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White mice page 1

FINISHED SIZES Between 6 and 7cm long

YARN Small amount sock or 4 ply pure wool (because it’s to be felted) yarn - I
used Drops Alpaca in Off-White; skein pale pinky/ peach stranded embroidery
or fine yarn for the feet and tail
NEEDLES 2 x 2.50mm/ between US 1 & 2 needles
EXTRAS Toy filling or scraps fabric or yarn for stuffing, optional 4mm toy/ black
amigurami eyes and glue - fine for a decoration but not for a toy - if so I would
suggest embroidering the eyes or maybe sewing on small beads

White mice
Beginning with the belly
In off-white yarn cast on 10sts
Rows 1-10 Work 10 rows st st
... first back leg
WHITE MICE Short row 1 K4, bring yarn to the front of the work, slip next st purl-wise
onto the RH needle, take working yarn to the back, slip the slipped stitch
knitting pattern by Claire Garland back onto the LH needle, turn the knitting = W+Tk (wrap and turn knit)
aka Dot Pebbles©
Short row 2 P4
Short row 3 K3, W+Tk
Short row 4 P3
Short row 5 K2, W+Tk
Short row 6 P2
White mice page 2 White mice page 3

Short row 7 K1, W+Tk Short row 5 P2, W+Tp

Short row 8 P1 Short row 6 K2
Row 11 dec) K3, k2 tog, turn knitting Short row 7 P1, W+Tp
Row 12 P4 Short row 8 K1
Row 13 dec) K2, k2 tog, turn
Row 14 P3 Row 12 dec) P3, p2 tog, turn
... first foot Row 13 K4
*Cut white yarn and join on pale pinky/ peach embroidery thread - using all Row 14 dec) P2, p2 tog, turn - 3sts
six strands ... 2nd foot
Row 15 Continue to work i-cord for back feet as foll: *K3 but do not turn Work as first foot from * to **.
the work instead slip stitches on RH needle back onto the LH needle*, rep TAIL AND BACK
from * to * until the foot measures 1cm/ 4 i-cord rows With two strands pale pinky/ peach embroidery thread worked together
... for the tiny claws with off-white yarn cast on 2sts
Row 18 inc) Kfb, k1, kfb - 5sts Rows 1-24 Continue to work i-cord for tail as foll: *K2 but do not turn
Cut yarn and thread end through the five ‘claw’ sts and secure end, thread the work instead slip stitches on RH needle back onto the LH needle*, rep
end up through the i-cord and trim** from * to * until the tail measures approx. 8cm/ 3in /24 i-cord rows
... second back leg Cut pink yarn - Row 25 inc) Kfb twice - 4sts
Row 11 Rejoin off-white yarn to rem. 5 sts for 2nd leg and knit across Row 26 inc) Pfb, p to last st, pfb - 6sts
Short row 1 P4, take yarn to the back of the work, slip next st purl-wise Row 27 inc) Kfb, k to last st, kfb - 8sts
onto the RH needle, bring working yarn to the front, slip the slipped stitch Row 28 inc) Pfb, p to last st, pfb - 10sts
back onto the LH needle, turn the knitting = W+Tp (wrap and turn purl) Row 29 inc) Kfb, k1, kfb, k1, kfb twice, k1, kfb, k1, kfb - 16sts
Short row 2 K4 ... legs
Short row 3 P3, W+Tp Row 30 inc) Cast on 4 sts, p to end - 20sts
Short row 4 K3 Row 31 inc) Cast on 4 sts, k to end - 24sts
White mice page 4 White mice page 5

Rows 32-34 Work 3 rows st st Short row 11 K1, W+Tk

Row 35 dec) Cast off 3 sts, k to end - 21sts Short row 12 P6 to end of rows
Row 36 dec) Cast off 3 sts, p to end - 18sts
Row 37 K Row 50 Skpo, k2, kfb, k1, kfb, k2, k2 tog
Row 38 P Row 51 P
... shape back Row 52 dec) K2, skpo, k3, k2 tog, k2 - 9sts
Row 39 dec) K4, skpo, k6, k2 tog, k to end - 16sts Row 53 P
Rows 40 P Row 54 dec) Skpo, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog - 7sts
Row 41 dec) K4, skpo, k4, k2 tog, k to end - 14sts Row 55 dec) P2 tog, p to last 2 sts, p2 tog - 5sts
Row 42 P Row 56 dec) K1, k3 tog, k1 - 3sts
Row 43 dec) K4, skpo, k2, k2 tog, k to end - 12sts Row 57 dec) P3 tog - 1sts (tip of nose)
Rows 44-48 Work five rows st st ... chin
Row 49 dec) K5, k2 tog, k to end - 11sts Row 58 inc) Kfb - 2sts
Row 59 inc) Pfb twice - 4sts
... short rows to create the back of the head Row 60 inc) K1, kfb twice, k1 - 6sts
Short row 2 P10, W+Tp Rows 61, 63 & 65 P
Short row 3 K9, W+Tk Row 62 inc) K1, kfb, k to last 2 sts, kfb, k1 - 8sts
Short row 4 P8, W+Tp Row 64 inc) K3, kfb twice, k to end - 10sts
Short row 5 K7, W+Tk Row 66 Skpo, k1, kfb, k2, kfb, k1, k2 tog
Short row 6 P6, W+Tp Row 67 P
Short row 7 K5, W+Tk Row 68-71 Rep last two rows twice
Short row 8 P4, W+Tp Row 72 Skpo, k1, kfb, k2, kfb, k1, k2 tog
Short row 9 K3, W+Tk Row 73-75 Work three rows st st
Short row 10 P2, W+Tp Cast off.
White mice page 6 White mice page 7
Cast on edge at belly
Mattress sew cast off edge to cast on edge.
WS (purl-side) to WS - Beginning at the centre, just under the tail,
matching the * Ease in then oversew the increases edge that lies either B
side of the tail from the back (A) to the cast off edge from ‘back legs’
* B
(A) - (the back legs up to the feet) (see diagram p.7) A
Ease then oversew along the sides of the body (B) joining the back to A

underside (B) from across where the pink feet begin to the nose (see A A

diagram p.7) at the same time gently stuffing - but not over-stuffing -
legs, body and head.
lines indicate where
feet begin

belly seam

White mice page 8 White mice page 9

FORELEGS make 2 alike EARS make 2 alike

In off-white cast on 5 sts - leave a long-ish tail end for sewing in place With one strand pale pinky/ peach embroidery thread worked together
Row 1 inc) Kfb, k to last st, kfb - 7sts with off-white yarn cast on 8sts
Row 2 inc) Pfb, p to last st, pfb - 9sts ... short rows to create the back of the head
Row 3 dec) Skpo, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog - 7sts Short row 2 K7, W+Tk
Rows 4, 6 & 8 P Short row 3 P6, W+Tp
Row 5 dec) Skpo, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog - 5sts Short row 4 K5, W+Tk
Row 7 dec) Skpo, k1, k2 tog - 3sts Short row 5 P4, W+Tp
Cut white yarn and join on pale pinky/ peach embroidery thread - using Short row 6 K3, W+Tk
all six strands Short row 7 P2, W+Tp
Row 9 Continue to work i-cord for back feet as foll: *K3 but do not Short row 8 K5 to end of row
turn the work instead slip stitches on RH needle back onto the LH Row 1 dec) P2 tog, p to last 2 sts, p2 tog - 7sts
needle*, rep from * to * until the foot measures 1cm/ 4 i-cord rows Cut yarn, pass end through the stitches and pull to draw - it’s this edge
... for the tiny claws that is sewn onto the head.
Row 18 inc) Kfb, k1, kfb - 5sts Sew ears to each side of the head so that the edge that is sewn onto the
Cut yarn and thread end through the five ‘claw’ sts and secure end, head creates an arc which faces toward the back of the head.
thread end up through the i-cord and trim Glue the eyes into position. Use a little pink thread to work a tiny pink
satin stitch nose.
... joining forelegs to body FELTING
The first six rows get sewn onto the side of the body by oversewing Like I do with many of my knits I felted mine and in this case to get the
around the row edges and cast on edge. Join the remaining row end right look I think it’s fundamental - what’s more it’s fun and easy to do:
together up to foot i-cord - rub the knitted mouse in some warm/ hot soapy water, rinse off the
soap and then shape and sculpt and shape before placing it on a towel
over a radiator to dry.
Pine cone page 1 Pine cone page 2

FINISHED SIZES small 8cm long; medium 19cm long; large 35cm long Row 14 K2, *rev. yo, k2, pass yo over 2 sts and off needle* rep from * to *
YARN small - DK weight yarn, I used Drops Lima; medium - chunky; large -Ultra to last st, k1
Super Chunky - I used Sirdar Gorgeous Row 15 inc) [P3, pfb] 6 times - 30sts
NEEDLES Pair 3.50mm; 15mm; 25mm
Row 16 K1, *rev. yo, k2, pass yo over 2 sts and off needle* rep from * to *
EXTRAS Toy filling for stuffing
to last st, k1
Row 17 dec) [K1, skpo] 10 times - 20sts
Pine cone Row 18 K2, *rev. yo, k2, pass yo over 2 sts and off needle* rep from * to *
Cast on 4sts Row 19 dec) Skpo across - 10sts - therefore ending with a garter stitch row.
Row 1 inc) Pfb into each stitch - 8sts
Row 2 RS) K2, *rev. yo, k2, pass yo over 2 sts and off needle* rep from * to * Cut yarn leaving enough end to sew the seam with and thread end through
Row 3 inc) [P1, pfb] 4 times - 12sts all rem. sts, pull up to close.
Row 4 K1, *rev. yo, k2, pass yo over 2 sts and off needle* rep from * to * to
last st, k1 Join row ends together with mattress seam at the same time stuffing the
Row 5 inc) [P2, pfb] 4 times - 16sts cone.
Row 6 K2, *rev. yo, k2, pass yo over 2 sts and off needle* rep from * to *
Row 7 inc) [P3, pfb] 4 times - 20sts
Row 8 K1, *rev. yo, k2, pass yo over 2 sts and off needle* rep from * to * to
last st, k1
Row 9 inc) [P4, pfb] 4 times - 24sts
Row 10 K2, *rev. yo, k2, pass yo over 2 sts and off needle* rep from * to *
Row 11 P
Row 12 K1, *rev. yo, k2, pass yo over 2 sts and off needle* rep from * to *
Row 13 P
K = knit P = purl
inc = increase dec = decrease

K2 tog = knit two together Rep = repeat

RS/WS = right side/ wrong side st/ sts =stitch/ stitches

Skpo = slip one stitch, knit next stitch , pass slipped stitch over knit stitch

Kfb = knit into front then into back of stitch to increase by one stitch

Pfb = purl into front then knit into back of stitch to increase by one stitch

Rev. yo = reversed yarn over, bring working yarn from back of work and

over to the front

G st = garter stitch - knit all stitches on both wrong side and right side

St St = stocking/ stockinette stitch - knit all stitches on right side, purl all

stitches on wrong side

Rev. st st = Reversed stocking stitch; working stocking stitch but instead

the purl-side becomes the right side, therefore - purl all stitches on right

side, knit all stitches on wrong side

If there is any part of this pattern that you don’t understand then please

feel free to email me:

If you’d like a free pattern now and then please sign up for my
once monthly newsetter - www.eepurl.com/cIIfFj
I am also on Instagram @dotpebbles_knits #freebeefridayknits
And I blog over here - http://dotpebbles.blogspot.co.uk
And have patterns here - http://www.ravelry.com/people/dotpebbles
You’re welcome to knit with me anytime! *

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