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1 Biology : sinh vật biological : thuộc sv Biologically : về
học học mặt sinh học
biologist : nhà sv
2 science scientific
3 Inspiration : Inspire : truyền Inspirational : gây Inspirationally : gây
nguồn cảm hứng cảm hứng (truyền) cảm hứng cảm hứng
4 Sculpture : nghệ sculpt Sculptural : thuộc
thuật điêu khắc nghệ thuật điêu khắc
5 decision decide Decisive : kiên quyết, decisively
dứt khoát
6 expectation expect Expected : co the xay expectedly
ra unexpectedly
unexpected Expectably : theo
Expectable : có thể cách được mong đợi
mong đợi
7 photograph photograph photographic Photographically :
photographer photogenic như chụp ảnh, dùng
photography thuật nhiếp ảnh
8 pollution pollute polluted
pollutant unpolluted
9 population populate : ở ,cư Populous : đông dân
overpopulation trú, định cư overpopulated : quá
đông dân

1. Nearly 70 percent of the ____________________ still live in the countryside. population
2. Most of the world’s ________________ doesn’t get enough to eat.
3. In many Western European countries the _________________ is no longer increasing.
4. From an ecological point of view, ___________________ is a disaster no matter where
it occurs or spills over. Overpopulation
5. ___________________ is one of the country's most pressing social problems.
6. Global __________________ must be the top priority of any administration.
7. The river is ___________________ mainly by smaller species of fish. populated
8. Other industrialized and densely __________________ countries have similar problems.
9. The North was a ________________, bustling, commercial place, its
economy geared to industrial growth. populous
10. It was London where the railway suburbs were numerically the largest and
most __________________ with regular commuters.
11. In the 1890s, people were deserting the countryside for ______________________ cities. overpopulated
12. I submit that we have reached the limit in this island, and that we are _____________________.
13. The company claims it is not responsible for the __________________ in the river. pollution
14. New research found that industrial _________________ goes high in the atmosphere and travels far.
15. Sulphur dioxide is one of several ________________ that are released into the atmosphere by coal-
fired power stations. pollutants
16. These turning points have become important in debates over regional and global ________________.
17. The pesticides used on many farms are _________________ the water supply. polluting
18. We won't invest in any company that __________________ the environment. pollutes
19. The largest effect was on the poor population who were drinking _______________ water. polluted
20. Some beaches are very ________________ and it would not be reasonable for us to put
the public at risk.
21. _____________rivers that run through highly populated regions eventually make their way into the seas.
22. In areas with _________________ air, tree branches are
often covered with grey, brown and green lichen. unpolluted
23. Mineral water must be bottled at source, and come from a protected and _________________ source.
24. A _____________________ of her daughter was prominently displayed on her desk. photograph
25. It's full of great colour ____________________ and is all about endangered animals. photographs
26. Mr Knight is a solid professional documentary _______________________ , not an artist with work
in museums. photographer
27. He was interested in combining the ___________________'s art with the musician's art in a concert
28.Disease and death in old movies were relatively ______________________. photogenic
29.They have therefore never been __________________ with sufficient resolution to show
their sizes and shapes. photographed
30.We were all really knocked out by the film, especially the ____________________. photography
31.Public interest and knowledge of __________________ increased as a result of a number of key public
events. photography
32.He was ____________________ by Man Ray in a sharp, dark suit with a striped shirt and white collar.
33.The software allows you to scan __________________ images on your personal computer.
34.Apple computers have long been standard equipment in the graphics and _________________ industry.
35.It will certainly prove to be a ____________________ spot once things get rolling. photogenic
36.The telescope at this observatory is used to survey the sky ____________________. photographically
37.The measurements in all experiments were recorded ______________________. expectations
38. I think she had unrealistic __________________ of motherhood.
39. Their educational levels have given them high ___________________ in terms of employment.
40. We are ____________________ a lot of applicants for the job. expecting
41. Specifically, the younger children might be _______________ to show greater phonetic sensitivity to the
input than older children. expected
42.Emergency repairs were __________________ to take three weeks.
43.A little nervousness is only to be ____________________ when you are starting a new job.
44.Her decision to leave was completely ______________________. unexpected
45.There have been _____________________ delays on the freeway because of an accident.
47.They assume that success in winter sports is __________________ for their country. expectable
48.The _____________________ return for the investor is unlikely to change in the near future.
49.The fat was _________________ very rich and it was better once you allowed it to warm up.
50. __________________, reaction to the court's recent decision is mixed among the region's parents.
51.Not ___________________, they tended to report that the correction of linguistic slips is done mainly
as they write. unexpectedly
52. Her request won an _____________________ large amount of support.
53. It is important not to do anything that will be ___________________ damaging to the child's interests.
54. We need to think about actions that would make the outcome ____________________ better.
55. The government has come under fire for its _________________ to close the mines. decision
56. The _______________ has been made to move UN troops in to try and stop the fighting.
57. These results could prove ______________ in establishing the criminal's identity. decisive
58. In most countries, however, friendship, (social) health, and education are the ______________indicators.
59. If we had acted earlier and more _________________ it might not have come to this. decisively
60. He ________________ changes lane with no signal.
61. The electorate voted _________________ to change the country's electoral system.
62. The engineer _________________ how to use the input as admission, omission, or rejection. decides
63. Later, she _______________ to drop him from her list of potential interviewees. decided
1. The golden autumn light provided the _________________ for the painting. inspiration
2.She had the __________________ to turn the play into a musical.
3.One of the main __________________ for me in my party is the concept of one nation. inspirations
4.He gave an ___________________ reading of his own poems. inspirational
5.The pupils were given the original ___________________ material and then recomposed elements of the
6.He played a significant part, both practically and ____________________, in the team's success at
the world championships. inspirationally
7.The new manager promised to continue the work that her predecessor had so ________________ begun.
8.He inspired respect and devotion from his pupils.
9.Many students in my class were ________________ by these readings to carry on further investigations,
finding more data and phonetic support for the phonological claims. inspired
1. The museum has several life-sized __________________ of people and animals. sculptures
2. For many years the __________________ was incorrectly thought to be by Donatello.
3.The dripping water had ________________ strange shapes out of the rocks/sculpted
the rocks into strange shapes. sculpted
4.Hunting not only encourages enhancement of the countryside but also was greatly responsible for
___________________ it. sculpting
5.Henry Moore, who died in 1986, is one of Britain's best-known _________________. sculptors
6.The _______________ supervised the placement of his newest sculpture in the garden.
7.The cover is a _________________ image of the face of a
Mayan goddess, fashioned from recycled cardboard mixed with corn silk and coffee. sculptural
9.Both ___________________ pieces exhibit imagination and personality.
1. How far is human nature determined by _________________? biology
2. The relation between electricity and _______________ became a subject of speculation in the 17th
3. Biophysics, discipline concerned with the application of the principles and methods of physics and the
other physical sciences to the solution of ________________ problems. biological
4. Eating is a ________________ necessity
5. Breathing and sleeping are examples of _________________ rhythms in humans.
6. The region is one of the most ____________________ diverse in the world. biologically
7. Pipefish are ____________________ very similar to seahorses.
8. Thanks to new technology such as submarines, ______________ in the 20th century were able to explore
much more of the oceans and discover and record the existence of many amazing creatures. biologists
9. Many ________________ believe that humans act the same way.
1. As a result, the study of electrical potential in animals disappeared from ______________ consideration
until 1827. scientific
2. The project has attracted considerable criticism from the _________________ community
3. Space travel is one of the marvels/wonders of modern ________________. science
4. The government insisted that it would follow the ______________ with regard to
the wearing of face masks.
5. A couple of decades ago _______________ noticed Panama's climate was slowly growing drier. scientists
6. A social _______________ who makes generalized claims is more likely to be prepared to advise on any

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