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Why does Pacholke say that it shouldn’t make you happy that “as a prison system, as a nation,

and as a society, we've become very good” at containing and controlling the people who have

fallen through all of the other societal safety nets? What do you feel that he is insinuating by this

statement? Explain. He talks about how we have the highest incarceration rate in the world and

compares it to modern-day slavery however he also mentions how the department of corrections

will help with the mental health of inmates

2. What is the Intensive Management Unit? What impact did it have when Pacholke’s prison started

utilizing this? What was the issue with IMU’s? Explain. It is like a solitary was inmates found out

about it they notices people weren’t fighting and it was more productive the main issue was it

would deprive people of their basic needs to survive

3. What three things did Pacholke and the two other correctional workers (an anthropologist and a

sociologist) experiment with to try and prevent ‘fires’ rather than just putting them out? Briefly

describe each and what the result was. Trained in descalation and verbal problem solving to try

to limit the fights that would happen

4. Pacholke says, “The way we think about our work changes our work.” How do you understand

this statement? Explain it in your own words. How could you apply this to your own life? If you

think about you work in a positive light and enjoy it you will be more likely to work harder an

example from my life is when I work with my friends I enjoy much more and will what I am told

so I can work with my friends

5. The unit discusses the history of corrections, describing how corrections evolved and changed

over time. What model described in this lesson most closely lines up with what Pacholke is

attempting to do in prisons? Explain. I believe it lines up most with a rehabilitation model since

everything he talks about is for the better ment of the prisoners and making prison safer and

more enjoyable

6. The unit discusses how expensive prisons are and the strain this can put on state or local

budgets. One possibility to counteract this expense would be to help prisons give back to the

community. How did Pacholke and the rainforest ecologist that he met do exactly that and allow

prisons and inmates to help advance science and give back to the community? Pacholke and the

rainforest ecologist allowed prisons and inmates to help by helping create sustainable practices

like trying to grow endangered plants

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