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October/November 2022

Mathematical Techniques in Statistics

100 Marks

Duration: 2 Hours

FIRST: Prof PM Njuho
SECOND: Prof P Ndlovu
EXTERNAL: Prof T Zewotir, UKZN

This paper consists of 6 pages.


1. This is an OPEN BOOK examination. You may use your textbook, your course material or any other printed
material to answer the questions.

2. You must UPLOAD your answers in one PDF file.

3. Answer ALL the questions.

4. Marks denote percentages.

5. This examination is IRIS invigilated. If IRIS is not used while you are writing, you will be subjected to
disciplinary processes.


Open Rubric
2 STA3710
OCT/NOV 2022


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3 STA3710
OCT/NOV 2022

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4 STA3710
OCT/NOV 2022

QUESTION 1 [22 Marks]

2 3
a11 a12 a1n
6 7
6 a21 a22 a2n 7
1.1 Consider matrix A D 6
6 :: :: :: 7:
4 : : : 5
am1 am2 amn
Indicate if the following statements are true or false.

1.1.1 A is a square matrix if m D n and a rectangular matrix if m 6D n: (1)

1.1.2 An m 1 matrix is called a row vector. (1)
1.1.3 An upper triangular matrix is one that has all its elements above the diagonal equal to zero. (1)

1.2 Suppose matrices A and B are defined. Indicate if the following statements are true or false.

1.2.1 A0 D A0 : (1)
1.2.2 .AB/0 D A0 B0 : (1)
1.2.3 B is a skew–symmetric if B D B0 : (1)
1.2.4 tr .A C B/ D tr .B/ C tr .A/ : (1)
1.2.5 j Aj D jAj if is a scalar and A is an m m matrix. (1)
1.2.6 An m m matrix A is a nonsingular matrix if jAj 6D 0 and a singular matrix if jAj D 0: (1)

1.3 If 6D 0 is a scalar and A is a nonsingular m m matrix, indicate if the following statements are true or

1 1
1.3.1 . A/ D A0 : (1)
1 1
1.3.2 A D A: (1)
1.3.3 If A D diag .a11 ; :::; amm / then A D diag .a11 ; :::; amm / : (1)
1.3.4 An m 1 vector p is a normalized vector if p0p D 1. (1)

1.3.5 An m m matrix P whose columns form an orthonormal set of vectors is called an orthogonal matrix. (1)

1.4 Let A be an m m idempotent matrix.

1.4.1 Show that .Im A/ is idempotent. (4)

1.4.2 Show that BAB is idempotent where B is any m m nonsingular matrix. (4)

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OCT/NOV 2022

QUESTION 2 [36 Marks]

2.1 Consider the vector space

S D .a; a C b; a C b; b/0 : 1 < a < 1; 1<b<1 :

Determine if the following set of vectors are span sets of S:

2.1.1 .1; 0; 0; 1/0 ; .1; 2; 2; 1/0 : (5)

0 0 0
2.1.2 .2; 1; 1; 1/ ; .3; 1; 1; 2/ ; .3; 2; 2; 1/ : (5)

2.2 Using the law of cosines, find the angle between

x D .1; 2; 1; 2/0 and y D .3; 0; 1; 1/0 :

2.3 Let A be an m n matrix and B be an n p matrix with rank.B/ D n: Show that

rank .A/ D rank .AB/ :

2.4 For some angle , consider the 2 2 matrix

" #
cos sin
PD :
sin cos

2.4.1 Show that P is an orthogonal matrix. (7)

2.4.2 Find the eigenvalues of P. (8)

QUESTION 3 [31 Marks]

3.1 Obtain a singular value decomposition for the matrix

" #
1 2 2 1
AD :
1 1 1 1

3.2 Find the Moore–Penrose inverse of the vector

2 3
6 7
6 1 7
4 3 5

3.3 Let A be an m n matrix with rank .A/ D 1: Show that AC D c 1 A0 where c D tr A0 A : (7)

6 STA3710
OCT/NOV 2022

QUESTION 4 [11 Marks]

4.1 Let A and B be the 1 3 and 2 2 matrices, respectively

" #
h i 1 2
AD 0 1 2 and B D :
4 3

Find .A B/ : (6)

4.2 Let A be the 2 3 matrix " #

2 0 5
AD :
8 1 3

Find vec .A/ ; a 6 1 vector. (5)

Total: [100]

UNISA 2022

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