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III. Multiple Choices. Write the letter of your chosen answer.

. B 1. The use and display of wealth and other possessions, all the physical elements that
reflect who a person is, make up the
a. material self
b. social self
c. spiritual self
d. none
. B 2. It is an idea which suggests that those who have the most money or occupy higher
classes are more likely to take a "what's in it for me?" attitude.
a. self-sufficiency and service
b. self-interest maximization
c. self-view
d. addiction
. D 3. It is the idea that differences between classes are based upon identity and
generation rather than circumstance.
a. class essentialism
b. self-interest maximization
c. self-sufficiency
d. social and business value
. A 4. The "cycle of work and spend" is best illustrated in
a. work more to buy more
b. work less to buy more
c. buy more to spend more
d. work more to provide enough
. D 5. Which is not a nonvoluntary loss of possession?
a. lost to theft or casualty
b. mudslide and forest fire
c. handbag snatching
d. lending an item
II. Enumerate. Aside from the examples in the discussion, give one (1) example for each
evidences behind the idea that money truly can change people. You can based on your
1. Social and Business Value
A business can sponsor a charity event, including a car wash or chicken barbecue, to raise
money for a needed fire engine or police cruiser.
2. Self-Sufficiency and Service
A person who grows his own food.
3. Self-View
Seeing yourself as an attractive and desirable person
4. Ethics
Standards that impose the reasonable obligations to refrain from rape, stealing, murder,
assault, slander, and fraud
5. Addiction
Gambling Addiction

III. Essay. Think and react on this:

1. “I Shop, Therefore I Am”

In the I shop therefore I am trend study, we examine consumer culture from a variety of
perspectives, including ethical, social, political, economic, and humanistic. Shopping has
evolved into a way of life. We eat as a form of entertainment and a means to pass the
time. At the same time, many people are discovering that the power of consuming is
preventing us from obtaining true and genuine happiness, and that shopping is
frequently used as a substitute for something we don't have in our lives. When does the
accumulation of material possessions stop being satisfying and start becoming
unpleasant and overwhelming? It all comes down to what we buy and invest in; the
world we live in will be shaped by our decisions.
2. “A person is defined not by what he thinks, but by what he owns.”

At times, we have defined a person based on our assumptions. Thinking about

expressive thoughts and descriptive mental viewpoints. It is common knowledge that
the basis for understanding or recognizing a person should be based on what can be
seen, felt, or touched. It has something to do with the phrase "TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE." A
person's characteristic, manner of life, and obvious identity formed a large actor to
clearly characterize them. Complicated outcomes will result from an original and
creative observation of yourself and others. Because defining a person based on one's
opinions, judgements, and perceptions is tantamount to wishing for a lost identity, as
well as being dishonest and failing to maintain the genuineness of one's every word and

3. “People were created to be loved, and things were created to be used: the reason why
the world is in so much chaos right now is because people are being used, and things
are being loved.”

It's just a basic profundity, a tidbit of sophistry that tries to be both descriptive and
prescriptive at the same time. It doesn't define love, and it doesn't define use. It fails to
distinguish between distinct types of objects and, due to a lack of accuracy, lumps
animals in with things. The things we require to live, such as all of the living and
nonliving elements that make up the biosphere, are being mistreated, which is causing
harm to people. We all rely on 10 feet of healthy topsoil and predictable harvest
seasons. I agree that love for all things around us is in short supply right now, and love
for people and the world we live in is much required. Certain concepts, on the other
hand, are sincerely appreciated when they shouldn't be. The underlying bars of this
prison of lovelessness we have made for ourselves are the conceptions of money,
stocks, and finances, which we locate in their fleeting psychological gestalts.

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