Cadet Music Training - The New Direction

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Cadet Music Training: The New Direction

Written by: Cadet-Sgt. Matthew Snodgrass

August 28, 2008

As you and I know, the Cadet Music Program is not what it should be, especially in our
corp. In this document I will detail out a complete overview of what should be done to the
program to make it a real program within 1691 RCACC. I want to put an emphasis on the fact
that this is all one formal suggestion and, in no way, shape, or form am I imposing any authority
behind the statements in this document. What I am trying to do is give a personal opinion on the
program with the experience I have collected through the Cadet Music Program itself. With this
document I also share my personal decision of staying Drum Major of 1691 RCACC for my last
year if accepted by the CO and other respected staff of the 1691.

The Name

As you know, we have been called the Band Program for a very long time and have
always been referred to as the Glock and Drum band. With experiences that I have collected with
personal events, and discussions with other cadets I have come to the conclusion that this is not a
very professional title. I believe that the program should be known as the Music Training
Program for the sole purpose that it is what the name entitles. The program was designed to train
musicians of certain instruments and even though that we do form bands, it shouldn’t be our
primary adjective. Instead, this should be our secondary adjective as our first should be
musicianship. Also, there are a few problems with the term: “Glock and Drum band.” To put it
simply, it is destroying the sole direction of teaching music within this type of band. To explain,
every instrument inside this type of band is a Percussion instrument. As the cadet music program
is designed to teach everyone’s trade it fails to realize that the trade of Percussion is not just
Drum or Glock, it is both. By calling the band a Percussion Band it reinstates that the
Percussionists in the band are getting full training for what they need in the future. This means
that Drummers won’t be just Drummers but will learn small amounts of Mallet Percussion as
well, and vice versa. Of course, it won’t be the main instrument they use when the do the band
portion of the program, but it is needed nevertheless. In close, these simple things can change the
direction and impact on the program and can finally bring music back in the Cadet Music
Program itself for Percussionists.

Music Theory & Cadet Music Levels

This year, my last year, I wish to finally introduce the one thing that should have been put
into the program years ago: Music Theory & Cadet Music Levels. These are the fundamental
things in the Cadet Music Program that trains musicians for the future. I plan to fully introduce
Theory and Cadet Levels to the highest degree by personally teaching it myself. As you know I
have my Level 5 in Theory (Grade 2 Rudimental Theory) which allows me to test cadets to level
basic. With this I can test them to their basic level of theory and teach the rest with test that will
not count towards achieving their Theory Level but, will get them better prepared to face Theory
at any Music Training Summer Camp. I will also be giving out Level Music for the cadets to
attempt themselves at home with the Theory they learned on the music training night, with the
option of bringing it in to me on Tuesday (may be changed) or Sunday to review or ask
questions. This will better prepare them for any Music Training Summer Camp and also to be a
better musician as a whole. I wish to teach the Theory every Sunday starting from Level Basic
and working right up to when time stops me. The same goes with the Level Music. Before
everything starts up with the music program, I will submit to you and the Band Officer a copy of
a lesson arrangement for the Theory and Level Music to be approved.

Music Selection

Music Selection is one of the hardest things to get through when building a music
program. The songs that must be known are: O’ Canada, Maple Leaf Forever, Scotland the
Brave, Jolly Piper, and British Brigadiers. With this in mind we can then pick out other music
that will be included in the program to give interest to the musicians. Also, I would like to note
that I will be redoing all of the drum scores for the songs (Except O’ Canada). I plan to make the
scores challenging but able to achieve. This will get rid of any slackness through the drumming
part of the Percussion Band. Also this year, I wish to do a Drum Fanfare and a Concert Mallet
Percussion piece. With note on other music for selection, that can be made by the Band Officer
and the Drum Major and also leads of the band.

Positions within the Band Portion of the Music Program

Throughout the years of the music program being played out in the corps, the lack of
support for cadet positions within the band portion of the program has gone up. It should be
noted that positions in the band portion of the program (like leads) should be recognized as they
are real. Lead tip and Lead Mallet are honorable positions in the band portion of the program for
they are the goal for the musician to work for within the music program. This is the same as the
marksmanship team has its top shot, drill team has the drill team commander, or even as the
biathlon team has the cadet coach. With this in mind, the music program should have and keep
its honorable positions.

Respect to the Music Program and Band

The one thing I have seen a lot of as a Drum Major is the disrespect and lack of
recognition to the music program as it is formed up as a band. When on a Tuesday night as we
form as a band, we should be recognized as a troop, the same as “A” or “B” troop. There has
been countless times I have seen the music program forced to form into a troop for very non-
understandable reasons and it is not fair to those who have dedicated their time in specializing
into the music program. I know that the troops seem small sometimes as we form up, but that is
not of our concern. As long as the band (Music Training) has enough numbers to make a full
band formation, it should be treated as such and giving its title. In close, I ask that the music
program be looked at differently in the New Year and gain its honorable title on the parade
square, as it has earned it.

The Schedule

This year, the schedule part of things is a huge controversy. I wish to speak on the terms
of this section of this document as an experience musician, as I have been involved with many
things music related in the past 4 years. I know that the program the corp is developing is based
around a 2-hour music training session every Sunday. To put simply, this is not enough in any
way, shape, or form. The 3-hour music training session is a minimum if this program is ever
going to go for its full potential. To break the 3-hour approach down let us look at this very basic
but effective schedule:

Hour 1 – Theory

Hour 2 – Full Rehearsal

Hour 3 – Drill

It’s very simple to do and 5 minute breaks can be added as well. What I want to do with the band
this year is start off fresh and right. I wish to do the first hour of the program starting with theory.
The second hour of the program I wish to do technique for the first three weeks. This will help
beginners or even intermediate players a chance to develop proper technique before diving into
the world of music. After the first three weeks, I wish to change the technique class to Full
Rehearsal, as we will learn not only technique but music as well, which will help the overall skill
of the Cadet Musicians. The third hour I would like to do nothing but drill. This will guarantee
that the skill of drill of the band is nothing but satisfactory. I wish to bring out the full potential
of the program by increasing the skill of drill while we are in the band formation as we will
constantly be on the parade square.

In Close

In close, I wish to thank you for your time in reading this document. I hope that you find
the information and ideas in this document useful and that it will influence your decision on the
music program for 1691. Again I put emphasis that I am not trying to put any authority behind
these statements but rather experience and intelligence.

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