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LESSON 37: 03/28/24

Basic Conversation
The present tense doesn't only indicate the present
moment. (It includes past, present, and future)
Always feel the nuance of habits.
Be mindful of the third person singular (he, she, it), and
the pronunciation of -s, -es.
혀 운동
Affirmative Statements Negative Statements Questions

I cook I won't Will I

We cook You won't Will you
You cook We won't Will we
They cook They won't Will they
It cooks He won't Will he
He cooks She won't Will she
She cooks It won't Will it
평서 ~할게
I'll call him.
She'll come.
I'll come again.
She'll be angry.
I'll accept it.
She'll finish it.
I'll bring it.
They'll fix it.
I'll let him go.
They'll regret it.
I'll ask him.
They'll watch it.
I'll answer the phone.
부정 ~하지 않을 거야
I won't call him.
She won't come.
I won't come again.
She won't be angry.
I won't accept it.
She won't finish it.
I won't bring it.
They won't fix it
I won't let him go.
They won't regret it.
I won't ask him.
They won't watch it.
I won't answer the phone.
의문 ~할 거니?
Will you call him?
Will she come?
Will you come again?
Will she be angry?
Will you accept it?
Will she finish it?
Will you bring it?
Will they fix it?
Will you let him go?
Will they regret it?
Will you ask him?
Will they watch it?
Will you answer the phone?

A: "I'll probably go for a run in the park later, it's such nice
weather outside."
B: "That sounds like a great idea. Fresh air will do you good."

A: "She'll always bring homemade cookies to the party."

B: "I love her cookies. They're the best!"


A: "I won't be able to attend the concert tonight; I have to finish this
report by morning."
B: "That's unfortunate. We'll miss having you there."

A: "He won't eat vegetables, even if you cook them in different

B: "Really? That's quite stubborn of him."


A: "Will he remember to bring the documents to the meeting

B: "I hope so. It's crucial for the presentation."

A: "Will they consider our proposal for the new project?"

B: "I'm not sure. We'll have to wait for their response."
Discussion English
의도를 파악할 때
Do you mean (that) ...?
을 말하는 것입니까?
Are you suggesting that ...?
을 뜻하는 것입니까?
Does that mean ...?
그것은...을 뜻하는 것입니까?
What do you mean (by) ...?
이라는 것은 무슨 뜻인가요?
What is your point?
말하는 요지가 무엇이죠?
"Do you mean (that) ...?"

This statement is used to ask if the speaker understands or interprets

something correctly. It seeks confirmation or clarification about the
intended meaning of a statement or action.

A: "I think we should postpone the meeting until next week."

B: "Do you mean that we should reschedule all our appointments for
next week?"
"Are you suggesting that ...?"

This statement is used to ask if the speaker is proposing or

recommending a particular course of action or idea. It seeks
confirmation or further explanation about a suggestion or implication.

A: "We could try a different approach to solving this problem."

B: "Are you suggesting that we should abandon our current strategy
and try something new?"
"Does that mean ...?"

This statement is used to seek clarification about the implications or

consequences of a previous statement or action. It asks for
confirmation or explanation of the outcome.

A: "I won't be able to attend the party tonight."

B: "Does that mean you won't be able to help with the preparations
"What do you mean (by) ...?"

This statement is used to ask for clarification or further explanation

about something that was said or done. It seeks to understand the
intended meaning or significance of a particular phrase or action.

A: "I didn't like the way you spoke to me earlier."

B: "What do you mean by that? Can you explain what I said that upset

"What is your point?"

This statement is used to directly ask someone to clarify the main idea
or argument they are trying to convey. It seeks to understand the
central message or purpose behind their statement or action.

A: "We need to change our plans."

B: "What is your point? Do you have a different idea?"
"Do you mean (that) ...?" "Are you suggesting that ...?"

A: "I thought we could try that new A: "Let's go for a bike ride in the park
Italian restaurant downtown tonight." on Sunday."

B: "Do you mean that you want to B: "Are you suggesting that we should
make a reservation there?" rent bikes or bring our own?"
"Does that mean ...?" "What do you mean (by) ...?"

A: "I'll stop by the grocery store on my A: "I prefer action movies over
way home." romantic comedies."

B: "Does that mean you'll pick up some B: "What do you mean by that? Do you
milk and eggs?" want to watch an action film tonight?"
"What is your point?"

A: "We need to decide on a color

scheme for the living room."

B: "What is your point? Are you

suggesting we go with neutral tones or
something more vibrant?"
Essential Words of the Day
1. etc - Abbreviation for "et cetera," meaning "and others" or "and so on," used
to indicate that there are more items in a list that are not explicitly
2. ethics - Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conduct of
an activity, focusing on what is considered right or wrong.
3. ethnic - Relating to a particular racial, cultural, or national group, often
characterized by shared ancestry, language, customs, and traditions.
4. evaluation - The assessment or judgment of the value, quality, or
significance of something based on criteria or standards.
5. evidence - Facts, information, or data that support or demonstrate the
truth or validity of a claim, hypothesis, or argument.
Essential Words of the Day
6. evolution - The gradual development or change of something over time,
often referring to biological evolution.
7. excellent - Of extremely good quality or high merit; outstanding or
exceptionally good.
8. exception - Something that is not included in a general rule or pattern
because it is different in some way.
9. exchange - The act of giving something in return for something else; the
process of trading or swapping goods, services, or ideas.
10. executive - Relating to or having the power to put plans or actions into
effect; also refers to a person in a high-level managerial position within an
1. After studying biology, we learned about the human body, various
animals, plants, ________________, and more.
- A) etc
- B) evaluation

2. In our society, it's important to adhere to strong ________________ and

treat others with respect and kindness.
- A) ethics
- B) evidence
3. My friend comes from a diverse ________________ background, with
ancestors from different countries and cultures.
- A) ethnic
- B) exception

4. The professor asked us to write an ________________ of the book we

read, analyzing its themes, characters, and writing style.
- A) evaluation
- B) excellent
5. Scientists have gathered enough ________________ supporting the
theory of climate change due to human activity.
- A) evidence
- B) exchange

6. The theory of ________________ proposes that species change over

time through genetic variation and natural selection.
- A) evolution
- B) executive
7. She received an ________________ grade on her project, as it was well-
researched, creatively presented, and thoroughly analyzed.
- A) excellent
- B) exchange

8. Despite being late, the teacher made an ________________ for the

student who missed the deadline due to a family emergency.
- A) exception
- B) ethics
9. We agreed to an ________________ of ideas, where we shared our
thoughts and opinions on the proposed solutions.
- A) exchange
- B) etc

10. As the CEO of the company, she held an ________________ position,

overseeing all major decisions and strategies.
- A) executive
- B) evaluation
Let's take a quick break!
Free Talking!!!
끝, the end!
see you next lesson, same time <3

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