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Which criminal justice model do you feel is most important—the crime control model or the due

process model? Why? Due process because it focuses more on the rights of defendants and not

punishing the criminal

2. What factors do you think influence whether a police officer arrests a person or not? The severity

of the crime and also who they did it to and if they are resisting

3. Do you think community policing programs are useful at deterring and reducing crime? Why or

why not? Yes because it creates a trusting relationship between the police and the citizens

4. Why do you think the selection of the jury in a trial is so important? If you were an attorney, what

would you look for in a good juror? The selection is important because it is the people who are

going to try the defendant you would look for someone who was studying the case

5. Do you think the death penalty deters crime? Why or why not? Yes it does because it makes the

risk not worth the reward and makes them worried about it more

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