substation in the figure is moved one mile west, and its
service area boundaries are "re-optimized" to minimize overall
impact on the feeder system, slightly changing substation service
area shape (but not its area, although the areas of its neighbours
do change). All substation boundaries in this system satisfy the
perpendicular bisector rule, optimal in a situation where load
density is uniform and there are no geographic constraints.

 Readjusting substation boundaries when the site must be moved will

usually halve the feeder-level cost impact of having to accept the non-
optimal substation site.
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 The guidelines with respect to trying to obtain the optimal substation site:

1. There is an "optimum" location for a substation from the standpoint of

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feeder system costs. Feeder cost to deliver the power to customers

increases as the actual substation site is moved away from this location.
This location is called the center of feeder cost.

2. Small deviations (less than 1/3 mile) in the actual substation site from the
center feeder cost create insubstantial cost increases. (A 1/3 mile
difference in the previous condition carries a cost impact of $37,000, less
than 1% of the substation's cost and less than .2% of the sub-
transmission-substation-feeder cost.)

3. Large deviations in actual site location from the center of feeder cost are
very expensive - moving the substation in the previous example 1.2 miles
(6,400 feet) costs $1,000,000.

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4. Whenever non-optimal sites must be accepted, planners should re-plan the
associated service area boundaries and feeder network for the substation
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and its neighbours.

5. Non-optimal sites near "hard" substation boundaries - such as when a river

or other geographic feature that cannot be moved forms one side of a
substation area boundary - carry a much higher cost penalty than those near
substation boundaries that can be re-adjusted. Planners should do
everything possible to avoid having to accept non-optimal sites whenever
the service areas are heavily constrained by geographic features.

6. T&D systems with higher primary voltage are less sensitive to deviations in
their substation location.

7. T&D systems with higher load density are therefore sensitive to deviations
in their substation locations.

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4.3 Effect of Changing load density
 When density is doubled, a substation whose capacity was previously
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sufficient to serve an X mile radius around It now can serve only an X/1.41
radius. The same radius as before can

be served by doubling substation capacity,

either by doubling transformer size or

installing twice as many transformers and

associated equipment.

 Ideally, a higher sub-transmission voltage should be used whenever load

density of the plan is raised, a lower one when density is reduced.

 When density is doubled, optimum sub-transmission voltage will rise by

41%: Making this increase gains the capability to serve the same number of
substations per transmission circuit.
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 Increasing the load density changes the
relative economics of the various levels of
the system in favour of a slightly smaller
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substation spacing with a slightly larger

substation size.

4.4 Effect of changing primary voltage

 The following figure reviews the primary impact on basic feeder segment
economics that are made by an increase in primary voltage. As the primary
voltage is changed:
 The fv fixed cost (Y-intercept) changes roughly in proportion to the square or cube root
of the relative voltage level - 25 kV costs about 35% more than 12.47 kV, while 34.5 kV
costs about 70% more, and so forth.
 The width of the economical linear range grows in proportion to voltage (i.e., it doubles
from 0-8.5 MW for 12.47 kV to 0-17 MW for 25 kV.
 The slope of the cost curve in the economical linear range, sv, is proportional to the
reciprocal of the voltage change (linear cost is $45,250 MW for 12.47kV, but only one-
half, $22,6257 MW, at 25 kV).
 The net result is that cost rises for segments that are very lightly loaded, but
falls for heavily loaded lines.
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 The resulting impact of voltage level on the feeder system cost versus substation
spacing diagram (at the base example system density of 3.25 MW/mile2). The curve
for a 25 kV feeder system is plotted along with that for 12.47 kV.

 The vast majority of line segments in a feeder system are very lightly loaded. Therefore,
at small substation spacings - those dominated by fixed costs -overall feeder system cost
increases because of the higher fixed cost of 25 kV feeder hardware. This occurs over
most of the viable range of substation spacing - the capability of 25 kV to carry load and
reach greater distances at lower cost does not pay off until beyond eight miles spacing.

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4.5 Cost interaction of substation size and spacing vs primary voltage
and load density
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 If load density is high enough, then 25 kV is more economical than 12.47 kV.
Now, the curves cross at just over two miles substation spacing, instead of at
eight miles, as at 3.25 MW/mile2.

 For any substation spacing beyond two miles, the higher primary voltage
provides superior overall system economy. Based on the information, optimum
substation spacing and size can be determined.

Load density = 3.25MW/sq. mil

Load density = 6.5 MW/sq. mil

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 Total cost of T&D system utilizing 34.5 kV, 25 kV, or 12.47 kV as primary
distribution voltage, as a function of substation spacing, at 6.50 MW/mile load
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 The 25 kV voltage is now more economical than 12.47 kV for all but very
small substation spacing. However, 34.5 kV is not the most economical at any

 The cost behaviour shown here is representative of all but very rare, extremely
strange power systems. However, different systems will have slightly different
quantitative characteristics than shown here; the curves given here should not
be used as design rules of any utility system. Rather, planners should use the
principles shown here to develop similar analysis of their own system.

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Milkias B.
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Electric Power/ Transformer Sub station

Circuit breaker
Higher availability through 10,000 times proven chamber
1-9 slide – P 76-81 Understanding_Electric_Power_Systems_0471446521

Substations are locations where transmission lines are tied together.

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They fulfill a number of functions.

• They allow power from different generating stations to be fed into the main
transmission corridors.

• They provide a terminus for interconnections with other systems.

• They provide a location where transformers can be connected to feed power into
the sub transmission or distribution systems.

• They allow transmission lines to be segmented to provide a degree of redundancy

in the transmission paths.

• They provide a location where compensation devices such as shunt or series

reactors or capacitors can be connected to the transmission system.

• They provide a location where transmission lines can be de-energized, either for
maintenance or because of an electrical malfunction involving the line.

• They provide a location for protection, control, and metering equipment.

Substation Equipment

There are a number of designs used for substations. however, there are elements
common to all:
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• Bus − the electrical structure to which all lines and transformers are connected.
- open air and enclosed type.

• Protective relays
- monitor the voltages and currents − The relays actuate circuit breakers.

• Circuit breakers
➢ capable of interrupting the flow of electricity to isolate either a line or a transformer.

➢ extinguishing the arc that forms using a variety of technologies such as oil, vacuum,
air blast or sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
➢ These fault current levels can be 20 or 30 times larger than the current flow under
normal operating conditions, that is, thousands of amperes.
➢ Circuit breakers also allow lines or transformers to be removed from service for maintenance.

➢ Circuit breakers normally interrupt all three phases simultaneously.

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Substation Equipment

• Transformers
➢ To connect facilities operating at two different voltage levels.

➢ On load and Off load or both Tap changing at the higher voltage side
➢ An autotransformer, which is used when facilities at nearly the same voltage are to be connected
• Disconnect switches
➢ Used to open a circuit when only “charging” current present is due.
➢ To connect or disconnect circuit breakers or transformers which are not carrying load current.
• Lightning arrestors
➢ To protect transformers and switchgear from the effects of high voltage due to lightning stroke or
a switching operation.
➢ To flashover when the voltage at the transformer exceeds a pre-selected level which is chosen by
the station design engineers to coordinate with the basic insulation level of the transformer (BIL).

• Metering equipment
➢ To measure line and transformer loadings and bus voltages so operating personnel can ensure that
these facilities are within acceptable limits.

• SCADA (system control and data acquisition)

➢ The improvements in measurement, telecommunications and computing technologies
Electric Power/ Transformer Sub station
Depending on the electrical characteristics of the transmission system,
other equipment that may be located at a substation are:
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• Shunt reactors
➢ To control high voltages that occur especially at night due to the capacitive effect of lightly loaded
transmission lines.
➢ to reduce or control the high voltages that can occur when a sudden loss of a block of customer
load occurs.
➢ The windings, insulation and the external tank are similar to those used for transformers.
• Series reactors
➢ Installed in a transmission line to increase the impedance of the line, to decrease current levels
in the event of short circuits, or to reduce its loading under various operating conditions.
• Shunt capacitors
➢ To provide mVArs to the system to help support voltage levels.
• Series capacitors
➢ To reduce the effective impedance and the electrical angle between the sending and the receiving
parts of the system of a long transmission line and enabling more power to flow over the line
and increasing stability limits..
• Phase angle regulating transformers
➢ To control power flow through a transmission line
• FACTS (Flexible ac Transmission Systems)
➢ Increased power transfer capability, rapid voltage control, improved system stability, and
mitigation of sub-synchronous resonance

▪ Static VAr Compensators, Thyristor Controlled Series Compensators, Static Compensators,

Unified Power Flow Controllers ,etc.
Electric Power/ Transformer Sub station

Selection of structural scheme of the Sub Stations

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It should include:

❑ The type of Sub Station

❑ The load security (Category 1- 4)and load-gravity
❑ The Voltage level
❑ The power transformers

► The type and

► Rating
► The desired number

The power of each transformer is to be selected equals 0,65 – 0,7 of the

sum of the maximum load (calculated) of the substation.
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Schematic diagram of the step up transformer
A number of possible different arrangements are
Multi breaker switchgear arrangements
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A) Single busbar station

B) Double CB station

C) 1 ½ CB

E) Ring Busbar station E) Ring Busbar station

D) 1 ½ CB
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Substation Breaker Arrangements
Substation Breaker Arrangements
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2x Sectionalizer CB and
4x Disconnector Switch

2x Disconnector with
earthing blade

2x Regulated step up
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Schematic diagram of the step up transformer
Schematic diagram of the step up transformer
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330,550 kV 110,150,220 kV 220,330 kV 110,150 kV 500 kV

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Schematic diagram of the step up transformer
Schematic diagram of the step up transformer
500 kV 220 kV
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1200 MVA
24 kV

300 MVA
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Schematic diagram of the supply system for self usage at generating station, 6kV:

33-220 kV

6 kV self usage
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at generating station, 6kV:
Schematic diagram of the supply system for self usage
Schematic diagram of the step up transformer substation:
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Schematic diagram of the hydroelectric plant rated 2300(20x115) MW

Schematic diagram of the step up transformer substation:
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Schematic diagram for self usage(0.4 kV) at the power plant rated 300 MW
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330 0.1
330 / / 0.7 kV
3 3
Busbar arrangement 2 AC – 600/72 Mark 839 - 74

Switching drive 330 – 3200 , 330 kV, 3200 A


❑ To select a structural scheme (quantity, type and rating of main power transformers with
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

their connection).
❑ To select electrical diagram of the distribution yard of all voltage values.

❑ To select power supply scheme for auxiliaries including quantity, type and rating of
transformer for self usage.

❑ To calculate short circuit current which enable for selection of electrical apparatus and cables,
and selection of technical and economical mechanism for faulty(S.C) conditions.

❑ The existing cable lines size which are supplied from low voltage side should be
preliminarily chosen.

❑ To select the electrical apparatus circuit breakers disconnectors fuses and instrumental
transformers(CT & VT) and decide the content of measuring devises. All instrument
transformers should be selected by voltage rating, class of accuracy, continuous
load current and connection system.

❑ To draw the scheme of main electrical connections of electrical equipments with

their type and specifications on format A1.
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Schematic/Structural diagram of the substation of 220/35/10 kV.
transmission and distribution of electrical engineering P 92-109

Substation Layouts
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❑ Security of supply
- Category 1 No outage necessary within the substation for either maintenance or fault;
- Category 2 Short outage necessary to transfer the load to an alternative circuit for maintenance
or fault conditions;
- Category 3 Loss of a circuit or section;
- Category 4 Loss of substation;

❑ Extendibility
- for future extension work.
❑ Short circuit limitations
❑ Maintainability
❑ Land area
❑ Operational flexibility ❑ Cost
❑ Protection arrangements

Single busbar
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Each circuit is protected by its own circuit breake

A fault on a feeder or transformer circuit breaker causes

loss of the transformer and feeder circuit

A fault on a bus section circuit breaker causes complete

shutdown of the substation.

Maintenance of a feeder or transformer circuit breaker

involves loss of that circuit.

A busbar fault causes loss of one transformer and one feeder.

Transformer feeder

savings in land area together with less switchgear

less control and relay equipment

less initial civil works together with reduced maintenance

better features and facilities than the single busbar without a
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

bus section switch

Any circuit breaker may be maintained at any time without

Three switch mesh. disconnecting that

Normal operation is with the bypass disconnectors or optional circuit

breaker open so that both transformers are not disconnected for a
single transformer fault.

A fault on one transformer circuit disconnects that transformer

circuit without affecting the healthy transformer circuit.

A fault on the bus section circuit breaker causes complete

substation shutdown until isolated and power restored.

Circuit breakers may be maintained without loss of supply

or protection and no additional bypass facilities are required.

Busbar faults will only cause the loss of one circuit. Circuit
breaker faults will involve the loss of a maximum of two
Full mesh

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The ring busbar offers increased security compared to the

single busbar arrangement since alternative power flow
routes around the ring busbar are available.

A typical scheme which would occupy more space

Double busbar - Transfer bus the most popular open terminal outdoor substation
arrangement throughout the world.

This is essentially a single busbar arrangement with bypass

disconnector facilities.

When circuit breakers are under maintenance the rotection

is arranged to trip the bus-coupler breaker
Double busbar - Duplicate bus

Each circuit may be connected to either busbar using the

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

busbar selector disconnectors.

On-load busbar selection may be made using the bus-

coupler circuit breaker.

Motorized busbar selector disconnectors may be used to

reduce the time to reconfigure the circuit arrangements.

Busbar and busbar disconnector maintenance may be carried

out without loss of supply to more than one circuit.
Duplicate busbar
The use of circuit breaker bypass isolator facilities is not
considered to offer substantial benefits since modern circuit
breaker maintenance times are short and in highly
interconnected systems alternative feeder arrangements are
normally possible
A variant on the scheme uses a ‘wrap around’ busbar layout
in order to reduce the length of the substation.

wrap around arrangement

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Double busbar - 1 1/2 circuit breaker

It offers the circuit breaker bypass facilities and security of

the mesh arrangement coupled with some of the flexibility
of the double busbar scheme.

The layout is used at important high voltage substations

and large generating substations

Essentially the scheme requires 11⁄2 circuit breakers per

connected transmission line or transformer circuit

Additional costs of circuit breakers are involved together with

complex protection arrangements.

It is possible to operate with any one pair of circuits, or group

of pairs of circuits separated from the remaining circuits. The
circuit breakers and other system components must be rated
for the sum of the load currents of two circuits.

High security against loss of supply.

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Development of Substation Automation
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Development of Substation Automation
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Development of Substation Automation
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Development of Substation Automation
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Development of Substation Automation
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Distribution Substation

The influences of the system voltage choice:

◼ maximum length of individual feeders

◼ loadability of the feeders
◼ system losses
◼ number of distribution substations supplied from each feeder
◼ number of customers affected by any one outage
◼ operational procedures
◼ maintenance practices
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Selection of location for Distribution Substation

Finding of load centre coordinates

The procedure is as follow:
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❑ By the given data, to draw the axis X and Y plan and indicate the centre of electrical
load of each load (factory or district)
❑ On the bases of the dimensions of the plotted territory , to select the scale(mactive , mreactive)of the
load which is oriented to the max. and min. suitable radius- Rmin; Rmax.

mactive. p =
; m = ;
 Rmin
reactive. p
 R 2

Pmax Pmax
mactive. p = =
; active. p  R 2 ;
R 2

Where m – scale for load, kW/km2

Pmin ; Qmin – the lower power of the consumer, kW or kVar
Rmin – the lower visible and acceptable radius of the load, km;

❖ The value of “m” can be rolled to the full no. and applied for active and reactive loads.

❑ To determine the radius of the circles of all active and reactive loads of the
Ractive. p = ; Rr .i = 2 10−2 Qi ;
 mactive. p
Where, Rmin and Rmin – the radius of the active and reactive load, km;kW/km2
P ; Q – the active and reactive load of the consumer, kW and kVar
mactive; mreactive – the scale for active and reactive load, kW/km2 or kVar/km2
If only P and Cos φ are given Q = Ptg
Selection of location for Distribution Substation
Finding of load centre coordinates
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

❑ To determine the center of coordinates (ELC) of all consumers:

n n

PX i i  PY i i
X a0 = i =1
; Ya 0 = i =1
; Centre A (Xa0 ;Ya0) – location of the main Distr.SS
P i P
i =1
i =1


Q X i i i i
X r0 = i =1
; Yr 0 = i =1
; Centre B (Xr0 ; Yr0) – location of the Comp.
i =1
i Q
i =1

Xa0 ;Ya0 – coordinate of the active electrical load centre
Xr0 ;Yr0 – coordinate of the reactive electrical load centre
Selection of location for Distribution Substation

Example 1 : Finding of load centre coordinates

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Given data: Topology* 3 x 2 km with power loads consumers (1 div. = 0.1 km)

Number of consumers
Load 1 Load 2 Load 3 Load 4 Load 5
P, kW 100 160 1000 400 25
X, km 0.6 1.45 2.4 1.55 0.4
Y, km 1.45 1.25 0.9 0.55 0.4
Cos φ 0.7 0.75 0.9 0.8 0.6
Find: a) Determine the coordinates of active electrical load centre
b) Determine the coordinates of reactive electrical load centre
c) Plot the given data on the load topology graph.
a) Plotting the electrical load centers of each consumer on the load topology, with scale of mg=0.2km/cm.
b) Calculating the radius of a circles of active and reactive load of each consumer using the above scale.
c) Calculating the scale for active load (ma) using the above scale
Taking the lowest load(load-5) radius Ra5= 0.1km, thenmactive. p =
Pmin = 25/3.14*0.12=796≈800 kW/km2
 Rmin

P3 1000
And we find the highest load (load 3)radius using ma; Ra.3 =  m ; = = 0.63 km
a .3 3.14  800
if the max. load Ra3is possible to plotted on the topology, then the scale is accepted for the rest of active
load to plot their radius, Pi
Ra.i = ; Ra.i = 2.10−2 Pi ;
 ma
* Topology: means a relationships between linked elements: the relationships between parts linked together in a system such as a distribution
or a computer network (formal).
Selection of location for Distribution Substation
d) Calculating the reactive load of each consumer using the following relation:
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

tg φ – the angle which can be found using cos φ the the value will be collected on the output
data table.
e) Calculating the radius of a circles for reactive loads with the same scale, i.e mr= 800 kVar/km2
using −2
Rr .i = 2 10 Qi

f) Finding the approximate

n centre of active and reactive electrical loads:
PX i i
100  0.6 + 160 1.45 + 1000  2.4 + 400 1.55 + 25  0.4
X a0 = i =1
= = 2 km;
100 + 160 + 1000 + 400 + 25
i =1

 PY i i
100 1.45 + 160 1.25 + 1000  0.9 + 400  0.55 + 25  0.4
Ya 0 = i =1
= = 0.88 km.
100 + 160 + 1000 + 400 + 25
i =1

Therefore , the distribution sub station will be allocated near by point A (2 ; 0.88).

Q X i i
102  0.6 + 141 1.45 + 480  2.4 + 300 1.55 + 33  0.4
X r0 = i =1
= = 2.3 km;
102 + 141 + 480 + 300 + 33
i =1

QY i i
102 1.45 + 141 1.25 + 480  0.9 + 300  0.55 + 33  0.4
Yr 0 = i =1
= = 0.88 km.
102 + 141 + 480 + 300 + 33
i =1

Therefore , the synchronous compensator will be allocated near by point B (2.3 ; 0.88).
Selection of location for Distribution Substation
Fig.1. Load Topology of all group of consumers
Active load
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Reactive load
Selection of location for Distribution Substation

Finding of load centre coordinates

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Output data
Number of consumers
Load 1 Load 2 Load 3 Load 4 Load 5
P, kW 100 160 1000 400 25
Ra , km 0.2 0.25 0.63 0.4 0.1
Cos φ 0.7 0.75 0.9 0.8 0.6
tg φ 1.02 0.88 0.48 0.75 1.33
Q , kVar 102 141 480 300 33
Rr , km 0.22 0.24 0.44 0.35 0.11

Answer: Point A (2; 0.88) will be the place where the DSS is to be located and centre of active load.
Point B (2.3; 0.88) will be the place where the Comp. is to be located and centre of reactive load.
Selection of location for Distribution Substation

Load 1 Load 2 Load 3 Load 4 Load 5

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Cos φ1 P2, kW Cos φ2 P3, kW Cos φ3 P4 , kW Cos φ4 P5 , kW Cos φ5
P1 , kW
(X2 , Y2) (X3 , Y3) (X4 , Y4) (X5 , Y5)
(X1 , Y1)
Selection of location for Distribution Substation

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering








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