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Name: Bajo, Khent Crescensio S.

Course & Program: BSHM 1A


1. How Science and Technology make you less human?

Because they incourage dependence, decrease actual human connection, raise ethical questions,
and enhance social isolation and loneliness, science and technology have the potential to make
people feel less human.


1. How technology is being observed in the article?

According to what I've read in the article, technology is employed by the hospital as a worker.
As such, technology is utilized to schedule patient appointments and perform virtual patient

2. Is it a great help or not? Why or why not?

It's very useful when a worker and a patient can interact virtually, since this can prevent the
transmission of the virus and also allow individuals to save more time thanks to current

3. Does using technology served as a turning point during this pandemic? Why or why

That is a huge turning point in our lives. since at the time we couldn't attend regular classes
because of the COVID, so we had to make do with virtual education and shopping at malls
instead of actual stores. In other words, technology completely changed our lives.

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