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TransferabIIIty Is key to season tIcket

Added fees and credlL card lnformaLlon requlremenLs wlll
make abouL half of Season 1lckeL Polders more llkely Lo
glve up Lhelr LlckeLs.
Ç36-42. 1be followloq ote sceootlos wblcb coolJ be lmplemeoteJ wltb popetless
tlckets. Clveo eocb of tbe followloq sceootlos, pleose loJlcote lf yoo ote mote ot
less llkely to teoew yoot cotteot seosoo tlckets. lf yoot teom JlJ tbls, woolJ yoo be
mote ot less llkely to teoew yoot cotteot seosoo tlckets?
Season TIcket HoIders dIsapprove of
restrIctIons after orIgInaI purchase
lf sporLs Leams lmplemenL resLrlcLlve LlckeLlng sysLems
(please see descrlpLlon on page 2) Season 1lckeL Polders
wlll be less llkely Lo renew Lhelr LlckeLs.

Ç33. lf yoot seosoo tlckets wete cbooqeJ to popetless tlckets os JesctlbeJ woolJ
yoo be mote ot less llkely to teoew yoot seosoo tlckets?
Cne-Lhlrd would be less llkely Lo renew lf LlckeL lssuers
lmplemenL resale prlce resLrlcLlons. 1he lnablllLy Lo resell
LlckeLs below face value has Lhe mosL lmpacL.

Ç36-42. 1be followloq ote sceootlos wblcb coolJ be lmplemeoteJ wltb popetless
tlckets. Clveo eocb of tbe followloq sceootlos, pleose loJlcote lf yoo ote mote ot
less llkely to teoew yoot cotteot seosoo tlckets. lf yoot teom JlJ tbls, woolJ yoo be
mote ot less llkely to teoew yoot cotteot seosoo tlckets?
When educated, Season TIcket HoIders see
restrIctIve tIckets as "bad"
AfLer readlng an alded descrlpLlon (please see page 2) of
resLrlcLlve paperless LlckeLs, a sLrong ma[orlLy belleve
resLrlcLlve LlckeLs would be bad for Season 1lckeL Polders.
Ç32. 8oseJ oo wbot yoo jost teoJ, to wbot exteot Jo yoo tblok popetless tlckets,
os exploloeJ obove, ote qooJ ot boJ fot seosoo tlcket bolJets?

600 108
Avenue nL, SulLe 1040
8ellevue, WA 98004

Þrofesslonal and college sporLs Leams depend on Season
1lckeL Polders, who lnvesL slgnlflcanL money and Llme Lo
supporL Lhelr Leams. 1hese loyal supporLers guaranLee
Lhelr Leams' subsLanLlal revenue and aLLendance, Lhey
are Lhe economlc and splrlLual foundaLlon of every
8uL desplLe Lhelr flerce dedlcaLlon, Lhe ma[orlLy of
Season 1lckeL Polders say Lhey are less llkely Lo renew
Lhelr season LlckeLs lf Lhelr Leams adopL resLrlcLlve
LlckeLlng pracLlces, and Lhereby make lL dlfflculL Lo
Lransfer, resell or glve LlckeLs away. Season 1lckeL
Polders rely on LlckeL resales Lo help flnance Lhelr
season package. 1hey rely on easy Lransfers Lo share
and re-sell Lhelr LlckeLs. And Season 1lckeL Polders
sLrongly dlsapprove of any LlckeL resLrlcLlons.


51uuY M£1nOuOLO6Y: Peoo 5cboeo 8etlooJ cooJocteJ oolloe sotveys
lo tbe uolteJ 5totes omooq 407 5eosoo 1lcket nolJets. lot tbe potposes
of tbls teseotcb, oll tespooJeots wete tepolteJ to owo seosoo tlckets to o
lto 8oseboll, lto 8osketboll, lto lootboll, NcAA 8osketboll ot NcAA
lootboll teom ot ooy comblootloo of teoms. 5otveys wete cooJocteJ
5eptembet 9
- 5eptembet 15
, 2011.
All oombets sbowo lo tbls tepott tepteseot petceotoqes ooless otbetwlse
ooteJ. colomos tbot Jo oot oJJ op to 100 moy be Joe to temovol of
´otbet´, ´Joo´t koow´ tespooses, toooJloq of Jeclmols ot loclosloo of
moltlple tespooses.
Ooestloos oosweteJ by tbe foll somple of 407 5eosoo 1lcket nolJets ote
sobject to o somplloq ettot of plos ot mloos opptoxlmotely 4.0
petceotoqe polots ot tbe 90 petceot level of cooflJeoce. 1bls meoos tbot
lo 90 oot of 100 somples llke tbe ooe oseJ bete, tbe tesolts obtoloeJ
sboolJ be oo mote tboo 4.0 petceotoqe polots obove ot below tbe flqote
tbot woolJ be obtoloeJ by lotetvlewloq tbe foll popolotloo of tbe
ooJleoces locloJeJ lo tbls teseotcb.
lo oJJltloo to somplloq ettot, ooe sboolJ beot lo mloJ tbot poestloo
wotJloq ooJ ptoctlcol Jlfflcoltles lo cooJoctloq sotveys coo lottoJoce
ettot ot blos loto tbe floJloqs of oploloo polls.
*uetolleJ ooJleoce Jefloltloos ovolloble opoo tepoest

Season TIcket HoIders demand fuII
controI and ownershIp of theIr tIckets
and want the market to determIne tIcket
resaIe prIces
86° see LlckeLs as Lhelr properLy and 84° belleve LlckeLs
are [usL llke any oLher commodlLy LhaL can be purchased,
sold or glven away.

Ç23]24: wblcb ls closet to yoot vlew?
73° of Season 1lckeL Polders are agalnsL prlce resLrlcLlons,
lnsLead wanLlng Lhe markeLplace, buyers and sellers, Lo
deLermlne LlckeL prlces.
Ç27. wblcb ls closet to yoot vlew?
Season TIcket HoIders thInk they know
what restrIctIve paperIess tIckets are -
but unaIded descrIptIons reveaI they
are confused
1hough 84° lnlLlally say Lhey have some knowledge abouL
resLrlcLlve paperless LlckeLs, [usL 13° of LhaL group can
offer a correcL deflnlLlon unalded.
Ç3S: now mocb Jo yoo koow oboot ´lopetless´ tlcketloq systems?
Ç36: lo yoot owo wotJs, pleose Jesctlbe wbot yoo tblok ´lopetless´ tlcketloq
systems ote. Asked of Lhose who know aL leasL a ºvery llLLle" abouL Þaperless
LlckeLlng sysLems.
u£5cklP1lON Ol k£51klc1lv£ P4P£kL£55 1lck£15
"Poper/ess tickets" describes o new ticketinq
techno/oqy thot hos been imp/emented for some mojor
ortists' concerts {e.q., Mi/ey cyrus) ond by some mojor
sports teoms {e.q., c/eve/ond covo/iers ond nouston
kockets). Mony peop/e confuse these "poper/ess
tickets" with e/ectronic tickets. £/ectronic tickets ore
de/ivered to the ticket buyer vio emoi/ ond printed ot
home. 5ome versions of e/ectronic tickets ore de/ivered
vio emoi/ or 5M5 text messoqe to smortphones. 1he
bor code is sconned ot the qote for occess to the event.
1he fo//owinq describes how poper/ess tickets qenero//y
work ond how they differ from e/ectronic tickets:
• lopetless 1lckets most be potcboseJ oolloe ooJ ote
ofteo ooo-ttoosfetoble.
• 1o qolo eotty loto oo eveot tbe popetless tlcket
potcboset swlpes tbe cteJlt cotJ oseJ to potcbose tbe
tlcket ooJ pteseots o qovetomeot lssoeJ lu - totbet
tboo pteseotloq o pbyslcol tlcket.
• Aftet tbe cteJlt cotJ ls swlpeJ, o tecelpt wltb tbe seot
locotloo ls ptloteJ ooJ qlveo to tbe tlcket potcboset,
wbo tbeo eotets tbe eveot.
• Ooce potcboseJ, mooy popetless tlckets coooot be
qlveo owoy ot tesolJ.
• 5ome tlcket lssoets ollow popetless tlckets to be
ttoosfetteJ, bot ooly tbtooqb tbelt owo websltes, ooJ
ofteo tbe lssoets llmlt tesole ptlces to tbe otlqlool
potcbose ptlce ot lmpose o ptlce cop ot ptlce floot oo

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