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Today, I
want to talk about hygiene and how it can
help me stay healthy and feel good. But first
let s learn what is hygiene . Keeping
yourself and your surroundings clean in
order to prevent disease is called hygiene
now lets some ways to keep us hygienic

1. I should wash my hands with soap and

water for 20 seconds before eating and
after using the bathroom. This will help me
get rid of germs and prevent me from
getting sick.
2. I should brush my teeth twice a day
using toothpaste and a toothbrush to keep
them clean and fresh. This will help me
avoid cavities and keep my breath smelling
3. Taking a shower or bath regularly can
help me keep my skin clean and feel
refreshed. I can use soap and shampoo to
clean my body and hair.
4. If I start to smell bad, I can use
deodorant to help me smell better.
5. It's important for me to trim my nails
regularly so that they stay clean and I don't
get hangnails.
6. I should wear clean clothes every day
and make sure to wash them when they get
dirty. By following these simple steps, I can
take care of myself and have good hygiene.
It will help me stay healthy and feel good
about myself.
Keeping yourself and your surroundings
clean in order to prevent disease

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