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1. First, let’s make sure the USB cable and communication board are working.

a. Here is a picture of the USB cable and communications board.

b. Before plugging this into your PC, enter the words “Device Manager” in the search bar of Windows.
c. In the Device Manager, scroll down to the section “Ports (Com & LPT)” and expand this section.

d. Take note of each com port listed. Depending on your computer and number of devices connected,
you may have none or up to 5 or 6 or more. For example, in the image under step (c), you will notice
COM4 already exists.

e. Next, plug in the USB cable into the PC with the communication board attached.

f. Check the Device Manager again and note which COM port number is new. You will need this to set
up the PC software correctly.

In this example, COM 5 is new and is assigned to the communications board we just plugged into the computer.

g. At this point, if you do not see a new COM Port being displayed, most likely, either your USB
cable is bad or the small communications board that it is attached to is bad. Try these same
steps over on another PC to confirm it’s not the PC. If the second PC does not show any new
Com Ports being added, then request a program cable replacement.

h. If you do see a new COM Port being displayed, continue on to step 2.

2. Now that we know the cable is being recognized by the PC:

a. Plug the small communications board (connected to the end of the USB cable into the Model 310).

b. Open the software and select the “Device” menu item.

c. Select “310” from the drop-down menu.

d. Next, select the Configuration menu item.

e. A “Comm Settings” window will pop up. Select the com port that was found in step 1-f. In this
example, we are selecting Comm 5 since this was the new comport that appeared in step 1-f.

f. Press the OK button.

g. Press the Poll Now button.

h. At this point, you should see the software connect to the Model 310 device and a Version
number displayed.

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