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The left prefrontal cortex supports inhibitory processing during semantic

memory retrieval

Article in Cortex · January 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2020.11.001


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2 authors:

Martin Marko Igor Riecansky

Slovak Academy of Sciences Slovak Academy of Sciences


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Research Report

The left prefrontal cortex supports inhibitory

processing during semantic memory retrieval

Martin Marko a,b and Igor Riecanský a,c,*

Department of Behavioural Neuroscience, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Centre of Experimental
Medicine, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
Department of Applied Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in
Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Unit, Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology,
Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

article info abstract

Article history: Semantic control refers to a set of neural and cognitive mechanisms that govern semantic
Received 24 April 2020 processing and retrieval. Neuroimaging studies have indicated that controlled semantic
Reviewed 2 September 2020 processing engages the left prefrontal cortex (PFC), yet the functional role of the prefrontal
Revised 5 October 2020 activity in semantic control is poorly understood and was therefore addressed in the
Accepted 2 November 2020 present study. We used a double-blind randomized controlled experiment, in which par-
Action editor Angela Sirigu ticipants from three distinct groups received anodal transcranial direct current stimulation
Published online 20 November 2020 (tDCS) over left lateral PFC (n ¼ 40), a control tDCS over temporoparietal cortex (n ¼ 40), or
sham stimulation (n ¼ 41), while executing automatic and controlled semantic retrieval
Keywords: tasks as well as additional control tasks assessing working memory and semantic judge-
Semantic cognition ment. We demonstrate that anodal tDCS of the left lateral PFC improved inhibition of
tDCS prepotent semantic associations but had no significant effect on retrieval of habitual as-
Prefrontal cortex sociates or switching between retrieval rules. The prefrontal tDCS also enhanced working
Executive functions memory capacity, but this effect did not account for the improved semantic inhibition. The
Working memory control temporoparietal tDCS did not affect semantic retrieval. Our findings show that
semantic inhibition and switching represent distinct components of the semantic control
system and indicate that the left lateral PFC is involved in a filtering process that constrains
the accessible semantic representations (i.e., a proactive pre-retrieval inhibition) or sup-
presses already retrieved responses (i.e., a retroactive post-retrieval inhibition). The
recognition of such an inhibitory process could inspire novel treatments targeting altered
semantic processing.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (

* Corresponding author. Department of Behavioural Neuroscience, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Centre of Experi-
mental Medicine, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Sienkiewiczova 1, 813 71 Bratislava, Slovakia.
E-mail addresses: (M. Marko), (I. Riec
0010-9452/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
c o r t e x 1 3 4 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 9 6 e3 0 6 297

semantic processing gradually changes during the progres-

1. Introduction sion of verbal fluency tasks since retrieving information from
semantic memory becomes increasingly demanding as
Controlled semantic cognition supports multiple forms of
typical (i.e., easily-accessible) retrieval candidates are being
adaptive behavior and thought. Growing evidence suggests
depleted (Golestanirad et al., 2015; Marko et al., 2019a). Thus, it
that semantic control engages the left lateral prefrontal cortex
is currently not clear whether the previously observed im-
(PFC), which interacts with the temporal-parietal brain re-
provements in verbal fluency due to left prefrontal tDCS
gions involved in semantic representation, i.e., a system
reflect enhanced automatic retrieval (i.e., a bottom-up, stim-
forming generalizable, multi-modal concepts and their
ulus-driven retrieval at early stages of the task), controlled
mutual relations (Ralph et al., 2017; Chiou & Lambon Ralph,
semantic retrieval (i.e., a top-down, goal-directed retrieval
2019; Chiou et al., 2018). Multiple lines of research converge
employed when the automatic retrieval becomes insufficient),
to indicate that PFC is not involved in the encoding of se-
or domain-general executive abilities not uniquely related to
mantic representations per se, but it executively manipulates
semantic processing, such as working memory and response
the activation of semantic knowledge (Kapur et al., 1994;
Fedorenko & Thompson-Schill, 2014; Stampacchia et al., 2019;
In the present study, we addressed this problem using
Jefferies, 2013). For instance, neuroimaging studies have
anodal tDCS guided by computational models of electric field
shown that the left lateral PFC is engaged in semantic tasks
distribution to target the left lateral PFC. Semantic processing
requiring inhibition of habitual associates (Allen et al., 2008;
was assessed using the associative chain test (ACT; Marko
Burgess and Shallice, 1996; Cattaneo et al., 2011), retrieval of
et al., 2019a; Marko et al., 2019b) that implements a word-
less accessible knowledge from semantic memory (e.g., weak
production approach by which automatic (free association)
or infrequent associates; Badre & Wagner, 2002; Badre et al.,
and controlled (inhibition and switching) semantic processing
2005; Badre & Wagner, 2007), or a flexible switching between
can be effectively disentangled. Besides the prefrontal and
semantic features and/or categories (Troyer et al., 1998; Marko
sham stimulation, a montage targeting temporal-parietal
& Riec anský, 2018). Nevertheless, despite a large number of
cortex bilaterally (i.e., not affecting the PFC) was included as
studies coupling general executive control with the activity of
a control montage to assess the anatomical specificity of the
PFC (Kiesel et al., 2010; Yuan & Raz, 2014; Diamond, 2013), little
stimulation effects. Our main prediction was that, compared
research has been dedicated to the executive processes in the
to sham and the temporal-parietal tDCS, the anodal prefrontal
semantic domain (such as inhibition or switching), and causal
tDCS would enhance controlled but not automatic semantic
evidence that PFC is involved in the semantic control func-
tions is limited.
Furthermore, two additional control measures were
Non-invasive brain stimulation provides a safe and effec-
introduced in the interest of establishing behavioral speci-
tive approach to investigate functional relations between
ficity of the expected stimulation effects. Working memory
brain and behavior (Polanı́a et al., 2018). In particular, trans-
capacity (WMC) was assessed as a domain-general executive
cranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been successfully
function that had been shown to be sensitive to prefrontal
used to modulate the excitability and functional connectivity
tDCS (Ruf et al., 2017; Ohn et al., 2008; Zaehle et al., 2011;
of cortical regions (Nitsche & Paulus, 2000; Rahman et al., 2013;
Brunoni & Vanderhasselt, 2014) and involved in semantic
Stagg & Nitsche, 2011; Filmer et al., 2019), resulting in altered
memory retrieval (Unsworth et al., 2011, 2013). Moreover, a
cognitive processing and behavior in healthy participants as
semantic judgement task (SJT) was used to discern whether
well as neuropsychiatric patients (Filmer et al., 2020). Accu-
left prefrontal tDCS also affects post-retrieval evaluation
mulating evidence indicates that prefrontal tDCS can modu-
and selection processes (Badre & Wagner, 2002; Badre et al.,
late semantic cognition (Joyal & Fecteau, 2016; Monti et al.,
2005; Badre & Wagner, 2007; Whitney et al., 2011), which are
2013). For instance, it has been reported that excitatory
considered domain-general and engage right rather than left
anodal tDCS over left lateral PFC improved picture naming
PFC (Hayama & Rugg, 2009; Sharp, 2004). Thus, both WMC
(Fertonani et al., 2010) and enhanced verbal fluency (Cattaneo
and SJT were assessed to refine the precise functional role of
et al., 2011; Pisoni et al., 2018). Interestingly, Cattaneo et al.
the left lateral PFC in controlled semantic processing and to
(2011) reported that prefrontal tDCS modulated semantic
challenge the main hypothesis with the alternative that
fluency more strongly than phonemic fluency. This indicates
tDCS affects semantic retrieval indirectly, via an improve-
that the prefrontal stimulation might exert stronger effect on
ment in domain-general cognitive abilities (working mem-
semantic processing compared with domain-general execu-
ory or post-retrieval response evaluation). Finally, all
tive processing, which is engaged more intensely in phonemic
cognitive tasks were administered before, during, and
than semantic tasks (Henry & Crawford, 2004; Shao et al.,
shortly after the tDCS in order to investigate both the im-
2014). For verbal fluency, on the other hand, the role of se-
mediate effects (“online effects”) and after-effects (“offline
mantic versus executive processing remains a matter of
effects”), as they may result from partially distinct neurobi-
debate (Shao et al., 2014; Whiteside et al., 2016) and several
ological processes (Stagg & Nitsche, 2011; Medeiros et al.,
theoretical models have posited distinct accounts for the
2012). The differences between online and offline tDCS ef-
domain-general executive involvement (e.g., suppression,
fects were assessed in an exploratory manner to inform
switching, monitoring, and/or maintenance; Mayr, 2002;
optimal application of tDCS for the modulation of semantic
Unsworth et al., 2013). Moreover, growing evidence suggests
processing in future studies.
that the relative engagement of automatic versus controlled
298 c o r t e x 1 3 4 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 9 6 e3 0 6

2.2. Procedure
2. Methods
The outline of the main experimental procedure is depicted in
2.1. Participants and study design
Fig. 1A. Each session started with a brief anamnestic inter-
view, which was followed by assessment of verbal fluency,
The study had a randomized, double-blind, placebo-
schizotypal personality traits using Schizotypal Personality
controlled design. The required sample size was estimated
Questionnaire (SPQ), The Community Assessment of Psychic
using an a priori power analysis (5% Type I error rate, 20%
Experience (CAPE), and current emotional state using affect
Type II error rate, and expected effect size hp2 > .10). In total, scales. Thereafter, a baseline measurement block (assessment
121 participants (49 males; age 23.1 ± 3.8 years) completed a of WMC, ACT and SJT; see section 2.4) was carried out. After
single experimental session involving either PFC (n ¼ 40), the baseline block, the stimulation was set up and initiated. A
TPC (n ¼ 40) or sham (n ¼ 41) stimulation; the participants scale assessing adverse stimulation effects and a second block
were randomly assigned to balanced experimental groups. of affect scales were administered immediately after the
Two more individuals participated (in the PFC and the TPC current had ramped-up. The online measurement block
groups) but did not finish the session due to technical is- started after 5 min of full-intensity stimulation. At the tDCS
sues. All participants were right-handed (Edinburgh Hand- offset, participants provided perceived intensity rating for the
edness Inventory e short form, Veale, 2014; mean score stimulation and completed a third measurement of the
92.3 ± 11.6), with no history of psychiatric disorder, neuro- emotional state using affect scales. The offline measurement
logical condition, or recent medication. Research was con- block was initiated 5 min after the stimulation offset. A short
ducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki debriefing was carried out at the end the session.
(World Medical Association, 2013) and approved by the
institutional review board. All procedures and methods 2.3. Transcranial direct current stimulation
were carried out in accordance with the relevant guidelines
and regulations. All participants gave written informed Stimulation was delivered using a certified battery-driven
consent and received a financial reward for their direct-current stimulator (DC-STIMULATOR PLUS, Neuro-
participation. Conn, Illmenau, Germany). Two conductive rubber electrodes

Fig. 1 e Experimental procedure and tDCS. Panel A: Timeline of the experimental session. The session was initiated with a
block including short anamnestic interview, assessment of verbal fluency and schizotypal traits (INI). Cognitive tests were
administered in three blocks: baseline (BSL), online (ON), and offline (OFF) with respect to stimulation (tDCS). After the BSL
block, the stimulation was set up (Setup). Immediately after stimulation onset and offset, participants filled scales and
rested shortly (S). Panel B: Schematic depiction of electrode placement. Anode (red) and cathode (blue) are plotted with
respect to positions of the 10-10 system. Panel C: Simulated electric field intensity for tDCS. The models show that PFC, but
not TPC, stimulation montage induced peak electric field within left lateral PFC (highlighted region 1), whereas both
montages induced comparable electric fields in the left temporal cortex (highlighted region 2).
c o r t e x 1 3 4 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 9 6 e3 0 6 299

(5  7 cm2) were attached on the head using an EEG cap, elastic specific conditions, starting with a word stimulus. In the
bands, and conductive electrode paste (Ten20, Weaver and associate condition, participants produced words so that each
Co., Aurora, CO, USA). For the PFC stimulation, the anode was new response was semantically associated to the previous
located in-between F3 and AF3 and cathode was centered one (e.g., “Hospital e Doctor e Health e Sport…”) for 50 sec.
between T7 and P5 of the international 10-10 system of EEG Unrelated responses were considered as errors. In the disso-
electrode placement. For the TPC stimulation, the anode and ciate condition, participants were instructed to generate a
cathode were attached between T8 and P6 and between T7 chain of semantically unrelated words, i.e., each new
and P5, respectively (see Fig. 1B). Both active conditions were response should not relate to the previous one (e.g., “Teacher e
set to 2 mA (0.057 mA/cm2), applied for 25 min, including an Kitchen e Hockey e Apple…”) for 70 sec. Participants were
additional 60 sec ramp-up and ramp-down period. The instructed that delivering a related word would count as an
placement of electrodes was guided by electric field intensity error. In the associateedissociate condition, participants were
models (estimated using SimNIBS version 3) to achieve left asked to deliver associations and dissociations in alternation
PFC polarization in the PFC stimulation but not in the TPC (i.e., switching between the two previously described condi-
stimulation, while keeping the polarization of temporal and tions after each response; e.g., “Phone e Call e Banana e Mon-
parietal regions of the left hemisphere equal with both mon- key…”) for 120 sec. All three conditions were repeated three
tages (see Fig. 1C). In the sham stimulation, the montage was times within each assessment block in the same order. Par-
either that of PFC or TPC (balanced across participants), but ticipants entered the words via keyboard, they were instruc-
the full intensity current was delivered only for 50 sec. The ted to keep fluent word production, ignore grammatical or
data-collector was not aware whether real or sham simulation typing errors, and not repeat words within the same chain.
was applied (double-blinding). After the ramp-up period, Each response was assessed for response time (RT), i.e., the
participants reported adverse effects using 6 Likert scales latency of entering first letter of the word. The RTs were
(“itching”, “pinching”, “tingling”, “burning”, “tickling”, and structured by two independent factors with two levels each:
“pain”, rated from “not at all” e 0 to “very much” e 4). Overall, the response type (associative or dissociative) and the sequence
tDCS was well-tolerated and there were no statistically sig- type (fixed or alternating) and averaged for each combination
nificant differences in the adverse scores among the groups of the two factors separately for each individual and assess-
[mean ± SE ¼ .90 ± .11, .77 ± .09, and .77 ± .09, for sham, PFC ment block. Three main measures were then derived from the
and TPC, respectively; one-way ANOVA: F(2,116) ¼ .56, averaged RT values: (i) response initiation, calculated as the
p ¼ .571, hp2 ¼ .01]. At the end of the stimulation, participants average RT in associative fixed and associative alternating re-
were asked to rate the perceived intensity of the stimulation sponses [i.e., response initiation RT ¼ (associative fixed
using a Likert scale (“none” e 0 to “very strong” e 10). The RT þ associative alternating RT)/2]; (ii) inhibition cost, indicating
groups did not significantly differ in the perceived stimulation the RT difference between delivering dissociative versus asso-
intensity [one-way ANOVA: F(2,118) ¼ 1.48, p ¼ .233, hp2 ¼ .02], ciative responses in the fixed sequence type (i.e., inhibition
cost ¼ dissociative fixed RT e associative fixed RT); and (iii)
indicating that the blinding of the participants was successful.
switching cost, calculated as the RT difference between alter-
nating versus fixed sequences in the dissociative response type
2.4. Cognitive assessment (i.e., switching cost ¼ dissociative alternating RT e dissociative
fixed RT). See Fig. 2 for further details.
Each measurement block (i.e., baseline, online-stimulation
and offline-stimulation) included three cognitive tests
administered in a fixed order: interference digit-span task, the
associative chain test, and semantic judgement task.
The interference digit span task was used to assess work-
ing memory capacity (WMC). Participants listened to series of
digits presented either in high or low pitch. They were
instructed to attend and remember high-pitch targets and
ignore low-pitch distractors. The stimuli were presented in
500 msec intervals in alternating pitch (always starting with a
low-pitch distractor). At the end of each trial, acoustic beep
signalized that participants should report the remembered
items in the reverse order. The starting span was set to 3,
which was increased by 1 after each correct recall or
decreased by 2 after each incorrect recall. The task continued
until the total number of 5 incorrect trials were made. The
overall capacity was then calculated as the average span of
the five incorrect trials minus 1. Cronbach's a indicated an Fig. 2 e Panel A: Response times in ACT by response type
acceptable internal consistency of the test in each assessment and sequence type. Panel B: Inhibition cost in the fixed
block (a ¼ .81 to .84). (FIX) and alternating (ALT) sequence type. Panel C:
Lexicalesemantic retrieval was assessed using the asso- Switching cost in the associative (A) and dissociative (D)
ciative chain test (ACT; Marko. et al., 2019b). In this test, par- response type. Error bars represent ± SE; ***p < .001, ns e
ticipants continuously generated word chains according to non-significant difference.
300 c o r t e x 1 3 4 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 9 6 e3 0 6

Semantic judgement task (SJT) was completed to assess significant differences in the baseline affect scores across
post-retrieval response monitoring, response selection and the tDCS groups [one-way ANOVA: F(2,116)  1.57, p  .213,
decision making. Each assessment block included 7 trials hp2  .026; see supplementary Table S2 in the Supplementary
presented in random order. In each trial, participants were information online for more details].
introduced with a trial word (displayed in the upper half of the
screen throughout the trial) and a set of 21 probe words pre- 2.6. Data processing and analysis
sented sequentially in the lower half on the screen in random
order. Following the onset of each probe, participants were The data were processed in SPSS (IBM Corp, 2017) and JASP
required to decide whether the displayed word pair (i.e., the (JASP Team, 2019). As in the previous studies (Marko et al.,
trial word and the current probe) was semantically related 2019a; Marko et al., 2019b), the error rate in the ACT was
(yes/no response using computer keyboard). After each very low (<5%), and thus only RT was analyzed. First, a 2  2
judgement, next probe was presented. The set of 21 probes repeated measures (RM) ANOVA was computed to assess the
words included three types of stimuli: dominant associates effect of response type (associative vs dissociative) and sequence
(n ¼ 3), remote associates (n ¼ 6), and unrelated words (n ¼ 12); type (fixed vs alternating) for baseline ACT data. Next, full
the lexical-semantic strengths of the word pairs were derived factorial 3  3 RM ANOVAs, including a between-subjects
from a large corpus and matched across the assessment factor stimulation (sham/PFC/TPC) and a within-subjects fac-
blocks (see supplementary Table S1 in the Supplementary tor block (baseline/online/offline) were computed for ACT and
information online for more details). For each stimulus type, WMC measures. The ANOVA for SJT included an additional
average RT and detection rate (proportion of “yes” responses) within-subjects factor trial type (dominant/remote/unrelated).
was calculated. These measures showed an acceptable inter- Greenhouse-Geisser sphericity correction was applied where
nal consistency across the assessment blocks, as indicated by appropriate. The effects of tDCS on the cognitive measures
Cronbach's a (aRT ¼ .90 to .96 and a% ¼ .79 to .94). were assessed as the respective block  stimulation interaction
Verbal fluency (which was assessed in the initial block in the ANOVA models. To evaluate significant interactions,
only) was estimated using three distinct conditions, each difference values of the cognitive performance between the
including two trials. In all trials, participants were asked to baseline and online assessment block (e.g., for response time,
deliver as many instances of a category (animals and super- DRTON-BSL) and between the baseline and offline block (e.g.,
market items), letters (F, K), or designs (things for drawing/ DRTOFF-BSL) were calculated. These difference values were
painting, things that can make a hole) as possible within 1 min then compared across the tDCS conditions (i.e., groups) using
each. The performance index was calculated as the sum of planned pairwise one-sided t-tests to test the hypotheses. The
responses across the six trials (Cronbach's a ¼ .82). The changes in performance between online and offline block (e.g.,
fluency performance was not statistically different across the DRTOFF-ON) were assessed in an exploratory manner with two-
tDCS groups [one-way ANOVA: F(2,118) ¼ 1.05, p ¼ .352, sided t-tests. In order to account for familywise error due to
hp2 ¼ .02], indicating no pre-existing group differences. multiple testing, p-values of the pairwise comparisons across
all measures were adjusted by sequential Bonferroni correc-
2.5. Self-reported measures tion (Cramer et al., 2016; adjusted p-values are reported). Effect
sizes for ANOVA and t-tests were estimated using hp2 and
Schizotypal personality questionnaire (SPQ; Raine, 1991; Cohen's d, respectively. Finally, an exploratory analysis was
Slovak version: Chylova  et al., 2017) and Community performed to assess relations between the dependent cogni-
Assessment of Psychic Experiences Questionnaire (CAPE; tive measures (ACT, WMC, and SJT) using Pearson
Stefanis et al., 2002; Slovak version: Forga ova
 et al., 2019) correlations.
was completed at the beginning of the experimental session
in order to assess schizotypal personality traits as control
measures since they have been previously associated with 3. Results
altered lexicalesemantic processing (Merten, 1993; Kiang
et al., 2010). One-way ANOVAs showed no significant dif- 3.1. Baseline semantic retrieval measures
ferences in the schizotypal dimensions across the tDCS
groups, F(2,116) < .25, p > .781, hp2 < .01 for the SPQ and A RM ANOVA of RTs in ACT revealed significant effects of
F(2,116) < 1.52, p > .223, hp < .03 for CAPE scales. Further-
2 response type, F(1,120) ¼ 260.25, p < .001, hp2 ¼ .684, sequence
more, short scales were administered at the beginning of type, F(1,120) ¼ 44.01, p < .001, hp2 ¼ .268, and their interaction,
each cognitive assessment block in order to evaluate F(1,120) ¼ 31.62, p < .001, hp2 ¼ .209, showing that the
possible differences in participants' affect state. The scale switching cost was evident only in dissociative but not in
included nine Likert items (0 e “not at all”, 4 e “very much”), associative responses (see Fig. 2). Pearson correlation analysis
which were averaged to form three scores: distress (“stress”, of the baseline measures showed that response initiation was
“tension”, and “insecurity”; Cronbach's a ¼ .81 to .84), arousal not significantly correlated with inhibition cost, r(120) ¼ .010,
(“energy”, “arousal”, and “vigilance”; Cronbach's a ¼ .82 to p ¼ .916, or switching cost, r(120) ¼ .052, p ¼ .571. Inhibition cost
.92), and engagement (“motivation”, “interest”, and “enthu- and switching cost were negatively correlated, r(120) ¼ .378,
siasm”; Cronbach's a ¼ .82 to .90). There were no statistically p < .001. Verbal fluency was significantly correlated only with
c o r t e x 1 3 4 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 9 6 e3 0 6 301

response initiation, r(120) ¼ .552, p < .001. None of the ACT switching cost and inhibition cost was negative (average
measures was significantly correlated with WMC (see r ¼ .437, SD ¼ .13). Complete reports for all the RM ANOVA
supplementary Table S3 in the Supplementary information models and tests are shown in Supplementary Tables S4 and
online for the complete report of the correlation analysis). S5 and Figure S1 in Supplementary information online.

3.2. Effects of tDCS on semantic retrieval measures 3.3. Effects of tDCS on control measures

The effects of tDCS on the derived ACT measures were eval- A RM ANOVA for working memory capacity showed a significant
uated as the block  stimulation interaction effects using RM block by stimulation interaction, F(3.6,214.8) ¼ 4.94, p < .001,
ANOVAs and planed pairwise t-tests on RT change values hp2 ¼ .077 (Fig. 3D). The comparisons of the difference scores
(DRTON-BSL and DRTOFF-BSL) between the tDCS groups. For showed that PFC tDCS significantly increased WMC during
response initiation, the block  stimulation interaction was not (one-sided hypothesis, t-test: p ¼ .006, d ¼ .660) and after the
significant, F(3.4,202.6) ¼ .15, p ¼ .945, hp2 ¼ .003 (Fig. 3A). For stimulation (one-sided hypothesis, t-test: p ¼ .007, d ¼ .525)
inhibition cost, the block  stimulation interaction was signifi- compared to baseline assessment. The changes during and
cant, F(4,236) ¼ 4.62, p ¼ .001, hp2 ¼ .073 (Fig. 3B). The com- after TPC tDCS were not significant (two-sided t-test: p ¼ .684,
parisons of the difference scores showed that PFC tDCS d ¼ .089 and p ¼ .374, d ¼ .200, respectively). A RM ANOVAs for
significantly decreased inhibition cost during (online block) semantic judgement detection rate (%) and semantic judgement
and after the stimulation (offline block) compared to baseline response time (RT) involved an additional within-subjects
(one-sided hypothesis, t-test: p ¼ .003, d ¼ .658 and p ¼ .003, factor trial type (dominant/remote/unrelated). Overall, as ex-
d ¼ .693, respectively). The change in inhibition cost during pected, the analysis revealed that the detection rate was
and after TPC stimulation with respect to baseline were not significantly higher for the trials including dominant associ-
significant (two-sided t-test: p ¼ .394, d ¼ .215 and p ¼ .395, ation (~73 ± 2.1%) than in the trials including remote associ-
d ¼ .223, respectively). Finally, for switching cost, block  ation (~48 ± 2.6%) or unrelated word pairs (~10 ± 1.6%).
stimulation interaction was not significant, F(4,236) ¼ .45, Furthermore, the RTs were longer for remote as compared to
p ¼ .771, hp2 ¼ .008 (Fig. 3C). Overall, across the tDCS groups both dominant and unrelated trials. However, tDCS did not
significantly affect or interact with any of the two SJT
and pairwise contrasts, the correlation between the change in

Fig. 3 e The effects of tDCS on ACT measures (panels A e C) and working memory capacity (panel D). Each panel shows
mean difference scores with respect to baseline (ON-BSL and OFF-BSL) as a function of tDCS (between subject factor).
Descriptive plots indicating distributions and individual values for each participant are presented in Supplementary
information (Supplementary Figure S1). PFC e prefrontal tDCS (red), TPC e temporoparietal tDCS (blue), BSL e baseline block,
ON e online block, OFF e offline block. Error bars represent ± SE. ***p < .001, **p < .01, ns e non-significant difference (p-
values of the pairwise contrasts were corrected for multiple comparisons using sequential Bonferroni correction).
302 c o r t e x 1 3 4 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 9 6 e3 0 6

measures (see supplementary Table S6 and supplementary thus seem to interact with the prefrontal computations sup-
Figures S2 and S3 in the Supplementary information online porting inhibition, i.e., the ability to suppress strong semantic
for full report of the SJT data). activation, but not with the computations supporting a flex-
Finally, we evaluated whether the improvement in WMC ible shifting between remote semantic sets, which is likely
could account for the improvement in inhibition cost by tDCS underpinned by partially distinct brain circuits (Lemire-
of the PFC. A negative correlation would be expected if WMC Rodger et al., 2019; Niendam et al., 2012). Yet, the negative
mediated the effects of PFC tDCS on inhibition cost, as smaller correlation between semantic inhibition and switching sug-
inhibition cost represents better performance. Pearson cor- gests that these processes may either compete for a limited
relations showed that the association between the difference domain-general resources or interfere with each other
scores in WMC and inhibition cost was positive and not sig- (Fedorenko & Thompson-Schill, 2014; Chai et al., 2016;
nificant for both online (r ¼ .258, p ¼ .107) and offline block Hagoort, 2005). This account is consistent with the proposal
(r ¼ .280, p ¼ .081). that the brain networks supporting semantic control are
dynamically coupled with or de-coupled from the domain-
general executive brain network depending on current task
4. Discussion demands (Fedorenko & Thompson-Schill, 2014; Sabb et al.,
2007). Despite the fact that inhibition and switching may tap
The goal of the present study was to investigate the involve- on shared resources, our data indicate that they represent two
ment of the left lateral PFC in controlled semantic cognition. distinct components of the semantic control architecture, and
Based on the recent discoveries in the field of semantic that the computations in the left lateral PFC are specifically
cognition (Ralph et al., 2017; Chiou & Lambon Ralph, 2019; linked to inhibitory processing (see Allen et al., 2008; Collette
Chiou et al., 2018), we hypothesized that excitatory anodal et al., 2001), but not switching.
tDCS targeting the left lateral PFC would enhance controlled An alternative account for the present data could be that
but not automatic semantic processing. In line with this pre- semantic inhibition and switching are implemented by the
diction, we observed that the processing time for semantic same (or substantially overlapping) neural network involving
inhibition (i.e., inhibition cost) decreased during and shortly left lateral PFC, but the tDCS altered the operation of this
after the stimulation of PFC while this stimulation had no functional network from one state/function to another. This
significant effect on free-associative retrieval that does not account draws upon the evidence that tDCS can bias compu-
considerably engage semantic control. On the other hand, a tations within functional networks and so enhance one pro-
control stimulation of temporoparietal cortex did not show cess or function at the cost of other processes (Bikson and
such an effect, suggesting specificity of the prefrontal tDCS. Rahman, 2013; Rahman et al., 2013). Following this rationale,
Contrary to our expectations, however, we found no signifi- PFC tDCS could have redistributed the available neural and
cant effect of the prefrontal tDCS on flexible semantic cognitive resources of the semantic control network1 and so
switching (i.e., switching cost), which has been also consid- biased its operation towards a more constricted (inhibitory)
ered a semantic control function (Troyer et al., 1998; Unsworth rather than exploratory (switching) mode of processing. Such
et al., 2011). case would not exclude that inhibition and switching share a
Our study replicated previous findings (Marko et al., 2019a; common neural and cognitive ground. Hence, it could also be
Marko et al., 2019b) showing that the production of semanti- speculated that a distinct electrode montage or stimulation
cally unrelated responses requires substantially more pro- type could favor flexible switching or a more exploratory
cessing time than the continuous production of free word mode of semantic processing. Further research is thus needed
associations, which has been attributed to increased demands to shed light on the precise neural and cognitive computations
on semantic control. In particular, we but also others (Allen involved in the inhibition of semantic activation and switch-
et al., 2008; Collette et al., 2001) have argued that the addi- ing between semantic sets as well as their interaction.
tional processing time in dissociative tasks reflects the sup- Consistently with previous studies (Ruf et al., 2017; Ohn
pression of automatically evoked prepotent associations. et al., 2008; Zaehle et al., 2011; Brunoni & Vanderhasselt,
Thus, shorter inhibition cost in response to the excitatory 2014), the prefrontal tDCS improved working memory capac-
tDCS suggests that left lateral PFC may be a part of the neural ity. Interestingly, however, this effect was not related to
mechanism that regulates stimulus-driven semantic activa- enhanced inhibition cost due to tDCS, indicating that an
tion. We have also confirmed that alternating the retrieval extended working memory span does not necessarily trans-
rule further increased response latencies (i.e., switching cost) late into a better ability to suppress habitual associates
for dissociative but not associative retrieval. This interaction (Baddeley, 2012). In fact, our study showed that improved
was expected as the dissociative retrieval requires constant ability to maintain and operate on the information in working
inhibition to control habitual associates, and thus less re- memory was associated with marginally increased inhibition
sources remain available to resolve the demands on flexible costs, suggesting that improved maintenance of information
switching between semantic sets (Kiesel et al., 2010; Marko M. in phonological loop may hinder the ability to disentangle
et al., 2019a; Marko et al., 2019b), resulting in larger difficulty of from the intrusive semantic associates. Thus, given our
the dissociative performance. However, the anodal tDCS did
not affect both semantic inhibition and switching, indicating 1
This principle suggests that, instead of referring to tDCS as
that they involve at least partially specific cognitive processes
either depolarizing or hyperpolarizing, in some cases it may be
(as in the case of domain-general inhibition and switching, see more accurate to describe tDCS as redistributing polarization
Friedman & Miyake, 2017; Karr et al., 2018). Prefrontal tDCS within the targeted neuronal assembly.
c o r t e x 1 3 4 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 9 6 e3 0 6 303

findings, we can reject the alternative hypothesis that se- on the processing speed (RT) rather than originality of the
mantic inhibition was enhanced as a consequence of responses. Research utilizing measures sensitive to creative
improved working memory capacity. semantics and response quality may provide more insight
On the other hand, prefrontal tDCS did not significantly into the role of the right hemisphere in semantic information
modulate semantic relatedness judgement. This finding sug- processing. Finally, from another methodological perspective,
gests that the improvement in inhibition was not related to between-subject experimental design could be considered a
post-retrieval response monitoring and evaluation of already limitation due to possible pre-treatment group differences.
retrieved word candidates. This indicates that the improve- However, we addressed this concern by assessing baseline
ment to inhibition by prefrontal tDCS was not due to a mod- performance of each participant (showing no statistically
ulation of participants' response criterion, i.e., an increased significant group differences) and performing statistical tests
threshold to evaluate the candidate words as “associated” of tDCS effects using the baseline-corrected (change) scores.
versus “not-associated”. Based on the results from these
control measures we conclude that the observed changes of
semantic inhibition elicited by the left-lateral prefrontal tDCS 5. Conclusions
reflect a modulation of inhibitory processing that shapes the
activation or access to semantic representations (i.e., a pro- Using tDCS in a double-blind randomized controlled experi-
active inhibitory process) or implements a post-retrieval ment, we have demonstrated that the left lateral PFC supports
rejection of inappropriate candidates (i.e., a retroactive controlled semantic retrieval by exerting inhibition of habit-
inhibitory process). A more fine-grained experimental ually activated semantic representations. The effects of tDCS
manipulation will be required in the future studies to further were specific for response inhibition while switching or
specify the precise nature of the inhibitory processing that is automaticeassociative retrieval was unaffected, and were
sensitive to left-lateral prefrontal tDCS. elicited by prefrontal but not temporoparietal stimulation.
Our study also has limitations that should be considered. Furthermore, we have shown that the enhanced semantic
Previous neuroimaging studies showed that controlled se- inhibition was not due to a general improvement in the
mantic cognition involves partially distinct computations that cognitive ability (working memory capacity) or post-retrieval
are putatively implemented by specific parts of the left lateral response monitoring and evaluation (semantic judgement
PFC. For instance, Badre et al. (Badre. et al., 2005; Badre & speed or criterion). Taken together, our findings indicate that
Wagner, 2007) suggested that left anterior ventrolateral PFC the left lateral PFC may be specifically involved in a filtering
(pars orbitalis) interacts with activated semantic representa- process that sculptures the space of available responses
tions and so supports controlled access to stored knowledge, within semantic representation system (i.e., a proactive pre-
whereas left middle ventrolateral PFC (pars triangularis) im- retrieval inhibitory mechanism) or rejects/selects already
plements a more general mechanism that operates after retrieved response candidates (i.e., a retroactive post-retrieval
retrieval to resolve response competition. Due to low inhibitory mechanism). The recognition of this inhibitory
anatomical specificity of tDCS, it is not clear to what extent process and the possibility of its modulation using tDCS could
these two putative mechanisms could be modulated. Relat- eventually inspire novel biological treatments targeting
edly, as tDCS may affect larger functional networks (Bikson, altered semantic processing.
Name, & Rahman, 2013; Pisoni et al., 2018), the effects of PFC
tDCS could affect functional coupling of left lateral PFC with
other areas involved in semantic cognition, such as anterior/ Author contributions
middle temporal cortex (that support semantic representa-
tion) or parietal cortex (that may also support semantic con- M.M.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Formal
trol; Ralph et al., 2017; Chiou & Lambon Ralph, 2019; Badre analysis & Visualization, Investigation, Writing - Original
et al., 2005; Whitney et al., 2011). It is important to note that Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Project administration,
the effect of anodal PFC stimulation could be conditioned on Funding acquisition. I.R.: Conceptualization, Supervision,
or interact with the effects of cathode, which was placed over Funding acquisition, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review
left temporoparietal regions. Thus, future studies involving & Editing. Note: Lenka Hapa kova , Petra Petra
 , and Dra-
neuroimaging should investigate the possible modulation of homı́r Michalko helped with data collection under supervision
the left lateral prefronto-temporal and/or prefrontoeparietal of the authors.
interactions and their role in controlled semantic retrieval
(high-density tDCS may be suitable for a more detailed opti-
mization of the stimulation protocol in further studies). Research transparency
Notably, although we did not find significant effect of the TPC
condition on the selected semantic measures, previous We report how we determined our sample size, all data ex-
research has suggested that right temporoparietal regions clusions, all inclusion/exclusion criteria, whether inclusion/
may support coarse and diffuse semantic encoding, which exclusion criteria were established prior to data analysis, all
underpins creativity and insightful thinking (Jung-Beeman, manipulations, and all measures in the study. Data analyzed
2005; Kounios & Beeman, 2014; Luft et al., 2018). We might during the current study as well as supplementary digital
not be able to find such effect as our measures were focused study materials and codes are stored on accessible repository
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0170/19) and the Slovak Research and Development Agency interplay between the hub- and spoke-components of the
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