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In 2018, tourism increased its share in the performance of the Slovak economy

to 2,74 %
Posledná aktualizácia: 27.08.2021 | Počet zobrazení: null

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Dátum publikovania: 27.11.2020

Annex Tourism satellite account for 2018 (zip - 700 kB)

The SO SR publishes the TOURISM SATELLITE ACCOUNT for 2018, which summarizes the
contribution of the sector in the Slovak economy

The tourism industries in 2018 produced a total value of EUR 9,9 billion. It is a summary of the production of tourism
characteristic industries, which are internationally comparable and also the specific tourism industries for the Slovak Republic.

In 2018, the tourism industries accounted for a share of 2,74 % of total GDP in Slovak economy and slightly increased
year-on-year. The tourism direct gross domestic product reached the value of EUR 2,4 billion, which represented a year-on-year
higher value of 10,8 %.

This can be seen from the data of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic processed within the TOURISM SATELLITE
ACCOUNT for 2018. The tourism satellite account provides the professional public with more detailed data on the economic
performance of the tourism industry, its share and impacts on the country's economy.

The number of people employed in tourism has been growing continuously since 2013, in 2018 there were 180,7 thousand.
Most of them worked in food and beverage services and in passenger transport. The internationally comparable indicator - the
number of full-time equivalents (FTE) reached 177,6 thousand workplaces.

In total, tourism participants spent almost EUR 5,9 billion (expenditures of domestic and foreigners in the territory of the
SlovakRepublic as well as expenditures of Slovak citizens on trips abroad). Total expenditures increased by 10,2 %
year-on-year. The highest part of expenditures of visitors in the territory of the Slovak Republic (domestic and foreign visitors in
the Slovak Republic) went to the payments for accommodation and food and beverage services (38 % of expenditures).

The total number of holiday and business trips within the domestic, inbound and outbound tourism reached the value of 60.9
million trips and increased by 9,5 % year-on-year. In Slovakia, domestic visitors and foreigners made a total of 52,6 million trips,
of which almost three quarters were same day trips.

Vydal: Hovorca: Informačný servis:

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