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Respiratory system structure: (doc fixed by yours truly)

2. Difference between breathing, gas exchange, and respiration:

Breathing - Breathing are the body movements which permit air to get in and out of
your lungs.
Gas exchange - The movement of gasses across a respiratory surface. Simply, this is
the exchange of gas in the alveoli (respiratory surface, in this case) where the
oxygen goes into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide goes into the alveoli so that
it can be expelled from the body.
Respiration - Respiration is the release of energy from food.

3. Mechanism of breathing:

When you breathe in:

* External intercostal muscles contract and push rib cage outwards and upwards.
* Diaphragm contracts and moves down.
* The lungs increase their volume, so pressure decreases.
* Air rushes in the lungs to equalize the pressure.

When you breathe out:

* Internal intercostal muscles relax and push rib cage inwards and downwards.
* Diaphragm returns to its original shape.
* The lungs, decrease their volume, which increases the pressure.
* Air is forced out of the lungs.

4. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration:

Aerobic respiration uses oxygen. It is much more efficient than anaerobic
respiration since it produces more energy. Most organisms use aerobic respiration.

The reaction for aerobic respiration is:

Glucose + Oxygen => Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP
C6H12O6 + 602 => 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

Anaerobic respiration takes place in some organisms like bacteria and fungi.
(where oxygen is scarce).
There are 2 formulas for it:
1. In yeasts and some plants:
Glucose => Carbon dioxide + Ethanol + ATP
C6H1206 =>6C02 + C2H50H + ATP

2. In bacteria and muscle cells

Glucose => Lactic Acid + ATP
5. Excretion and waste products:

Excretion is the removal of waste products of metabolism.

Metabolism are all the chemical reactions in an organism.

Waste products of the human body:

* CO2, product of respiration which is removed from lungs.

* Urea, product of deamination of animo acids. Removed from kidneys.
* Excess water and minerals, removed through kidneys.

6. Kidney and urinary system structure and role of kidneys :

The role of kidneys are:

* Osmoregulation
* Filteration of blood

7. Control of blood glucose level:

When Blood glucose level is too high:

* Pancreas produce insulin

* Insulin converts glucose into glycogen
* Blood glucose level is decreased.

When Blood glucose level is too low:

* Pancreas produce glucagon

* Glucagon converts glycogen into glucose
* Blood glucose level rises.

8. What is vasoconstriction?
Vasoconstriction is the narrowing of blood vessles. It is used to decrease body
What is vasodilation?
Vasodialation is the opposite of vasalconstriction it is the widening of blood
vessels allowing more blood to flow through them and reduce blood pressure. It is
used to increase body temperature.

Thermoregulation is the homeostaic process that maintains a steady body temperature
even with changes external conditions.

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