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Питання 1

Read the article about stress. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose the best
sentences (A–F) to complete the article then choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there
are are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and
relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it
easier to think clearly. (1) ……………………… If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even
better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps
are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your
brain is telling you. (2) ……………………… You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the
hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking
about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the
basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before
bed. (3) ……………………… This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give
yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk
and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able
to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think. (4)


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought free.
Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a
problem more objectively. (5) ……………………… Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation
or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd
hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a
means of presenting your thoughts. (6) ……………………… Try some of these suggestions and may find
that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for

A Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy
hormones working.

B Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more
than enough sleep for your body to function well.

C Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

D Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

E The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

F As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’.

Питання 2 (choose 2 answers)

We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of
thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the
brain and makes it easier to think clearly. (1) ……………………… If you’re feeling stressed, go for
a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it?

A Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy
hormones working.

B Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more
than enough sleep for your body to function well.

C Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

D Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

E The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

F As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’.

Answer : C/A
Питання 3 (choose 2 answers)

A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor
quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. (2)
……………………… You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.

A Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy
hormones working.

B Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more
than enough sleep for your body to function well.

C Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

D Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

E The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

F As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’.

Answer: A/C
Питання 4

It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop
thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your
sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow
some time to relax before bed. (3) ……………………… This should ideally be in the same place,
at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a
to-do list.

A Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy
hormones working.

B Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more
than enough sleep for your body to function well.

C Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

D Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

E The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

F As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’.

Answer: F

Питання 5

Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about
not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need
less sleep than we think. (4) ………………………

A Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy
hormones working.

B Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more
than enough sleep for your body to function well.

C Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

D Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

E The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

F As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’.

Answer: B
Питання 6

Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought free.
Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a
problem more objectively. (5) ……………………… Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation
or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd
hoped the other person might say to you.

A Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy
hormones working.

B Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more
than enough sleep for your body to function well.

C Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

D Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

E The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

F As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’.

Answer: D
Питання 7

Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. (6)
……………………… Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go
down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

A Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy
hormones working.

B Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more
than enough sleep for your body to function well.

C Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

D Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

E The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

F As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’.

Answer: E
choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Питання 8

Running helps clarity of thought because

A blood travels more slowly to the brain.

B blood travels faster to the brain.

C the brain helps you run faster.

Answer: B
Питання 9

To find out how to run you should

A join a gym.

B watch how children run.

C listen to music.

Answer: B
Питання 10

People who get to sleep easily do the following.

A hit the pillow first.

B get into bed and make lists.

C get into bed and don’t worry.

Answer: C
Питання 11

If you have problems getting to sleep, you should

A allow yourself a short time to worry.

B not worry at all, but start writing a list.

C allow yourself as much time as you need to worry.

Answer: A
Питання 12

The author suggests than you can write

A in a notebook.

B in a blog.

C on a computer or on paper.

Answer: C
Питання 13

The benefit of writing is that it helps you to

A order your thoughts.

B prepare arguments for tomorrow.

C improve how you express yourself.

Answer: A

Питання 14

Read a film review. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?
The camera focuses on a single shoe, a child’s shoe, which is lying in the middle of an empty road. It casts
a shadow on the tarmac. We can feel the intensity of the sun and its glare. Could the shoe have been flung
from a car window or perhaps thrown by an angry toddler from the pavement? Who knows? We don’t, not
yet. The camera gets closer, and we can see that there are spots of red on the toe of the shoe – blood.
Then we realise that what we thought was shadow on the road is something different. The colour changes
from deep purple to dark red. We start to feel the tension. The camera widens its focus and we understand
that the street is completely empty. There is no one on the pavement. Nothing moves, not even an old crisp
bag or a leaf in the breeze. And then the silence hits us, and we shiver. This is how Sam Pickering’s new
disaster movie opens, and the shivers don’t stop there; the film is full of very scary moments. In my opinion,
this is a very special film, and I’m going to use a word that doesn’t figure often in my vocabulary. I think it’s a

The effect of this amazing film depends on shock and surprise, so I do not intend to say much more about
the plot beyond the fact that it is very clever and very frightening. I’m not the sort of person who suffers from
nightmares but after seeing Final, my sleep was uneasy for several nights. Pickering manages to touch us in
all the most sensitive places and plays on our deepest fears. I defy anyone to leave the cinema with a smile
on their faces. It’s definitely not a feel-good film.

Final benefits from having a superb cast, led by Oscar® winner Brian Sneddon as the retired police captain
and Faye Hunter as his troubled teenage daughter. There is a particularly tender scene between the two of
them after the death of Brian’s wife, Zena. However, for me, the biggest pull of the film is the use of
advanced special effects. I cannot praise them enough. They are clever, magical, memorable and, most
importantly, used in a way that carries the message of the film forward, not, as happens so often these days,
an added extra. Through the camera’s eyes, we see the power and majesty of nature from the depth of a
tsunami to drought-besieged deserts, and yet this still cannot match the destructive power of man.

Do not wait to see this film on DVD. It demands to be seen on the big screen and if it doesn’t claim a whole
shelf of awards this coming year, I shall walk barefoot through the desert. No, on second thoughts,
considering the subject matter of the film, maybe not! But seriously, this is one film NOT to be missed. It’s an
education, a visual feast and a true masterpiece.


Питання 15 The focus of the opening scene of the film is a child. F

Питання 16 The opening scene is scary because of the strange weather conditions. F

Питання 17 The writer will not tell us the plot because it is too violent. F

Питання 18 Brian Sneddon loses a family member in the film. T

Питання 19 The writer of the review predict that the film will win several prizes. T

Питання 20 In the writer’s opinion, the film contains beautiful images. T

Питання 21 The writer’s initial understanding about the shoe was inaccurate. T

Питання 22 There are no people to be seen in the town when the film opens. T

Питання 23 The film has a happy ending. F

Питання 24 The special effects are used to help convey the message of the film. T

Питання 25 The star of the film has never won an award before. F

Питання 26 The film’s message is that natural forces are more destructive than humans. F

Питання 27 - Are you eating salad, Andy? And fruit? I’m amazed!

- I know. I used to ____ sweets, chocolate and junk food – I never ate anything else.\
1. Let down
2. Carry on
3. Live on
4. Get out of
5. Cope with
6. Join in
7. Work on
8. Take up
9. Build up
10. Get over
Answer: Live on

Питання 28 But the doctors told me that the cholesterol started to ____ in my arteries,

1. Let down
2. Carry on
3. Live on
4. Get out of
5. Cope with
6. Join in
7. Work on
8. Take up
9. Build up
10. Get over

Answer: Build up

Питання 29 so I decided to _____ a new healthy-eating plan.

1. Let down
2. Carry on
3. Live on
4. Get out of
5. Cope with
6. Join in
7. Work on
8. Take up
9. Build up
10. Get over
Answer: Take up

Питання 30 Plus I promised my girlfriend that I would lose weight and I don’t want to ___ her ___.

1. Let down
2. Carry on
3. Live on
4. Get out of
5. Cope with
6. Join in
7. Work on
8. Take up
9. Build up
10. Get over

Answer: Let down

Питання 31 Did you ____ all the activities at the adventure camp?

1. Let down
2. Carry on
3. Live on
4. Get out of
5. Cope with
6. Join in
7. Work on
8. Take up
9. Build up
10. Get over

Answer: Join in

Питання 32 Yes, but I managed to ____ the climbing activities.

1. Let down
2. Carry on
3. Live on
4. Get out of
5. Cope with
6. Join in
7. Work on
8. Take up
9. Build up
10. Get over

Answer: Get out of

Питання 33 I’m afraid of height and I can’t ____ my fear.

1. Let down
2. Carry on
3. Live on
4. Get out of
5. Cope with
6. Join in
7. Work on
8. Take up
9. Build up
10. Get over

Answer: Get over

Питання 34 If Joe and Pete ___ with their training programme, they could make it into the Olympic

1. Let down
2. Carry on
3. Live on
4. Get out of
5. Cope with
6. Join in
7. Work on
8. Take up
9. Build up
10. Get over

Answer: Carry on

Питання 35 Well, I don’t know about that. Joe still needs to ___ his technique.

1. Let down
2. Carry on
3. Live on
4. Get out of
5. Cope with
6. Join in
7. Work on
8. Take up
9. Build up
10. Get over

Answer: Work on

Питання 36 Anyway, I’m not sure that he could ____ the pressure of being a top athlete.

1. Let down
2. Carry on
3. Live on
4. Get out of
5. Cope with
6. Join in
7. Work on
8. Take up
9. Build up
10. Get over

Answer: Cope with

Питання 37
Allow me to be the first to _________ your stunning achievement.

A tell you
B congratulate you on
C mention to you
D invite

Answer: B

Питання 38

The thing _________, we haven't enough money for the tickets.

A that

B what

C is

D why

Answer: C

Питання 39

The conclusions of the climate deniers are _________ wrong.

A fundamentally

B primarily

C up to a point

D incorrectly

Answer: A

Питання 40

She managed to finish the race in spite of ________ the blisters on her feet.

A having

B have
C had

D has

Answer: A

Питання 41
My fingers are sore, as I _____ a guitar all day long.

A played

B is playing

C have played

D have been playing

Answer: D

Питання 42

Most observers predict the bill won't see _________ light of day until at least January

A a

B the

C (No article)

D one

Answer: B

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