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 group dynamics
Organizational Change Challenge™
 1,5 - 3 hours
The Challenge Series


The Situation & The Challenge • Teach participants about the elements
of an effective organizational change
Concerns about the stagnating growth of a process and how these elements are
home health care supplies and equipment interrelated
manufacturer require that you and the other
top managers outline a change process Benefits of using the Organizational
for revitalizing the company. Sequence Challenge Challenge rather than
17 activities in the order they should be „traditional” learning about change
implemented to most effectively accomplish management:
organizational change.
• Bridges the gap between theory and
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: • Accelerates learning by involving
a. Team Development & Decision Making participants’ critical thinking, problem
solving and decision making skills
• Increases participant interaction,
• Develop participants’ rational,
interpersonal, leadership and engagement and peer learning
communication skills. • Provides specific, accurate measures of
individual and group performance in
• Initiate team building so participants
can uncover (and resolve) problems that
are occurring within their groups • ROI for experiental learning is much
higher than for „classic” learning
• Promote team development by teaching
participants about synergy and the
behaviors and skills that contribute Over to you: sequence these 3 activities
to (and detract from) effective group from the Organizational Change
problem solving and decision making Challenge:
• Kick off a meeting, session, workshop or
conference dealing with group problem q Develop a general strategy for
Unlock the solving, decision making, achievement-
oriented thinking or team development
attaining the vision for change
that identifies major initiatives,

secret of synergy • Assess the impact of team-building

interventions, used as a pre- or post-test
themes or priorities.

measure of team effectiveness q Conduct a thorough assessment

while developing of the organization’s resources and
design, including its strategies,
business skills b. Change Management structures and operating culture.

• Improve on the organization’s existing

approach to change by identifying q Assemble a diverse committee
whose members are powerful,
activities or steps that have not been
credible and willing to work
adressed (adequately
together to define and lead
• Initiate organizational change using organizational change.
the refined step-by-step approach,
comprised of 4 major phases:
initiating, planning, implementing and
institutionalizing change

 Bucharest, 43 Lascăr Catargiu

 021 316 87 43
 Changing the World—One Organization at a Time®

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