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1. Do you think that punishments deter crime? Why or why not?

Do you think there is a better way to

reduce crime than punishment? I think punishment is the best way to deter crime because it

makes people scared to commit the crime like shoplifting knowing that you will get a big ticket

makes you feel like it isn’t worth I can’t think of anything that might work other than punishment

2. Do you think that alternative sanctions such as boot camps are positive or negative for society,

individuals, and the criminal justice system? Why? I could see this working for some people but

most people won’t be able to learn from a system like this maybe if there is a rule if you commit

the same nonviolent crime three times then you go to jail for it

3. Why do you think more victims don’t report crimes? How does this affect the criminal justice

system? Most people are scared to report the crime or just don’t care enough about it like say

they got a drink stolen they aren’t gonna go to the police about it or if the criminal threatens them

they would be scared of the criminal coming back

4. Do you think juveniles should be tried in adult courts? Why or why not? What effects are there of

trying juveniles in adult courts? It just really depends and what the person has done if they

committed murder then yes if they just stole something from a walmart then they shouldn’t be

tried in adult court for it

5. Do you think that parole is a positive or negative element in the criminal justice system? Why or

why not? What effects does it have? Should officials be stricter about parole? Why or why not?

I think parole is a good thing because it gives a person a jump shot on they life after prison I
think that it could have some negative elements just depending on the persons and instead of
just having a parole board prisoners should have some say so that they can get info from the
people who interact with him everyday

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