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Literature Review

The first work on diesel engine was started during 1890s by Rudolf Diesel and first prototype
of diesel engine was established in 1893. This test was not successful so, further
investigations were continued. And finally in 1897 successful results were produced. Then to
now diesel engines are performing very well. With the passage of time further
improvements and advancements are applied to diesel engines. Four-stroke diesel engines
are mostly used internal combustion engines. In automobiles, diesel trains, trucks, motor
cycles, light aircrafts, tractors, busses, cars, compressors, pumps, generators and in
industries etc. Now a days the world is demanding more fast, efficient, advance, with low
fuel consumption, low emissions diesel engines. The first development after invention of
diesel engine was made by Diesel in 1976. [a] In 1989 model-based control of diesel engine
and its design is presented[b]. There are some uncertainties in diesel engines to tackle out.
For this purpose, a proper control on diesel engines was required. A brief understanding
about fundamentals of diesel engine was required. In 1998 brief discussion on fundamentals
of diesel engine was presented. Industrial diesel control applications and objectives to
control emissions of diesel are also presented [c]. Neural networks were widely used in
various automatic domains like modeling. Then in 2000 more advancements made in diesel
engine through artificial intelligence. M. Hafner, M. Schiiler and R. Iserrmann introduced fast
neural network for the control design of diesel engine. Precise models are necessary for
advanced engine control systems. They present a neural network-based model to control
the internal combustion engine. To optimize the injection angle a comparison between
consumption and exhaust optimization is illustrated. The neural network introduced in that
research was based on linear models. Automatically searching of neurons architectural
structure was possible due to normalized radial basis functions[d]. In 2002 Xavier Dovifaaz,
Mustapha Ouladsine, Ahmed Rachid and Gerard Bloch also established a neural model to
control diesel engine. To control the diesel engine this model helps in the training phase [e].
In 2005 they also present another neural network model to train a controlling scheme for
diesel engine speed where pollution conditions are also involved[f]. After 2005 more
advancements are made on diesel engine and more developed and advanced strategies are
introduced to control diesel engine efficiently. In 2007 José M. Alonso, Fernando Alvarruiz,
José M. Desantes, Leonor Hernández, Vicente Hernández, and Germán Moltó launched a
combination of neural networks and genetic algorithms. The purpose of this combination is
to control the diesel engine emissions. Fuel efficiency for a diesel engine is the major
requirements. To reduce the diesel engine emissions the optimization of diesel engine
settings is performed. Our environment purity is depending upon the amount of greenhouse
effects, global warming, acid rain and the issues about air pollution are concerned with
emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon dioxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (HC),
particulate matter (PM) and carbon monoxide (CO) along with fossil fuels are a big problem
for the whole world[g]. There were two main objectives for this work of authors. The first
target was to utilize the ANN model for the prediction of exhaust emissions namely, NOx,
CO, HC and PM. The second target of this study was to use suitable optimization algorithm.
Conventional optimization methods followed b numerical techniques can also be applied.
For example, in [h] and [i] gradient descent method is used for optimization of diesel engine.
But numerical optimization methods have some limitations like they are just limited to
continuous differentiable functions. So, José M. Alonso select the genetic algorithm (GA) for
optimization. Finally, the exhaust emissions and consumption improvement were
achieved[j]. In 2009 Anjoeka Pronk, Joseph Coble and Patricia A. Stewart presents a
literature review for occupational exposure to diesel engine exhaust. In underground
mining, construction and maintenance highest stages were explored[k]. In 2012 further
concepts and researches are added to diesel engines. Fuzzy logic introduced as a new
efficient supporter to control diesel engine. Adarsh Rai and N. Satheesh introduced a fuzzy
logic technique to predict emissions and performance of dual fuel diesel engine. Here
adaptive based fuzzy inference modeling is launched to achieve the target. ANFIS produced
the accurate results [L]. In 2013 Ravi Kumar Naradasu, Jyothirmai Srinathu and Ramesh
Ramakrishnan use the concept of artificial intelligent engine control system which ensure
the good results under different varying operating conditions. In the results it was observed
that when EGR is considered then NOx emissions and maximum pressure inside the cylinder
is reduced[M]. In 2014 G. Sakthivel, B. Snehitkumar & M. Ilangkumaran presented fuzzy
logic’s applications for internal combustion engine to predict the performance of engine. For
validation the particular data was taken into consideration [N]. In 2015 M Ghanbari, G
Najafi, B Ghobadian, R Mamat, M M Noor and A Moosavian uses the adaptive neuro fuzzy
inference system for the prediction of CI engine parameters[O]. In 2018 G. Sujesh and S.
Ramesh presented a detailed review about diesel engine’s modelling and control[p]. In 2022
a nonlinear model predictive control which was rely on end-to-end deep neural network
model was presented to control emissions of diesel engine. In that study 5.5 liter 4-cylinder
Cummins diesel engine was considered. Resultantly the controller was able to reduce
nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particle matter (PM) [Q]. In 2023 different advanced techniques
are also under process and some are done. ChenGuang Lai, ChaoBing Wu, SiZheng Wang,
JiaXi Li, and Bo Hu developed an EGR intelligent control for diesel engine which was based
on deep reinforcement learning. The precise control of EGR valve provide a suitable amount
and accurate time of exhaust gas inside the cylinder. In the current age the use electronic
control technology is considered as a challenging topic and also commonly used in
automobiles. [R] Hariprasad Tarigonda, B. Anjaneyulu, R. Raghurami Reddy, K.L.
Narasimhamu the dual fuel engine was tested also performance and emissions of diesel
engine and the objectives are successively achieved through the adaptive neuro fuzzy
inference system (ANFIS)[S]. Other applications of ANFIS can be found in different important

a) Bryant, L. (1976). The development of the diesel engine. Technology and

culture, 17(3), 432-446.
b) Guzzella, L., & Amstutz, A. (1989). Control of diesel engines. IEEE Control Systems
Magazine, 18(5), 53-71.
c) J.B. Heywood, (1998). Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGrawHill,
621(43), 87-15251
d) Hafner, M., Schüler, M., Nelles, O., & R. Isermann, (2000). Fast neural networks for
diesel engine control design. Control Engineering Practice, 8(11), 1211-1221.

e) Dovifaaz X., Mustapha Ouladsine, Rachid, A., & Bloch, G. (2002). Neural modeling
for diesel engine control. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 35(1), 343-348.

f) Dovifaaz, X., Ouladsine, A., Rachid, A., & Bloch, G. (2005, May). Neural modeling and
control of a diesel engine with pollution constraints. In Proceedings of the 2002
American Control Conference (IEEE Cat. No. CH37301) (Vol. 3, pp. 2008-2013). IEEE.

g) Mori, K. (1997). Worldwide trends in heavy-duty diesel engine exhaust emission

legislation and compliance technologies.
h) Montgomery, D. T., & Reitz, R. D. (1996). Six-mode cycle evaluation of the effect of
EGR and multiple injections on particulate and NOx emissions from a DI diesel
engine. SAE transactions, 356-373.

i) Klingbeil, A. E., Juneja, H., Ra, Y., & Reitz, R. D. (2003). Premixed diesel combustion
analysis in a heavy-duty diesel engine. SAE transactions, 445-459.

j) Alonso, J. M., Alvarruiz, F., Desantes, J. M., Hernández, L., Hernández, V., & Molto,
G. (2007). Combining neural networks and genetic algorithms to predict and reduce
diesel engine emissions. IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation, 11(1), 46-

k) Pronk, A., Coble, J., & Stewart, P. A. (2009). Occupational exposure to diesel engine
exhaust: a literature review. Journal of exposure science & environmental
epidemiology, 19(5), 443-457.

l) Rai, A., Kumar, N. S., & Rao, B. S. (2012). Fuzzy logic-based prediction of
performance and emission parameters of a LPG-diesel dual fuel engine. Procedia
Engineering, 38, 280-292.

m) Naradasu, K. R., Jyothirmai, S., & Ramesh, R. (2013). Towards artificial intelligence-
based diesel engine performance control under varying operating conditions using
support vector regression. Thermal Science, 17(1), 167-178.

n) Sakthivel, G., Snehitkumar, B., & Ilangkumaran, M. (2014). Application of fuzzy logic
in internal combustion engines to predict the engine performance. International
Journal of Ambient Energy, 37(3), 273-283.

o) Ghanbari, M., Najafi, G., Ghobadian, B., Mamat, R., Noor, M. M., & Moosavian, A.
(2015, November). Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to predict CI
engine parameters fueled with nano-particles additive to diesel fuel. In IOP
Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 100, No. 1, p. 012070).
IOP Publishing.

p) Sujesh, G., & Ramesh, S. (2018). Modeling and control of diesel engines: A
systematic review. Alexandria engineering journal, 57(4), 4033-4048.

q) Gordon, D. C., Norouzi, A., Winkler, A., McNally, J., Nuss, E., Abel, D., ... & Koch, C. R.
(2022). End-to-End Deep Neural Network Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control:
Experimental Implementation on Diesel Engine Emission Control. Energies, 15(24),

r) Lai, C., Wu, C., Wang, S., Li, J., & Hu, B. (2023). EGR Intelligent Control of Diesel
Engine Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. In International Conference of Fluid
Power and Mechatronic Control Engineering (ICFPMCE 2022) (pp. 151-161). Atlantis

s) Tarigonda, H., Anjaneyulu, B., Reddy, R. R., & Narasimhamu, K. L. (2023).

Optimization of performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine in dual-
fuel mode with LPG using adaptive-neuro fuzzy inference system model. Materials
Today: Proceedings.

t) Emami, S., Dehghanisanij, H., Achite, M., Al-Ansari, N., & Linh, N. T. T. (2023).
Application of ANFIS, ELM, and ANN models to assess water productivity indicators
based on agronomic techniques in the Lake Urmia Basin. Applied Water
Science, 13(2), 55.

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