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First Published in 2021

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ISBN: 000-0000-00-000-0

Published and printed by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

The Government of Kenya is committed to ensuring that policy objectives for education, training and research meet
the aspirations of the Kenya Constitution 2010, the Kenya Vision 2030, the United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and the Regional and Global conventions to which Kenya is a signatory. In relation to this, the Ministry
of Education (MoE) embarked on curriculum reforms that culminated in the full implementation of the Competency
Based Curriculum (CBC) in January, 2019 from the level of Early Years Education (Pre-Primary 1 and 2, and Lower
Primary Grade 1, 2 and 3). This was followed by the roll out of the curriculum in Grade 4 in 2020. In readiness for the
progression of the Grade 4 cohort, the curriculum designs for Grade 5 were developed.
Grade 6 designs have now been developed. These curriculum designs are intended to ensure that the core competencies
attained by learners at Grade 5 are enhanced even as further opportunities are provided for identification and nurturing
of every learner’s potential as learners prepare to transit to Junior Secondary school.
The curriculum designs include the general and specific learning outcomes for the learning areas (subjects) as well as
strands and sub - strands. The designs also outline suggested learning experiences, key inquiry questions, assessment
rubric, pertinent and contemporary issues, values and Community Service Learning (CSL) activities.
It is my hope that all Government agencies and other stakeholders in Education will use the designs to plan for effective
and efficient implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum.



iii Not for Sale

The Ministry of Education (MoE) is currently implementing the second phase of the curriculum reforms with the roll
out of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) at Grade 4 in 2020. This is the first cohort of the Upper Primary level
in the new education structure. Grade 5 and 6 designs have also been developed.
Grade 6 being the final stage of the upper primary level is very critical in the realization of the Vision and Mission of
the on-going curriculum reforms as enshrined in the Sessional Paper No. I of 2019 whose title is: Towards Realizing
Quality, Relevant and Inclusive Education and Training for Sustainable Development in Kenya. The Sessional Paper
explains the shift from a Content - Focused Curriculum to a focus on Nurturing every Learner’s potential.
Therefore, the Grade 6 curriculum designs are intended to enhance the learners’ development in the CBC core
competencies, namely: Communication and Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and
Imagination, Citizenship, Digital Literacy, Learning to Learn and Self-efficacy.
The curriculum designs also continue to link the activities in the main learning areas to the other aspects of the CBC
including links to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs), Values and Community Service Learning (CSL). The
designs also offer several suggested interactive learning activities and variety of assessment techniques. It is expected
that the curriculum designs will guide the teachers to enable learners attain the expected learning outcomes for Grade
6 and prepare them effectively for the next Grade.
It is my expectation that the teacher will use the designs to make learning interesting, exciting and enjoyable.



Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) Act Number 4 of 2013 (Revised 2018) mandates the Institute
to develop curricula and curriculum support materials for basic and tertiary education and training, below the university.
The curriculum development process for any level involves thorough research, international benchmarking and robust
stakeholder engagement. Through this systematic and consultative process, the KICD conceptualised the Competency
Based Curriculum (CBC) as captured in the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF), that responds to the
demands of the 21st Century and the aspirations captured in the Kenya Constitution 2010, Kenya and the Kenya Vision
2030, East African Commission Protocol and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

KICD obtains its funding from the Government of Kenya to enable the successful achievement of the stipulated
mandate and implantation of the Government and Sector (Ministry of Education (MoE) plans. The Institute also
receives support from development partners targeting specific programmes. The Grade 6 curriculum designs have been
developed with the support of the World Bank through the Kenya Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program
(SEQIP) commissioned by the MoE. Therefore, the Institute is very grateful for the support of the Government of
Kenya, through the MoE and the development partners for the policy, resource and logistical support. Specifically,
special thanks to the Cabinet Secretary – MoE and the Principal Secretary – State Department of Early Learning and
Basic Education,

We also wish to acknowledge the KICD curriculum developers and other staff, all teachers, educators who took part as
panelists; the Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) and representatives of various stakeholders for their
various roles in the development of the Grade 6 curriculum designs. In relation to this, we acknowledge the support of
the Secretary - Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and the Chief Executive Officer of the Kenya National
Examinations Council (KNEC) for their support in the process of developing these designs.

v Not for Sale

Finally, we are very grateful to the KICD Council Chairperson Dr. Sara Ruto and other members of the Council for
very consistent guidance in the process. we assure all teachers, parents and other stakeholders that these curriculum
designs will effectively guide the implementation of the CBC at Grade 6 and preparation of learners for Grade 7.



Grade 6 Curriculum Designs



PREFACE......................................................................................................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.............................................................................................................................................................. v

NATIONAL GOALS OF EDUCATION...................................................................................................................................viii

SUGGESTED TIME ALLOCATION........................................................................................................................................... x

GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATION................................................................ xi

ENGLISH......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

vii Not for Sale

1. Foster nationalism, patriotism, and promote national unity
Kenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions and should be able to live and interact as
one people. Education should enable the learner acquire a sense of nationhood and patriotism. It should also
promote peace and mutual respect for harmonious co-existence.
2. Promote social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development
Education should prepare the learner to play an effective and productive role in the nation.

a) Social Needs
Education should instil social and adaptive skills in the learner for effective participation in community and
national development.

b) Economic Needs
Education should prepare a learner with requisite competences that support a modern and independent
growing economy. This should translate into high standards of living for every individual.

c) Technological and Industrial Needs

Education should provide the learner with necessary competences for technological and industrial
development in tandem with changing global trends.

3. Promote individual development and self-fulfilment

Education should provide opportunities for the learner to develop to the fullest potential. This includes
development of one’s interests, talents and character for positive contribution to the society.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

4. Promote sound moral and religious values

Education should promote acquisition of national values as enshrined in the Constitution. It should be geared
towards developing a self- disciplined and ethical citizen with sound moral and religious values.

5. Promote social equity and responsibility

Education should promote social equity and responsibility. It should provide inclusive and equitable access to
quality and differentiated education; including learners with special educational needs and disabilities. Education
should also provide the learner with opportunities for shared responsibility and accountability through service

6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures
Education should instil in the learner appreciation of Kenya’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. The learner
should value own and respect other people’s culture as well as embrace positive cultural practices in a dynamic

7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations
Kenya is part of the interdependent network of diverse peoples and nations. Education should therefore enable
the learner to respect, appreciate and participate in the opportunities within the international community.
Education should also facilitate the learner to operate within the international community with full
knowledge of the obligations, responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.
8. Good health and environmental protection
Education should inculcate in the learner the value of physical and psychological well-being for self and others. It
should promote environmental preservation and conservation, including animal welfare for sustainable

ix Not for Sale

Subject Lessons Per Week

Mathematics 5

Physical and Health Education 5

English language 4

Kiswahili Language KSL for learners who are deaf 4

Science and Technology 4

Agriculture 3

Creative Arts (Art and craft, Music) 3

Home science 3

Religious Education (CRE/IRE/ HRE) 3

Social Studies (Citizenship, Geography, History) 3

Other Languages 2

Pastoral Programme and Instructions 1


Grade 6 Curriculum Designs


By the end of Middle School, the learner should be able to:
1) apply literacy, numeracy skills and logical thinking appropriately in self-expression,
2) communicate effectively in diverse contexts,
3) apply digital literacy skills appropriately for communication and learning in day-to-day life,
4) practise hygiene, appropriate sanitation and nutrition to promote health,
5) explore, manipulate, manage and conserve the environment effectively for learning and sustainable
6) demonstrate ethical behaviour and exhibit good citizenship as a civic responsibility,
7) demonstrate social skills, spiritual and moral values for peaceful co-existence,
8) demonstrate appreciation of the country’s rich, diverse cultural heritage for harmonious co-existence,
9) manage pertinent and contemporary issues in society effectively.

xi Not for Sale

English is a major language of education, information, trade, diplomacy, social networking, science, technology, the
internet, and travel. It is also the international common tongue and the most commonly learnt foreign language in
today’s world. In Kenya, English is learnt as a second language and functions both as an official language and the
medium of instruction from Grade Four. Hence, mastery of English will not only enhance learning in Junior Secondary
School but will also prepare the learner to communicate appropriately in the national and international arenas.
Proficiency in English is key to the realisation of the National Goals of Education, the link to the global community,
and the door to the worldwide information network. For this reason, the Upper Primary School learner must be equipped
with adequate oral, reading, and writing competencies in the English language. This will enable the learner to function
competently in varied national and global communicative contexts.

Subject General Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Upper Primary Level, the learner should be able to:
a) Listen for the main idea and specific information from a variety of print and digital texts.
b) Speak, at the right speed, accurately, and with expression on a variety of subjects and genres.
c) Read a variety of texts fluently, interpretively, and with comprehension for lifelong learning.
d) Use grammatical forms to communicate ideas, opinions, and emotions appropriately in different settings.
e) Write texts for various purposes legibly, accurately, creatively, and cohesively for self-expression.
f) Apply Digital Literacy skills to enhance their language competency.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs


1. Listening and Speaking

2. Reading
3. Grammar in Use
4. Writing


In the Grade Six English curriculum, the four language skills and grammar in use are presented through themes. The
following themes will facilitate the learning of English in context:

1. Child Labour
2. Cultural and Religious Celebrations
3. Etiquette - Telephone Etiquette
4. Emergency Rescue Services
5. Our Tourist Attractions
6. Jobs and Occupations -Work Ethics
7. Technology - Scientific Innovations
8. The Farm - Animal Safety and Care
9. Diseases – Lifestyle Diseases
10. Proper Use of Leisure Time
11. Sports - Indoor Games
12. Environmental Conservation
13. Money - Trade

xiii Not for Sale

NB: Although the Grade Six Curriculum Design includes fixed phrases and phrasal verbs but these terms should not
be introduced to the learner because they are too complex. The terms proverbs, similes, idioms, and metaphors may
however be used. The learner could be exposed to relevant examples of similes, metaphors, fixed phrases, proverbs,
idioms and phrasal verbs. However, these proverbs, similes, idioms, fixed phrases, metaphors, and phrasal verbs
should be grade appropriate. The expressions should also not be overused.

Finally, the aim of English language learning is attainment of competency. Hence, in as much as learners will be
exposed to certain terms, the emphasis of English language learning materials and assessment should be on usage rather
than linguistic terms.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs


Suggested Vocabulary
orphanage, orphan, domestic, servant, work, underage, teenager, labour, homeless, baby-sitter, trafficking, street
children, children’s department, children’s court, exploit, chores, house help, violate, fatigue, tiredness, wages,
employer, long hours, salary, income

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)

1.1 1.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why
Listening strand, the learner should • Listen to an oral narrative should you
and be able to: from a digital device or read listen
and Vocabulary:
Speaking a) Select words with the by the teacher. keenly?
target sound from an oral • Listen for specific information 2. Why
narrative. such as sounds: /ɪə/ as in tears, should you
(2 Lessons)
b) Use vocabulary related appear, rear, clear and severe pronounce
to the theme in sentences from a text. words
correctly. • Listening for the main idea accurately?
c) Use proverbs, fixed from a text.
phrases, idioms and • Practise saying words with the
metaphors with straight sound /ɪə/ in pairs and small
forward meanings in oral groups.

xv Not for Sale

d) Listen for the main idea • Infer the meaning of
from an oral text. vocabulary and phrases using
e) Listen for specific details contextual clues.
such from a read or • Answer oral questions based
recorded text. on the listening
f) Value the importance of comprehension.
listening attentively. • Use digital and print resources
to look up the meaning and
spelling of words.
• Retell the story and record the
narration on a digital device.

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration - as learners play listening and pronunciation games in small groups
• Digital Literacy - enhanced as learners manipulate digital devices
• Learning to Learn - as learners practise pronunciation of words

Link to PCIs Values

Citizenship – as learners listen to texts on child responsibility, love, respect – enhanced as learners
labour interact with listening texts related to child labour

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

• Social Studies and CRE – these learning areas
Learners could sensitise the community on the evils of
emphasise child rights and protection
child labour through recitation of poems during political
• All languages – listening is one of the skills that
and religious celebrations.
learners focus on when learning a language

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations
1. Responding to Consistently responds Responds to most Responds to some Responds to some
questions from to all questions from a questions from a questions from a questions from a
a listening listening comprehension listening listening listening
comprehension text correctly. comprehension text comprehension text comprehension
text correctly. correctly. correctly with
2. Pronouncing Accurately pronounces Pronounces words and Pronounces some words Has difficulty
words and words and phrases phrases correctly. and phrases correctly. pronouncing words
phrases correctly with ease and phrases correctly.

xvii Not for Sale

3. Using words Uses all words related Uses most words Uses some words Uses few words
and to the theme correctly related to the theme related to the theme related to the theme
(proverbs, and with ease correctly. correctly. correctly with
metaphors, assistance.
idioms, fixed
similes and
related to the

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

1.2 1.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do you select
Reading strand, the learner should • Select age appropriate the books you read?
be able to: reference materials from print 2. Why do you read
a) Select appropriate and non-print sources books?
(2 lessons) reading materials in • Read selected reference
collaboration with materials independently.
peers. • Search for information on
b) Read a variety of child labour from reference
materials materials.
independently for • Compile a list of new words
information and and their meaning.
pleasure • Create a crossword puzzle
c) Use reference materials from the list of new words in
to find the required groups.
information. • Make notes on information
d) Judge the suitability of they have obtained.
sample extensive
reading materials.

xix Not for Sale

Core Competencies
Digital Literacy - as learners manipulate electronic reference materials
Learning to Learn - as learners use reference materials to access information
Communication and Collaboration – as learners select appropriate reading materials in collaboration with peers

PCIs Values
Citizenship – as learners read material on child • unity and responsibility – promoted as learners obtain
rights information about child labour and share it with other
• respect – promoted as learners collaborate with one
another in material selection

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

CRE and Social Studies - learners are exposed to Learners encourage peers to read a variety of materials for
materials containing information on child rights pleasure and information.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1. Selecting Consistently selects Selects appropriate Selects some appropriate Has difficulty
appropriate appropriate reading reading materials reading materials in collaborating with
reading materials in in collaboration collaboration with peers. peers to select
materials in collaboration with with peers. appropriate reading
collaboration peers. material.
with peers

2. Reading a Reads a variety of Read materials Reads materials some Reads some
variety of materials independently. materials independently. materials with some
materials independently with assistance.
independently ease.

3. Using Uses reference Uses reference Uses reference materials Uses reference
reference materials and materials and and obtains some materials and obtains
materials to obtains all the obtains all the required information. some required
find the required required information with
required information with information. guidance.
information ease

xxi Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)

1.3 1.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do we
Grammar Word strand, the learner should • Identify the determiners some, express the
in Use Classes: be able to: enough, each and a lot of in quantity or
Determinersa) a) Identify determiners in sentences amount of
sentences correctly. • Complete online quizzes and something?
(2 lessons) b) b) Use determiners in exercises involving the use of 2. Why should
sentences correctly. some, enough, each, and a lot we give the
c) c) Collaborate with peers to of. exact
judge the correct use of • Construct sentences using amount of
determiners in sentences. determiners, in groups. something?
• Make sentences using
determiners from substitution
• Correct sentences constructed
by a peer.
• featuring determiners in pairs.
• Work in groups and determine
the correctness of a sample of

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration - as learners work in pairs to read and identify sentences featuring
determiners from a print or digital text
• Digital Literacy - Complete online quizzes and exercises involving the use of some, enough, each, and a lot of
PCIs Values
Citizenship: as learners work in groups, social
Unity, responsibility and respect – enhanced as learners
cohesion is enhanced
construct different types of sentences using determiners

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

All languages learners encounter the concept of
Learner could help peers judge the correctness of sentences
determiners in all language learning areas
used in a poem or story he or she has created.

xxiii Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations

1. Identifying A Confidently Identifies all Identifies some Has difficulty

determiners identifies all determiners correctly. determiners correctly. identifying any
determiners correctly. determiner correctly.

2. Using b) uses determiners Uses all determiners Uses some determiners Has difficulty using
determiners correctly in all correctly in sentences. correctly in sentences. most determiners
in sentences sentences with ease. correctly without

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
1.4 1.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: a) Why do we fill
Writing Guided the learner should be able to: • Discuss different types of forms forms?
Writing a) Record specific details on they have filled in groups. b) Why is it
(2 lessons) forms to convey • Search for relevant sample important to
information. forms from the internet, fill forms
b) Design a form to provide individually. accurately and
required information. • Download relevant forms and correctly?
c) Advocate the importance of fill them, in pairs or small c) What details
filling forms correctly. groups. do we fill in
• Fill in the basic details, forms?
personal information and the
why details in a form.
• Design a form in with basic,
personal and why details in
small groups.
Core Competencies
• Creativity and Imagination - as learners design forms
• Digital Literacy - as learners search, download and fill in relevant information in forms

PCIs Values

xxv Not for Sale

Citizenship – social cohesion as learners interact with • Cooperation and responsibility - developed as
content on child labour and learn how to treat people learners download and fill forms in pairs or small
with respect groups
• Social justice – enhanced as learners are sensitised on
the need to treat one another respectfully and with
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Social Studies - content related to child rights is learnt in Learner could work with peers to design a form and share
this subject it through posters, social media, among other channels

Assessment Rubric
Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicators Expectations Expectations

1. Filling in Confidently fills in all Fills in all details in Fills in some details in Has difficulty filling in
details in a form details in a form a form correctly. a form correctly. most details in a form
correctly. correctly.

2. Designing a Creatively designs a Designs a form with Designs a form with Has difficulty designing a
form form with all the all of the required some of the required form with most of the
required details details correctly. details correctly. required details correctly.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs


Suggested Vocabulary
Festival, culture, annual, tradition, artist, ethnic, folkdance, folksong, anniversary, reunion, homecoming, concert,
circumcision, guest, eulogy, reception, hijab, Sunday best, Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, Diwali, Idd-al-Fitr,

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

2.1 2.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening Pronunciatio strand, the learner should • Listen to a comprehension you pronounce
and n and be able to: passage of about 150 words. words
Speaking Vocabulary: a) Identify proverbs from • Use the proverbs to create a correctly?
Listening a text for effective paragraph in pairs or 2. Why should
Comprehens communication. groups. you listen
ion b) Listen for the main • Pronounce words attentively?
(2 lessons) idea and specific containing the sounds /l/ 3. Why do we use
details from a text. and /r/ in pairs. proverbs?
c) Use words, similes, • Say tongue twisters after
metaphors and the teacher.
proverbs containing

xxvii Not for Sale

selected sounds • Create tongue twisters
correctly. containing words with the
d) Value the importance selected sounds.
of attentive listening in • Give the meaning of new
communication. words and use them in

Core Competencies
• Self-efficacy - as learners practise pronouncing words containing the sounds /l/ and /r/ in pairs
• Creativity and Imagination - enhanced as learners use proverbs to create a paragraph in pairs or groups.
• Communication and Collaboration - as learners work in pairs to construct sentences

PCIs Values
Citizenship – social cohesion is enhanced as learners • Responsibility, respect and love – enhanced as
engage in collaborative language activities learners participate in different celebrations
• Patriotism – promoted through appreciation of
cultural and religious celebrations

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

Social Studies and CRE - culture and religious
Learner could recite poems related to the theme during
celebrations are learnt in these subjects
cultural and religious celebrations.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations

1. Listening for Consistently obtains Obtains all the Obtains some of the Has difficulty
the main idea all the specific details specific details and specific details and the obtaining most of the
and specific and the main idea of a the main idea of a main idea of a text. specific details and the
details in a text. text. main idea of a text.

2. Using Uses all the Uses all of the Uses some of the Has difficulty using
vocabulary vocabulary in vocabulary in vocabulary in sentences most of the vocabulary
sentences correctly sentences correctly. correctly. in sentences correctly.
with ease.

xxix Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Experiences Question(s)

2.2 2.2.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we
Reading Intensive the learner should be able to: • Identify the characters or enjoy reading
Reading a) Identify characters and events in a poem or story. stories and
events in a text for • Read a story of about 500 poems?
(2 lessons)
comprehension. words. 2. Which stories
b) Predict events in a text • Read a poem of not more and poems have
accurately. than six stanzas in small you read?
c) Answer factual and groups.
inferential questions • Recite a poem in small
correctly for groups.
comprehension. • Summarise events in a story
d) Create mental images from by retelling it in small
the events in poems and groups.
stories. • Create crossword puzzles
e) Judge the characters or using learnt vocabulary.
events in a story in • Collaborate with peers to
collaboration with peers. describe characters or places
in poems or stories.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Core competencies to be developed:

• Communication and Collaboration - as learners collaborate with peers to describe characters or events in
poems or stories
• Creativity and Imagination - as learners create crossword puzzles using learnt vocabulary
• Self-efficacy - as learners recite poems, they become more confident

PCIs Values
Life Skills Education - effective communication is • Respect – interaction with culture and traditions during
enhanced as learners become more proficient celebrations promotes a genuine appreciation for our
readers heritage
• Integrity and patriotism – developed as learners recite
poems individually, in pairs or small groups
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Kiswahili and Indigenous Languages – poems and Learner could participate in poetry recitations about
stories are learnt in these subjects appreciation of traditions, cultural and religious celebrations
during public functions.

xxxi Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations
1. Identifying Identifies all Identifies all characters Identifies some Identifies some
characters and characters and and events in a text characters and characters and events in
events in a text for events in a text correctly. events in a text a text correctly with
comprehension correctly and with correctly. assistance.
2. Predicting events Consistently Predicts all events in a Predicts some Predicts some events in a
in a text accurately predicts all events text accurately. events in a text text accurately with
in a text accurately. guidance from peers or
accurately. the teacher.
3. Answering Excellently Answers all factual and Answers some Answers some factual
factual and answers all factual inferential questions factual and a few questions correctly but
inferential and inferential correctly. inferential with assistance from
questions correctly questions questions peers.
correctly. correctly.
4. Creating mental Creatively creates Creates vivid mental Creates mental Needs assistance to
images from the vivid mental images from most images from create some mental
events in poems images from all events in a poem or some of the images from some
and stories. events in a poem story. events in a poem events in a poem or
or story. or story. story.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)

2.3 2.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Which things
Gramm Word Classes: strand, the learner should • Listen to a story, conversation or can you see
ar in Use Nouns be able to: poem containing abstract nouns and touch in
a) Identify concrete and and concrete nouns. the classroom?
(2 lessons)
abstract nouns correctly. • Pick out concrete and abstract 2. Which things
b) Use concrete and nouns from a story, conversation cannot be seen
abstract nouns correctly poem, magazines or brochures or touched?
in a variety of contexts. among others in groups.
c) Appreciate the role of • Construct sentences using
concrete and abstract concrete and abstract nouns, in
nouns in pairs.
communication. • Make sentences from a
substitution table featuring
concrete and abstract nouns.
• Use a laptop, tablet, computer,
Manila paper, notebook, among
others and create a crossword
puzzle or a word search in pairs
or groups.

xxxiii Not for Sale

• Share the puzzle or word search
through c, email, other social
media platforms, posters or the
school notice board.
Core Competency:
• Communication and Collaboration - as learners make sentences using nouns
• Creativity and Imagination - as learners use a laptop, tablet, computer, Manila paper, notebook, among others
to create a crossword puzzle or a word search in pairs or groups

PCIs Values
Life Skills Education - effective communication is
• Love and peace – enhanced as learners read articles
enhanced as learners practise using nouns in
related to the theme and construct sentences in pairs
or small groups
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:
Language – concept of noun is learnt in all languages
Learner could create a puzzle or word search and share
it with peers through what sup, email, other social
media platforms.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubrics

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1. Identifying Identifies all Identifies all concrete Identifies some of the Has difficulty
concrete and concrete and and abstract nouns. concrete and abstract identifying most
abstract nouns in abstract nouns with nouns. concrete and
sentences ease abstract nouns.

2. Constructing Exquisitely Constructs correct Constructs correct Has difficulty

sentences using constructs correct sentences using all the sentences using some constructing
concrete and sentences using all concrete and abstract concrete and abstract sentences using
abstract nouns the concrete and nouns. nouns correctly. most concrete and
abstract nouns abstract nouns
correctly. correctly.

xxxv Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

2.4 Writing 2.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How can you
strand, the learner should • List topics and possible make your
be able to: ideas for open ended composition
a) Identify topics and compositions. interesting to
(2 lessons) possible ideas for open • Discuss in groups ideas and read?
ended compositions. experiences on a given topic. 2. Why is it
b) Organise ideas in a • Write down points to guide important to
paragraph logically. them in the writing of an proofread your
c) Use proverbs, idioms open-ended composition. composition?
fixed phrases, similes • Create the first paragraph in
and metaphors with small groups or pairs.
straight forward • Complete the composition
meanings in a individually.
composition. • Proofread the composition
d) Create an open-ended and make necessary
composition on a corrections.
variety of themes. • Critique an open-ended
e) Judge a narrative composition in pairs or
composition for groups while focusing on:
correctness of language o organisation of
and relevance of topic. ideas (coherence)

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

o creativity
o relevance of topic
o accuracy of
(grammar, choice
of words,
• Grade a composition written
by peers.

Core Competencies
• Creativity and imagination – as learners create compositions based on a variety of themes
• Learning to Learn – as learners brainstorm, research and list topics and possible ideas for open ended
compositions in pairs or groups

• Life Skills Education – effective communication is
enhanced through composition writing Values
• Citizenship – patriotism is promoted through writing • Unity and Love – enhanced as learners write
about cultural and religious celebrations open-ended compositions individually, in pairs or
small groups

Link to other subjects:

Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

xxxvii Not for Sale

All languages – open-ended compositions is a concept Learner could collaborate with peers to compose a
learnt in these subjects story, critique it, publish it on social media or present
it for publication in a children’s magazine.

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations

1. Identifying and Flawlessly identifies Identifies and Identifies and Have difficulty
organising ideas and organises all organises all ideas organises some identifying and
into a logical ideas into a logical into a logical ideas into a logical organising ideas to
paragraph paragraph. paragraph. paragraph. form a logical

2. Creating an open Creatively writes an Creates an open- Creates an open- Creates an open-ended
ended open-ended ended composition, ended composition, which is
composition composition, which which is relevant to composition, not relevant to the
is relevant to the the topic and has which is relevant topic and has many
topic and has no few errors. to the topic but has errors.
errors. some errors.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs


Suggested Vocabulary
phone, telephone, mobile, dial, cell phone, call, handset, disconnect, receive, network, signal, proper, mindful,
polite, rude, voicemail, answering machine, etiquette, tone, courteous, inquire, privacy, guidelines, receiver,
connect, video call

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)

3.1 3.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening strand, the learner • Say words containing the we use polite
and should be able to sounds /æ/ and /ɜː/ in pairs words and
and Vocabulary
Speaking a) Identify polite words or groups. phrases in a
(2 lessons)
and phrases from a • Interrupt others conversation?
text. appropriately. 2. How can we
b) Use relevant words • Listen to a telephone interrupt a
and phrases to show conversation (either speaker
politeness. recorded or read) in which politely?
c) Use a variety of someone is asking for
similes, proverbs, directions.

xxxix Not for Sale

idioms and fixed • Identify polite words and
phrases in oral phrases used in a telephone
communication. conversation in pairs.
d) Give clear directions • Role-play a telephone
in a variety of conversation in pairs.
contexts. • Use polite language to
e) Respond interrupt politely in
appropriately to sentences in groups.
directions. • Practise using :
f) Collaborate with fixed phrase: make friends,
peers to judge simile: as proud as a
whether words or peacock,
phrases have been metaphor: Peter is a giraffe.
He is so tall.
used politely in a idiom: feel at home
text. proverbs: charity begins at
phrasal verb: pass by, look
for, look at

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration – as learners practise interrupting one another politely
• Self-efficacy – as learners learn to give and respond to directions appropriately

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

PCIs Values
• Life Skills Education – effective communication is • Respect and peace – developed as learners as
promoted through group task learners give and receive directions
• Critical Thinking – as learners give and receive appropriately

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning

Etiquette is a concept learnt in Home Science as well as in Activities
all languages Learner could write compose a poem or story on
the use of polite words and expressions; giving and
receiving directions for publication in children’s
magazine, poster, newspapers or social media.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below

Expectations Expectations Expectations

1. Identifying Ingeniously Identifies all polite Identifies some polite Has difficulty
polite words identifies all polite words and phrases words and phrases from identifying polite
and phrases words and phrases from a text. a text. words and phrases
from a text. from a text from a text.

xli Not for Sale

2. Using polite Uses polite words Uses polite words and Uses polite words and Uses polite words
words and and phrases to phrases to interrupt phrases to interrupt and phrases to
phrases to interrupt appropriately. appropriately. interrupt
interrupt appropriately and appropriately.
appropriately. with ease.

3. Giving and Gives and receives Gives and receives Gives and receives Struggles to give
receiving directions directions directions appropriately and receive
directions appropriately with appropriately most of sometimes. directions
appropriately ease. the time. appropriately.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

3.2 Reading 3.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we read
strand, the learner • Skim and scan a text for stories?
should be able to: specific information. 2. How do you
a) Identify new words • Read a text of up to 500 obtain
(2 lessons) in a text for words. information from
comprehension. • Answer direct and a text?
b) Answers direct and inferential questions. 3. How do you tell
inferential questions • Role-play and dramatise the meaning of
for comprehension. events in the text. unfamiliar
c) Infer the meaning of • Use contextual clues such words?
words, similes, as : synonyms and
proverbs, metaphors antonyms as well as
and idioms with neighbouring words to
straight forward infer the meaning of fixed
meanings using phrases, simile, metaphor,
contextual clues. idiom, proverbs and
d) Summarise phrasal verbs
information from a • Use a dictionary to check
text for effective the meaning of unfamiliar
communication. words.

xliii Not for Sale

e) Advocate the need to • Create a crossword puzzle
read intensively for using vocabulary from the
lifelong learning. text in groups.

Core Competencies
• Learning to Learn – as learners infer the meaning of words using contextual clues and look up the meaning of
unfamiliar words from a dictionary
• Creativity and Imagination - as learner creates a crossword puzzle using vocabulary from the text in groups.

PCIs Values
Citizenship – social cohesion is enhanced through group • Unity and respect – developed as learners read
activities materials about etiquette

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Kiswahili and Foreign Languages – telephone etiquette Learners could help their peers or neighbours to skim
is learnt in Kiswahili and Foreign Languages and scan for information from newspapers.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubrics
Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below
Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations

1. Identifying new Excellently, identifies Identifies all the Identifies some the new Finds it difficult to
words in a text all the new words in a new words in a text words in a text and identify new words
and infers their text and infers their and infers their infers their meaning. in a text and infer
meaning for meaning. meaning. their meaning.

2. Answers direct Answers all the direct Answers all the Answers some direct Answers some of
and inferential and inferential direct and some and a few inferential the direct
questions for questions correctly inferential questions questions correctly. questions.
comprehension and with ease correctly.

3. (Summarising) Retells all the key Retells all the key Retells some of the key Has difficulty
Retelling the events from a text events from a text events from a text. recalling most of
key events chronologically and chronologically. the key events in
from a text with ease the text.

xlv Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

Grammar 3.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Which words do
in Use Use of strand, the learner • Identify the pattern : use we use when
correlative should be able to: of show… nominal… asking questions?
conjunctions a) Identify correlative how/where/who in a text
(2 lessons) conjunctions in an • Use correlative 2. Which words do
oral or written text. conjunctions we use to show
b) Use correlative either…or/neither…nor in making a choice
conjunctions sentences. between two
correctly in oral and • Construct sentences using things?
written show… nominal…
communication. how/where/who in pairs.
c) Use the pattern • Fill in blanks in provided
show… nominal… sentences to practise the
how/where/who in use of the pattern
sentences. how/where/who.
d) Acknowledge the • Search for instances in
importance of using which correlative
well-formed conjunctions
sentences in either…or/neither are used
communication. in newspapers or
magazines or the internet.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Core Competencies
• Learning to Learn – as learners search for instances in which correlative conjunctions either…or/neither are
used in newspapers or magazines
• Creativity and Imagination – as learners create short dialogues using sentence patterns

PCIs Values
• Citizenship – peace is promoted as learners are
• Responsibility – developed as learners construct
sensitised on how to observe courtesy during a
sentences related to telephone etiquette
telephone conversation

Link to other subjects: Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

All languages – correlative conjunctions are a concept Learners could create dialogues featuring correlative
learnt not only in English but also in the Foreign conjunctions and share them on social media.
Languages such as German and Chinese and Kiswahili

xlvii Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric
Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicators Expectations Expectations
1. Identifying Consistently Identifies all Identifies some Identifies some
correlative identifies all the correlative correlative correlative
conjunctions correlative conjunctions conjunctions conjunctions
either…or/neith conjunctions (either…or/neither… (either…or/neither (either…or/neither…n
er…nor in an (either…or/neither… nor) in an oral or …nor) in an oral or or) in an oral or
oral or written nor) in an oral or written text. written text. written text with
text written text. assistance.
2. Using Uses all (correlative Uses all (correlative Uses some Uses all (correlative
correlative conjunctions conjunctions (correlative conjunctions
conjunctions either…or/neither…) either…or/neither…) conjunctions either…or/neither…)
either…or/neith correctly in sentences correctly in either…or/neither correctly in sentences.
er…correctly with ease sentences. …) correctly in
3. Using the Ingeniously forms Forms correct Sometimes forms Sometimes forms
pattern show… correct sentences sentences featuring correct sentences correct sentences
nominal… featuring the pattern - the pattern - show… featuring the pattern featuring the pattern -
how/where/who show… nominal… nominal… - show… show… nominal…
correctly how/where/who - at how/where/who - nominal… how/where/who -
all times. most of the time. how/where/who. when guided by the
teacher or peers.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub Specific Learning Outcome Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

strand Experiences Questions

3.4 3.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we
Writing Mechanics learner should be able to: • Search for numerals, use
of a) Identify numerals, common common abbreviations abbreviations
Writing: abbreviations and acronyms and acronyms from the and
from a text. internet. acronyms?
(2 lessons)
b) Compose a story incorporating • Create a crossword 2. How do we
acronyms, abbreviations and puzzle featuring write
numerals. numerals, common numerals?
f) Use similes, proverbs, abbreviations and
metaphors and idioms with acronyms in groups.
straight forward meanings in a • Display the crossword
composition. puzzles in class.
c) Judge correctness of • Compose a story of about
abbreviations, numerals and (150-200 words)
acronyms used in a text. incorporating common
acronyms, abbreviations,

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration - as learners create and display crossword puzzles in groups
• Digital Literacy – as learners search for common abbreviations and acronyms from the internet

xlix Not for Sale

PCIs Values
Citizenship – peaceful co-existence is promoted as learners Love and responsibility – developed as learners
engage in collaborative writing tasks and display their create compositions based on the theme

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning

All Languages – all languages present aspects such as Activities
punctuation and spelling to learners Learner could assist peers to create crossword
puzzles featuring abbreviations and share them
through letter writing or social media.

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below

Expectations Expectations Expectations

1. Identifying Identifies all Identifies all Identifies some Has difficulty

numerals, common numerals, common numerals, common numerals, common identifying most
abbreviations and abbreviations and abbreviations and abbreviations and numerals, common
acronyms acronyms correctly acronyms correctly. acronyms correctly. abbreviation or
and with ease acronym correctly.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

2. Composing a story Distinctively Composes a story Composes a story Composes a story

incorporating composes a story incorporating all of incorporating some incorporating some
acronyms, incorporating all the the acronyms, of the acronyms, of the acronyms,
abbreviations and acronyms, abbreviations and abbreviations and abbreviations and
numerals abbreviations and numerals. numerals. numerals with
numerals. assistance.

3. Using numerals Uses all the Uses all numerals Uses some numerals Has difficulty using
(cardinal and numerals (cardinal (cardinal and (cardinal and most numerals
ordinal), common and ordinal), ordinal), common ordinal), common (cardinal and
abbreviations and common abbreviations and abbreviations and ordinal), common
acronyms abbreviations and acronyms correctly. acronyms correctly. abbreviation or
acronyms correctly acronyms correctly.
and with ease

li Not for Sale


Suggested Vocabulary
red cross, ambulance, emergency, flying doctors, rescue, security, epidemic, amputate, workers, aid, stroke,
unconscious, casualty, oxygen mask, hazard, precaution, prepare, critical, escape, critical care, intensive care unit,
watch out

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

4.1 4.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Which words
Listening Pronunciatio strand, the learner • Pronounce words have the same
and n and should be able to containing the sound /ʊə/ in spelling but
Speaking Vocabulary: a) Select words with the pairs or groups. different
target sound from a • Pronounce words with meaning?
(2 lessons) text. same spelling but different 2. Why is it
b) Use appropriate words, meaning. important to say
similes, proverbs, with • Distinguish verbs, nouns words accurately?
straight forward and adjectives on the basis 3. Why do we enjoy
meanings in day to day of stress, for example, listening to songs
communication. extract/extract, perfect and poems?
/perfect, wound/wound in
c) Distinguish nouns, pairs.
verbs and adjectives by

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

stressing syllables • Make recording of the

correctly. poetry recitation in pairs or
d) Apply stress on content groups.
words and helping • Sing a song and lay
verbs for speech emphasis on content words.
clarity. • View a video of a recitation
e) Advocate the correct of a poem and identify the
use of stress in oral stressed words.
communication. • Make recordings as they
pronounce words and read
sentences while applying
the stress correctly.

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration – as learners distinguish verbs, nouns and adjectives on the basis of stress
• Digital Literacy – as learners make recordings of songs and poetry recitations

PCIs Values
• Health Education - as learners interact with content • Unity, respect and peace – developed through
related to emergency rescue services information on how to alleviate the suffering of
• Life Skills Education - effective communication is injured people as well as working in unity to save
enhanced through group activities lives

liii Not for Sale

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities
Foreign Languages and Kiswahili – pronunciation is Learners recite poems and narrate stories based on the
learnt in Kiswahili and foreign languages such as theme during public functions.
Chinese and French

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations

1. Selecting Excellently selects all Selects all words Selects some words Has difficulty
words with the words with the target with the target with the target selecting most words
target sound sound. sound. sound. with the target

2. Distinguishing Distinguishes all Distinguishes all Distinguishes some Distinguishes some

nouns, verbs nouns, verbs and nouns, verbs and nouns, verbs and nouns, verbs and
and adjectives adjectives by adjectives by adjectives by adjectives by
by stressing stressing syllables stressing syllables stressing syllables stressing syllables
syllables correctly and with correctly. correctly. correctly with
correctly ease assistance.

3. Applying Ingeniously applies Applies stress Applies stress Has difficulty

stress correctly stress correctly on all correctly on all correctly on some applying stress

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

on content content words and content words and content words and correctly on most
words and helping verbs for helping verbs for helping verbs for content words and
helping verbs speech clarity. speech clarity. speech clarity. helping verbs for
for speech speech clarity.

lv Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

4.2 Reading 4.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we use
strand, the learner • Read a variety of visuals pictures?
should be able to: related to the theme. 2. How can we
a) Predict events from • Make predictions about a communicate
visuals. story based on the visuals. without using
(2 lessons) b) Create images from • Watch videos, mimes or words?
viewed, read or heard cartoons. 3. What information
texts. • Answer question from do we obtain
c) Answer direct and based on visuals. from pictures?
inferential questions • Create a story from visuals
correctly for and retell it.
comprehension. • Give directions using a
d) Assess the relevance map.
of visuals in a text. • Collaborate with peers to
judge the relevance of
• Create a pictorial
composition based on
provided pictures in

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration – as learners use visuals to tell their stories.
• Digital Literacy – as learners watch and create stories from visuals
• Creativity and Imagination – as learners arrange visuals to tell a story

Link to PCIs Values

• Digital Literacy – as learners use tablets, laptops, • Responsibility – developed as learners learn to
mobile phones and television, among others, to work together and interpret visuals related to the
view visuals related to the theme theme

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

Art and Craft - drawing and use of visuals to pass
Learner could work with peers to create visuals that tell
messages is learnt in this area
a story related to safety or staying away from danger
and share their work through posters or wall hangings
in the neighbourhood or social media platforms.

lvii Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations

1. Predicting Interprets and Interprets and Interprets and Interprets and predicts
events from predicts all events predicts all events predicts some events some events from
visuals from visuals from visuals from visuals visuals correctly with
correctly and with correctly. correctly. prompts from peers.

2. Creating All the images All the images Some the images Most of the images
images from created from viewed, created from viewed, created from viewed, created from viewed,
viewed, read heard or read text are heard or read text are heard or read text are heard or read text are
or heard text clear and relevant clear and relevant. clear and relevant. vague and unrelated to
and done the theme.

3. Answering Answers all direct Answers most direct Answers most direct Has difficulty
correctly to and inferential and inferential and some inferential answering most direct
direct and questions from questions from questions from and inferential
inferential visuals correctly and visuals correctly. visuals correctly. questions from visuals
information with ease correctly.
from visuals

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

4.3 4.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do we
Grammar Word strand, the learner should • Identify relative pronouns form questions?
in Use Classes: be able to: such as ‘whose’ from a text. 2. Which words
Pronouns a) Identify relative and • Use indefinite pronouns such do we use when
indefinite pronouns in a as anyone, anything, we are not sure
(2 lessons)
text. everybody, everyone, who did
b) Use relative and indefinite everything, nobody, something?
pronouns correctly in oral somebody, and someone and
and written texts. each from a text.
c) Judge the correctness of • Collaborate with others to
sentences featuring judge the correctness of
relative and definite sentences from a sample text.
pronouns from various • Search for examples of
texts. sentences in which relative
and indefinite pronouns have
been used on the internet.
• Create posters, crossword
puzzles or charts featuring

lix Not for Sale

relative and indefinite
pronouns in groups.

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration - as interact in groups
• Creativity and Imagination - as learners create posters, crossword puzzles or charts featuring relative and
indefinite pronouns

PCIs Values
Learner support programmes - as learners
• Love – developed as learners display their work and
collaborate in activities of the First Aid Club,
appreciate the projects accomplished by their peers
among others, learn to live together and save lives

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

All language areas - pronouns are learnt in these Learner could collaborate with peers to create crossword
learning areas puzzles based on relative and indefinite pronouns and share
them through, charts, poster email, newspaper columns,
magazines or social media.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations

1. Identifying Identifies all Identifies all relative Identifies some relative and Has difficulty
relative and relative and and indefinite indefinite pronouns identifying most
indefinite indefinite pronouns pronouns correctly. correctly. relative and
pronouns correctly and with indefinite pronouns
correctly ease correctly.

2. Using relative Creatively uses all Uses all the relative Uses some the relative and Has difficulty using
and indefinite the relative and and indefinite indefinite pronouns most relative and
pronouns indefinite pronouns pronouns correctly. correctly. indefinite pronouns
correctly correctly. correctly.

lxi Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

4.4 4.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Which kinds
Writing strand, the learner should • Observe a sample formal of letters do
be able to letter and identify its you write?
a) Identify the key features components in pairs. 2. Why do you
(2 lessons) of a formal letter. • Search and download write letters?
b) Create an invitation letter samples of formal letters
using the correct format. online.
c) Judge a formal letter for • Plan a formal invitation
correctness of language letter in groups.
and relevance. • Write the formal letter
• Proofread the letter and
make corrections, in pairs.
• Display the letter in the
classroom, noticeboard or
• Upload the letter online.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration - as learners upload the invitation letter online or send through email,
WhatsApp, among others, to peers
• Digital Literacy - as learners search for sample letters online and download them

PCIs Values
• Citizenship – social cohesion is enhanced as learners • Responsibility and love – enhanced as learners
write the formal invitation letter in pairs or groups practise using language correctly when writing
invitation letters

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning

Formal letter writing skill is learnt in all languages Activities
Learner invite peers to their birthday celebrations
through formal letters.

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations expectations Expectations

1. Identifying the key Identifies all the Identifies all Identifies some Has difficulty
features of a features of a formal features of a formal features of a formal identifying most
formal letter letter with ease letter. letter. features of a formal

lxiii Not for Sale

2. Creating a formal Creatively writes a Creates a formal Creates a formal Creates a formal
invitation letter formal invitation invitation letter and invitation letter and invitation letter but
using the correct letter and includes includes all includes some leaves out most
format all the components. components. components. components.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

5.0 Our Tourist Attractions

Suggested Vocabulary

big five, museum, attract, tour, park, warder, game park, wonder, seven wonders of the world, poach, protect,
national park, game reserve, film, watch, beauty, beach, holiday, tourist, tour guide, hotel, nature walk, travel, bird
watching, swimming, snake park, dance, music, mountain climbing, foreign exchange, game keeper, sun bathe,

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

5.1 5.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Listening Pronunciati strand, the learner • Listen to correct pronounce sounds
and on and should be able to: pronunciation of sounds, correctly?
Speaking Vocabulary a) Listen for specific words, and phrases from the 2. What information do
(2 lessons) information and the teacher, audio-visual we obtain when we
main idea for self- recordings among others. listen keenly?
expression. • Say words and phrases with 3. Which words tell us
b) Respond to oral the sounds /ð / and /θ /. how or when an
questions based on the • Listen to a poem with action was done?
theme. various adverbial phrases
c) Use similes, metaphors such as proudly, in the park,
and proverbs in oral by the river etc and recite it.
communication. • Make sentences using the

identified adverbials.

lxv Not for Sale

d) Advocate the • Practise using words and
importance of listening adverbial phrases in oral
comprehension. communication.

Core Competencies
• Citizenship - enhanced as learner discusses Kenya’s tourism attractions
• Self-efficacy - developed as learner gains confidence and self-esteem as he or she acquires the skills of
listening for the main idea and specific information

PCIs Values
Citizenship – patriotism as learner discusses Kenya’s Patriotism and social justice as learners acquire
tourist attractions knowledge about different parts of Kenya

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

All language areas – adverbials are learnt in all Learner could carry out a project where they visit tourist
languages attraction sites in their locality and draw, take
photographs or record videos, of the animals they see
and upload them online

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric
Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicators Expectations Expectations

1. Selecting words Selects all the words Selects all of the Selects some words Has difficulty
with the sounds with the sounds /ð/ words with the with the sounds /ð/ selecting most words
/ð/ and /θ/ from and /θ/ from a text sounds /ð/ and /θ/ and /θ/ from a text. with the sounds /ð/
a text. with a lot of ease. from a text. and /θ/ from a text.

2. Responding to Responds to all the Responds to all oral Responds to some Has difficulty
oral questions oral questions questions correctly. oral questions responding to most
based on the correctly and with correctly. oral questions
theme for self- ease correctly.

3. Using words Skilfully uses all the Uses all of the words Uses some of the Has difficulty using
and adverbial words and adverbial and adverbial words and most of the words
phrases phrases correctly in phrases correctly in adverbial phrases and adverbial
correctly in sentences. sentences. correctly in phrases correctly in
sentences sentences. sentences.

lxvii Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

5.2 5.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Reading strand, the learner should • Preview a text by focusing read a variety of
be able to: on the title, author, among materials?
a) Select appropriate others (fiction/ non-fiction) 2. Why is it
Fiction/ Non
reading materials from 1251- 1500 words). important to read
varied texts. • Work in groups to determine independently?
(2 lessons) b) Read a variety of texts the appropriateness of a 3. How do you
for enjoyment and reading text in pairs. identify the book
general understanding. • Skim through various texts to you want to read?
c) Assess a text for find out the general idea.
appropriateness and • Scan a text to find specific
relevance. details such as key words.
• Select an appropriate reading
text based on their interest.
• Read fiction/non-fiction,
narrative, newspapers,
magazines poems, and class

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Core Competencies
• Learning to Learn - enhanced as learner interacts with a variety of texts
• Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - developed as learners select an appropriate reading text based on their

PCIs Values
Environmental Education - is enhanced by exposing • Responsibility and love – developed as learners are
learners to texts on tourist attraction sites and natural encouraged to love and become more responsible for
resources protecting animals and natural resources

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Social Studies equips the learner with knowledge about
Learner could work with peers to establish libraries or a
animals and our natural resources
reading club in the neighbourhood.

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations

1. Selecting Critically selects Selects materials that Some selected Has difficulty selecting
appropriate materials that are are appropriate from materials are appropriate reading
reading varied texts. appropriate for

lxix Not for Sale

materials from appropriate from reading from materials from varied
varied texts varied texts. varied texts. texts.

2. Reading a Confidently reads a Reads a variety of Sometimes reads a Reads a variety of texts
variety of texts variety of texts for texts for general variety of texts for for general understanding
for general general understanding and general and enjoyment but with
understanding understanding and enjoyment. understanding and assistance.
and enjoyment enjoyment. enjoyment.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)

5.3 5.3.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Which
the learner should be able to: • Identify adjectives in print and words do
Grammar Adjectives
digital texts. we use to
in Use a) Identify comparative and
(2 lessons) • Compare items using describe
superlative forms of
comparative and superlative people,
adjectives in print and
forms of adjectives. things, and
digital texts correctly.
• List regular and irregular places?
b) Use comparative and
adjectives individually or in 2. Why do we
superlative forms of
small groups. describe
adjectives in oral and
• Order adjectives correctly in people,
written texts.
terms of opinion, shape, age, things, and
c) Acknowledge the
colour, and origin to talk about events?
importance of using
objects and people, in small
adjectives correctly in
• Use adjectives in their correct
forms and order to complete
sentences individually.
• Create a crossword puzzle and a
word search in pairs or groups.
• Display the completed
crossword puzzle and word

lxxi Not for Sale

search on social media, posters,
or charts.

Core Competencies
• Self-efficacy - as learners practise using adjectives correctly in various contexts
• Digital Literacy – developed as learners display the completed crossword puzzle and word search on social media,
posters, or charts

PCIs Values
Safety and Security Education - promoted as learners
• Responsibility and Respect – responsibility and respect for
learn about safety when interacting with animals and
animals and our environment are promoted as learners use
when they visit various tourist attraction sites
adjectives appropriately to construct sentences about
animals and tourist sites, among others

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

All languages - adjectives are a key aspect in the • Learner could write descriptions of various tourist
grammar lessons in Chinese, French, German and attractions in their neighbourhood and share those
other languages descriptions on social media, posters, and charts, among

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Expectations Expectations

1. Identifying Identifies all Identifies all Identifies some Has difficulty using
comparative and comparative and comparative and comparative and most comparative and
superlative forms superlative forms of superlative forms of superlative adjectives superlative forms of
of adjectives adjectives correctly adjectives from a text. from a text. the adjective
correctly and with ease correctly.

2. Using Uses all comparative Uses all comparative Uses some Has difficulty using
comparative and and superlative and superlative forms comparative and most comparative and
superlative forms forms of adjectives of adjectives superlative forms of superlative forms of
of adjectives correctly are correctly. adjectives correctly. adjectives correctly.
correctly creatively

lxxiii Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Question(s)
Outcomes Experiences

5.4 5.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
strand, the learner • Identify the parts of a organise ideas in our
Writing Creative
should be able to: narrative composition ( compositions?
a) Plan a narrative about 100-200 words) in 2. How can you make
(2 lessons) composition pairs. your writing
collaboratively. • Read sample narrative interesting?
b) Organise ideas compositions with peers 3. What are some of the
coherently, clearly, and critique them for: narratives you know?
and logically for o correctness of language
writing fluency. o flow or organisation of
c) Create a narrative ideas
composition on a o relevance to the topic
variety of topics. o creativity
d) Judge a narrative • Create a narrative
composition for composition of 100-120
correctness of words using the steps of the
language, relevance writing process.
of the topic, and • Use appropriate fixed
organisation of ideas. phrases such as: catch fire,

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

similes such as: as fast as

lightning, metaphors such
as : the boy was a fox. He
was so cunning, proverbs
such as : prevention is
better than cure, idioms
such as get into hot water
and phrasal verbs such as:
care for,

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration - enhanced as learners follow the stages of the writing process and create a
narrative composition in groups
• Creativity and Imagination - developed as learners create enhanced as learner writes narrative compositions

PCIs Values
Environmental education through familiarisation Unity and responsibility – developed as learners create
with tourist attractions and other natural features narrative compositions about ways of protecting natural
resources and proofread them in pairs or groups

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

All Languages: Narrative compositions are learnt in Learner writes narratives on tourist attractions and shares
all languages them with penpals or through letters to the editor.

lxxv Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Expectations Expectations

1. Planning a Plans a narrative Plans a narrative Plans a narrative Plans a narrative

narrative composition composition composition composition
composition collaboratively and collaboratively and collaboratively and collaboratively but
collaborative creatively and includes all includes some leaves out most
ly includes all the components. components. components.

2. Organising All the ideas are All ideas are organised Some ideas are Ideas are not organised
ideas organised logically and the organised logically and logically and most
coherently, creatively and paragraphs are clear the paragraphs are clear paragraphs incoherent.
clearly, and logically and the and coherent. and somehow coherent.
logically paragraphs are
clear and coherent.

3. Creating a Writes an excellent Writes a narrative Writes a narrative Writes a narrative

narrative narrative composition which has: composition which has: composition which has:
composition composition with : creativity
some creativity little creativity

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

on a variety a lot of creativity accurate language and some inaccurate many inaccurate words
of topics accurate language is relevant to the topic language and is and expressions and
and is relevant to relevant to the topic little relevance to the
the topic topic

lxxvii Not for Sale

Suggested Vocabulary
value, work, bad, virtue, upright, code, responsible, occupation, teamwork, integrity, trespass, co-worker, self-
esteem, passion, smart, early, unethical, loyal, hardworking, hard work, character, corrupt, honest, reward, excel,

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Experiences Question (s)
6.1 6.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Listening Pronunciati the learner should be able to: • Say sounds, words, pronounce
and on and a) Identify words and phrases phrases, and sentences sounds and words
Speaking Vocabulary with the sounds /f/ /v/ and with the sounds /f/ correctly?
(3 lessons) /əʊ/. and /v/ and /əʊ/. 2. Why do we raise
b) Use vocabulary related to • Say tongue twisters with our voices when
the theme in sentences the sounds /f/ and /v/ and asking questions?
correctly. /əʊ/. 3. How can you
c) Apply stress and • Watch a video of a vary your voice
intonation in questions, dialogue and imitate the to convey
statements, and use of stress and different
exclamatory sentences. intonation by the meanings?
d) Value the importance of speakers.
stress and intonation in • Recite a choral verse in
sentences. pairs or small groups.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

• Sing songs featuring stress

and intonation.

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration – as learners role-play a telephone conversation featuring statements and
• Self-efficacy – developed as learners role-play telephone conversations

PCIs Values
Life Skills - effective communication enhanced through Responsibility and respect – enhanced as learners learn
interactions in groups to value of hard work through proverbs and similes

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Kiswahili and other languages present the concept of Learner could narrate stories and recite poems while
stress and intonation to learners applying stress and intonation in churches, mosques,
or other communal gatherings.

lxxix Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric
Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicators Expectations Expectations

1. Using words Uses all the words Uses all words with Uses some words Has difficulty using
with the sound with the sound /əʊ/ /f/ the sound /əʊ/ /f/ and with the sound /əʊ/ most words with the
/əʊ/ /f/ and /v/ and /v/ correctly in /v/ correctly in /f/ and /v/ correctly sound /əʊ/ /f/ and /v/
in sentences sentences and with sentences. in sentences. correctly in
correctly ease sentences.

2. Applying stress Applies stress and Applies stress and Applies stress and Has difficulty
and intonation intonation correctly in intonation correctly in intonation applying stress and
correctly in all sentences and with sentences. correctly in some intonation correctly
sentences ease sentences. in most sentences.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry

strand Outcomes Question(s)

6.2 6.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
strand, the learner should important to
Reading Intensive • Relate the title and
be able to: relate events in
Reading illustrations/pictures with their
a story to our
a) Make connections personal experiences.
(Dialogue own
between events in the • Skim a text to obtain a general idea
of about experience?
text and prior (dialogue of about 500 words).
500 2. How can you
experiences. • Scan a text for specific details.
words) predict what
b) Use contextual clues to • Observe the cover, pictures, and
will happen in
infer the meaning of read the title to make predictions.
a story or
(2 lessons) vocabulary such as • Infer the meaning of unknown
words, proverbs, fixed words, similes, metaphors and
3. How can we
phrases, similes, and fixed phrases from context.
infer the
phrasal verbs. • Create mental images (visualise)
meaning of
c) Predict the likely from read, viewed, or heard text.
new words in a
outcome of a story by • Retell events in a story/dialogue in
focusing on the title or their own words.
visuals. • Make posters featuring the new
d) Create mental images words he or she has learnt in pairs
from read, viewed, or or groups.
heard text.

lxxxi Not for Sale

e) Answer direct and • Answer literal and inferential
inferential questions for questions.
f) Acknowledge the role of
reading comprehension
in lifelong learning.

Core Competencies:

• Communication and Collaboration - enhanced through role play as well as respond to questions from a text
• Self-efficacy - as learner makes posters featuring the new words he or she has learnt

PCIs Values

Life-Skills Education – effective communication is Respect, unity, and love – enhanced as learners role-play
developed as learners engage in role-play and retell the and make posters related to the theme
events in the story

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

All languages - intensive reading is learnt in Chinese, Learner could create or recite conversational poems
Kiswahili, and German emphasising the importance of work during communal

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations

1. Making predictions Creatively makes All predictions and Some predictions Most predictions and
and connections predictions and connections between and connections connections between
between events and connections events and prior between events and events and prior
prior experiences between events and experiences are prior experiences experiences are
prior experiences accurate. are accurate. inaccurate.
are accurate.

2. Using contextual Confidently uses Uses contextual Uses contextual Uses contextual clues to
clues to infer the contextual clues to clues to infer the clues to infer the infer the meaning of
meaning of infer the meaning meaning of all meaning of some some unfamiliar words
unfamiliar words of all unfamiliar unfamiliar words unfamiliar words and expressions with but
and expressions words and and expressions. and expressions. with assistance.

3. Creating mental Creatively created All of the created Some of the Most of the created
images from read mental images mental images from created mental mental images from read
viewed or heard from read viewed read viewed or heard images from read viewed or heard texts are
texts or heard texts that texts are vivid and viewed or heard neither vivid nor
are vivid and relevant. texts are vivid and relevant.
relevant. relevant.

lxxxiii Not for Sale

4. Answering direct Confidently Answers all direct Answers some Answers some direct
and inferential answers all direct and all inferential direct and a few questions correctly but is
questions correctly and inferential questions correctly. inferential unable to answer
questions correctly. questions correctly. inferential questions.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcome Experiences Question (s)

6.3 6.3.1 By the end of the Sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do we tell
Grammar in strand, the learner countable nouns
Phrasal • View a video or listen to an
Use should be able to: from
quantifiers audio text featuring phrasal
(2 lessons) a) Recognise phrasal quantifiers and identify
quantifiers in oral and them in pairs or groups.
2. Which words
written contexts. • Make sentences using
are used to
b) Use phrasal quantifiers phrasal quantifiers such as a
show the
with countable and lot of…, a pinch of…
amount of
uncountable nouns plenty of…, a number of, a
correctly. crate of …
c) Judge the correctness of • Create crossword puzzles
phrasal quantifiers in using phrasal quantifiers
sentences. and share them through
charts, posters, or social
media in pairs or groups.
• Form sentences from a
substitution table.

Core Competencies

• Communication and Collaboration - as learners express themselves using phrasal quantifiers in pairs or groups

lxxxv Not for Sale

• Digital Literacy – promoted through interaction with videos featuring phrasal quantifiers or displaying charts
and posters online or on digital devices

PCIs Values

• Citizenship - social activities as well as pair and group Respect, integrity, and unity – promoted as learners
tasks promote cohesion and integration create charts in pairs or small groups
• Learner Support Programmes – learning to live together
is developed through group activities

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning

Phrasal quantifiers are a concept learnt in many languages
including German, Arabic, and Indigenous Languages Learner could write a poem featuring phrasal
quantifiers for a children’s magazine or newspaper

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Expectations Expectations

1. Recognising Confidently Recognises most Recognises some Has difficulty

phrasal recognises all phrasal quantifiers in phrasal quantifiers in recognising most
quantifiers in a phrasal quantifiers in a text. a text. phrasal quantifiers in a
text a text. text.

2. Using phrasal Uses all phrasal Uses most phrasal Uses some phrasal Has difficulty using
quantifiers quantifiers correctly quantifiers correctly. quantifiers correctly. most phrasal quantifiers
correctly and with ease correctly.

lxxxvii Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcome Questions

6.4 6.4.1 By the end of the Sub Learner is guided to: 1. How can you
Pictorial strand, the learner • View a variety of pictures, make others
composition should be able to: illustrations, and other visuals in want to read
s ( (2 print and digital texts and discuss your
a) Plan a composition in
lessons) what is happening in pairs or composition?
preparation for
groups. 2. What
• View comic strips from information do
b) Organise ideas
newspapers and magazine we obtain from
logically, coherently,
columns. pictures or
and clearly.
• Use relevant visuals?
c) Use appropriate words
o fixed phrases: have
and expressions such
no idea,
as similes, metaphors,
o similes: as happy as
fixed phrases, phrasal
a king,
verbs and idioms in o metaphors: Wambui
written is a bee. She is so
communication. busy.
d) Create a pictorial o idioms: go the extra
composition from mile
o proverbs such as : the
sun does not wait for
a king and phrasal

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

e) Judge a pictorial verbs such as grow

composition for up in a composition.
relevance of topic, • Use visuals to compose a story of
correctness of about 120-160 words in pairs.
language, and • Revise their composition by
creativity. incorporating suggestions given
by peers in pairs.
• Publish the composition by
displaying it on the wall, charts,
online, posters, and social media
platforms, among others.

Core Competencies

• Creativity and Imagination – is enhanced by creating a story from a collection of visuals provided by the
• Self-efficacy - publishing compositions by displaying them on the wall, charts, online, posters, and social
media platforms, among others, boosts the confidence of learners

PCIs Values
• Critical Thinking - observe visuals or pictures and
plan a composition in pairs.

lxxxix Not for Sale

• Creativity - compose a story of about 120-160 words Responsibility, respect, and love - developed as
in pairs learners critique visuals in groups and then create
pictorial compositions related to the theme

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning

Languages such as French, German, and Chinese Activities:
emphasise aspects of pictorial compositions in their Learner could collect, download, or draw visuals that
curricula tell a story or convey a special message for children
in an orphanage, sick people, or children’s magazine.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1. Planning a Creatively plans a Plans a pictorial Plans a pictorial Plans a pictorial

pictorial pictorial composition and composition and composition but leaves
composition composition and includes most includes some out most components.
includes all the components. components.

2. Organising All the ideas are All ideas are Some ideas are Ideas are not organised
ideas excellently organised logically organised logically and logically and most
coherently, organised and and the paragraphs the paragraphs are clear paragraphs incoherent.
clearly, and logical and the are clear and and somehow coherent.
logically paragraphs are coherent.
clear and coherent.

3. Creating a Creatively writes a Creates a pictorial Creates a pictorial Creates a pictorial

pictorial pictorial composition by composition by composition by correctly
composition composition by correctly correctly interpreting interpreting some visuals
from visuals correctly interpreting most some visuals. with assistance from
interpreting all visuals. peers.

xci Not for Sale

Suggested Vocabulary
Engineer, computer science, device, app, telephone, industrial, laboratory, evolve, architect, irrigation, electronic,
wireless, digital, invent, modern, medical, advance, space, rocket, science, discover, satellite,

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcome Experiences Questions

7.1 7.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do you
Listening Pronunciati strand, the learner should • Practise saying the sounds: interrupt a
and on and be able to: /ɒ/ as in hot, /ɔː/ as in hold, speaker
Speaking Vocabulary: a) Identify different coat among others. politely during
Interactive moods in a picture, • Take turns and interrupt a
Listening story, or poem. appropriately during conversation?
(3 lessons) b) Articulate sounds conversations. 2. What emotions
correctly for • Show moods such as or feelings do
communication clarity. happiness, surprise, sadness, we show on
c) Use appropriate words, regret, and pain, among our face when
similes, metaphors, others. talking?
proverbs among others • Role-play short interviews. 3. Which words
or phrases do

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

to express different • Watch partial dialogues on we use when

moods in oral contexts. video, the computer, tablets, we are not sure
d) Seek clarification and other devices and what someone
during a two-way respond to questions said?
conversation. appropriately.
e) Interrupt appropriately • Practise using expressions
during a conversation. such as fixed phrases: a long
f) Advocate the time ago; similes such as
importance of work like magic, idioms such
interactive listening. as the apple of my eye;
proverbs such as practice
makes perfect and phrasal
verbs such as look for…

Core Competencies
• Digital Literacy - enhanced as the learner watches partial dialogues on video, the computer, and tablets, and
other devices and respond to questions appropriately
• Communication and Collaboration - enhanced as the learner takes turns during a conversation.

PCIs Values
Life Skills Education - effective communication is • Love and respect – are enhanced as learner takes
acquired as the learner practises turn-taking and turns to speak during conversations and seek
interrupting one another appropriately clarification during a conversation

xciii Not for Sale

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning
Interactive listening features in languages such as Arabic, Activities:
Indigenous Languages, Chinese, Kiswahili, German and Learner could record a two-way conversation about
French, among others the importance of technology and share it on social

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Expectations Expectations

1. Identifying Displays creatively Displays all of the Displays some of the Has difficulty
and all the expected expected facial expected facial displaying the expected
expressing facial expressions expressions in a expressions in a facial expressions in a
different in a conversation conversation and conversation and conversation and
moods in and interprets a interprets a speaker’s interprets some interpreting most
oral contexts speaker’s feelings feelings correctly. aspects of a speaker’s aspects of a speaker’s
correctly. feelings correctly. feelings correctly.

2. Interrupting Critically interrupts Interrupts appropriately Interrupts Has difficulty

appropriately appropriately and and seeks clarification appropriately and interrupting
seeks clarification seeks clarification appropriately and

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

and seeking during all two-way during two-way during some of the seeking clarification
clarification conversations. conversations. two-way during most two-way
conversations. conversations.

xcv Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

7.2 7.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How can you
Reading strand, the learner should • Select a reading text from obtain the general
be able to: a varied collection of idea of what a
a) Select appropriate materials or library. text is about?
fictional and
reading texts from a • Preview the table of 2. Why is it
library. contents from a book, find important to read
(2 lessons) b) Read a variety of texts the required information, many books?
for general information and answer oral questions.
and enjoyment. • Skim through a text to
c) Acknowledge the obtain the gist or general
importance of reading idea.
widely in lifelong • Scan through a text to
learning. obtain specific
• Select a reading text
(1251-1500 words).
• Use a dictionary to look
up the meaning of
unfamiliar words.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

• Write a summary of a text

he or she has read.

Core Competencies
• Learning to Learn - as the learner selects a reading text from a varied collection of materials or library
• Communication and Collaboration – as learner shares the content or story he or she has read in groups

PCIs Values
• Critical Thinking – as learner skims through a text to • Responsibility and respect – developed as
obtain the gist or general idea learners read poems and narratives related to the
theme and perform various tasks

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning

Kiswahili, Foreign and Indigenous Languages promote Activities:
extensive reading Learner could work help peers to select reading
materials from a community library or establish a
reading club or collect reading materials in a church,
mosque, temple, or neighbourhood

xcvii Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations
1. Selecting All selected All of the selected Some of the selected Has difficulty
appropriate materials are materials are materials are selecting appropriate
reading materials critically chosen appropriate. appropriate. reading materials
from a library and appropriate. from a library.

2. Reading a Reads a variety of Reads a variety of Reads some texts for Reads some texts for
variety of texts texts for general texts for general general general
for general understanding and understanding and understanding and understanding and
understanding enjoyment with enjoyment. enjoyment. enjoyment but with
and enjoyment confidence. assistance.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question (s)

7.3 7.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. What will you
Grammar Tense: strand, the learner • Ask the following questions be doing next
in Use Future should be able to: in pairs: What are you doing; week?
Continuous a) Identify sentences What were you doing 2. How do you
Tense featuring future yesterday?; What will you be show an action
continuous tense in doing tomorrow? will take place
print and digital texts. • View a map, globe, list of tomorrow?
(2 lessons) b) Use future continuous time zones, video or pictures 3. Which words do
tense in oral and of animals, plants, or people you use to show
written contexts and describe what will when an action
correctly. probably happen the next day occurred?
c) Assess sentences for starting with the words, they,
correctness and he, and she, among others,
appropriateness of • Talk about activities in the
tense. past, present, and future
time in pairs or groups.
• Search the internet for
examples of sentences
expressing continuous

xcix Not for Sale

• Collaborate with peers to
determine the correctness of
tense in sample sentences.

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration - enhanced when the learner talks about activities in the past, present, and
future time in pairs or groups
• Self-efficacy - developed as learners role- use the future continuous time while role-playing an action related
to the theme

PCIs Values
Life Skills Education - Effective Communication
Unity and love – developed as learner reads a story and
is promoted through role play
identifies instances when future continuous forms have been
used in pairs or small groups

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Tense is an aspect learnt in all languages
Learner could recite poems featuring past, present, and
future continuous time during community events.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Expectations Expectations

1. Identifying Confidently Identifies all of the Identifies some of Has difficulty identifying
sentences in identifies all sentences in which the the sentences in most sentences in which
which the sentences in future continuous which the future the future continuous
future which the future tense has been used continuous tense tense has been used
continuous continuous tense correctly. has been used correctly.
tense has been has been used correctly.
used correctly.

2. Using the Uses future Uses future Sometimes uses Has difficulty using the
future continuous tense continuous tense future continuous future continuous tense
continuous correctly all the correctly all the time. tense correctly. correctly most of the time.
tense correctly time and with

ci Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question (s)

7.4 7.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Writing Punctuation strand, the learner should • Identify sentences in which punctuate our
Marks be able to: the comma and the speech or writing
(2 lessons) a) Identify the comma and quotation mark have been correctly?
quotation mark in a text. used in small groups. 2. Which punctuation
b) Use the comma and • Recite a poem while paying marks do you use
quotation marks attention to the use of the frequently?
correctly in oral and comma and the quotation
written text. marks.
c) Collaborate with peers to • Listen to an oral
determine the presentation and answer
correctness featuring the questions in pairs or groups.
comma and the quotation • Form sentences from a
mark. substitution table.

Core Competencies
Learning to Learn - enhanced as learners look for information on the Web
Self-efficacy – developed as learners recite a poem while paying attention to the use of the comma and the
quotation marks.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

PCIs Values
• Effective Communication - enhanced as learners use Love and unity – developed through recitation or
punctuation marks in oral and written contexts performance of poems in groups
• Critical Thinking - listen to an oral presentation and
answer questions in pairs or groups

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

All languages – punctuation is a key component Learner could help other children to observe
incorporated in the learning of Kiswahili and Foreign punctuation marks correctly as they read a children’s
Languages, among others magazine, Quran, Bible, or any other relevant text.

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below

Indicators Expectations Expectations

1. Identifying Confidently identifies Identifies the comma Identifies some Identifies some
the comma the comma and the and the quotation instances in which instances in which
and the quotation mark mark correctly in all the comma and the the comma and the
quotation correctly in all texts. texts. quotation mark quotation mark
mark correctly. correctly with
correctly support from peers.

ciii Not for Sale

2. Using the Uses the comma and Uses the comma and Uses the comma and Uses the comma
comma and the quotation mark the quotation mark the quotation mark and the quotation
the correctly in all correctly in all correctly in some mark correctly in
quotation sentences a with ease sentences. sentences. some sentences
mark with support from
correctly others.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs


Suggested Vocabulary
veterinary, poisonous, cruel, brand, sanctuary, adoption, orphanage, cage, inspect, helmet, pesticide, tether,
endangered, die, protect, safety, danger, care, cage, suffering, clean, pet, feed, animal rights, overwork,

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

8.1 8.1.1 By the end of the sub Learners is guided to: 1. Why do we tell
Listening Pronunciati strand, the learner should • Participate in a riddling riddles and
and on and be able to: session in pairs or proverbs?
Speaking Vocabulary a) Recognise the difference groups. 2. Which are some
(2 lessons) between riddles and • Say sounds, words, of the proverbs
proverbs. idioms, and proverbs you know?
b) Pronounce sounds, with the sounds / ʃ / and
words, and phrases /ʧ / accurately.
related to the theme • Use words, phrases, and
accurately. proverbs in a
c) Use words, idioms, fixed conversation.
phrases, phrasal verbs • Find and use words and
and proverbs in varied expressions such as
contexts. fixed phrases: a long
time ago; similes such as

cv Not for Sale

d) Acknowledge the work like magic, idioms
importance of proverbs, such as the apple of my
riddles, and idioms in eye; proverbs such as
communication. practice makes perfect
and phrasal verbs such
as look for…
• Create own riddles and
share them with their

Core Competencies
• Digital Literacy - enhanced as learners search for information online
• Learning to Learn - promoted when learners learn how to use proverbs and idioms appropriately

PCIs Values
• Life Skills Education- effective communication as responsibility, respect, love – developed as learners listen
learners pronounce words correctly for effective to a text about animal safety and care
• Critical Thinking – as learners unravel the
meaning of proverbs, idioms, and riddles

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

All languages emphasise correct pronunciation

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Learner could engage peers in a riddling session for

enjoyment purposes.

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations

1. Pronounce words Pronounces all words Pronounces all words Pronounces some Has difficulty
and phrases with and phrases with the and phrases with the words and phrases pronouncing most
the target sounds / target sounds target sounds with the target sounds words and phrases
ʃ / /ʧ / correctly and with correctly. correctly. with the target sounds
ease correctly.

2. Recognising the Confidently picks out Picks out all proverbs Picks out some Has difficulty picking
difference between all proverbs and and riddles from a proverbs and riddles out proverbs and
riddles and riddles from a text. text. from a text. riddles from a text
proverbs and cannot tell the

3. Using words, Flawlessly uses all Uses all words, Uses some words, Has difficulty using
idioms and words, idioms, and idioms, and proverbs idioms, and proverbs most words, idioms,
proverbs correctly proverbs correctly. correctly. correctly. and proverbs

cvii Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

8.2 8.2.1 Fluency: By the end of the sub Learners is guided to: 1. Why do we hesitate
Reading proverbs and strand, the learner as we read at times?
• Obtain specific
idioms should be able to: 2. How can you
information from a
improve your
(3 lessons) a) Select specific details text.
reading speed?
from a text. • Practise reading at the
3. What are some of
b) Read a text at a right speed in pairs or
the feelings you
reasonable speed for groups.
show when reading
fluency. • Read a text, while
a story or poem?
c) Read a text accurately observing punctuation
and with expression. marks correctly.
d) Acknowledge the • Watch a video on
importance of reading reading fluency and
fluency in lifelong practise:
learning. • Read a choral verse in
small groups.
• Read a paragraph, a
passage, or story in

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

• Identify proverbs from

a text.

Core Competencies

• Self-efficacy - developed as learner becomes more fluent in reading

• Digital Literacy – as learner watches a video and practises various aspects of reading fluency

PCIs Values
Life Skills Education - effective communication is Unity and respect – developed through reading
developed as learners become more fluent in reading materials featuring various idioms and proverbs and
working in groups

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning

Fluency in reading is emphasised in Kiswahili, Foreign
and Indigenous Languages • Learner could present a choral verse related to the
theme in a communal gathering.

cix Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric
Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below
Expectations Expectations Expectations

1. Selecting Confidently selects Selects most of the Selects some required Has difficulty
specific details all the required required details from a details from a text. selecting most of
from a text details from a text. text. the required details
from a text.

2. Reading a text Skilfully reads a Reads a text accurately, Reads a text Reads a text
accurately at a text accurately, without hesitations, and somewhat inaccurately,
reasonable without hesitations, with expression. inaccurately, with hesitates a lot, and
speed and with and with hesitations and with shows little
expression expression. some expression. expression.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

8.3 8.3.1 Sentence By the end of the sub Learners is guided to: 1. Why do we say
Grammar Patterns: strand, the learner • Identify sentences in the some sentences are
in Use should be able to: active and passive voice in active or passive
(3 lessons)
a) Distinguish the active from a text. voice?
and passive voice in a • Change sentences from 2. How do we change
sample text correctly. active to passive voice a sentence from
b) Contrast the use of and vice-versa in pairs. active to passive
some given words in • Sort pairs of sentences form?
sentences. and classify them into
c) Use active and either active or passive
passive voice voice categories.
correctly. • Contrast the use of keep,
d) Assess sentences for put, think, and hope in a
correctness on the use substitution table.
of active and passive • Construct sentences in
voice. the active and passive
voice, type them on a
computer, laptop, tablet,
or mobile phone and
share them through

cxi Not for Sale

email or other web
• Search for more
examples of sentences in
the active and passive
voice from the internet.
• Collaborate with peers to
determine the
correctness of sentences.
• Form sentences from a
substitution table in
• Write the sentences on
charts in small groups.
• Display the charts and
conduct a gallery walk.
• Construct sentences
using the words keep,
put, think, and hope.
• Play a game: sentence
scramble where they
manipulate jumbled up
words to form correct

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Core Competencies
• Digital Literacy - enhanced as learners search the Web for more examples of active and passive sentences
• Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving - rearrange jumbled up sentences into a coherent paragraph

PCIs Values
ESD - animal welfare is enhanced as learners Unity and respect – developed as learners work in groups to
construct sentences related to animal welfare form active and passive sentences from a substitution table

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Care for animals is a concept emphasised in
Learner could:
subjects like Agriculture and Science
• Write stories featuring the passive and active voice for
publication on the internet, blogs, newspapers, posters,
noticeboards, and magazines, among others

cxiii Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations

Expectations Expectations Expectations

1. Recognising Recognises Recognises Recognises some Recognises a few

sentences in sentences in the sentences in the sentences in the sentences in the active
the active and active and passive active and passive active and passive and passive voice in a
passive voice voice in a text with voice in a text voice in a text text.

2. Contrasting Contrasts the use of Contrasts the use of Contrasts the use of Contrasts the use of the
the use of the words: keep, put, the words: keep, the words: keep, put, words: keep, put, think,
given words in think, and hope in put, think, and think, and hope in and hope in some
a sentence sentences correctly hope in sentences some sentences sentences correctly when
and with confidence. correctly. correctly. assisted by others.

3. Using active Uses active and Uses active and Uses active and Has difficulty using
and passive passive voice passive voice passive voice active and passive voice
voice in correctly in all correctly in all correctly in some correctly in most
sentences sentences. sentences. sentences. sentences.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Question
Outcome Experiences (s)

8.4 8.4.1 Creative By the end of the Sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it important
Writing Writing strand, the learner • Identify idioms, proverbs, to plan your
should be able to: and similes from an oral composition?
(3 lessons)
a) Plan a narrative or written text. 2. What makes a
composition in • Complete a gap-filling composition
preparation for exercise involving similes, interesting?
writing. proverbs, and idioms. 3. Why do we use
b) Use proverbs, phrasal • Use appropriate words and idioms and proverbs
verbs and idiomatic expressions such as fixed in compositions?
expressions in phrases: a long time ago;
writing. similes such as work like
c) Create a narrative magic, idioms such as the
composition based on apple of my eye; proverbs
a given theme for such as practice makes
self-expression. perfect and phrasal verbs
d) Judge a narrative such as look for in their
composition for writing.
creativity, • Use the writing process
organisation of ideas, (planning, drafting,
relevance of topic, editing, revising, and
and correctness. publishing) and create a

cxv Not for Sale

narrative composition in
• Display their
compositions in class, on
charts, school magazine,
noticeboard and blogs,
among others.

Core Competencies
• Creativity and Imagination - developed as learner creates narrative compositions
• Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving – as learner proofreads composition written by a peer and proposes
• Digital Literacy – as learner displays his or her composition in the classroom, on charts, school magazine,
noticeboard and blogs among others

PCIs Values
• ESD - animal welfare is promoted through the theme Responsibility, respect, love for animals - enhanced as
of taking care about animals learner uses proverbs and idioms in a narrative
• Creativity – developed as learner plans a narrative composition about farm animals
composition in pairs
Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:
All language subjects - composition writing is learnt in • Learner could create a narrative composition on the
Kiswahili, Foreign Languages and Indigenous Languages care of animals and share it on social media or
educational website.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations

Expectations Expectations Expectations

1. Planning a Consistently plans a Plans a narrative Plans a narrative Plans a narrative

narrative narrative composition and composition and composition but
composition composition and includes all the includes some the leaves out most
includes all the components. components. components.

2. Using a variety Confidently uses all Uses proverbs and Uses some proverbs Uses most of the
of proverbs and the proverbs and idiomatic and idiomatic proverbs and
idiomatic idiomatic expressions expressions idiomatic expressions
expressions expressions appropriately in a appropriately in a inappropriately in a
appropriately in a composition composition. composition.

3. Creating a Creates a narrative Creates a narrative Creates a narrative Creates a narrative

narrative composition that: composition that: composition that: composition that:
composition is relevant to the is relevant to the has some relevance has little relevance
theme with ease theme to the theme to the theme

cxvii Not for Sale

Suggested Vocabulary
cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, heart attack, obesity, overweight, diabetes, exercise, incurable, cure,
allergy, treat, distress, headache, prevention, diet, lifestyle, heart disease, stroke, obesity,

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)

9.1 9.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening Pronunciati strand, the learner • Say words and phrases with the you speak
and on and should be able to: sounds /eə/ /aʊ/ and /h / correctly. accurately and
Speaking Vocabulary: a) Identify words, • Practise saying tongue twisters without
Speaking phrases and sentences with the selected sounds. hesitations?
Fluency with the target • Recite poems with words which 2. Why should
sounds. have the sounds /eə/ /aʊ/ and /h/. you show the
(3 lessons) b) Use words and o Speak at the right right feelings
expressions such as speed. when reciting a
idioms, proverbs and o Say words and poem or telling
similes related to the phrases accurately. a story?
theme in sentences o Display the right
correctly. feelings when saying

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

c) Make an oral • Make short speeches

presentation related to expressively, accurately and
the theme fluently. without hesitations.
d) Acknowledge the • Recite choral and oral verses
importance of poems and show the right facial
fluency in oral expressions through readers’
communication. theatres.
• Use fixed phrases such as fall
sick similes such as … as right as
rain, metaphor e.g Kadzo is a
lark. she is always happy. idioms
such as fit as a fiddle, sick like a
dog, proverbs such as an apple a
day keeps the doctor away, ,
prevention is better than cure,
phrasal verbs such as pass out.
• Make short videos of the poetry
recitation, narrations or readers
theatre and share them with
friends or peers.

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration – enhanced as learner makes short videos of the poetry recitation, narrations
or readers theatre and share them with friends or peers

cxix Not for Sale

• Self-Efficacy – promoted as the learner begins to speak more fluently and with confidence

PCIs Values
Life Skills Education – effective communication • Responsibility – developed as learners deliver
speeches on lifestyle disease
• Peace and unity – developed through performance of
group tasks

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Languages -speaking fluency is learnt in Kiswahili, Learner could deliver recitations of poems during public
Indigenous and Foreign languages health forums.

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Expectations Meeting Expectations Approaching Below

Indicators Expectations Expectations

1. Identifying Confidently identifies Identifies most the Identifies some Has difficulty
words and all the words and words and phrases with words and phrases identifying most
phrases with the phrases with the target the target sounds and with the target words and phrases
target sounds sounds and using them using them in sentences sounds and using with the target
in sentences correctly. correctly. sounds and using

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

and using them them in sentences them in sentences

in sentences correctly. correctly.

2. Make speeches Confidently makes Makes speeches and Makes speeches Makes speeches
and oral speeches and oral oral presentations and oral and oral
presentations at presentations accurately, without presentations presentations with
the right speed, accurately, without hesitations and displays accurately, with many inaccuracies,
accurately and hesitation and displays appropriate some hesitations many hesitations
with expression appropriate expressions. and displays some and little
expressions. appropriate expression.

cxxi Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question (s)
9.2 9.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub Learners is guided to: 1. Why should we
Reading Reading - strand, the learner • Predict events by studying relate events in a
fictional or should be able to: the title, cover or pictures in text with real life,
non-fictional a) Make connections a text. people or places?
between events in the • Picture events, characters or 2. How can we
text and real life places in their minds. predict what will
(3 lessons)
experiences. • Read texts of up to 500 happen in a text or
b) Create mental images words related to the selected story?
from viewed, heard or theme
read text for • Connect events in a text with
comprehension. an occurrence in their own
c) Use contextual clues to life or real world events.
infer the meaning of • Use the image on the front
unfamiliar words and cover to predict events in the
expressions such as text.
fixed phrases, idioms, • Infer the meaning of
phrasal verbs, similes, unfamiliar words and
proverbs and expressions such as fixed
metaphors. phrases, idioms, proverbs and
d) Answer direct and phrasal verbs.
inferential questions • Retell the events depicted in
a text in their own words.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

correctly for • Answer direct and

comprehension. inferential questions from a
e) Summarise events variety of texts
described in a text • Create a mind map using
through retelling. words in a text.
f) Acknowledge the
importance of reading
comprehension in
lifelong learning.
Core Competencies
• Learning to Learn – enhanced as learners infer the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases
• Creativity and Imagination - enhanced through creation of mind maps using words in a text

PCIs Values
Environmental and Health Education – enhanced as Responsibility, love – enhanced through interaction with
learners become more knowledgeable on lifestyle fictional and non-fictional texts
Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:
Lifestyle or non-communicable diseases are learnt in
Learner could create poems or narratives on lifestyle
Home Science, Physical Education as well as Science
disease and upload them on blogs, social media or send
and Technology
them through email and WhatsApp. They could also
display them on posters, charts or noticeboards.

cxxiii Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meeting Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1. Making Makes connections Makes connections Makes some Makes some

connections between all events in between all events in connections between connections between
between events in the text and real life the text and real life all events in the text all events in the text
the text and real experiences experiences and real life and real life
life experiences accurately and with accurately. experiences experiences when
ease. accurately. supported by peers.

2. Creating mental Creates vivid mental Creates vivid mental Creates some mental Creates some mental
images from images from viewed, images from viewed, images from viewed, images from viewed,
viewed, heard or heard or read texts heard or read texts. heard or read texts. heard or read texts
read text for with ease. with assistance.

3. Using contextual Uses contextual Uses contextual Uses contextual clues Uses contextual clues
clues to infer the clues to infer the clues to infer the to infer the meaning to infer the meaning
meaning of meaning of all meaning of of some unfamiliar of some unfamiliar
unfamiliar words. unfamiliar words unfamiliar words. words. words with assistance.
with ease

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

4. Answering direct Confidently answers Answers all direct Answering most Answering a few
and inferential all direct and and inferential direct and some direct questions but
questions inferential questions questions correctly. inferential questions none of the inferential
correctly correctly. questions correctly.

5. Summarising Summarises all the Summarises the key Summarises some the Summarises some the
events described key events described events described in a key events described key events described
in a text through in a text through text through in a text through in a text through
retelling retelling with ease retelling. retelling. retelling with

cxxv Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Question
Outcomes Experiences (s)

9.3 9.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1) How do we show
Grammar Adverbs strand, the learner • Identify the adverbs of where, how, when
in Use (3 lessons) should be able to: manner, time place and and how many times
a) Identify adverbs in frequency in a text. an action occurs?
oral and written texts. • Underline the adverbs in a 2) What are some of
b) Use adverbs to passage. the words you could
express different • Pick out different adverbs use to talk more
meanings correctly. from print texts or the about an action?
c) Judge the internet in small groups.
appropriateness of • Collaborate with peers to
adverbs used in oral judge the correctness of
and written texts. sentences featuring adverbs.
• Form sentences using
• Create a poem or story
using different types of
• Create and solve crossword
puzzles using adverbs in

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Core Competencies
• Digital Literacy - promoted as learner searches for adverbs on the internet
• Creativity and Imagination - nurtured as learner creates crossword puzzles using adverbs in pairs

PCIs Values
• ESD -safety - promoted as learners are sensitised on
unity, respect, responsibility - developed as learners
the need to reduce the risk of contracting lifestyle
interact with texts on lifestyle diseases and learn how
to reduce the risk of contracting these disease

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning

Adverbs are learnt in all languages
Learner could compose poems and songs featuring
adverbs, present them during recite community
functions or upload them on blogs or social media.

cxxvii Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1) Identifying Identifies all Identifies adverbs Identifies some Identifies some adverbs
adverbs adverbs correctly correctly. adverbs correctly. correctly but with
and with ease assistance.

2) Using adverbs Confidently uses Uses most adverbs Uses some adverbs to Has difficulty using most
to express all adverbs to to express different express different adverbs to express
different express different meanings correctly. meanings correctly. different meanings
meanings in meanings correctly. correctly.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question (s)

9.4 9.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1) Why do we
Writing Punctuation: strand, the learner should • Identify quotation marks punctuate texts?
Quotation be able to: and the hyphen in pairs.
marks and a) Identify quotation marks • Practise using the hyphen to
hyphen and the hyphen in a break words at the end of a
written text. line.
(2 lessons)
b) Use quotation marks • Watch a video on the
correctly in sentences. internet on how quotation
c) Break a long word at the marks and the hyphen are
end of a line in a text used.
using a hyphen. • Punctuate texts such as
d) Judge sentences for sentences and paragraphs
correctness of language, correctly.
the use of quotation Note: Just show learners how
marks and the hyphen. to break words at the end of
the line. The hyphen will be
covered in greater detail in
higher grades.

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration – promoted as learners practise forming sentences in pairs or small groups

cxxix Not for Sale

• Digital Literacy – Enhanced as learner views videos on the internet explaining how quotation marks and the
hyphen are used

PCIs Values
• Life skills Education: effective communication is love, unity, responsibility – developed as punctuate
enhanced through correct use of punctuation marks texts on lifestyle diseases and learn how to reduce the
• Health Education – lifestyle diseases - enhanced as risk of contracting those diseases
learners use the hyphen and the quotation marks to
punctuate texts on lifestyle diseases correctly

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

All languages emphasise the importance of correct Learner could help children in an orphanage, peers, or
punctuation members of a religious group to proofread documents
and ensure the hyphen and quotation marks are correctly

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations

1) Identifying Identifies with ease all Identifies sentences in Identifies some Identifies some
quotation sentences in which which quotation sentences in which sentences in which
marks in a quotation marks are marks are used quotation marks quotation marks are
text used correctly. correctly. are used correctly. used correctly but
with assistance.

2) Breaking a Confidently breaks all Breaks all words Breaks some words Breaks some words
long word at words correctly using a correctly using a correctly using a correctly using a
the end of a hyphen. hyphen hyphen. hyphen with support
line in a text from the tutor or

3) Using Confidently uses Uses quotation marks Uses quotation Has difficulty using
quotation quotation marks and the and the hyphen marks and the quotation marks and
marks and hyphen correctly in all correctly in the hyphen correctly in the hyphen correctly
the hyphen the sentences sentences. some of the in most of the
correctly in sentences. sentences.

cxxxi Not for Sale

Suggested Vocabulary
holiday, enjoy, drugs, recreation, leisure, pastime, vacation, relax, loiter, waste, squander, idle, pleasure, hobbies,
bully, misconduct, stroll, insult, blackmail, exercise, sports, games, picnic,

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Question
Outcome Experiences (s)
10.1 10.1.1 By the end of the Sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we take
Listening Pronunciati strand, the learner • Pick out the sound /h/ as turns in a
and on and should be able to: in holiday from an audio conversation?
Speaking Vocabulary: a) Identify words with the text. 2. How can you
Interactive sound /h/ in an oral • Listen to a text and say interrupt a speaker
Listening text. words and phrases with politely?
b) Take turns during a the sound /h/. 3. What are some of the
(3 lessons)
conversation. • Take turns during (short moods/feelings we
c) Interrupt a speaker interviews, debates and can show during a
appropriately during a discussions on grade conversation?
conversation. appropriate topics)
d) Express appropriate • Interrupt appropriately
moods during a during a class discussion,
conversation. interview or debate.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

e) Advocate importance • Perform a choral verse

of polite interruption (about six stanzas) or
and turn taking in oral conversational poem in a
communication. reader’s theatre, and
display various moods.
• Practise using expressions
such as fixed phrase: kill
time; simile: sleep like a
log; metaphor: my mother
is hawk eyed. she sees
everything; proverbs:
there is no time like the
present, idioms: day
dream, phrasal verbs:
good at,

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration - developed as learner recites choral poems in pairs or small groups.
• Self-efficacy – learner gains confidence as he or she learns to communicate effectively with peers

PCIs Values
• Life Skill Education - effective communication Respect, love , responsibility – enhanced through
enhanced through acquisition of interactive interaction with materials based on the responsible and
listening skills constructive use of leisure time

cxxxiii Not for Sale

• Learner Support Programmes – as learner interacts
with texts that guide him or her how to utilise
leisure time appropriately

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Languages such as Arabic, Indigenous Languages, Learner could record a dramatised choral verse and share
Chinese, Kiswahili, German and French stress the it online aided by parents or guardians.
importance of turn-taking

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Expectations Expectations

1. Taking turns Confidently takes Takes turns and Takes turns but is Takes turns but is
and turns and interrupts a interrupts a speaker unable to interrupt a unable to interrupt a
interrupts a speaker appropriately during speaker appropriately speaker appropriately
speaker appropriately during a conversation. during a conversation during a conversation at
appropriately a conversation and at times. times but with
during a guides peers on how assistance.
conversation to go about it.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

2. Expressing Expresses with ease Expresses the Expresses some of the Has difficulty
different all the expected expected expected expressing most of the
moods moods/feelings moods/feelings moods/feelings expected
appropriately appropriately during appropriately during appropriately during a moods/feelings
during a a conversation. a conversation. conversation. appropriately during a
conversation conversation.

cxxxv Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Experiences Question (s)

10.2 10.2.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learners is guided to: 1) Why should we
Reading learner should be able to: • Preview a text( of about relate events in a
a) Make connections between 500 words) for general book to our own
events in a text and real life understanding. life experiences?
(3 lessons) experiences. • Make predictions about 2) How can you
b) Answer direct and inferential events. predict the
questions correctly for • Infer the meaning of information in a
comprehension. new words using prior book even before
c) Predict events in a text knowledge and clues. you read it?
accurately. • Answer questions in 3) How can you tell
d) Use contextual clues to infer the pairs. the meaning of
meaning of unfamiliar words • Retell events in a text in unfamiliar
and expressions such as small groups. words?
proverbs, similes among others. • Create a crossword
e) Summarise information in a puzzle using the learnt
text by restating it in own vocabulary.
f) Acknowledge the role of
reading comprehension in
lifelong learning.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Core Competencies
• Learning to Learn - enhanced as the learner becomes a better reader by applying the comprehension strategies
• Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving – developed as learners use prior knowledge and contextual clues to
infer the meaning of unfamiliar words

PCIs Values

• Life Skills Education – effective communication is Responsibility and respect – learner interacts with
promoted through intensive reading texts about Responsible use of leisure time
• Learner Support Programmes – developed as learners
interact with texts on guidance and counselling, proper
utilisation of leisure time among others

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

All languages emphasise reading comprehension
Learner could compose stories or songs about
responsible use of leisure time for publication in
children’s magazines, newspaper columns and blogs,
among others.

cxxxvii Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Expectations Expectations

1) Making Confidently makes Makes connections Makes connections Have difficulty

connections connections between between events in a between some events connecting most
between events all events in a text text and real life in a text and real life events in a text with
in a text and and real life experiences. experiences. real life experiences.
real life experiences.

2) Using Uses contextual Uses contextual Uses contextual clues Needs assistance to
contextual clues clues to infer the clues to infer the to infer the meaning infer the meaning of
to infer the meaning of all meaning of of some unfamiliar some unfamiliar
meaning of unfamiliar words unfamiliar words. words. words using
unfamiliar with ease contextual clues.

3) Answering Answers all direct Answers all direct Answers some direct Answers some direct
direct and and inferential and most inferential questions and a few questions but no
inferential questions correctly questions correctly. inferential questions inferential question
with ease correctly. correctly.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs


4) Predicting Predicts confidently Predicts events in Predicts some events Needs assistance to
events in a text all events in the text the text correctly. in the text correctly. predict some events
accurately correctly. in the text correctly.

5) Summarises Creatively Summarises the Summarises some of Needs assistance to

information summarises all the information in a text the information in a summarise some of
through information in a text through retelling text through retelling the information in a
retelling through retelling. text through retelling

cxxxix Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

10.3 10.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1) Why should
Grammar strand, the learner should • Identify the conjunctions you write
in Use be able to: since, so, nor, far, yet, for, sentences
(3 lessons) unless, although, though, in a correctly?
a) Identify conjunctions in
text in pairs. 2) How do you
a text.
• Construct sentences using join two or
b) Use conjunctions in
conjunctions in small groups. more
varied contexts correctly.
• Fill in blanks in sentences sentences?
c) Judge the
using conjunctions
appropriateness of
individually or in pairs.
conjunctions used in
• Collaborate with peers to
construct sentences using
• Create a crossword puzzle
using conjunctions and share
it with others through
posters, charts or social

Core Competencies

• Self-efficacy - as learners gain confidence in the correct identification and use of conjunctions in sentences

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

• Digital Literacy - as learners create a crossword puzzle using conjunctions and share it with others through
posters, charts or social media

PCIs Values

Life skills Education - effective communication is Love and responsibility – developed as learners
developed through correct use of conjunctions use conjunctions to construct sentences in pairs or

Link to Other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning

Kiswahili, Indigenous and Foreign languages -
Conjunctions are learnt in all languages Learner could compose a poem featuring
conjunctions, upload it on social media, blog, send
it through email or recite it during public

cxli Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations

1) Identifying Consistently identifies Identifies conjunctions Identifies some Identifies some

conjunctions all conjunctions correctly. conjunctions conjunctions
correctly correctly. correctly. correctly but with

2) Using Creatively uses all Uses conjunctions Uses some Needs assistance to
conjunctions conjunctions correctly correctly in sentences. conjunctions use some
correctly in sentences. correctly in conjunctions
sentences. correctly in

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Question (s)
Outcomes Experiences

10.4 10.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1) Why should you plan
Writing strand, the learner • Identify key points about an your composition?
should be able to: event such as a wedding 2) How do we describe
a) Use appropriate ceremony, football match and objects, people or
(2 lessons) adjectives to describe dance, among others. events?
a person, object or a • Suggest people, events, places 3) Which words do we use
place. or objects that can be to describe people,
b) Plan a descriptive described in pairs. objects or events?
composition in • Plan a descriptive
preparation for composition of about (120-
writing. 160 words) in small groups.
c) Create a descriptive • Select and use appropriate
composition on a expressions such as proverbs
variety of topics. and idioms in a composition.
d) Judge a descriptive • Write the introductory
composition for paragraph of the descriptive
correctness of essay in small groups.
language, relevance to • Complete the descriptive
the topic, creativity composition individually.

cxliii Not for Sale

and organisation of • Proofread the composition
ideas. with peers.
• Display the corrected
composition in the classroom
or share it over the internet,
email or social media.

Core Competencies

• Creativity and imagination are developed by nurturing writing skills

• Digital Literacy - as learner displays a corrected composition in the classroom or shares it over the internet,
email or social media

PCIs Values
Life Skills Education - effective communication is Responsibility and love - enhanced as learners create
enhanced through descriptive writing descriptive compositions individually, in pairs or in groups

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

All learning areas - descriptive writings skill are Learner could create a descriptive composition related to the
required in all learning areas theme for a newspaper column, magazine or share it through
social media.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1) Using Uses all adjectives Uses all adjectives Uses some adjectives Uses some
appropriate appropriately to appropriately to appropriately to adjectives
adjectives to describe a person, describe a person, describe a person, appropriately to
describe a object or a place with object or a place. object or a place. describe a person,
person, object a lot of ease. object or a place
or a place with assistance.

2) Planning a Critically plans a Plans a descriptive Plans a descriptive Plans a descriptive

descriptive descriptive composition composition composition
composition composition collaboratively and collaboratively and collaboratively but
collaboratively collaboratively and includes all includes some leaves out most
includes all the components. components. components.

3) Creating a Writes a descriptive Writes a descriptive Writes a descriptive Writes a

descriptive composition with: composition which has: composition which descriptive
composition a lot of creativity creativity has: composition which
on a variety of accurate language and ,accurate language and some creativity has:
topics is relevant to the topic is relevant to the topic little creativity
with ease

cxlv Not for Sale

some inaccuracy many inaccuracies
language and is words and
relevant to the topic expressions and
little relevance to
the topic

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs


Suggested Vocabulary
Sports, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, gymnasium, arena, stadium, monopoly, lane, chess, court, card room, host,
draw, front runner, table tennis, badminton, Olympics, netball, boxing, swimming, compete, win, hobby,

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Question
Outcomes Experiences (s)

11.1 11.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1) Why should we look
Listening strand, the learner • Listen to audio stories and at the face of people
and should be able to: pick put specific sounds, as they speak?
on and
Speaking a) Select sounds, words words, phrases or 2) How are audio
and phrases from a text sentences in pairs. stories different
audio files
for listening fluency. • Say words with the sounds from a story book?
( 3 lessons) b) Use words and /ʊ/ and /uː/ correctly.
expressions such as • Listen to choral poems
proverbs, phrasal with the sounds /ʊ/ and
verbs, proverbs among /uː/ in small groups and
others related to the pick out words with the
theme in sentences. selected sounds.
c) Interpret non-verbal • Say tongue twisters with
cues correctly during the target sounds.

cxlvii Not for Sale

d) Listen for specific • Practise using
details and main idea expressions such as fixed
from audio recordings, phrases: out of breath;
internet, radio or similes: as bright as day;
television programmes. metaphor: Lodunga is a
e) Appreciate the deer. He runs very fast. ;
importance of effective idioms: get a head start;
listening in proverbs: look before
communication. you leap and phrasal
verbs such as pass round.

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration - enhanced as learner listens to audio stories and picks out specific sounds,
words, phrases or sentences in pairs.
• Digital Literacy - as learner records the role play of a dialogue in pairs or groups

PCIs Values
• Life Skills Education – effective communication Love, respect, social justice – are developed through
promoted when learners role play dialogues listening and responding to poems and narratives about
• Learner Support Programme – enhanced as indoor games
learner interacts with audio files on various indoor
sports and games

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

• All languages - listening fluency features in all • Learner could read texts such as the Bible or Quran or
languages recite poems during communal gatherings.
• PHE – indoor games are learnt in this subject • Learner could compose a poem or story about indoor
games and share it with peers through blogs, posters,
email or WhatsApp

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1) Selecting Selects all sounds, Selects sounds, Selects some sounds, Selects a few sounds,
sounds, words words and phrases words and phrases words and phrases from words and phrases from a
and phrases from a text with ease from a text. a text. text.
from a text for

2) Using words Uses all words related Uses words related Uses some words related Needs assistance to use
related to the to the theme in to the theme in to the theme in sentences some words related to the
theme in sentences correctly sentences correctly. theme in sentences
sentences and confidently correctly. correctly.

cxlix Not for Sale

3) Interpreting Interprets all non- Interprets non- Interprets some non- Interprets some non-
non-verbal verbal cues correctly verbal cues verbal cues correctly. verbal cues correctly but
cues correctly and with ease. correctly. with assistance.

4) Listening for Critically listens for Listens for the Listens for the main idea Listens for the main idea
the main idea the main idea and main idea and and picks out some but leaves out most
and specific picks out all specific picks out specific specific details from specific details from
details from details from sound details from sound sound files. sound files.
sound files files. files.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question (s)

11.2 11.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: How can the
Reading Intensive strand, the learner • Participate in a reader’s pictures in a
Reading – should be able to: theatre and read solo or book or cover
digital stories a) Identify words, choral poems in small help us to
phrases and proverbs groups. make
(2 lessons)
from a digital text. • Make predictions about a text predictions
b) Create mental images by observing the cover or about the
from viewed, heard or title. story?
read text. • Make connections between
How are digital
c) Use contextual clues the pictures in a text and real
to infer the meaning life situations.
different from
of words and • Summarise important ideas
story books?
expressions. and restate them in own
d) Answer direct and words.
inferential questions • Retell events in a poem
correctly for chronologically.
comprehension. • Use contextual clues to infer
e) Acknowledge the role the meaning of expressions
of reading such as fixed phrases,

cli Not for Sale

comprehension in similes, metaphors, idioms:
lifelong learning. proverbs and phrasal verbs.
• Summarise events in a text
through retelling.

Core Competencies
• Self-efficacy - developed as learner becomes more fluent in reading
• Creativity and Imagination - promoted through the creation of mental images from viewed, heard or read

PCIs Values
• Learner Support Programmes – enhanced through • Unity – enhanced through pair and group tasks
interaction with reading texts related to indoor
sports and games

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Intensive reading supports learning in all subjects Learner records poems, stories or composition related
to the theme and shares them on YouTube and other
Web platforms with the help of parents.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Expectations Expectations

1) Identifying words, Confidently Identifies words, Identifies some Identifies some

phrases and identifies all words, phrases and proverbs words, phrases and words, phrases and
proverbs from a phrases and from a text. proverbs from a text. proverbs from a text
text proverbs from a with assistance.

2) Using contextual Uses contextual Uses contextual clues Uses contextual clues Needs assistance to
clues to infer the clues to infer the to infer the meaning to infer the meaning infer the meaning of
meaning of meaning of all of unfamiliar words. of some unfamiliar some unfamiliar
unfamiliar words unfamiliar words words. words using
with ease contextual clues.

3) Answering direct Answers all direct Answers all direct and Answers some direct Answers some direct
and inferential and inferential inferential questions and a few inferential but no inferential
questions correctly questions correctly correctly. questions correctly. question correctly.
and with ease

cliii Not for Sale

4) Predicting events Predicts all events in Predicts events in the Predicts some events Needs assistance to
in a text accurately the text correctly text correctly. in the text correctly. predict some events in
and confidently the text correctly.

5) Summarises Creatively Summarises the Summarises some of Needs assistance to

information summarises all the information in a text the information in a summarise some of
through retelling information in a text through retelling text through retelling the information in a
through retelling. text through retelling

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question (s)

11.3 11.3.1 By the end of the sub Learners are guided to: 1) How do you
Grammar strand, the learner • Discuss in pairs or groups form questions?
in Use should be able to: which among the following 2) Why do we ask
a) Identify interrogatives words are not interrogatives: questions?
(3 lessons)
in print or digital texts. whip, how, what, when,
b) Use interrogatives whom, why which, whisper,
correctly to express where and whole
different meanings. • Practise using when clauses
c) Assess the with present tense to show the
appropriateness of future: ‘When are you going
conjunctions used in to school’ in pairs.
print and digital texts. • Collaborate with peers to use
interrogatives in sentences
• Create lists of interrogative
sentences using words related
to the theme.
• Type the list using a computer,
laptop or tablet in groups and
display his or her work to

clv Not for Sale

Core Competencies
• Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving - developed as learners answer questions
• Creativity and Imagination - developed as learner forms sentences from a substitution table

PCIs Values
• Life Skills Education - effective communication is • Unity and responsibility – enhanced by guiding
enhanced through pair work the learner to appropriately ask questions using
• Learner Support Programmes – the theme of interrogatives as well as group work
indoor games broadens the learner’s knowledge • Integrity and unity - promoted through exposure to
regarding games and sports indoor games and the need for fair rules and honest

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Indoor games are also learnt in PHE
Learner could write a story on how his or her favourite
indoor game is played and share on blogs, noticeboards,
email or children’s magazine.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1) Identifying Identifies all Identifies Identifies some Needs assistance to

interrogatives interrogatives in a text interrogatives in a interrogatives in a identify interrogative
in a text with ease text. text. correctly in a text.

2) Using Confidently uses all Uses interrogatives Uses some Uses some
interrogatives interrogatives correctly to express interrogatives interrogatives
correctly to correctly to express different meanings. correctly to express correctly to express
express different meanings. different meanings. different meanings
different but with assistance.

clvii Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

11.4 11.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1) How do you tell
Writing Spelling: strand, the learner should • Listen/watch a video the meaning of
Synonyms be able to: recording and identify unfamiliar words?
and a) Identify synonyms and words with synonyms 2) Which are some of
Antonyms antonyms correctly for and antonyms. the words with
writing fluency. • Form sentences in pairs same or opposite
(2 lessons)
b) Use synonyms, and or small groups using meaning?
antonyms correctly in synonyms and antonyms.
sentences. • Identify synonyms and
c) Advocate the use of a antonyms from
rich vocabulary in newspapers, magazines
writing. or the internet in pairs
and create a crossword
• Display their work on

Core Competencies
• Learning to Learn - as learner identifies synonyms and antonyms from newspapers, magazines or the internet in

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

• Creativity and Imagination - developed as learners create crossword puzzles and a word list featuring synonyms
and antonyms

PCIs Values

• Life Skills Education - effective communication is Unity and love – promoted as learners suggest
enhanced though mastery of synonyms and synonyms and antonyms and then use then form
antonyms sentences in pairs or small groups
• Creative Thinking - developed as learners create
puzzles and word lists

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Synonyms and antonyms are learnt in all languages
Learner could collaborate with peers on a project to
create crossword puzzles and word lists featuring
synonyms and antonyms related to sports and upload
the project on a blog.

clix Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1) Identifying Skilfully identifies all Identifies synonyms Identifies some Has difficulty
synonyms and synonyms and and antonyms synonyms and identifying most
antonyms antonyms correctly. correctly. antonyms. synonyms and

2) Using Confidently uses all Uses synonyms and Uses some synonyms Needs assistance to
synonyms and synonyms and antonyms and antonyms use most synonyms
antonyms antonyms appropriately in appropriately in and antonyms
appropriately appropriately in sentences. sentences. appropriately in
in sentences sentences. sentences.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs


Suggested Vocabulary
conserve, preserve, restore, wildlife, nature, drought, dry, die, reforestation, safeguard, sustain, sewage, garbage,
refuse, pollute, forest, gullies, recycle, soil erosion,

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)

12.1 12.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: a) Why should
Listening Pronunciati strand, the learner • Say words and phrases with the you speak at
and on and should be able to: sounds / ʒ/ / ʤ/ correctly. the right
Speaking Vocabulary a) Listen for specific • Recite poems with words that speed,
(3 lessons) details such as sounds have the sounds /ʒ/ / ʤ/. accurately, and
words, expressions • Listen for specific details such as with
such as proverbs, fixed phrases - as long as, expression?
similes, metaphors, similes - as wide as the sky; b) How do our
fixed phrases and metaphor - He is a tortoise. He faces, hands,
idioms for effective walks slowly!; idioms - a drop in and eyes help
oral communication. the ocean, proverbs - Prevention us
b) Make oral is better than cure; phrasal verbs communicate
presentations such as - clean up, cut down better?
speeches accurately, • Speak on topics based on content
with minimal from other areas.

clxi Not for Sale

hesitations and with • Participate in mock interviews in
expressions. small groups.
c) Use non-verbal cues • View videos on recitations of
appropriately to poems or narration of narratives.
enhance fluency. • Recite choral and solo verses
d) Judge the related to the theme.
appropriateness of • Participate in a reader’s theatre in
non verbal cues in a which he or she reads poems and
conversation or video narratives in groups.

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration - enhanced as learners make short speeches and recite poems
• Self-efficacy - promoted as the learner masters the art of speaking fluently

PCIs Values
Critical Thinking - as the learner listens/watches a video Peace and unity – are enhanced through pair and group
related to the theme and answer questions. activities based on content from other areas

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Fluency in speaking features in all languages Learner could create essays, poems, or narratives related to
environmental conservation for publication in newspapers,
magazines, or the internet.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeding Meeting Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1) Listening for Listens and picks out Listens and picks Listens and picks out Listens and picks out
specific details specific details such out specific some specific details some specific details
for effective as sounds, words and details such as such as sounds, words such as sounds, words
oral phrases during an sounds, words and phrases during an and phrases with
communication oral presentation and and phrases oral presentation. assistance during an oral
writes them down during an oral presentation.
with ease presentation.

2) Making oral Confidently makes Makes oral Makes oral Makes oral presentations
presentations oral presentations presentations presentations such as such as speeches with
such as such as speeches such as speeches speeches with minimal many hesitations and
speeches accurately, with no accurately, with hesitations and with minimal expressions.
accurately, with hesitations and with no hesitations and expressions.
minimal expressions. with expressions.
hesitations and

clxiii Not for Sale

3) Using non- Creatively uses all Uses all non- Uses some non-verbal Uses some non-verbal
verbal cues non-verbal cues verbal cues cues appropriately to cues to enhance fluency
appropriately to appropriately to appropriately to enhance fluency. with assistance from
enhance fluency enhance fluency enhance fluency. peers.

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Experiences Question (s)

12.2 12.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1) Why are songs
Reading Reading learner should be able to: • Participate in a and poems more
(3 lessons) a) Identify words, phrases, and reader’s theatre and enjoyable than
proverbs used in a song or read solo or choral reading a book?
poem. poems in small groups. 2) How can we tell
b) Uses stress and rhythm • Sing along as a video what a story is
correctly while reading lines of poetry recitation or about even
and words in a poem or song. song plays with the before we read
c) Create mental images from lyrics provided. it?
viewed, heard, or read poem • Make predictions 3) How are digital
events, characters, or places in about events in a poem stories different
a text. by observing the cover from printed
or title. storybooks?

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

d) Use contextual clues to infer • Answer questions

the meaning of words and from a comprehension
expressions in a song or poem. passage.
e) Answer direct and inferential • View pictures or
questions correctly from a song events in a poem or
or poem. song and compare
f) Advocate the importance of them to real-life
correct stress and rhythm in situations in pairs.
communication. • Infer the meaning of
new words and
expressions such as
fixed phrases,
proverbs, idioms,
phrasal verbs and
similes from the way
they have been used in
a text.

Core Competencies
• Self-efficacy - enhanced as learner becomes more fluent and better readers
• Learning to Learn - developed as learners use comprehension strategies to research, understand and apply

clxv Not for Sale

PCIs Values
• Life Skills Education - effective communication is • Patriotism and social justice – emphasised as learner
improved reading comprehension skills acquires knowledge about his or her county’s
• Creative Thinking - enhanced as learners give the environment and how to conserve it for future
meaning of new words in the poem from the way generations
they have been used in the text

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Intensive reading supports learning in all subjects Learner could record presentations of poems or stories
related to the theme and share them on YouTube or other
web platforms with the help of parents.

Assessment Rubric
Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicators Expectations Expectations
1) Identify words, Identifies all words, Identifies all words, Identifies some words, Identifies some words,
phrases, and phrases, and phrases, and phrases, and proverbs phrases, and proverbs
proverbs from a proverbs from a proverbs from a from a song or poem. from a song or poem
song or poem. song or poem with song or poem. with assistance.
2) Uses stress and Confidently uses Uses stress and Uses stress and Uses stress and
rhythm while stress and rhythm rhythm correctly on rhythm correctly on rhythm correctly on

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

reading lines correctly on all the the lines and words some of the lines and some of the lines and
and words in a lines and words in a in a poem or song. words in a poem or words in a poem or
poem or song poem or song. song. song with assistance.
3) Creating mental Creates vivid Creates vivid mental Creates some mental Creates some mental
images from mental images from images from the images from some of images from viewed,
viewed, heard all the viewed, viewed, heard, or the viewed, heard, or heard, or read events,
or read events, heard, or read read events, read events, characters, or places
characters or events, characters, or characters, or places characters, or places in a text with
places in a text places in a text with in a text. in a text. assistance.
4) Using Innovatively uses Uses contextual Uses contextual clues Uses contextual clues
contextual clues contextual clues to clues to infer the to infer the meaning to infer the meaning
to infer the infer the meaning of meaning of words in of some words in a of some words in a
meaning of all words in a song a song or poem. song or poem. song or poem with
words in a song or poem. assistance.
or poem
5) Answering Answers all direct Answers all direct Answers some direct Answers some direct
direct and and inferential and inferential and a few inferential questions but none of
inferential questions correctly questions correctly questions correctly the inferential
questions from a song or poem from a song or from a song or poem. questions correctly
correctly from a with ease poem. from a song or poem.
song or poem

clxvii Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question (s)

12.3 12.3.1 Question By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1) How do we
Grammar Tags: strand, the learner should • Identify the verbs to be, form question
in Use (2 lessons) be able to: verbs to have verbs to do tags?
a) Identify tag questions and modals. 2) What is a
from a print or digital • Form tag questions using question tag?
text for information. verbs to be, verbs to have How do
b) Form tag questions verbs to do and modals.
from verbs to be, verbs • Apply rules when forming
to have, verbs to do, and tag questions. For example,
modals. a positive statement results
c) Use tag questions in a negative tag question
correctly in oral and and vice versa.
written texts. • Search for examples of
d) Appreciate the question tags on the Web.
importance of well • Practise using tag questions
formed sentences in in dialogues and
communication. conversations.
• Make posters featuring tag
questions in small groups
and display them in class.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Core Competencies
• Communication and Collaboration – enhanced as learner practises using tag questions in dialogues and
• Digital Literacy - developed as learner searches for more examples of question tags on the internet
• Creativity and Imagination – enhanced as learner makes posters featuring tag questions in small groups and
displays them in class.

PCIs Values
• ESD: Environment Education - as learners role play • Love and respect – as learners role-play conversations
scenes related to the theme and use question tags in pairs or groups
• Creativity - as learners form tag questions using • Unity, social justice, and patriotism – are enhanced as
verbs to be, verbs to have verbs to do and modals. learner practises forming tag questions related to
conservation of resources and the environment

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

Kiswahili, Indigenous and Foreign languages -tag Learner could write dialogues about environmental
questions are learned and used in all languages conservation which features question tags and share it on
the noticeboard, through posters, charts, or the internet.

clxix Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations

1) Identifying tag Identifies all tag Identifies all tag Identifies some tag Has difficulty
questions questions correctly questions correctly questions correctly identifying most tag
correctly from print or digital from a print or digital from a print or digital questions correctly
text with ease text. text. from a print or digital

2) Forming Forms all the Forms all of the Forms some questions Has difficulty forming
question tags question tags question tags correctly tags correctly and uses most of the question’s
correctly and correctly and uses and uses them in them in sentences. tags correctly and
using them in them in sentences sentences. using them in
sentences confidently sentences.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)

12.4 Writing 12.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1) Why do we
Functional strand, the learner • Identify all the components of a keep
Writing should be able to: personal journal in small groups. journals
( (2 lessons) a) Identify all the • Read a sample personal journal in and
components of a small groups. diaries?
personal journal. • Create a personal journal for seven 2) How do
b) Use the correct days in pairs. you record
format to create a • Peer-edit the personal journals – important
personal journal. different pairs exchange their occasions
c) Judge the journals for editing. or dates in
correctness • Revise personal journals. your life?
sentences, relevance • Display the personal journals in
to the topic and the class, on the school notice board,
format of a personal internet among others.

Core Competencies
• Creativity and Imagination – as learner creates a personal journal for seven days in pairs
• Self-efficacy – as the learner becomes more adept at creating personal journals

clxxi Not for Sale

PCIs Values
• Environmental Education – enhanced through the • Responsibility and respect - are developed
theme of environment through the creation of personal journals and
• Citizenship – peace education is promoted as sharing them with peers
learner collaborates with peers to edit and display • Social justice – enhanced as learners acquire
their journals information about environmental conservation

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities

Kiswahili and other languages expose learners to the Learner could create personal journals about
concept of journal writing experiences such as environmental conservation, visit
a game pack and share them with peers through
posters, charts, or digital platforms.

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations

1) Identifying all the Confidently Identifies all of the Identifies some of Has difficulty
components of a identifies all the components of a the components of a identifying most
personal journal components of a personal journal. personal journal. components of a
personal journal. personal journal.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

2) Creating a Creatively writes a Creates a personal Creates a personal Has difficulty

personal journal personal journal and journal and includes journal and includes creating a personal
using the correct includes all all components. some components. journal and leaves
format components. out most

clxxiii Not for Sale


Suggested Vocabulary
currency, funds, stock, purchase, foreign exchange, wholesale, retail, export, product, online trade, import, deal,
hawker, boutique, service, consume, tax, negotiate, credit, hike, buy, batter trade, profit, invest, save, safe, tax

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcomes Experiences Question(s)

13.1 Listening 13.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1) Why should
and Speaking strand, the learner we listen
Pronunciation • Dictate a story featuring
should be able to: carefully?
and proverbs and similes,
2) What
Vocabulary:Int a) Identify specific pick them out and list
messages do
ensive Listening sounds, words, them in pairs.
we obtain
phrases, and • Rewrite a short text in
(3 lessons) from similes
sentences from a his or her own words
and proverbs?
text. accurately.
3) Which
b) Listen to a short • Read a written version
proverbs and
text and rewrite it of what they have
similes are
accurately. listened to.
you familiar
c) Use similes,
proverbs, fixed

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

phrases idioms and • Predict the likely

metaphors in oral outcome of events in a
contexts correctly. listening text.
d) Advocate the need • Pick out information
for attentive such as amounts, dates,
listening during time, facts, characters,
oral and the sequence of
comprehension. events from an oral text.
• Use fixed phrases such
as at once, no entry,
similes such as sell like
hot cakes, as happy as a
hippo; metaphors such
as - Chebet is a hare.
She is so clever.;
proverbs such as A
stitch in time saves nine,
grow on trees, idioms
such as back to square
one, to cut corners and
phrasal verbs such as
count on, give in and
give back.

clxxv Not for Sale

Core Competencies

• Communication and Collaboration - as learners dramatise specific events from an oral text
• Creativity and Imagination - as the learner rewrites the short text in own words accurately

PCIs Values

• ESD: Financial Literacy - enhanced through the • Unity, Responsibility, and Love – promoted through
theme of money interaction with grade-appropriate texts featuring similes
• Critical Thinking – developed as learner and metaphors
practises predicting the likely outcome of • Social Justice, Integrity, and Responsibility - the theme
events in a listening text of trade will enhance a sense of financial responsibility
and fair trade practices

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Intensive listening facilitates learning in all • Learner could compose a poem or narrative based on the
subjects theme and recites it during a community event.
• Learner could write an essay based on the theme and
email it to a newspaper or children’s magazine for

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1) Identifying Confidently Identifies all of the Identifies some of the Identifies some of
specific sounds, identifies all the specific sounds, specific sounds, the specific sounds,
words, phrases, specific sounds, words, phrases, and words, phrases, and words, phrases, and
and sentences words, phrases, and sentences from a sentences from a text. sentences from a
from a text. sentences from a text. text with assistance.

2) Listening to a Critically listens to a Listens to a short Listens to a short text Listens to a short
short text and short text rewrites it text rewrites it rewrites it accurately text rewrites it
rewrite it accurately and accurately, and and includes some of accurately and
accurately includes all the includes all the the sounds, words, includes some of the
sounds, words, sounds, words, phrases, and sounds, words,
phrases, and phrases, and sentences. phrases, and
sentences. sentences. sentences with

clxxvii Not for Sale

3) Using similes Uses all similes and Uses all similes and Uses some similes Has difficulty using
and metaphors metaphors correctly metaphors correctly and metaphors most similes and
correctly in sentences with in sentences. correctly in metaphors correctly
ease sentences. in sentences.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry

Outcome Experiences Questions

13.2 13.2.1 By the end of the Sub Learner is guided to: 1) Why do we enjoy
Reading strand, the learner reading some
Extensive • Skim various texts to find out
should be able to: materials but not
Reading the general idea.
a) Select appropriate • Scan a text to find specific
2) Why should we
reading texts from details such as key words.
read widely?
print or digital • Read a variety of texts of
3) How do you
collections. about (1251 to 1500 words)
b) Read a variety of newspaper, magazines, grade-
information from
(2 lessons) print or digital appropriate digital/print texts,
a newspaper,
texts for articles.
book, or
enjoyment and • Collaborate with peers to
general establish a class library.
understanding. • Read print and non-print
4) Which materials
c) Appreciate the materials (websites and blogs)
do you enjoy
importance of independently.
extensive reading • Read newspapers, magazines
in lifelong poems, and class readers.
learning. • Read digital versions of
newspapers and magazines
for information.

clxxix Not for Sale

Core Competencies
Self-efficacy - learner confidence and self-esteem boosted as they read increasingly difficult texts
Digital Literacy - enhanced as learners manipulate digital devices to read online versions of newspapers

PCIs Values
• Citizenship - social activities promote cohesion and • Respect and love – developed as learner responds
integration, child rights to information related to trade
• Financial Literacy – enhanced through the theme of • Integrity, social justice, and integrity – will be
money developed as learner interacts with extensive
reading texts about trade.

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Reading skills are required in all learning areas Learner could write a poem, dialogue, or song about the
importance of trade for self-publishing on posters,
noticeboard, internet, or publication in a newspaper
column or children’s magazine.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations

Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations

1. Selecting Selects appropriate Selects appropriate Selects some Selects some

appropriate print and digital texts print and digital appropriate print and appropriate print and
reading texts for reading and texts for reading. digital texts for digital texts for
from a print or guides peers. reading. reading with
digital assistance from the
collection tutor or peers.

2. Reading a Enjoys reading a Enjoys reading Enjoys reading print Enjoys reading some
variety of texts variety of print and print and digital and digital texts and print and digital
in print or digital texts and texts and obtains obtains the gist or a texts and obtains the
digital format obtains the gist or a the gist or a general general gist or a general
for general general understanding of understanding of the understanding of the
understanding understanding of the the text. text to some extent. text with assistance
and enjoyment text.

clxxxi Not for Sale

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcome Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Experiences Question (s)

13.3 13.3.1 By the end of the Sub Learner is guided to: 1) How do we
Grammar strand, the learner should describe
Word • Identify prepositions of time
in Use be able to: where
Classes: such as since, before, until,
people or
Prepositions a) Identify prepositions about, during, past
objects are?
correctly in oral and directions: such as above,
(2 lessons) 2) Which
written texts. across, below, after agent
among the
b) Use prepositions correctly such as by, and with
in varied texts. instrument such as with and
words is not
c) Judge the appropriateness by
of prepositions used in • Collaborate with peers to
various texts. create visuals demonstrating
(eat, please,
the use of various
outside, in,
on, there,
• Create crossword puzzles
how, to,
using prepositions in pairs or
small groups.
• Create visuals to demonstrate
the use of various prepositions
in sentences.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

• Create charts or posters

showing where objects are in
pairs or small groups. ‘For
example, ‘The pupils are
inside the classroom.’

Core Competencies
• Learning to Learn - promoted as learner creates and displays charts featuring prepositions
• Digital Literacy - enhanced as learner searches for examples of prepositions online

PCIs Values
• Financial literacy – developed as learner
• Social justice, unity, and patriotism – enhanced as the
constructs sentences based on the theme of
learner interacts with material about money and trade.
Issues of honesty and integrity will also feature in the
texts and tasks related to trade and money

Link to other subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

Arabic, Indigenous Languages, Chinese, Kiswahili,
Learner could compose a poem about trade featuring
Germany and French, among others - prepositions
prepositions and publish it in a blog, poster, chart,
are learnt in all these languages
noticeboard or social media.

clxxxiii Not for Sale

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below

Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations

1) Identify Confidently Identifies all Identifies some Identifies a few

prepositions identifies all prepositions prepositions correctly prepositions
correctly in prepositions correctly in the oral in the oral and written correctly in the oral
oral and correctly in the oral and written texts texts and written texts
written texts and written texts

2) Use Creatively uses Uses prepositions Uses some Uses a few

prepositions prepositions correctly in varied prepositions correctly prepositions
correctly in correctly in varied texts in varied texts correctly in varied
varied texts texts texts

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcome Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry

13.4 Writing 13.4.1 By the end of the Sub Learner is guided to: 1) Why is it
strand, the learner should important
Spelling: • Identify words with prefixes
be able to: to spell
Affixes and suffixes and use them to
a) Recognise affixes used create puzzles and lists in pairs
(2 lessons) correctly?
to change the form and or groups.
2) Why is it
meaning of words. • Form words using prefixes and
difficult to
b) Form new words using affixes in small groups.
spell some
prefixes and suffixes. • Match words with their
c) Spell words correctly for appropriate affixes (-un,-cian, -
3) How can
writing fluency. sion, - tion).
d) Determine the • Use mind maps to generate a
correctness and list of words related and
better at
appropriateness of change their form by adding
affixes used used in affixes.
various texts. • Create a crossword puzzle
using the words they have

clxxxv Not for Sale

Core Competencies

• Self-efficacy - developed as learners become more confident at spelling

• Creativity and Imagination – enhanced as learner creates and displays chart, cards and display them in the

PCIs Values

• Financial Literacy – will be enhanced as the learner Respect, love, unity, responsibility – promoted
forms sentences and spells words related to money through word games such as puzzles, display charts in
and trade correctly pairs or small groups

Link to other Subjects Suggested Community Service Learning Activities:

All languages - affixes feature in all languages including Learner could create mind maps on charts using one of
Kiswahili, Germany, French, Arabic and Chinese the words they have formed, colour the mind map and
display the charts in the neighbourhood.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Assessment Rubric

Levels Exceeds Meets Approaches Below

Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations

3) Recognising Recognises all Recognises most Recognises some Recognises some

affixes, which affixes, which can be affixes, which can affixes, which can be affixes, which can
can be added to added to words to be added to words added to words to be added to words
words to change change their form to change their form change their form and to change their form
their form and and meaning with and meaning. meaning. and meaning with
meaning ease assistance.

4) Forming new Creatively forms Forms new words Forms new words Has difficulty
words using new words using all using all of the using some of the forming new words
prefixes and the prefixes and prefixes and prefixes and suffixes. using most of the
suffixes suffixes. suffixes. prefixes and

5) Spelling words Spells all words Spells all words Spells some words Has difficulty
correctly for correctly and with correctly. correctly. spelling most words
writing fluency ease correctly.

clxxxvii Not for Sale

Suggested Non-formal Learning Activities

Listening and speaking

1.1 Narrating stories during music and drama festivals.

2.1 Sharing ideas from their extensive reading sessions during club activities such as the writer’s club

Role playing dialogues and staging skits during drama club meetings

2.2 Readers’ theatres organised after classes where poems are read for fun.

3.1 Engaging in public speaking contests where knowledge on pronunciation is applied.

Engage in debates to practise the use of polite words and phrases

4.1 Engaging in public speaking where knowledge stress is required

4.2 Creating and retelling stories from visuals during drama festivals

5.4 Participating in writing contests organised by the journalism club and Ministry of Education, among others

7.1 Debating club contests

8.1 Taking part in the 4K Club and Young Farmers Association to reinforce learnt vocabulary.

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

9.1 Preparing speeches and delivering them during the prize giving days, school assembly and extravaganzas,
among others, to enhance fluency.

9.4 Taking part in activities of the writer’s and journalism clubs to help learners improve their punctuation and
other writing skills

12.1 Taking part in integrity clubs in schools to help learners hone their speaking skills.

13.1 Christian Union, Catholic Action, Muslim and Hindu associations could help nurture values in the learner and
expand their vocabulary on moral issues.


1.2 Reading news during the morning assembly.

2.2 Reciting poems during school events such as forums involving parents and teachers

5.2 Conducting virtual tours using Google Maps and establishing the direction of various national parks using
Google Maps.

5.2 Performing short plays, conversational poems or choral verses within the school or during drama festivals.

7.2 Collecting narratives from their community for a school magazine.

10.2 Acting as reporters, sports commentators or journalists during sports and games activities in school.

Grammar in Use

clxxxix Not for Sale

3.3 Essay writing competitions on different topics.

6.3 Debating club sessions to enhance their language competency.

12.3 Participating in clubs such as debate and journalism to enhance their communicative competency


4.4 Writers Club: Functional Writing - Formal Letter- Letter of Invitation could be written to invite members from
other schools.

8.4 Establishment of writing clubs, journalism clubs, and compiling articles for the school magazine to nurture
writing talent.

12.4 Spelling contests among schools.

13.4 Participation in spelling contests such as the Spelling Bee Competition could help learners improve their

Grade 6 Curriculum Designs

Suggested Assessment Methods

Listening and Speaking Reading Skills Grammar in Use Writing Skills

• Oral reading or • Reading aloud • Tasks such as multiple • Learner journals

dictation recitations • Dictation choice • Peer assessment
• Role play • Oral interviews • Discrimination • Self-assessment
• Debates • Question and • Gap-filling learner
• Oral interviews answer • Short-answer • Portfolio dictation
• Dialogues • Learner summaries • Dialogue-completion, • Standardised
• Oral discussions of what they read information gap writing assessment
• Oral presentations • Learner journals • Role play
• Public speaking • Learner portfolios • Simulation
• Peer assessment • Peer assessment • Matching tasks
• Self-assessment and • Self-assessment and • Substitution tables
standardised standardised reading • Word games
listening assessments • Puzzles
assessments • Keeping a record of
books read

cxci Not for Sale

Suggested Learning Resources
Non-digital Digital

• Course books • Digital story books

• Storybooks • Pictures and photographs
• Poetry books • Journals
• Pictures and photographs • Electronic and digital devices
• Newspapers • Electronic or online dictionaries
• Magazines • Flash cards
• Junior encyclopaedia • Charts
• Journals • Video clips
• Dictionaries • Audio-visual resources
• Diorama • Other web resources
• Flash cards
• Word wheels
• Word puzzles
• Code words
• Charts and realia


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