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Provide information for each of the following using the most recent data available on the FBI’s
Uniform Crime Report webpage. Also, include a link to the page where you found each answer
with your response. Look up the crime statistics for your city or the city closest to you if you live
in a small town or rural area. The information for 2016, organized by state, can be found here.

○ Name of your city/closest city and state: Manchester NH

○ Population: 110,353
○ Incidents of violent crime: 742
○ Murder and non–negligent manslaughter: 5
○ Robbery:205
○ Motor vehicle theft: 146
○ Arson:29

2. Now, provide the same information for a city in a different state. Remember to provide the link for
where you found the information.

○ Name of your city/closest city and state: Atlanta Georgia

○ Population:472,579
○ Incidents of violent crime: 5,121
○ Murder and non–negligent manslaughter: 111
○ Robbery:2070
○ Motor vehicle theft: 3,993
○ Arson: 50

3. What differences do you see in the statistics between the two cities? What factors might account
for the differences you see? The population and the curlture difference
4. Review the Federal Crime Data page, which can be found in the Additional Publications section
of the Crime in the U.S. page for 2016. There you will find Table 1, which provides additional
information about Federal Crime Data. Explain why the crimes accounted for in this section
would not be included with the state crime information. Since the crimes are commited in a
government building making it a Federal crime
5. Choose a section of the website to explore that you have not accessed as part of these
questions. Give one example of a fact you found that surprised you or that you knew little about.
Provide the link for where you found the fact.! It
was interesting looking at the person to cop ratio since for of 1,000 people they is only 2.2 cops
in all of New england
National Crime Victimization Survey, Bureau of Justice Statistics
The National Crime Victimization Survey is found in the Bureau of Justice Statistics website. There are
several reports on this site that convey important statistics concerning crimes in the United States. Use
data from this site to answer the following questions:

Explore the summary titled Hate Crime Victimization, 2005-2019. What does this summary state
about the rate of violent hate crime in 2005 in comparison to the rate of violent hate crime in
2019? Does this comparison surprise you? Why or why not? What motivated most of these hate
crimes? Who was most likely to commit these crimes? Since 2005 it has increased by .7% which
isn’t suprising to me because every year they is a big issue with hate crimes with cops and just
racial profiling in general the motivators was everything that makes a person different race gender
everything. It was usally done by males

Explore the summary titled Victims of Identity Theft, 2018. Imagine you are giving a talk to
explain the dangers of identity theft to a group of high school seniors 𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠17𝑎𝑛𝑑18. Based on the
summary, what would you tell them about the prevalence of identity theft, the most likely forms of
identity theft, and the costs of identity theft? What advice would you offer them based on this
crime data? Identity theft can happen to everyone not just old people they try to get acces to any
account that you own so they can use it to make money almost ⅓ of americans experience
identity theft. Identity theft can cause you to have to remake everything like bank and credit cards
and much more. The one thing you can do to prevent it is don’t let anyone now you base word
and if it seems to good to be true it is.

Click on this link to the National Crime Victimization Survey. Click on the section titled
“Publications and Products.” Choose any report that interests you and download its “Summary.”
State the name of the report you have chosen and why you selected it. Write three things you
learned from this report. Explain how this data might be used to inform law enforcement and the
general public about this topic. Crimes Involving Juveniles, 1993–2022 I picked this because
it seemed interesting Three things that I learned was An estimated 710 persons age 11 or
younger and 1,410 persons ages 12 to 17 were victims of homicide in 2022,according to the FBI’s
Supplementary Homicide Reportss, In both 2021 and 2022, among incidents where the perceived
offender’s age was reported, less than 10% of nonfatal violent incidents were committed by a
person the victim perceived to be between the ages of 12 and 17, and finally juveniles accounted
for 9.9% of all arrests for violent crime, up from 8.7% in 2021. This info can be used to learn more
about the habbits of Juveniles crimes and it also can be used t see where this cases are most

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