VPM A320 USER Guide

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VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

VPM A320 User Guide

 Airbus SAS 2023. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

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Released on 09 Aug 2023
VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

Table of Contents


1.2 SCOPE 8
2.1.2 VPM A320 10
2.1.3 CATIA V5 11

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

10.4.1 MADEFROM ALLREUSE 46 MadeFrom ALLREUSE - Precheck 48 MadeFrom ALLREUSE for ADF 50
10.6 VBE/BGE 52
10.6.1 REUSE VBE/BGE 52
10.7 FLX 52
10.7.1 REUSE FLX 53
11.2.4 ESI DS AUTOMATION AND REUSE 59 Main Use cases 60 ESI DS Automation menu 61 NFF AMP and ESA Node 63
11.6.1 DMS NODE 74
11.6.2 REUSE OF 3DSET 74
11.6.3 3D TO FULL3D 75
11.7.1 A2D NODE 80
11.7.2 A2D NODE REUSE 81

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical Transfer of A2D node from legacy 83

13.4.1 RTSD NAMED EQT 101
13.5 FINDMU 103
14.3.1 VOLUME FILTER 114

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
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14.3.4 AIRBUS FILTER 117
19.6 IP REF PANEL 138
19.8 IR DELETION 146

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical


30.3 VPM A320 MENU ITEMS 174
30.3.4 TAB MENU ITEMS 181 Visualizations Icons (Catia V5) 181 Save, Undo, Copy, Paste, Cut Icons 181 Search, Refresh and Reset Icons 182 Expand and Collapse Icons 182 Edit, Associate, Airbus Utilities Icons 183 Concurrent, Configuration, Versioning, Filtering Icons 185 Replace and Expand Level Icons 185 Menu Icon (additional functions) 186 Right Mouse Button (RMB) 189 Properties information 190

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
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31.14 UC11 REUSE AMP/ESA 229
31.19 UC16 2D ONLY 238

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VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

The objective of the User Guide is to provide an instruction how to use VPM A320 which is provided in
ECH Launcher contextual menu for A320. The A320 ENOVIAvpm A320 Access (VPM A320) is an
official web access solution which provides engineering teams a scalable web application for product
design management and review. It offers complete ENOVIAvpm functionality and direct access, via a
web browser interface, to ENOVIAvpm data i.e. parts, models, documents, actions. The approach,
terminology and concepts used are therefore web service-oriented. The web technology used is based
on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

1.1 Background
The document was created as a part of the Lean PLM project. Within this project the new VPM A320
was implemented to harmonize the way of working for Single Aisle Aircrafts for all Natco´s.

1.2 Scope
This document is intended for users who need to become familiar with VPM A320 tool (Virtual Product
Model). It describes the workflow used by Designers working with VPM A320 functions. This User Guide
is applicable for all Natco’s for A320 programs.

Some functionalities or processes described in this document may not be implemented in the
tool yet but will be provided in the future.
Additional chapter will be implemented (completely) to the further version of this document due to the
future deployment of following topics:

 EC Restrictions
 Master Geometry

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical


Within Lean PLM, a new toolset based on A350 tools (PASS SSI, VPM, APS, Catia) has been rolled
out for the Single Aisle (SA) aircraft. The toolset is valid for all Natco’s to create a harmonized way of
working between all and to enable the design process.

The current tool landscape for Single Aisle product structure is the Legacy system which includes
Taksy, CCD, Optegra, VPM A-D, GEMAVICC, and Catia. In the Legacy System all Natcos have a
different way of working which is not harmonized. For a limited period, both toolsets need to be used in
parallel to ensure business continuity.

2.1 Tool Landscape

The A350 toolset was used in general as the baseline for the new tool landscape with some adaptions
for A320. For the Technical Data Management (TDM) operation a new web based VPM A320 has been
deployed and for the Product Data Management (PDM) activities PASS SSI is the master tool.
The interfaces between the tools have been developed based on A350 toll landscape.

Major deviations to A350 Architecture:

Interface Point Management (IPM): The Interface Point Management is not like in A350 done in PASS
SSI, but with IPM4Legacy (for details refer to 19 Interface Point Management)

Equipment (EQT) Management: The EQT Management is following mostly the SA way of working
using ECDB, 3DQM, GESY. The FIN-PS is generated by APS via NFIN, the EQT Models are stored in
the EQT CADLib. The full EQT PS is provided in the VPM A320COMEQLIB Environment (for details
refer to 13 Equipment Management).

Reuse of data from Legacy: For the reuse of existing SA (Legacy) data, an interface to CoreDMU has
been set up (C2V). The data are propagated to VPM in the new created ALLREUSE Environment or
other appropriate Environments, depends on object type (for details refer to 3 Dual PLM and 10 Reuse

In the picture below the whole tools landscape overview is shown.

Figure 1 Tool Landscape Overview

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

For A320, a new ECH Client has been set up. The VPM A320 has been integrated into the ECH
Launcher and can be selected via the TOOLS. (How to start ECH Launcher is described in Chapter
30.1 General Tool Start)

Figure 2 ECH Launcher

The new VPM A320 was set up as a web based program. It is compatible with Google Chrome and
Microsoft Edge. It will be opened directly in the default browser, which has to be set in the Windows
settings. If Microsoft Explorer is set as default browser, Microsoft Edge will be launched automatically.
The language definition is used from browser settings. Username and Password for VPM A320 are the
same as Windows Login.
For details about Access Request see chapter 30 best practice (REACT REQUEST).

Figure 3 VPM A320 Login Window

The tool name VPM A320 is presented within the header area for easy differentiation to legacy or

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

CATIA V5 will be used as the master CAD tool in the new Single Aisle landscape. The existing Design
Rules for CATIA V5 are still valid. For CATIA V5 in Lean PLM a new Context Profile has been
implemented and should be used (A-D_Engineering_A320).

Figure 4 CATIA Context Profile

V2P and P2V ensures the automatic data transfer and the status changes of data bidirectional between
PASS SSI and VPM A320. The process is integrated directly from the A350 as baseline.
It can be referenced to the A350 documentation.


The V2P Service performs following Check-In and Check-Out operations from VPM:

-Check-in / Check-out
-Check-in / Check-out assembly / Filtered Check-out Assembly
-Transfer check-out (Back-Round Process)

At Check-in process (with successful Q-Checker result) the objects metadata and CAD links will be in
general propagated from VPM A320 to PASS SSI. In case of failed Check-In process the error
information related to particular object will be provided to the A320INFO environment.

In some cases the check-in process will be executed without object propagation to PASS SSI. Only
VPM components which are managed in A320DEVP and A320DRAW as well as IR from INTRFACE
environment will be propagated to PASS SSI via Check-In of the corresponding DS.
In case of Legacy Reuse component usage, only the top node of the Reused PS will be
transferred to PASS SSI at Check-In of the parent node.

Objects not propagated via V2P to PASS SSI: IP, 3DProposal, DMS; DT, Sub-DT, ENV, A2D

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
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Environment Check-In to PASS SSI

A320DEVP Check-In and transfer to PASS SSI for all objects
A320DRAW Check-In and transfer to PASS SSI for all new created objects
(Legacy DRW ready only)
A320INFO Only for information purposes, i.e. nothing to Check-In
A320UPLV Read only
ALLREUSE Read only
Only the top node (if eligible for transfer to PASS SSI) of the Reused PS linked
to new node will be transferred to PASS SSI at Check-In of the new node.

3DP (not eligible for transfer)
ADF (as technical object); VBE/BGE; FLX (Cadnode Product and Cadnode
Part) (transfer only as “technical” object)
FIN-DMU Part (not possible to be linked at all)
COMDRAFT Check-In possible but no transfer to PASS SSI
COMEQLIB Read only
Check-In not possible but propagation of FIN to PASS SSI at Check-In of top
COMSTLIB Read only; Check-in not possible but transfer to PASS SSI at Check-In of the
top node
FULL3D Check-In possible but no transfer to PASS SSI
(Legacy PS read only)
INTRFACE Check-In possible for all new objects, but transfer to PASS SSI as “technical”
object possible only for IR
(Legacy IPM objects read only)
Table 1 Check-In of objects behavior and propagation from VPM A320 to PASS SSI via V2P

EC data set on VPM will not be propagated to PASS SSI

The functionality Home Custom  Get V2P Events is a feature for retrieval of information for V2P
events related to running, archived and 3D to FULL3D creation events.


PASS SSI is master tool for Release Management and in general for metadata creation and
attribute/links update as well as Export Control Management (Also for Transformation Matrix for Upper
Level and LO positioning). P2V Service reflects this information from PASS SSI to VPM.
Check-In and Check-Out operations will be propagated from PASS SSI to VPM.

The effectivity for configurable objects and also the version iteration of objects will be transmitted via
P2V, i.e. after Check-In in PASS the last iteration is visible in VPM A320.
The functionality Airbus Utilities  Get P2V Events is a feature for retrieval of information for P2V
events related to selected objects.

Refer to: PASS SSI User Guides

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

The Dual PLM approach is to manage A320 production data (ADAP) availability from legacy toolsets
without data migration. Natco Legacy TDM toolsets remain the master tools for the legacy objects, i.e.
any manipulation of legacy data is limited to be performed on the Legacy site. For that reason all
legacy data replicated to VPM A320 is read only and mostly of status released. The common exchange
database between all Natco and Lean TDM toolsets is CoreDMU, which also provides integrated DMU
view. Metadata collection and transfer is based on CoreSSI.
The Dual PLM approach enables one way replication only (from Legacy to Lean) with respect to overall
uniqueness of data identification by naming/numbering organized by split numbering ranges and
according access limitations.
On this base, particular legacy data are available for reuse and ‘made-from’ in the new tool landscape.

Figure 5 DUAL PLM Overview

Uploading strategy in general tries to provide any applicable data to be available within lean PDM/TDM
right from the beginning within the defined limitations. However the volume of Airbus mastered CAD
data is too large to be provided in one step only. For these reuse CAD data there are three different
kinds of transmission processes within DUAL PLM to transfer reuse components from Legacy to VPM

 Initial Loading / Mass Loading - based on Business requirements, preloading of data of specific
MSN(s) to the ALLREUSE or other appropriate Environment
 On Demand Loading - based on user request created for transmission of parts and/or product
structures for reuse in VPM A320.
 On the Fly update (Up-issue on Legacy site) – Transmission of released Up-Issues of legacy
data which has been already propagated to VPM A320
 Any legacy item replicated to VPM A320 will get attribute-value “Reuse-Object” set to “YES”.
General Reuse Management is described more in detail in chapter 10 Reuse Management.

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

3.1 Golden Rules for Legacy / Lean PLM co-existence

Golden rules for Dual PLM process:
 No data migration from Legacy to VPM A320
 Core DMU as unique source of truth for Legacy CAD data feeding into VPM A320 for reuse
 Data mastered in Legacy TDMs is reflected in VPM A320, in light and native formats, for
potential reuse (Initial loading scope has to be defined)
 No transfer of data created/ mastered in Lean PLM platform to Legacy Platform
 Master tool set for the reuse objects fully remains in the Legacy system. All updates on reused
objects continue to be performed in the legacy system.
 No one-to-one interface between VPM A320 and Legacy TDMs/ PDMs
Object numbering uniqueness is ensured for all objects that can be created parallel in Legacy PLM
and Lean PLM platforms

Dual PLM also covers the transfer of the upper level, for more information refer to 8 Upper Level
Configuration Level items CI and LO are new and mastered by PASS SSI only

Refer to M20957 – Dual PLM Concept and Rules

3.2 Version and Issue mapping

The Version and Issue mapping for the TDM toolset varies based on application , for better
understanding it has been segregated based on the Tools and generic flow .

For more information see Appendix C

3.3 Initial Loading / Mass Loading

In frame of Initial loading the predefined legacy data will be transferred to VPM A320 from CoreDMU
using C2V, into the dedicated Environments (refer to 10 Reuse Management). This procedure ensures
the visibility and usability of dedicated Legacy Product Structure for new developments as well for the
creation of new parts based on transferred parts according to all Reuse Use Cases. Only data which is
linked to the Upper Level on the legacy site can be transferred to VPM A320.
Following data objects can be addressed for the Initial Loading: DS, Assemblies, Parts, Cadnodes,
whereas Full3D, IPM and STDV4 will be propagated only related to the DS or Assembly.

Predefined objects like STDV5 are expected to be already previously transmitted from Legacy via C2V
into the COMSTLIB environment.
The transmission of the EQT and FIN-cascade into VPM A320 is subject of different process but also
this PS is expected to be available in the dedicated environment.
Furthermore a particular ADF data as ADF-DS, ADF-Assembly, ADF-Parts and ADF-Cadnodes will be
loaded via initial or Mass loading regardless their LC status.
If REM/REP objects belong to the addressed mass upload they will be transferred to the VPM A320.

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

The Initial Loading process implies the reconciliation of the transmitted PS towards the previously
propagated objects.

As CAD data loading will only be possible stepwise, initial and also recently enhancing mass upload
processes need to be configured based either on all or on a combination of following predefined
attributes: Effectivity, Standard, MSN, HoV, Section and ATA-chapter.
The execution of initial loading is limited to particular user (Admin User). The DS mass upload will be
requested via Data Loading ServiceNow request.

Only released legacy data, apart from ADF, REM/REP, IPM_IR, IPM_IP, 3DProposal and FINDMU,
which can have status unlike released but still be a part of data transfer, will be retrieved from
CoreDMU in form of SPS files (metadata + product structure links + position matrix), CAD files links,
non-CAD files and CGRs and transmitted to VPM A320. C2V interface creates a Product Structure
based on these information. The transferred data will be available in read only condition. An additional
property attribute “Reuse-Object = Y” will be assigned to the transferred objects.
Every child of object, which is addressed by the Loading process and not available at all or not in
acceptable condition from CoreDMU will not be uploaded but a metadata dummy container only will be
created in VPM A320 without any child product structure. These dummy containers are expected to be
replaced further on, if correct data will become available on CoreDMU side.

The data timeliness for most of the Product Structure propagated via initial loading is ensured, refer to
3.5 On the Fly Data update (Up-issue on Legacy site)

Be aware:
Although the imported data is expected to be available with the entire PS below, it remains user’s
obligation to recheck the data quality and completeness especially related to the import status of
object’s children and sub-children.

For legacy CADNODES not matching M2215 an automatic rename process has been established
which will be executed during the data import from legacy to VPM A320.
Special characters and inside spaces will be replaced by “-“ (dash).
In case of CADNODE Components with part number not aligning with the parent Part number the
CADNODE component will be renamed by adding as a prefix the 14 digits of the parent part number
followed by “--“ (double dash). On the fly Data update process is not affected by the renaming.

3.4 On demand loading

The “on demand” upload functionality is provided to support the end user to request particular Legacy-
CAD data upload. “On demand” upload does not support any data update/up-issue tasks, as this is
another automated process on daily basis (refer to 3.5 On the Fly Data update (Up-issue on Legacy
When the search for particular legacy data in VPM A320 considering the appropriate environment is
not at all successful, it is possible to initiate Reuse data extraction on demand. Only data which is
linked to the Upper Level on the legacy site can be transferred. The data transfer will be provided by
C2V interface and addresses data types listed below.

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

Business Objects authorized for on demand upload:

ADAP-Part, ADAP-Assy, ADAP-DS, PZ (PZC, PZD) CADNODE (Product; Part), IR/IP and DRW.

All other Business Objects are NOT authorized for on demand upload! Nevertheless, objects not
authorized for the direct upload on demand can be retrieved as a part of the PS, e.g. If F3DSET is
available for the requested DS, it will be imported automatically.

In general only released legacy data (exceptions for REM/REP etc.) will be retrieved from CoreDMU in
form of SPS files, CAD files, non-CAD files and CGRs and transmitted to VPM A320. The transferred
data will be available in read only condition. The PS below the requested data should be completely
reflected from the original and EQT- and STD- related data reconciled accordingly. These legacy data
can have in particular cases status unlike released but nevertheless be a part of the released Legacy

-It is expected that the requested data appear immediately or in particular below described cases on
the next day in the dedicated environment (refer to 3.4.4 Error message management
Error Description Message Category

JSON file could not be downloaded to get the User type value, METADATA Service - REM
please check with METADATA service team. version check

Data is not available in CoreDMU, please check with CoreDMU BOOMSTRUCT Service

BOT value is not available in METADATA service, check with METADATA Service - GET
METADATA service team. BOT value

BusinessObjectType <BOT value> of <Part name> is not valid for METADATA Service - Invalid
C2V synchronization and disabled in C2V BOT value

<PARTNAME> => <BOT_VALUE> Currently BB PRODUCT loading METADATA service -Invalid

is disabled in C2V BOT value

Exclude this check of F3D - valid only in case of 3DSET request METADATA service -

Exclude this check of A2D - valid only in case of A2D request METADATA service -

CAD file could not be downloaded from DMU for getCAD service - CoreDMU
ProcessDrawingLoad check, check with CoreDMU team team

<part name> => <cad file name> does't exists, Please check BS migration
with DMU team for migrated parts for ROA A-F

METADATA service failed for <part number>, please check with the METADATA Service
METADATA service team.
(Check the flow of the code)

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
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Blackbox Service URL is empty for <partnumber>, check with BOOMSTRUCT Service
CoreDMU team

Number of requests).
- ADF Business Objects are NOT authorized for on demand upload!

The WoW for Reuse OnDemand Import is as follows:

Prerequisition to be checked:
 Whether the desired objects are not available in the dedicated environment
 Whether the condition on the legacy site authorizes the upload to VPM A320 (in general only
released data)

1. Preparation of the CSV-file containing the required data

2. Selection of the “Reuse OnDemand Import” function
3. Upload of the CSV file via “Choose file”
4. Selection of “SUBMIT With PRECHECK”
 In case of failed CSV-Syntax-Check, the information in the UI should be reviewed.
Modification of the CSV file needed, if applicable.
 In case of passed CSV-Syntax-Check, the UI appears with the information related to
eligibility for immediate/nightly job (or with the hint to request a mass upload) and to
Ongoing execution of the extensive Precheck
5. After the execution of Precheck, the information in the UI and the attached reports should
(download needed) be checked for details. Modification of the CSV file if applicable.
For items which passed the Precheck, the request can be submitted by the user.
6. The status of the data import is available in the corresponding report via “Status”

The on demand loading request can be found under Home  Custom  Reuse OnDemand Import.

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Figure 6 “Reuse Ondemand Import” request

The CSV file which includes the desired data has to be prepared by user via Editor (Excel not eligible
due to semicolon interpretation) according to the predefined format as follows:

 The file name format has to correspond to the naming rules, i.e.
File name example: ng8ce47_REUSE_IMPORT_121021165801.csv
 Item name must not contain space
 Every entry has to end with “;”
 Only one entry in the line is allowed
 Every entry is allowed to be listed only ones

The CSV file storage location is not defined i.e. can be chosen by the user. The user has to provide the
CSV-file within the UI in the next step.

Figure 7 On demand - Example of a CSV-File

The function has to be launched via Home  Custom  Reuse OnDemand Import

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After selecting “Choose file”, when the file is uploaded, the “SUBMIT With PRECHECK” can be
“SUBMIT With PRECHECK” contains the Syntax-check of the corresponding csv-file as well as the
extensive Precheck of the data plausibility/quality.

Figure 8 Reuse OnDemand Import – UI

At first the CSV file will be checked related to the formal eligibility of the content.
If the CSV-Syntax Check was not successful, the extensive Precheck will not be executed at all, but the
user receives the information for needed correction of the CSV file:

Figure 9 Reuse OnDemand Import – execution refused due to invalid entries

In case of already uploaded CSV-file name:

Figure 10 Reuse OnDemand Import – execution refused due to file name

If the CSV file has been created correctly, the data is eligible for request (immediately or nightly), the
data quality of the requested items will be checked in frame of the extensive Precheck. This check

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includes not only the requested Items but also any child-items within the requested PS will be pre-
checked and an appropriate error report will be generated.

The Precheck status will be given for max 100 directly requested items (and their children) per day.
By the “Refresh” button the user can be informed about the status of the Precheck process, or by the
“Cancel” button the Precheck process can be terminated.

After the Precheck process has been finished, an information will pop up containing the status for every
requested item and a Failure Report if applicable.

For status “Failed” a Failure Report will be generated, which lists all direct and indirect addressed

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After selecting the “Submit” button list of all successful pre-checked items will be provided. The user
can decide whether to start the upload by “Confirm” (only for items marked as OK) or to go back in the
process for reviewing the status report again.

After confirmation, the items will be submitted for import.

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Error Description Message Category

JSON file could not be downloaded to get the User type value, METADATA Service - REM
please check with METADATA service team. version check

Data is not available in CoreDMU, please check with CoreDMU BOOMSTRUCT Service

BOT value is not available in METADATA service, check with METADATA Service - GET
METADATA service team. BOT value

BusinessObjectType <BOT value> of <Part name> is not valid for METADATA Service - Invalid
C2V synchronization and disabled in C2V BOT value

<PARTNAME> => <BOT_VALUE> Currently BB PRODUCT loading METADATA service -Invalid

is disabled in C2V BOT value

Exclude this check of F3D - valid only in case of 3DSET request METADATA service -

Exclude this check of A2D - valid only in case of A2D request METADATA service -

CAD file could not be downloaded from DMU for getCAD service - CoreDMU
ProcessDrawingLoad check, check with CoreDMU team team

<part name> => <cad file name> does't exists, Please check BS migration
with DMU team for migrated parts for ROA A-F

METADATA service failed for <part number>, please check with the METADATA Service
METADATA service team.
(Check the flow of the code)

Blackbox Service URL is empty for <partnumber>, check with BOOMSTRUCT Service
CoreDMU team

Due to the limitation of tool performance the number of the on demand Import requests is limited based
on predefined configuration and may change by system administration according to monitored system
It is possible to send a predefined number of requests per day (10 requests) for 10 items in total for
immediate data import. For a higher number of entries the data will be queued to the overnight upload
routine and likely provided on the next day. The information, whether the file will be imported
immediately or with the nightly job, will also be provided in the Precheck report.

The immediate data import, assumed the data format meets the description above, is possible if:
 There are max 10 requested items per day per user

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 There are max 10 requests per day per user

Figure 11 File eligibility information for immediate processing

The overnight data import, assumed the data format meets the description above, is possible if:
 The csv file contains more than 10 but less than 100 items per user

Figure 12 File non-eligibility for immediate processing

The request will be rejected if:

 The user exceeds max items (10 immediate and 100 overnight). In this case the DMUI can be
contacted for launching the Mass Upload.

Figure 13 Information for requesting a Mass load by DMUI

 The user exceeds max requests (10) per day. In this case the user will receive the appropriate
message for requesting the data on next day:

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Figure 14 File non-eligibility for processing request

The status of the data import can be reviewed related to the corresponding request with the possibility
for saving on the user’s workspace. The status will be given for every item requested in the import file.
In case of invalid or failed C2V event the transmission of data will be retried automatically.

Figure 15 Status check of Reuse Data import

Figure 16 Get status for particular csv-file

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The error reporting refers to the requested object and lists the not uploaded children with the
corresponding error code.

Figure 17 Status report for reused data import with related error messages

Although the imported data is expected to be available with the entire PS below, it remains the user’s
obligation to recheck the data quality and completeness especially related to the import status of
object’s children and sub-children.

3.5 On the Fly Data update (Up-issue on Legacy site)

To ensure the timeliness of released data already propagated from Legacy to VPM A320, an automatic
process of data loading on daily basis asynchronous mode will be executed, if an up-issue of these
data is released on the Legacy site. Within this process particular new released data will be loaded
from the Legacy TDM triggered by C2V to the appropriate environment in VPM A320. In this way all up-
issues of data which is already loaded via mass load or on demand will be available in VPM A320. In
cases of usage of previous issue within new created PS in VPM A320 the previous issue will be
replaced by the up-issue.
During the synchronization of the data the comment “TO BE SYNCHRONIZED BY C2V" will be
presented in VPM.

ADF data is excluded from the On the Fly Data update.

Currently no process is defined related to update of exceptionally loaded unreleased reused data.

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The Lean PLM role concept corresponds completely to the A350 role concept.
It allows to perform predefined processes in the PLM tools during Concept and Definition phase on
different level of confidentiality (see also chapter 24 ip protection – Confidentiality management) in
frame of predefined context.

A role is in general a set of functions given to a user in order to allow him to perform his tasks. These
roles are available for all Lean PLM activities and are clearly described. They can be either under
supplier responsibility, Airbus responsibility, or all of them.

The roles are the main representatives for the comprehension of the implementation of WP inside the
toolset. The roles will be assigned to particular one or more WP’s (Work Packages), (PASS SSI, VPM
A320) so that the user with a particular role is able to execute only predefined functions exclusively in
frame of the WP mapped to his role. The context of the WP is determined by related libraries (PASS

Figure 18 Exemplary a Role-WP-Library-correlation between VPM A320 and PASS SSI

Workpackage (WP) is the reference object between Airbus and the Supplier for the SA. By using of
WP, that contains one or more libraries, Airbus grants data access to its suppliers in the frame of the
Lean PLM.
Library (available only in PASS SSI) contains a predefined data context.
Refer to

M2844-Rules to Implement a Workpackage Inside Toolset

AP5068 - Extended Enterprise Global Product Lifecycle Management Process - Concept &
Definition Phases

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4.1 VPM A320 Role Concept

There are 3 different roles existing in VPM A320, the Designer, MINTEG and Consultant.

 The Designer role on VPM A320site corresponds with different roles on PASS SSI site, which
are Designer, Design checker, Design Approver or Group Leader.

Designer: Member of this role has design rights inside VPM.

 The MINTEG role on VPM A320site corresponds with different roles on PASS SSI site, which
are Mock-Up Integrator, DMU Integrator, SSCI Manager or Group Leader.

MINTEG: Member of this role has special access to CI-LO-DS on top of the Design rights apart
from Check-In and Check-out functionality.

 The Consultant role on VPM A320 site corresponds with consultant role on PASS SSI

4.2 PASS SSI Role Concept

(AP5068.1 distinguishes between Airbus and Supplier roles, M2844 not)

There are 10 different roles existing in PASS SSI, hereinafter presented in correlation to the
corresponding role on VPM A320 site:

PASS SSI role: Designer, Design checker, Design Approver, Group Leader
 Corresponding VPM A320 role: Designer

PASS SSI role: Mock-Up Integrator, DMU Integrator, SSCI Manager, Group Leader
 Corresponding VPM A320 role: MINTEG

PASS SSI role: ME-Administrator, ME Specialist, Guest

 No corresponding VPM A320 role

PASS SSI role: Consultant

 Corresponding VPM A320 role: Consultant

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Figure 19 Roles in PASS SSI (according to M2844)

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This chapter describes in general the Naming and Numbering rules for the Product Structure for Digital
Mock-Up (DMU) in VPM A320. Numbering of elementary parts and assemblies are provided in this
chapter and ensured with method reference. Equipment Part Numbers (PNR) and other specific
models will be described in separate chapters.

Lower Level Product Structures described in this document are based on the "As-Designed" layers. For
Naming and Numbering for the “As-Defined” Layer refer to 16 Pre-Design management (Pre-Study).

Following letters are to be used on 1st digit as A/C letter and on 4th digit as a Type Code for new
created PS:

Project code
Project Title Project Code A/C letter - Drawing Set Codes
A318 A320 Family N/A (P) E
A319 A320 Family N/A (J) E
A320 A320 Family N/A (D) E
A321 A320 Family N/A (E) E

Figure 20 Project Code, 1st digit

Type Code Use
0..9 Definition Model / Sub ATA Chapter (Generic / Top Node) M1215.2
B Interface Point M1215.2
C Configuration Item (CI) / Link Object (LO)
D Repair Drawings; IR; 3DP M1215.2

F Frontier Model M1215.2

G Master Geometry M20080

K Master Kinematic Model M1215.2

L Layout M1215.2

P Design Principle AP2601

Q System Equipment Models UG1600394

S Space Allocation Mock-Up (SAM) AP5617

Y System Architecture Layout M1215.2

Z Reverse Engineering - Scan Parts M1215.3

Figure 21 Type Code, 4 digit

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Naming/ Numbering in VPM A320 is controlled by check trigger rules and a (static) Uniqueness control
list separating Legacy / Lean.

Refer to

M1215.2 “Method for Lower Level & Equipment Naming & Numbering of Product Structure”

5.1 Naming separation to ensure uniqueness of data

The uniqueness of data for A320 program in the perimeter of Dual PLM approach is assured separately
into the two toolsets legacy / Lean.

Within VPM A320 only the letter “E” as Project Code can be used for new operation. Because the letter
“E” has been already used in the Legacy tool apart from letter “D” for specific number ranges, it should
be prevented to create the PS with the same numbering in VPM A320.
For this reason, the number ranges were split and the use on both sides of the PDM is restricted only
by the exclusion lists.

5.2 Lower Level Naming Numbering

Within VPM A320 the letter “E” can only be used for new operation.
The general Naming and Numbering architecture of a Design Solution (DS) is shown as base for Parts
and Assemblies in the following figure:

E 25 2 7 7300 000 00
2 digit special code (for design always 00)
3 digit part / assembly code–(000…999)
4 digit sequence number – (0000…9999)
1 digit responsibility code – (0…9)
1 digit type code/ sub ATA –(0…9, W,
G, S, F, P, D, X, L, T, E, Y, Q, C)
2 digit ATA chapter according to ATA
100-(00… 99)
1 digit A/C Design Data Set letter - (E)
Figure 22 Naming Numbering architecture

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Remark: Examples of Part Zone Model Numbering:

Typ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Part Zone E 9 2 9 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 A 2
Dynamic PZ E 9 2 9 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 A A

Remark: English Descritpion CADNODE Component

It is allowed to change the description from CADNODE Components independent from the
corresponding father (Design Solution)

Refer to

M1215.2 - Method for Lower Level & Equipment Naming & Numbering of Product Structure
M1215.3 - Method for Special & Extended Items Naming & Numbering of Product

5.3 Drawing Naming Numbering

Naming and Numbering for Drawings (DRW) in VPM A320 is based on A350 rules and the drawing
sheet extension (DRWxx) will not be used anymore as in Legacy Single Aisle VPM/3DCOM.
In terms of Repair Drawing refer to 12.2 Repair Drawing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
E N N N N N N N N - 0 1

project- ATA-code Type- Res-pon- sequential

or code {0 sibility Sheet number
(Basic number e.g.: 01-99
program- Approved – 9} / code {0000 - 9999}
code ATA100 Sub- {0 - 9}
((E for Break-down ATA {G;
Single Index = S; F; P;
Aisle) BAABI) Y; Q; C}

Figure 23 Drawing Naming and Numbering

Refer to

M1215.2 - Method for Lower Level & Equipment Naming & Numbering of Product Structure

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5.4 Configuration Level Naming Numbering

The ADAP Configuration Level can generally be composed of the CI-LO-DS concept from A350 as
baseline. All new Product Structures which are created for the 3D way of working shall contain the CI-
LO-DS concept.

Nodes Naming & Numbering

CI-Node E 25 C 7 7300 000

3 digit part / assembly code – (000…999)

4 digit sequential number - (0000…9999)
1 digit responsibility code - (0…9)
1 digit type code/ CI Identifier
2 digit ATA chapter according to
ATA 100 (00…99)
1 digit project code - ( E)
LO-Node E 25 C 7 7300 001

Dash + 2 digit multi-positioning code – (00…99)

3 digit part / assembly code – (001…999)
4 digit sequential number - (0000…9999)
1 digit responsibility code - (0…9)
1 digit type code/ CI/ LO Identifier
2 digit ATA chapter according to
ATA 100 (00…99)
1 digit project code - E)
DS-Node E 25 2 7 7322 000 00

2 digit special code - for design always 00

3 digit part / assembly code – (000…999)
 Assembly: 000-199
 Part: 200-999
4 digit sequential number - (0000…9999)
1 digit responsibility code - (0…9)
1 digit type code/ sub ATA –(0…9) & (S)
2 digit ATA chapter according to
ATA 100 (00…99)
1 digit project code - (E)

Figure 24 Config. Naming Numbering

Refer to

M1215.1 - Method for Upper and Configuration Levels Naming & Numbering of Product

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The VPM A320 has different Environments to manage different Airbus documentation.
A350 Environments have been adopted as a basis for VPM A320. Naming and Numbering in VPM
A320 Environments is controlled by check trigger rules. The content of the Environments is described
in the following table:

Environment Contents
A320DEVP ADAP Configuration and Lover Level Environment (operational)
- Create and search of Parts
- Create and search of Assemblies
- Create and search of CADNODES
- Search of CI–LO-DS cascade
- Create and search ADAP-DS
- Create and search for ESA node
A320DRAW ADAP Drawing Environment (operational)
- Create and search of Drawing
- Availability of legacy DRW
A320INFO Display Informative messages for PASS SSI - VPM A320
A320UPLV Upper Level Environment (read only)
- Search of Upper Level Product Structure (32 Top Node)
ALLREUSE Reuse Environment of Legacy Product Structure (read only) for data from
- Search of REM/REP Part
- Search of FIN-DMU Part
- Search of EQT-FLX
- Search of legacy 3DP
- Search of legacy VBE/BGE
- Search of legacy PartZone
COMDRAFT Drawing Tree Environment (operational and Auxiliary Environment)
- Create and search of Design Tree(DT)
- Create and search of Sub-DT(for A2D)
- Create and search of ENV (Container)
- Create and search of ZON
- Create and search of A2D node
- Availability of legacy A2D and DMS node

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COMEQLIB Equipment Environment (read only)

- Search of EQT Product Structure
- Search of FIN cascade
COMSTLIB Standard Part Environment (read only)
- Search of Catia V5-STD Parts
FULL3D Full 3D Environment
- Search of Full3D Object
- Creation of FHD Full3D
- Creation of FCT Full3D
- Creation of Annotation files Full3D
- Availability of legacy F3D Sets
INTRFACE Interface Point Management Environment
- Create and search of IP
- Create and search of IR
- Create and search of new 3DP
- Availability of legacy IPM (apart from 3DP; see ALLREUSE
Figure 25 Environment Management

Between the environment selected within the search component and environment selected within the
creation component there is no relation, the selection serves independently.
On the Environment Search Tab, the appropriate Environment should be selected for the search.

Figure 26 Environment Search Tab

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On the Create Menu, the appropriate Environment should be selected for the creation.

Figure 27 Creation Menu within the selected Environment

Each environment in VPM A320 is labelled by different colour. The colour codes are adapted from
A350 with additional colour definition for ALLREUSE Environment. The colour code is implemented to
identify the different environment elements visually in the PSN container structure.

Figure 28 Environment color code

In the Picture below the different Environment Container types are shown. In addition to the colour and
thus to the Environment, other information such as the release status or the part type (Assy, DS, Part,
DT, IR, etc.) can also be retrieved.

The default colour codes can be customized via Settings related to the object properties like Objects
Maturity etc.

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Figure 29 Color Code visualisation in PSN

Within the PSN the Icons in front of the containers give the following information:

Checked out Mock up YES

Checked in Mock up yes 3D Catia Part

Checked in Mock up no 2D Catia Part

Checked out Mock up no Document

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Configuration management in Lean PLM is based on the A350 tool apart from the configuration
visualization. As in Legacy, the CI-LO-DS concept is used. Master tool for creating and managing the
CI-LO-DS concept is PASS SSI (and for the transformation matrix between CI and LO / also the
transformation matrix between LO and DS can be modified in PASS). The CI-LO-DS cascade will not
be created in VPM A320. The ADAP-DS with the possibility of creation in PASS SSI as well as in VPM
A320 is an exception - preferably it should be created in VPM A320. APS is used for the customer
configuration and effectivity management. VPM A320 has only a direct interface to PASS SSI. VPM AD
(legacy) remains the master tool for the upper level and the PS will only be replicated to VPM A320.
The mastership of the legacy CI’s remains on VPM Legacy site, without any replication to Lean. A new
Configuration level with new CI-numbering has been established on the Lean site without any change
regarding logical structure and technical assessment. The new CI-level will be established
incrementally as per announcement of the Design departments. PASS SSI is the only master tool for
linking of the new CI to the upper level.

Figure 30 CI-LO-DS concept

Refer to AP2641 - Product Structure

7.1 Configuration Information

In contrast to a short AAT for A350 the AAT for SA has to store a higher number of MSN ranges. The
performance in VPM would decrease with an increasing number of effectivities stored on the CI-LO
links. Additionally, A350 uses only MSN ranges for configuration, but SA refers also to customer
version and standard ranges.
For these reasons the configuration on VPM A320 site has been changed compared to A350.

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The information from AAT will be updated frequently (at least daily) in VPM A320 according to the
modifications in APS.

The configuration related to the selected LO is visible in the properties on the side bar. The user gets
the compressed information for effectivity MSN in form of listed customer versions and standards and
additionally also the number of concerned MSNs.

Figure 31 Configuration information on the side bar

More detailed information can be found under Airbus Utilities  Show Effectivity Data. Here, for
every single MSN the related Customer Version, Rank and Standard are listed.

Figure 32 “Show Effectivity Data” menu

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Figure 33 Configuration visualization via “Show Effectivity Data”

If the Effectivity Summary exceeds the allowed limit, the appropriate information appears on the side
bar. In this case the information can be found only via Airbus Utilities  Show Effectivity Data.

Figure 34 Configuration information on the side bar

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The Upper Level Management is mainly adopted from the Legacy system. Only one difference to
legacy system has been made in VPM A320 – the Single Aisle Top Node will not be shown in VPM

Figure 35 Data flow Upper Level

 Upper Level Master still in VPM AD during the Dual PLM use period for all Natco`s. All data will
be replicated from VPM AD via Core DMU and Core SSI to PASS SSI.
 After DUAL PLM period PASS SSI is the master for management of Upper Level (Program,
Series/ Derivative, Major Component, Section, ATA Section, ATA Zone) - upper level
modification not authorized in VPM.
 PASS SSI is used for new CI-LO-DS cascade creation
 PASS SSI also manages positioning matrix between Upper Level components
 Upper Level is published into ROA from PASS
 Upper Level is published from PASS to VPM via P2V
 Upper Level is stored in the separate read-only A320UPLV Environment in VPM A320.

Figure 36 Upper Level Overview

Refer to AP2641 - Product Structure

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The Product Structure manages 3D and 2D data (metadata) and offers the possibility to look at the
geometrical data from different perspectives/ layers.

Master for creation of Lower Level Airbus document is VPM A320. The A350 working method is used
as a basis. The creation of product structures is the same as for the Legacy Tool Set (3DCom).

Only the management in VPM A320 has been adapted to the A350 VPM. The A350 VPM rules can be
used as a basis. Within VPM A320, the allocation of the Airbus components to the VPM A320
environments must be taken into account. All specific Product Structures like Interface Point
Management are described in separate chapters.

Figure 37 Product Structure

Refer to

AP2641 - Product Structure

M1215.1 / A350 VPM User Guide and A350 Method

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Within Lean PLM, an Environment has been integrated into VPM A320 for the reuse of components
from the Legacy system. The dual PLM approach ensures the transfer of data to the new VPM A320
from Legacy. Native Data and product structures will be integrated via Core DMU into the new system
(C2V, data transfer from CoreDMU to VPM A320). All related top node metadata will be transferred
through Core SSI into the new PDM system PASS SSI.

Figure 38 Dual PLM overview

Only released data as well as particular unreleased data from Legacy System can be transferred and
managed into the appropriate Environments. All transferred DEVP objects are managed in the
ALLREUSE Environment of VPM A320. Nothing can be created and saved in this Environment (Read
Only Environment). The following table shows which objects are stored in which Environment.

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 Standard Parts Catia V4
 REM/REP Part
 FIN-DMU Part
 PartZone
 3D Proposal
 Drawings (legacy and new)
 Standard Parts Catia V5
 IR (legacy and new) IP (legacy and
new), 3D Proposal (new)
 F3D Set (legacy and new)

Reused items from ALLREUSE ENV or COMEQLIB ENV can only be linked to items within DEVP or
COMDRAFT Environment (exceptionally legacy 3DProposals from ALLREUSE ENV can be linked to a
new IP from INTRFACE ENV). Reused Drawings can be used as a base for new Drawings. Additional,
reused ATA 929 PartZones can be linked directly below ADAP-DS or temporarily behind Full3D-Set
only during the Full3D creation process to create the –FHD and -AHD extension items.


creation          
         
from ALLR (only PZ)

The released product structures transferred from the legacy system into the corresponding
Environments of VPM A320 are determined by certain attributes of the owners of the engineering
departments. The attributes for the transfer always refer to the design solution, and the product
structure linked below is automatically transferred as well. There are 2 ways of data transfer from
Legacy to VPM A320, refer to Initial Loading / Mass Loading and 3.4.On demand loading

If any object (Part/Assy/DS) which is stored in the ALLREUSE Environment gets a new Issue (Up-
Issue) in the Legacy System it will be automatically transferred into the ALLREUSE Environment with
the new Issue by the Dual PLM process (after the release process in Legacy System). It will be also
replaced with the new Issues in product structures if it is linked in the DEVP Environment.

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Between CoreDMU and VPM A320 a predefined status mapping related to Legacy lifecycle status will
be executed as shown below.

Figure 39 Mapping of Legacy lifecycle status to VPM A320

Reuse of Legacy Full3D, Part Zone, EQT and IPM are described in corresponding separate chapters.
For all reuse components the Legacy System is master.
Reuse of Full3D see chapter 11.6.2 Reuse of 3DSet
Reuse of Part Zone see chapter 11.2.2 Reuse Partzone
Reuse of EQT see chapter 13 Equipment Management
Reuse of IPM see chapter 19.5 Reuse of Legacy IPM Objects

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10.1 Reuse of Design Solution via PASS SSI

A Legacy DS can be linked in PASS SSI from the Reuse Library to a new ADAP CI. The link to the new
ADAP LO will be created automatically (1). Through the Check-In process in PASS SSI, the structure is
transferred to the VPM A320DEVP Environment via P2V (2). The link in VPM A320 between new
ADAP – CI/LO and the Legacy DS from the ALLREUSE Environment is established automatically with
Lower Level Structure from the reuse DS (3).

Prerequisite for the reconciliation of the link between ADAP-LO and the Reuse DS is that the Reuse
DS is present in VPM A320 ALLREUSE Environment.

Figure 40 Reuse of Design Solution

10.2 Reuse of Design Solution metadata

It is possible to link a Legacy DS from the PASS SSI Reuse Library to a new ADAP-CI even if Legacy
DS has no native data in the ALLREUSE Environment of VPM A320 (1). With the Check-In process in
PASS SSI the whole ADAP-CI cascade is transferred to VPM A320 to the A320DEVP Environment (2).
A Dummy Reuse DS is automatically created for the Legacy DS which has only metadata definition
from PASS SSI (3). After the native Legacy DS has been transferred by Dual PLM to the ALLREUSE
Environment, the Dummy Reuse DS is replaced with the Legacy Reuse DS automatically (4).

Figure 41 Reuse of Design Solution metadata

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10.3 Reuse of Part and Assembly

Assemblies and Parts from the ALLREUSE Environment which have been transferred from the Legacy
system can be linked to a new ADAP-DS or ADAP-ASSY in VPM A320 (1). The reuse parts do not
interfere the check-in process to transfer the data into PASS SSI (2). The Q-Checker in CATIA ignores
the reuse parts and does not block the successful execution.

Figure 42 Reuse of Parts and Assembly

10.4 New design based on Reused Product Structure

Most parts in the ALLREUSE Environment (released parts, REM/REP, EQT-FLX, 4th digit “L”, “S” –
parts) can be used as a basis for creating of new design parts. After the Legacy CAD models have
been loaded into CATIA from ALLREUSE Environment (3) or appropriate environments, they can be
associated to a new part from A320DEVP Environment (4). Additional a new functionality “MadeFrom
ALLREUSE” has been implemented to duplicate parts stored within the ALLREUSE Environment and
save them directly to the correct A320DEVP ENV.


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For the purpose of replication by re-numbering of the data from ALLREUSE ENV, additional
functionality Utilities  MadeFrom ALLREUSE has been provided. In principle it is a similar function
as “Duplicate” but enables to store the new structure in different environment than the source,
A320DEVP ENV as only possible target environment. Additionally the behavior of PS creation differs to
the Duplicate function.

The dedicated objects for using the functionality are reused DDPT, ASSY, DS, PartZone and Cadnode.
Related to Cadnodes the functionality can be executed only directly on the Level Types Product and
Part but not on Components. For Cadnode Component “MadeFrom ALLREUSE” can be executed only
starting on the Cadnode Component’s parent Level.

For the usage of “MadeFrom ALLREUSE” functionality following factors should be considered:

Golden Rules:

 The “MadeFrom ALLREUSE” functionality works only for objects from ALLREUSE ENV, i.e. it
does not work for Reuse-EQT, Reuse-FIN, Reuse-DRW, Reuse-F3D, Reuse IPM (apart from
legacy 3DProposals which are stored in ALLREUSE ENV) and CV4 parts.
 The function is working only on the first level.
 Only the selected object will be used for the creation of new object by naming it manually by the
user i.e. only the Design Solution
 Directly linked extended parts to the parent with same 12 or 14 digits (13 or 15 if a ”dash” exists
on the 10th position) will be renamed automatically
 For creation of extended Parts (CADNODES) the 18- or 20-digits-rule is valid (19- or 21-digits, if
a ”dash” exists on the 10th position)
 Product Structure components and objects behind the top node level will be relinked
 Items not allowed to be reused (e.g. STD-CV4, FIN-DMU) will not be relinked
 Extended Parts (Cadnodes) with valid 18/20 (19/21) digits, where the Extension itself is not
valid in VPM A320 according to M1215.3 will not be relinked
 MadeFrom ALLREUSE on FINDMU is not allowed according to the new WoW
 For objects created by using “MadeFrom ALLREUSE”, the same properties are editable like for
objects created by scratch.
 It remains under the Designer’s responsibility to recheck and if necessary to clean-up the new
created PS.

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New created objects will be flagged by “Reuse Object = N”, i.e. the “Reuse-Object = Y” attribute will not
be propagated to the new design.

Refer to 31.10 UC7 Create a new Part using reuse 3D structure via “MadeFrom ALLREUSE”

After selecting the source object, the “MadeFrom Allreuse” can be executed.

Figure 44 "MadeFrom ALLREUSE” User Interface

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Following function will be deployed with MR3 06/2023.

The Made From ALLREUSE Precheck is implemented in the MadeFrom ALLREUSE functionality. The
Precheck validates the user input related to creation rules and format.

After selecting the object from ALLREUSE ENV and execution the “Madefrom ALLREUSE” function,
the User receives the message related to the needed Precheck:

After the precheck-execution, the user gets an information related to the number of errors, remarks and
warnings and also the possibility to download the dedicated report to review the related information in

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The report contains the precheck result for each child. All Items which are not according to the
precheck-rules are listed in the error section.

In some cases like Made From of CADNODES also remarks will be shown in this report. Thus, to make
the user aware to choose special level types if the content of a CADNODE should appear in the BOM
in PASS SSI (HnF use case) and to list all not relinked objects like FINDMU and CV4 parts.

After the executed Precheck the desired new name can be entered.

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Comparable to ADAP-data the “MadeFrom ALLREUSE” functionality for replication and renumbering
can also be used for ADF-Data from ALLREUSE environment.

The Golden Rules for the “Made From” functionality mentioned in 10.4.1 MadeFrom ALLREUSE are
also valid when ADF Data is reused.

As data from ALLREUSE Environment can only be stored in A320DEVP environment, the level type of
the reused ADF-data will be automatically changed to ADAP.
When renaming the data, the rules for naming and numbering of the DEVP environment of VPM A320
have to be considered, so only “E” will be accepted as first digit.

It is also possible to use as base the 3D ADF models from the ALLREUSE Environment for the creation
of ADAP-solutions via the Associate functionality. The metadata containers have to be created
previously manually.

10.5 REM/REP Reuse

REM/REP parts are used in all Natcos to cover availability of 3D-representations for DMU purpose only
where design definition is done 2D only – called REM for Optegra managed parts (A-E, A-F, A-UK),
REP in scope of TAKSY managed ones (A-D). In particular, the legacy VPM (A-D) also knows REM-
parts additionally, used to cover 3D-representations of other Natco data provided via internal DEX.
REM/REP parts can also be reused and are propagated to VPM A320 ALLREUSE environment, in
general, if released.

In particular for A-F REM data and A-UK REM data also, there is some limited exception authorized to
upload also unreleased REM-data, as these are created to perform the steps for transition of parts
definition from 2D to 3D (where transition process is not finalized).
Every REM/REP part is identified within the upload process and the part attribute REM/REP is set to
“Y”, whether it is released or unreleased. Within the upload process (mass upload or on demand) for

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REM/REP parts a particular check is executed to prioritize initial upload of the latest unreleased version
Unreleased items do not have a valid issue. Without that, no data update process is available but to
avoid uncontrolled overwriting, each following upload request of parts with same issue already existing
will be rejected.
There are several Use Cases, only part of them is covered to enable limited Reuse with respect to 2D
definition on PASS SSI side in line with production. Following table shows covered Use Cases and
case Graphic PS view Rules applicable Result VPMA320 ALLREUSE
1 REM-DS A.1 released Standard C2V upload behavior, REM/REP- REM-DS A.1 released
REM-ASSY A.1 released identification attribute Y REM-ASSY A.1 released
REM-Part A.1 released REM-Part A.1 released

2 REM-DS A.1 unreleased “Unreleased”-exception, REM/REP-identification REM-DS A.1 unreleased

attribute Y

3 DS A.1 released Standard C2V upload behavior, REM/REP- DS A.1 released

REM-Assy A.1 unreleased identification attribute Y, REM-Assy A.1 unreleased
REM-Part A.1 unreleased “Unreleased”-exception REM-Part A.1 unreleased

4 GRM-Part A.1 released vs. unreleased REM prioritized by C2V REM-Part A.1 unreleased
REM-Part A.1 unreleased

5 REM-Part A.1 unreleased + Split Part / Dual Part use not at all covered, latest REM-Part A.2 unreleased
REM-Part A.2 unreleased version at initial upload only

6 REM-Part A.1 modified, C2V checks, if parts with same issue already exists REM-Part A.1 unreleased, initially
unreleased to prevent overwriting loaded version only

The Life Cycle State of REM/REP parts from CoreDMU representing the Legacy Life Cycle State is
mapped to particular VPM A320 LC State. All release state for REM/REP parts on the Legacy site are
mapped to Released state only.



The VPM A320 LC State for REM/REP parts might differ to the LC information in PASS SSI as PASS
SSI highlights the LC State of 2D master only.

The use of reuse REM/REP parts does not block the check-in process of the DS.

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REM / REP data might be classified as validated or unvalidated for the legacy representation within
eBAM-tool. This layer of “lifecycle management” is not at all linked to the Lean toolset but CoreDMU
only fully represents legacy CADdata also. As far as there is no update process available for
unreleased data at VPMA320, be aware of:
Whatever status/information is available in eBAM, it will reflect legacy engineering status only!
Status of REM/REP objects within ALLREUSE environment of VPM A320 may not be consistent with
third tools status based on legacy mastered information.

10.6 VBE/BGE
In Lean PLM the VBE/BGE (Elec. Objects) creation is not allowed as the Elec departments have
switched to the Part Zone Concept according to the A350 WoW. Cabin and Cargo department from
Single Aisle have a small amount of routing in the CABIN CARGO perimeter regarding Pigtails from
ATA252. They use the VBE/BGE routing for their own design solution only for DMU visualization.

For the purpose of the DMU completeness it is possible to reuse the legacy VBE/BGE objects from
ATAs D252 and D923. Only released legacy VBE/BGE are available as CADNODES in the
ALLREUSE Environment as far as they were a content of the Mass upload or on demand request.
It is possible to link the reuse VBE/BGE objects to a new ADAP-DS or ADAP-Assy only if the 2nd to 4th
digits (ATA and Sub-ATA) are the same. During the check-in process of the parent node the VBE/BGE
objects will be propagated to PASS SSI, but only as a technical object and not as a part of the BOM.
The BOM completeness should be ensured by the harness definition.
If the reused VBE/BGE is once propagated to PASS SSI but will be subsequently cut from the PS (and
is not linked anymore to another new PS), then the VBE/BGE will also be deleted from PASS SSI.
These objects will remain in the ALREUSE ENV in VPM A320 and are still available for further usage.

Refer to UG1500568-M4 (M5116.4)

As explained in 10.6 VBE/BGE, the VBE/BGE cannot be created in Lean PLM. Instead of the FLX
extension, CADNODE Part or CADNODE Product (Level-Type, Catia-Type) has to be used. The new
FLX creation as CADNODE Component is not allowed because the original intention of the VBE/BGE
is the DMU purpose only and not the presentation in the BOM.


10.7 FLX
In Lean PLM the new creation and re-usage of FLX-objects is based on A350 WoW. FLX objects can
be created under the DS or ASSY with naming and numbering following the M1215.3.
In terms of re-usage there is no distinguishing between legacy Reuse from ALLREUSE environment
and New created FLX-objects.

M2847.2 Management of Flexible Components in the cDMU

M1215.3 Method for Special & Extended Items Naming & Numbering of Product Structure

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Reuse FLX objects from ALLREUSE ENV but also newly in VPM A320 created FLX objects can be
linked to new PS without any numbering restrictions. This WoW is possible only for objects originally
Type=PRODUCT or PART). Because CADNODE COMPONENTS always follow the numbering of the
parent, the Re-Usage in new PS is not possible.

The Reuse of FLX is limited only to items consisting of 20/18 digits, in other cases the Check-In to
PASS SSI is restricted.

During the check-in process of the parent node the FLX objects will be propagated to PASS SSI, but
only as a technical object and not as a part of the BOM. A manual BOM completion is needed.
Remark: ESI PZ concept is out of scope

10.8 BlackBox in A320DEVP and ALLREUSE Environment

Within A320DEVP environment it is possible to convert EXPLO product structures to Black Box. For
this purpose there is a function Airbus Utilities  Convert EXPLO to BB within VPM A320. Of
course, end-users can also transfer the product structures directly as a black box while creating data
within CATIA and saving it to VPM. The above mentioned function is only used for existing EXPLO
product structures inside VPM. The prerequisite for this function is that the PS is checked-in and that

It is ensured that legacy EXPLO product structures from the ALLREUSE environment can also be
converted to BlackBox via the "Convert EXPLO to BB" function in VPM, if the data has not been
transferred as a BlackBox to the ALLREUSE environment

Depending on the PS size the process can take some time. As long as the conversion is processing,
the I/F Status is set to “BlackBox in progress”.

- No any ATA limitation
- Applicable for ADAP -DS, ADAP-ASSY and CADNODE

Figure 45 Menu “Convert EXPLO to BB”

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The general rules for 3D modeling are described in the AM2259.0- 3D Modelling Rules for CATIA V5 -
General which is the master Document exclusively focused on CATIA V5 aspects.

M2259 CATIA V5/VPM: 3D Modelling Rules describes the rules for 3D Modelling in VPM - CATIA V5
environment. It also directs the Designers on specific manuals (subsidiaries) for consultation.
For general information on the VPM A320 and a definition of the architecture refer to M5113.0

AM2259.0: 3D Modelling Rules for CATIA V5 – General

UG1500562- M0 (M5113.0): Design in Context with A350 VPM – Overview

11.1 Kinematic
Kinematics of a mechanism is related to the motion of the parts without considering how the influencing
factors (force and mass) affect the motion. Therefore, kinematics deals with the fundamental concepts
of space, time and the quantities velocity and acceleration derived from these.

Kinematics mode of operation is secured by Lean PLM. Mainly Kinematic is managed within Pre
Design and it is also provided in the ADAP way of working. In the TDM solution the product structure is
established. Linking rules are established according to the object level type.

More detailed information about the Kinematic process and methods for CATIA V5 KINEMATICS
Workbench are described in the reference document Kinematics Design - Introduction and General
Rules M20180.

Within Lean PLM following Kinematic PS in frame of Naming and Numbering adaptation has been

Figure 46 Naming and Numbering for Kinematic Pre-Design (Design Maturity A, B, C)

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Figure 47 Naming and Numbering Rules for Kinematic ADAP (Design Maturity DFM)

The PS within Pre-Design has to be set up as follow:

Figure 48 Implementation of Master Kinematic PS

Figure 49 Kinematic PS, second phase

Refer to M20180 - Kinematics Design - Introduction and General Rules

WD1705251_PSD_M20180; WD1804224_PSD_M20180; WD1705251; WD1802504

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11.2 Electrical System Installation

Different domains need to collaborate to define Electrical Systems. Harness Definitions based on
Principle and Wiring Diagrams (PD/WD) allows to manufacture electrical bundles to connect devices
and systems.
The Electrical System Installation (ESI) defines how to install the predefined Harnesses into the

The relevant System Requirements for electric are:

 Technical Design Directive (TDD)
 System Installation Design Principle (SIDP)
 System Installation Requirement Dossier (SIRD)
 Equipment Installation Requirement Dossier (EIRD)

The Lower Level product structure will be created within the TDM system VPM A320. There is no
change in the way of working compared to Legacy System.
FOR SA” (SA92PP1900132).

Figure 50 Lower Level Product Structure (e.g. Ata 928 / 929)

Refer to

A5461.3 Design Constituent Items - Electrical Systems Installation and Functional Definition

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To ease the work on large bundles with high amount of installation steps, the Aircraft is divided into
User Areas. Each of them represents a physical area (box) within the Aircraft.
Based on this User Area breakdown the Part Zones for electrical bundles and the according installation
Part Zones are defined.
Beside this geometrical Part Zones also functional Part Zone are used to allow reuse based on
functionalities or installed equipment.
The breakdown into Part Zones also allows to work with different Designers on the same DS.

Part Zones are identifiable by specific Numbering. Part Zones inherit first 12 digits from according DS.
13/14 digit have the additional “Character/Number” for geometrical Part Zones and “Character/
Character” for functional/dynamic Part Zones.

Refer to

Method 5011.11 Product Structures for Electrical Harness Modelling - CATIA V5


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Part Zone (geom) E 9 2 8 7 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 A 1

Part Zone (dyn) E 9 2 8 7 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 A B

Figure 51 Part Zone Concept overview

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Figure 52 Part Zone Concept detailed overview (AA – dynamic PZ)

Figure 53 Part Zone Concept (unrolled)

Bundle and Installation Part Zones from previous solutions can be re/combined to fulfill needs of
upcoming HoV’s. Part Zones can be reused when created in the current system but also from legacy
when available in ALLREUSE environment. Loading of the Legacy Part Zones can be requested on
demand independently of the DS. PZ 929 will be loaded in BlackBox mode.

It is also possible to create a new PZ based on the reused PZ by using the “Made from” functionality.
Master Tool for the Product Structure is PASS SSI.
For Release the Part Zone Baselining (like in A350) within PASS SSI is mandatory.

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Figure 54 ADAP-DS with reused PartZones from Legacy System and previous Solution

Refer to PASS User Guides

This CoreElec module proposes to the designer the Part Zones which can be reused for a new HoV
based on an analysis of FINs or CIN stack. Scope: ATA 929/928
The output of the Part Zone Manager is a CSV file that is used for ESI Design Automation. Previously
this file had to be created manually by the Designer.

Refer to CobotSuite/Part-Zone-Manager

This automatized process is built on Reuse Part Zone concept and allows to generate automatically a
new Design Solution and the corresponding 3DSET based on CSV input file according to the
associated Modification Proposals. ESI design automation is like for A350 limited for the use only with
“Designer Role” in VPM (but not all users with the Designer Role have the access to this system) and
requires an assignment to the desired WP.
ESI DS automation allows only to create a product structure (new DS) with Reuse Part Zones in Status
"Released" (released Part Zones). ESI DS automation is also able to work with ALLREUSE objects for
re-linking and re-creation (Made From).

- User is responsible to link ADAP-DS created by ESI Design Automation to ADAP-CI in PASS SSI
- A limitation is introduced that only ESI end users can use the functionality
- ESI Design automation can work with Legacy reuse objects (3DSet, DS, PZ,..)
- Only Sub ATA D/E928, D/E929,D/E922,D/E924 and D/E920 are supported

Note : For ESI design automation, if the user wants to delete the created data then an incident has to
be raised in ServiceNow for the cleanup of data. ( L2 Team will take care and clear using USAP Tool).
However users cannot use the same CSV file for automation because of the traces left in DB so a new
file needs to be created.

DS Automation Website User Guide


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ESI DS Automation covers the following 4 main Use Cases:

 ESI_DS_ONLY  Build only ADAP-DS

 ESI_3DSET_ONLY  Build only 3DSet
 ESI_DS_3DSET  Build ADAP-DS and 3DSet
 ESI_DESIGN_IR  is specific use case to specify IR source

Creation of the CSV file:

Considering the Main Use Cases the Input CSV file has to be created as a Prerequisite for the ESI DS
Automation process.

The CSV has to be created according to following format, where semicolon “;” has been used as a


Figure 55 Examples of CSV Input File for ESI Design Automation (3 main Use Cases)

Detailed information can be found in the dedicated DS Automation User Guide.

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All interfaces related to ESI design Automation, Pre-check and Status, are available in the VPM A320
behind the Major Menu Home  Custom  Design Automation

Figure 56 ESI Design Automation Menu

After choosing Design Automation it is possible to get an overview of running DS Automation

processes or to introduce a precheck for a new process.

Figure 57 Design Automation User Interface

Workpackage Selection:

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Figure 58 Workpackage Selection

Previously prepared CSV file can be uploaded for the Precheck:

Figure 59 CSV-file upload UI

Submenu Pre-Check:

Design Automation Submenu Pre-check enables the user to upload CSV request file and to start
Processing. Pre-check validates the user input related to format, source data existence in VPM,
feasibility to create target design solution and compatibility of linking. Failure of any pre-check condition
does not allow the DS to be built, the result with reason of failure will be sent back to VPM A320 UI with
possibility to download the log file.

Pre-check workflow:

1. Open DS Automation / Pre-check

2. Search / Select associated WorkPackage and SelectWP
3. Select File to Upload and Import file to perform Precheck
4. Start Precheck
5. In case of errors the Precheck Status File can be downloaded (including description at the end
of each line)
6. If the Precheck was finished with “Succeeded” the file can be submitted

Submenu Status:

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Design Automation Submenu Status is used to review the status of each submitted request by VPM
A320 user. The user can check
 The status of uploaded ESI Design Automation input CSV request file
 The list of all requested DS and see a particular DS with its global status and links for log file for
review in detail
 The results of PS building, Check-In status
 The error message for failure

Status Workflow (Status to check already started jobs):

1. Open ESI DS Automation / Status

2. Search / Select associated WorkPackage and SelectWP
3. Search / Select Request to be checked
4. Get Status shows the different states from SUBMIT up to ESI_OK (retrigger function)
5. Retry can be used to restart failed processes in case of system problems
6. Archive can be used to clean list of completed (ESI_OK) requests

The reuse use case for NFF data, where the AMP and ESA node are linked behind the PartZone, is
ensured within the new Toolset via ESI DS Automation. With the new way of working the AMP and
ESA node must always be linked behind the Design Solution

In frame of ESI DS Automation for NFF based on Madefrom UC only Duplication of the DS is ensured.
Subsequently the AMP and ESA node have to be manually (in case of 100% reuse PZ) or
automatically (in case of Made from of PZ) created by the user behind the target DS.

It is ensured that the linking of AMP node behind the DS does not block the Check-In process of the
DS. The Check-In of the DS is the trigger for transmitting the AMP-node to PASS SSI via V2P.

Use Cases for NFF AMP and ESA Node:

1. 100% Reuse PZ:

If the legacy PZ will be reused 100% (one to one) then no automatically change in the Legacy PZ PS
will be performed. The AMP and ESA nodes remain behind the PZ.

The content of Legacy AMP & ESA nodes has to be copied in a new AMP and ESA Node which have
to be manually created with new DS Number under the new DS.

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Figure 60 100% Reuse of DS1_A1 + DS1_A2 + DS1_A3; new DS2_A4

2. In case of Made from of PZ:

If the legacy PZ will be used for "Madefrom UC", then the user has to rename and to relink the AMP
and ESA node (which are available behind the PZ) to the new created DS via CATIA.

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For this purpose, after the execution of duplication the user receives a message with advice to use "PS
Migrate" in Catia. ("ESI Transfo Toolbar"). Use for the Clean-Up the PBS-Migrator Tool.

-For more detail Information regarding PBS-Migrator refer to PBS-Migrator User Guide UG2100302
-PBS Migrator Tool must be downloaded via Cobot Suite

Rules for AMP Node:

 AMP CADNODE Target has to be created with target DS PN -AMPxxx
 AMP Instance shall be controlled and matching the AMP Instance described in the doc - AMP
 The Instance name of the AMP is kept from source to target
 The instance names of the AMP-3DCOM-INTERFACE is kept from Sources to target


Figure 61 100 % Madefrom of the PZ DS1_A1 to DS2_A1

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In case if the Automation is done for NFF PS, where the AMP nodes are behind the part zones, only
the ESI_DS_ONLY use case can be executed because the check-in cannot be performed if the AMP
nodes are linked behind the Partzones and hence ESI_3DSET_ONLY and ESI_DS_3DSET Use Cases
are not allowed, pre-check will fail if such a scenario is considered.

NFF and CAF differentiation is done based on the numbering.

Be aware:
Especially PS coming from MiG ROA could have inconsistency related to the position matrix because
of quality issue in the source data. It remains user’s obligation to recheck the data quality and
completeness especially related to the import status of object’s children and sub-children.

11.3 Mechanical System Installation

MSI defines the Design of Tubes (or Pipes) and Ducts, Insulation Blanket Elementary Parts and
Assemblies as well as Design of Mechanical System Installation Kinematic Mechanism.
Mechanical System Installation process within VPM A320 will be executed as same as for A350.
MSI operation is secured by Lean PLM. MSI is managed within Pre Design as well as within the ADAP
way of working. In the TDM solution the product structure is established.

For more detailed information about the MSI process and methods.

Refer to A5461.2 - Design Constituent Items - Mechanical Systems Installation

11.4 Master Geometry

Content to be defined

11.5 Minus Parts

The Minus Part WoW for VPM A320 is based on the WoW for Legacy VPM for Single Aisle and Long

To remove already designed, released and built-in parts or to move or replace them by some other
parts the Minus Part WoW is created. The corresponding method describes a way to document these
changes, which may occur due late changes, repair solutions or client orders who differentiate from the
standard aircraft. The related Minus Parts filtering function supports the Design in Context WoW.
In principle part-removing is managed by different CI’s and related optional product structures which
are linked to the same root node.

Figure 62 Removal of Part 2

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The removed parts can be a:

− Development Assy, incl. Rep Assy
− Development Part, incl. Rep Part
− Equipment, if it is direct related to an Assy/DS
− Development DS
− Standard Part

Refer to AM5063 Minus Part Management in VPM

To create an optional product structure including a Minus Part in VPM NG, the following steps have to
be carried out in VPM NG and PASS:

1. VPM A320: Search for an ADAP-DS in VPM NG containing a part or parts which shall be removed
for an optional design.

2. PASS: Create a new ADAP-CI for the new ADAP-DS.

3. PASS: Link the new option of ADAP-CI to the same ATA Zone / WP as the original ADAP-CI

4. PASS: Create a new ADAP-DS and link it to the Option ADAP-CI

5. PASS: A new ADAP-LO is created automatically. Define the effectivity for the option via APS
(effectivity of the option shall be in the range of the basic solution)

6. VPM A320: Create a Minus Part with –NEGxx (same 14 digits as the father) extension and enter
the Part ID of the part which should be removed into the name field (it fulfils the linking conditions
and is important for Minus Part filter function). Use following attributes: Level-Type: CADNODE;
Mockup: YES; CATIA_TYPE: COMPONENT. Link it to the optional ADAP-DS by Copy/Paste. It is
not possible to modify the name subsequently.

Figure 63 NEG-Part Creation Dialog

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7. VPM A320: Go to the basic ADAP-DS and copy the part to be removed in the new option by
Copy/Paste special - same position (important for Minus Part filter function) to the newly created
Minus Part.

Figure 64 Principal of part removing managed by different CI's

8. VPM A320: Optionally a (new) single part replacing the part linked to the Minus Part can be linked
to the Option ADAP-DS by Copy/Paste special - same position functionality.

Delete a Minus Part :The deletion of the Minus Part (part removing instruction) is done by deleting the
Minus Part from the optional product structure tree. The link to the part to be removed behind the Minus
Part is also deleted by Minus Part functionality in VPM.

The product structure opened with configuration can be filtered for parts to be removed or replaced by
Minus Parts (NEG). This happens by applying the NEG-part filter by
Airbus Utilities  NEG-part filter  Add NEG filter according to following steps:

1. Open the root node (ATA zone level or higher) in PSN and apply the configuration (configuration
filter via APS) for the MSN defined for the option.

2. Select the root node and apply the Minus Part Filter

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Figure 65 NEG-Part Filter menu

3. Expand the PS of the root node. The parts to be removed or replaced are not visible according to
applied NEG-part filter

Figure 66 PS before applying the Add NEG filter

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Figure 67 PS after Applying the Add NEG filter

4. Load all 3D models into CATIA. Minus parts are not visible in DMU (only the Option)

5. Remove NEG-Filter

11.6 Full3D Management

The Full3D Management in VPM A320 has been adapted from the A350 Program. Prerequisite for
Full3D Management is 3D as a master. The main purpose of Full3D is to suppress the 2D drawing.
Thus, this tool provides more accurate 3D information all along the process (until Manufacturing).

Full3D replaces 2D drawing sheets by enriched 3D data with texts/annotations, dimensions and
functional tolerances. No more conversion of the 3D into 2D or picture drawing is required which
reduces the cost and the lead time of the Electrical System Installation design and installation phases.

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Figure 68 Product structure with corresponding environment locations of Full3DSet objects

The 3DSet (Full3D Set) with linked ECN and WCT – metadata container will be created in VPM via
Airbus Utilities  FULL3D  3DSet Creation and stored in Full3D Environment.
 Full3D Set  receives in VPM A320 automatically the same 12 Digits from the ADAP-DS and
will be extended with the letters FD e.g.: V92828150000FD. The DS is automatically linked to
the corresponding Full 3DSet
 WCT  created as empty VPM part and to be filled with native data by manual operation
 ECN  created as empty VPM part and to be filled by manual operation

The FCT – metadata container to store the frozen context information (environment data) will be
created in VPM via Airbus Utilities  FULL3D  CCGR CTX Creation and stored in Full3D
 FCT  created as empty VPM part and to be filled by manual operation with environment data
(manual CGR data creation via CATIA and association via VPM)

The FHD – metadata container to store the installed harness definition zones (Environment) will be
created in VPM via Airbus Utilities  FULL3D  CCGR HDZ Creation and stored in Full3D

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 FHD creation  created as VPM part with automatically associated linked CGR data.
Prerequisite for the automatic creation is ATA929 PZ linked to F3D Set before using the
function “CCGR HDZ Creation”. (For each PartZone the corresponding CGR model will be
created and subsequently automatically linked to the FHD node). The progress of the process is
visible as I/F status in the properties. During the automatic creation it is possible to switch to
other VPM tabs.

CCGR HDZ Creation - function can identify the further added 929 PZ and create a new FHD
content. The automatic CGR generation is possible only for 20 VBs. Anyway the FHD node will
be created but the CGR has to be created manually.

 FHD automatic color code  During the automatic CGR creation one of the 20 color codes (1-
11 + N1-N9) from Full3D definition is automatically chosen. This is done based on the VB
number of attached PZ. All PZs with the same VB will automatically get the same color code.
If no VB number is included in the PZ name, only the FHD node with “wave1” as name will be
created but no CGR linked (CGR creation will be automatically blocked). An error entry will
appear in the A320INFO Environment. Only if the FHD node name has been set to “wave1”, an
editing is enabled and the FHD node name has to be modified manually considering the correct
format [wave1 VBxxxx Cx]. The CGR has to be created manually and associated to the FHD
node via the “Associate/CATIA” function, which is only possible if the FHD node name is
modified correctly. If the designer enters the wrong VB number and/or color code, an incident
has to be raised for the correction.

 FHD update  In case of required update of already created CGR, the corresponding FHD
node has to be deleted by cutting it from the PS. The new FHD can be created as usual. If all
FHD nodes of the same VB have been cut, it could happen that a different color code will be
chosen for the new creation.

Figure 69 Color codes for CGR

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Figure 70 Color and Code mapping

For each 929 PZ linked temporarily (PZ should be cut for Check-In) to 3DSet a FHD node can be
created, traceability given by “PN Origin” and as many FCT nodes as needed. The installation DS will
be automatically linked to the 3DSet.

Figure 71 Full3D creation via “3DSet Creation”

The Info Part needs to be created in Catia with the corresponding Catia functions directly under the DS
or Partzone and will be transferred via V2P during the Check-In process to PASS SSI for the visibility in
the BOM. All annotation Parts (ACT, ADS, AHD and AFT) are to be created in Catia with the Full3D
Add-Ons. Naming and Numbering Rules must be respected by creation of FULL3D Product Structure

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via CATIA V5 AddOns. Created files will be stored in VPM A320 under the Full3D Environment via the
save function in Catia.

When a DS status changes, the new state value will be propagated to the associated 3DSet. Up-Issue
of the 3DSet has to be created based on a new Version of the DS with the same command as for the
3DSet creation.

Refer to UG1500736_(M5308)- Full3D CATIA V5/VPM Tool Guide

M2988.0 - M2988.5 (Full3D Methods)

The DMS Node is needed for the "AutoEnrichment" process. The Native models (fastener data) linked
behind the DMS Node are required for the Fastener calculation by the "AutoEnrichment" tool.
Before the release process the DMS Node has to be removed from the product structure. Actually the
Check-in of the DS is only possible if the DMS node is already cut from the corresponding FD-Set. For
the next Up-Issue the DMS node can be used again. The DMS node can be Checked-in and Checked-
out but without transfer to PASS SSI.

Naming Rules valid for the DMS node:

- Part extension is -DMSxx

- Level type of DMS Node is CADNODE
- Catia Type of DMS Node is Part or Product
- Data Type = 3XM (Relevant for 3DXML)

The reuse Full3D Set can be used as a basis for new design in order to simplify the work steps and
time. For this purpose Airbus Utilities  Full3D  Create 3DSet from functionality can be executed
in the same way independent of the data source (VPM A320 or Legacy)
It is possible to reuse the complete (legacy) DS with it’s corresponding 3DSet but the re-usage only of
the 3DSet for linking to a new ADAP-DS is not allowed.

Released Full3DSets from Legacy, if not already loaded to VPM A320, need to be transferred via Core
DMU to VPM (C2V) into the Full3D environment as a prerequisite for the execution of “Create 3DSet
from” function in terms of Legacy sourced PS.
The transfer of legacy Full3D sets is done in conjunction with DS transfer from Legacy to VPM A320.
If an F3D exists for a released DS, it is automatically transferred via C2V, this happens during “Reuse
On Demand” process but also during the initial loading of data.
The “Create 3DSet from” functionality has to be used based on selection of the original DS. The
desired new DS should be created before launching “Create 3DSet from” command.

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Figure 72 Full3D creation based on reuse Full3D via “Create 3DSet from”

Refer to 31.13UC10 Reuse F3D Set (Creation F3D Set from)

Based on the 3D to Full3D process introduced for A350 to democratise the Full3D approach across
different ATAs, for the existing 3D structure in VPM A320 the 3D enrichment and 3DSet can be created
automatically. The automated process targets a PS creation in VPM A320 involving CATIA F3D Plugin
considering the attribute synchronisation.

Reference: UG1500562- M0_(M5113.0)_10.8

The 3D to Full3D process performs the following steps after the launching of the Airbus Utilities 
Full3D  3D to Full3D Creation – command.

 Creation of 3DSET with linked empty ECN and WCT nodes (automatized process)
 If DS is not linked to the 3DSET, the link will be created (automatized process)
 Automatic creation of INF part container with the same 14 digits like the DS, with the domain
“STR-MSI-CABIN” and linking under DS (enrichments will be added to the -INF part e.g. BOM,
SoC, AutoHnF, Missing Remind Notes, Title block enrichment)
 Creation of SPL part linking under DS if Cadnode Part is linked under DS
 FASTENERS component under DS (AutoHnF using the Auto3DSet)
 Creation of ADS node and linking under 3DSET (automatized process)
 Creation of FCT nodes and linking under 3DSET (manual association of Filtered DS CGR to
FCT (1 FCT per 1 DS)). If the sequence of FCT nodes exceeds 99, error message will be
provided and user has to create manually the appropriate ENV node
 Creation of ENV node (manually, with linked all desired DS)
 Creation of ACT node with volume limitation based on DS Volume (automatized process)

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Figure 73 3D to Full3D process

Status information:

During the execution of the process, the DS will be locked with the I/F Status “3D to FULL3D Creation
in progress”. User will be informed about completion of the process by (empty) I/F status. V2P event
queue will be updated with status=Executed, if the process succeeded. If the process failed, the I/F
status will be updated to “3D to FUL3D Creation failed. See A20INFO” and the V2P event queue will
show status=FAILED.
User will also receive the information about instance name vs part number inconsistency check using
Get V2P events link as well as http link will be available in A320INFO environment. The information is
stored in the Report.

The user can execute the process only on the DS level via AIRBUS UTILITIES  FULL3D  3D to
Full3D Creation.

By starting the process a Pre-check will be executed and will be considered as successful, if

 The DS is checked-out to the user who performs the operation

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 The DS has any LC Status apart from 3DPublished and Released.

 3DSet is not existing, or if it is existing, then it should be empty, i.e. only the DS can be linked to
 INFO part is not existing
 The DS belongs to allowed ATA
 The SPL part (if existing) is checked out to the same user

In case of not fulfilled requirements an appropriate error message will be generated.

If the Precheck was successful, the appropriate message will be displayed and an existing DMU Query
ID (APS configuration filter; used for filtering Design Solutions) can be entered. The CCGR of each DS
belonging to the filtered result will be used for creation of FCT nodes and COMDRAFT ENV node. If
the user does not enter the Query ID, this step can be skipped by clicking on “Ok”.

ACT creation:

The ACT part can be created from the CADLIB folder by using the automation tool according to
following steps, but the user can also skip this step by clicking on “Skip ACT Creation”

ACT Part creation (I):

Select CADLIB Folder:

ACT Part creation (II):

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Select Aircraft Program:

ACT Part creation (III):

Select Section to create ACT Part:

ADS Part creation

The user has to select the view from listed options or use the “Select Default View (Right View)” to
create the ADS part.

3DSET and 3D Auto enrichment creation event will be submitted:

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Once the process is finished, the newly created PS has to be reviewed. The linking of the DS to 3DSet
has to be checked and the 3DSet has to be opened in CATIA. The containers: ECN, WCT, ACT, ADS
and FCT should be already created.

11.7 Enriched 3D Management

The Design Data Set “Enriched 3D” (E3D) contains besides 3D and 3D enrichment also 2D Picture
Drawing sheet(s) which is the difference to Full3D. Full3D (containing 3D and 3D enrichment) is
managed without any drawing.
This simplified drawing which provides all relevant information is called Picture Drawing and cannot be
compared to a common 2D drawing.

After the enrichment of the 3D Model with annotations, dimensions and functional tolerances used in
Full3D (3DSet creation) the picture Drawing will be created to complete the Enriched 3D Design Data
Set Master.

Currently, E3D is still necessary for various reasons. Among other things, manufacturing must be
technically able to apply Full3D. At the moment that is not the case in all production phases, but in the
future it should be possible for all. Furthermore, in the past it was not possible to manage Full3D in
Legacy System (Taksy).

The picture below shows the different way of working for E3D and F3D:

Figure 74 E3D and F3D Way of working

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One part of the Enriched 3D process is the Auto2D (A2D) tool. The Auto2D tool makes it possible to
create the picture drawing automatically by using the existing 3D Enrichment. The 3D Enrichment and
the preparation of views in 3D is a prerequisite for A2D. In 2D the generated views (pictures) present
the 3D models and enrichments (annotations, FTA, NOA, etc.). With the Auto2D tool it is also be
possible to finalize or update 2D Drawings views after a 3D modification.

Figure 75 E3D and F3D Way of workingRefer to

UG1500736_(M5308)- Full3D CATIA V5/VPM Tool Guide

M2988.0 - M2988.5 (Full3D Methods)

The A2D Node is a support container for the creation of picture drawings as part of the Enriched3D
Product Structure.

Within VPM A320 the A2D node is only created in the COMDRAFT environment. The legacy A2D
nodes are also transferred to the COMDRAFT environment if desired.

Within the COMDRAFT environment a Design Tree (DT) is built to represent the Enriched3D product
structure. It is necessary to create a sub-DT directly behind the design tree, so that the A2D node can
be used for the Picture Drawing creation.

The drawing, design solution and all required FULL3D set elements (example: AHD container) must be
linked directly under the sub-DT (parallel to the A2D node).

General Rules:

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Product Structure Enriched3D with A2D in Lean PLM

 Master for new created and reuse drawings is the DRAW Environment
 Master for new created and reuse 3DSet is the FULL3D Environment
 Master for new created DS is the A320DEVP Environment and for reuse DS the ALLREUSE
 Master for reuse and new created A2D Node is the COMDRAFT Environment. A "Sub-DT VPM
container" must be created manually for new creation behind the DT for the A2D Node,
Drawing, FULL3D extended Parts and the Design Solution

Naming Rules
 Naming of A2D node: EXXX XXXXX XXXFD-A2D (first 14 digits same as 3DSet)

Linking Rules
 New A2D node is to be linked to the Sub DT in COMDRAFT Environment. One Sub DT per
DRW sheet (with the same 9 digits filled).
 3DSet Objects must be linked to the Sub DT in COMDRAFT Environment.
 Drawing and Design Solution must be linked to the Sub DT in COMDRAFT Environment.

Figure 76 A2D PS

Direct reuse of the legacy A2D node for a new solution is not allowed. It can be used as a base for a
new A2D Node for the “MadeFrom ALLREUSE” Use Case according to the following steps:

1. Creation of DT Node (Design Tree) in COMDRAFT Environment

2. Creation of Sub-DT Node in COMDRAFT Environment and linking to the DT NODE

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3. Creation of new Drawing based on existing Drawing via the functionality "Duplicate" in A320DRAW
Env. The Drawing metadata as well as the CAD model will be duplicated. The CATIA macro “Title
block” has to be executed.
4. Creation of a new DS based on existing Legacy DS from the ALLREUSE Env via the functionality
"MadeFrom ALLREUSE" into A320DEVP Env.
5. Creation of a new 3D-Set based on legacy 3D-Set in the FULL3D Environment via the VPM
functionality "Create 3DSet From" or “ESI Automation”, with this also possible to include 3DSet
a. Search a legacy 3D-Set in the Full3D Environment.
b. Select the legacy Design Solution behind the legacy 3D-Set
c. Use the function "Create 3D-Set From" and add the new Design Solution
d. Check if the new created 3D-set (based on the legacy 3D-Set) is re-named and linked to the
new Design Solution.
6. Linking of the new Design Solution to the Sub-DT Node in COMDRAFT
7. Linking of all desired FULL3D extended objects to the Sub-DT Node
8. Creation of a new A2D node, based on existing legacy A2D Node, in COMDRAFT via VPM
functionality "Duplicate" and linking to the Sub-DT Node.
9. Loading of the COMDRAFT product structure into CATIA from the Sub-DT Node.
10. Re-linking of the A2D links to the new objects via an A2D functionality in CATIA. (Described below)
11. Modification of A2D views if necessary and update of the CATDrawing.

Re-Linking within CATIA via the A2D Toolbar:

For secondary flow, the user may face the scenario below to fix the 3D View links:

1. Check the 3D Views: KO links identified

2. Launch the “Reconcile View Preparations links” command
3. Click on “Auto Repair All” and check the “Reroute To” column
4. Click on “Apply” to confirm the automatic reconciliation
5. Identify one obsolete link and click on “Delete” button
6. Identify one KO link and use “Reroute” button to manually replace it
7. Click on “Apply” to confirm the manual operations.

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Figure 77 Repair of 3D View

Refer to DDMS_F3D_for_SA-Auto-2D_V4.0.0_User_Guide_D93UG1900538_v5.0

The legacy A2D node will be provided within the VPM A320 by an automatic transfer from Legacy VPM
to the COMDRAFT Environment in VPM A320. This process is triggered by the “On Demand” request
of the corresponding DS. The A2D node will be transferred independent of its status but only if the
corresponding DS is in status “Released”. Furthermore the A2D node will be transferred detached from
the original PS, i.e. without linking.

If needed, the transfer of the DMS node should be requested via “On Demand” independent of the DS.
For further usage the DMS node should be duplicated and renamed to an ENV node. (In Lean PLM
only ENV node but no DMS node can be used; DMS node can be used in Lean PLM only in terms of

New created A2D nodes as well as DT nodes can be versioned within COMDRAFT Environment in
VPM A320 via Airbus Ulilities  Create Auto2D Version with Same PN. This procedure can be
executed only on last version of A2D object which has the status RELEASED and only if a new version
of corresponding DS is existing.
The creation of a new version of DT is possible only for last checked-in DT objects with status “Work In

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Furthermore an automatic Freeze process (release process) for A2D nodes has been established. In
the frame of this process, the “Released” status of the corresponding DS will be transmitted to the A2D
node. Subsequently the A2D node with the status “Released” will be automatically checked in, even if it
was in “Draft” status before.
The Freezing of the DT node is executed by Check-In with Status “Work In Progress” according to the

11.8 DS Auto Extended

DS Automation was previously limited to ESI and has been extended to Non ESI processes. In
principle in the same WoW as described in chapter ESI DS Automation menu, Design
Solutions with other types of data than ESI can be generated by an automated process. This also
bases on CSV input files and is limited for users with “Designer Role“ and related work Package
access only. The automated creation of new DS is only possible with data in status “Released” which
also includes objects from the “ALLREUSE” Environment.

Creation of the CSV file:

As a prerequisite an Input CSV file has to be created for the DS Automation process.
The CSV file has to be created according to the following format, where semicolon “;” has been used
as a separator.


Refer to https://sites.google.com/airbus.com/cobot-suite

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All interfaces related to Design Automation, Pre-check and Status, are available in the A320 VPM
behind the Major Menu Home  Custom  Design Automation

Figure 78 Design Automation Menu

After choosing Design Automation it is possible to get an overview of running DS Automation

processes or doing a Precheck for a new process.

Figure 79 Design Automation User Interface

Workpackage Selection:

Figure 80 Workpackage Selection

The Work Package for the DS Automation has to be chosen and the CSV file can be uploaded.

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After the upload the Precheck can be started, and when finished with “Succeeded”, the file can be
submitted or if failed a Precheck Status file can be downloaded.

For more details see chapter ESI DS Automation menu and the dedicated DS Automation
User Guide.

Following Use Cases are covered by DS Automation process for a new DS creation if the source DS is
linked to a parent CI:

Use Case 1: ADAP-ASSY / Equipped ASSY

 The ASSY is directly linked under the DS

 The ASSY is linked under Cadnode Component which is under DS
 The ASSY is linked under Cadnode Product which is under DS

If a reused ASSY is multiple times used in the Source DS for Target it is needed to provide the instance
name of each ASSY in the CSV file.

The instance name is mandatory. If the name is missing, the process will stop and an error report will
be provided.

Syntax in CSV:

Examples for instances 1 and instance 3:



If the source ASSY is coming from a CADNODE COMPONENT, VPM will check which CADNODE
COMPONENT contains the respective ASSY and renumber the target CADNODE COMPONENT
according to the 14 digits of the target DS.

Use Case 2: ADAP-PART

 The Part is directly linked under DS

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 The Part is linked under Cadnode Component which is under DS

 The Part is linked under Cadnode Product which is under a DS

The ADAP-PART should be linked to the target DS at the same position and level similar to the source
DS. In case of multiple installation of the ADAP-PART under the ADAP-DS, the entry for the instance
name in the CSV file is mandatory. (See ADAP-ASSY / Equipped ASSY)


 The CADNODE is directly linked under DS

 The CADNODE is linked under an ADAP-ASSY which is under a DS

All the CADNODE PARTS or PRODUCTS of the source DS matching with the 14 digits of source DS
will be created and renamed automatically in the target DS according to the target DS.

Use Case 4: FIN-CI or FIN-DS

 The FIN-CI with FIN -LO and FIN DS is linked under a ADAP-DS
 The FIN-DS is linked directly under a ADAP-DS
 The EQT-CADNODE with FIN-DS is directly linked is under a ADAP-DS

Remark: FINs will not be renamed according to the new target DS.

Use Case 5: Standard Parts

 The Standard Part is directly linked under a DS (only Standard parts mentioned in the csv):
multiple instances for STD parts are possible

If the Standard Part is linked under a CADNODE COMPONENT or a CADNODE PRODUCT it is not
needed to define them in the CSV file because CADNODES with the same 14 digits as source DS will
be created and renamed in the target DS according to the target DS 14 digits.

Use Case 6: IPM

 The IR is directly linked under ADAP-DS. IR`s will be linked automatically “as is” under the
target DS

All DS Automation UC described above are also working for objects from the ALLREUSE Environment.

Remark for Optegra Product Structure:

If the target DS should be Black Box, the Optegra Product Structure has to be converted into Black Box
Product Structure in ALLREUSE Environment before the DS Automat functionality is used.

For more Info See “Covert EXPLO to BB”  Refer to 10.8 BlackBox in A320DEVP and ALLREUSE

11.9 Standard Parts Management

The Standard Parts Management for Lean PLM is based on A350. The applicability of Standard Parts
in Lean is managed at program level like for A350, i.e. no more segregation of Standard Parts per
Natco like in Legacy.

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All Catia V5 (CV5) Standard Parts are stored in the COMSTLIB Environment. The Legacy Catia V4
(CV4) Standard Parts (which are converted to CATIA V5 CGR) are available in ALLREUSE
Environment and can not be reused at all, but are part of the reused legacy PS, where linked into it.

Any Standard Parts can not be uploaded on demand. The CV5 Standard Parts will be loaded through
P2V according to their availability within PASS Standard Part Library, feeded by 3DX exalaed. CV4
Standard Parts are loaded via C2V from CoreDMU as part of other Product Structure only, where the
CV4 Standard Parts are linked into it.

Via P2V also the related attribute “Authorized Std Part Type” will be provided and is introduced to the
COMSTLIB Part Properties with possible values “SERIAL” or “REPAIR”, mapped to corresponding
PASS SSI values “YES” and “NO”

The linking of STD Parts which have the attribute “Authorized Std Part Type” = “REPAIR” is restricted
to be used within the SB PS only.

Some Standard Parts CADrepresentations are still unmanaged within 3DX exalead / PASS Standard
Part Library, e.g.
 “EN3646A708” - short named Standard Parts, which containing 3D model for a group of long
name differentiated Standard Parts without 3D representation.
Such STD parts (most likely parts used within electric perimeter) are collected in particular exchange
folder to be uploaded via EQT-scanner into the COMEQLIB environment. Those Standard Parts are
reusable within existing or new PS, but correct corresponding Standard Part needs to be added to the
BOM on PASS side manually.

Other few Standard Parts might be loaded into ALLREUSE via C2V in error for different reason. As far
as there are known issues, there will be some automated cleanup process available after MR3.1, which
will identify and delete strange Standard Parts loaded in error in an overnight process, where there are
duplicates of such Parts available within their correct environment. The cleanup process than includes
repair and reconciliation of such PS containing Part duplicates in error and provides linkage to correct
Parts after cleanup processed.

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In order to manage the delivery of a built aircraft in accordance with its unique definition the
Aircraft must be manufactured in accordance with a specific Definition Dossier. The drawing is a
component of this Definition Design Dossier (Design Data Set) which is created in VPM A320 and
managed/released in PASS SSI. The Definition Dossier describes the "as-designed" view of the
aircraft. Drawings have to be created and managed in the A320DRAW Environment in VPM A320. The
design tree which is a support for creating the requirement for a drawing is established in the
COMDRAFT environment.

For manufacturing, one of the important components (other than the geometric content) is the frame
and title block on the drawing. They are also used and necessary for the release process.
Drawing frame and title block shall be inserted by using the “Title Block” function in CATIA V5 for newly
created DRW and updates.

Figure 81 DRW Frame icon and functionality for Title Block in CATIA

Regarding Naming and Numbering for Drawing refer to 5 NAMING AND NUMBERING

Refer to A5469 - Create and Release Structure, Systems and Cabin Installation Design Data

12.1 Design Tree

The Design Tree is an instrument for the creation of drawings to match the requirements specified for a
drawing. The Design Tree is built and managed in COMDRAFT Environment. The drawing which is
created in the A320DRAW Environment and the Design Solution (DS) from the A320DEVP
Environment are linked behind the DT (Design Tree) container. An Environment Container (ENV) can
be created and linked, which includes the necessary environment for the creation of the drawing and
also provides the basis for the Design Solution for the installation of the components. The ZON
container is also an auxiliary container which is not mandatory.

Object Environment Level-Type CATIA_TYPE Naming/Numbering

Design Tree COMDRAFT DT PRODUCT E534 81234
Drawing A320DRAW Drawing N/A E534 81234-01
Environment COMDRAFT ENV PRODUCT E534 81234-ENV01
Design Solution A320DEVP ADAP-DS PRODUCT E534 81234 000 00
A2D COMDRAFT A2D PART E534 81234 000 FD-A2D
Figure 82 DT Object

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Basic Rules for Drawing Derivation
Name Description
Drawing link to 3D The views within the drawing model (CATDrawing) must be up to date
Drawing model A drawing model (CATDrawing) must have only one drawing sheet and
can have more detail sheets.
Drawing standard Standard AIRBUS ISO

Figure 83 Design Tree structure

For naming and numbering rules refer to 5 NAMING AND NUMBERING.

12.2 Repair Drawing

Repair Drawings are pre-defined solutions for Repair Instruction – installation / removal definition in
case of parts replacement and structural repairs. The Repair Drawing Management has been adopted
from A350 as baseline and the Repair Drawings are to be stored in A320DRAW Environment.

Product Identification Numbering for Repair Drawings follows the systematic below:

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 R for repair models.

 ATA code: The "ATA code" corresponds to the ATA chapter in accordance with the Architecture of
an ATA number in the Basic Approved ATA Breakdown Index (BAABI).
 D on 4th digit for A320 Family (A/C Letter).
 Responsibility code: The "Responsibility Code" is seen in combination with the "Sequence
Number". Within one "Responsibility Code" several segments of "Sequence Numbers" could be
 Sequence Number: Sequence number is based on 4 numerals and ranges from 0000 to 9999.
 Part/Assembly code:
• For Assemblies: "part/assembly code" runs from 000 to 199.
• For Parts: the "part/assembly code" runs from 200 to 999.
• For symmetric/opposite part Numbering suffix convention.
 Special code: In CAD Numbering, the characters 13 and 14 can be used to differentiate
models/items with the same first 12 characters for the "IDENTIFIER" part. For official serial
documentation, the "special code" is set to "00". Nevertheless, the "special code" can be a
"Production Suffix Number" or "Spare Suffix Number".

The Numbering ranges allocations are managed by Engineering Repair Teams, following the
rules describes in the table underneath. All exceptions are to be agreed between all
Engineering Repair Teams impacted.

(*) "Responsibility Code" number 6 is shared. The "Sequence Number" is used to segregate the partner

M1215.2 - Method for Lower Level & Equipment Naming & Numbering of Product Structure
M20447 - Rules and way of working to create Repair Drawing

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12.3 Frontier Design

The Frontier Drawing Management has been adopted from A350 as baseline. For each relevant sub-
ATA area a separate CI-LO-DS configuration structure is generated in PASS SSI. All relevant Frontier
Drawings are linked to the Design Solution in PASS SSI and included in the Design Data Set. Frontier
Drawings are managed in VPM A320 as normal base drawings in the DRAW Environment. The
Naming and Numbering apart from the 4th digit is the same as for common drawing. A350 methods and
rules can be referenced to the Interface Management.

Refer to

A5465 Define Frontiers and Interfaces

M2618.2 Structure and Cabin Frontier and Package Frontier Drawing Creation
M1215.3 Method for Special & Extended Items Naming & Numbering of Product Structure

12.4 Interface Design

The Interface Drawing Management has been adopted from A350 as baseline. For each relevant sub-
ATA area a separate CI-LO-DS configuration structure is generated in PASS SSI. All relevant Interface
Drawings are linked to the Design Solution in PASS SSI and included in the Design Data Set. Interface
Drawings are managed in VPM A320 as normal base drawings in the DRAW Environment. The
Naming and Numbering apart from the 4th digit is the same as for common drawing A350 methods and
rules can be referenced to the Interface Management.

Refer to

A5465 - Define Frontiers and Interfaces

M2618.1 - Interface Drawing Creation

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13.1 Equipment definition

An “Equipment“ is any A/C-component, that fulfills a particular function within an A/C system and is
provided under DOA (design organization approval) / POA (production organization approval)
responsibility against aviation authorities of such a supplier (/vendor).
It further fulfills following criteria:
- A/C component purchased based on technical specification by Airbus and / or System vendor
- Component is line replaceable (non-destructive)
- Component has its own (vendor) P/N
- Component is potentially reusable within different A/C-program
- Component is completely documented by vendor and certified by aviation authorities
- Vendors are certified as DOA / POA for each national legal entity and listed accordingly with
particular CAGE-code (FSCM-code synonymous)

Equipment is part of a group of non-standard bought parts and divided by customer relation to SFE
(seller furnished equipment – Airbus specified) and BFE (buyer furnished equipment – customer

With respect to particular definition responsibility, EQT are used to be managed by FIN-cascades
(functional item number) with EQT-PNR and EQT-invariant/EQT-counter collecting the EQT-model.

Refer to UG1800923 - 3D Equipment CAD Model Management

13.2 Equipment lean TDM approach

In general the E2E EQT process remains the same as is on the Legacy site, but will be harmonized for
VPM A320 PS based on FIN-CI – FIN-LO – FIN-DS PS-items. As EQT-PDM-toolset already exists
commonly used within all NatCo, these tools remain untouched initially (ECDB, GESY, 3DQM, central

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EQT CADlib) but NatCo specific WoW only regarding the TDM-management within VPM A320 will be
In particular with that approach, the complete collection / validation management remains untouched
(promoted within NatCo-specific legacy tools/context) until APS System becomes available and
integrated into the Lean toolset (PASS - VPM A320 - APS). Lean PLM currently only replicates the
existing solutions, whether reused or new, to VPM A320.
FIN-cascades are managed within ECDB or GESY, to be replaced by APS System in the future. Until
then, APS is involved to collect metadata from ECDB / GESY and 3DQM to provide the information to
VPM A320.
The publish NFIN application within VPM A320 then executes all the APS input and provides the VPM-
items for FIN-CI, FIN-LO, FIN-DS and EQT-PNR with link to EQT-counter into the FIN CADlib.

Figure 84 Convergence process for FIN-Cascade, EQT and Reused ADAP-DS

Other than the A350 baseline, EQT integration remains under responsibility of Airbus
FIN-items have their own level type FIN-CI, FIN-LO, FIN-DS, all other share the level type
CADNODE. With that, linking rules are less diversified than within legacy toolset.
The full FIN-Equipment-cascade consists of:

Figure 85 FIN-EQT-PS with PLM master source

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Additional dedicated level type EQT-INVARIANT, EQT-COUNTER will be implemented at MR3 with
impact to linking rules regarding the EQT/INVARIANT only.

Equipment naming is not affected as mastered only by ECDB / GESY (FIN-cascade incl. EQT-PNR)
and legacy vaults for EQT-model via APS/NFINpublish up to now. However there is some particular
naming concatenation task executed on the APS side for the EQT-PNR part metadata. ECDB or GESY
itself only provided the basic attribute information for FSCM-code, CMS-code, and PNR from Vendor.
General PS of EQT integration following harmonized WoW is shown in the following sketches. The
particular PS appearance in legacy TDMs is shown on the left, reuse of parent items in the middle and
new linkings on right hand side, whether linked to DS by FIN-DMU part or by FIN-cascade.

Figure 86 EQT integration PS into ADAP-DS Legacy / Lean reuse / Lean new

When installing EQT into DASSY, that EQTneeds to linked by its EQT-PNR-part only but without FIN-
cascade, as there is no way to provide particular Assemblies with different configurations of EQT inside
at the manufacturing line (stock items DASSY)

Figure 87 EQT integration PS into DASSY Legacy /Lean reuse / Lean new

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Remark: PASS will be able to manage EQT within DASSY after MR3.1 only (manual task to add the
EQT-PNR-part into particular BOM).

13.3 EQT-Feeding
All the Equipment within VPM A320 is being replicated from central Equipment CADLib only, with
particular exception of large EQT Landing Gear (LG) and Power plant (PWP), which is loaded directly
from ROA. No lifecycle management (LCM) is available in the Lean toolset up to now but replication
from 3DQM via APS only at MR3. LCM for Equipment may only become available after deployment of
APS System in the future.

Figure 88 ETQ-model upload via EQT-scanner / EQT-loader (A-D only)

Feeding of FIN-EQT-PS to the VPM A320 COMEQLIB is a complex upload process apart from Airbus
owned CAD data sourced on an already existing common Airbus single source toolset for the
Equipment data provision only. It is a multiple layer asynchronous upload/creation process according to
Figure 84 and Figure 88.
The layer of upload are:
 FIN-cascade from FIN CADlib via APS will be executed by VPM NFINpublish to create
metadata container parts of the FIN-items including EQT-PNR and EQT-counter with respect to
the link within lowest level item of FIN-cascade, and link them (permanently scanning triggered).
 EQT-model PS from central Equipment CADlib or ROA (for large EQTs) will be uploaded via
EQT-scanner from root, with that also collecting EQT-invariants and link them – all that data is
CAD-PS/-models only (permanently scanning triggered)
 EQT-reconciliation process running on VPM A320 permanently links EQT-model/PS incl. EQT-
counter according to metadata link from FIN-cascade or replacing the already created lowest
level item within FIN-cascade parts, if applicable (permanently)

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 EQT-model metadata regarding LC-state will be provided separately from 3DQM via APS and
processed by VPM NFINpublish, adding this information to the particular EQT-counter - with
that also new metadata-items will be created within COMEQLIB, if no such parts already exist.
 EQT-model metadata regarding additional attributes information such as NatCo or Export
Control classification will be provided from 3DQM via APS separately again in the future. Also
these metadata will be updated on existing data additionally or new metadata items will be
created, if no such parts already exist.
Each of the creation/editing tasks are prioritized in particular to only overwrite the values authorized to
be updated.

The following table summarizes the data creation/update flow based on different source and
reconciliation prioritization:
Data source Main content initial loading – new parts creation in Reconciliation – part already exist in
APS: NFIN FIN-cascade, Parts creation with CAD-product, PS-update, if applicable
Link to EQTcounter Metadata part for EQT-counter
Central EQT CADproduct, Part creation with CAD-model, CAD-model creation or update only
CADlib CADparts LCstate set to default,
NatCo set to default “FR”,
Export Control Classification (ECCN) set to
3DQM EQTcounter- LCstate Metadata Part creation with LCstate, Update of LCstate only
NatCo set to default “FR”,
ECCN set to default
3DQM EQTinvariant-NatCo future task (post MR3) future task (post MR3)
3DQM EQTcounter-ECCN future task (post MR3) future task (post MR3)

The Lifecycle status (LCstate) of Equipments is mastered within 3DQM for EQT-counter only and
needs to be mapped to the particular EQT-counter and EQT-model accordingly. Currently there is no
mapping at all but LCstate mapped by default to status RELEASED only.
With the next step of development, the LCstate will be transferred from 3DQM via APS for the
EQTcounter only including regular updates. The mapping then represents a simplification of 3DQM
internal status as listed below. Complete mapping/default setting also includes LCstates to be set at
initial loading of models only:
Source tool / Attribute Source LCstate Mapped LCstate Comments
Central EQT CADlib / - - TO_BE_RETRIEVED At initial part creation only
3DQM / internal status WIP TO BE VALIDATED
3DQM / internal status CAD Quality Check requested TO BE VALIDATED
3DQM / internal status CAD Quality Check rejected REJECTED
3DQM / internal status Preview TO BE VALIDATED
3DQM / internal status Techn. Validation requested TO BE VALIDATED
3DQM / internal status Techn. Validation rejected REJECTED
3DQM / internal status Held TO BE VALIDATED
3DQM / internal status Inst. Accepteance requested TO BE VALIDATED
3DQM / internal status Inst. Accepteance rejected REJECTED
3DQM / internal status Installation accepted TO BE VALIDATED
3DQM / internal status Released RELEASED
3DQM / internal status Cancelled CANCELLED

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The EQTinvariant LCstate by default and without changes will be set to “IN_WORK”.

There are some particularity to be covered for the EQT feeding of large equipments, at least
powerplant (PWP, A-F) and landing gear (LG, A-UK):

 EQT-models of large equipment are not stored into the central EQT CADlib
 The FIN-cascades (within PDM tools only but not represented in CAD PS) are incomplete; there
is no EQT-PNR item at all
 EQT-models are not managed with any EQT-counter
 The PWP equipments are linked into their parent installation DS via FINDMU-part
 The EQT-models top-node naming follows the naming rules of EQT-PNR part with leading

Large EQT upload in general is executed within same tools, services and interfaces as all EQTs. Large
EQT CADdata particularly are uploaded from NatCo ROA directly, which are mounted for the EQT-
scanner. APS NFIN provides the FIN-CI – FIN-LO – FIN-DS metadata PS with link to particular EQT-
top-node directly. Executing these inputs, VPM A320 is able to provide the complete “degenerated”
FIN-EQT-PS of the large EQTs within COMEQLIB.

VPM A320 afterwards also provides the large EQTs PS / CADdata to CoreDMU.

Figure 89 PS of large EQT within parent installation DS

Open topics regarding LCstate, Export Control classification provision and particular intellectual
properties protection to be clarified in the future.

To fulfill the FCO-timeliness regarding customized Equipments (German perimeter of Cabin/Cargo

design and feeded by DEX-AD), a particular additional upload process will be provided in MR3. The
purpose of this EQT CADdata upload is to support the EQT integration check within the EQT validation
process based on AC surroundings already designed in the Lean toolset.

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Formal check and check against requirements definition remains being managed within Natco legacy
toolsets and validation status mastered in 3DQM only also for the integration validation status.
As far as with this process there is a second source of identical model provision to VPM A320
COMEQLIB, the so called preliminary uploaded EQT-model can be identified by particular Attribute
“PRELIMINARY” valued “Y”. All EQT-models replicated from central EQT CADLib will be valued “N” to
distinguish and protect against being overwritten with preliminary EQT-data.

Behavior and particularities of preliminary EQT data are shortly listed:

 Preliminary EQT data is provision of EQT model CADdata only

 Collected automatized after DEX consumption and in parallel to legacy vaults feeding
 Is not linked to its EQTcounter
 There is no lifecycle management available, but all preliminary EQT are mapped to LCstate
 Preliminary EQT-model are not known by PASS at all
 Linking to ADAP-DS / ADAP-Assy will disturb these from Check-In – no release possible
 Preliminary EQT-model can be replaced by it’s identical named EQT-model uploaded via EQT-
scanner (standard upload process)
 EQTs are read only, no data manipulation possible
 Preliminary EQT-model are not to be used for any Integration solution / installation drawings
 Preliminary EQT-model currently will not be deleted in case of new version availability (due to
different naming from RTSD)
 Preliminary EQT-model currently did not get its english description, but description default value
“PN” only
 SSI (the EQT metadata services) are not yet available

Figure 90 VPM Data Loader executes EQT-model uploading directly after DEX consumption

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13.4 Equipment datamodel / naming

The particular FIN/EQT naming follows the method where FIN-cascade objects are automatically

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

FIN-CI D Q 0 0 3 0 W L 0 0 0 1 2 3 4

FIN-LO D Q 0 0 3 0 W L 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 S 0 0 1 1

FIN-DS D Q 0 0 3 0 W L 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 - 0 0 1 1

Where digit 1: program code, 2: ‘Q’, 3-11: FIN, 12-15: 0000-9999, 16: ‘S’ for LO, ‘-‘ for DS, 17-20: 0000-9999

EQT-PNR, mostly built from CMS code plus divider ‘-‘ plus PN-number from Vendor:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

EQT-PNR 6 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Where digit 1-10: CMS, with a = 3: LR, 9: SA, L: A380, 11: ‘-‘, 12-26max.: free PN-numbering from Vendor ( may be cut)

Former EQT-PNR had been built from CAGE code (= FSCM code) instead of CMS code and some
without divider ‘-‘. CAGE code consists of 5 digits free letter/number combinations assigned to
particular Vendors manufacturing sides at particular country:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

EQT-PNR 1 B 3 D 5 - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

EQT-PNR 1 B 3 D 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Where digit 1-5: FSCM, 6: ‘-‘ or not, 7-21(max./6-20max.): free PN-numbering from Vendor (may be cut)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

EQT-Invariant D 2 1 Q 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0

EQT-counter D 2 1 Q 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2

Where digit 1: Program code, 2,3: ATA, 4: type code, 5: NATCO code, 6-9: sequential number, 10-12: 000 for invariant, 001-
999 counter

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EQT-Assy/Parts (Assy incl. EQT-topnode):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

EQT-DS/Assy D 2 1 Q 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 3 4

EQT-Part D 2 1 Q 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 0 3 4

Where digit 1: Program code, 2,3: ATA, 4: type code, 5: NATCO code, 6-9: sequential number, 13-14: Special code, 10-12:
000-199 for DS/Assy, 200-999 for Parts

Find more particular namings linked to EQT models or installation purposes within following

M1215.2 - Method for Lower Level & Equipment Naming & Numbering of Product Structure
M1215.3 - Method for Special & Extended Items Naming & Numbering of Product

Real Time Supplier Data (RTSD) presents an enhanced method to collect Equipment model data from
supplier with some automated methods within the DEX process. It is established for Cabin Cargo
Equipment and A-D toolset only.
Three major approaches are impacting the WoW:
 Deliverables expected to be CATIA or STEP files of a single EQT only, Step-conversion
addressed automated
 EQT model PS to be simplified (to avoid large trees of parts) and renamed automatically
with DEX process number as unique identifier
 Simplified EQT model set is directly provided to VPM A-D

Particular naming of EQT collected within the RTSD process is calculated automatically following the
listed rules. No manual manipulation or concurrent usage within that numbering range is allowed:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0

EQT-DS 0 2 7 8 N - 6 2 2 7 6 6 6 - 0 0 0 1

EQT-DS 0 2 7 8 N - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 0 0 0 1

Where digit 1-5: CAGE code, 6: ‘-‘, 7-13: identifier (DEX jobnumber) 14: ‘-‘, 15-18: 0001 (top node),
Alternatively digit 1-5: CAGE code, 6: ‘-‘, 7-15: identifier (number counter), 16: ‘-‘, 17-20: 0001 (top node)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0

EQT-Assy 6 2 2 7 6 6 6 - 0 0 0 2

EQT-Assy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 0 0 0 2

Where digit 1-7: identifier (DEX jobnumber), 8: ‘-‘, 9-12: 0002-9999 (assy-counter),
Alternatively digit 1-9: identifier (number counter), 10: ‘-‘, 11-14: 0002-9999 (assy-counter)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0

EQT-Part 6 2 2 7 6 6 6 - 1 2 3 4 - 0 0 0 1

EQT-Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 1 2 3 4 - 0 0 0 1

Where digit 1-7: identifier (DEX jobnumber), 8: ‘-‘, 9-12: 0001-9999 (asm-counter according part linked), 13: ‘-‘,
14-17: 0001-9999 (part counter),
Alternatively digit 1-9: identifier (number counter), 10: ‘-‘, 11-14: 0001-9999 (asm-counter according part linked), 15: ‘-‘,
16-19: 0001-9999 (part counter)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0

EQT-Extension Part 6 2 2 7 6 6 6 - 1 2 3 4 - E X T 0 1

EQT-Extension Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 1 2 3 4 - E X T 0 1

Where digit 1-7: identifier (DEX jobnumber), 8: ‘-‘, 9-12: 0001-9999 (asm-counter), 17-18: EXT-counter, 13: ‘-‘,
14-16: 3-letter Extension,
Alternatively digit 1-9: identifier (number counter), 10: ‘-‘, 11-14: 0001-9999 (asm-counter), 19-20: EXT-counter, 15: ‘-‘, 16-18:
3-letter Extension
Extensions are limited to: ‘FLX’, ‘INE’, ‘MPE’, ‘MPP’, and ‘STD’

Figure 91 RTSD-named EQT-model-PS

Refer to

UG1800923 - 3D Equipment CAD Model Management

M2635 - Real Time Supplier Data Manual for Data Collaboration between Suppliers and Airbus
for Functional Item Number FIN Equipment

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Equipment linked within reused DS, which is originally managed by legacy tool Optegra might be linked
by a FINDMU-part. As FINDMU-part is a DMU-managed part only, it becomes available within
ALLREUSE Environment but is not allowed to be reused in new DS/Assy. In particular the FINDMU-
part will be removed from new ADAP-DS at creation by “MadeFrom ALLREUSE”-functionality and full
FIN-cascade is required to be added manually, if applicable, see 10.4.1MadeFrom ALLREUSE.
Preferred solution is the linking of full FIN-cascade with EQT-counter – EQT model. With that the
particular EQT configuration becomes available via GESY/ECDB.
FINDMU parts are recognized by their naming, consisting of leading letter ‘DEQ’, followed by the
referenced FIN (without fixed digit format) and mostly ending with ‘-‘ seperated 3digit numeric counter.


In case of “MadeFrom Allreuse” of legacy DS, where a FINDMU part is linked, the FINDMU part will not
be transferred to the new PS. Instead, according to the harmonized WoW the corresponding FIN-cascade
needs to be linked to the new PS manually, if applicable.
If the FINDMU-part itself is linked into a particular -EQTxx-extension CADNODE only (not in line with
methods), also than within “Made From” the FINDMU-part will be cutted and the -EQTxx-extension
CADNODE will be kept empty. Such -EQTxx-extension CADNODE should be removed manually from
the new PS and be deleted

Figure 92 FINDMU-part within PSN (here linking of EQT-FLX-part)

Refer to M2896.1 - Equipment Installation within DMU (FINDMU with Optegra/GILDA)

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13.6 Flex-Equipment
EQT-FLX are geometrically adapted representations of EQT-PS delivered in a Condition of Supply
(CoS). EQT-FLX are DMU-parts only, for that reason also part of ALLREUSE (if managed in legacy-
tools) or DEVP (if new).
EQT-FLX must not be mixed up with FLX-extensioned items of EQT-PS itself, as also EQT-Vendors
are requested to highlight flexible parts of their models as extension parts: -FLXxx. Flexibility may occur
in two appearances: geometrically flexible parts (tubes, wires, …) or flexible positioned items
(connectors, adapters,…). Both kinds of manipulation may be represented within EQT-FLX-

New EQT-FLX are foreseen to be managed as in VPM A350. Based on that, no FINcascade can be
addressed, but EQT adapted to Condition of Installation (CoI) will be collected under DS with FLX-
extension part. The FIN needs to be added to PASS SSI BOM of DS manually.

Refere to M2847.2

Reuse of EQT-FLX is based on availability of particular EQT-FLX within the ALLREUSE environment.
Where EQT-FLX is child of FINDMU-part, the reuse within new DS probably needs some rework due to
obsolescence of FINDMU-part usage due to harmonization of WoW. The EQT-FLX part itself is a
common (released) reuse part loaded with standard behaviour from CoreDMU.
Reuse of EQT-FLX within the new DS needs to follow the installation rules of A350 to link reuse EQT-
FLX directly to the new DS, if there are adaptations needed.

Due to change of Environment, this ‘duplication’ will be performed with “Made from” functionality – refer
to chapter 10.4.1 MadeFrom ALLREUSE

In case of identical installation condition, the direct reuse of released legacy EQT-FLX under new DS is
supported by just linking the EQT-FLX.1 itself.

Figure 93 FINDMU-EQT-FLXpart reuse (example shows EQT-parts position adjustment)

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The figure above shows the principle only. If CoI adjustment is of geometrical shape adaptation, the
particular (merged) model is a direct content of the EQT-FLX.1 part and for reuse purposes located
within the ALLREUSE environment or replicated by “MadeFrom ALLREUSE” to the A320DEVP

Remark: additional rules to remove the FINDMU, see chapter 13.5.

Refer to M2896.1 - Equipment Installation within DMU (FINDMU with Optegra/GILDA)

Reuse installation of EQT-FLX as child of FIN-cascade (configurable) will not be available before MR3.
Reuse of EQT-FLX is based on availability of particular EQT-FLX within the ALLREUSE environment,
to be uploaded via C2V. As EQT-FLX is a child part of FIN-PS, it needs a special upload trigger from
VPM nFINpublish, because EQT-items and any children will not be considered within the standard C2V
upload process. While the FIN-cascade itself is managed within legacy toolsets but not editable within
VPM A320 (as far as APS-system is not available), there is also no way to relink EQT-FLX items to
parent FIN-DS, but within legacy VPM AD only.
Where EQT-FLX is child of FIN-DS, the reuse within the new DS is done by linking the entire FIN
product structure. Configuration of FIN remains to be done within GESY (ECDB), while APS passes
through that information only. The EQT-FLX part itself is a common (released) reuse part loaded with
special upload process from CoreDMU based on APS-input.

Figure 94 FIN-cacade-EQT-FLXpart reuse (example shows EQT-parts position adjustment)

The above figure shows principle only. If CoI adjustment is of geometrical shape adaptation, the
particular (merged) model is content of the EQT-FLX.1 part.
The sketched reuse installation with FIN is limited to a reuse scenario for the EQT-FLX at particular
same position only with respect to FIN definition.

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In case of adaptation (shape adjustment) of EQT-FLX out of a reuse EQT-FLX again it is

recommended to replicate the EQT-FLX part by ‘MadeFrom ALLREUSE’ to A320DEVP environment
and link it directly to parent DS. No further FIN-configuration for EQT-FLX will be available with such a
step according to A350 WoW.
In case of reuse of identical EQT-FLX at new position only just link the EQT-FLX into new solution
without FIN (functionality available post MR3 for CADNODE Part, CADNODE Product).

Remark: To enable the ability of upload of EQT-FLX via C2V in exception, the particular used BOTtype
from CoreDMU for EQT-FLX (EQTpart or EQTproduct) are mapped to ALLREUSE environment. Based
on that mapping it might happened that also other EQTpart/EQTproduct are uploaded into the
ALLREUSE environment as doublettes and these might be linked into EQT-FLX products.
Always prefer to use EQT model from COMEQLIB only!
After MR3.1EiS it is expected to establish some automated overnight cleanup process to delete any
EQT doublettes within ALLREUSE and reconcile the corresponding links with the same COMEQLIB

Refer to M2896.3 - Equipment Installation within DMU (with ENOVIA-VPM/TAKSY/GESY)

13.7 Specified Bought Parts

Specified bought parts are – as already shown in previous classification – a group of parts similar to
Equipments but specified and managed by and within Airbus PDM / TDM. This parts group is one in
between FIN-managed EQT and Standard-parts. The particular Airbus numbering follows ADAP-part
rules assigned to particular ATA-chapter coding 2nd-4th digit “000”.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Specified bought parts D 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 1 2

Installation will be reflected within PS by direct link to DS/Assy without FIN-cascade.

Refer to

M20049 Rules for "Specified Items" and "Blanks" Specification Dossier Creation
M1215.2 Method for Lower Level & Equipment Naming & Numbering of Product Structure

Particular Specified bought parts (Type level BPT in legacy VPM A-D) within the Cabin perimeter are
equipment-like parts designed by Vendor.
However, the exceptional naming of these bought part follows the standard manual Equipment
naming/numbering (led by CAGE code). These parts are available only as reused within released
reuse ADAP-Assy.
BPT with exceptional naming/numbering to be linked directly to new ADAP-DS needs to be covered by
MAPIS-process and provided within VPM A320 with correct part naming/numbering (D000…, E000…).

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Figure 95 BPT linked within reuse ADAP-Assy

Management of BPT not yet defined within VPM A320, expected not to be supported any more but
EQT only.
Remark: Complete Dual PLM approach for specified items under discussion again, there may be
changes to be considered with PASS/MR3.1.

13.8 EQT - Export Control / Intellectual property restrictions

Export Control (EC) for EQT needs to be managed by the responsible Vendors. Currently there are
actions ongoing to introduce categorization ability within 3DQM to be supported by Vendors via data
transfer sheet (DTS) – not yet available.
Intellectual properties (IP) restrictions will be managed by workpackage library access same as A350,
refer to 24 ip protection – Confidentiality management.
EC attributes are added to all data models including EQT within VPM A320 COMEQLIB, so that EC
management will be applicable – but not yet managed/process defined/interface available to transfer
categorization from 3DQM.

For EC management details refer to 25 export control (EC)

13.9 Equipment Release Process

Currently no Release/Validation Process at all on Lean Toolset site, but support for the installation
validation only, see Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found..
E2E data flow described in Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not

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"Design in Context" is a fundamental way of working for Airbus Engineering departments. The purpose
of this principle is to prevent collisions between components and including department-independent
components. It is necessary for the principle to be able to configure aircraft with up-to-date and relevant
content of the surrounding area. This operation is to be secured by Airbus Tools, Functions and

Lean PLM ensures the application of DMU visualization tools such as Context Builder, Trend and Novo
Viewer (high level view only). The interfaces are also provided to CoreDMU.

Trend V5 and Context Builder are DMU visualization tools with a high performance in loading data. It is
provided to support the users during the preparation of their design environment geometry and to
check the installation.

14.1 VPM Configuration / Design in Context

Configured DMU is the base for the way of working of Design in Context. The fundament for Design in
Context is to support the users during the preparation of their design environment geometry and to
verify the installation situation around their components. It is ensured that the configuration of the DMU
Product Structure is possible via VPM A320. The configured DMU will be loadable into CATIA V5 via
VPM A320. The configuration level information will be available in VPM A320 via PASS SSI to use the
information to configure the DMU in VPM A320.

Refer to

UG1500562_M1_(M5113.1)_5.0 and UG1500562- M0 (M5113.0)

M2971 - Rules for Design in Context

VPM A320 includes different ways to configure the product structure (PSN). Configuration settings via
“Airbus Expand Mode configuration” are permanent and via “By Airbus Filters” the settings are
All settings in “Airbus Expand Mode configuration” are also available in “By Airbus Filters”.

14.2 Airbus Expand Mode

With the AIRBUS Expand mode configuration, it is possible to configure the default filters configuration
for the displayed Product Structure (PS). Configuring on own product structure should make work
easier and faster. To open the AIRBUS Expand modes configuration go to Home  Custom
AIRBUS Expand modes configuration.
It is also possible to activate the object in PSN and go to the Airbus Utilities drop down menu and open
the AIRBUS Expand modes configuration.
Further information about the functionalities in the AIRBUS Expand modes configuration list are
documented in M5113.0 and M5113.1.

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Figure 96 Open Airbus Expand modes configurations

The following filter options are available in VPM A320 AIRBUS Expand modes configuration:

Figure 97 AIRBUS Expand modes configuration

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The Apply and View Filters are used to configure the PSN with relation to the release status.

Apply WIP/REL filter:

Filter for the display of A320DEVP PARTs for which two Versions could be displayed in PSN

Apply Equipment’s WIP/REL filter:

Filter for the display of COMEQLIB PARTs which last RELEASED Version has been revised.

View Black-Boxed Product Structure:

Filter for display the Black Boxed substructures in the PSN

View Capitalized CGR:

Filter for the display of the Capitalized CGR PARTs

With the "Hide IMP parts" filter it is possible to display or undisplay INTRFACE PARTs in the product
structure (PS).

SRM Filter is out of Scope for Lean PLM.

The "Configuration filter" will be used to filter context for predesign process.

"Configuration Filter" functionalities:

- Off: PS displayed without any filter
- Lowest effectivity filter: is used for ADAP-DS configuration. It is used to retrieve lowest common
- Configuration filter - is used to enter and apply an already APS created filter
(MSN Query: MSNxxxxx eg. MSN14532)
- Configuration filter (Massive LO) - is similar to "Configuration filter" but with enhancement on the
performance of filtering. To be used if the PS has many CI’s.

After ticking the box "Configuration filter" or "Configuration Filter (Massive LO)" it is possible to enter
the name of an already in APS created filter by "Configuration filter identifier".

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By "TREND to VPM Filter" it is possible to filter the PSN in VPM A320 using the pre-created TREND
CSV filter file.

From the loaded DMU data in Trend the parts should be selected, which should be taken into account
by the filter. By selecting of Tr2VPM the filter can be saved to a local directory. There are no
restrictions to the filter name.

In VPM the Upload of the saved CSV file from the local directory to VPM has to be executed.

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The concerned top node should be opened in the PSN.

The Trend Filter can be applied by selecting “Open with filter”, ticking the “Apply TreND filter” box and
entering the name of the uploaded Trend2VPM filter.

The PSN tree will be expanded to display the desired PS.

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14.3 Open with filters

Via the function “Open Part with Filter” also all Airbus Expand Mode configuration filters described in
14.2 Airbus Expand Mode are available. In addition to these filters which can be found here behind “By
Airbus Filters” following filters are applicable via "Open Part with Filter ":

- Volume filter
- Attribute filter
- Configuration filter (not operationalized)
- Operation filter

Figure 98 Open Part with Filter overview

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With the function “Open Part with Filter” it is possible to configure the product structure with
combination of filters.

1. To open the function, search for the object on which the configurations should be applied.
2. Select the object and go to the upper right corner and open the function
“Open Part with Filter”.

Figure 99 Open the function “Open Part with Filter”

Refer to UG1500562-M1 (Design in Context with A350 VPM – Prepare Configured Context)

With the Volume Filter it is possible to display PS only within the range from the defined volume and
thus to reduce the PS and the amount of data to be loaded. To use the filter, it is necessary to activate
the structure in the PSN. Open the Filter via Open with filters  By Volume.
The Volume parameters can be set manually or by using the “Paste volume” option.

Figure 100 Open with filters “By Volume”

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Apart from the functionality described above, a Volume Filter can be also executed using
Filtering Icon  Filter or Volume.

Figure 101 open Volume Filter

Figure 102 Volume Filter dialog box

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As the Volume Filter is adopted from VPM A350, further information about the volume filter and how to
use it is explained in the A350 Ref Doc.

Refer to UG1500562-M1 (Design in Context with A350 VPM – Prepare Configured Context)

With the Attribute Filter it is possible to display objects which correspond to the selected attributes. A
user-defined combination of attributes can be executed.

Figure 103 Open with filters “By attribute”

This filter functionality to display PS relating to assigned configuration is not operationalized. Instead
the “Configuration filter” in Airbus Expand Mode (refer to 14.2.4 Configuration Filter) should be used to
apply the already created APS filter.

Figure 104 Open with filters “By configuration” – not operationalized

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Airbus filter is already defined in 14.2 Airbus Expand Mode

Figure 105 Open with filters “By Airbus Filters”

With the Operation Filter (Query Filter) it is possible to search and display particular objects. Using the
“Search” functionality the part number of previously copied object can be filled in and identified in the
PS. More than one object can be searched in parallel.

Figure 106 Open with filters “Operation”

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14.4 Manage Confighandler

This functionality cannot be executed within VPM A320

14.5 Context Builder Configuration / Design in Context

The Context Builder is used to pre-filter the visualization data to be loaded into e.g. TreND V5 or NOVO
Viewer and can be started from ECH / CADCAM Applications. (Remark: same like in Legacy tool set).
Filters can be defined for e.g.:
 Standard / MSN / Customer Version
 ATA Chapters
 Sections
 Geometrical Box

Figure 107 Context Builder

Refer to A320 - Context Builder for TreND V5 Guideline

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To replace standard parts or Airbus proprietary parts which are used in several Airbus components, the
Mass Update functionality can be used.

Mass Update offers an automated duplication and update of given Design Solutions by replacing parts
which are defined by the Designer. With the goal to introduce one or more new items in place of
existing ones, new ADAP-DS’s will be created (“design split”), having the same fit, form and function.

Within this design split (= creation of a new Design solution) following steps take place:

 Duplication of the original DS

 Replacement of selected standard parts from COMSTLIB and DDPT
 Rename of all standard/DDPT parts parents where all standard/DDPT parts have been replaced
 Replacement of ADAP-ASSY (PRODUCT) with existing REL ADAP-ASSY (PRODUCT)
 Replacement of CADNODE (PRODUCT) with existing REL CADNODE (PRODUCT)
 CADNODE (PART) as leaf node can be duplicated to create new CADNODE (PART) where all
its parents are replaced.

To use the Mass Update functionality a designer needs to have Mass Update Operator rights and
needs visibility of his work packages inside the MU-functionality. This visibility is granted by the Mass
Update Admin.

Possible Use Cases:

UC1 MU for replacement of ASSY, PART and CADNODE in Product Structure

UC2 MU for replacement within an Installation DS
UC3 MU for replacement within BlackBOX Mode (BB) Product Structure
UC4 MU for replacement within combination of classic and reused Assy / Part within the DS PS
UC5 MU for replacement within DS Product Structure related to STD Parts
UC6 MU for replacement / update of Parameters in the HnF CATPart (MU HnF module)
UC7 MU for replacement of HnF CATPart with keeping of instance numbers
UC8 MU for duplication of 3DSET
UC9 MU for Update of Title Block Up-Issue

To get a Mass update Operator rights use the React Tool.
Mass Update is not possible for Design Solutions out of the ALLREUSE Environment

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15.1 Uploading and Management of CSV-Files

Prerequisite for uploading a set of CSV files is that a Mock-Up Integrator (MINTEG) has assigned the
designer to a work package.

For uploading choose Home  Custom Mass Update MU Management.

Figure 108 Mass Update UI

In the following Work Package Directory UI the appropriate Work Package can be selected.

This following UI allows the user:

 To select a Work Package directory (WP) and see the related list of input files
 To upload and remove Mass Update input files (CSV files) from a work package.
A refresh of the page will be done automatically when an upload or removal of a CSV file is
 To see CSV files which are currently processed due to a started deletion or upload process.
These files are shown in a separate list without a checkbox.

After uploading the PS-CSV-file and the CAD-CSV-file the MU-Set is complete.

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Figure 109 Mass Upload UI, WP Directory and CSV file selection

15.2 Precheck of CSV files

If one of the input files is not created correctly regarding nomenclature etc., a started Mass Update
batch would fail. As Mass Update Sets can be finished only once a day (due to the Data transfer to
PASS), the user would have to wait for the day after in order to upload a corrected CSV-file to get the
Mass Update done.

To avoid this, the optional precheck of CSV Input files regarding naming and numbering, nomenclature
etc. is recommended.

This can be done by using Home  Custom  Mass Update  MUPreCheck

The list of available MU Sets is displayed. After selecting the MU Set, the user is able to launch the
precheck. After the precheck has been completed, the global status of the precheck is displayed. It is
possible to download log files in CSV format to see the details of the precheck.
If the precheck fails, corrected CSV files can be uploaded again and the precheck can be repeated.

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Figure 110 Mass Update Set PreCheck UI

15.3 Start a Mass Update / Upload of Flag File

To start a Mass Update process the Flag File related to a Mass Update Set has to be uploaded.

Go to: Home  Remote File Tree  choose MU ROOT and click the upload button

Choose a flag file and it will be uploaded to MU ROOT. Without a Flag File the Mass Update process
will not start.

Figure 111 Upload of the Flag file workflow

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15.4 Status of Mass Update Set

To view the completeness of a started Mass Upload Set the user can check the Mass Upload status.

This can be done by using Home  Custom  Mass Update  MUStatus

The list of available MU Sets is displayed. After selecting the MU Set, a table of the related MU sets
including the detailed status of the upload is displayed.

Figure 112 Status of Mass Update Set

The status of Mass Update Set can adopt the following operation status:

 IPRCHK (Prechecks happened interactively)

 NEW (In batch mode, success records will be inserted with NEW status)
 DUP_WIP (Duplication starts)
 DUP_OK (Duplication success)
 DUP_KO (Duplication failed)
 QC_WIP (Qchecker in progress)
 QC_OK (Qchecker success)
 QC_KO (Qchecks failed)
 QC_WA (Qchecker completed with warning)
 CI_WIP (Check-in in progress)
 CI_KO (Check-in with failed status)
 CI_OK (Check-in success)
 DONE (If all DS status will be CI_OK for MU Set, then STATUS will be updated as DONE and input file
name will be appended with extension “.completed” by Check-in Daemon.
 FAIL (If issue value in title block cannot be updated since part is released)

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Within Lean VPM A320 the ADF process is no longer supported. The ADF environment and the
associated VPM level types also do not longer exist for new creation. The ADF way of working is
replaced by the new Lean Pre-Study way of working which has been implemented in the TDM and
PDM tools.
There is no specific environment for the Pre-Study mode of operation and components. Pre-Study is
managed within the A320DEVP environment. Pre-Study lower level product structures are directly
linked to the ADAP CI, there is no additional Pre-Study CI within VPM A320 and PASS SSI.

Pre-Design Management Maturity Management:

Master for Life Cycle management (Pre-Design Management and ADAP Design) related to
“Issue Index Management” and “Design Maturity Management” is PASS SSI.

All Design Maturity Status which are new implemented for Pre-Design Management (Mat = A, B and
C) and ADAP Design Management (DFM) are set only in PASS SSI and will be transferred to VPM
A320. Pre-Design Issue and Full Index Issue are only managed in PASS SSI and will also be
transferred to VPM A320. The trigger for the transfer to VPM A320 is the P2V process.

 For all objects created within VPM A320 with a “letter” on the 4th digit, the Design Maturity will
be automatically set via V2P to Maturity “A” in PASS SSI.
 For all objects created within VPM A320 with a “number” on the 4th digit, the Design Maturity will
be automatically set via V2P to Maturity “DFM” in PASS SSI. If it is a Pre-Study object the user
has to change the Design Maturity manually on the PASS SSI site.

ssue and Design Maturity Rules (see figure):

 Pre-Design can be managed only with Preliminary Issue (example = A01)
 DFM (ADAP Design Maturity) can be managed with “Full Issue Index” for the Release process
and “Preliminary Issue” for the Pre-Release.
 Pre-Design can be managed only with Design Maturity = A/B/C; no data propagation to
 ADAP design (no to mixed up with ADAP level type) can be managed only with Design Maturity
= DFM; data propagation to Manufacturing is possible

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Allowed Design Maturity Logical Sequence between 2 successive Issue Indexes:

 Pre-Design A --> Pre-Design B --> Pre-Design C
 Pre-Design A --> Pre-Design C
 Pre-Design B --> Pre-Design C
 Pre-Design C
 Pre-Design A
 Pre-Design B
 Pre-Design A --> Pre-Design B
 Pre-Design A --> Pre-Design B --> Pre-Design C --> DFM (only when Type Code 0-9)
 Pre-Design A --> Pre-Design C --> DFM (only when Type Code 0-9)
 Pre-Design B --> Pre-Design C --> DFM (only when Type Code 0-9)
 Pre-Design C --> DFM (only when Type Code 0-9)
 Pre-Design A --> DFM (only when Type Code 0-9)
 Pre-Design B --> DFM (only when Type Code 0-9)
 Pre-Design A --> Pre-Design B --> DFM (only when Type Code 0-9)
 DFM (only when Type Code 0-9)

Issue Index Rules on DDS Components

Category Type DDS Issue Design Allowed Design Remark ADAP- ADAP- ADAP- DRAWING CADNODE
Code, 4th Data Set Maturity DS ASSY PART
digit of children

Maturity same or
Pre- Preliminary A Maturity
A-Z higher as the YES YES YES YES N/A
Design Issue - A01 (B and C)

Maturity same or
Pre- Preliminary A Maturity
0-9 higher as the YES YES YES YES N/A
Design Issue - A01 (B and C)

Only if all DDS

Preliminary Components are at
Issue - A01

Full Issue not allowed

Full Issue - on Type Code A-Z

Figure 113 Pre-Design Management Object Type, Design Maturity and Issue

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Pre-Design components can be created in A320DEVP ENV and A320DRAW ENV with following Type
Code at 4th letter:
Type Code Type Code Design Solution Assembly Part Extended Part Drawing
4th digit Description

P Design Principle Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

F Frontier Model Yes No No No Yes

G Master Geometry Yes Yes Yes Yes No

K Kinematic Model Yes Yes Yes Yes No

S Space Allocation Model Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

L eeDMU Yes Yes Yes Yes No

0-9 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Figure 114 Pre-Design Management Naming/Numbering Rules

Remark: VPM Rules

 Within VPM A320 and PASS, the same Level TYP/CATIA TYP is used by the ADAP component
for the Pre-Study components (there is no difference between ADAP and Pre-Study regarding
 VPM Filtering - It is possible to filter PS based on Design Maturity
 Design Maturity is read-only in VPM


Due to the integration of eeDMU needs into the common PDM/TDM backbone, their data will now be
managed within the production ADAP-CI structure.To mitigate the risk of ADAP-LO range exhaustion
within just a few years, a new number conversion will be developed and deployed.

-Where the ADAP-DS TypeCode (Pre-Study) is numeric, the existing numbering range will be used
(001 - 999).

-Where the ADAP-DS TypeCode (Pre-Study) is Alpha, the numbering range will include letters.

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Use Case A

Pre-Study to DFM for Pre-Design Objects with letter on the 4th digit

Use Case B

Maturity Change within Pre-Design Process

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Linking Rules:
Linking rules are established according to the object level type:

Refer to M20142 Tasks and Rules to Manage Pre-Study Solutions

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Although the ADF process is no longer supported within Lean VPM A320 (replaced by 16 Pre-Design
management (Pre-Study)) a predefined legacy ADF data regardless their LC status will be provided by
initial mass upload per list within the ALLREUSE Environment as read only for the further usage, but
also an occasional upload if required is intended. The transferred ADF-data will be recognized by the
Reuse=Y attribute.
For these replicated data no synchronization process between legacy TDM and VPM A320 is
introduced, i.e. On the Fly data update (Up-Issue on the legacy site) is not supported.
Furthermore the legacy ADF data is excluded from the On-demand loading.

Following ADF data will be loaded to the ALLREUSE Environment:


The ADF objects except ADF-DS can be linked to the new PS for the Reuse UC. Following Use Cases
should be taken into account:

 Parent ADAP-DS (inc Pre Study/ Pre Design)  Legacy ADF-Assembly

 Parent ADAP-DS (inc Pre Study/ Pre Design)  Legacy ADF-Part
 Parent ADAP-DS (inc Pre Study/ Pre Design)  Legacy ADF CADNODE
 Parent ADAP-ASSY (inc Pre Study/ Pre Design)  Legacy ADF-Assembly
 Parent ADAP-ASSY (inc Pre Study/ Pre Design)  Legacy ADF-Part
 Parent ADAP-ASSY (inc Pre Study/ Pre Design)  Legacy ADF CADNODE

The linking of the Legacy ADF-DS to the new PS is not possible, only the Madefrom ALLREUSE UC
can be executed.

Only the 1st level of the linked legacy AFD PS will be available in PASS SSI via V2P.

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The early engineering DMU (eeDMU) concept includes different tools to provide at an early
stage of design activity a fully configured Cabin environment dataset according to customer
order to support concurrent engineering. As long as the eeDMU-approach is to process
eeDMU-Data mostly automated, the solutions are derived and configured by the eeDMU-
Builder tool.
Any item created by eeDMU is for Layout purpose only and named accordingly, to be identified
by its type code letter – 4th digit “L”. The parts are provided read only. As Layouted (aL-)
solutions also contain already existing items from known solutions to suggest reuse options.
Such items might be already released Equipments, released ADAP-solutions or unreleased
SAM-solutions representing requirements definition.
If no known solution is available, eeDMU toolset provides aL-model derived from a
configurable source model, available within the legacy 3D Cabin library in VPM A-D only. For
this, the eeDMU builder uses a Catia plugin so that model provisions can directly be used to
be replicated to SAM- or ADAP-solutions via “duplicate”, if data becomes part of DEVP
environment or via “made from”, in case of reused data is from legacy source.
The complete asynchronous upload process E2E (without APS configuration) is shown in the
following sketch, operated fully automatized within VPMA320 according to .sps-file.

Figure 115: Data loading process of eeDMU to VPMA320

The sequence respects the shared mastership of parts management within lean PLM, which
means by steps:
1) eeDMU provides requests to all lean PLM tools PASS, VPM A320, APS, where
a) Provision of new aL-DS request to PASS announcing creation of new aL-DS and
linking to CI

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b) Provision of .sps-file with aL-PS and any CADdata of new or to be updated aL-
c) Not shown: request of configuration steering to APS
2) PASS creates aL-DS and link to CI and provides config.level PS to VPMA320 via P2V
3) P2V creates metadata parts for CI – LO – aL-DS winthin VPM A320
4) Availability of aL-DS in VPM A320 triggers VPMWeb-eeDMU-scheduler to read
particular .sps file and start upload process by hand over PS-request to
5) VPMWeb eDMU”BOM”plugin than manages
6) creation or update of the particular (metadata) PS within VPM A320 DEVP environment
7) triggers the upload of
-new or to be update CADdata provided from eeDMU via Harmony
-reuse CADdata already existing within legacy VPM (VPM AD)
8) Harmony writes (or overwrites) the CADdata into VPM A320 DEVP environment and
reconciles PS metadata with any already existing Parts (e.g. Equipments, reuse data)
9) C2V is requested to immediately upload any reuse data, that is not already available
within VPM A320 ALLREUSE environment and reconcile aL-PS

Within a short time after availability of new aL-DS provided by PASS on eeDMU request the
complete proposed solution should be visible in VPM A320 and afterwards transferred to
CoreDMU also.
In particular there are also ADF-items addressed within aL-solutions. These will be uploaded
exceptionally from CoreDMU via C2V, if available. As being a controlled process, also
updating (overwriting) of already existing items is requestable with particular checks:
 Update possible only, if requested and a version of particular part already exists
 Creation (replication) possible only, if requested and no particular part already exists
Each violation throws an error with a particular error message.

The eeDMU upload process is not able to address reuse aL-DS to be uploaded due to the fact
that aL-items are unreleased solutions only and not known by PASS. To enable PASS
managing aL-solutions within its approach of prestudy definition, each aL-DS needs to be
newly created within PASS initially.

Refer to: Cabin 3D Library Governance_SA25ME2021009_v1 draft24.pdf

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For IPM management, a new Environment has been implemented within Lean PLM as in A350.
Interface Point Management objects are managed and created within the INTRFACE Environment.
IPM4Legacy has been adapted and implemented in the new Tool Landscape. Furthermore the Life
Cycle Management (LCM) of Interface Points is provided by IPM4Legacy (Master tool of LCM).

Refer to M2846.4 - Define Interface Points in CAD and PDM on A320 and LR Programs

19.1 Numbering IPM

The Naming and Numbering rules for IPM have been adapted from Legacy and are structured as

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21

IR E 2 5 D 7 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0

IP E 2 5 B 7 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0

3DP E 2 5 D 7 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 116 Naming Numbering IPM

The VPM attributes for Interface Point Management have been adapted to A350 except the Interface
Node (IN).


IR IR Product

IP IP Product

3DP 3DPROPOSAL Part / Product

Figure 117 VPM attributes for IPM

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19.2 IPM Product Structure

The Interface Point Management Product Structure is managed and created within VPM A320 in the
INTRFACE Environment.

Golden Rules for creation and linking:

 It is only possible to create ESAxx Node in A320DEVP Environment and to link it only behind a
 It is allowed to link new and reuse IP Product Structure (IR-IP-3DP) behind ESA Node with
different 9 digits (Naming/Numbering)
 It is only possible to create an IR (Interface Request) in INTRFACE Environment and to link it
only behind an ESA Node or ADAP-DS.
 It is only possible to create an IP (Interface Point) in INTRFACE Environment and to link it only
behind an Interface Request (IR).
 It is only possible to create 3DP (3D Proposal) in INTRFACE Environment and to link it only
behind an Interface Point (IP).
 Reused 3DP shall only be linked behind a new IP and reuse IP shall only be linked behind a
new IR.
 Product Structure
 ADAP-DS - ESAxx – IR

Figure 118 IPM Product Structure and Environment relations

Remark: IR (IPM Product Structure) Repositioning rules

- Repositioning of Legacy IR / newly created IR to a new Design Solution or ESA node will be allowed
via CATIA to VPM, so no check for the position will exist.
- Positioning within the lower level structure of the newly created IR product structure will be allowed.
- Repositioning within a newly created IR product structure will be allowed even if legacy objects are
linked to the IR, as an example legacy IP
[Father must be every time checked-out for repositioning]
-Positions matrix will not be deleted with the Check-IN (V2P) and it will always be editable.

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19.3 IPM transfer to PASS SSI

Only IR will be transferred to PASS SSI during Check-In of the corresponding DS in VPM A320. The
Interface Request (IR) will stay always in status “Work in Progress” after the first Check-In. The
Interface Request will never get another status as “Draft” or “Work in Progress”. The trigger for transfer
of the IR is the Design Solution Check-In in VPM A320. Interface Request is in read only mode in
The Interface Request shall always have the same status in PASS SSI as in VPM A320.

If the IPM Structure includes an ESA Node which is linked to a Design Solution the status of the ESA
Node will change to “released” triggered by the release of the corresponding Design Solution.

 There is no V2P or P2V event for IP
 No exchange of data (metadata + CAD data) with VPM.
 PASS blocks users to do Check-In/Check-Out/Undo Check Out operations for IPM Structure.
 No Object will be created even if PS is coming from CADint
(IR Object creation will be blocked)
 3D Cube will not be sent to PASS through V2P (limited Use Case)

Figure 119 Interface to PASS SSI

New IR and Legacy Reuse IR will be managed in a general library in PASS SSI independent of Work
Package concept (Library and Ownership Concept) due to reuse of newly created IPM Product

Remark: Check-In Assembly

-The Check-IN assembly function will be able to be used for the lower-level product structure of the IR
at any level/stage and the objects linked under will be automatically Checked-In.
-Check-In Assembly on IPM object will Check-In All the INTRFACE objects [ if any Non IPM object
present under it, it will throw error message except STD and ALLRESUE parts ]
- If the parent or main node above (Design Solution) from the IR will be Checked-In with the “Check-In
Assembly” function, the IR must also be Checked-In and the lower-level structures will also be
automatically Checked-In.

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19.4 Interface to IPM4Legacy

IPM4Legacy was adapted and implemented in the new Tool Landscape. Furthermore the Life Cycle
Management of Interface Points is provided in IPM4Legacy.

The Interface Point will be created in INTRFACE Environment in VPM A320. The transfer
trigger for the IP from VPM A320 to IPM4Legacy is the Check-In Process in VPM A320. Only
the Interface Point and the User ID will be transferred to IPM4Legacy.

Interface Point Life Cycle status will be managed only in IPM4Legacy. The status of the Interface Point
will be transferred to VPM A320. Transfer Trigger for IP status to VPM A320 is the start of the process
and status change within IPM4Legacy.

The Interface Point in IPM4Legacy will be locked and unlocked together with the 3DProposal in
VPM A320. The status from 3DProposal will not change to “IN Review” or “Agreed” but it is not
possible to Check-Out the 3D Proposal in VPM A320 if at least one parent IP is in Status “IN
Review” or “Agreed” (Check-Out control).

The Interface Request will stay always in status “Work in Progress” (Check-In).

The legacy IP stored in IPM4Legacy will get a flag for identification as reused IP.

Figure 120 IP creation and IP Lifecycle dependency

Figure 121 IP creation process

Figure 122 IP Lifecycle Management

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Figure 123 Life Cycle status IPM4Legacy

Break Agreement (New Version / Up-Issue) provides the Up-versioning of IP in the IPM4Legacy tool
and triggers the creation of new IP version in VPM A320. (The new version of IP with status “Work in
Progress” will be created automatically in VPM A320 after it has been created in IPM4Legacy).
The status change of the Break Agreement will be transferred from VPM A320 to IPM4Legacy.

Golden Rules:
- Break Agreement is only possible in IPM4Legacy for new created IP with status "Agreed"
- Trigger to create the new version of the IP in VPM A320: Agreed IP status change to DRAFT
REWORK in IPM4Legacy.
- The new version gets automatically status "Work in Progress" and is Checked-In in VPM A320
- The content of the previous version will be re-linked to the new version (also STD-Parts)
- It is not possible to up-issue Reused IPs from Legacy by the Break Agreement process.
- All old versions of the IP will be automatically replaced by the new version (RWU=Replace where
- User initiating the Break Agreement will not be propagated to VPM A320.

19.5 Reuse of Legacy IPM Objects

Legacy REUSE IPM objects (reuse IR, reuse IP) will be transferred regardless of their status into the
INTRFACE Environment via Core DMU to VPM A320 (C2V interface) and the LCstate will be mapped
to a particular value. An additional attribute is provided in INTRFACE Environment to differentiate New
IPM and REUSE IPM. The legacy reuse 3DProposal will be transferred to ALLREUSE Environment.

Linking of reused Legacy Interface Request to new ADAP-DS is possible. It is also possible to link the
reuse Interface Request product structure behind a new ESA Node which is created in VPM A320.
Linking of a reused Legacy Interface Point to a new Interface Request or linking a reused 3DProposal
from ALLREUSE Environment to a new Interface Point in VPM A320 is possible as well.

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Reuse Interface Points are identifiable in IPM4Legacy using a new implemented attribute in

CoreDMU LC Status VPM A320 LC Status

Table 2 LC state mapping for legacy IR and legacy IP between CoreDMU and VPM A320

Legacy REUSE IPM objects are locked with harmony user.

Figure 124 Legacy Reuse IPM

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19.6 IP REF Panel

In order to be able to trace the link of an Interface Proposal (Interface Requestor Product Structure,
refer to 19.2 IPM Product Structure) to the Responder product structure, it is possible to create
automatically but also manually IP Reference Links. The references will be managed in the IP REF
Panel UI. Additionally a daily updated extract of the IP Ref Panel will be provided to IPM4Legacy.

Automatically created IP Reference Links:

As soon as e.g. a bracket STD Part is copied from the Requestor (IPM) product structure to the
Responder product structure (DS), an automatic IP Reference Link is created.
Prerequisite for this workflow is the availability of an IP in status Agreed and PSN opened from CI

References can only be added using Past special / Same position in the PSN for coping an agreed
bracket solution from agreed IP to the Responder DS. If other functionality or WoW has been used for
establishing the link, then it will not be visible in the IP Ref Panel.

It is also possible to delete a Reference by cutting the Responder bracket.

Figure 125 Creation of automatic IP reference link by copy/paste same position functionality

Manually created IP Reference Links:

It is also possible to create an IP Reference link manually to the Responder DS but also to the PS
below. Using Airbus Utilities IPM  Add IP Reference the previous copied IP Bracket Reference
can be added.

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Figure 126 Creation of manual IP reference link via “Add IP reference”

Only the IP Bracket Reference with the IP Version can be added. The action will not be executed for
other IPM objects e.g. like IR.

Figure 127 Definition of the IP Bracket Reference Attributes

Figure 128 Successful creation of IP Reference


The IP References are visible via Airbus Utilities  IPM  IP REF PANEL menu.
IP Ref Panel shall be always opened from the CI node of the Requestor (IPM) or Responder
Product structure. The CI node should be selected to use the “IP REF PANEL” functionality

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Figure 129 IP REF panel functionality

Figure 130 IP REF PANEL: References Information

The selected IP can be deleted via Delete Reference.

For the selected IP via “Get Ref Path” the path can be visualized only for references which are created

Figure 131 IP REF PANEL: Get Ref Path

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IP Ref Panel extract:

The daily updated extract (23:00 hrs. CET) of the IP Ref Panel will be provided to IPM4Legacy. The
CSV file will be stored in following IPM folder and is accessible for IPM4Legacy user:
/VPMDATA/KPI/IPM/IPMRefExtract : IPMRefExtract contains the current data status
/VPMDATA/KPI/IPM/IPMRefArchive : IPMRefArchive contains data of last 30 days

19.7 IPM Mass Upload

The IPM Mass Upload allows to create, check-in but also to delete mass IPM product structure
automatically in order to avoid manual process. To automate the process, designers need to create an
input CSV file with the required information manually or by using a tool and upload it through the VPM
A320 access menu. This input file will then be processed and the structure will be automatically
created, checked-in or deleted in VPM A320.

Remark: Mass Upload with legacy IPM

-It is possible to use Legacy Interface Points for MASS Upload to link them to new Interface Request

The mass creation of the IPM PS has to be executed according to following steps:

1. Creation of the csv file by the Designer

2. Selection of “IPM Mass Upload” menu
3. Execution of the csv file Upload for validation by Precheck  Choose file  Import file to
perform Precheck  Start Precheck
4. Creation of IPM PS by selection of “SUBMIT UPLOAD”

Figure 132 Generic Engineering process of IPM Mass Upload

Step 1: The csv.-file should be created according to following rules:

 Input file name format : <NGID>-<FreeText>-<YY><MM><DD>-<HH>h<mm>.csv

 Where:
 < NGID >: User Login ID, 5-10 characters
 <FreeText>: limited to 20 characters
 <timestamp>: <YYMMDD>-<hh>h<mm>
 Ex.: " NG8F0A3-TestIPMMU9-150611-10h31.csv "
 “NG8F0A3-TestIPMMU9-150611-10h31.csv”
 Each CSV file should have unique names.
 Each data within a line is separated by “;” (semicolon.)

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 File definition:
o If the first entry is IR, second entry must be empty.
o If the first entry is IP, second entry must be IR.
o Third entry should always be Description.

Figure 133 Example of the csv Input file

Step 2: Selection of “IPM Mass Upload” menu

Figure 134 IPM Mass Upload Menu

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Step 3: Upload of csv file for validation

Figure 135 User Interface for IPM Mass Upload: Precheck

Figure 136 User Interface for IPM Mass Upload: Choose and Import of csv.-file

Figure 137 User Interface for IPM Mass Upload: Start of Precheck

Step 4: Creation of IPM PS by selection of “SUBMIT UPLOAD”

Figure 138 User Interface for IPM Mass Upload: Submit Upload (PS creation)

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Figure 139 Input and Output generated by csv file (Program letter should be “E”)

Via Status  Get Status the status of selected request can be reviewed.

Figure 140 Selection of the request file for Status viewing

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Figure 141 Request status

After the IPM PS is created, the Designer also has the possibility to delete via “Mass Delete” or to
Check-In via “Mass Check-In” the entire newly created PS based on the submitted csv file. The “Mass
Delete” function can be executed only if the IPM PS has not been checked-in yet.

There are following possible request states for successfully executed requests:

IPM_MU_OK  i.e. the IPM PS has been created

IPM_DELETE_OK  i.e. the IPM PS has been deleted
IPM_CI_OK  i.e. the IPM PS has been checked in

If any of the operations is in progress the corresponding states are:


In case of not successfully executed requests, the process can be retried using the “Retry”
functionality. Following possible requests states are affected:

IPM_MU_KO  i.e. the IPM PS has not been created

IPM_DELETE_KO  i.e. the IPM PS has not been deleted
IPM_CI_KO  i.e. the IPM PS has not been checked in

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19.8 IR Deletion
It is possible to delete the Interface Request (IR) in VPM A320 via Airbus Utilities  IPM  IR Delete
as long as the IR request has not been propagated to PASS SSI. The prerequisites are that the IR
status is WORKINPROGRESS and the IR does not have any linked objects (neither parents nor

IR deletion is not possible in VPM if the IR is linked to the previous iteration of the DS in PASS SSI. In
this case only after the deletion of the DS from PASS a deletion of IR is possible.

The deletion of the IP before the Check-In is limited to the Admin User. Once the IP is Checked-In it
cannot be deleted in VPM, only in IPM4Legacy.

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DQN / RDR Management:
Airbus Change Management regarding DQN and RDR has been adopted from A350. DQN and RDR
are not managed in VPM A320. The master tool for managing the DQN and RDR process is SAP as for
A350. In PASS SSI the parts are only declared and highlighted as DQN and RDR. In VPM A320no
attributes are managed and set on parts for DQN and RDR. For Design Solutions where change
management is to be performed as DQN/RDR, only new versions are created and controlled as a new
construction document in VPM A320. For the DQN/ RDR process, reference can be provided to A350
methods and rules.

Service Bulletin will be managed in PASS SSI. SB attributes which is set in PASS SSI will be transfer
to VPM NG to the Properties of the corresponding Parts via P2V (attribute available in VPM NG on the

Remark: values for the "Service Bulletin" are "Yes" and "No"

Refer to M20271 Design Query Note (DQN) - Manual and Tool Working

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Context to be defined

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For A/C Programs which were developed with 2D design tools, the availability of 3D environment data is
an essential factor for the development of new, customized solutions.
The creation of 3D-Models based on the 2D-Drawings for a whole A/C is costly and time consuming.
New 3D-Scan technologies can provide the designer detailed models of selected areas or a complete
equipped section with an acceptable effort. This technic is also an effective way to provide manufactured
data that are essential for the Reverse Engineering process.

Figure 142 Reverse Engineering process

Generally, based on the need of a modification of existing objects, the creation of a 3D model might be
required. In order to create the 3D model 3D Scan model can be used. The reverse Engineering process
for VPM A320 is set up exactly in the same way as for Legacy

Figure 143 Reverse Engineering workflow

The Type Code “Z” on the 4th digit is used to distinguish REM parts clearly from other Part Types (eg

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Example: E53Zxxxxx000
E53Zxxxxxxxxxx-SCN01 (raw data);
E53Zxxxxxxxxxx-SPT01 (post-treated data);
E53Zxxxxxxxxxx-CAM01 (Computer Aided Manufacturing data)

Remark: This Type Code is used for REM DS, Assy and Part.

Figure 144 Reverse Engineering – Scan PS

Scan parts are to be managed in a dedicated SAM Product Structure. Scan-PS will not be released and
the Scan-DS and also the extended parts behind will be propagated to PASS SSI. Data Size limit of Scan
Models should be respected (current 200 MB).

Refer to
M20428 – Create 3D Definition using Reverse Engineering
M20429 – Create a Representative Model
M1215.3 – Method for Special & Extended Items Naming & Numbering of Product Structure
WD1701373 – Make a 3D scan request
X00UG1600223 - Integration of 3D Scan Data in the cDMU

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Within this chapter only a high level CDC WoW is described. A separate user guide for the new WoW
of managing CDC data/product structure will be provided for the new Lean PLM toolset (PASS SSI,
A320 VPM and APS) corresponding to the legacy UG (UG1800813).

The CDC data within the A/C main tree will be linked to the GENERALITIES-node, the CDC Upper
Level will be managed in Lean PLM in the same way like in Legacy Toolset. The Configuration Level /
CI-Cascade will be managed and linked to the Upper Level in PASS SSI.

The principal difference to Legacy CDC Product Structure is in the lower level management. The CDC
"Administrative Product Structure" cannot be visualized in VPM A320 due to the CDC specific
naming/numbering. The Folder Cascade structure of the CDC "Administrative Product Structure" is
displayed in the “Description field” of the lower level VPM Metadata container (if needed, it is not
mandatory). Within VPM A320, the Airbus Standard Naming/numbering (HTZ) is used for the lower
level CDC product structure.

For the Configuration purposes DUMMY effectivities should be created in APS. If no DUMMY
effectivities can be created for the CDC Configuration Level in APS, DMU Queries has to be created for
the Un-Used LO's of CDC Product Structures so that they can be used in Context Builder for DMU
visualization in TREND and NOVO.

Remark: IP protection will be managed for Lower Level product Structure within VPM A320, PASS SSI
not needed the Lower Level Product Structure in case of IP protection.

Save CDC (Customer Definition Center) Product Structure in VPM/3DCom for A320, A330/A340, A380

VPM A320 CDC UG – Will delivered with next Version

Save CDC (Customer Definition Center) Product Structure in VPM/3DCom for A320,
A330/A340, A380; UG1800813

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The aim of intellectual property (ip) protection is to limit access to sensible data – e.g. developments
expected to be patented or otherwise of significant commercial interest. Second need is to fulfill
contractual non-disclosure agreements, if vendors using Airbus own toolsets and data storages.
Such security is provided with the Confidentiality management – same solution as A350. It defines
workpackages with particular content of data (WPC) and grants access to user only, who are assigned
to that workpackage. Data links are mastered within workpackage libraries on PASS side.
Different from A350 is the additional part of reuse data (ALLREUSE content) replicated from legacy
toolsets, which do not provide confidentiality management. All such data are initially assigned to be
visible to Airbus own users only.
The management of granting access and link data to these workpackages is allowed only to dedicated
group of user (MINTEG) which has been additionally declared in the MUI List. This is described in
detail within the separate Userguide.

Figure 145 Sketch of accesses provided within confidentiality management

The user should be aware about following aspects:

 Access limitations (view / copy / manipulate / export)
 Meta information availability (own rights / data categorization / data availability for others)
 General restrictions based on IP protection

Refer to UG2300053 VPM A320 Confidentiality Management

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Export Control (EC) process should limit access to technical data identified as of particular national
security interest. It differentiates between nation and kind of interest – sanctions, military secrets,
avoidance of military use (dual use items). First approach is to enable classification of each new part
regarding EC attribute values.

The basic rules considered are:

 EC-attribute values are mastered on parts PDM master tool – PASS for lean PLM
 EC-attribute values will be propagated one way only from master to slave tools – P2V for Lean
 Each item to be classified separately
 Items foreseen to contain technical information only are classified within VPM A320
 Items mastered in VPM A320 only can and need to be classified within VPM A320
 Product items (DS / Assy / PZ / CADnode) are not classified as of summation of its contents but
to be classified separately
 STD-parts are not classified at all
 EQT-items classification in vendors duty, Airbus collection mastered in 3DQM (see ch.13)
 VPMA320 provides EC-classification to CoreDMU

Particular VPM A320-only managed parts reflect the EC status of their references and get EC settings
automatically. Such behaviour is established for F3D-set items and A2D node items.
The following table highlights designers’ action regarding EC-classification within VPMA320 per
environment and objects:

Environment leveltype Classification EC master source Comment

A320DEVP ADAP-CI No - No EC-classification at all
ADAP-DS No – auto. PASS
A320DRAW Drawing No – auto. PASS
Drawing (reuse DP) No Legacy PDM read only, no EC-classification from legacy
A320INFO PART No - read only, no EC-classification at all
A320UPLV PROGRAM No - read only, no EC-classification from legacy
MC No -

Environment leveltype Classification EC master source Comment


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ALLREUSE ADAP-DS No Legacy PDM read only, no EC-classification from legacy

STD-CV4 No -
ADF-DS No Legacy PDM
A2D No – auto. corresponding The EC-classification from corresponding DS will be
ADAP-DS inherited to A2D-node
COMEQLIB FIN-CI No read only
EQT-invariant No - read only
EQT-counter No – auto. 3DQM read only, EC-classification to be provided in the
future, when available from data vendor
CADNODE (EQT-DS) No 3DQM in future to be propagated from EQT-counter
CADNODE (EQT- No 3DQM in future to be propagated from EQT-DS
CADNODE (EQT-DS No (DTS) read only, EC-classification from vendor in the
preliminary) future, no provision process available
CADNODE (EQT- No (DTS) read only, EC-classification from vendor in the
model preliminary)
future, no provision process available
COMSTLIB PART No - No EC-classification at all
FULL3D 3DSET No – auto. corresponding The EC-classification from corresponding DS will be
ANO No – auto. ADAP-DS inherited to F3Dset product and all subsidiary F3D
CTX No – auto. “ items automatized
ECN No – auto. “
CCGR No – auto. “
3DSET (reuse DP) No legacy read only, no EC-classification from legacy
ANO (reuse DP) No legacy
CTX (reuse DP) No legacy
ECN (reuse DP) No legacy
CCGR (reuse DP) No legacy
IP Yes VPMA320
3DP Yes VPMA320
IR (reuse DP) No Legacy read only, no EC-classification from legacy
IP (reuse DP) No Legacy
Table 3 EC classification tasks in VPM A320

(reuse DP) – highlighted items are replicated from legacy toolset (for Reuse purpose according to Dual PLM) with same
behavior as all content within ALLREUSE environment, to be identified by property attribute Reuse Object = Y.

Some major changes for EC-management are expected in the future including EC-assessment
to be mandatory for parts Check-In, where to be classified within VPM!

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Refer to M1943 Appendix C Issue 1

25.1 EC Disclaimer
As the first step into EC, once for a dedicated period, users are requested to confirm knowledge of their
own duties and acceptance of EC restrictions within the pop-up window right at the start of the toolset
after login and before the role selection. This confirmation is mandatory prerequisite to get access to
data and will be recorded in database with respect to users’ choice:

Figure 146 EC-disclaimer pop-up

The choices are:

 Decline - with that user does not get access to data from VPM A320 at all and will be
automatically logged out of VPM A320
 Accept - user confirms acceptance and gets access according to profile/allowances (to be
chosen in next step), session can be started with the choice of role. The confirmation
information for user with timestamp to grant access for preconfigured time period will be
stored within opened session
 Save - saves disclaimer content to users local space

After the predefined expiration or content update of the EC disclaimer the user has to accept again to
get access to VPM A320 data.
Users should also remember that any individual data access is registered and logged for EC
traceability with users ID. To grant access to data, users are requested to confirm their identity to
database when opening data first time in a new session:

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Figure 147 File Access Authentication

25.2 EC Attributes and logic

Export Control will be managed for each part representing particular technical data of interest
independently. Newly created parts initially will be classified with default values, so that assessment
state starts to be “False” – parts unclassified.
There are 5 attributes to manage EC status with some business logic for integrity of values
PASS currently provides values according to M1943 Appendix C issue 1 only (MR2 code) with
limitations based on library definition. Due to latest adaptation on VPM A320 only there are different
values between PASS and VPM A320, in particular for Not Technical classification:
Attribute Values Logic Default Comment Values
VPM A320- Value PASS
Export Control True Automatically derived: False Assessment highlights, whether whatever YES
Assessed False “False” by default and all classification stated or not – unclassified NO
other attributes are items need highest restrictions available
“True”, if any other
Attribute is filled

Not Technical N/A Manual multiselection N/A Not Technical highlights the content to be “empty”
EC_NotTechnical from list, free from any concerns of particular EC_DE_Not
Not Technical value protection Controlled
selectable only if other EC_ES_Not
following attributes are Controlled
empty EC_FR_Not

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Not on the “empty” Manual multiselection “empty” If there are general concerns of particular “empty”
Export Control EC_DE_NL from list, protection, data may be highlighted to be EC_DE_NL
Lists EC_ES_NL selectable only, if ‘Not free from being listed to be monitored EC_ES_NL
EC_FR_NL Technical’ value is N/A within national jurisdiction, EC_FR_NL
EC_IN_NL otherwise “empty”, if listed (next EC_IN_NL
EC_UK_NL attributes) EC_UK_NL

Export Control „empty“ Manual multiselection “empty” Highlights, whether and where data is „empty“
Dual Use EC_UK_PL9009.c from list, listed to be monitored as DUAL USEable. As EC_UK_PL9009.c
selectable only, if ‘Not far as EU-listings are not a choice anymore, EC_EU_7E101*
Technical’ is empty such data is not allowed to be stored at all. EC_EU_1E201*
EAR_9E991 EC_US_EAR_9E610*

Export Control “empty” Manual selection from “empty” Currently no choice at all “empty”
Military / list, EC_US_EAR_9E610*
Assimilated selectable only, if ‘Not
Technical’ is empty

Table 4 EC attributes

Currently shown attribute values and also part of the business logic behind are under ongoing
discussions and known to be changed again (post MR3). Currently it is following the classification
taxonomy of M1943 Appendix C issue 1 with partly value modification according to issue 2.

Be aware:
Lean toolset is not foreseen to store military/assimilated or even within EU listed products, as this
would cause particular unmanaged EC-licence issues.
Whenever in doubt, do not store such data to the lean toolset, there is no classification and no proper
protection available at all – in line with data share policy.

25.3 EC status manipulation

EC status manipulation in general can be executed in PASS SSI only. EC attributes and values are
provided to VPM A320 via P2V at Check-In in PASS SSI and represented within the parts properties.

For particular data according to Table 3 EC classification tasks in VPM A320Table 4 EC attributes the
EC classification needs to be performed by the creator of technical information within VPM A320.
Initially, parts EC-classification is available with default values “empty”, so EC assessment is stated as
“False”. The status is directly shown at the bottom of the parts property list.

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Figure 148 EC-attributes/values shown within properties

Values can be edited after creation of part only. There is a particular user interface available at Airbus
Utilities  Export Control Value

Figure 149 Export Control Value manipulation menu

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As stated above, only part of the attributes can be manipulated with some logical restriction. Menu itself
shows the attributes available for manipulation and current values again, where also “empty” is a valid
value. Each of the submenus can be chosen by pressing its particular button in the bottom line.

Figure 150 EC user interface menu

Within the submenu there is a status area which shows the particular attribute and current value. Below
there are two multiple choice boxes, left providing all values available to be added, right one showing
already previously chosen values available to be removed. Each of the values within each of the boxes
can be selected (multiple choice possible). The execution of the selection has to be confirmed by the
“Update” button.

Figure 151 EC user interface submenu “Not in the Export Control List”

After “Update”, a confirmation pop-up appears.

Figure 152 EC attribute manipulation confirmation pop-up

In case of changing more than only one of the attributes, the complete procedure of opening EC via
Airbus utilities menu needs to be performed recurrently.

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25.4 EC restrictions
Data access restrictions due to EC classification are not yet defined in detail but may be implemented
in the future. Due to missing detailed access regulations, there are some general limitations only
established assigned to user groups: Airbus employees only are granted to access EQT-data or any
legacy reuse data completely.
There are some open questions:
 EC restriction scope in detail – particular access behavior (read / write / edit / download / export
/ change ownership / manage accessibility for third party)
 How to get information about data in design context, which is restricted to be shown to particular
 How and what information available to data owner about visibility for other users within design in
 Data classified as EC-protection relevant (listed, dual use) needs users access to particular
licences – licence access / availability management undefined

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Ensuring the quality of V5 CAD data (parts, products and drawings) it is necessary to ensure efficient
use of the data in data exchange and in the internal process chain. This also enables the data to be
stored and viewed on the same standard and enables more efficient concurrent working.

For the check of CATIA data Airbus uses the tool "Q-Checker", available in CATIA
V5. In the following subchapters briefly the Q-Checker and the Check-In/Out process describes.

26.1 Catia V5 Q-Checker

Within Lean PLM a new Q-Checker profile for Single Aisle has been implemented into the Catia Q-
Checker. It has been adapted based on A350 Q-Checker profile. The Q-Checker profile for VPM A320

Figure 153 Q-Checker Profile VPM A320 (Catia)

Refer to M2266.3 - How to Use Q-Checker

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26.2 Check-In and Check-Out

The Check-In and Check-Out process has been adopted directly from A350. New Design objects are
created in VPM with the status "DRAFT" and will change to "Work in progress" with the first Check-In
process, in general after they are transmitted to PASS SSI. Embedded Reuse objects do not interfere
the Check-In process. For information related to item’s Propagation from VPM A320 to PASS SSI at
the Check-In process refer to 2.1.4 VPM to PASS SSI (V2P) and PASS SSI to VPM (P2V).

Different Check-In and Check-Out options can be found behind Airbus Utilities  VPM CICO

Figure 154 Check-In/ -Out options

Figure 155 Launched Check-In Command

The different Check-In/Out variants are described in the following table:

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Function Description
VPM Check-In and VPM With function “Check-In” or “Check-Out”, single objects can be
Check-Out processed

VPM Check-In and VPM With function “Check-In or Check-Out Assemblies”, assemblies can be
Check-Out Assemblies processed together with their content (product structure behind).

VPM Transfer Check-Out Design objects can be transferred to other users to edit the design in
CATIA. For the Check-In the object must be transferred back again.

VPM Undo Check-Out Design objects can be downgraded to the previous status in CATIA
before Check-In but not to the previous Check-In status.
VPM Selective User The user can select which objects behind the assemblies are
Check-Out Assemblies considered for the Check-Out process by this functionality.

Check-In with 3DXML A 3DXML file is automatically created and transferred to PASS SSI if
using the Check-In with 3DXML functionality.

Check-In and -Out is necessary for the creation and release process. Only Checked-Out objects can
be modified and at the same time only checked-In objects can be released.

Check-In an objects with 3D Model into VPM A320 is only possible, when the Catia Q-Checker was
completed. It is only possible to Check-in object with the Status “DRAFT” or “WIP” and it is only
possible for the responsible user. During the VPM Q-Checker process execution by “Run QChecker” it
is possible to use other functionalities. i. e. it is a background process. By “Refresh” button the “Check-
in” will be submitted to PASS SSI.

It is also necessary to set previously the User Preferences in PASS SSI A320. There is not by-default
values automatically set. Without this setting it is not possible to check-in objects from VPM A320 site.

Check Out is only allowed for object with the Status “WIP”. All other Status are blocked for Check Out.

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In the Definition phase of an Electrical or Generic Design Solution, if a change for the new Issue is
anticipated, a new Version called “Study” can be created to accelerate the Engineering Process. The
creation of the Study depends on the Status of the original Design Solution and is possible for each
Part of the DS. After the release process for the previous version is finished, the Study can be
integrated. The function is based on A350 WoW.

Refer to UG1500562-M1_(M5113.2)

27.1 Study creation

In VPM A320 it is possible to create an Electrical and a Generic Study. The object for which a new
Issue is anticipated should be preselected to perform the process. The functionality is available in
Airbus Utilities  PCE Study  Create electrical study (or create generic study)

Figure 156 Study creation menu

For Electrical Study the function is executable only if the Electrical DS and it’s children are at

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Figure 157 Rejection of electrical study creation due to not eligible LC state

If the electrical study creation is allowed, the Study identifier will be set automatically to #ELEC (visible
as a version) and the UI lists all eligible nodes within the PS.

Figure 158 Electrical Study Creation UI

The creation of the Generic Study is possible only if Non-Electrical DS and its children are at WIP,

The study identifier for has to be created manually according to the allowed format:

 Study identifier starts with character #

 Study identifier length (including #) has between 4 characters to 13 characters
 Study identifier contains alphanumeric characters ([A-Z][0-9]) only, besides the starting #

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Figure 159 Manual creation of generic study identifier

Remark: Only one Study can be created per PART. It is not possible to check in a Study Part.

27.2 Study integration

The modification done in the Study Part will replace the current geometry in the source by executing
Airbus Utilities  PCE Study  Integrate study
The created study has to be selected to perform the process.

Figure 160 Study integration menu

The Study can be integrated into the Product Structure only after the release process of the previous
version is completed and a new Issue has been created and checked-out to the user who wants to
integrate the Study. The process is executable only if the created study contains any modifications
compared with the previous released version.

Figure 161 Study integration UI for process conformation

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After confirmation of the process by “Integrate” the user will be informed about the action to be
performed by the tool.

Figure 162 Study integration information for action to be performed

Remark: The Federate Last Updated Date (available in properties) provides the information about the
time when the function “Integrate Study” has been launched.

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All Airbus design documents and manufacturing documents must be validated for EASA and Airbus
internal document management. The validation of documents is based on the definition of the release
processes. The release processes have a dependency on the workflow how the Airbus documents
have been created. The release process must ensure that all different workflows can also be validated
by the release process.

This includes the validation, approval and freeze of product documentation data against requirements of
certification, manufacturing, product quality, customer service, etc.

The product documentation consists of the Design Data Set, which is generated in 3D or FULL3D and
2D CAD system CATIA V5, managed in the TDM system VPM A320 and the PDM system PASS SSI.

The main function of the release process is to ensure that specific requirements for geometric and
topological product representations are met. One of the key aspects of the release process is the
archiving of the relevant engineering documents. All engineering and manufacturing 2D documents are
stored in the Airina tool in order to fulfill the obligation to provide evidence (e.g. in the event of an

Within the release process in PASS SSI (Life cycle management is not organized in VPM) two kind of
releases are available. There is a 3D Pre-Validation and DDS (Design Data Set) release. These two
kind of releases also have different release status. Each status regardless of the release process will
be transferred from PASS SSI to VPM A320 and the status is visible in VPM A320. The status of reuse
components will not be able to be changed.

3D Pre-Validation:
- The status for starting the release is "PREVIEW"
- Status for the release is "3DPUBLISHED"
- no issue

Design Data Set:

- The status for starting the release process for DDS is "HELD"
- Status for the release is "RELEASED"
- Issue for DDS e.g. A00 (B00…)

DDS Pre-Validation:
- The status for starting the release process for DDS is "HELD"
- Status for the release is "RELEASED"
- Issue for DDS Pre- Validation A01 (A02, B01,…)

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28.1 Kind of Documentation for the Release Process

All the different ways of working of engineering departments are captured by VPM A320 and validated
via PASS SSI. These operations, which are described below, are covered by the "Design Type" in
PASS SSI. The archiving of released Airbus engineering and manufacturing documents are secured
via PASS SSI and Airina. Document status management related to the release process is provided via
the P2V and V2P interface.
The management of Reuse Parts is secured in VPM A320. It is possible to link Reuse Parts to a new
product structure and make it visible in the DMU. The V2P (related to Check-IN /OUT) interface allows
the transfer of product structure with all existing Reuse Components to PASS SSI. It is provided to
manage Reuse Parts in PASS SSI. The Reuse Parts will appear automatically in the BOM. The release
process will not be blocked due to existing of Reuse Parts.
Airbus Documentation
Attribute Short Description
CLASSICAL 2D ONLY: 2D based component definition which does not contain a 3D model
ADAP parts in VPM A320.
It is possible to create 2D only Airbus engineering documents without 3D CATIA models and 3D
VPM A320 components. It is secured to release the 2D only documents via PASS SSI with
creation of Dummy Components for adding the mandatory metadata of the 2D only document.
The Configuration Level (ADAP-CI-LO-DS) transfer to VPM A320 via P2V is secured even existing
a 2D only document linked to the ADAP-DS in PASS SSI.
CLASSICAL 3D AS MASTER: Drawing sheets/ 2D views are projected/ derived from the 3D
models in VPM A320.
For 3DasMaster is the Baseline A350 the way of working. It is possible to create a drawing
derivate from the corresponding 3D Catia V5 model and manage both objects in VPM A320. It is
secured to release the 3D Model (with VPM A320 3D container) and 2D Model (Sheet) as well.
Enriched3D ENRICHED 3D: N/A for Cabin & Cargo (currently only applicable for A320 Family
ESI & MSI).Full 3D based component definition with drawing sheet for the official
documentation which is still “3D as Master”.
It is possible to manage and create a FULL3D Product Structure with a corresponding drawing via
A2D or derivation. The Baseline for Enriched 3D is the Legacy way of working.
FULL3D FULL 3D: Full 3D based component definition without drawing sheet.
For Full3D is the Baseline the A350 way of working. It is possible to create Full3D Product
Structure without drawing and manage it in VPM A320. It is secured to release the Full3D Product
Structure and archive it in PASS SSI.
Full3D + 2D FULL 3D: Full 3D based component definition with at least one drawing sheet.
Specific For Full3D + 2D specific is the Baseline the A350 way of working. It is possible to create Full3D
Product Structure with at least one “specific” drawing and manage it in VPM A320. It is secured to
release the Full3D Product Structure and archive it in PASS SSI.
Value for design type attribute in PASS SSI:
 CLASSICAL  The 2D is defined with drawing sheets and not into a 3DSET
 Full3D + 2D Specific  The 2D is defined with 3DSET and at least one Drawing Sheet
 FULL3D  The 2D is defined with 3DSET
 Enriched3D  The 2D is defined with 3DSET and Drawing Sheet(s)

A5469 - Create and Release Structure, Systems and Cabin Installation Design Data Set
UG1500619-M0 (M5226.0) - Engineering Data Release Management
M20059 - How to Validate and Publish 3D Geometrical Reference Mock-up Data

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Context to be defined

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This chapter give a short overview about the tool settings and functions. It should be helpful to make
confirm in general with the new VPM A320 and explain the functions of the menu icons and dialog
boxes. Also some general use cases describe step by step.

30.1 General Tool Start

The VPM A320 tool access can be requested by REACT.

To open the new VPM A320 services, it is necessary to start the CADCAM application from the
Windows start menu.

Figure 163 start CADCAM application

See below the Selector window for the CAD CAM Application. It is necessary to choose the appropriate
Environment (Live), Natco (A-F, A-D etc.) Site (Hamburg, Toulouse, etc.), Domain (Production)
Program (A320) according to required specifications via the drop down menu to start the application.

Figure 164 Selector window CAD CAM Application

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After launching “OK” the ECH Launcher will appear. The VPM A320 has been integrated into ECH
Launcher and can be selected via the tool selection. VPM A320 will start automatically after launching.

Figure 165 ECH Launcher

The new VPM A320 is compatible with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. It will be opened directly in
the default browser, which has to be set in the windows settings. If Microsoft Explorer is set as default
browser, Microsoft Edge will be launched automatically.
Username and Password are the same as Windows Login. Enter in first step user name and password
and go to next. In the second step choose the role which you want to work with and log in to VPM
A320. (If windows password changed, the VPM A320 Password will change automatically).

Figure 166 VPM A320 Login

Remark: On ECH starting problems please verify at PC Services that “Bundle Catia A320 ECH” is

Figure 167 PC Services with correct installed ECH Bundle “Bundle Catia A320 ECH”

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30.2 Logout with restore options

In VPM A320 it is possible to customize a logon redisplaying the PSNs, queries and remote files you
last opened. Choose one or more options for restoring next time via User Information  Log out.

Remark! Be aware, that to get the last stored state of the below options the connection to the same
server where the data has been stored would be required. It cannot be granted due to load balancing

Reopen PSNs at next startup (do not use, because the connection to the same server cannot be
Activate to reopen the PSNs exactly the same at the next startup.

Reopen Queries at next startup (do not use, because the connection to the same server cannot be
Activate to reopen all queries with the saved results at the next startup.

Reopen Remote File Trees at next startup

Activate to reopen the results of your remote file trees (RFT) to be saved and to have them reopen at
the next startup.

Reopen Review Session at next startup

Activate to reopen the session exactly the same at the next startup
The Logout with the selected options confirmed with a pop up window after click OK

Figure 168 Logout information

At next start up the last saved logout information disappears with information about the selected option
and saved datum.

Figure 169 Restore session information

Close VPM A320 without Logout function or without any option nothing will be restored at next startup.

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30.3 VPM A320 Menu Items

The VPM A320 menu is organized to provide the particular functionalities in possible user-optimized
way mostly on the basis of VPM A350. Some functionalities can be found multiple but behind some
items no functionality is available (COTS; Commercial off-the-shelf)

VPM A320 launched by ECH Launcher displays the toolbar made up of three parts:

1. The Result Component

2. The Search Component

3. The Operation Component

Figure 170 VPM A320 start screen

The Result Component refers to a Query or PSN view of found components.

The Search Component allows searching for particular objects like PART, CATIA-Model, DOCUMENT
or CONTAINER only within a selected environment.
Because each object is stored in a predefined environment, it is important to consider this relationship
to accomplish a truthful search result. Is should be also taken into consideration that it will not be
distinguished between small and capital letters in the entry. Both can be used without impact on the
search result.

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Figure 171 Environment selection

Apart from searching for particular object related only to the object numbering or naming there is also a
possibility to use a simple, intermediate or advanced Query to define more specific search function.
Using the functions “Load”, “Last query” and “Save query” the re-use of specified search is available.

For simple query define the condition and enter the part number or appropriate value.

Figure 172 Query dialog box – simple query

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For intermediate query define the appropriate condition(s), the combination of the conditions allows a
limitation of the result.

Figure 173 Query dialog box – intermediate query

The advanced query allows more detailed definition and combination of the appropriate condition(s).

Figure 174 Query dialog box – advanced query

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Apart from Searching of PS objects, in the Static environment, only limited information related to the
particular Role, Name and Organization are provided. For detailed information refer to PASS SSI.

The menu below the Operation Component Icons is displayed by swiping the mouse over its icon.
Selecting one menu item displays the submenu of that particular menu. The last context selected is

With the User Operations Icon, log out of the application, access the People & Organization data and
define application settings as well as manage the bookmarks can be executed.
It is also possible to change the role, if the user has different roles e.g. Designer or Mock-up Integrator
role etc.

Figure 175 Drop down menu - User Information

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Logout : It will logged out from VPM

Who Am I : Will give information about user Id and the role it is sign in
Change role: It is also possible to change the role, if the user has different roles e.g. Designer or Mock-up
Integrator role etc
Session log : session details will be available

Submenu settings

General: Customize behaviour by means of the User Operations

Graph Options: Customizing the PSN with Global Settings
Query Options: Query customization
CSB Options: customization of the CSB viewer
Attribute visibility: Customize attribute visibility on any object in any environment
Query Attribute Filtering: Customizes the list of the attributes for filtering
V5 Options: customizes certain CATIA V5 settings
Config Options: Customizes according to the configuration
VPM Options: Customize the VPM options
Unit Options : Customization of Units

Submenu Bookmarks

Manage My Bookmarks: For managing bookmarks saved by user

Manage Shared Bookmarks: For managing shared bookmarks
Open Shared Bookmarks: Opening the shared bookmarks

The Add/Create icon allows to choose a "creatable" context and launch the corresponding Create
command. The creation is possible related to particular environment and object type. The environment
selection within the search component does not affect the environment selection within the creation
component. The Tool behavior differs between particular environments. It is not possible to create a
new objects within the A320INFO ENV, because this ENV contains only the generated information
related to performance execution (e.g. in case of Check-In failure) and also the creation of objects
within ALLREUSE ENV, COMEQLIB ENV and COMSTLIB ENV is not possible.

Furthermore VPM A320 is not the master tool for creating of A320UPLV objects and do not allow this
operation. They have to be created in PASS SSI as well as CI-LO-DS Structure.

In case of already existing object on the Legacy tool side, to prevent the creation of a double structure,
an appropriate so called “not-allowed-creation” - message appears.

The Share & Data Exchange icon provides access to the data exchange operations (Import... and
Export...) and settings (see Data Exchange)

The Help icon provides hints to start the application.

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

Figure 176 Drop down menu – Add (create), Share and Help

The Home menu allows start without the standard page, getting a remote file tree view, access your
Bookmarks and access the Publish/Subscribe operations.

Figure 177 Drop down menu - Home

Home Menu

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Released on 09 Aug 2023
VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

Start PICS: The pics.jnlp file is automatically downloaded in the browser download directory, after pics
is connected you can manage representation in CATIA V5
Open graph session: Static and dynamic read mode
Open Query: Import query file from local space
Open Filtered graph: Allows user filter based on diff modes
Remote File tree: upload/download/deletion of files from and to local workstation.
(Here take into consideration that the first 12 digits should be the same)
Modification status: Shows modification status
Publish- subscribe: Publish/Subscribe allows you to subscribe to events of various kinds on any of the
ENOVIAvpm object types: Parts, CATIA V4 models, documents, features and Actions
Open review session: Loads file for review
Custom: Customized operations
My bookmarks: Shows bookmarks added by user

Submenu Publish-Subscribe

All Subscriptions: The list is displayed for both explicit and implicit subscriptions
Implicit Subscriptions: Associates an event with a cluster of objects
Received Events: Shows the notifications you received after subscribing to events

Submenu Custom
Mass update:
Confidentiality File Management:
IPM Mass Upload: Uploading the multiple IP’s through CSV file
Design Automation: Creation of product structure by uploading CSV file
Reuse OnDemand Import: Import legacy data through CSV file
AIRBUS Expand modes configuration: Update the settings of AIRBUS Expand modes configuration
Get V2P Events: retrieval of information for V2P events related to running and archived events
PASS SSI Connection Status: Shows the connection status with PASS SSI
Release Notes:

Get V2P Events: retrieval of information for V2P events related to running and archived events

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Released on 09 Aug 2023
VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

For more details refer to ENOVIAvpm Web AccessUser's Guide Version 1 Release 14

Open / CATIAV5 / Show 3D

Open Open object in PSN

Start: Start CATIA (do not use, CATIA should be started via ECH Launcher)
Load: Load selected models to CATIA V5 (PSN tree should be expanded to the 3D-
models level)
Load Struct: Load selected metadata to CATIA V5
Unload: Remove loaded object from CATIA V5
Highlight: Highlight selected object in CATIA V5
Unhighlight: Unhighlight selected object in CATIA V5
Show: Put selected object into Show-Mode in CATIA V5
No Show: Put selected object in No-Show-Mode in CATIA V5
Activate: Put selected object in Active mode

Add 3D: Load selected models to CSB Viewer

Remove 3D: Remove loaded models from CSB Viewer
Refresh 3D: Refresh models in CSB Viewer
Select 3D: Highlight selected models in CSB Viewer
Deselect 3D: Dehighlight selected models in CSB Viewer
Hide 3D: Put selected object into No-Show-Mode in CSB Viewer
Show 3D: Put selected object into Show-Mode in CSB Viewer
Reset 3D: Reset the selected models into the original status
Load Review Session: Load Session from local depository
Review 3D data by uploading locally saved fi

Copy / Cut / Paste / Replace / Commit / Rollback

Copy Copy the selected object
Cut Cut the selected object
Paste Paste the selected object
Replace Replace the selected object by another one using possibilities listed in the
From Clipboard: Selected object will be replaced by the latest copied object while
the original position of the object to be replaced will be kept
From List: Selected object will be replaced by its other version, if existing
Part Custom: Selected object will be replaced by Custom Part

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Released on 09 Aug 2023
VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

From Clipboard same position: Selected object will be replaced by the latest copied
object with respect to the original position of the replacing object
Commit Save the last modification
Rollback Undo not yet saved modification

Search / Refresh / Refresh structure / Reset / Sort / Settings

Search for particular object using possibilities listed in the submenu:
Select father: father of the selected object will be selected
Locate: Search for particular defined object using object types and further options
Select Object: Select objects according to defined environment Query
Select Under: Select objects under parent node according to the defined
environments and it's subcategory query
Identity Changes: Search for objects modified after a particular date
Search in PSN: Search predefined copied objects
Refresh Refresh of PSN Attributes
Refresh structure Refresh of PSN structure
Reset Reset PSN
Sort Sort the objects ascending
Settings Set Settings to particular objects

Expand selected
Expand the children of the select objects to the predefined level (1 to any)
Expand brothers Expand the children of the brothers of select objects to the predefined level
children (1 to any)
Expand all Expand all children of the selected objects and children of the brothers of the
children selected objects to the predefined level (1 to any)
Collapse selected
Collapse the children of the select objects
Collapse brothers
Collapse children of the brothers of select objects
Collapse all on
Collapse all objects to the top node
Collapse brothers
Collapse the brothers of selected objects into one common higher-ranking element
on father
Collapse on
Collapse the selected object into one common higher-ranking element

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Released on 09 Aug 2023
VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

Edit / Associate / Airbus Utilities

Extract save: Copy the metadata of the selected object

Edit: Edit metadata
Modify: Modify metadata
Delete: Delete an object
Duplicate: Duplicate an object with the linked PS; automatic renaming of
CADNODE Components (possible also for DRW, not possible in INTRFACE
Duplicate Assembly: Duplicate an Assembly (functionality cannot be used)

PART from any env: Create and link part (metadata) from any environment
PART: Create and link part from the same environment
CATIA: Create and link a 3D-object
CONTAINER: Create and link a container (metadata) from the same
Show Effectivity Data: Show the AAT (Configuration of the LO)
Get P2V events: provides a list of P2V events
Export Control Value: Set EC Value (only for particular
Convert EXPLO to BB: Creation of BB for selected PS (not ATA limitation,
applicable also for ALLREUSE ENV objects)
MadeFrom ALLREUSE: Duplicate the object from ALLREUSE ENV and
save it in DEVP ENV
AIRBUS Expand modes configuration: Select the settings for expand mode
IPM: submenu see below
PCE Study: submenu see below
Hyperlinks: submenu see below
FULL3D: submenu see below
PSN Color Filter: submenu see below
Create Auto2D Version with Same PN: Creation of new version of A2D node
VPM CICO: submenu see below
NEG-Part Filter: submenu see below

PSN Filter  Open with VRTool: Generation of .ps file for VR purposes.
(Function available only for PSN and related to selected 3Dmodels)

Submenu IPM
IR Delete: Delete the IR
IP REF PANEL: Information about IP Reference Links
Add IP Reference: Manual addition of IP Reference

Submenu PCE Study

Create electrical study: Creation of electrical study
Create generic study: Creation of generic study
Integrate study: Integration of previous created study

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VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
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Submenu Hyperlinks APS hyperlink: Provision of APS Hyperlink to access the APS web page
PASS SSI hyperlink: Provision of PASS SSI Hyperlink of selected object
Open part in APS: Provision of APS Hyperlink to APS information page for
selected objects
Open Interferences in APS: Open of APS interference information pages

Submenu FULL3D
3DSet Creation: Creation of 3DSet on DS basis
CCGR HDZ Creation: Creation of FHD Set
CCGR CTX Creation: Creation of FCT Set
Create 3DSet From: Creation of 3DSet based on reused 3DSet and new DS
Backup Restore: Backup Creation of associated CAD document
3D To Full3D Creation: Automatized creation of 3D enrichment and 3DSet

Submenu PSN Color

filter Color Filter Activate: Activation of Color Filter
Color Filter Deactivate: Deactivation of Color Filter
Color Filter Reset: Reset of Color Filter

VPM Check in: Check in of a single object

Submenu VPM CICO VPM Check out: Check out of a single object
Submenu VPM Check in Assembly: Check in of Assembly with all linked objects (not
authorized for INTRFACE parts)
VPM Check out Assembly: Check out of Assembly with all linked objects
VPM Transfer Check out: Transfer the Checkout of an object to other User
VPM Undo Check out: Undo of Checkout (Modification of the object will not
be saved)
VPM Selective Check out: Check out only of selected objects within an DS
or Assembly
VPM Check in Assembly with 3DXML: Check in of Assembly with all linked
3DXML objects

Submenu NEG-Part
Filter Add NEG-Filter: Add a Minus-Part Filter
Remove NEG-Filter: Remove a Minus-Part Filter

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VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

Concurrent / Configuration / Versioning / Filtering

Modify ownership: Designate the owner as a Person, an Organization or

Lock info:
Lock info by user:
Display lock info:

Configuration menu items: the functionalities are switched off

Function is switched off and cannot be used (New object will be created as
new version with the new part number but structure remain the same)

Filter functions according to “Open Part with Filters” functionality

View: Restore of filter

Replace where used / Info Link / Expand Level

From Clipboard: Replace selected object by object from clipboard
Replace where used everywhere where used within the selected PSN level

Part Version: Replace selected object by other Part Version everywhere

where used within the selected PSN level

In Products: Replace selected object by object from clipboard in selected

parents (selection of affected parents possible)
Info Link Information for Transformation Matrix (no information configuration)
Expand Level Selection for number of level to be expanded in PSN-Tree

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VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
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On the top right corner of VPM A320 surface an additional menu is available. Different submenus are
available after selecting a metadata container, a CAD model within a PSN or within the Query tab.

Paste special Quantity : Paste according to quantity with

multiple instances
Same position: Paste the object with the
same coordinates of the copied file
Quantity same Position: Paste the multiple
instance with coordinates

Instances Query : Object numbering or naming can be

searched using a simple, intermediate or
advanced search
Query V5
Define V5
Edit V5
Delete V5
Analysis Child Analysis: List of all children of
selected object
Parent Analysis: List of all parents of
selected object
Branch Analysis: Relation information
Config Analysis: Configuration information
Open Part with Filters Open the Part related PSN Structure by
using Filters
Open graph session Open the saved graph session

Compare with DB Comparison of PSN with the last version

Compare Comparison of PSN structures

Save PSN Save PSN

Relations Get Parent : Identify parent for selected

Get Children: Identify children for selected
Get Where Used: Find parents or the root
of the single assembly in which the Part is
Get Where Used Until Root: Find the roots
of all the assemblies in which the Part is
Get Previous Version : Finds the previous
version of the Part created with a different
part number

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Released on 09 Aug 2023
VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

Get Next Version : Finds the next version of

the Part created with a different part number
Get Detailed Parts : Find all the leaves of an
assembly tree
Get All Components : Find all the children of
the Part at all levels
Edit Link : Edit position of the part
Impacts Get Impacts in PSN : Effected links related
to object will be highlighted
Hide PSN Impacts: Effected links related to
object will be hidden
Report Report Office HTML: The html generated
contains extra tags that allow you to open
the report in the browser
Report Indented Tree:This report format
provides BOM output as indented text data
Report Basic Html:This report format
provides the same level of detail as in the
Report Advanced Html: This report format
provides the capability to rework the report
after its generation
Report Basic Xml: This report format
provides XML data that can be displayed in
any XML viewer
Report Html from Xml:This report format
provides HTML display from XML data
Report Excel
Report based Excel Report:This report
format provides CSV data that can be
displayed in Microsoft Excel

Features info
Send to new Query tab Open the selected Query or
PSN Object in a new Query
Query Clash It shows the number clash
objects found ( not functional)
ITFCheck by Group To be done
Print Print Query or PSN View
Export PSN Selected PSN will be exported
as image
Send to 3DEXPERIENCE Open the selected PSN
Structure to 3DEXPERIENCE
Bookmark Save as a bookmark

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VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

Add as Shared Bookmark Add as Shared Bookmark

Visible only for CAD BackUp

Open external Download of selected CAD

models (Save as - functionality)

Visible only for Query Tab Extract result To be done

More Show related Model Type,

Sheet Number and CGR Type

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VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

Via RMB several following functionalities from the sidebar are accessible. Also the Info link with the
Transformation Information can be found there.

Figure 178 RMB within the PSN

Figure 179 “Info Link” information

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Released on 09 Aug 2023
VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

For object selected in a Query or PSN the properties information can be found on the left side.

Figure 180 Properties information

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VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

Center: Align the object in the center

Reframe: Keeps the object focused
Overview: Detailed view of selected objects
Copy: copy the object

30.4 VPM A320 Object creation related to Environment

In chapter 5 the different VPM A320 Environments types are described more in detail.
In VMP A320 new Container has to be created directly in the corresponding Environment. For that
choose the Environment menu item by left mouse click on the corresponding Environment in the drop
down menu and then select the appropriate object for creation.

Figure 181 Environment Search Tab and sub menus

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VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

In the Environments there are different submenu functions which are listed below:

Project Environment Environment Menu Items

A320 A320DEVP Part

A320DRAW Part
A320INFO Part
A320UPLV Part
Figure 182 Environment Menu Items

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

In the following table the functions for all Environment Menu Items are described.

Environment Menu Item Environment Menu Item function

Part Create a new Part in the selected Environment
Catia Create a new Catia Part in the selected Environment
Container Create a new Container in the selected Environment

Document Create new Document in the selected Environment
Figure 183 Environment Menu Item functions

The pictures below show the user masks for each menu item. In the user mask title the selected
Environment is listed again. Naming and Numbering rules must be respected every time.

Create dialog box:

With the Create dialog box it is possible to create all types of Lower Level Structure (CADNODE,
PART, ASSY, DS) in the selected Environment. With the Menu Item “Part” only the metadata Container
without 3D model will be created in VPM A320.

Figure 184 Dialog box for new PART creation in the A230DEVP Environment

The attributes: Level Type, Number, CATIA_TYPE should be set depending on the structure to be
created. For Name and Domestic Title there are no special rules for creation.



Number Exxx xxxxx xxx xx - xxxxx Exxx xxxxx xxx xx Exxx xxxxx xxx xx Exxx xxxxx xxx xx

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Released on 09 Aug 2023
VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

It is also possible to copy the attribute information from an existing type of Lower Level Structure and
paste the attribute information into the “create” dialog box via “Paste Attributes”. After filling in all
attributes click on the Create button to create the Lower Level Structure object.
Click on the Apply button to create the Part and redisplay the dialog box completed with the last
attributes entered. A dialog box is displayed requesting confirmation of the creation or update if the
object already exists in the VPM A320 database.
It is mandatory to Commit the creation in the next step or Cancel to the action.

Figure 185 Dialog box for new PART creation confirmation in the A230DEVP Environment

CATIA dialog box:

With the Create Catia dialog box it is possible to create all types of Lower Level Structure (CADNODE,
PART, ASSY, DS) with 3D model behind the metadata Container. By using this function the previous
opened 3D Part in Catia will be associated automatically with the created Lower Level Structure

The attributes Level Type, Number, CATIA_TYPE should be set depending on the structure to be
created. For Name and Domestic Title there are no special rules for the creation.
To create it is also necessary to select the Source, Type and Sheet Number for the Catia attributes.
This function is only used for 3D Lower Level Structure from Source Catia V5. That means the Type
always has to be set on 3D and Sheet on 01. The Repository link will be filled automatically by the

Figure 186 Dialog box for new metadata and CATIA creation in the A230DEVP Environment

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VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

It is also possible to copy the attribute information from an existing type of Lower Level Structure and
paste the attribute information into the “create” dialog box via “Paste Attributes”. After filling in all
attributes click on the Create button to create the Lower Level Structure object.
Click on the Apply button to create the Part and redisplay the dialog box completed with the last
attributes entered. A dialog box is displayed requesting confirmation of the creation or update if the
object already exists in the VPM A320 database.

It is mandatory to Commit the creation in the next step or Cancel the action.

Create Container dialog box:

Figure 187 UI for creation of a new container in A320DEVP Environment

Document dialog box:

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VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

In COMDRAFT and FULL3D Environment it is possible to create a Document container. The upper
Part from the Create Document dialog box should be filled in with the Part/DS attribute values. In the
second part (Documents) the attribute values for the created Document should be filled in and the
Document itself attached.

Figure 188 UI for creation of a new document

It is possible to paste the attributes either of the copied document or the copied Part in the clipboard if
compatible by clicking the Paste Attributes or Paste Part button.

2. Click on the Choose File button to select the file to be uploaded. The browser will open it’s file
3. Click on the Create button to create the object and leave the command.
4. Click on the Apply button to create the object and re-display the dialog box completed with the last
attributes entered.
5. Just like when using the Part Create command, you will then have to click on the Commit button to
save the document.

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VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

30.5 Engineering Use Cases

In the Appendix B Engineering Use Cases the following basic use cases are described to familiarise
with the new VPM A320:

 UC1: Create new Part via Catia V5 (from scratch)

 UC2: Create new Assy via Catia V5 (from scratch)
 UC3: Create new Part via VPM A320 (from scratch or using existing Model)
 UC4: Create a new DRW via Association
 UC5:Create new Part via VPM A320 via Duplicate function
 UC6: Create a new Assy or DS with Reuse component
 UC7: Create a new Part using the reuse 3D structure via “MadeFrom ALLREUSE”
 UC8: Load structure into Catia V5
 UC9: Creation Full3D
 UC10: Reuse F3DSet (Creation F3DSet from)
 UC11: Reuse AMP/ESA
 UC12: CGR-Data association from Context Builder (F3D)
 UC13: Creation Enriched3D with A2D (to be created)
 UC14: Conditional color adaptation in the PSN
 UC15: Creation of CSV files for Mass Update
 UC16: 2D Only
 UC17: Configuration filter via APS filter
 UC18: EQT Feeding – step by step

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
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The key bindings of the shortcut keys are added in the VPM Web.
All the shortcuts are listed under the Keybindings and can visualized when opened
Select ME → Key Bindings

Figure 189KEY Bindings

Shortcuts Table see below

ID Command Domain SHORTCUT/KEY

1 Get Parent PSN & VPMAccess F6

2 Get Children PSN & VPMAccess F5

3 Edit Properties PSN & VPMAccess F2

4 Open Part PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+A

5 New version Diff Part Number PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+Y

6 Transfer lock PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+L

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
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7 Check out PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+J

8 Check in PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+I

9 Get Detailed Parts PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+F8

10 Get Where Used PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+F7

11 Promote PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+F12

12 Extract Save PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+F11

13 Copy PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+C

14 New version Same Part Number PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+ALT+Y

15 Delete PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+ALT+X

16 Load V5 PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+ALT+V

17 Print PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+ALT+P

18 Get Next Version PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+ALT+N

19 Modify PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+ALT+H

20 Get Previous Version PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+ALT+D

21 Send to new Query tab PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+Q

22 Update Content PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+U

23 Update Revision PSN & VPMAccess CTRL+ALT+U


25 Replace From Clipboard PSN CTRL+H

26 Add Effectivity PSN CTRL+E

27 Info Link PSN CTRL+ALT+I

28 Expand selected children PSN F4

29 Expand all children PSN F3

30 Rollback PSN CTRL+Z

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VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

31 Paste PSN CTRL+V


33 Refresh PSN PSN CTRL+R

34 Collapse all on root PSN CTRL+F9

35 Search In PSN PSN CTRL+F

36 Locate PSN CTRL+B

37 Paste Same position PSN CTRL+ALT+W

38 Commit Graph PSN CTRL+ALT+S

39 Refresh Structure PSN CTRL+ALT+R

40 Collapse selected children PSN CTRL+ALT+O

41 Display lock info PSN CTRL+ALT+L

42 Choose Configuration PSN CTRL+ALT+C

43 Reset PSN CTRL+F5

44 Refresh 3D PSN CTRL+F6

45 Settings PSN PSN ALT+6

46 Sort PSN ALT+1

47 Create VPMAccess ALT+7

48 Paste Relations VPMAccess CTRL+V

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical


31.1 Support and Contact


Name Function
KOC Sükrü On behalf of 1ACSDP; Senior-PLM Engineer/Consultant
HÖBELT Monika On behalf of 1ACSDP; Senior-PLM Engineer/Consultant
THOMSEN Nils On behalf of 1ACSDP; Senior-PLM Engineer/Consultant
FICK Gunnar On behalf of 1ACSDP; PLM Engineer/Consultant
DÖRBAND Philipp On behalf of 1ACSDP; Senior-PLM Engineer/Consultant
MICHAELIS Ralf On behalf of 1ACSDP; Senior-PLM Engineer/Consultant

31.2 List of Abbreviations

3DP 3D Proposal
A2D Auto 2D
AAT Aircraft Allocation Table
ADAP As Designed As Planned
ADF As Defined layer
APS Airbus PDM Services
ARAS/IPM4Legacy Master Application to manage life cycle of IP objects
ASSY VPM Assembly
BB Black Box: Product structure storage mode, it is hidden in the PDM data base
BBOX Bounding Box
BOM Bill of Material
C2V Core DMU to VPM A320 (Interface/Service for data transfer/synchronization)
CCD Catia Cadam Drafting
CGR Catia Graphical Representation
CI Configuration Item
CoI Condition of Installation
COMEQLIB Equipment Part Library Environment in VPM
COMSTLIB Standard Part Library Environment in VPM
CoS Condition of Supply
COTS Commercial of the shelf
DDS Design Data Set
DIC Design In Context
DMI Design Mass Integration VGS Process to manage ANACAT Table
DMU Digital Mock-up
DS Design Solution
DT Design Tree
E3D Enriched 3D
EC Export Control
ECDB Equipment Central Data Bank

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EE Extended Enterprise
ENV Environment Node of a design tree
EQPT Equipment Part
EQT Equipment
ESI Electrical System Installation
F3D Full 3D
HoV Head of Version
IN Interface Node
IP Interface Point
IP Intellectual Property
IPM Interface Point Management
IR Interface Request
LCSTATE Life cycle State
LDIC Legacy Design Integration & Convergency
Legacy PDM Legacy PDM systems, Product Data Management Tool
Legacy TDM Legacy VPM systems
LO Link Object
MSI Mechanical System Installation
OPWF Open Part With Filters
P2V PASS A320 to VPM A320
PCE Product Collaborative Environment
PSN Product Structure Navigator
PZ Part Zone
PZC Static Part Zone
PZD Dynamic Part Zone
REACT Request End user Accessibility Common Tool
REL Released
REM Representative Mock-up
REP Representative Part
ROA Read Only Area
STD Standard parts
UI User Interface
UPLV Upper level
V2P VPM A320 to PASS A320

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31.3 List of Documents, Methods and References

M2844 Rules to Implement a Workpackage Inside Toolset
Extended Enterprise Global Product Lifecycle Management Process - Concept
AP5068.1 & Definition Phases
M1215 Method for Naming and Numbering - INDEX
Method for Upper and Configuration Levels Naming & Numbering of Product
M1215.1 Structure
M1215.2 Method for Lower Level & Equipment Naming & Numbering of Product Structure
M1215.3 Method for Special & Extended Items Naming & Numbering of Product Structure
AP2641 Product Structure
Kinematics Design - Introduction and
M20180 General Rules
A5461.2 Design Constituent Items - Mechanical Systems Installation
Design Constituent Items - Electrical Systems Installation and Functional
A5461.3 Definition
M20080 Method and Rules for Modeling with Master Geometry
8) Full3D CATIA V5/VPM Tool Guide
A5469 Create and Release Structure, Systems and Cabin Installation Design Data Set
A5465 Define Frontiers and Interfaces
M2618.1 Interface Drawing Creation
M2618.2 Structure and Cabin Frontier and Package Frontier Drawing Creation
M2618.3 Systems Frontier Drawing Creation
UG1800923 3D Equipment CAD Model Management
Real Time Supplier Data Manual for Data Collaboration between Suppliers
and Airbus for Functional Item Number FIN Equipment
M2896.1 Equipment Installation within DMU (FINDMU with Optegra/GILDA)
M2896.3 Equipment Installation within DMU (with ENOVIA-VPM/TAKSY)
Design in Context with A350 VPM - Overview
Design in Context with A350 VPM - Prepare Configured Context
M2846 Manage Interface Point in CAD and PDM
M20271 Design Query Note (DQN) - Manual and Tool Working
M2266.3 How to Use Q-Checker
Engineering Data Release Management
M20105 Release Process

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M20142 Tasks and Rules to Manage Pre-Study Solutions

UG2300053 VPM A320 Confidentiality Management
M2264 Drafting with CATIA V5
M20957 Dual PLM Concept and Rules
UG1500568-M4 Basic Guideline for Electrical Product Structure in VPM for Wave 2
M2847.2 Management of Flexible Components in the cDMU
AM2259.0 3D Modelling Rules for CATIA V5 – General
M5011.11 Product Structures for Electrical Harness Modelling - CATIA V5
AM5063 Minus Part Management in VPM
M2988.0 Create Full 3D Design Data Set
M2988.5 Create Full 3D Design Data Set for Cabin Installation
D93UG1900538 DDMS_F3D_for_SA-Auto-2D_V4.0.0_User_Guide_D93UG1900538_v5.0
M20447 Rules and way of working to create Repair Drawing
M20049 Rules for "Specified Items" and "Blanks" Specification Dossier Creation
M2971 Rules for Design in Context
M2846.4 Define Interface Points in CAD and PDM on A320 and LR Programs
M20428 Create 3D Definition using Reverse Engineering
M20429 Create a Representative Model
WD1701373 Make a 3D scan request
X00UG1600223 Integration of 3D Scan Data in the cDMU
M1943 Appendix C Export Control Self Classification Instruction
UG1500562- Design in Context with A350 VPM/CATIA V5 - Create, Update and Save CAD
M1_(M5113.2) Data in A350 VPM Database
Engineering Data Release Management
M20059 How to Validate and Publish 3D Geometrical Reference Mock-up Data

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31.4 UC1 Create a new Part via Catia (from scratch)

1. Create a new Part in Catia via File  New.
2. Select Part in the List of Types and click on OK.
3. Enter Part name according to general Naming and Numbering rules and click OK.

Figure 190 Steps open new Part in Catia

Modeling of 3D parts should be according to the Airbus methods and rules. Appropriate properties
have to be set via Catia V5 Properties (right mouse click on the design tree to open Properties).
The Definition field is related to the Object Name. For the Nomenclature appropriate value has to be
set according the in Step 2 chosen Type i. e. ADAP-PART.

Figure 191 example for 3D Part Properties in Catia

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4. In the next step the Catia V5 Q - Checker has to be executed. Open Q-Checker in Catia V5 and
choose Q-Checker profile ARIBUS_ENGINEERING_VPM_A320_56110 for VPM A320 and
click on Run Check. The next dialog box displays the warnings or errors, if existing. After
healing, if required, the dialog box can be closed by selecting Proceed and Close.

Figure 192 VPM A320 Q-Checker

5. Now it is needed to set the PDM Properties. Open Set PDM Properties, activate the created
Part and set VPM1 as the Destination PDM. Select Publication Exposed, if it is not set
automatically and confirm the step by “OK”.

Figure 193 Set PDM properties

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6. In the last step the new created Part should be saved. Go to File  Save. Confirm the process
two times with OK. After this step the new Part will be transferred automatically to VPM A320.
Find the new Part by selecting the corresponding ENV in VPM A320 and by execution the
search function.

Figure 194 new created part transferred to VPM A320

7. Finally Check-in the Part in VPM A320 for the transfer to PASS SSI via V2P.

31.5 UC2 Create a new Assy via Catia (from scratch)

1. Create a new Assy in Catia via File  New.

2. Select Product in the List of Types and click on OK.
3. Enter the Assy name according to general Naming and Numbering rules and click OK.

Figure 195 Steps open new Assy in Catia

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4. Model a 3D Assy according to the Airbus methods and rules. Appropriate properties have to be
set via Catia Properties (right mouse click on the design tree to open Properties).
The Definition field is related to the Object Name. For the Nomenclature appropriate value has
to be set according the in Step 2 chosen Type i. e. ADAP-ASSY.

Figure 196 Catia Properties UI

5. In the next step the Catia Q - Checker has to be executed. Open Q-Checker in Catia and
choose the Q-Checker profile ARIBUS_ENGINEERING_VPM_A320_56110 for VPM A320 and
click on Run Check. The next dialog box displays the warnings or errors, if existing. After
healing, if required, the dialog box can be closed by selecting Proceed and Close.

Figure 197 VPM A320 Q-Checker

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6. Now it is needed to set the PDM Properties for each created Object. Open Set PDM Properties,
activate the created Object (in this example one Assy and two Parts) and set VPM1 as the
Destination PDM. Change the Storage Mode to Structure Exposed, because with
Publication Exposed a Black Box object will be created. Confirm the steps by “OK”.

Figure 198 Set PDM properties

7. In the last step the new created Assy should be saved. For that it is also necessary to save the
Parts below the Assy. The easiest way to save the new Parts and the Assy simultaneously, is to
use the Safe Management function. Open via File  Save Management, activate the new
created Assy and click on Save.

Figure 199 Save Management

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8. The action will be executed automatically after save. All attached Parts are saved automatically
together with the Assy. Commit the function with OK.
9. After this step the new Assy and Parts will be transferred automatically to VPM A320. Find the
new Parts or Assy by selecting the corresponding environment in VPM A320 and by execution
of the search function.
It is also possible to save each Part under the new created Assy separately. For that it is necessary to
open the Parts below the Assy in a separate Catia Window. Activate the Part which should be opened
separately by right mouse click  Part_Object  Open in new Window.
The Part will appear in a new window. The way to search is the same as described in Step 6 of UC1.

Figure 200 Open in a new Catia Window

10. Find the new Part by selecting the corresponding environment in VPM A320 and by execution
of the search function. Finally Check-In the Assy and Parts to transfer the Assy and Parts to

Figure 201 New created Assy transferred to VPM A320

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31.6 UC3 Create a new Part via VPM A320 (from scratch or using existing

1. Create a new Part in DEVP Environment in VPM A320 via Add  A320 DEVP  Part.
2. The Create dialog box appears. Fill in all necessary fields according to the general Naming
and Numbering rules and click Create.(For Part choose Level-Type ADAP-PART and

Figure 202 Create New DEVP Part via VPM A320

3. Commit the creation in the next step. A confirmation appears shortly in the right top edge.

Figure 203 Confirm box new DEVP Part

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4. The new Part is created in DEVP Environment and it is now available in VPM A320. Using the
search function and selecting the corresponding Environment search for the new created Part
to associate it with a 3D Model.

Figure 204 Search new DEVP Part

5. The new 3D Part (can also be a 3D Part from ALLREUSE Environment) which should be
associated with the new DEVP Part must be opened in Catia V5. The right Naming and
Numbering in Catia V5 are not important, because the Part will be renamed automatically
after association.

6. To associate with Catia 3D Part click on the Part using right mouse button  Associate

Figure 205 Associate with Catia

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7. The Associate dialog box appears. The upper part will be filled automatically. It is only
necessary to add the Source, Type and the Sheet Number. For 3D Model select:

Source – CatiaV5
Type - 3D
Sheet Number – 01 (If it is a DRW, the real corresponding Sheet Number has to be
entered, no possibility to change afterwards)
Repository – will be set automatically

8. Click on Create.

Figure 206 Associate dialog box

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9. The upload box appears. Always Save as a New Document has to be selected. This is
necessary to create a new UUID for the associated Part. Also keep Replace by target.

10. Click on Upload. A confirmation appears shortly in the right top edge. The association is
performed in the background and the Catia V5 Part is renamed automatically.

Figure 207 Upload box for association

11. Now the 3D Part can also be found behind the ADAP-Part Container.

Figure 208 ADAP-Part Container with associated Model

12. Finally check-in the Part to transfer it to PASS SSI automatically via V2P.

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31.7 UC4 Create a new DRW via Association

1. Create a new DRW Container via VPM A320 Add – A320DRAW – Part.
2. Choose the same drawing size as the reused DRW

Figure 209 Create A320DRW – Part – Dialog box

3. Search the reuse DRW in A320DRAW environment and load the reuse DRW into Catia

4. Associate the new DRW Container with the loaded reuse DRW – the way of working is
the same as association of 3D Parts (Step 6-8 of UC3).

5. After the successful association close the open DRW in Catia V5 and load the new DRW
from VPM A320 into Catia V5.

6. Update the title block of the new created DRW in Catia V5. It is necessary to change the
Name also on DRW Sheet itself and to get the Q-Checker result “OK”.

7. Finally check-in the DRW for transferring it to PASS SSI via V2P.

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31.8 UC5 Create a new Part/DRW via Duplicate function

The Duplicate function allows the creation of a new object using the existing one within the same
environment (DEVP, COMDRAFT, INTRFACE, DRW) in VPM A320.
This procedure cannot be used for Reused objects from ALLREUSE ENV, because of different
target environment. Therefor the “Made from” functionality should be used.

1. Search for the existing Part which should be duplicated in VPM A320 and open it as a Query or

2. Select the existing Part and choose under the Edit-menu the Duplicate function

3. The Duplicate dialog box appears. Fill in all necessary fields according to the general Naming
and Numbering rules and click Create. (Remark: CATIA_TYPE should correspond to the Level-
Type e.g. for Level-Type ADAP-PART choose CATIA_TYPE PART)

For DRW adapt the Number. Modification is possible for the number as well as for the sheet

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4. Now select the representation which should be duplicated and commit

5. The new created Part can be found in VPM A320.

If a DRW has been duplicated, the new model has to be opened in CATIA. The execution of the Title
Block Macro is needed.

31.9 UC6 Create a new Assy or DS with Reuse component

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1. Create a new Assy in A320DEVP Environment in VPM A320 via Add  A320DEVP  Part.
2. The Create dialog box appears. Fill out all necessary fields according to the general Naming
and Numbering rules and click Create. (For Assy choose Level-Type ADAP-ASSY and

Figure 210 Create New DEVP Assy via VPM A320

3. Commit the creation in the next step. A confirmation appears shortly in the right top edge.

Figure 211 Confirm box new DEVP Part/ Assy

4. The new Assy created in A320DEVP Environment is now available in VPM A320. Using the
search functionality within the corresponding Environment search for the new created Assy.
Open the Assy by double mouse click. The Assy will be opened in a new tab.

5. Open a new additional tab and search in the ALLREUSE Environment for a reused Part.
To search in the ALLREUSE Environment it is necessary to change the Environment by using
the dropdown menu.

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Figure 212 Search in ALLREUSE Environment

6. Copy the reuse Part by right mouse click and selecting Copy.

7. With the copied Part in clipboard change the Tab and go back to the new created Assy. Paste
the reused Part under the new Assy. There are different options to paste the Part
1. Right Mouse Click  Paste or
2. Right Mouse Paste special  Quantity/Same position/Quantity same position

Figure 213 Paste options

8. After the execution of the command the reused Part is linked to the new assy.

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Figure 214 Pasted reused Part behind new Assy

9. Fix the command by commit via the save bottom and Commit.

Figure 215 Commit modification after paste to Assy

This is only an example. Almost every kind of reuse component can be used. Among other things it is
possible to link a reuse Assy, reuse Equipment or reuse FIN Cascade under a new DS.
- Reuse FIN Cascade and Equipment stored in COMEQLIB Environment.

- Reuse Full3D stored in Full3D Environment

- Reuse common lower structure (Part, Assy, DS) stored in ALLREUSE Environment.

The way of working to link a reuse part under a new created component is always the same as
described in the use case before. Copy the reused component and paste behind the new created item.

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31.10 UC7 Create a new Part using reuse 3D structure via “MadeFrom
This functionality can be used only for items DDPT, ASSY, DS, PartZone, Cadnodes (Not for
Cadnodes Components) from ALLREUSE ENV

1. Search for the reuse object in ALLREUSE ENV which should be the basis for the new design
and open it as a Query or PSN

Figure 216 (ADAP-DS and Extended-Parts) used for “MadeFrom ALLREUSE” functionality - PRE

2. Select the reuse Part and choose under the Edit-menu the Made from ALLREUSE function

3. The Information for needed Pre-Check appears. Select the Pre-check button.

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4. The information related to detected Errors, Remarks and Warnings appears and the Precheck
report can be downloaded:

6. In the Made from UI all the necessary fields (here E9241970000000 as Number) can be filled in
according to the general Naming and Numbering rules and the PS can be created.

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7. The status of the creation process can be checked in the A320INFO table. “MadeFrom
ALLREUSE” is started as a background process and is not completed until “I/F Status” gets
empty again. Error messages could be found at A320INFO environment.

8. Now the new created Part also with the PS below can be found in the A320DEVP ENV.

Figure 217 PS (ADAP-ASSY and Extension-Parts renamed) created by “MadeFrom ALLREUSE”

functionality - POST

Remark: extended parts (e.g. xxx-STD01) which are directly linked to the parent (basis for “Made
from”) with same 12/14 digits and type CADNODE will be renamed automatically.

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31.11 UC8 Load structure into Catia

It is always necessary to open the PSN in VPM A320 fully. The easiest way to open the PSN:

1. Open the component in a new PSN" or "open PSN from Query" Select the component and change
the Expand level to Any.

Figure 218 Expand Level Any

2. Open the PSN Graph by using the function Expand all Children.

Figure 219 Expand all Children

4. All children will be opened. With the selected component select the Catia Icon and click on
Remark: Using the functionality Load structure the metadata containers can be loaded into Catia in
case of not existing CAD data. For the connection between VPM A320 and CATIA the PICS should be

Figure 220 Catia Load general

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5. Pre-condition to load something into Catia V5 is to start Catia V5 from the ECH launcher with
the corresponding Configuration (refer to 2.1.3 CATIA V5). The Structure will be loaded in the
background automatically into Catia V5. It is possible to use this way for all types of structure
(e.g. DS/Assy/Part)

31.12 UC9 Creation Full3DSet

Prerequisite: Libraries below should be added in Catia:

Tools  Options  General  Document  Other folders  Configuration  Look in  Add

\\res.airbus.corp\ACE\PCOMM_XX0\CADLIB\CATIAV5_HolesFasteners\Symbols (if needed)
\\res.airbus.corp\ACE\PCOMM_XX0\CADLIB\CATIAV5_HolesFasteners\Symbols\Resolved (if needed)

1) New DS should be created, the existing WIP or Draft Design Solution can be used. The DS must be
checked out to the corresponding user to create the Full3D set.

2) The first step to create a Full3D Set will be done in Catia V5. Load the DS into Catia V5 (Catia Icon
 load), create the Info Part with the "Full3D Add-On" in Catia V5 and save it under the DS. Via
the Save function the Info Part is transferred to VPM A320. Close the DS in Catia V5.

3) Search the DS and open the DS in a new PSN Tab with a double mouse click on the DS. Create a
new Full3D Set in VPM A320 via the Airbus Utilities function. For that click first at the DS
Container then select Airbus Utilities  Full3D  3DSet Creation. The created F3D Set with
WCT and ECN container will be saved in the Full3D Environment.


5) Figure 221 VPM 3DSet Creation

6) With the 3DSet Creation the DS is automatically linked under the FD Set.

7) Select the DS, open Menu  Relations  Get Parent and open per double click the 3D Set in the

8) Create the FCT or FHD document in VPM. Select the 3DSET and go to

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i) Airbus Utilities  FULL3D  CCGR HDZ creation (For FHD prerequisite is the
temporarily linked PZ to the FD Set; The FHD node will be created and the CGR content will
be automatically associated to the FHD node; color code will be implemented automatically)
ii) Airbus Utilities  FULL3D  CCGR CTX creation (For FCT)

9) Complete 3DSet in Catia using Full3D Toolbar: Info-Parts and Annotation files -ACT; -AHD; -ADS;
10) Save all changes or new elements to VPM A320.
11) Use VPM CICO/CheckIn Assembly with 3DXML (3dxml creation and upload to PASS SSI is

In case of refused Check-In, 3DXML should be uploaded manually using the “Remote file Tree”
functionality according to the steps shown below:

1. Select the “Remote file Tree” functionality

2. Select the directory for upload (download/delete) the file
3. Select the upload (download/delete) button
4. Select the desired file in upcoming file browser

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31.13 UC10 Reuse F3D Set (Creation F3D Set from)

Prerequisite: Library below should be added in Catia

Tools  Options  General  Document  Other folders  Configuration  Look in  Add
\\res.airbus.corp\ACE\PCOMM_XX0\CADLIB\CATIAV5_HolesFasteners\Symbols (if needed)
\\res.airbus.corp\ACE\PCOMM_XX0\CADLIB\CATIAV5_HolesFasteners\Symbols\Resolved (if needed)

1. Load the existing Full3DSet in VPM and expand the PSN

2. Click first at the DS Container, select Edit  Duplicate to create with a new DS number the same
Product structure. (Or use the “Made from” - functionality in case of the reuse DS)

Figure 222 VPM DS Duplicate

3. Click at the “old” DS Container again and go to Airbus Utilities  Full3D  Create 3DSet from to
create the new Full 3DSet by using the new created DS as a base.

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Figure 223 VPM Create 3DSet from

4. The created new F3D Set will be saved in the Full3D Environment and linked automatically to the
new Design Solution
The FULL3DSet and FULL3D-Annotation Parts get automatically the Numbering from the new DS.

Figure 224 Full3DSet

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5. Search the new F3D Set in the Full3D Environment and open the PSN: Select the DS and go to the
Airbus Utilities  VPM CICO  VPM Check in. If the Q-Checker is not computed, press button
Run QChecker  Continue  Refresh. Select the F3D Set and start the check in Process again.

NOTE : new DS will be created under new FULL3D set but PS under the new DS will be same

Figure 225 QChecker

31.14 UC11 Reuse AMP/ESA

For more information see Chapter “ NFF AMP and ESA Node”

31.15 UC12 CGR-Data association from Context Builder (F3D)

In VPM A320 the CGR documents have to be manually attached to the related CGR VPM Parts (FCT)
under the 3DSET node using the standard VPM function (associate CATIA component).

CGR context is already created per Context Builder (possible also via TREND) in Catia V5 and saved
in a local folder.
The F3D SET in VPM and the CGR VPM Part(s) (FCT) in VPM are also created.

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1) Select the dedicated –FCT Part in VPM for the associate functionality

1. Change the source to COPY and the Type to CGR instead of CATIA V5, fill in the Sheet
Number “001” and press Create.

2. Press Choose File and browse to upload the files previously created. Now press Upload

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3. Press Commit

4. The association between from the CGR file to the –FTC Part is created.


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31.16 UC13 Creation Enriched3D with A2D

For more information see Chapter "11.7 Enriched 3D Management"

31.17 UC14 Conditional Color adaptation in the PSN

For easier identification of objects on particular condition within the PSN the color setting can be
customized per filter according to following steps:

1. Open PSN tree

2. Select Settings icon to open Expand Setting panel
3. Find environment for color adaptation.
4. To define conditional coloring for Metadata container, select PART_LIST
5. Activate Colors & Icons to open Advanced Options
6. Select Condition and define Filter (Simple/Intermediate/Advanced) (i.e. State with RELEASED)
7. Select Color for previously defined condition (Multiple Colors with different conditions can be
8. Confirm the selection by OK. These Color settings will be kept for User and used for all PSN

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Function PSN Color Filter from PSN view

1. The function Airbus Utilities  PSN Color Filter can be used

2. To Activate Coloring (from previous backup or default)
3. To Deactivate Coloring (backup created automatically)
4. To Reset to default value

31.18 UC15 Creation of CSV files for Mass Update

To prepare a Mass Update (MU) a Mass Update Set (MU-Set) containing two CSV-files have to be
composed by the user (Mass Update Operator). To start a MU a separate Flag File needs to be
created by the MU-Admin.

The two different CSV files to be created by the user are:

 The Product Structure CSV-File (PS-CSV-file) for structure modification providing pre-mod path
and post-mod path (changes in the container structure/metadata in VPM A320 PS-tree)
 The CAD-CSV-file for modifications inside the CATPart providing the CAT Part impacted and
the modification to be done. The name of both files has to be according to the following

<MUID>_<Company Name>_<Description>_<timestamp>_<definition Type>.csv

 MUID is the Massive Update set identifier number

 Timestamp : YY-MM-DD-HH24-MI
 Definition type are:
 “PS” for product structure definition

 “cad” for CATPart modification definition

Authorized characters for each field: [ A-Z a-z 0-9 - ]


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 L23103_DiehlAircabin_001-150611-10h31_15-06-15-13-00_ps.csv
 L23103_DiehlAircabin_001-150611-10h31_15-06-15-13-00_cad.csv

The related Flag File has to be created by the MU Admin as an empty CSV-file. After saving the CSV-
file the file-type has to be set manually to “.flg”. The Name of the Flag File has to correspond to the
MUID. For the example shown above: L23103.flg

CSV Input files for product structure have to be created according to a defined syntax in a table. By
uploading the CSV files to VPM A320 the system will fill its internal list for MU.

Example of ps input file and ps input file content:

1st line corresponds to the column titles.

2nd and following lines correspond to the part related values and metadata.

 For product-structure modification providing pre-mod path and post-mod path.

 Use “ / ” to separate containers of the path

 Warning: Since ‘_’ is used to separate ENV/PN/PV in path items, ENV/PN/PV itself
should never contain any ‘_’.

 For consistency: The number of entries in columns for TEAM, USER, LEVEL TYPE, CATIA
TYPE, BB MODE and PART DEFINITION has to be the same as the number of values
separated with “ / ” in PREMOD respectively POSTMOD column.

 The general separator of the CSV file has to be the comma ( “ , ” )

 Definition Values inside of one column have to be separated with semicolon ( “ ; ” )

When storing the CSV-file, the separator has to be the comma. If the CSV-file is stored with semicolon
as separator, change the regions settings of your computer to “English (United States)”

Example-Input file Google sheets / Excel:

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(Coloured and split to two rows for visibility reasons)

Example-Input file after storing in CSV format:

(Coloured and split to two rows for visibility reasons)




Column name Description

CI_NUMBER Configuration Item reference of the structure to be duplicated.

M_PREMOD_PS Path from ADAP-DS to premod part
M_POSTMOD_PS Path from ADAP-DS to postmod part
M_OBS_TEAM Libraries related to the user organization
M_CO_USER List of user for each part
M_LEVEL_TYPE List of allowed Level type values for each part:
 IR
 IP

M_CATIA_TYPE List of allowed Catia type values:


M_BB_MODE List of allowed BB-Mode values:


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 <empty>

M_DEFINITION List of Part Description ( definition values)

The list of part descriptions should be in quotation marks.

 Example : “definition value1;definition value 2;definition value 3”

The quotation marks allow the usage of the “ , “ inside of a description, so the comma will not be
interpreted as a seperator in the csv-file.

 Example : “definition,RTF value1;definition,RTF value 2;definition value 3”

Will be interpreted as:

 definition,RTF value1; definition,RTF value 2;definition value 3”

If a definition value in post mod definition is blank ( ;; ) the premod definition value is used
where ;; is set

 Premod: “definition value 1;definition value 2; definition value 3”

 Postmod: “definition value 1;; definition value 4”

Postmod will be interpreted as:

 definition value1; definition value 2; definition value 4

If M_DEFINITION column is blank: All premod PS definition values are taken for postmod PS
definition values

In case of “ coming inside a definition value, it needs to be appended by an additional “.

 Example of 2 nodes:

“2.5“” Dia, STD NUT;1.5“” Dia, STD NUT”

In case of ‘;’ coming inside a definition value it has to be appended after an “ \ “

In case of ‘\’ coming inside a definition value it will be appended after an “ \ “


 "NSA 936830-20\; NSA 93\\9590-839"

Will be interpreted as single definition value:

 NSA 936830-20; NSA 93\9590-839

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For modification inside of a CAT-Part, the CAT-Part is impacted and the modification to be done has to
be provided.

The input file must be created in CSV format and respect the following syntax:

Example of _cad input file

1 line corresponds to the column titles.

2 and following lines correspond to the part related values and metadata.

Example-Input file Google sheets / Excel:

(Coloured and split to two rows for visibility reasons)

Example-Input file after storing in CSV format:

(Coloured and split to two rows for visibility reasons)


EN6115T10-36,ABS1707 G R2 A3 A

For modification inside the CATPart providing the CATPart impacted and the modification to be done.
Column name Description

NUMBER Part number

USE_CASE Use case to define the process
Values are :
 Empty
 Reused
Update Type of Update
 FASTENER (in case of HNF use case)
 #N/A

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 Full3D type value

Parameter_Name Field name to update
PRE-MOD_VALUE Pre-mode value (old standard reference to be updated)
POST-MOD_VALUE Post-mode value (New standard reference)
When storing the CSV-file, the separator has to be the comma. If the CSV-file is stored with a
semicolon as a separator, change the region settings of your computer to “English (United

The flag file has to be created as an empty CSV-file. After saving the CSV-file the file-type has to be
set manually to “.flg”. The name of the Flag File has to correspond to the MUID of the related CSV files
of the Mass Update Set.

31.19 UC16 2D only

In case of 2D as Master without 3D, i.e. no 3D models but only 2D drawing is available, the
“CLASSICAL” release process will be executed. Although no 3D data is available, on VPM A320 site
an empty DS metadata container (no CAD data required) has to be created, only for Release Process
The DRW will be created according to the regular process.
On the PASS SSI site the empty DS has to be linked to the Configuration Level, with LO Mock-
Up attribute “No” and the Design Level Type has to be set to “Classical”.

The detailed WoW is described in following steps:

1. PASS SSI (PS-Admin):Create a new ADAP-CI in PASS SSI

2. PASS SSI (Designer role):Create a new ADAP-DS in PASS SSI
3. PASS SSI (GroupLeader):Link the ADAP-DS to ADAP-CI in PASS SSI
4. PASS SSI (GroupLeader):Check if the ADAP-LO is created automatically PASS SSI
5. PASS SSI (PS-Admin):Link the ADAP-CI to the Upper-Level PASS SSI (Add attributes or
content to the CI-LO-DS cascade if necessary)
6. APS (Configuration role):Add a effectivity to the CI-LO-DS cascade (WorkPackage) in APS
7. PASS SSI (Designer role):Check if the effectivity is available for CI-LO-DS cascade via APS in
8. VPM A320 (Designer role):Check if the created CI-LO-DS cascade is available with effectivity
and linked to the Upper Level in VPM A320
9. VPM A320 (Designer role):Check if the created CI-LO-DS cascade is available with effectivity in
VPM A320 (A320DEVP)
10. VPM A320 (Designer role):Create a new DRW-Sheet in the A320DRAW environment with an
valid Sheet size
11. VPM A320, CATIA V5 and ROA (Designer role):Launch CATIA V5 with EAT CV5 addon

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12. VPM A320, CATIA V5 and ROA(Designer role):Convert a CCD Drawing to CATIA V5
(CATDrawing) via the EAT CV5 add-on (connection to CCDDB)
13. VPM A320, CATIA V5 and ROA (Designer role):1.Use an existing drawing as a basis for the
new Only2D drawing. Open the drawing in CATIA.2.Use an existing drawing as a base for the
new Only2D drawing and duplicate it in VPM A320 via the functionality "Duplicate". Load the
drawing in CATIA V5
14. VPM A320 and CATIA V5(Designer role):Modify the drawing as desired
15. VPM A320 and CATIA V5(Designer role):Associate/link the converted Drawing which is loaded
in CATIA V5 with the created Sheet in VPM A320
16. VPM A320 and CATIA V5(Designer role):Add/Modify the Title Block and Frame
17. CATIA V5 (Designer role):Start the Q-Checker for the Drawing
18. CATIA V5 (Designer role):Save the drawing via CATIA V5 in VPM A320
19. VPM A320 (Designer role):Check-In the DRW-Sheet in VPM A320 (Work in Progress
automatically via Check-In)
20. PASS SSI (Designer role):Check if the created A320DRW Sheet is available and Checked-In
21. PASS SSI (Designer role):Create a Part or ASSY in PASS SSI for created Drawing (Dummy)
and add the defined Meta Data
22. PASS SSI (Designer role):Link the Part or ASSY (Dummy) to the Design Solution in PASS SSI
23. PASS SSI (Designer role):Create a Design Data Set via the Part or ASSY in PASS SSI
24. PASS SSI (Designer role):Check if the DRW-Sheet are linked to the DDS in PASS SSI or add
the Drawing Sheet to the DDS
25. PASS SSI (Designer role):Add the desired Meta Data to the created Design Data Set
26. PASS SSI (Designer role):Start the Release Process in PASS SSI
27. VPM A320 (Designer role):Check if the created DRW Sheet in the status "HELD"
28. VPM A320 (Designer role):Check if the Release Status is transferred to VPM A320 as

31.20 UC17 Configuration filter via APS filter

For the PS filtering based on Configuration a predefined APS-Filter can be used which is set up for
every single MSN by the DMU-I on the APS site.

1. Open the top node from appropriate environment as PSN

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2. Select By Airbus Filters  Configuration filter and fill in the desired Configuration identifier.
The Configuration Identifier name follows the MSNxxxxx (eg. MSN14532)

Or Massive LO has to be used

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Under "Operation" the expand level "all" has to be selected

3. After confirmation by Apply the PS with the selected configuration will be expanded behind the
top node.

Refer to A5460 and M2971

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DMU-Context Query

In case the user wants to create a configuration filter using more than one configuration a DMU-
Context Query should be created in APS according to following steps:

1. Use Create a DMU Query function in APS.

It allows requesting a cDMU including Serial A/C, Pre-Studies, Pre-Design data, Post-Delivery data.
The Query is composed by 4 panels: cDMU Context, Additional Data, Sum or Substract Query and

2. Name the query by unique name and save it.

3. Enter the desired query, e.g. 11-19,45 (MSN11 to 19 and MSN45) and save it.

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4. The existing query can be also modified or deleted. Use the function Consult/Update Query.

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5. Enter the modifications for configuration and save the edited query or delete it.

31.21 UC18 EQT Feeding – step by step

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EQT-Feeding – step by step – is more to showcase the sequence and highlight data availability and
status than describing actions due to the fact, that data feeding is a systems functionality itself without
particular end-user tasks. However EQT CADdata are provided by vendors and need to be collected
via openDEX process and methods. The collection process is performed within existing legacy toolsets
as is per NatCo. EQT data provision to the lean toolset is based on particular Dual PLM approach and
refers to already existing common database for the EQT model: central EQT CADLib. Source for EQT
metadata also currently is the legacy ECDB and/or GESY. All metadata will be forwarded via APS only.
Sequence shown also considers the early EQT model data provision. Following sketch shows the
(parallel) particular EQT dataflow through the tools. The full sequence is described according to the
EQT validation process executed within legacy NatCo toolsets.

Figure 226 EQT-model collection process dataflow

1. Data delivery by vendor: CAD data (CatiaV5 or step format) and DTS (data transfer sheet)
uploaded into supplier FTS-folder.
2. 1st formal checks performed regarding the DTS information provided to correctly address model
data or refuse acceptance (in the future early checks regarding Export Control classification will
also be executed).
3. DEX team (or automated process in frame of RTSD within German DEX for Cabin EQT data)
performs the data collection, formal data checks, data renaming to align with Airbus Equipments
naming/numbering (M1215) and data provision to legacy validation folders as per NatCo.
4. If EQT data is collected via RTSD-method, then also early provision of EQT CAD-data is
supported by additional transfer of CAD data to particular EQT preliminary provision folder. This
kind of data provision can also be performed extraordinary after manual data collection by the
DEX team.
5. Whatever EQT model CAD data is provided to preliminary provision folder then it will be
collected and propagated by EQT-loader to the VPM A320 COMEQLIB immediately. Such data
is available read only with attribute PRELIMINARY “Y” and LCstate “DRAFT” in advance to
standard upload process.

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Whether there is EQT model CAD data already existing with same naming, then it can and will
be overwritten with current data only, if existing data is stated as PELIMINARY “Yes”.
Warning: There is no EQT-counter available at that time and any control regarding PLM
(product lifecyle management) but for the “original” data on legacy toolsets only!
6. In parallel to or after the collection execution the DEX team links EQT-data to parent EQT-
counter and provides formal validation check status within 3DQM.
7. DEX team publishes EQT-invariant, EQT-counter, EQT model CAD data to the central EQT
8. EQT design responsible takes action to validate EQT-model with respect to technical
requirements fulfilment. The technical CAD model check needs to be performed within legacy
9. EQT integration responsible takes action to validate EQT-model with respect to its foreseen
placement within AC. Check needs to be performed by preliminary positioning of EQT model
within surrounding models structure of AC and / or AC interior as per customer requirements.
Depending on surrounding model data availability, integration check needs to be performed
within legacy or lean TDM. Validation however needs to be documented within 3DQM, linked to
the EQT model CAD data on legacy toolset only (via EQT-counter)!
10. After successful validation only EQT-counter will be linked to the corresponding FIN-cascade
(ECDB/GESY) and the EQT-counter will be ”activated” with Attribute TBU (to be used) “Yes”.

Figure 227 3DQM-excerpt showing Attribute TBUattached to the EQT-counter

11. At the time, when EQT-model CAD data linked to EQT-counter is available within the central
EQT CADLib, this data will be collected by the EQT-scanner on VPM A320 side and addressed
to be uploaded via P2V*. As there is no LC state, NatCo-information or Export Control
classification available within central EQT CADLib, all the uploaded CAD data initially do not
show particular values until additional propagation via APS and nFINpublish. Predefined due to
source, EQT CAD data uploaded via EQT-scanner show attribute PRELIMINARY “No”.
Whether some EQT CAD data already exist with attribute PRELIMINARY “Yes”, these CAD
data will be overwritten and set to PRELIMINARY “No”!
12. In parallel after being available within ECDB/GESY, APS collects and provides metadata of PS
of FIN-cascade with EQT-PNR to nFINpublish, which is a service of VPM A320 to create parts

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data of FIN-items with CAD products. Within the parts also configuration and link to the EQT-
model CAD data (EQT-counter) is available. Data will be published to the FIN CADLib.
13. EQT-scanner collects any new or updated parts within FIN CADLib and addresses them for
upload via P2V into VPM A320 COMEQLIB.
14. Additionally and in parallel also APS collects metadata information from 3DQM and provides
them to nFINpublish to feed LCstate, NatCo information** and Export Control classification** in
the future.
15. All the parts / CAD data / additional metadata are reconciled within VPM A320 COMEQLIB to
show complete FIN-EQT-PS with LC state at the EQT counter. These are available for
reconciliation within reuse design solutions according to Dual PLM approach or to be linked into
new solutions designed within VPM A320. The only task on designers side within VPM A320
using EQTs is to integrate (link positioned) EQTs into new ADAP-DS/Assy. The integration task
may include design of FLX-extension parts / products with respect of A350 WoW.
Validation / linking into FIN, EQT-PNR, EQT-counter / “Release” keeps being managed in
legacy toolsets As Is, until APSsystem replaces ECDB / GESY sometimes in the future.

Figure 228 Link and position FIN-EQT-cascade into new ADAP-DS

*) P2V interface in general propagates Meta- and CAD data into VPM A320.
**) LC state mapping will be available after MR3 on EQT counter only. NatCO information and
EC classification not yet defined.

Refer to EQT-Reuse PSD

31.22 UC19 Relinking of Drawing (View broken link)

When an existing drawing and 3D model is used for a new 3D master product structure, there are
always broken links on the new drawing, especially on the views. The reason for this is that the drawing
has not been derived directly from the 3D model, the old links to the base 3D model still exist in the
new drawing.

1. Search an 3DasMaster Design Data Set within A320VPM

(2D in A320DRAW Env and corresponding 3D in A320DEVP Env)
2. Duplicate the 2D Drawing sheet to create a new one (within DRAW Environment)
3. Duplicate the 3D Model to create a new one (within DRAW Environment)
4. Load the new 2D Drawing and the 3D model into CATIA V5
5. Try to reconcile via Edit > Links or File > Desk (Relink the drawing with the loaded 3D model)
6. Update the Drawing Views.
-If the dimensions are not ok (meaning the colors of the dimensions are light purple) use the function
“Re-route” (dimensions).

- A CATIA macro will be developed if legacy drawings and legacy 3D models are used as a basis for
new structures.

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The Version and Issue mapping for the TDM toolset varies based on application , for better
understanding it has been segregated based on the Tools and generic flow .

The Reuse data flows from VPM AD to CoreDMU then to the VPM A320 in ALLREUSE environment .
During this flow of data the attribute naming can differ but the values mostly remain the same.

TDM Attribute mapping flow for NATCO-AD [ UC : ADAP-ASSY : D9259000004200]

TDM Attribute Attribute in Attribute Value in Attribute
Attribute in Attribute Value TDM Attribute in Value in VPM A320 VPM A320 in PASS Attribute Value
Part ID D9259000004200 CADNUMBER D9259000004200 Number D9259000004200 Number: D9259000004200
English English
VERSION "002" VERSION "002" Version "002" NA NA





PDMNUMBER: D92390500042 NUMBER: D92390500042

TDM Attribute mapping flow for NATCO-FR [ UC : ADAP-PART : D92431189200]

TDM Attribute
Attribute in Attribute Value TDM Attribute in Value in Attribute in Attribute Value Attribute in Attribute Value
Solings FR in Soligns FR CoreDMU CoreDMU VPM A320 in VPM A320 PASS SA in PASS SA

Name D92431189200 CADNUMBER D92431189200 Number D92431189200 CADNumber: D92431189200

Revision 1 VERSION "001" Version "001" NA NA



Status RELEASE1 STATUS RELEASE1 State RELEASED State: Valid - Invalid




File Name: Template Ref: IS-TEM-TRM-0010/Issue E1 249/251

Released on 09 Aug 2023
VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical

TDM Attribute mapping flow for NATCO-UK [ UC : ADAP-PART : D92431189200]

TDM Attribute
Attribute in Attribute Value TDM Attribute in Value in Attribute in Attribute Value Attribute in Attribute Value
Solings UK in Soligns UK CoreDMU CoreDMU VPM A320 in VPM A320 PASS SA in PASS SA
D574552200010 D574552200010 D574552200010 CADNumber D574552200010
Name 0 CADNUMBER 0 Number 0 : 0









TDM Attribute in VPM A320 TDM Attribute Value in VPM A320 PDM Attribute in PASS SA PDM Attribute Value in PASS SA

Number E2722120100100 Number: E27221201001

State WORK IN PROGRESS State Work in Progress


Issue A00 Revision (Issue Index): A00


NA NA Version: A00.5 (Design)

Version A Generic Version: A

Domestic Title MR3 E2E BASIC03 DASSY1 Domestic Title MR3 E2E BASIC03 DASSY1

Iteration 5 Generic Iteration: 5

Issue Index A00 Revision (Issue Index): A00

Mockup YES Mockup: Yes

Natco A-F Natco A-F


File Name: Template Ref: IS-TEM-TRM-0010/Issue E1 250/251

Released on 09 Aug 2023
VPM A320 USER Guide Ref: UG2100583

VPM A320 USER Guide Issue: Date:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.0 08-August-2023
VPM A320 User Guide Airbus Amber
Export Control – Not Technical


Environment LevelType CATIA_TYPE/TYPE Function

A320INFO Error Info
A320UPLV NA Upper level structure





File Name: Template Ref: IS-TEM-TRM-0010/Issue E1 251/251

Released on 09 Aug 2023

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